A Fit of Carnality

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second Timothy chapter one verse 13 Paul writing to his protege Timothy says holdfast the form of sound words or salvation words which thou has heard of me notice Paul don't ask him to do something that he had done notice how you hold it in faith and love faith as a creator love as a motivator don't ever opposite them don't put the love in front of the faith faith worketh by love but faith is the law love is a motive you got to understand and keep that in line the way it's supposed to be and it'll effectually work for you how do you do this in faith and love which is in the anointed and his anointing that's what it means when you see the name Christ Jesus the Messiah that good thing we talked about this yesterday that good thing which was committed unto thee notice Paul calls it a good thing to hold fast in the form of sound words in faith and in love that good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost or the Spirit of Truth which dwelleth in us he didn't say just with dwelleth in you but with dwelleth in us so notice all this is done through the Holy Spirit and his power a man asked me but Jesse how do you have so much joy in your life it's the Holy Spirit you know the Holy Spirit's not a sad person I used to think he was I used to think God was sad but then I read I thought Jesus is really kind of you know for lack of a better word seem like you know I've seen a lot of super religious people now there was kind of boring then I thought Jesus was it like that he wasn't a religious man and that sense is the Messiah and he had a wonderful sense of humor I could tell by the people he called to work for him and you think about it but many of you if you ever do a study on his disciples and their character you wouldn't hire any of them well you'd hire one of them his name was Nathaniel you would hire him I would call him a district man Jesus looked at him said there's no guile in you he's God but you know you would have figured he'd named Nathaniel as head of the group but he didn't he named Peter impetuous slap you stop you cuss you pray for you and if that would work he cut you ignorant unlearn men I call them Jewish Cajuns you think about these guys I mean it was amazing the beloved Apostle John he wouldn't believe it at one time he was called son of thunder told Jesus get out the way i'ma call fire from heaven burnt everybody boy was Pentecostal wouldn't he I've seen a lot of trend of calls they all they think about fire but not in Holy Ghost fire to burn somebody you've been to that church I could take a phrase God so you know I wouldn't pick those type of people but Jesus did and he told Timothy hold fast to the form of sound words today turn with me to the book of Romans chapter eight let's go left in the Bible a brother Copeland says just go left go to God today I want to deal with a fit a fit a fit a carnality have you had one today you can always tell when people don't hold fast the form of sound words fits take place fits a carnality look at people yeah we came in here Sunday and they were having something kind of I don't know what on the streets of foot water I got here but three o'clock 3:30 something like a and I heard that same song till about living something I prayed for God to break the fingers I had a fact you know I've been a different song at have been alright with my lord after a while I was trying to sleep in my toes were like Cucaracha la Cucaracha Tata Tata Tata booming through that window it's hard to be spiritual every time you close your eyes you see singing tamales I thought what is going on we kept going on I believe her the Lin told me there's been going on since Friday he'd been here three days I mean I was at the point of a fare affair of carnality and the Lord said why don't you pray for I said well I did not think of that Sothis shut him up I got a preach at Amarna and he said okay and the music quit and I thought why didn't I say that at four o'clock in the afternoon they just shut you know prayer changed things but most the time we always wait too late to pray Romans 8 you're there yet verse 6 for to be carnally minded is there this what happens when you don't hold fast to the form of sound words for the be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace so you can have life with no peace but the Bible said to be spiritually minded is life and peace because the carnal mind is enmity against God for it's not subject to the law of God and neither indeed can be in other words this mind is in total enmity against God because this flesh be not conformed but be transformed by the renewing of your mind yes a transformation needs to take place verse 8 so then they so then they that are in the flesh cannot please God or cannot for lack of a better word please faith God for it is impossible to please God without faith so when you get into the rim of carnality if it are carnality you get out of the rim of faith you get out of the realm of pleasing God into the realm of of carnality or in the realm of flesh and you can't please him at all at any given time let me read that again verse 6 for the be carnally minded is death and some of your fits of carnality is almost cost you your life but to be spiritually minded is life and peace because the carnal mind is enmity against God not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be so then they that are in the flesh cannot please our faith God a fit a carnality that is a very simple message but this is what happens to people that does not hold fast to the form of sound words they begin to speak what I call no words which brings death and life some words I mean my god that's nothing but enmity I've had many fits of carnality let me say it again have you had one today did you get up and you live tired and your kids have been screaming in Holland and you're trying to get them to convention and I got one thing after another and you know y'all to pray but you just don't feel like it enough forgetting one time going to an airport I was late and Kathy was I said let me drive could you drive too slow that was a lot cuz she tries fast and I do but I said I'm gonna make sure I'm gonna get to this Airport and my daughter then who was about six years old five or six years I was in the backseat and man I am cooking taking it down the road and you know every time you in a hurry there's some grandma getting her car to get on it on a road got some grid or some old man who can't hear nothing you can blow a Mack truck horn in the back of it blow his trunk open he just looking around he don't care and I took off because I wasn't I was going to a spiritual meeting but I was about ready to encounter an effect a carnality well you know we in a hurry everybody everybody gets on the road that's not in the hurry in this grandma just come flying out on the road at a fast rate of 60 60 miles an hour and slowed down to 35 have you ever been there do you know that old woman yeah so I'm trying to get around her but she thinks both legs belong to her I go to the left she go to the left I go to the right she go to the right I felt Tabasco sauce coming up my legs I was praying like this God do some with this woman well I don't and I begin to talk to hell if you can't run a car pocket but then I realize she came here man hurt bone on the back of her heads or radio intended man she's listening to something you don't know so I said I'm gonna get up and I'm shocked by every time you know she if she wanted to see something she'd do this and the car would go that way she looks like I'm not exaggerating I thought and I'm looking at caste and I said what's the matter with the woman Cathy just looking at me like I'm not I'm not getting involved in this carnality because she didn't say this he's just looking at me and I said I'm trying to get to a meeting to be currently mine to his death finally I said brother if she just goes to the right I 1/2 inch I'm gonna hit this thing I'll put my footing to cover it slam to the left and I don't care if I hit the grass I don't care if I go in the meeting I'm gonna pass that old woman so I'm waiting all of a sudden I look and her muffler falls off her car just fell off I see it I try to swerve I don't I hit that muffler and cuts my tires I had a fit effect a carnality I looked at a woman she didn't know what happened [Applause] I became carnally minded but out of the mouths of babes come great revelation I said yeah and I could catch ya and my daughter said you tell her that Jesus loved her dad I had a fair bit kana and Kathy looked at me like yes I said go away from me Holy One I had to buy two tires and I don't doubt that woman is driving somewhere right now for the big Connolly minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life in peace now I could have prayed this Lord I'm kinda in a hurry would you mind moving a little idiot to the side but it seemed like it was much easier if I'd challah through the glass see I didn't hold fast to the form of sound words all that time that my blood began to borrow so to say I could hear this Holy Ghost saying watch it watch it you're going over into the death side watch it but you know you can hear the Holy Spirit but he quickened you let you know would you go no no no no I desert no no no I am under pressure here I have to I have to release I don't want to have a heart attack here I could tell this is hitting everybody in the faith am I going AFET of carnality have you had one today don't lie you in church have you been carnally minded instead of spiritually minded well brother Jesse Romans 8:14 tells you exactly what to do when these things come upon you for as many are led by the Spirit of God if you haven't fits a carnality you're not being led by the Spirit of God you being led by a spirit but it is in the right spirit Romans 8:14 for as many are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God have sometimes you've wanted not to be adopted for just a few minutes if you could just take your salvation hat or take it off for just a minute or if you could go get your old man when people least expect it you know most Christians never bury the old man they carry him around in the coffin like Dracula did his body because you know they spiritual Glover and I got but when somebody makes them mad they go haha you want trouble excuse me a minute I wanted you to meet somebody hang on a sec you go over to the old man said come out I said come on that old man go and you tell it old man buddy and hurry bite him cuz pastor's coming bite it when you get back and I caught him then you realize the pastor's pulling a briefcase that looks just like yours and has a sign on it says far deacons not [Applause] carnal mindedness not being led by the Spirit of God you ever got mad waiting to get prayed for I want brother köppen lay hands on me I want sister Coahuila enemy he don't even know where his navel is he telling there by love ain't nothing wrong my navel something on my head I don't want that Jesse Duplantis pray for me he talked too loud spit a little bit when he does too I wants just the glory do it you know how says the glory just does this well cope with messy hair up I've seen some of y'all duckies hands I went and you hit your shoulder don't want to break that net leave that net to me this is the be cuddly market is there I've seen people lose it right in the middle of a prayer line when he was coming to get here when they should be walking in the spirit for as many are led by the spirit they couldn't got that unless that have been led by the spirit right in the middle of being led by the split bless and God they have a fat a carnality oh you want to talk to - grab here no no you can't do that what what yeah but I just I just want to say one day no you can't do that and you look at it and he's a little uh sure so let's just praise God together oh excuse me what happened you had a fat outfit I can't hang with it tits have you had one today that happens when people are not holding fast to the form of sound words I'm keeping nailing this one point into your mind because you will never forget this sermon your wife will never let you forget it sir the minute you go to get Matt fat fat and vice versa for as many as are led by the spirit there are the sons of God now I'm going to tell you if you fit the carnality I've had in my life being say if full of the Holy Ghost pressed down shaken together running over you see ladies and gentlemen for I was safe I made a lot of money I was a rock entertainer and I'm down down you know that kind of stuff I mean I made some major money but when I got saved I thought it was just normal to be poor and I thought well you know you can't have things you got to be humble wait yes you have to be humble but not stupid but I didn't know and the Lord I honest with me the Lord wanted me to buy this home so I bought this 910 foot square house and I shouldn't have bought it because I remember when I walked through it and I put my hand on the door and I remember that Catholic about 35 roaches came out what oh my I went I am I went hold my they wrote City USA and I thought oh man I must have been some dirty people live in this place you can see those roaches going hey food so boy for two weeks before I moved on sprayed that house every day walls I mean the floors there's no furniture in it nothing I got and then roaches that but seeing like by the millions got them all out it was a house on piers now in south Louisiana you don't get cold it it may freeze but not very often so I man told me that I bought the house from he said you might want to insulate those pipes I said insulate the pan I am NOT a mechanical person I don't fix thing Cathy is the fixer of all things something wrong with my harlot I send it to Catholic dad fix that Hawk make Arnold Evans bless cuz she likes getting into that stuff I like watching her she does a good job on that stuff anyway a cold snap came in they said run the water well we forgot to run the water this is the first home I'd ever owned in my life well the next morning we got up turned on the water nothing and my I called my dad he said your pipe froze boy he said but they may not have busted I said what does this sound under my house he said they bust it I said I dad can you come help me no I can't do it today son I said dad I've never fixed the door I don't know how to do that he said well just heal up the crack go get a joint of pipe find out what's busted cut the water off I said we're at he said use this in the front of your house by the street the main he said sometimes they got valves and you don't have to go to the main valve they may have a valve somewhere and yeah I'll you cut that off to them and then you can fix it I said that is 30 degrees he said welcome to the world I said that I might the colony that had this water and murder neither you be surprised what was under there so I'll put on my coveralls I look and there's a lake water I thought I said I'm I I'm gonna have to I don't have to drag my body in that water in in this 30 degrees I said Kathy she said you're the man of the house so I looked and I saw this valve so I cut the valve off I thought that's that valve dad was talking about I looked at and sure enough man it was a split bowl and when I cut the water came off so I said great I went to the store bought the wrong size kind of pipe had the wrong kind got bread and I'm full of mud and you're laying in that mud and it's cold I mean cold and it's aggravating and I don't know how broke glass gets under your house everything get under your house so I'm dragging myself I need to put and I'm cutting myself more and this spiders everywhere going hi hello you got to work like this I need some help I got a break this joint a pipe out I need a backup so I said calves a delay why I said I need some help she said I can't come and eat that house there's spiders under there I said there were I felt like the little spotty 7 million roaches in it when we bought it they just moved downstairs she said I can't do that it made me mad I said I need some help she said I can't crawl in that house I said why not she said it's dirty that's it so I can't do that but I'll help you how so I thought I so I'm trying to back this piece of pipe and I'm getting that I'm busting my knuckles it's cold Bloods hurt I even reverted to my Catholic days Jesus Mary Joseph Jacob sesame and I'm a preacher now you know but more I'm getting matter cuz I can't get the pipe in then it working finally I see which line is this the cold line or a hot line and I looked and I stupid that's it okay that's where the hot water yeah okay that's the car I said now carve a there's a there's a knob the to knob one on the left one on the right I'm haunting this through the floor the Amanita later I said don't touch the left knob that's the hot border okay I said turn on the right knob why well because the cold lines fixed I got it I can cut it off but the hot lines bust it open now she said okay and she turned on the left now hot water skull and die da da what what I am being burnt I am so mad I had a fetch a carnality the Lord said yes a control yourself I said you not laying on your back in this mud with a crazy woman with a hot water I'm trying to tell me how's that God like God I died finally she said oh I'm sorry I turned the wrong one [Applause] I'm sitting in water I'm serious it's up to here I'm burnt there's spiders looking at me I'm cut on the back I said got it come here she comes out and I see her little head looking it she says Jesse don't move I'm thinking God there's a snake here let's don't move I could hardly move anyway and all the while I was in I kept smelling something terrible she said don't move there's a dead cat by your head I mean and there's a cat with his brain hanging out right there I go I said grab it she said I don't touch dead cats I am that exert I had a I said woman when I got out from this house I'm gonna get you another go to your mama's house and kill her too I don't kill everybody that has a name a car a you understand night I was so mad I said Gaby got that cat I am not touching that she's arguing I am not touching that Jack Zagreb I'm gonna push that cat and I stay also I go something sticks me in the back I go I'll pull out this thorn he said what is this he said oh I flew some cactus underneath the house cactus a dead cat with brains hanging out I'm scalded with water I had a fit I'm gonna I said I don't care I've come crawling out that house glass cutting thorns guts in there I got a dead cat in one hand and I rich then I'm gonna beat my wife within the next time I come flying out that house thank God my next door neighbor said how you doing preacher he looked at that he said you know I wouldn't touch that there yet if I was you he said what's your problem now I had been witnessing to this man I said he said go ahead cuss if you won't do I won't tell nobody his name was mr. Easton that was his name every time you have a fit a carnality you can take it to the bank there gonna be somebody seeing you do it look at me he said your wife won't help you huh I said how'd you know that he said well I busted a pipe earlier this morning I tried to get my wife she wouldn't do it neither he said you want me give you a hand I said both of them finally got that thing fixed but it's amazing I'm not ready to lose it there's a man that I'm witnessing to here's a man that tells me that I'm telling my god Jesus the greatest thing in the world my god give it the G think handle anything except for broke pipe and a dead cat and a disobedient woman I [Applause] had a fit of carnality don't laugh at me have you had one today there's some days you look at your husband said I just love you oh man I can't live without you there's some days you go why don't you go somewhere to be carnally minded is there to be spiritually minded is life and peace how do I stop myself from fits of carnality well number one hold fast to the form of sound words we know that but in holding fast there's something you must do to the words that you're speaking turn me to James chapter 4 y'all enjoying this you're thinking about all those fits your head huh James chapter 4 verse 7 is a very simple verse now notice what Paul told Timothy hold fast to the form of sound words but you must do something or acknowledge what the sound words can do for you James full verse 7 the very first word submit submit to what you believe submit to what you speak submit yourself now before I read the rest of the verse submit yourself to what to the words that you're speaking by holding fast to that form in faith and in love submit yourselves therefore to God now that's the very first thing you need to do before you ever talk to the devil before the devil's ever mentioned before the fit of carnality is ever acknowledged submit therefore to God or submit therefore to God in that sound word remember sound words of salvation words not before you get to the point of saying I repeat you devil you have got to submit yourself to what you believe if you don't submit to what you believe you'll have a fit of carnality every day of your life and you're not the only one he lied you did the same thing I mean the Elijah's a powerful man of God until a woman got on his case and her name was Jezebel or Jezebel and you want to call and she said you tell her Elijah but tomorrow he'll be just like the prophets he killed I'll kill it and the Bible said he took off a run and he had a feta Cana help it fit a woman man I'm out of here ran ran why because he didn't submit to the words it that he was speaking himself he thought that she was more powerful but the Bible said he did submit and he came back and put his finger in that woman's face and said the dogs gonna eat your flesh and lick your mud submit yourself therefore to God to stop anger Fitz we're always looking on how to you know we deal more with the anger then we deal with the submitting every time I've ever made a mistake I knew I was gonna do it before I did it I could you can feel when you're going to get mad you know what's happening people do irritate you don't miss something I mean everybody gets irritated but not that if everybody ought to be having fits carnality have you had one today I want to know have you had one today submit yourself therefore to God now the only way you can submit you submit yourselves therefore to God is to know what God said if you know what God said then you should be repeating what God said now I'm not saying this life is easy but I'm saying it can be peaceful if you walk in the spirit house people say you can't walk in the spirit all the time yes you can for many as are led by the spirit what does it say they are the sons of God in other what God reminds you that you are of his nature he says submit yourselves therefore to God it says resist the devil but most people think it says assist to them it says resist it don't say it have you ever had some people in your church you wanted to leave so you assist them look you get worshiping here you're networking why don't you just get out of here now what happens if the rapture takes place and God places those people next know to you for eternity old sister so-and-so old big old blabbermouth sister so-and-so what a tongue as long as they alter you know God's mercy and grace is sufficient it's amazing the people that God's gonna bring to heaven there will be people walking around heaven go see people go my god I didn't think you was gonna be here how did you get here same way you did grace submit yourself therefore to God submit yourself therefore to what God says and that's what Paul is telling Timothy because if you always speak soundly fits will never take place they start off as aggravations then they turn into full-blown fits now I've had a bunch I still and I'm not confessing it I'm just letting you know that I'm just like you are I don't know if any person that's not walking in this life that's alive there's things that happened that that really aggravate you but jesus said if we submit ourselves therefore to God resist the devil did say assist him resist him he will flee from you how many I would love to see the devil turn tail and run oh yes he will flee from you it's wonderful to see the devil running away from you instead of running toward you fits a carnality Peter was known for his fits Jesus trying to help so much Peter pulls out a knife cuts the guy's ear off just rips it off sitting this they come on Zack he's got to pick the guy's a up sticking back on his head what's the matter with you Peter and I know what he's thinking I'm trying to help you out it's the way I was raised I blame my temper of my Cajun heritage for many years finally the Lord said devil Jesse it's just you assisting the devil and I've had Catholic cabinets Monica you need to learn and I don't know why God uses your wife all the time because see she can bring you to the highest ecstasy of happiness yet because she knows you she can make you so mad so angry because she's so right the bad part is cuz she's right and you know if she'd just say but she gonna let you know for three or four days I told you so but no no no you wouldn't listen to me and here's the wonderful statement they use I'm just trying to help you out did I ask you for help I'm just wanna help you out I'm trying to help you do I need help don't answer that I'm just trying to help you out I think that's probably one of my biggest thing I said Cathy if I want your help I will ask for it she said you don't have enough sense to ask for it I'm moved by the spirit here to help you I said what kind of spirit woman she said the right spirit I'm not the one man you are you're on the wrong spirit i rebuked you devil you calling me a death I mean it just it begins to build well that's what Jesus did Peter Satan get behind me you gotta understand sin by Peter the Bible said that Peter took Jesus you ever do a study on the word took I mean Jesus wanted to talk to Peter he really liked the guy he said for you to come in and say something I'm going to Jerusalem yeah I know where we're going they're gonna take me to kill me Peter now that made Peter met the Bible said he took Jesus if you do a study he manhandled Jesus he grabbed Jesus the anointing they're not attending on it the Messiah I'm talking to he was coming out of a joke he grabbed manhandled Jada I mean he's shaking Jehovah I want you to get the picture Jesus could have went beating me gone he said deadly behind me Satan for thou art an offence in the meeting we wouldn't Peter Peter was having a fad that a carnality what would you do I don't doubt some of y'all got mad when the brother Copeland said left that I think I'll go down at the end of that shirt and let you wag my arm all shaking my I'm a preacher I could tell but I could see it I seen some people go I mean I mean then feathers flew up like women fighting you know one umberto a person can't do something if they're not called to direct that's that instead what I'm saying hey there's something and brother Koch those people my God had praise for you partners praise for you I mean I know the man person he loves people he's a blessing to me but he's he's a lot of fun to be with him he's a blessing you understand what I'm saying but you know but you know you people expect they expect you to do what they think you should do they hadn't prayed and asked God they haven't submitted this effort first they don't know the deeper Trina an apostle or prophet or advantages or a pastor a teacher you know and is a vast difference vast difference in all those ministry gifts yet every one of us had fits a corner the Apostle Paul had a fit of carnality over John mark because he didn't think the bar was working hard enough so man I mean things got hot they're trying to kill you I mean sticks stones are flying I'm talking people want to kill you man and John Mark said hey I'm out of here man I mean that made Paul mad he got hotter Mike he said he in a slacker he's a slacker get him out of my face give me somebody like Silas Silas can you sing when your bags bleed oh yeah pretty Silas could sing he could handle that John Mark said oh I'm out of here but in years later that fit of carnality had to be eaten by the Apostle Paul God recorded it for us and he said bring John Mark to me because he's profitable to fund ministry profitable to my ministry see now why why didn't why don't why did Paul make that mistake submit yourself therefore to God God calls some people in the ministry or to help you that you don't want God to call because you look at their character or you look at the qualifications say this is not working I have a friend of an employee of mine I guess you know my oldest and one of oversupply he's been with me 11 years almost 11 years and I never forget when I hired this man his pastor said come here now God spoke to him I saw him the law said I want you to hire this man I said okay and he looked real nice he said I want you to train him I didn't know what that meant but the pastor said come in don't hire this boy this boy's the space cadet I mean he's in the clouds man ain't no telling what he'll do yeah I heard God say hire him and I heard his pet said to this guy he's an idiot I don't you know I didn't want me to hire it well he wouldn't not that he was an idiot but what he was not suited for that man's work he was suited for my work now I'll tell you one thing don't have a fit of carnality on me here my work is evangelism I need to hang on let me finish here bless God all y'all trying to catch me because you're under conviction every one of you I know y'all I bring him into my ministry boy did I don't know what I got yet I'll tell you one of the most faithful and giving persons in my Minister today he's a blessing in fact he just got promoted not long ago blessing of God but he exercised my patience quite a bit in fact one time he I have these wireless microphones on well I'll just say his name he don't mind because he's heard me say this but I said Fritz make sure I got a new battery and this wireless mic ok boss ok boss I gotta I gotta watch him but he'll rip my pocket let me get it out by myself Fred's okay and this is years ago not now man he is a servant of God today but boy when I first saw him I why but he had zeal and he was clean he was pure and holy now I said that's what I need so takes my finger puts me in he takes I said here's the old batter he takes the old bat he puts it in his pocket ok and this is an old copper battery watch this he goes pick up the associate faster now I'm preaching in a church that don't believe much in faith I'm known as a God you know he he he's got a faith edge to him we don't believe in this confession and all these gifts to the spirit stuff you know so I thought let's don't cause no ruckus let's just shock them once the pulpit belongs to me so I told Fritz just that you know I mean my god this is a very attuned to the bringing in the sheaves I mean they're not leading choirs like this brother you know you know how the car does they do a good job baby boy them arms go out like it any turns around and all the white people going and all the black people this is a very low-key tight Church Fritz picks up the associate Fritz has pennies in his pocket the battery makes a connection to the Penny's it's copper fritz the pig start burn he thinks it's the gifts of the Spirit [Applause] because I told him if you work with me we're gonna move the power the Holy Ghost you understand me be very sensitive and I've aware when God is moving don't quit the Holy Ghost don't get in the flesh I mean I told that boy that I said we've got um one sick people here lost people say he goes ok boss so he thinks God's telling him there's something wrong with this guy's leg so he's driving now this copper that copper that penny when I back getting hotter and Fred's gone [Applause] so he tells this excuse me sir do you have a burning in your leg the associate says what I said Scott do you have a burning in your leg and all of a sudden it got prints hits the brakes like the through the guy through the window jumps out jumps out the car pulls that battery out kind of sins his leg gets back in so she's looking at he said I thought God was telling me you had something wrong with your legs evidence it is a battery if she drops the guy off the guy comes picked me up at the hotel I don't know anything I walk in he goes that the more that you hard huh I said so I tell you what man he's just like me [Applause] man people will leery of us what are you saying all that for you have to be led by the spirit instead of being led by a copper battery know the difference submit yourself therefore to God he was a baby Christian I was a baby evangelist both of us had our pampers on going to preach a meeting had no shirts on but we could find everybody's neighbor we were all babes in Christ you know most babies have a diaper on and no shirt they just walk around well the God had to give us time to grow how did we grow we submitted ourselves there for the god we resisted the devil instead of assisting him and found Satan beginning to flee from us in fits of carnality began to become less and less but if you think in your finite mind that you can't get this flesh to become holy you have missed it 100 miles there's no good thing in the flesh this is a corruptible vessel the natural man receiveth not the things of God because they foolishness unto Him neither can he know them because they're spiritually discerned you have got to strengthen your spirit by holding fast to the form of sound words to a degree that it overcomes it doesn't conform but transforms you that spirit into such a mighty dynamo that it is that it is totally regenerating the thought process of the soul the mind the will in the emotion and then from that mind will and emotions so comes a cross that crucifiers your flesh on a daily basis because if Jesus came right now none of you could go to heaven and the body you're in it has got to be changed that's why God says it has to be changed but some people think by this is a statement by living holy but their holiness is not a positive holiness their holiness is a negative holiness they're trying to clean this body up to make it look holy when it is corruptible and what happens is fits a carnality always come out of corruptible things we had just got saved Cathy was saved before I was and and she went through great stress but by holding fast to that form I came to the knowledge of Christ they found out I could play piano now you got to understand I didn't like gospel music and it wasn't kind of music it is today anything with a beat was almost I got unheard of in heathen in that sense and this was the 70s early 70s but Kathy always had a love for God she's kind of like sister Gloria has a love for taste when we hear the word of God Kathy was always reading the Bible I mean Monica I always wanted to go to church always wanting to be what God doing let's just go do this and me you know I love the Lord but because I had no training I had religious training I always thought of in terms of religion she said let's do this let's do that well Kathy was more sensitive to the Spirit of God now was because I had to unlearn some religious things which is very hard to do when they've been planted in you from a baby and still no it's not easy well we had a revival in this church so the pastor of the church comes up to me on the Wednesday night which was the last night of the revival and he says brother Jesse if you don't mind that our piano player didn't come when the altar call is given tonight would you mind coming up and playing during the altar call service I said well brother I don't know them all to call songs he said you know play stuff like just as I am without one plea I said what's a Billy Graham song yeah I someone's just gonna have to i'ma play it by ear I've never played that before but I got a pretty good ear music I picked it up he said and you know just things like it you know the old rugged cross I said well yeah I don't know it but I think I can play well you know just play like me and softly as the Evangelist moves in the power of God you know so I said okay so he said everybody bow your head and close your eyes so I stupid me about my head including my huh okay pastor going fine I looked at me went okay so I got you know I've always very respectful of the Spirit of God where the move of God so I got there and I got my hind there got behind the piano put my foot on a soft pedal again these three pedals you know one two three of them you know put my foot on a soft pedal then put my foot on the sustain pedal and I thought when I'm gonna play just as I am without knowing them and then I said I'll make it melodic whoa now make it Baptist you know you know just get across that and go across them keys you know doing like us and it was going good all of a sudden is he says I take it God's powers in this place let's lift our hands and begin to praise the Lord when people begin to praise the Lord pretty strong well I'm looking and I see Kathy my Kathy who never says nothing who's very quiet she's like this not thinking oh that's a beautiful woman I thank God that she got here and mom got me into the kingdom of God all of a sudden she goes I thought somebody bitter whatever I looked at her but her eyes are closed and I know one thing about gather and tears come out eyes man God's moving on her you know but it was such a blood-curdling scream I went that a day I hit the wrong cop steadily some people who like this even advantages have dollar then God I knew he was faking he's trying to cover that fear right there because Cathy huh nothing she hollers I thought what is her problem and I saw it going she used to press oh Jesus Jesus but she's going on Jay she hollered again I said enough is enough yet so I'm going just I'm trying to get it to watch me so I could say control yourself woman but this is turning on this Avanza because he sees the park God moving he said you want the pie God to touch you get out of your seats and come Kathy gets out the seat walking like you cried I had never heard of Saab that hard I thought in people you know in a small church they all know you they go what was happening a fit of carnality was coming over me because she was embarrassing me so I said to her that I took my foot off the soft pedal anyway well Kathy comes up there he lays his hands up boom she falls out in the Holy Ghost that was the straw that broke the camel's back I stood up looked over the piano I'm playing I guess that uh Kathy Kelly nada hello just ice cream headache Danny the man said is that your wife I almost said I've never seen a woman before my life and here I was embarrassed what do you say I had a fit of carnality in one of the holiest acts of God Spirit of God spoke to me I might have been a baby Christian but he said what are you doing I said my wife is laying on the floor he said maybe you ought to be laying on the floor she's worshiping me leave her alone while I sat down on the piano Kathy kept hollered I said maybe God's hurting her or something she was so raptured in the Spirit of God well we went home that night I had repented I said Kathy she says she goes was I loud I said you called every dog in the neighborhood for six miles I said he is hollering she said did I embarrass you I said oh no no you know and I said I just lied yeah you didn't I said can't you worship God a little more quieter I say you sound like that woman iris remember I didn't like iris you always wanted to come sit by me because she's singing good she sucked God touch you I should think of the Zulus you know that's all she can ever say it would aggravate me and have a fit of carnality I'm trying to worship God oh Jesus I have to get in between so I asked I said iris is that all God ever tell you she said I didn't even know I'm doing that I said you're activating everybody in the church I was very blunt you could have - how's Barry blunt man I've blunt I said you're not can't worship God man I say you're driving me nuts she said well maybe if you got into God you wouldn't hear it [Applause] I said I'm sorry iris I didn't mean to say that I mean and I looked at a husband I said look how fathers are he said she does that when she sleeps man that's the same thing in me I'm trying to sleep I got I got a I don't know what I got over there I said you think God could give you another syllable how about buh-buh-buh-buh-buh book let's try some of that yah yah yah yah can we get a different syllable here why did I have to be one that's God's business why what are you saying I'm saying all that to say this when the anointing of God is moving on the power you could be sitting in that place having a fit of carnality because you have not submitted yourself therefore to God you have not resisted that you're assisting the devil and if you continue to assist the devil you can grieve the Holy Ghost right in the middle of a powerful service someone may not get saved someone may not get healed and they wonder why because of a lack of faith or the bundles of unbelief has nothing to do it has to do because you've had a fit of carnality yeah are you here when I say yeah and let me say this includes I realize this that my body now what you listen to this never likes Church my body sits there and says you have been sitting for two hours do you feel anything I don't we are numb here stretch your legs it's three minutes to twelve of them go eat lunch it's five after 12 Oh God it's 12 after 12 oh Jesus all of a sudden you think la Cucaracha fifteen after twelve your body saying there's no blood back here tray there's a healing service you will need healing your body does not like Church you crucify it daily you keep it under the blood and under the cross if the way to the cross to stay in your body you'll always speak the word of faith if the way to the cross stays over your body the word of faith that come out of your mouth and minister but you can have a fit a carnality simply when you take that cross off that body and allow that body to begin to speak instead of your spirit I'll say this and close my last closing I said this at the I wasn't gonna say this but the Lord just brought it to me I guess it was a fit of carnality I said that the westcoast believers convention I'm a very disciplined man when it comes to this body I eat certain things now I like cholesterol that's my favorite I love fried food give me some fried food I like everything fried fried eggs we're gonna call it scrambled eggs called fried eggs everything fried chicken fried steak it a kid you get a kid yet he's got white great a kidney but you're not I would have smile on your favor that just wonderful tastes so good you know so I eat fruits grains investor every once awhile I'll take a little bite of desert us I'm not a real big sugar person so I love more of a crunchy food I was at brother Coco's home not long ago and he like me we both like pretzels I love prestes I like the way they sound when I crunch them I like them sourdough condors real hard and I just like Preston's you know they call to now like salty things well but I eat mostly fruits grains and vegetables I've had Gerry tell me you mean to only come in as Reza you gonna eat fruit you can look at this you know and I really want I may take a bite but I'm gonna stay with this vegetable flake well I said there's a believers convention in West Coast in God's making me say it again I come home I sit down I got a real large television Lord screen television 7-inch Mitsubishi high-definition that thing is he's beautiful when I watch brother Colton preach my guy he's standing in my living room it's big I just sometime I walk up to the screen go I can I mean it's a big screen it's nice they do a close-up shot and sister glory Sigler's face is all over my living room I mean it's a big screen I like that it's really pretty a nice well I'm sitting there in commercial time come on now I don't wait my sweets all of a sudden is Duncan Hines chocolate cake commercial comes on so I look at it you know how did it take that frosting and they pull it with the FARC and it curls and they touch the cake and go moist they don't say moist moist so look at that and I began to salivate man me look at that kick and they do it as little circles on that kick when I'm long me I mean this is this has got me man and I was sitting I I look Cathy sitting in the corner going and I look at us she said you want one of them cakes I said my body said no I don't eat that I said yeah boom she jumps up gets in that car hurts but everybody gets out of the way miss new planet that's coming down the boulevard or he she goes to the winn-dixie she buys that chocolate cake in a chocolate icing she comes back man she gets in that kitchen mind god she puts all that stuff together I'm smelling all that man or she takes it out it's hot flips it she puts all that chocolate stuff on there and boy it's starting to melt and she says you want a piece I said give me the knife I take the knife I cut it in a half foot all I give her a half I take my hat I am NOT one I go to that couch hey I had a feel of carnality man hey hey and she said you want some milk I didn't wait for the port in the glass I said give me the jaw give me a gift I grabbed the jaw I'm talking on I don't do that I drink out the jug oh I got chocolate icing all over I'm eating it and I think you hog you hog and I look at my wife and she's got her hat we stopped eating we got chocolate cake dripping off arch and I said Cathy we've sinned she said yeah [Applause] and when your body's not used to sugar I don't eat that stuff Jerry called me what are you doing I'm half a cake men that night I was in a bit that sugar was kicking I thought I looked at ethnic Katherine's going this what what but but I said Alan said ouch [Applause] then it hit us both at the same time she went to one bathroom and I went to the other and I'm gonna stop the story right there because you don't need to know anymore we had a fit ate that cake I rebuked that thing I said we don't want the more debt in our house the other day Cathy says Jessie you want chocolate cake I could see it in her eyes he doesn't yield it all right yeah like I hear the word submit submit I said it's that woman they'll give us me [Applause] that was a fit of carnality and itself to be carnally minded is death to be spiritually minded his life in peace stop notice there's no sound words there to be currently mind that is there to be spiritually minded his life in peace the carnal mind is enmity against God it's not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be so then those who are in the flesh cannot please or cannot faith God now let's see if this worked if you have any problems with fits of carnality affair your wife may have got saved last night you want to kill her this morning if you're having problem with Fitz get out of your seat and come up here open the aisles wide boys are they gonna be a bunch of come on be honest you don't need to line them up boys it's gonna be more than you can line back in here be honest let's just be honest come on Kathy you need to come no come on pack them in here boys pack of the pack get as close as you can look at this my lord help us Jesus so I like I believe with you mentioned you people are honest pack them boys pack them we're gonna gonna be from hit it in I know it these fits are causing death in your life they're not bringing life for peace pack them pack them get close to people just get close to get as close as you can back them don't have a fit buy your packing I want people to see this I believe I preached the right message look at this there's at least 5,000 people standing right now the other four or five a line I will tell you as you come in backpack close as you can you can't get to the front stay in that line look at this I please send all these people to the back we're brothers it Liz he'd have a fit of carnality well we all need to do including me it's submit ourselves therefore to God resist the devil instead of a system be led by the spirit that constitute that we're the sons of God to live in life in peace by holding fast to the form of sound words in faith in love that good thing it's a good thing was which was committed to you or to us by the Holy Ghost that dwelleth in us if you can anyway possible take someone's hand look at their people lined up standing all the way up that balconies ladies and gentlemen I honestly believe this may be the reason why Jesus hadn't come yet because the body of Christ have been having fits of carnality now I'm not saying this because I'm preaching this believers convention but when you see somebody outside holding a sign up saying something derogatory my brother köppen that's a fit a con out with it happening so if you drive by say fed when you write a book about someone to criticize somebody that's a federal carnality it brings death it doesn't help anyone and I personally beat now this is my opinion you people watching my television it delays the coming of Christ maybe you've had fits in your house so why don't you stand up by your sofa take your husband's hand or didn't kids that you just had a fit over but two minutes ago you love them but time the distress and pressure of Satan on the world causes great fits and they should not be all right we still got people moving on my Laura it must be six thousand people standing now you that are sitting stand to your feet now we have an honest now the truth has been spoken how you laughed about that but the Lord told me to tell you the stand down we're gonna pray for each other we're gonna cause prayer to flow across this territory Convention Center and you may go outside this Tarrant County Convention sending somebody parked behind you'll call and you can't get out don't have a fit of carnality it may take you some time to get out don't have a fit a carnality bring life in peace by being led by the Spirit of God now I'm gonna pray my prayer for you but I want everyone now they can pray in tongues to begin to pray in tongues and pray for people you may not know him but just begin to pray right now Heavenly Father in the mighty name of Jesus what we bind on earth is bound in heaven we bind these fits of carnality we command them in Jesus name not to be a part of our lives we are children of God we're led by the Spirit of God we're the sons of God we are now submitting ourselves therefore to God Lord will not live in the area fits all the time but Lord because it's not pleasing to you it's not pleasing to the people that we're having a fit about or even our selves so Satan I get great pleasure and telling you to get away from God's people in the name of Jesus I come against you by the power of Jesus name that from this day forward we are going to be transformed instead of being conformed to the flesh we're gonna transform through the Spirit of God that's within us we are going to hold fast to the form of sound words which we've heard of God we are gonna walk in faith in love we are gonna believe the Word of God then Lord as we walk in faith and love will receive the opportunities that are given to us in our lives father I speak this in Jesus name Satan did you hear it I said Jesus name now you'd ever bow your head at the name of Jesus Lord I ask you to let transformation being taking place right now all over this building Lord from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet father maybe they've been hindrances in these fits that has caused people not to receive healings Lord we released these fits and Lord we receive our healing we receive our salvation we receive soundness God from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet that this day we grow in the knowledge of the truth and the truth says we are the sons of God and we are led by that spirit and we will not have these fits anymore we will grow Lord grow we will grow to the fullest of the stature of Christ in Jesus name I speak this right now every hand holding a hand faith and joined to faith everybody in one line and what a card Lord right now we lift this faith prayer Lord up to the throne of God and Lord we ask you to breathe it and smell it into your nostrils that it'll be pleasing to Jehovah that it'll be pleasing to Jesus that it'll be pleasing to the Holy Ghost and God we will be believers believers that can walk in this life without having ditched their Lord but walking in this life in the life and peace and love that you said we could do we submit ourselves to you Lord this day in Jesus name now Holy Spirit do your work over us lift your hands right now reach up into the presence of the Holy Spirit as he moves over this congregation and release these things out of your life let the angels of God wash them and throw him into the sea never to be remembered against you by the power of Jesus name I speak this miracle disdain now everybody began to praise the Lord maganda precis began depression rosa Bulava semana Rubicon de grande Arabic Arabic uber Brabazon de Bourgh or Ibaka by Allah to rob acaba barakatuh Brenda Lee became de la vaca RIBA kauravas Sasha or resetting diet or Ibaka by olavo semana de indeed a say command area so Myshkin del Moro sobolik render also Fiera de lille boasts a mandrel in Jesus name they've gotta begin to speak the name of Jesus all across they speak it over and over or father thank you Jesus Jesus Jesus oh there's something about that name thank you ho thank you for freedom today Lord freedom to walk in the spirit freedom to flow in the anointing freedom to know that we can in this life oh thank you lord thank you Father thank you Lord Jesus now repeat this with me I crucify my flesh in Jesus name that I will no longer walk in the rim of the flesh I will resist it ever I will not assist him I will submit myself my spirit my soul my body to the Oracles of God the word of life flowing through me my words my actions will be godly from this day forward when I see a Christian having a fit I will come and say you need not do that we will worship God we submit ourselves to our Creator Jesus use us let not this take place when we are around if they do we will stop them in the name of Jesus I lift your hands up and thankful thank you Cordova soccer tracing the label capacitor thank you Jesus now let's give the Lord a hand clap for what he's done [Applause] [Music] Lord what a blessing hello everybody I'm just at a planet and I'm so happy you're watching this video today if you're enjoying our Channel please subscribe you can hit the bell to get notifications as each new video is posted so you don't miss a single one then you share this video to your friends your family so they can be blessed by it and I mean as I said they will be funny there'll be a hilarious and I promise you if you watch it by the end of it you're gonna feel good because I believe in bringing joy into people's lives I mean that sincerely and I tell people say does anything ever wipe that smile off your face No and thank God I got good teeth it's the Lord so watching and subscribe today thank you and keep watching you'll be blessed
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 212,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM
Id: bxsYoZy6I6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 53sec (4673 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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