STACKS OF CASH Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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i'm not happy at all elvis how can you do this look who the hell's is up i've been itching i mean i've had an itch and apparently it needs scratch because she was begging begging this morning yeah i mean last night's last night's song pretty inspiring don't you think yeah so usually on the channel you never see things as they happen and today if you get a win you're going to actually see it as it happened but actually saturday and fridays those were as they happened too so you're queen i mean she's ready to go do you want to see how much money george potentially wins today make sure you subscribe hit that bell icon so you can keep up with us and see what the hails we find what we win what we everything i didn't know everything had anything to do with this but apparently it does [Music] oh how i've missed you elvis and lucky bag ammo bag starting off per usual 25 and quarters why'd you pick this one why wouldn't i pick this one look at it i get it are we gonna stay here tonight or are we going back home i don't know i guess it all depends on whether we lose or not but i picked this because i was i've always been intrigued with like the the ancient world and this reminds me of [Music] an ancient world do you see it yeah well yeah kind of like columns the old columns of the ancient ruins of greece yeah or maybe italy i've been to italy have i told the story about going to italy you told me it's moving already the viewers would love to hear your story going to italy did you get banned from that country as well oh hale's yes then yes you should share the story well i oh elvis is singing already i gotta be quick quick with it rapido rapido look at this okay you know what's gonna happen right they're gonna they're gonna come forward and then they're gonna fall backwards yeah or sideways look at the one on the edge to the left how epic would it be if you trick shotted when you rap and find my gosh i didn't even notice that i just noticed it like well you know where it probably felt it was probably already played you see what i'm saying and it jumped up no no look they were probably the one is three stacks high right oh yeah and then there's a two and there's a one they were pusher i think it was it these were probably stacked to the top we're probably getting it after somebody already played this that's what i'm saying now i smell it probably it probably wasn't everything ancient ruins it probably just got ruined two two that would be my guess that would be my guess that guy's mystery bag just fell off the picture i love a good mystery bag we should introduce [Music] quit eyeballing his mystery bag focus that's the first time i ever got in trouble for eyeballing somebody else's [Music] wait how much money do you think's actually in there oh good question [Music] i think there's seven in every uh like rubber band loopy thingy [Music] look at the middle doesn't the middle look different than the other ones in the middle the middle look in the middle of those the power piece so that's definitely not a 20. all right you're gonna have to get that out and find out what it is all right i'm down to two quarters make sure there's no hiding in the corner i think i think that was on the glass i think it's actually is it on the glass if it ain't on the glass it's gonna be not there yet which means we'll probably never be able to win it that would be my last quarter that's the way it usually goes that looks pretty good for our footsteps right 17 is this quarters back to you you feeling it [Music] i'm feeling lucky i'm feeling froggy i'm feeling lucky i'm feeling hot my hot flashes are kicking in it's not even night time i'm feeling hot too but so italy every year i would take my students for those who don't know i was actually a master's i was a masters level adjunct professor so i would take up the six students a year they would get their master's in organizational leadership christian education or christian counseling they have what's called experiential education on site fully accredited so an epic push every year we do an overseas trip and part of the experience was to teach them how to raise funds fundraising and cross-cultural experiences to understand that america isn't the power america isn't the only place in the world there are other people and they need to understand that so we went to italy and we helped establish a camp there in italy [Music] you want to know the best part about me being in italy was the part you got kicked out well but first i have to tell you italians love fashion they love it and they love american fashion [Music] so i packed so light i had one pair of socks i was there for over two weeks i have one pair of socks i have one pair of underwear two t-shirts to swap out one to watch in a snake and i brought all kinds of supplies and i was wearing socks with sandals and all the italians said is that good is that american fashion american fashion and i said i said yes i said mamma mia yes and i got all the italians to start wearing socks with sandwiches you better believe it and italy was never the same is it me or is all this looking at me like let's get it george let's get that money you say shaky shake it he said you know my blue suede shoes that's what he's saying so i literally did have all the italians wearing white socks up to their knees do you have a picture of this this said outfit there are a lot of pictures from me in italy on facebook push all that hundred dollar bill over to the to the left it's creeping on the edge it's beyond yeah i've shown you some of those pictures but i've never seen the picture of you wearing white socks i didn't even have a push in it fell that was awesome today might be your day again oh that hundred on the pusher just rolled back it was so ready to hop off but yeah i have yet to see the picture of you wearing white socks up to your knees you don't have to see the pictures you get delivered every day you don't wear i think you stopped wearing that i have i haven't seen you wear white socks and sandals you want me to start it again just for you yeah bring it back [Music] up on the window there oh i was looking at the money you were looking at the point i was looking at cash you were looking at going maybe instead of left maybe you should go right you should switch it up what do you think i don't know what you just did but you just had a good push i didn't do anything that was nothing those are the best pushes when they fall by themselves i was using mind control again oh it was mind control because i was using mind control again all right down to just one shiny quarter that's it left right center you're asking you're asking me contra codes or should i drop the coin to the left to the right or the center uh i would go to the right just because your jam isn't cleared on on the left this better be right move because once you go right you may have gone right you may have done right all right let's see what happens i'm still on the game with 50 in quarters and that hundred dollar that just voluntarily jumped out on itself i wish they all did that don't you who doesn't right i'm to keep playing to the right [Music] because i don't think you can go wrong by playing right once you go right oh everything is moving yeah it's all a good sign that's met a beautiful push right there [Music] so in in italy they when they eat their meals and a true italian can tell you this meals are it's an event it's not like here in the us where we go oh we're so casual here it's a big ordeal you get bread and nutella and then you get meat and then you get you know fruit and then you get it it's hours and hours long there's always a pasta obviously but my biggest contribution to italy oh my goodness oh my goodness something's about to crack something it's about my friend's biggest contribution to italy oh my goodness this fashion my hot flashes just got hotter what's about to happen oh my gosh i'm gonna be so upset if the right tower falls over into the next plane too no mama will not be happy you're still jammed up on the left too you've gotta play you've gotta i don't know what if you go middle [Music] how did i oh know goodness no way my hot flashes got even hotter no way oh that works my last quarter that hurts so bad that's the three that i don't think [Music] i'm still in the game with 24 worth of quarters in the game but not happy with the game not happy at all elvis how can you do that what just happened did that guy just accidentally trick shot you just lost one oh my god i wonder if he knows he did that [Music] oh my goodness you feel better it's the person who's on the right of me could knock those a little bit better but i think i feel better if the oh 100 just fell if the person to the right of me could knock those two off back into my i place oh my god that 100 did it again it was getting ready to fall off the pusher and then it rolled back all right oh oh oh something's about to fall in all i am she got one she got one and she's getting a good push yes mama's happy oh there's rolls [Music] it was to the right it was now it's to the it is to the right it was to the left i did say i was feeling froggy and these walls are jumping forward what is going on today [Music] this is just crazy this is pretty awesome this is just oh what do you think i might need your help and see if you can uh try and um get the two do you want me to jam it oh there you go you just dropped the 100 you want me to try this if i spin it yeah there's no way there's no way those things are it's just going to knock it into the other playing field i don't know i mean it doesn't hurt to try right let's wait till we get a ton of ammo you're gonna have to get a bunch of quarters for me to jam it to the right [Music] whiz willow hers that that's what i used to say in italy four four down to four quarters i thought the italians had to say so you don't know what feeling froggy means but you know what g whiz williker means well i wear i wear knee-high white socks with black sandals so basic all right here we go here we go second wave it reminds me of a gun chamber so i did count the center is definitely a hundred the center is and around it is twenties and then the other hundred nice nice and then fifteen dollars even in quarters elvis said it best he said let's get that money elvis said that let's get that money honey when did elvis say that you didn't have to say it you just gave me that look he gives me that look i'm about to give elvis a look if he keeps calling you honey i'm gonna try and get i'm about to call priscilla right now you want me to call priscilla you can call priscilla you'll get nowhere oh the one on the far left is coming down next oh it's definitely it's ready it looks like it's ready [Music] yeah it looks like it's [Music] an awesome ready [Music] [Music] i've been there before i've hit that left hard [Music] this is insanity the guy doesn't laugh oh there it goes the guy to the right of me accidentally bounced a quarter and hit one of my rolls into his own playing field instead of mine oh my goodness unless you drop one okay you can't be focused on the ones you lost you got to be focused on the ones you got right yes i got a feeling there ain't no way you're giving him a stinker she's never letting us go home so for those who know where we are we know many of you have met that you recognize where we're at uh we will probably be here tonight if you guys want to do a meet-up dinner just don't confuse this with the caving trip that we're hosting in october that's in october but if anybody wants to swing swing out tonight um we're probably going to be here right you ain't letting me go home wow another rubber band bundle that's 220 dollars in this bundle and then 18 75 and quarters nice all this says let's get it george see that look there's that look he doesn't have to say a word he he's my cheerleader that's how it's gonna be elvis you're my that's how charity is huh cheerleaders i don't i don't my people at home i don't roll like that is someone getting jealous over a plastic bag yes yes why yes yes you are yes yes i am i should switch it up and go to the ring do that hundred on the edge that hundred well on the edge it's ready to join the party and there it goes there it goes there it goes and everything on the left just moved you're not messing around you've been [Music] i've been dying to come play [Music] i was starting to get cabin fever [Music] you could only watch so many reruns of the office [Music] no actually you could never ever run out and [Music] don't let it go to the other please do all this you do the same all right i'm down to two quarters i don't think i can get it in this bush no but elvis is i'm not i'm not your tree leader out there here we go here we go yeah oh do you think it's gonna fall i'm happy with that it moves do you think it's gonna fall though i hope so we'll see what happens [Music] kinda low on quarters but dollars and seventy-five cents all this says says what say what up what did you say you pulled a hundred as well but elvis is singing she got a roll [Music] [Music] roll the middle is moving now you think the center uh rubber band bundle will fall over the far right one first the one that's already stopped the race is on it's kind of straight i'm not oh sure maybe the rubber band will keep it stuck there oh no it's dangling it is dangling in the way mine's dangled when i sit on a stool it's having short girl problems right now like me here comes the push it's a mini flip oh [Music] oh nice you know i uh i'm happy for the guy to the right of me that he got a bundle roll but i'm still giving him the stink guys that's not the only thing i've got two more quarters i'm just going to go dead center here we go did you just cross those ships no that wasn't me won me [Music] [Music] did you hear that no squared squared 220 bundle squared what's squared times two because two of them fall fifteen dollars and seventy-five cents in quarters the under dollar roll on the car left just calling me you're going for the hundred yes here she comes for the hondo guys coming for the 100 roll it's ready to join the party [Music] well hopefully the last bundle roll will move with every awesome push [Music] are you seeing this no i've got tunnel vision [Music] are you staring at that mystery bag again is that what you're referring to not at all not at all all right well i'm gonna keep my eyes on the prize until it falls i'm so close i'm just going dead center right now again four choices you're going middle center you're going pedals [Music] the little mini ones are cute and the epic pushes are pretty i mean i don't deny that there's some beauty to it but elvis is singing and i'm doing the two quarters yeah he is all right i'm going dead center i mean center center [Music] almost right in all kinds of balance your dude your dude is helping you out got that hundred dollar roll to join me and sixteen dollars and seventy five cents in quarters should be able to do some damage with that i got you elvis i got you [Music] what am i am i invisible here seriously my top liver this is getting out of control what it's like [Music] is what did you hear that's not what i heard well depending on what you heard i heard you what's up like what you were talking under your breath again i was talking about my breath again so in other words you thought i cropped us as you but in reality it was your breath okay all this is singing time to drop it like it is [Music] give me [Music] oh what was right [Music] i'm just going center okay [Music] sounds good it seems to be working moved did you not see it no i've got tunnel vision i'm down to three i'm down to three quarters [Music] help a girl out [Music] now we're gonna try rapid fire we're gonna try it do the honors of winning it for me i already i already am going for it doing what i can only one man oh yes okay but that's not what she wants she wants me to rapid fire the money she wants me to try and get another muscle she wants me to try and get the bundle i've got money left to do it with i'm gonna see what i can do guys let's see what i can do let's see what happens [Music] gotta make up for the lost bundle that we lost earlier [Music] i have faith in you all this and i will be your cheerleader george washington [Music] my rapid fire is off [Music] oh but i got you a sweet push i got you a sweet push got you a really sweet push [Music] come try and here as many borders as you can those were my last quarters there's no way i'm going to push those off there's no way [Music] 26 50 and quarters four 100 rolls that join the party [Music] five of the bundle rolls at full fell all together eleven hundred and two bundles unfortunately left [Music] behind [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 142,814
Rating: 4.950532 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: GnBEMX1x66c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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