10 Tips to make your life better in Palworld

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10 tips that will change your life in P World stay tuned for that what's up guys I'm Frankie boy and let's start with tip number one tip number one is the hangu travel what you need for that is reach level 20 and then you can get hangu gloves simply craft them and have hang you in your team you don't need to equip him just have him in your team like so and then you can use him as a glider and this is the only glider in the game that will lift you up it's like a balloon and you can reach hates qu early I mean you unlock the first flying Mount at level 15 but it's quite handy to just have that at your fingertips when you're just in your base need to fix something or go somewhere up and don't want to get your flying Mount out super handy tip number two is the glider glitch you guys might already know it you simply get out your grappling gun just any grappling gun you have then you go ahead and uh aim you don't need to zoom in you simply left click and then once you are almost at the Finish you press control for a dash and then space for using the glider it should go like this yep and then you're up in the air with more speed and you are super fast with your glider which is extremely handy and yeah you can see this is the normal speed it's quite slow in comparison tip number three is the building tip let's say you want a wrench somewhere in your next base so you're going to go ahead and try to build it some somewhere in your base I mean that's quite a bad example because my base is very stuffed right now but yeah you can simply like cancel the building and then they will drop of course all the materials you need and then you have it in your inventory and you can use that to then go to the next base you want to build this in in my case this one and right now you can build the ranch here because you have all the material you needed and this can be super handy to just build something in your next Bas and not needing to go to the chest and sort out everything and any anything you need that will save you some time also the next trick of course you all know the grappling hook hook transport trick but there's yet another trick for that let's say you want to transport these 2K fiber so you left click and hold then you press Tab and go to another chest and put it in there and you can even swap it out now you have the fiber in this chest no movement speed debuff while holding that and the wool is in this one so you can easily swap between chests if you want to let's say you have a chest right next to your teleport and you want to move there no problem at all simply go ahead and do it I'm going to do it and craft some more pal metal I mean pal metal sounds like a decent kind of music to me right tip number five the chest farm so let's go to the Dune shelter doesn't matter where you really are but farming chests in the desert up here is super efficient because most of the time you will only encounter legendary and or epic chests so simply go there and I would recommend going there by day time and scan four chests they will always be quite visible to you because it's the desert of course and in the desert you can remember your your position and of course your name as well so yeah go ahead and found those schematics as I found the handgun schematic right now yeah it's it's quite a nice schematic if you're into that so super important for chest Farmers out there to use this area for better results I would totally recommend it and yeah let's stay in this area because actually I would totally recommend every one of you guys as soon as you have your flying Mount to go up here to the Dune shelter I moved there from the Eastern wild islands and then via the pit Tower it's quite a journey to be honest with you but yeah you can make it I believe in you and yeah checking out the Dune shelter is super important like any Merchant spot in general oh wow there's an neeg and why is that so important this wandering Merchant for example he can sell you not only assault rifle ammo and each and every ammo that is super important for me as a kind of money syn and not having to craft the ammo but heat resistant undershirts and the thermal undershirt of course and you can use that to your advantage and then have these resistances up all the time super handy I would not want to miss this and I was there quite late so get it as soon as possible and as well this one sells tomato seeds oh no not this one but one next to him he sells tomato seeds and of course lettuce seeds and you need both of those for the best food in the game for your Ps and I will show you in the next tip also quite nice to of course sell your PS right here and I would recommend farming high level boss PS for insane money if you want that like you can easily Farm bushy for example and he gives you 1K super easy no problem at all and then you get some money and then you can buy more ammo 26 ammo at least and you will need that for tip number seven so let's quickly get back to my base and I simply love hang you just for the case of this like just for a short time period use him to elevate yourself but yeah you need to be careful when going down I I usually do that in steps because tip number seven is the best food for your PS in your base it is salad it's incredible because it actually increases the work speed for a short period of time not only that it also gives you oh I I don't have salad right now ready so let me quickly craft one to show you what a Pity uh also make sure to have like honey or cotton candy in your feed box because otherwise they will stuff in all the stuff from your um plantations in here and you can see it has a high nutrition super high one sanity 11 and also the work speed Improvement and it improves the work speed by about 25% so that's quite a huge Improvement and you can use that to your advantage simply go ahead and of course get this at the Dune shelter or any other merch that say it's the tomato seeds then get the tomato and lettuce plantage or the plantation and then you will have the best food in the game but yeah they kind of almost never put it in here in the fridge which is sad I don't know why that is I mean it's still a new game and it could be quite buggy right so let me quickly produce some more and get those guys working hard for income right here all right tip number eight just a quick tip Elemental damage it will increase your chance of catching for example using this this breath of ice Aqua burst and the more elements you have on an enemy the more will your catching chance be increased so you don't need those legendary pels all the time each element on an enemy will increase your chance of getting them so use that to your advantage it's super handy just a nice thing to know next up a quick tip get those malpuas they are super awesome for wool and you can get them quite early as well so these are their habitat you can get one quickly from the start here or in this area they are pretty crowded so get those instead of the Lamb bols they are cute but yeah I would totally recommend you getting those alpacas they are the best and tip number 10 is increasing your Pal's work speed you can actually do that by creating a fourstar p how do you do so yeah of course combining those and that one is starving and has a fracture oh no I'm so sorry simply upgrade those and then upgrade him again and again and again so you need quite a lot of PS of course and by a lot I mean really a lot but in the end you can even craft some five handywork Anubis for example but you will need to like catch a lot of anubis's for doing so so I would recommend you guys to get the offensive base right here and use that offensive base to catch all of the Anubis you will need simply stuff a lot of strong pells into this and base and then go ahead and catch the Anubis all right I think I need quite some more Ultra and legendary here so there's a lot of farming ahead all right guys thank you so much for tuning in I will speak to you in the next tips and tricks video on P World super happy to have you here and maybe this video is of interest to you where I give you yet more tips on pal world and this one as well so see you in the next video thank you so much for tuning in and goodbye bye-bye
Channel: Franky Boy
Views: 2,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming Tips, Gaming, palworld, tips, tricks, pro, beginner, advanced, weapons, armor, pals, pal, best, guide, gameplay, glitch
Id: n4ciAK6H5Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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