$1,000 GIFT CARDS STUCK Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot ASMR

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that's jammed in the back okay so wait till you see what happened this time around Elvis Elvis did not let us down mm-hmm we still but he still brings us luck we still have to confirm though we have to confirm let's make sure it is exactly what we think it is make sure you subscribe and hit all notifications so that you [Music] I like that one but nope George oh we got it looks like - $500 gift cards in there and Elvis is already singing what's your plan here we go already [Music] OUP the bug made it budge I can't believe you already got a budget I wanted to do the limbo this way it looks like okay I like the coho I like the color of them they're green it looks like their money green it also looks like those don't look like normal usually the amounts are up in the upper oh usually the amounts are up in the upper right hand corner so yeah I don't know some lips off big money big push big money big push [Music] do they look like real cars I mean they better be for as much as we spent you just move both of them you just moved both of them oh my goodness Oh oh my goodness I'm home I'm holding my breath right now I can barely breathe oh man oh you guys see this you guys see this we're not gonna be able to take our eyes off the machine yeah don't blink do not blink in this episode do not boys even if I say 23 times in here okay this is like when the video last week when I had well actually yeah well last week when there had LASIK but this is like when they they pried my eyelids open and I blink and I wasn't allowed to blink I feel like I'm under the knife again the Caillat xur again I should just hop and pop and blow the Terrorism I dare you [Music] you have gotten a few quarters fall but not very many definitely those powers are moving like there is no doubt no doubt whatsoever those powers are moving well did you see in the middle Tower look I didn't even notice that we're looking at four to five hundred there's a hundred dollar money boxes okay if you get if you get one of those cards what are you going to spend five hundred on [Music] McDonald's french fries and and an ice cream you're out of quarters already out of quarters the towers but Elvis is singing right now what are you thinking listen you're gonna have to go down and pull because I'm not taking my eyes off of these powers I do have a dual oh i joking she's pulling I ain't movin because these things are gonna fall fiebag 2.0 is holding four dollars 125 it sure would be nice if it was holding a $500 gift card they didn't fall yeah she only has 425 to work with oh I was just singing again always a good sign [Music] it's oh my goodness look at that thing oh she got so she got some that was your last quarter yeah is there anything old one just drop behind it no damage come on so she definitely got something to drop in oh I can't take my eyes off cannot take my eyes off we've gone down the pool plenty of times we and these Falls you're gonna have to pull I ain't moving [Music] so in the game three dollars and fifty not exactly where we want it to be but come on come on I can barely breathe right now oh my goodness I can barely breathe my heart is pumping come on come on come on this is typically we need something I was gonna happen yes who is playing now making me use lucky bag unfortunately another buy-in so probability is going down but my turn to shine here we go look at this first push oh look at that I already got quarters back I'll give you the SS 5 I'm gonna give you the assists on that I'm going all left all left all day we're taking the world oh my goodness look at that already look at that come on don't worry I am wearing lucky sock as well just one I don't have a sock on the other foot really no need no need at this point no no cool here we're gonna push here we go just fell you see this is what the power of the sock dunno I don't know why you claim this bag my sock is what's doing this come on baby come on big push big push give them drops you're gonna drop it like it's hot right now okay here we go I'm feeling it right here it's all moving oh my goodness that was my Metamucil push if I ever saw a Metamucil push that was the metal minstrel push right there come on baby here it is here it is here this here this we're getting it right here getting a little excited pushing a little too fast you know they say we both always wobble but that sooner or later they got to fall down here we go right here come on I'm getting quarters back I'm definitely getting four you trying to say I don't know how to play with my sock luck right here right here [Music] [Music] and combo is a pretzel I'm like a cheese or link on the rail Oh tons of quarters I'm getting tons of quarters but I want you see the middle one even move there yeah here we go come on big money big money big money come on big money big money big money come on drop it like it's hot drop it like it's hot taking this power down and I'm takin the gift cards with it all of the powers have moved that is true that I will invest in angry George Porter's I was kind of thinking more along the lines of real estate property in Florida but you got you gots to do sometimes what you got to do I need this I need this bush this is it this is it this is it it's moving like crazy I got quarters back well I think that's why they put them so called so they wanted to fall back you think we already lost on the first 25 that's my last quarter come on come on right here my last quarter give me some money got some money okay you're gonna have to pull cuz I got to keep my eyes on this thing [Music] look who stole the bag back from me do you know it $34 all right but if you get the tower to fall I get the assist she's at 3450 I feel like we can't even for you that power is coming though right now right now right now touching just I think it's actually touching the glass oh my goodness Oh give me something good I think it's actually touching my blouse yeah for sure then the card will fall first before the power [Music] come on you think the card is gonna fall forward or backwards she's calling the $500 that is a visa that's a gift for you gift card recipient 500 Volvo that's not a normal debit visa that 500 doesn't look like it's normal but usually they put them right up in the corner how the hell did you get that ball forward okay she's definitely if you guys saw that everything fell forward Oh guys guys Elvis Elvis this thing and shake with us shake with us come on shake maybe she'll get the other power down shaky shaky shaky shaky shaky shaky maybe the tower will fall come on grab your TV earthquake it baby earthquake at quarter lancet okay okay didn't work that time but I literally think that gift card is up against the glass I have no idea how she got that middle power to fall forward everything always falls backwards so she got the box to fall fall nice she got the box to fall forward which means the goal of the game you always have to get enough quarters to stay in to go after the big prizes so that's where we lost in the beginning that's the way it goes most of the time so very rarely because she gets stuff to fall forward and you get to see when she does there's gotta be my lucky no I don't think it's luck at 2.0 again it's the song everybody knows it's the side come on who gave her the assist on this one guys that was the epoch when that oh look at that oh my goodness they're gonna be so much ammunition now so always get the quarters as fast as you can so that you have enough to take down anything else if you go straight for the big stuff you'll lose immediately nothing on this card is about to fall right now it's leaning which way is it leaning [Music] I tell you about that one-legged girl that I went to school with her name's Eileen so we definitely I mean there is gonna be so much to work with here look at it pushing it everywhere fun to work with Oh even more I can't believe that thing still expanding look how much it's leaning how much it's leaning it's against okay she's got two quarters left and that thing is up against the glass oh there's a bush I can't take my eyes off this thing I cannot take my eyes off this thing got it back 6650 I gave her the setup and look at that there is $100 box there's something in it there's definitely something in it I'm going I am definitely going for that tower to the left here we go all right I know we got plenty of ammunition we got to take this thing down and if I take I take a quarter by quarter smack up against the glass if I take a cardboard back quarter I will still take it I think I'm gonna get both of them this time I'm gonna get the left and the right oh man if you guys could only see is leaning up against the glass I just bounced one I just bounced one the buckets out if I could bounce one to ricochet it up how would that be like a three-pointer in basketball okay so here did you see the back of it oh I see what they did did you see the back of it I see me they're there for tech they're protecting the information so nobody could steal it they're protecting the information that's what it is that's why it's weird okay Oh Elvis Elvis is singing guys aren't having a rapid fire everybody everybody's shaking shake let's take the rest of that Tower down and we've got to get we got to get that $500 come on lumberjack it with me people number jacket with me all right all right that was a pretty good push right there oh that's another sweet push yeah I gotta get that card if I can get I can get the tower to fall I will have enough well it's like surfing the card is like surfing big time which is usually what's you know the cash does they're just not heavy enough if you can drop coins on them then way that baby down what you're talking about Georgia [Music] what if oh my goodness what if the other one falls into the other playing field [Music] my hope and prayer is that it doesn't fall into the other class that would be heartbreaking which you just never know what the hell is gonna happen that's that's what we've learned I just bounce a quarter I'm getting too excited I'm definitely rapid-fire and way too quick okay I gotta slow down I gotta breathe I gotta breathe moving it a Metamucil technique it's taking course no no not our viewers no way our viewers know our viewers never Google no I just put it in the comments what's ASMR [Music] okay we got a quarter on the gift card now [Music] [Music] doing really good we got this much left we got a lot left to work with I'm trying the rabbit sorry question can't believe she's actually about me [Music] trying the rapid-fire technique [Music] and let you finally let me play again oh yeah they began to wail that's right that should be less drama hey everybody I'm home on your laptop shake it so we can drop oh there you go nice drop guys nice - this is not gonna be an easy one this unfortunately is not gonna be an easy one oh but we got yep look at that we actually have we have weight on that card that thing is gonna move it matter of fact I'm gonna drop a little bit then drop a little more on it right now okay I'm gonna see if we just drop some weight on this party get that thing push then you see that dropping everything everywhere it's not taking enough Metamucil you see you're supposed to take a teaspoon in the morning throughout the day in the three times a day well I mean how regular you want to be a few inches late he'll $70.25 and unluckily why we were bullied we blanked we blinked the tower did fall more you can see right back here the good news it actually put more quarters on the actual gift card won't you just go all the way to the right so you can get the other gifts cards just go right right right right right see if we can get that other gift card to fall cuz so we got some ammo she stole the bag back she's got it we lost the fall that's the crazy thing you blink you move Oh you blink or move and if something's gonna happen in these machines and I didn't think it was at the point where I couldn't I don't know it just felt I guess I was supposed to do right the good news is bad news is it fell backwards instead of forwards but we're about to get this one this one's gonna fall forward fall forward it's getting really close to the ground really close to the glass she's jamming it up it pushes getting pushes that's good [Music] on that power that power is ready to fall you already call this going forwards I'm calling backwards yeah whoever whoever gets it right gets it [Music] both of them you called for words I'm falling backwards [Music] I'm gonna push it with my mind push it with my mind backwards if I go sideways we give it to a neighbor actually we're pretty lucky right now I'm not playing I think there's somebody on the clear other side this thing goes all around sing goes around in like a huge circle so this machine's like 10 foot tall and it's probably what would you say like 8 foot wide and all the sides of a circle with it on the sides so we don't have anybody next to us right now there were but but I think there's somebody on the air [Music] oh thanks Gary [Music] money if you're getting buried buried money it's like buried treasure that's what we do we unburied the treasure oh it's moving we unburied the treasure gonna budge I'm gonna push it with my mind here I go I'm gonna starting line working right now my pushing did you see me push it backed up a little bit George but it's actually touching the glass left lights move back it's definitely touching the glass it's gonna fall either sideways oh it's going backwards it's definitely going backwards it's touching the glass going backwards I'm winning them [Music] who gets who's gonna get the hundred dollar box with whatever's in it if I get if I when I win the gift cards because it's gonna fall backwards who gets the hundred dollar box Oh also she's claiming that one when I called it I said this middle Tower is leaning towards me and then BAM so I remember nothing do you recall that moment it looks like the gift card is inching closer though in the middle you're wearing them too close it's definitely the quarters of them I just don't know quarters are moving all around the gift card in the center [Music] Oh strawberry I found a book about hypnosis and a storage unit no joke we actually sold that on our Sunday night auction and then I also haven't find it books about moving things with your mind I am going to meet this thing with my mind I'm gonna start concentrating right now now I might need a little turbo boost turbo boost isn't with your mind it's the other side so that that definitely helps it you have to Huff him up and blow it over you know what that's like like when you eat the Indian food that you love so much yeah you know what that's like humping the Puffin blowing me over Jeremy Lake new plan you don't like any type of doesn't like any type of flavors I like [Music] oh I'm pushing it with my mind oh my god [Music] no no definitely gonna fall it'll fall sideways towards the middle come on I might need a little turbo boost good thing I have to come for lunch lots of sausage because I've been pulling it while I've been pushing the other you know there's one thing I know how to do it's a multi path better for this world I am a professional [Music] look it's of these occurred this literally it's surfing it's like surfing the waves yeah it's on an plane right now there's not many things I do well in this world but come on let's do some damage oh here we go here we go maybe maybe let's keep watching if this thing falls on us again [Music] 105 50 and I got it back I am takin that tower down one quarter at a time I think that's a given it's gonna fall backwards I'm pushing with the quarters and my mom yeah this is gonna be as a matter of fact I'm gonna go middle I'm gonna push quarters in the middle and to the right that's how I roll boom boom rapid fire so I'm gonna get both cars I'll teach her I must show her how you actually can get both cars all right shock so much that one and if I do look I'm getting that one closer look at that it's surfing [Music] I'm gonna save you I'm gonna save you $500 daddy's coming don't you worry and that is coming for you if daddy doesn't drop quarters all over the casino in anticipation would you call mr. insult dismissed [Music] mr. useful I want to be a real point pusher just like yours [Music] [Music] that's right look it's like it literally it's jumping up in the air okay please take me home that's pretty awful I don't think I'm plugging the power at all but I'm about to I'm a you guys know what to do is it going backwards we know what things Elvis is it's daddy I'm I'm your daddy card holder [Music] who's your daddy big Parvati better stay with me I'm getting it you're gonna see it right here on what the Hales Jeremy is gonna teach yours what you don't know about for inclusion oh look at it so close to the edge oh look at that that's all my rapid-fire I don't know what she just [Music] now you can Spanish - woman more languages than I ever know exactly what was your first Egyptian work do you remember everything and now all the sudden you can't remember back that far see these were remembered that you can't remember everything you can pull up she can pull up a text conversation between me and probe before you remember that one time in a text I didn't even know you don't you talk back to me no you know what you would have text me if you didn't know me [Music] [Music] reverse oh I got some stories who wants to hear stories about doors let me know in the comments because the whole next video will be stories stories with other Bobby about the gypsum mummy you see it that's how I roll I wiggle i jiggly I'll make it happen I wiggle it not jiggle it said I just dropped one on the card I'm jamming now not in a good this this is not an easy one may look easy everybody thinks this is easy but oh here we go this is it this is gonna be it [Music] oh I saw it drop I'm the one dropping it like a top come on I'm getting that card it's coming home to Daddy it's coming home to Daddy don't worry it's gonna fall you keep watching I'm gonna talk the clear choice and get that machine that keeps your eyelids open and I'm gonna put them on your - no they literally went all the way over here it's right there believe it fell down this I can't believe it that one went over it's right there nobody's well that would just fell that one just fell everything is falling everywhere that fell we've lost it George stand over here I want you to stand right here at this machine [Music] one 126 50 is what we pulled George stood here and held the spot we are not leaving there at all this we are not abandoning it we are bringing it home just go all to the right a few inches later got it so close so close oh come on come on come on come on come on come on bring it home bring it home bring it bring it at home this is where it all started on this side one of the craziest place ever I need to go home for a break okay we got both of them so I'm guessing the numbers are underneath there so we're gonna have to call and confirm we'll do that bonus hundred-dollar role so there is they shook it so there's 200 there and what do we have oh another shiny gold border great they love these gold quarter things okay check that out another gold quarter alright let's go let's go let's go call and see if there's anything on those gift cards let's hope they're real here we go we're gonna find out that was awesome 500 that's another grand [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 169,426
Rating: 4.9197011 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: Fr3rpjKOVzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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