FORT KNOX GOLD Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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i knew after you got your brand new lucky bags that we were coming here earlier in the week usually we're here on a thursday all day but nope today is tuesday it's going up on a tuesday there's elvis the princess are lucky elvis coins no idea what she was just singing the actual bag from our subscriber eva thank you so much don't forget to subscribe and hit that all notifications button hit that bell here we let's get ready to rumble or should i say gamble but wait it's not gambling if you're winning check it out do you see what i see i see a criminal i see a criminal trying to steal from looks like fort knox here this is like mission impossible let's play this one [Music] got my new lucky bag [Music] so she's going to the left we happen to be here first thing in the morning again look you're just shaking a hurt [Music] yes where did that come from but the machine is pretty much all packed we know it's not because of july 4. i think i think people are just hungry nice and we're actually here earlier usually where you come all day on thursday yeah oh it fell on the pusher you know a bunch of oh nice a bunch of things going on on thursday but she got her new bag i couldn't wait to use it and uh we're here on a tuesday so who the hell knows what that's going to mean for videos this week how many oh my god you got hundreds falling everywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] the possibility is very likely [Music] oh you're in it you're in it every single hundred has fallen back backwards every single one i've got two remember look over to your right look over to your right if you move that if you move there's a mystery bag back there you see that whoa if you oh look look get the mystery no look look look don't do anything yet if that mystery bag to your right if you can move it further to the right you may be able to knock those hundreds into the playing field yeah that'll be my next plan of attack do you see what i'm saying oh i feel like i may be able to drag them in oh [Music] did you hear the tragic news of elvis's grandson uh only because our subscribers have told us he was 27 or 28 and he was shot he was found dead uh shotgun would ruin to the uh to the chest so they're thinking suicide come on give me a push down to one quarter one quarter left and one quarter can make a difference but not this time you'll never believe it you're never gonna believe it but i'm breaking even i'm back down to 20. we should just walk away right now she's at 25. we might as well just walk away but elvis is singing we can never walk away when the tank is hanging that's crazy i don't think you've ever done that before broken no right off the rip never never [Music] did your black mystery bag move it's starting to shift it looks like it shifted did it shift why we oh all the coins fell back okay i was gonna say did it shift did everything shift when we were pulling like the machine keeps going obviously when we go down to pull and we try it does strange things when we're not looking we try not to blink that's the crazy part but it's nearly impossible not to blink it looks like your the mystery bag is actually yeah if it could if it could sweep the hundreds that would be [Music] awesome breaking the prophet breaking it right in [Music] that would be we need a break we need a break because we end up yes oh did you see that we end up we end up eating everybody else's oh did you jam in yeah oh i think i clogged it oh there it goes it unclogged spoke too soon she was rapid firing rapido i guess you know i get so excited just remember everything's closer oh nice up on that top everything floats are you seeing what i'm seeing what you just dropped right there no i just saw i just saw you drop the hundred right there you just dropped it was the three on this one here i was looking right here and i'm watching here i have a feeling all three of those 100s on the left will fall at the same time and if they do and if they do you tell me you want to play [Music] yeah i want to play okay [Music] i'm tired of being the sugar daddy fund in all this you uh it's time for the sugar daddy to be the play daddy we can take you off the bench are you tired of being a benchwarmer my flick of the wrist has healed i'm not on the disabled list any longer look at that you just dropped it over yes i still got these two to fall forward there is a chance [Music] everybody else around us isn't doing too much [Music] there's a bunch of hundreds to the right of us there's 500 ships to the left of us i see phones golden tickets further down from the left oh yeah all right down to two quarters back down to two here we go all right everybody let's make this good a rock with us rock with us rock with us lane with us rock with it you're good this could be it this could be it that was not it keep your eye on the mystery bag the mystery bag see what it does i'll pull and count for you george is counting she's pulling check this dude out it's like don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't know except georgia's gonna steal all the money from fort knox first [Music] boom 61.75 all right i gotta be honest i don't like the way that dude is staring down at my place that's so you're trying to hit him with quarters or what like they bounced right out faster i don't like it i feel like he's watching if you go too fast they spit out do you think that uh he's part of security here he might be but i had a feeling he was trying to break in the mission impossible that's what i was thinking but it's making me a little uncomfortable oh nice i'm pretty sure all three of those 100s will fall down at the same time if i keep getting really good pushes all those other hundreds up on the platform with that bag if you could sweep all the i see one two three four five i counted five yeah maybe six six if you could sweep all those in with that bag how epic would that be it would be so epic it would be beyond epic that'd be the biggest that's that'd be big that'd be the biggest one don't look away don't look away nobody look away because anything could happen at any time whatever you do don't look away don't worry we have heart monitors we just found one in a storage unit [Music] you said all three were going to fall at the same time i was so confident that all three i almost forgot to play i got two of the three to fall right away oh so close so close one more awesome push and then boom i say if you can sweep that there it is all right so there's at least 300 there could be more than that sometimes they've been double rolls yeah so i love it when they're double rolls that's what she said so when if you can get the mystery bag in just sweep all that in that should be my buy-in i should be able to play with that buy-in because that wasn't even part of the rewards that was just decorative purposes there it would be an awesome perk if it did i don't think there's any rules against it right no there's nothing if it's in your playing field you win it oh look there goes oh we still have two standing 100 rolls that i would love [Music] oh elvis is singing everybody come on do the things shake do the same thing oh that was a sweet that was incredible guys oh you guys are amazing keep it up keep it up keep it up you guys are making it rain rain lying crazy it's a hail storm wow singing oh you're 100 900 it is raining hundreds it's raining quarters it's raining mission impossible people it's raining creepers in japan and i was in the ocean maybe so in japan culture is a little bit different here than in the states sure as you know if you come from a different cultural background and they all paid to go to public bath houses called own centers and i didn't know there was actually oh that hunter just fell nice i didn't know there were rules so i just jumped into one of the public baths with a whole bunch of japanese men well you're and i cannonballed and i wasn't covering anything and i didn't know your hair on your head couldn't touch and i just started singing it's rained man hallelujah it's ring needless to say um the white samurai got kicked out wow why am i not surprised you're known to bend the rules a little bit but it was it was a hails of an experience i didn't know you were supposed to have a look you're so lucky they didn't take your [Music] that's so weird why not it's all part of how else do you wash your hair it's a cultural thing so what you're saying is the japanese don't wash their hair no i'm saying i'm no longer allowed in japan you've been banned from the entire country way to go now you can add that to your bucket list [Music] i for sure thought that 100 on the left would have fallen by now what countries are you banned from none that's also where i went uh major bridge jumping so a lot it's funny when people comment on the videos and they go how dare you do that if somebody jumped off a bridge would you do it and i'd be like no i would be the first to actually jump so i was doing major bridge jumping so in japan when i was there helping establish christian camps um we went and found some bridges and jumped down into major rivers and i'm still alive lucky to be alive it was my lucky salad were you wearing lucky sock back then always i wore it every single day i i was there for two what was the temperature like hot and you were wearing socks well yeah [Music] you're such a grandpa i'm the grandpa you're so basic [Music] are you going for mystery back now switching it up i'm gonna see if that mystery bag can sweep up the all that stuff move them get it get it get it come on oh come on take it with it take it take it i don't think it's gonna happen oh no it just dropped without grabbing it now we needed it to sweep they do that to tease you they do that intentionally to tease you oh i should start calling it george or jeremy how many more do you have uh i got about two dollars left you better hurry up and win it all before that dude comes swooping down and tries to take fortnite i am down in the four quarters now four quarters come on let's do some damage i need a george assist here here we go shake again everybody shake it right now take it and oh don't break it don't break it one two three four i'm wearing them on my fingers five and then a hundred and ten quarters that's pretty epic okay so she's got to go over here we got the mystery bag we got one two three four five okay so i five more yeah they're usually what a thousand they usually put a thousand in each one yeah like that i think the most was 13 almost everyone was 13. i don't remember so there's five more oh you forgot to you forgot to give credit to the creepy guy staring down all right well the creeper creeper guy staring down you can see his shadow he's getting no he didn't break here oh it fell backwards i actually still have one i have 100 rolls standing up please don't fall sideways that one has to fall forward otherwise i'm gonna lose it every single one has fallen backwards and normally 99 of the time that's what happens i just don't want it to fall on the ledge you know what i mean if it jumps over into the other playing field [Music] i quit i don't think i don't think that's possible but it's very impossible for me to watch them jump into the end of the shoot yeah we have watched that [Music] oh the mystery bag's like right in the center now it's front and center it's getting down there did i tell you about the the owenson manager who came in and after i did all of these shenanigans did i tell you about what happened no well all the japanese we share actually there's co-ed onsens and then there's non-poet okay and all the japanese men fled the [Music] which was a little old japanese woman and remember these are baby houses these little those little japanese women they don't mess around culture is extremely different in the united states than it is extremely it's like night and day so she walked in you just found so weird you're like i just want to bounce it right into the street i'm just gonna take it back it fell back it fell back they all okay well i'm just glad that it didn't fall on that land so the manager walked in i was the only one left and she walked in and i wasn't covered at all with her without a taser uh no taser but her eyes were bigger than mine and she just stared at me and she said godzilla godzilla and i was stuck i didn't know what to do i needed to walk faster to get to my clothes and she wouldn't move and we were in all we were in no stair down she was screaming godzilla i didn't know how to get past her to go get my clothes from the bathing house i was like i paid good five dollars to bathe here five dollars u.s or well with the conversion it would have been equivalent of five dollars u.s i didn't pay in u.s money [Music] so needless to say lesson learned was get ready now go go um don't step on my blue shoes that's the lesson that's the lesson everywhere there you have it folks don't step on jeremy's blue so then i went with all of my buddies to another one where they had a giant pool and we created a nice place oh nice yeah we created a game we call it onsyn balm okay so we took notes and towel and we tied it into the shape of a ball and we made goals on each side of the pool and well you pretty much can think of it as water polo but it was like a three foot pole or and you would jump up in the air to score and yeah it was raining men hallelujah now co-ed but it's mostly that was all men i never went to a co-ed once never went to a co-op that would have been [Music] but i can't go back to japan if you want to be banned owen synbalo's way to go [Music] did i ever tell you about the time i got kicked out of italy no oh crossing the lines and drinking holy water i told you i told everybody on the live stream i shared pictures of it oh yeah you did that was in the vat again yes yes i do that's on the that's on the sunday night live streams i shared pictures of it so needless to say not a lot back in italy at least not at the vatican what will you do when we finally make our way to egypt what will you do to get us banned from there i can promise you it has something to do with the sphinx and the pyramids how many countries are you banned from zero i can't believe i get banned for having a bond rules are created because of jeremy he gets banned from different countries did i ever tell you the role that my college put in their handbook because of me maybe you did but refresh my memory well remember i was renting a housing from the college while i was there i did four years of college in two years and i had atvs and i actually put my atv in the kitchen and they found out and they put a role in the handbook i'm like yep that's my rule you weren't riding around you're just snoring it's in the kitchen to keep it from the weather because i could take it on the back deck through the door and then they put they literally put a rule in the handbook no atvs in the student housing kitchen like who does that um i think i think once i moved out you pretty much got that handled i don't think that has to go didn't uh there were quite a few rules created because of you [Music] not clothes [Music] rules are as a matter of fact put your rules down in the comments before what's your guess what rules did those create because of me being employed as their manager yes there are legitimate corporate rules because of me because of mr hales now who wants to guess what youtube rules have been created [Music] well there's been rules implemented at storage auctions storage unit auctions because of you true that is true that's true and not only have i been kicked out of countries uh life storage didn't kick us out i wasn't doing anything i was just minding my own business and i got kicked out remember when sherry had the popo try one of the police officers pulled me aside and he thought that uh he thought i was there trying to get my unit back and he's like what are you doing here rudely and i'm like i i i got scared i was like i'm here for the auction i should have had officer audrey i wish he would have been recording then he just jeremy looked at the police officer he's like she's with me and then pulled me pulled me away from the officer and then you looked at sherry you're like sherry tell this officer i'd do this for a living and then drop the mic that's when you drop the mic oh they just got they got two of the 500 chips to the left of us oh nice i got the other one on the edge lucky almost have a mystery bag oh it's so close the ones on the right aren't even moving they're [Music] you being made the marquee lights go off oh they're applauding whatever you did you made the marquee lights go off it just reminds me of an applause [Music] what's your guess what's in the mystery bag i don't know i think that's what the little thief the mission impossible thief is going for do you think that's what he's got his eye on i think it's gold that looked like four knocks to me i bet you it's gold yeah it could be anything it could be a quarter in there for all we know it could be some mini depends for him because you know he can't get down to the bathroom yeah pushing too hard having accidents up there those ones on the right [Music] so you're gonna go for the ones on the right or are you going for the mystery bag well i try to hit the it left like mystery bag is going to fall [Music] come on mystery bag come home did that let's let's solve this history together unsolved mysteries what's in the mystery bag it could be nothing the casino could be like congratulations you just won a black they could be like velvet flag [Music] feel it it's velvet i think it's gonna go it's so close wait that was me that was me i was gonna go do you need a restroom break sir i said georgie georgie [Music] [Music] go number four number four oh yeah i got the bubble guns all right i'm down after these quarters i'm down to two quarters two quarters no wait no four quarters she still has a dollar can she get mystery back with a dollar mystery bag with one dollar come on baby here we go here goes everybody shake shake shake and uh no no no [Music] if you can't get all that money with that that's a problem that's going to be a major problem that's not your only major problem but we could start there [Music] 192. there's now we're down 191. that one dollar just made like 10 bucks if you can get those things to actually move [Music] you know what they say shift happens come on keep shifting keep pushing keep shifting keep pushing keep shifting and winning and winning one big one a big money big money but something has got to happen here in that corner come on we gotta start making more oh mystery bag just fell out just fell on its own i didn't even get a good push i can't wait to see what's inside but i'll take it oh that was a good push mystery bag i bet what did you guess what was inside what's got me inside yes what my soul lucky socks no my soul your soul okay weird guess but okay where else would it be not in that bag come on big money big money big money oh you're dropping it like it's hot now [Music] okay i think yes what if we we saw that mystery bag once before didn't we yeah it's a hundred dollar bill there was some paper money in it yeah all right i'm guessing pretty sure there are some benjamins i'm guessing there's some benjies in there yeah what's your guess oh i don't know i'm thinking nothing it looks pretty flat it looks flat like dirt like my what like beer [Music] or you're just getting old [Music] [Music] my four leader [Music] why don't you go maybe you go back over to the left and get that 100. i'm switching it up left right left right i'm doing left left right right it's working already yeah yeah big money right there call that i was doing left right left left [Music] what are you trying to do put the secret code in for contra a few inches later something has got to happen there on the right this is we've been here for two hours [Music] it doesn't even feel like ours oh [Music] what just happened what just happened [Music] two hours later and those things finally move i think one of my quarters jumped again and then pushed it over [Music] [Music] ridiculous they won't fudge they've moved an inch in an hour it's insane all right i'm gonna have to start moving these things with my mind [Music] or with my elvis [Music] there we go there we go okay i'm thinking some more movement there i'm about to let loose my metamucil push on them all we need is a good metamucil bush who doesn't need [Music] [Music] free metamucil giveaway jesus first oh yes did you just see that i only thought there was three in there there was there was a fourth one hiding in the corner you just dropped one three more jesus will change your life first metamucil runner up yeah try it at least once [Music] money back guarantee [Music] and it doesn't taste bad at all it almost tastes like orange crush it definitely tastes like orange crush when you mix it with orange crush that's the secret that's the secret or even mix it with ginger ale or ginger and gilligan or ginger and marianne you can mix it with ginger marianne that'd be fun and skipper too [Music] come on give me a good push they're so close we're definitely making progress come on come on [Music] right on the edge right on the edge come on baby yeah there's one two more to go we gonna play it out or should we just leave now i think we should play the rest of uh lucky bag and then cash out [Music] mama's getting hungry all that metamucil talk is making me hungry oh now you're getting hungry when am i no i think you have thyroid issues [Music] so stinking close you might just have to abandon them if they won't move well if we run out if i run out of quarters in my lucky bag [Music] you got like two hundred dollars well you started with it how much do you have now [Music] will not move [Music] a few inches later this has been the longest fight ever this is ridiculous this is crazy but it's like a fun fight it's one of those fun fights actually a fun battle the struggle is real right now i was gonna say the fun fights are when you win but you are not winning this one slowly but surely don't call me slowly but surely [Music] i can't [Music] well there is a national coin shortage george really [Music] i can't believe that thing will not go what's odd like what does that even mean i don't know i just figured they were short like you you're five two smaller two they're gonna be smaller coins i guess maybe uh the coins instead of a penny now they're half cents we call them half cents quarters instead of quarters are now 10. [Music] oh my goodness i can't believe it that is crazy something's [Music] [Music] it's moving but it's just taking baby steps we don't need baby steps we need big daddy steps some yabba dabba flintstone steps yeah this is it everybody's shake shake shake shake shake shake with elvis he's singing come on we need all of you we need you and elvis come on we need you at home we need elvis here let's make this happen right now right now where's lucky stockman right now right now oh my god i cannot believe this this thing is defying the power of very many people shaking out their emotions this is insane i don't like it okay something's about to happen now yeah nothing that's what just happened absolutely nothing nothing at all come on baby that thing will not go no matter what all the porters are falling there's like a big shelf recorders out there thing is crazy come on right here no you've got to be kidding me [Music] how in the hell is that thing hanging yeah finally [Music] that's 217.75 worth of orders all right mystery bag remember she had mystery bag on the edge the pretty black velvet bag which i for sure thought had nothing in it let's see what's in it was i right money oh nice two bitcoin baby [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 299,480
Rating: 4.9029288 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: 3t0h0IR02wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 57sec (2517 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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