5 Ideas to Make Money FAST in Palworld

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hey how's it going guys Austin Mor skills gaming welcome back to another power world video so in this video I want to talk about the top five best ways to make money in power world so let's get right into it all right so the first best way to make money in power world is by selling Nails you heard that right Nails surprisingly nails are very profitable in this game you can make two nails with one Ingot so pretty easy to make I actually have a ton of ore from my mining base that's providing all my Ingot for me now I will say this Red Gyarados looking thing is like one of the best uh fire Pokemon to have at your base this thing just slams like look how fast this thing's going crazy I feel like it's making 100 ingots in like 10 seconds yeah he does have a level four kindling so that probably helps now I recommend catching a Wandering Merchant for your base and if you don't know where to catch one at I'll show you some good locations later in the video but the reason why I recommend having one at your base is because when you're trying to sell things you don't have to like travel from area to area to like sell things especially if you're carrying like a ton of different items and you could be encumbered so it's just not very convenient much more convenient to have a merchant at your base but as you can see here One Nail sells for 160 gold whereas one Ingot sells for 20 gold so you get two nails for one in it so that means you'll be making 320 gold you can see how that adds up pretty fast so I'm going to go ahead and sell 538 nails and as you can see I'm going to make 86,000 gold so now I'm going to show you two really good places where you can get a bunch of ore so that you can turn that ore into ignots and then turn the ignots into nails and make a bunch of money so the first place to get a lot of ore is a place where I used to have my base but basically if you go to small settlement on the map uh you go west from there I'll show you where that location's at but this is a really good location especially if you're kind of like early in the game it's just right over here but check out all the ore we have over here uh this is a really good base early game however as you get later into the game you'll most likely end up moving your ore base for another base that has coal and ore now you can find this location right here on the map and there's a good bit of room here too like you can build up there and then you can have your crew start mining your stuff for you down there all right so here's another location where you can find tons of ore and you can also find coal here as well and this is where my current mining Base is located at it's uh right here on the map but as you can see right here we have tons of ore and on the other side of here we have tons of coal over here all right so number two the next best way to make money in pal world is by selling cooked berries now berries are very very easy to get and it's very easy to have like Unlimited Supply of berries but as you can see right here cooked berries sell for 10 gold each whereas regular berries sell for five gold each so if we just cook our berries we basically double our money all you need to get started is a berry Plantation and you only need wood Stone and Berry seeds for that in order to get Berry seeds just Farm some lift monks and they'll drop Berry seeds but there's another pal it's uh this pal right here with the the shrub bush on it but this pal right here that I'm holding with the shrub bush uh caprita I don't know how to pronounce the name but this pal will actually Farm berries for you now the next best way to make money is by selling salads as you can see right here each salad sells for 120 gold for about eight salads you get about 1,000 gold which isn't too bad now it's very easy to make a Sal salad you just need some lettuce Plantation and you'll also need some tomato Plantation in order to get the lettuce Plantation you'll need three lettuce seeds Uh Wood Stone and po fluids you can get lettuce seeds by farming higher level grass Pokémon and tomato seeds I do believe Manda drops those all right so the next best way to make some money we're done with cooking no more uh cooking methods but the next best way is actually breeding you can make a lot of money by breeding Pals as you can see right here we have some eggs right here I am currently breeding some relaxasaurus and they are one of the most profitable Pals in the game let's go ahead and collect all of our huge dragon eggs we got going on here I'll show you just how profitable these things are I have so many of them I can't move now I recommend when you're breeding eggs turn on go into your settings and set it to where they hatch instantly it's just a lot more fun that way let's go ahead and hatch all these huge damp eggs boom relaxasaurus boom Another relaxasaurus and another one seven relaxasaurus that we just bred now this one right here actually has a really good trade Artisan if I want to have it like in my base it'll produce Goods a lot faster so I may keep that one and this goes for any pal like any pal that you breed um if they have good trades you can keep them if you want obviously but hey if they don't have good trades might as well sell them now you can sell all your pals to the black markets here over here so let's go ahead and sell our Contraband now you do get more money depending on the level of the relaxasaurus see like my level 34 I would get about 3.3k now my level ones I would get like you know 844 gold so it may actually be more profitable to go and catch relaxasaurus instead of breed them now a really good place to catch relaxasaurus or you know Farm them for materials uh they do drop high quality po oil which is very useful later in the game but it's this place over here aesthetic Falls that is the best place to find relaxasaurus and catch relaxasaurus all right so we have two relaxasaurus right over here we'll go ahead and descend down and we'll see if we can catch them and not kill them relaxasaurus is definitely one of the best Pals in my opinion very tanky and if you get the Lux version it's uh like electric type all was go ahead and weaken it yeah I do have a giga spear that should be enough go ahead and catch one now before we get to number five I just want to show you a couple locations where you can find your own Merchant to actually catch one to have at your base I feel like that is important because it makes this process so much more convenient now one place where you can catch yourself a merchant it is small settlement right here small settlement is a good place to catch a merchant however this Merchant is like level 30 or so so if you're a a little bit of a lower level it might be a little bit of a challenge to catch him so there are some other Merchants that are lower level I can show you where they are on the map now you may need a flying Mount to get to some of these but there's another Merchant at Fisherman's point and if we go around here here's another Merchant this Merchant right here is level 10 now the merchants with green coats they're the ones that sell ammo and such uh the merchants with like orange coats they're the one that sells like materials and such uh we also have a pow Merchant that you can sell Pals to so you can try capturing the pal Merchant if if the black market here is a little too difficult to capture another place where you can find yourself a merchant you do have to travel a little ways but there is a ton of merchants at the Dune shelter you'll have all types of merchants here though for some reason my game is a little glitched up and all my Merchant mer are underneath the map but we have the pal Merchant right here level 14 we have the uh the wander Merchant level 12 this guy is super easy to capture cuz he's only level 12 then we have the uh the ammo Merchant level 11 I wonder if I'll be able to take him out in one hit I'll throw a megasphere at him see if that'll be good enough maybe maybe not I should probably like attack from the back here we go got that back bonus yeah so Mega sphere should catch one now finally the next best way to make money is by farming this is more for people who are a little bit higher level if you don't use any glitches to actually Farm him you can Farm the Black Market at any level if you use a glitch to do so and here's the location where you can find him it's right here on the map you want to go to desolate church and kind of go south from that but basically you know you kind of just fall off the cliffs and it'll be like ground level now it is kind of dark in here so you may need a hip Lantern or a torch or a fox Parks but he's really really easy to farm if uh you're higher level if not you know you have to use a glitch which I'll leave a video but here he is right over here I'm just going to fortnite his little uh birdie right here you I'm going to send out relaxasaurus we're going to use some missile launchers on them yeah take them out super fast all right so we defeated black markets here and we got 37,000 gold coin plus three gold keys so yeah that in my opinion are the best five ways to make money in power world uh if you want to see more content like this don't forget to give the video a like and consider subscribing and I'll see you next video
Channel: More Skills Gaming
Views: 3,582
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Keywords: palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld, how to make money palworld, palworld make money fast, palworld money glitch, palworld money farm, palworld money making, palworld money guide, palworld tips, palworld tutorial
Id: qU-Pu5QZkmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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