The FASTEST Way To Make Cakes In Palworld! (Cook In 10 Seconds)

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hey you yeah I'm talking to you do you want to bake cakes in power world this [Music] fast god damn right you do now for those wondering and thinking that it's a sped up clip and the speed's fake look at the speed on this monster and I just want to point out that this guy doesn't even have all the best work speed passives so we haven't even reached full sonic mode right let's get making some cakes now the first and most important step in this recipe is hitting that subscribe button and the notification Bell because I make daily power world content and don't forget to like and share the videos it really does help out and I appreciate it love you all a couple things you're going to need to do this better kitchen better cooking if you're not high enough level well it's the welfare pot for you and a flame cauldron to make your flame boys more flamier and some Souls from Pals that you've sent to a better happier place check out my previous videos especially the power soul farming guide cuz you can get a ton of souls very very quickly so we need some chunky ganai ignes and they can be found on Wildlife Sanctuary number two which is right here now you're going to need a male and a female cuz we're going to have to breed these so it might require quite a few captures if you're unlucky like I was now if you're a low level and you don't have access to Legendary spheres and you don't want to go to the wildlife sanctuary cuz it's too dangerous you can actually still get one at very low level so there's two areas that you can actually get jman tied from on the map that don't require the wildlife sanctuary and it's right here from an egg in the volcanic area now if you don't have heat resistant gear there there's another area that you can get them from they're from huge scorching eggs and you can find it in the castle ruins here so you don't even need heat resistant GE meaning you can get Ajman tidis at a very low level so if you're a low level just go and capture a Nightwing get a Nightwing saddle and just fly to all the roofs now you will find eggs on the ground as well in in Towers but they do respawn once you pick them up and you should eventually get a huge egg I found two in one run before so you just got to farm it daily but just check all the roofs all the nooks and crannies that they're everywhere in this Castle area it's a really good place for finding scorched eggs now I don't know the chances of getting a huge egg but like I said I've had two from one run don't forget to check these bones cuz there's always eggs hidden in there as well and that looks like a huge egg and it is lovely jubly now there's no guarantees it's going to be a German tide ignis so you're going to have to farm this daily now once you got yourself a male and female it's time to get breeding and you're going to have to breed a lot because we are after specific passive skills you want artisan serus and work slave now if you're lucky enough to catch a shiny Gman tide will get the rare trait that's also good is also conceited now another good alternative especially at low level is this guy Ragnar Hawk now I was lucky enough to catch a shiny one so I've got the lucky perk off the bat and he's got level three kindling so he's not as good as jman tide ignis but he's a close second where on Earth is that going now the good thing with ragn Hawk is you can almost control the passive skills that he's got because there are a lot of combinations to actually get a Ragnar Hawk from breeding whereas jman tid she can only get from breeding ing jman tide ignis but he's not as quick as cooking as jman tide ignis AKA Gordon Ramsey right so let's put ragn Hawk and jman Tide ignis to the test now these two have absolutely no passive skills to boost their work speed nor have I used the stat your power and you can see how fast the jman tide is compared to the Ragnar hork so there's an obvious clear winner here this is the real end game of power world making cakes for breeding so Ragnar Hawk versus jman TI ignis with no work speed passive skills at all so nothing to boost their work speed jman tide is the clear winner cooking two cakes before Ragnar Hawk even made one so let's compare a jman tide against another jman tide with his work speed buffed up just remember they both don't have any work speed passives only one's been buffed from the statue of power and the other one's just completely default so here he is fully buffed up this chunky boy's now got 91 work speed instead of the default 70 now let's make him have a cook off so one's got 91 the other one 70 let's put them both out and get them to bake some cakes and we'll see which well obviously one's going to be faster but they see if there's a massive difference it'd be really handy if you could put your poers into position and then just give them a command to not move not do anything and then issue the command to start working but I am excited to see what else is in store for power world I hope they start pumping out the content soon now that they' got all this money I mean 8 million copy sold in 6 days that is madness I've never known a game to blow up this much well maybe fortnite actually so there's an obvious winner here and you can definitely tell the difference in cooking speeds that's for sure that is quite the increase so I was lucky enough to breed a jman tide with work speed passive skills so let's test what he's like so like I said I got really lucky with this guy the only thing I need is conceited lucky or rare instead of Bly body look at the speed on that now we haven't buffed this guy with a statue of power yet but he is cooking fast he's yeah he's doing work this is the real endgame of power world who can make the fastest jman tide ignas at cooking cakes because you need so many for read and there's so many Combos and then you got to get the right traits and skills it's G now this buff is work speed with the Statue of power so on the left we got the jman tide with the Statue of power work speed fully buffed up and on the right is the clip that we just saw now there is a massive difference this is about 17 seconds to bake a cake on the left hand side now remember I've got Burly body as a passive skill I need to swap that out for conceited lucky or rare if I get lucky enough to get that but yeah 17 seconds is really quick that's a massive different so let's compare this one against the default jman tide ignis now that is a massive step up now cooking cakes is very slow anyway so Jan tide is always going to be the quickest cuz he's got level four kindling but buffing him up and getting the right skills I mean look at the speed however you can make it even faster by placing the flame cauldron down now just remember I don't even have all the best passive skills I need conceited rare or lucky and just remember that isn't even all the best work speed passive skills that you can get so what you you want to do is cook this recipe and feed it to your jman tide this will increase the work speed for a period of time making him a super fast boy so this is his stats by default 182 work speed and like I said I need to get rid of Burly body for either conceited lucky or rare to get that increase in work speed but I've got all the other good ones so he's pretty buffed up as it is but we could push it a tad further I just need to get lucky enough to get it but yeah 182 work speed pretty good going so let's Fe him that scrum didly umptious meal so 182 we'll give him that back out of the menu so that it can refresh otherwise it don't refresh now let's go to feed him again and there you go 236 work speed that is crazy and like I said we can push it even further I just need to get lucky enough I mean I'm breeding these like a mad man I've gone through so many jman tide eggs you would not believe it right so we got some cakes ready to be made let's see how fast he can be look at the speed on him he's flapping like a madman but this is roughly around 13 seconds per cake 13 or 14 and like I said you can make it even faster so this is crazy this to me is a good enough speed to bake cakes they're already really slow at making you know by default it's it's a tedious task but at this sort of speed you could get one jman tide cooking a ton of cakes for you in your base go off for the day do what you need to do come back and they'll all be made look at the way he's flapping he's going to have an anur in a minute but yeah I hope you found this video helpful I hope you found it informative I hope you learned something and I hope you get Super Lucky of getting the traits that you need and getting yourself a really good Joan tide ignas because like I said bacon cakes is the endgame of power world don't forget to check out my previous videos and obviously hit that subscribe and notification Bell absolutely appreciate it we're over 60,000 subscribers now we've grown from 30k I can't believe like the number it is crazy so thank you so much I really do appreciate it now on the road to a million also don't forget to like and share this video cuz that massively helps out as well and I'll see you on the next one bye-bye
Channel: CurtisBuilds
Views: 51,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld breeding calculator, palworld breeding, palworld cake, palworld cake farm, palworld wheat, palworld farm, palworld breeding guide, palworld max skills, palworld breeding max skills, unlimited cake palworld, make cake fast palworld, palworld tips, palworld guide, wheat seeds palworld, tomato seeds palworld, fastest way to make a cake in palworld, make cakes palworld, jormuntide ignis breeding, where to put cake palworld, Palworld cake takes forever
Id: F_uqVBAtt30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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