2 Ways to MOVE your BASE in Palworld | Easy & Hard Methods

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How do you move your base in Palworld? There's an  easy way and a hard way and I'm going to show you   both by actually doing them let's go. Method  number one is by far the easiest if you have   a base that is at least level 10 you will have  the ability to have two bases no matter if you   want a second base or you just want to change  base locations if you have this capability to   have two bases it's going to be pretty simple go  and find your new base location and then craft a   new pal box so now you have two bases and you can  use the fast travel from your new base to go back   home. Now that you're back at your old base you can  easily load up your pockets with the materials you   want to take to your new base and use this to Fast  Travel and Transport items or if you are really   sure you want to dismantle your base, two ways you  can do this. Number one, you can open up your map   and if you hover over your current base you can  simply use your right button on controller or V on   keyboard and dismantle your base. The other way to  dismantle is to open your build menu, click right   stick down or C on keyboard and go to disassembly  mode and then you can completely dismantle your   Pal box. Method number two is the hard way. If you  have a base that is lower than level 10 like this,   I'm base eight in this game, and you don't want  to wait until Level 10 when you have the option   for two bases, you just want to dismantle this  base and go somewhere else for whatever reason,   you can just completely demolish your pal box.  Before I do that, let's take a look around and   see what disappears when I do that and what  items remain. So I'm standing on my house here   you can see I have workbenches, I've got my berry  plantation, we have logging, we have our lumber   area, our hot spring, the pal beds, and then  the ranch. You will get a warning and it tells   you in bright red text once disassembled pal box  cannot be restored. My pals will not disappear,   but some items won't be disassembled and will  remain so let's see what happens. Here we go! Okay wow, that's a bit sad because I put forth  a lot of work into this. Let's take a look at what   disappeared, so pretty much everything is here the  pal box is gone, the beds are here, the ranch is   gone, the hot spring is gone, but a lot of items  did get left. So what I would need to go and do   is disassemble these items. We can go over to  the hot spring, get some of our items. We got   some pal fluids everything that went into that hot  spring just went into my pocket so that is a good   thing. I still have all of my pals that were in  my pocket. We also have to disassemble our storage   boxes and then we will go ahead and do the same  thing for this storage chest. So you can see how   much more difficult this method is. I'm going to  have to do that for every storage box. I'm going   to have to disassemble anything that I want to  take with me. It looks like a complete ghost town   here and I'm going to have to keep making trips  back here if I want to recover these materials.   So method number one was way easier now I need to  go and find a new location and start rebuilding   and then once you find your new location build  your pal box. Now let's see if all of our old   pals are safe and sound in the Box. Yep there  they are. You can go ahead and pull them back out   to your base and then you get to start all over  again building everything because nothing is here   other than your pals. It's been over an hour and I  have a new base started here, got a house, have a   place for all the pals to sleep, we have farming  started again, but what I'm running into is I   am very low on materials. My weapons are damaged  and I just need to go back and get the materials   from my base. So the best thing to do is to fast  travel and we are going to try to find somewhere   close to our old base which is going to be this  beginning area. We'll travel there I'm going to   take some of this food because my pals are pretty  starving back home and look at everything I have   in my pockets. I just am overwhelmed with the  amount to transfer here. And here we are going   to go back to our new base all the way over here.  I now have all of the basics at my new base but   boy was it a ton of work. My advice is definitely  if you can, wait until your base is a level 10 and   just build a second base while you still have  the first one. It is so much easier that way.   If you found this video helpful, please drop a  like or a comment down below, and if you like to   watch an old lady playing video games, consider  subscribing to the channel. Thanks for watching!
Channel: Buckeye Bunny
Views: 15,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld moving base, palworld second base, palworld destroy base, how to move base in palworld, palworld tips, palworld tips for beginners, palworld game, palworld gameplay, palworld guide, palworld beginner guide, palworld how to, palworld early access
Id: wk0CalxKhkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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