2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Divine Recovery (7:00 p.m. CT)

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it's been interesting so far this year right and you must understand that there is no way that god is going to allow the enemy just to get away with it we've been been through some very interesting days and we've got some very interesting interesting days to come jesus is coming back i said jesus is coming back [Applause] and we need to renew our great hope in the return of the lord jesus christ everything's lining up just right the signs of the time and the intensity and the frequency of things are lining up just right and i am looking up and saying come quickly lord jesus your redemption draweth nigh but before he comes we got some devil butt kicking to do i don't know who we think he is now i'm gonna this is gonna be a kind of different sermon i'm gonna i'm gonna read some scripture and then i'm gonna decree the promises on you and then i'm going to read some more and then i'm going to decree it on you and this is a night of equipping glory be to god and over the next three days in my sessions i'm going to be talking about divine recovery uh from spiritual idolatry now i won't get to the idolatry part tonight because i want to talk about the first part divine recovery divine recovery is about to hit your life nobody knows what you have gone through like you do and i thank god that you had enough sense to pull up your shield of faith and every time the enemy came you pulled your shield of faith of i thank god for that but there's some payback there's some payback that needs to be dished out amen and uh so i want to begin i'm i call this i'm going to talk i'm going to specifically deal with the night godly restoration but i want to look at the book of joel chapter 2. let's start there and i really it would bring me great pleasure i just want to break his neck tonight you know the song i'm a friend of god i ain't a friend of the devil i can't stand him and in the name of jesus i can't stand what he's doing to people and i can't stand the fear that they're walking around and i can't stand none of that so you know maybe we tonight we can just come together and make him pay a little bit you understand praise the lord joel chapter 2 and um when you get there i'm going to look at verse 21. joel chapter 2 and in verse 21. now if i used to say this in the baptist church if you pray with me i won't be long come on and pray with me church you understand what i mean pray with me i won't be long now you sit up there and look at me like something matter with me you pray with me i'll be like like coffee hot black and quick verse 21 he says fear not fear not o land be glad and rejoice for the lord will do and has done great things so fear not because of what he's already done now i'm taking the the you know what he meant contextually for for for israel and i'm bringing it out to you and i'm declaring it and decreeing it right now that we will not fear fear is we're not fearing fear not we're not going to be afraid we're not going to be anxious we're not going to be afraid of what's going to happen tomorrow we're not going to be afraid of what what what what what other variants and all i'm afraid i ain't scare i'm scared i'm scared i am not i will not fear come on say that i will not fear he said fear not be glad somebody said well be glad for what well you got a lot to be glad for be glad that you are alive be glad that you woke up this morning in your right mind be glad for for you got food you got a job be glad find a reason to be glad and if you have to be glad by faith be glad based on what jesus has promised you in his word be glad don't be sad be glad no more sad day no more down days no more fear day i'm gonna be glad and i'm gonna rejoice now i decree that on you right now that you are glad and you will rejoice because god has done and will do great things [Applause] man i believe that he goes on and he says be not afraid even the beasts of the field for the pastors of the wilderness do spring for the tree beareth her fruit the fig tree the vine do yield their strength he says they're talking to the peace y'all don't even have to be afraid i got you and then he says this again be glad you children of zion and rejoice there it is be glad and rejoice stop waiting on something to happen before you are glad and rejoice before something even happens go ahead and be glad and rejoice you ought to be so glad and you ought to be in such rejoicing that the devil ought to pause and say what you doing that's how we're going to issue some payback we're going to enter some payback because he's done enough where he thinks we should be sad we should be down we should be in fear but that's not how we're wired as faith people we're not wired like that as faith people as faith people we will do the complete opposite of what hell fought it was going to bring in our lives when you bring sadness we're going to be glad when you bring sorrow we're going to rejoice [Applause] and we don't have to wait until we see something before we be glad i double dog dino dare you to just to just go home from this convention and be glad and rejoice and stay glad and keep rejoicing until somebody asks you what you glad for now that's the opportunity you can go to preach to him now now you got to understand something i had two hours of sleep last night and i am going to bust the devil's head in you understand what i'm saying and you are going to help me glory be to god thank you jesus glory be to god so he said so he said here be glad then you children of zion and rejoice in the lord your god for he hath given you the former reign now reign here represents the anointing i'm going to take it from the literal but he's given you the former reign moderately he's given you the former there was an anointing uh that were on the prophets of old and he says he will cause to come down for you the rain but this time it's going to come down the former and the latter rain all at the same time that's a good reason to be glad right all at the same time there is about to be a storm of anointing to hit your house y'all don't hear what i'm saying you see people don't like to hear the word battle battles are real but your victories are as real as those battles amen and i'm telling you there's an anointing to do battle that anointing is called might the spirit of god will come mightily upon you and i decree over your lives right now that that spirit of and that anointing and that might getting ready to come over your life over your relationships it's getting ready to come over your business it's getting ready to come over your ministry he's getting ready to come over your children be glad enrich your hearts there's a there's a tsunami of anointing that's about to hit your life hallelujah [Applause] burdens are going to be removed yolks are going to be destroyed stuff that kept you up and stuff that kept you stressed and stuff that messed with you if they're going to be removed it's going to be destroyed because of that anointing hallelujah your your business is going to start working because of that anointing lack is going to be removed because of that anointing the divorce is going to be removed because of that anointing your children are going to come home from the enemy's camp back to your house [Music] people had and rejoice my god my god my god hallelujah glory be to god and he says and the floor shall be full of wheat and the that shall overflow with wine and oil so now it sounds to me like harvest is coming out of everything the enemy has thrown at you over the last couple of years who would have ever thought you would still have harvest [Applause] time i decree that your harvest time is now i decree that your harvest time is right now praise god in fact the favor of god will go ahead of you to divinely arrange some things for you before you even get there you're about to run into your harvest take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it see you you got to catch this tonight and you you said it right as you you can write if you can but you got to catch this or not you might miss some while you write but you got to catch this tonight i believe the holy ghost is going to say some things to you individually he's going to whisper in your ear while i'm talking right now he's going to be talking to you and giving you divine wisdom and divine direction showing you what to do when to do it where to go how to go what to do [Applause] that's what he keeps saying be glad and rejoice now he said and i will restore that's god's m.o i will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten the the canker worm and the caterpillar and the palmer worm my great army will i sin among you and you shall eat in plenty now let me back up and i will restore i will restore excuse my angels but ain't no way in the world oh that has happened and knocked on your door and god and i show up with some recompense some of y'all been standing and standing and you stoodeth and stoodeth and standeth and stoodeth and standeth but here's a reason for you to be glad and rejoice i will restore i'm gonna restore your health i'm gonna restore your wealth i'm gonna restore your peace i'm gonna restore your anything that's missing anything that's broken god's gonna show up listen i'm not talking about what you're gonna do i'm talking about this is god saying i'm gonna show up and do some things in this earth just so you'll know it was me you're not going to be able to boast about what's getting ready to happen because what's getting ready to happen there's no way you could have done it by yourself there are things that are getting ready to happen to you i decree it they're things that are getting ready to happen to you that you won't even be able to give an explanation for hey and the only way you're going to be able to respond is by saying this is the lord's doing and it's marvelous in our eyes therefore we will be glad and we will rejoice [Applause] you got to catch that see you see while i'm preaching now you can just sit there and say well i don't think it's going to be me dear god things have just been nobody knows the trouble i've seen you can sit there like that if you want to or you can sit there and say i take that i take that too praise god yeah uh-huh i'll take all that right now in the name of jesus i'll take all of that but i will not spend another day of my life allowing the devil to come in to steal my joy to steal my gladness i will rejoice and be glad my god my god my god my god [Applause] and uh and you shall eat in plenty now there's going to be some things come to happen you know to the food source and they're going to be the famines have already started in parts of the world right now but it won't come near you [Applause] near you because you don't live in the land of scarcity anymore you got born again and you have come out of egypt and you are now in goshen and in goshen you shall eat in plenty there was not enough straw in egypt to make brick but there was enough in goshen there was no light in egypt but there was light in goshen there wasn't plenty but there's plenty in goshen welcome to goshen [Applause] plenty i'm glad i'm rejoicing plenty i'm glad i'm rejoicing plenty i don't care what they say i don't care how many reports they do on the news i don't care what's in the paper i eat in plenty praise the lord i eat in plenty praise the lord god knows how to use the animal kingdom to make sure his word comes to pass i eat in plenty join me say that i eat in plenty [Applause] he says and i'm going to be satisfied and i'm going to praise the name of the lord that has and this will be your testimony that has dealt wondrously with you and my people now you know in context he's talking to israel but i'm talking to you tonight and my people shall never be put to shame a thousand will fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you therefore be glad and rejoice listen you might as well practice that here so you'll be able to do it when you get back where you're going be glad and [Applause] be rejoice and rejoice be glad and rejoice all is well [Applause] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah something's coming [Applause] something's coming praise god you ought to censor right now something's coming hallelujah a move of the spirit that this earth has never seen before something's coming in and i don't know about you but i'm wrapped up i'm tied up and i'm i'm tanking up and i write slap dab in the middle of something good [Applause] see they're busy talking about something else coming i ain't talking about that i already told you a thousand shall come at my side ten thousand my right hand ain't gonna be to touch me i'm psalms 91 equipped i'm psalm 91 equipped bring it on devil you want to dance come home bring it home i will not fear i will not be ashamed but i will be glad and i will rejoice [Applause] you need to do that at home don't wait till you get to church and do it you need to do it at home find you a closet or a bathroom somewhere on the side and just go in there and just cut a step a little bit [Applause] 20 21 years ago about 21 years ago i was in sacramento california getting ready to do a meeting the lord specifically told me not my son was young at that time said you told me he told me he couldn't go i didn't want anybody to go with me and i was going out of this weird obligation of my integrity is on the line so i'm gonna go but i felt in my spirit i wasn't supposed to be there but i i need to go because my my words on the line you know that dumb mistake we made you know telling the holy ghost the author of all integrity and so i i went and i just make a long story short we i got up the morning like i normally do and and i made these make confessions i'm i make these confessions all the time i believe you have what you say i believe that but we don't well you yeah i do well folks don't do that no more i do i still believe you can have what you say i still believe that death and life is in the power of the tongue i still believe that when you decree a thing it shall come to pass and be established and so i decreed things over my life over my safety and so forth and so we got in the car we were on our way to do the first session in that meeting in sacramento and uh the pastor who we were visiting he had just got a new suburban and wanted me to sit in the front and i said well i don't want to sit in the front i say as i sit in the front i need to put i have to put my seatbelt on i messed my tie up i don't want to sit in the front well i sat in front put my seatbelt on and it was about four or eight of us in there and uh a day that will change my life forever now i am not concerned about whether or not you believe what i'm getting ready to tell you [Music] after being in the midst more than 40 years i don't care well i don't like the suit you get on did i ask you when i put it on the biggest bondage we have today is people bondage quit getting abundance of people so you can be free to be glad and rejoice so so i went and we got in the car and and it was a four-way and and everything changed this car ran the red light hit the suburban from underneath and jacked it up and it took flight and it began to turn and i grabbed the front of the the dashboard and i said i'm gonna i'm gonna keep my eyes open because if i die i wanna see how this thing works i want to see how close i came to and just see how it works and that's something i'm serious like i said that so my eyes were open and and i remember the thing turning oh glory to god it's 21 years ago it seemed like it was yesterday and the the car was still rotating this way and i was going this way but at this particular time i saw two angels come right past my face i know what i saw they someone said well were they black angels or whites [Music] see that's why the world needs the church they need us man somebody said what color the only way i can answer they were light their face was light but you could see the features and their clothes were like their face like it was kind of one and so when i rotated over and i saw these two angels go past me like this i'm looking but now my eyes are open but i am now seeing a whole different realm uh in the realm in front of me there were a group of people they were out of focus i was on one end and they were on the other end and the closer we started coming together the they became they they they came into focus they began to come into focus where it seems like i can i can almost recognize some of them and right in the middle of just about recognizing who these folks were that were coming towards me and i come towards them the voice of god spoken i saw the voice i saw it in between me and them and it said he said no too much unfinished business then my eyes opened now i'm upside down in the car we had landed on the roof and i don't know if i was in my body or out i was like what what and so i start like okay is this me or have i gone a friend of mine was in the back who's our associate pastor now you know you know the wonders of a suburban in the back back area i don't he's an ex all-american football player shoulder's that big i don't know how this happened but there was a hole in the window where he went out and the people around reported seeing a man fly so when he went out the glass got in his eye so he never saw any of this but he did see the angel because when they checked us in the hospital i said what what let me where's ken i went to sin i said did you see that he said those angels i said you saw him so he went and landed in the front windshield of this woman's car which you know most of the time you're decapitated imagine this woman sitting at the red light and a man drops in and his head is now on her thigh she had years of therapy i go into this and another friend of mine was there he thought he was going to die take care of my girls and i called my wife and i said we we just had a a a a an accident and and and again with down here and and i'm trying to talk she said hold on hold on there will be no death here today you see there's a devil loose and he's come he comes to kill steal and destroy and we pity patty and just sit back letting him do things like he think he can when all of the authority has been put into our hands and it is time for us to release our faith and take hold of that which is rightly ours and do what the bible says lay hands on the sick cast out devils raise the dead [Applause] [Music] you got an enemy and he don't like you and some of y'all well maybe mr devil can get saved i'm going to pray for his salvation if i wasn't on the covenant temperance i slapped your jaws for just saying something like that you have an enemy and he wants to destroy your life and the way we get him back watch this is every time you're glad and rejoice because of what god has done is doing and will do it befuddles him it freaks him out he can't understand why after everything you don't went through you're still going around trusting and believing this god now the reason i told you that story by the car wreck because the enemy thought that that was going to be enough for me not to go and preach but please i'm from cali park what you talking about [Applause] i i got dressed i went and i told the driver i said i drive the speed limit i got to the church news media everywhere they had all kinds of things i crippled the dollar died but he alive and i mean it was it was kind of funny when you walk in i thought you were dead i was a little sore got me a chair got in that pool pit said turn to your bibles and i begin to teach now here's my point what's the extent that the devil use and go after you with to try to stop you from being functional in the will of god that he has called for your life you got to stop being these bunch of spiritual sissies at the first sign of trouble you want to just give up cave in curl up and quit now is the time when the enemy shows up you need to just treat him like a flea [Music] and let them know who you are don't go to god you know and go you know well god i i need you i need to talk to you about my trouble no i'll go to your trouble and talk to your trouble about what god's already done amen all right now let's let's get a little bit more in this now things that need to need restoration are things that have over time been allowed to slip in a state of neglect or disrepair the the condition of needing repair things like maybe prayer life that needs repair because it's interesting around the country for some churches that were clothes and some that are still closed it's interesting around the country that all people got to do is master button and they like i ain't messing with nobody and it's like okay so what have you all been doing this whole time prayer life needs to be restored your attitude towards other people need to be restored your your finances might need to be restored your faith in some cases thank god for this convention this week needs to be restored your physical body may need to be restored your peace your courage your confidence and god might need to be restored hebrews chapter 2 and 11 cautions us to be careful not to let certain things slipped the new living translation says have you drifted away from the truth you know from god and his word and so most people have come to understand restoration as as the means to bringing back something or putting back something to back into its original state that's the world's definition of restoration the world's definition is to to bring back to the original state but that's not god's definition of restoration god is not going to restore you back to the original state he always takes it better than what it was godly rep godly restoration is bringing something into state where it would be even better than the original oh i don't think y'all heard that you're about to be better than you originally were you're about to do better than what you originally were [Applause] everything about god's divine recovery is going to be about you being better you might as well give yourself a new middle name george better griffin [Applause] because god's not going to restore it back to original state it's it's always going to be better look at job chapter 42 job chapter 42 verses 10 and 12. check this out man it's it's something i want you to just so get a hold of tonight because i want you waking up tomorrow glad and rejoicing somebody said what you glad for you got time i'm glad i'm glad for what he's done what he's doing and oh what he's about to do job 42 verse 10 and the lord turned the captivity of job when he prayed for his friends underline that that's interesting also the lord gave job twice as much as he had before somebody shout better and then in verse 12 so the lord blessed the latter end of job more than his beginning more than his beginning more than his beginning he had fourteen thousand sheep from seven thousand he had six thousand camels from three he had a thousand yoke of oxen from five and a thousand she asses it was better i said it was better so when we talk about believing god that he will restore it's better he's gonna jack it up some and he's gonna do it so you'll know he did it yeah but brother i don't know i i just you know i just feel like you know but but what about me no no no god says i i have seen i have seen you walk in the cheaper rather than the deeper you know and so step aside a little bit i'm going to show you what i really think of you you keep thinking little of yourself you keep wondering could it be me could i have this is it really god's will for me to walk in this kind of blessing and god's like i'm trying to take you to the better but you stuck in the average but notice what he says here this is important restoration begins with forgiveness and job turned the captivity of job when he prayed for his friends it begins with forgiveness unforgiveness and strife can hinder restoration because you're in the center of the circle and you've made it all about you and god's trying to take you oh my god i heard that lord god's trying to take you from your past but some of you want to stay married to your past [Music] and what some of you need to do is have a funeral for your past y'all don't hear what i'm saying you so connected to your past god can't take you forward because you're so connected to your past that's what paul was trying to tell us he was like listen i hadn't attained everything but there's one thing i do i forget about the things that are behind me and i'm reaching to those things that are before me it's time to start reaching to those things that are before me always in the past the past ministering to you emotionally always in the past god's trying to show you how much you love you how much you've he's forgiven you and you're still stuck oh i still regret this oh but if i did this oh but please hear me good your past is past and there's nothing you can do about what's passed so get out of there oh but if i only did this you didn't so get out yeah but every time i hear that word it made me think about the past stop listening to that word get out [Applause] [Music] somebody call you hey how you doing well i'm i'm i'm fine i just wish i was a better mother wish i was a better father i just really please excuse my word i hope it's okay if i say it but maybe i shouldn't say it if i'm thinking it's okay i really sucked as a parent you know what please stop comparing your parenting with the movies there's no such thing as a perfect parent we get up and talk like we are but there's no such thing as a perfect parent you've made a lot of mistakes you're going to make a lot more so here's what happens you know your kids may come up you uh one of them came to me one time and they say well you know you didn't do this and you didn't do that you do this and i said you know there's a lot of things my mom and daddy didn't do so i thank god i got saved so whatever they didn't do jesus did so instead of you instead of you playing the blame game and being the victim seems to me you need to go hook up with the same jesus i hooked up with and whatever i didn't do so well jesus will do it very well you know there's an epidemic going on in the world of the disrespect and dishonor that parents are getting from their adult children [Music] and they don't understand that their prosperity and their long life is tied to how they honor their mother and their father it's the only commandment the only moral law that came with a promise and you're 40 years old and ain't said none of your mama in the last five years because you planned the victim not realizing it won't be well with you your mama know why she just met frank she's having a good time and that's one of the signs of the last of last days where society is concerned just how people behave was that too much for y'all oh i know some of y'all are still stuck on suck [Applause] i repent look at zeke uh exodus chapter 22. i'm almost finished exodus 22. my god my god i'm glad man i'm glad hallelujah you remember this i was glad when they said unto me you know what the house is that's the presence amen exodus chapter 22 and verse 1. look at this i want to decree this over you exodus 22 and verse 1. if a man shall steal an ox one or steal a sheep and kill it or sell it he shall restore five oxen for an ox and four sheep for a sheep this has always been god's heart it ain't never going back to the original state just in case some of y'all looking forward to going back to exactly what you used to be you ain't never gonna be what you used to be [Applause] did you know what i said you ain't never gonna be what you used to be somebody said i used to be bro you'll never be broke another day in your life somebody said i used to be sick all the time you'll never be sick like that another day in your life somebody said i used to be mean you'll never be mean like that not another day in your life because when you have encountered the restoration of god it's double for your trouble and even much more as we move into scripture look at joshua chapter 5 and 12. joshua chapter 5 and 12 my god my god my god my god i better be careful i feel like preaching up here in a minute my god my god i got me a church here tonight my god i don't know where y'all came from but i'm going to tell you we got we can have some church up here tonight [Applause] my ah i gotta make sure i don't hurt myself look at this joshua 5 12. and oh and the manna ceased on on tomorrow after they had eaten of the old corn the old corn of the land the manna ceased and they had eaten the old corn of the land neither had the children of israel manna anymore but they did eat of the fruit of the land of canaan that year the bad corn was gone the manna stopped but they ate of the fruit of the land of canaan here's what i want you to hear get ready to eat the fruit of the promised land what do i mean get ready to eat the fruit of god's promises see up until now you know those promises you've quoted those promises you've meditated on those promises but god's getting ready to do a thing where you're getting ready to eat the fruit of those promises praise the lord go back and look at those promises my god shall supply all of your needs according to his recent glory you're getting ready to eat that fruit [Applause] i decree and declare that you're about to eat the fruit of god's promises amen who jesus oh jesus oh jesus think about that thing well i'm getting ready to eat the fruit of the promises not just to read the fruit of the promises i'm getting ready to eat the fruit of the promises y'all don't hear me you've been eating up dry corn for quite some time you've been eating of average for quite some time but you're getting ready to eat the fruit out of the promised land hallelujah getting ready to eat the healing out of the promised land hallelujah getting ready to eat the promotion out of the promised land you're getting ready to eat relationships out of the promised land you're getting ready to eat prosperity out of the promised land i don't know how you've been eating lately but you're getting ready to eat out of the promise that god has already made for you but you gotta be glad i said you gotta be glad oh i don't stop that hammer my god my god but my baptist boy don't stop don't start that heaven my god let me do let me do let me do something just a little bit and then we'll we'll talk about how god is still stirring in the nest of your life we'll talk about when when the devil thought he had you down jesus reached down in in the middle of a pit and pick you up out of that pit place your feet on a solid ground put a new song in your heart and then we'll talk about how you started praising him and we'll stop and talk about how you start giving him the glory of the glory oh i gotta have a little church in here watch this see you can eat and have a little church at the same time ain't nothing wrong with that you can eat have a little church at the same time eat some collard greens then taste a little apple pie eat some squash eat a little lemon meringue because when that word gets on the inside of you and you begin to look and see how god has blessed you you begin to look and see how far god has brought you you begin to look and see how god paid your bills and you didn't know where the money was going to come from you can't help but to give him praise you can't help but to give him a shout oh shout all right i'm trying to get to esther i'm trying to get to esther [Applause] i'm trying to get to esther [Applause] i know some of you are wondering what is what what happened to you dollar what's going on well first of all i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ because he saved me one day and he raised me out of a bed of affliction when the doctor said i had cancer god healed me of the cancer when the doctor said i had meningitis god healed me of the meningitis when i was in that wreck over 21 years ago and they thought i was dead they didn't call the ambulance but they went ahead and called the morgue god delivered me out of that situation so excuse me why shout and give him praise excuse me why i rejoice and i'm glad [Applause] my god jesus my waymaker jesus my battle axe in the time of a battle jesus my bomb in gilead jesus my sweet rose of sharada jesus my rock in a weary land jesus [Music] my supply house you see i don't know about you but i got to praise god i don't know about you but i got to praise god oh he's been mighty good to me he's been mighty good to me he's been mighty good to me hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i don't know what you know but you don't know like i know how good god's been to me and so every now and then i got to step out this this this whatever role you think i am and i got to praise god [Music] i got to praise god throughout the 2020 year when i didn't know how to pass a church without nobody there god turned it into the best year of our ministry every church around the world paid for you heard me paid for we so far in the black it looked like midnight and so you wonder you wonder why i shout like this you wonder why i'm screaming like this you'll wonder why i'm praising god like this well honey if he's done for you what he has done for me you might ought to start praising him right now yourself you might ought to start shouting right now yourself you might not start rejoicing right now yourself well well well wow wow wow [Music] [Applause] my god my god [Applause] my god some of y'all think i've lost my mind [Applause] but to be honest which i have lost my mind i now have the mind of christ my goodness my goodness [Applause] my goodness do y'all do y'all know what a praise break is i got i got a couple more scriptures but before we do it i might get in trouble before we do it i want to have a little [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] a praise break [Music] andre krauss andre krauss used to say they call us holy rollers and what they say is true but if they knew what we were rolling about they would be rolling too esther i got six minutes see that little apple pie and i gotta get some collard greens [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] we're created to praise the lord you know how beautiful that picture was all different kind of ethnic groups in here just praising the lord some of y'all clapping on the first plea beat some of you clapping on the second beat but we got every beat in just right there we got every beat in some of y'all was picking him up put it down and pick him up put it down some of y'all said i can't do that you just started leaving [Applause] some of you guys just started doing the ballerina yeah [Applause] but that's all right he receives your praise look at this man esther 9. esther 9. hallelujah now in the 12th month that is the month of adar on the 13th day of the same when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution look at this in the day that the enemies of the jews hoped to have power over them though it was turned to the contrary that the jews had ruled over them that hated them the enemies that are about to come against you they're in expectation of ruling over you but god getting ready to turn this thing around and instead of those enemies ruling over you you'll be ruling over that situation i decree that right now in the name of jesus on the contrary [Music] man i i gotta let y'all go boy y'all y'all greeted but you you get what i'm saying rejoice and be glad amen i'm trying to build your hope up i'm trying to build your hope up i'm trying to get you stirred up a little bit all that word you got i'm trying to just strike a match under that thing man you need to get your fire back [Applause] some of y'all lost your fire you quote scripture make me sleepy when i listen to you you don't even say it like you used to say it but i believe there's a fire burning on the inside of it [Applause] well i'll tell you what i feel like i'm at uh uh uh uh one of them they're holiness churches well you guys saved you supposed to be holy [Applause] amen all right all right i'm done i got i got i got two more sessions [Applause] listen listen now listen let me tell you what this is why i believe i'm finished it's one thing for us to do it all here together i want to see how you i want to see what you do when you're on your way home [Applause] i i want to see what you do when you when when when the devil come knock on your door how are you going to respond it's easy to do this when you're surrounded by all these word of fake people but do you have a praise right in the middle of your situation that's all i'm trying to say man all right now now listen to this now i pause because i want you to see this offering concludes your worship it's not one of them things you say well you know it's time for me to work on me and work on my business so i'm gonna go and do what i need to do so god can do what he needs to do no no no it it it's a part of worship i think in psalms 96 where he said give glory to the lord give glory to his name and then he says well how are you going to get glory he said bring an offering remember the rest of it he said bring an offering and then he say it and worship him bring an offering and worship him i believe in matthew 2 the magi came and they finally found jesus you know they showed up with three types of gifts gold frankincense and myrrh but they said something they said when they entered an attempt and when they saw him they fell to their knees reaching into the treasury to worship him see you got to start looking at your giving as worship to what god has already done now all of a sudden you start giving out of gratitude and appreciation and thanksgiving you recall when abraham uh won the battle of the kings it was after the victory he said oh i got to appreciate him and he gave a tenth of all the spoils that he had in fact you're gonna find yourself giving more than a tenth you're gonna find yourself giving 20 and 30 and 50 and sometimes you're going to give a 80 i've given a hundred i get to thinking i'm like oh look at god oh you did that too oh my god i get to worship in them and then i pray in tongues and the next thing you know the whole check going you know this new text thing you can't keep up with it you don't match master buttons i want you to worship god for what he's done what he's doing what he's going to do and i want you to do it through gift-giving give him a gift now here's here's what he promised he says you've got to decide in your heart what you're gonna give but i promise you i'll multiply what you give he says i can't multiply what you eat now i can only multiply what you give i can't multiply what you consume i can only multiply what you give he used the illustration of a farmer he says i cannot multiply what you keep in the seed bag i can only multiply what you plant in the ground so if you give a little you multiply it you get little you give much you get much and then here's the thing he said he said watch your attitude because if you give grudgingly sometimes your attitude is even uh greater than the gift itself something happens when when we worship god with our offerings after we spend time exalting him and praising him and thanking him and and expressing to him as we've done tonight and then we bring him a gift and that gift is given out of love and appreciation a gift that's given out of honor one of the things about idolatry you're going to hear about is the fact that it's the value you place on the thing that's greater than god it's not just some wooden thing on the thing it's the value you give everything i'm going to be talking about some idols today in our society that we need god to divinely recover us from those things so we can see him as first place and value him more than anything and that's what honor is when you value god more than anything or anybody so if you value god's word if god's word carries weight in your life where it is valued then when you pray your words will be carried will carry weight in heaven because it will be valued i will honor those who honor me [Music] so think about how you're going to close this worship service through the giving of gifts to him who is awesome to him who has done so much you've got to decide that if you need an offering envelope if you'll raise your hands ushers please take note of those who are here and ready to worship god with your gifts i need you to see it that way worship god with your gifts if you'd like to use the text to give you can text the word event to 36609 or you can go online to kcm.org tv event give online there kcm.org or if you'd like to mail in you can mail to kenneth copeland ministries fort worth texas 76192 or if you want to call and get assistance that way especially those who are streaming you can call 877-281-6297 are several ways and several avenues where you can worship god with your gifts and we're grateful for those of you who are streaming online we're thankful for you we pray that you cut a rug in your own house and that rug was clean when you cut it this is always an amazing meeting an amazing week and taff and i are always honored and privileged to be a part of it and as you do this now as you worship god with this i want you to think to yourself man wow look at what god's done i almost i almost fell for that trick devil and i almost started paying attention to your suggestions and it didn't work god has been too good to me for me to turn and follow you amen you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 57,393
Rating: 4.8854628 out of 5
Id: IsdPDNaukxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 20sec (4100 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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