MONEY TREES Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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I like that kind of firewood are you gonna tell them what happened or you want me to with all the craziness and legalities surrounding the warehouse and our rented space very very George she suggested we should do it we should get away mm-hmm so I said yeah hey Hales yeah let's go campin to what she responded camping is that what it's called now uh-huh she's gonna be camping at the coin pusher found this in a storage unit we were supposed to go camping that's new safe word now campaign 'i'm pain camping instead she took me here to the woods look at this this has got to be one of the coolest setups I've ever seen it is literally a forest in another country and they yeah money there's money trees right there I think they're all 100 100 100 $100 bills it's a forest of $100 bills I don't know you'd knock one on them out of there and we'll find out there's a bunch of all right you're going to the right this time you just drop to the middle you say joking another right you drive to the middle oh well if the trees is moving I never thought I would be dating a lumberjack but lumberjack it up George that one just bounced all the way to the left the coin look yeah her mom's big money big money big money I wonder look at the hundred-dollar bills over to the right there overhanging I wonder if you could get a pile and not throw stuff into it oh you almost took a tree down are you gonna yell temper these are Christmas trees alright eager beaver whatever you do don't build a dam with the trees oh I saw that tree move you got an entire force there's time to take it down new new development coming in you're moving the trees but they're not my lucky pick of the road look at the wrist how about you do - chainsaw let me see you do - chainsaw they're getting closer oh you got a quarter a quarter fell that's one but usually you go to the left you decided right today I might have to switch it up and out of her life it just pushed it closer you're gonna love my oh you got a good push there I saw like five trees they moved they were just swaying in the wind we're getting there sway on not going over so we can see how many bills are in it know if the trees do like a domino effect one tree takes up the other tree that would be amazing yeah that would be incredible I'd buy everyone a drink in here first around the waters is on me okay I'll take two waters many ways come on come on come on come on second wave man George yeah remind me if I have any clear cutting on property to outsource that and so to have you do it one just fell down do you see it no it fell back did it really yeah oh she had a yep she knocked one tree down George yes you want to knock the trees forward not backward just throwing that out there just throwing it out there some more quarters when you at least gotta get come on you at least got to get you 25 back so you play in the one there in the middle Wow Elvis for singing it always is good when Elvis things we always get a good push come on oh this you are good luck charm come on Elvis don't fail us we got some development property here recorders that's the development property here we got a clear cut so we can put up a warehouse so we can do our resale business from the warehouse yeah well I mean I mean we'll plant new ones around the warehouse that we built yeah who you throwing shade up yeah I like shade but more quarters you got your Dom the three last quarter come on come on give me something good I don't know you got very much in there let's pool or find out oh I don't know you're gonna be able to do it's a little weak lucky bag is holding five dollars and seventy five cents well we're done can we just go back to the camper and we really go camping have a little bonfire and get away with real with real trees sure all right so what's the plan I am going to hit hard oh not bad so you're going back to the old faithful left side huh she's going back to the left are we making s'mores tonight sometimes with caramel can I have caramel and KitKat something sure you can have whatever you want we Chrome we make up our own words we do we don't have to follow the traditional s'more way we don't we come you want KitKat somewhere now come on come on come on you're getting somewhere now come on I want some more I want some more Elvis posted it Elvis did it you got your lucky Elvis all right down the three three left yeah well you had a pretty strong comeback there so Elvis was singing Elvis don't you just have a couple more full Elvis was on your side Oh one-quarter can can do a massive push one snowflake can cause an avalanche that's a lot more encouraging boom shacka lacka lucky bag brought me back $15 even alright still down from your original 25 and you're buying let's see what you got let's see what you've got here pretty close what's your plan again you go in lefty going left she says she's clear-cutting lumberjacking getting a chainsaw on cranking it crank it crank it crank it like a chainsaw come on give us a pelvis thrust oh so close she's got one tree knocked down over those so there's one and three 670 looks like they're not dying trees I don't know if you can knock one in we'll find out how much is in extreme oh it's just spun one come on come on about 15 a good work we need some campfire baby come on get some campfire wet it doesn't knock them trees down so we can have a fire right now yeah all right she says shake it guys shake it shake it shake it shake it don't break just remember shake it don't break it adjust your mom and dad nine months to make it oh man I love it when they shake it hey take a tree down take up three down I I love trees I absolutely love them to shade beauty of them the whole deal but dumb these trees didn't come down these can come down right now how many more how many quarters you got six or sometimes not get a couple good pushes I think that you push that left side up quite a bit you got some more quarters you're still in the game you're not out of the game all right so after my rapid-fire three here on the Left I've got three quarters luck we're still in the game so second push second wave you got your quarters back at least that's looking good not letting the house one lucky bag is holding 16 dollars and 59 I'm bad all right she's right there yeah that was close to I actually think you're one over here to the left is closer in my opinion see what she can do is it weird that I dream about this you're dreaming about it now everything you do is are in my dream and horrors falling and quarters pushing one another yeah that's weird I know I'm not the only one like thank you all it's confession time I think you literally are probably calm it down you got heart issues issues oh my god this one's about to oh my goodness what is is hanging on the edge literally on the edge it is on the cage it is on the edge can't believe it it's over oh come on Oh what's the singing get a tree get a tree get a tree come on shake it Elvis shake it out of us on the edge she's got one stuck on the bend she's got another just like floating it's hovering oh my goodness I can't believe it you have to so close but they're not falling this crazy how in the world is that thing still on there no way look at this people look at this don't put a quarter in don't put a quarter in look at it is surfing there is nothing there is absolutely nothing under it except another quarter that's insanity yeah keep going keep going keep going this was the campfire is for how in the Hales is that thing still on there that's crazy all right we'll see what's in it let's see what's in it she got one Tim Bert she got one then we'll see what's in it you got that one caught up on the on the left still too yeah let's see how many are in that hundred tree we're dying to know come on show us all right stuff one more who's wondering if this is two bills oh it's one $100 bill and then the trunk of the tree yes yes okay there's your coins we were at 47 25 on quarters 47:25 okay there is a forest and knock down all the woodland creatures ran to the left and to the right so we're good there sing it again you're gonna get another one if you keep going to the left rapidfire he's singing go to the left much more go back is that one is so caught up here comes here goes not even Elvis could get that one more pushing that one right there on the banjo I think so yeah it's caught on something that's like three trees three trees fell into each other over here see what you can do now some quarters they get some good quarter pushes you're getting all this support trouble ray out of the way it moved it moved just clearing the fourth shrubbery now she can just take some trees down you're getting the shrubs you have to go in there with a soldier to get these treats my goodness whatever thought it'd have been so difficult we've seen a really nice location to build a new warehouse yeah actually we could leave those trees right up front to hide the warehouse in the back yeah still got nice road frontage beauty appeal cuz I can't believe it Thanks so you've been fighting that left the entire time come on let me hear your best timber this is to tree she took two trees down I think you have another tree floating on the edge to the left do you see it do you see it look at this don't don't push anything yet don't push anything look at this the tree is floating out under the edge oh my goodness this is why this is wild who thinks this stuff up this is no my name just heard from all the food most people aren't fun employees like we are and they have to go back to work life is pretty empty right now here's my assignment that's what happens when you come in during the morning and the week you're gonna do anything on the right I can knock those two trees down and then I won't have a choice but to go to the right those trees are all caught up - she's clear-cut half the forest can we get ice cream after this like last time yeah I want some ice cream around the campfire in the camper yeah it's good for us to maybe I don't know if you're gonna get that other one it felt weird why don't you try the right sorry summer be recognize both sides I just got it just got much closer changing it up she's going right now she evaluated and popped that one little s was a little bit too difficult look it's already working for you it's been retired for us and the entire forest right there hit Elvis the same way to the cow nice you ready to let me play yeah you know the viewers want to see competition me versus you can win more most getting closer I wonder the left has definitely stuck but you're pushing the ones to the light closer you're definitely getting the one to the right closer that last poll was amazing oh wait wait yeah I come on shake it without us everybody shake it at home with Elvis this wasn't that kind not fun not alone perhaps I'll have a little conversation about this that one at 1/3 is definite you fell it and then sell it for sure it's there I don't think it wants to go anywhere she's got one two three four looks like five trees are right there down to one quarter make it count come on all right let's pull four here's four more trees we already got one before this and the right total are they're all $200 yeah okay leaves and us okay all right so that's a hundred more how many more do you have you got that one all right so there's five more you've got okay so there were ten trees total I thought there were nine so there's ten trees there's still another thousand dollars she counted and you were 59 right all right let's do this it's time to clear cut you've got a thousand dollars in hundred dollar bill trees so far you got fifty nine dollars to get the rest it's time to get to work I wanted to go camping but it's time to work so close that one on the left actually did just move it stuck you have to get it it's stuck you have to push it you're gonna have to unstuck it let me see a change soul where I just put let me see you wobble with hit that right it hard stuff though it doesn't count unless it comes out behold you're gonna have to get some oh you got it three more trees $600 there were trees get it yeah I get it then there were three three then there were 600 dollars you get it you get it there were 600 dollars obviously just saying I know another tree would fall oh oh my goodness you heard us yeah like he can hear us oh my goodness killing it I thought you were gonna lose it two more then there were do don't forget it dose you want those trees get it dose you want those trees oh you also you got number jokes but I got two more trees are you going for all the trees or you're gonna leave some for the others I think I think to be fair I'll just play what's left in my lucky bag and then yeah $59 and quarters and her lucky bag I think she was going for if I do great if not I think those hills you'll see some wooden trees for the other yeah pretty sure you're gonna get them trees if you got $15 one way or another forget if I win all the trees first round of drinks is on me water for everybody the diet waters here are pretty good you have to admit that zero calories and still refreshing sound up that's a good thing I had some dietary earlier polish it is it's the diet work it really likes the dietary the diet for usually normal air I breathe it gained five pounds but this diet air might have to become a vegetarian after this yeah there you go good pushes get some really good pushes look at that yeah keep stacking them up with the three they're doing come on come on there's so close to the edge if we could get a windstorm if we could get a windstorm and operate those those things would fall right in your Elvis quarter lamps the quarterly come on come on come on come on suppose you see moving a halt man oh man my heart is pumping Oh moved again I can't take it I can't take it too much this is too much the tree is falling down so close one word you got this they are on the edge so close which top of the tree is more important the first one the second one are the last one all of them every single shop takes the tree down come on come on come on one more that's $200 it's $200 waiting for you to claim it how much left you got in the bag oh the silk okay she's got seven left she said she was gonna stop no matter what once she emptied the bag she was gonna stop no matter what she's trying to do it with the 700 my goodness it's hanging it's hanging by a thread she said she was gonna stop I'm down to one quarter one quarter left she's got true quarters left two quarters left to make it happen will it happen will it happen it will will will are you serious I like that kind of firewood are you gonna tell him what happened or you want me to I got all five don't move your hands move your hands look she did not play she didn't play when we pulled and we cleaned out it came down it actually fell on his own we did not touch the machine she got all $2,000 there were ten trees $100 base and $100 tree top and then she got all of her quarters you want to tell him how much
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 162,164
Rating: 4.9240627 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: KwSpsePLFiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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