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I found this place in powerweld where the remnants of an old ruined castle and its fortifications stand and I thought to myself this would be an amazing place for a base and I would love to restore this old castle back to its former glory the location of this ruined Castle can be found here at coordinates 23261 it's a great location near a body of water surrounded by trees and cliffs is very Scenic and a great place to set up a new home the inner Courtyard of the fortifications was overgrown with trees and rocks I had to clear everything so I could lay down a foundation of wooden decking that would form the base of my new home and I had to bring in an army of Pals to help me clear the area everyone was quite excited to get to work straight away to restore this Castle back to what it once was would take a lot of work but I knew it was worth doing one of the first problems I had was trying to build a staircase so I had access to the upper fortifications it was actually very tricky laying the foundations to be parallel with the original walls of the castle I had to make sure it lined up perfectly so the staircases wouldn't go off at an angle and be blocked by the wall I started off by building stacks of stone walls along the edge of the wooden foundations this would serve as a platform form from where I could place the staircases onto and eventually give me access to the upper fortifications I placed wooden roofs in between each level of the stone walls to be able to place the staircase onto them eventually I found a way to make my way towards the top of the [Music] walls the poers were exhausted after a whole day of work and had to make them a quick makeshift sleeping area the next day my first job was to plug up this gaping hole in the southern fortifications of the wall I have no idea what kind of catastrophic event led to the destruction of This Magnificent structure but I knew it'd be very dangerous if I just left massive holes like this in the walls it had to be plugged up with a brand new Stone Gate and stone wall fortifications the stone wall was finished and it looked pretty spectacular I wanted a nice Stone Road that led into the castle so I started to place Stone foundations that would make a pathway going straight inside but the problem was the stone foundation pathway wouldn't connect properly with the wooden foundation I had laid earlier I decided to leave it for now and enjoy the C view that you could see when the gates were opened the main problem with the castle was that the northern wall had completely disappeared so we were completely exposed from attacks coming from the north I had to rebuild the northern walls using Stone foundations and stone walls so we'd have a safe perimeter around the courtyard using this new stone foundation I was able to build a staircase and wooden platforms to build myself a way to access the other side of the upper ramp parts now I had complete access to the upper ramp parts and fortifications and I could see all around my new home because the original wooden decking wasn't really aligned properly with the rest of the structure I had to destroy most of it and relay it this big wooden tree here was kind of annoying and kept getting in the way it wasn't until later that I found out I could actually chop it down now that the perimeter of the courtyard was Secure with solid Stone foundations I had to make another entrance for the northern side I placed another Stone Gate as the main entrance of the castle I also built these Stone watchtowers in the corner ERS of the keep it's really important to have a good field of view all around of the Castle's area you really don't want an invading Army to sneak up on your castle without you even realizing they're approaching so as you can see things were coming along quite nicely we had the perimeter the wall secured and it was looking pretty solid we had some watchtowers in the corners we've got the main gates there with nice Stone path leading out into the lake and I stood back and had a look at the castle work that was progressing quite nicely and I thought to myself the original Builders of this Castle I think this would have made them proud so the next job was to build the inner building or the inner keep that would be placed in the center of the courtyard there's no point having defensive walls if there's nothing inside for it to be defending so I wanted a very Grand and nice in a keep house where I would live I used stone walls with a window to build the shape of the inner keep there were going to be two floors the first floor for dining and entertaining and the second floor would have my bed and my bathing area I jumped onto the back of my flying Mount to have an aerial view of how the castle was shaping up as you can see I've got two watch Towers in the two corners and then two smaller towers by the main entrance gate I put a wooden roof onto the top of the keep and I felt pretty happy with how it turned out it was looking pretty nice next I built some wooden cabins in the corners of the courtyard so that the poers had somewhere to sleep and [Music] rest I decided to go for this very simple Log Cabin kind of style that was raised up on stilts there was barely just enough room to fit in all of the Power beds but I think it was quite cozy unfortunately we had a bit of an accident where everything caught on fire I'm not sure why the food was on fire but everyone was okay they just suffered a few minor injuries so it's it's been a while since my last update I've added and changed quite a few things in the castle now as you can see I've gotten rid of the roofs on the towers and the keep and I've gone for more of a blocky box shaped style I think this just looks more Castle so I'll show you my castle now give you a bit of a tour show you what's changed as you can see I've added these torches to the outer wall so I've got some lighting so heading into the main part of the castle through the main entrance we are greeted by the main keep and we've got some torches here that keep going out for some reason the Torches are kind of annoying because you have to keep reigniting them so we enter the main dining entertainment room we've got a nice big table here for entertaining guests and eating food we've got a nice little bar here with stools so you can enjoy some alcoholic beverages after a hard day of work and then we have a little Pantry here which I haven't really finished um filling out yet so I just decided to quickly build a kitchen I put some shelves we got some stoves some cooking pots cooking some sweet corn and red spicy soup stuff and then we got a stove some kind of burner for burning stuff you can also use that as a frying pan thing and got a nice little rug and then I've got some new curtains in the dining room very nice and if we go upstairs oh we have some workbenches here in case you need to build stuff so if we go upstairs we got a few beds for Pals and little dresser and then the third floor we've got my bed and we've got some nice curtains and we got a bathtub and then we go onto this kind of balcony area got some fireplaces it's a bit annoying there's no fences that you can build in this game because it's a bit dangerous so yeah that's the main keep it's looking pretty good on the roof there's nothing on the roof but I'll show you anyway yeah the roof just has these two kind of watchtowers haven't really fleshed them out yet so we got the corner Towers there and there main towers by the gate and then down here we've got some hot springs for Pals on this elevated platform and then we have the west gate no the Eastern Gate Eastern Gate is here and that leads out to this side of the castle so you can see this side of the castle as well connects to the original old walls which are covered in green moss so you go in turn left you got the hot springs and then you got the power cabins power cabin one and then power cabin two over here and we also got electric generator and we also have some Berry plantations for food manufacturing very important so yeah it's self- sustaining got food got electricity you got hot springs got a nice little place to live there and then we got the wall fortifications going up here into here and also going up into here so you can see out from every angle and then also up here go a little fortification and then you can get up onto the uh the walls and walk around the walls the original fortifications of the castle still looking pretty strong I don't know what happened here it's like something came out of the sea something came from the sea and just bulldozed its way through this wall and destroyed all of the northern section of the wall as well who knows what that could have been so this the that's the southern gate that leads out towards the sea and then if we take an aerial view yeah it's quite nicely nestled oh there's also a ruined Watchtower over here maybe we can do something with that as well oh there's an egg what's that dark egg nice so it looks pretty nice nestled in between these Cliffs and also there's an area here which I started building on so there's a little grassy area in between the sections of wall and yes you can actually build on it you can build a platform so I started building a wooden platform and I was going to build maybe something like H maybe maybe a stone out house or like another Watchtower maybe could build a secondary little side building for the castle like this but that's another project for another time you can build on top of the walls as well look you can put you can't place these foundations but you can place you can place beds or you can place don't think you can place a hotring place a stove so you could place things on the wall if you wanted to and then you got this area it's also connected to the New Castle like this so this is all connected takes you straight up there the main problem was trying to connect this this road to this bit of the foundation I couldn't get it to connect to line up properly and also there's a bit of a hole here which I had to cover up using Stone fortification walls and there's a bit of a gap here but I couldn't really fix that so yeah that's my castle I think it turned out really well it's quite a cool idea to find these old ruin castles in the game because there's quite a lot of them there quite a lot of these old ruins and you can just build onto it make like a Frankenstein mish mash of a castle so you got the new part and then you got the old part it looks pretty cool I really like these old walls and the way you could build around it so yeah I'd recommend oh there's an egg just hiding in the corner that's weird so yeah I really recommend you go and look for some cool castles and try restore your own castle if you feel interested in this thanks for watching and bye-bye
Channel: Expert Review Zone
Views: 2,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld building, palworld gameplay, palworld build castle, palworld building guide
Id: yGaWms5bNK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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