GOLDEN TICKET ON THE EDGE Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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[Music] i jammed it i jumped it in the back oh my god it literally went all the way over here it's right there believe it i can't believe it as this one fell down the shoe i can't believe it that one went over it's right there nobody's played oh that one just fell that one just fell everything has fallen everywhere it's like a complete and total war zone there's money boxes there's coins half structures destroyed demolished into other areas oh my goodness i said i was gonna cash out but psych i'm not walking away you're doing what i still got lucky bag 2.0 we're going to keep playing all right we going for the rest of these quarters no i want to get the rest of the hundreds and the logos oh she's going for the iphone and for the hundreds [Music] what's the strategy now the left okay uh you know what happened when we hit the right last time everything went wrong everything went wrong hey sir sir we actually we have a buy-in on that one already but we we pushed a lot of stuff over there so we have a buy-in on both of these right now all right i'm gonna i'm gonna almost i'm gonna just stand over here and guard it so we made a lot of noise and it drew a lot of attention obviously he seemed okay with it he didn't get upset all right did you see that there's oh i just noticed a silver bar that's on the uh oh yeah there is a piece of silver actually i want to see yeah all of those boxes we pushed all of those boxes over when the first tower fell [Music] everything i have to stand in the middle now i have to protect the spot yeah you do oh nice push if this isn't awkward i don't know what it is [Music] a lot of people have said why don't you both play at the same time this is not easy the quarter lands made it happen yeah we gotta record the winnings it'd be hard if uh [Music] this this is what started it all the mess is crazy [Music] that gold ticket and she gets that gold ticket she wins the iphone again for the second she's won an iphone before i gifted it to my mom for her birthday thankfully she didn't gift it to me yeah you're anti i know so now who do we know that has a birthday coming up me march 30th oh your birthday's already passed who has a birthday in that's why everybody's here right now i don't think america knows how to use an iphone well we don't know unless we gift it on the board [Music] oh he's doing good he's actually he's doing really good over there okay so the machine good vibration time good vibration the machine is surrounded yeah and we made so much toys i mean that's just whether you hit swamps or whatever people start blocking where the winning is they do the walk-up lock-up and um there was a little bit of a seam in that tower fell that down do you think so oh yeah [Music] okay apparently the hundred is coming down yes she got it it's like i can predict the future or something [Music] so those are like the golden tickets like willy wonka i got the golden ticket you win the prize that they showcase we could just resell it yeah we could do that you're actually getting really good pushes or we could give it away to america people are hovering i need the people are hovering i need to just flame the spot over here there's george pushing over there remember this machine is about ten foot tall it's probably eight feet wide it's a huge machine there's like eight signs oh the gold ticket just moved i can't get that silver quarter to budge or the silver bar attacking the right right now let's see what happens i gotta i gotta come back over here and protect the spawn you getting any good pushes we will be going for that right there [Music] oh ticket just shipped it [Music] i'm over here just having fun by myself well it's just the sooner you get that the sooner we can jump back i've got like one leg over here right now as if this doesn't look weird absolutely everybody he's standing on one leg while the other one is floating in the air protecting me come on give me a push yes [Music] that's the way it is i like it it's really nice i gotta i'm gonna have to swing back over here i just want everybody to know let everybody know that this is our we are coming back here coming back here look there's the boxes that we pushed over he's getting them over there [Music] come on you got 100 to fall all already so far yeah i thought you'd have those over their 200s already [Music] working on it they're coming they're falling i'm not walking away until they do [Music] very [Music] come on george get them all this plane to [Music] come on give me a push [Music] oh it just rolled back that 100 on the far left but it's ready to fall it's definitely ready to go [Music] i love it i love it that one looks like it's coming next [Music] i don't doubt it one more hundred one oh so close so close more awesome [Music] like a boom [Music] oh my goodness it's teetering on the edge look at it it's literally teeter-tottering on the edge don't play with my heart benjamin don't play with much it's teetering wow come on oh man sure thought i'd fall by now he's playing games with my heart oh you got it you got it you got it you got it okay she's getting some good pushes i gotta i gotta protect the first spot remember this is where it all started oh man i'm going to have a heart attack [Music] hey you got the hundreds of balls you got the hundreds of paul this is the guy the guy to the left that's the guy oh george just had a big push the guy to the left is the one that was came up to try and play this machine and we're playing two right now actually we're playing one it's very difficult to go back and forth you got you got that hundred that fall off oh nice the one we can never get those hundreds to move up top [Music] right now so i think he got the other some boxes to boxes came from the ledge when the tower fell over it pushed them over [Music] are you after all of this are you gonna take me out on the fourth of july for a big party barbecue ice cream dinner the whole deal yeah what are we gonna do on the floor you wanna do uh hot dogs on the fire oh my goodness do i ever jumbo dogs my favorite there's a shortage on jumbo does there actually is if you get jumbo dogs from save a lot which is the only place that i know yeah they're the best dogs ever and i love them looked over the fire i can't get enough jumbo dogs you're gonna have to put two regular sized dogs no they don't taste the same i don't wanna i want my jumbo dog just close your eyes and pretend oh really yeah what if i tell you that about all the things that you have to have specific to the brand uh i could compromise use my imagination you should just smother it in cheese and melted cheese [Music] i like getting caramel for apples and then and then making s'mores making s'mores with the caramel so you get the hot marshmallow and then you put the caramel it's cold you put it in the fridge and then you get hot marshmallow cold caramel in the in the s'more it's amazing i gotta i gotta protect this house we are we're going for those you're standing like a starfish right now i really am come on push there's something we can just slap on the glass and go reserved or we should have brought a a sticker that said the hailed away social distance it's crazy because states are closing down like like pennsylvania's getting strict again but other states near ohio and pennsylvania no issues at all i like the looks of hundred dollar bills are those paper clips still they are they're still paper going so the two hundred dollars and then lucky 2.0 bag is holding 146.75 this golden ticket right here is being so stubborn so i think what i want to do is get some more quarters as i'm gonna swing over yeah okay get more quarters and then that way i'm going to share the golden ticket are you gonna go left or right uh yeah i'm gonna start off left because for sure all of this all right she's going for that so i'm i've got one foot over here and i've got one foot over here now [Music] why don't i came here to make it rain why don't you put one foot over here and i switch with you we could do that george is protecting the other area she's got she's starfishing over there she's going before ammunition it's easy for me because i like to sleep like a starfish and have the bed all to myself an egyptian starfish come on give me some ammo he's doing really good over here he got that hundred to fall oh he just he just had a whole hundred bucks look at that guys he just had a hundred dollar box home should we ask him no you never talk about how much you well i guess i mean you won't talk about bitcoin investments or anything like that i don't think i think all right come on give me some quarters i need like one or two good pushes and i'll get a ton of quarters to fall on the left so actually this works better if we bounce back and forth so we don't have to keep staking the claim [Music] i just bounced one [Music] he's getting some good pushes [Music] your quarters way so much yeah it's kind of i mean it's slowly moving [Music] there we go now the real singer here comes the vibrations that help [Music] i'll shake everybody shake shake shake shake here we go here we go [Music] okay people are hovering just throw a couple quarters in there one to the right real quick just swing over there really quick [Music] it's kind of like when you play uh five slots at a time you get up this ain't easy it requires a lot of skill [Music] a skill a lot of patience [Music] are you getting it to move he's getting that he's getting that box closer [Music] are you getting the bubble guns not yet not yet i've never not had bubble guts i'm starting to sweat [Music] you should we've been at this machine like eight hours today we've had a couple wins but how many losses so far like six losses that many all right all right um seven [Music] i need to go home take take a nap i need some num nums in a nap [Music] that's what i need i need num number now how about num nums by the campfire nice push [Music] i like to push it push it oh the box is falling back here we go here we go here we go dude your box fell backwards so did ours over here it's crazy yours is ours [Music] that is the way that thing is supposed to fall it's a dangerous dangerous tower there are you going for the money boxes i'm trying to get them to move but i feel like they keep sliding back i'm getting a ton of orders getting a ton of quarters but the money boxes they're being just as stubborn as the golden ticket [Music] dropping them quarters like a getting hot in here come on grab a [Music] yeah i want to see the tower that partial tower on the left to fall forward that one yeah oh my goodness she actually does have the face of the tower the base of the tower is right there on the edge the entire base of the tower so if you get the base of the tower then are we gonna go back for the iphone yeah because i'm trying to get as many quarters as possible on this playing field and then i'm gonna go after that golden ticket she's going for it guys so close so close i got the box on the left to move forward but the one on the right keeps flying back [Music] you have some money to follow us for sure [Music] give me that coin it just moved the left one just moved oh you just got it you just got it all right oh you actually have a base here on the right should i go after that one too you might as well you might as well go for the base on the right and then let's go for then we'll go for the golden ticket [Music] challenge accepted when you got shake when we're all shook up [Music] i think if you keep attacking the right which got us in the problem in the first place if you keep attacking the right [Music] then we can go for that iphone i just want to get that base to fall forward and then it does keep moving but it's moving in the wrong direction i'll be really impressed that she can get all those points to fall [Music] lucky bag is pretty magical so it's possible it's very impossible [Music] he's close he's really close really [Music] close it's coming come to mama come on you're going the right direction baby steps baby steps let the metamucil do its work the power of work fiber oh my gosh it's so close come on give me a really good push [Music] that was awesome let's pull let's pull shall we [Music] it worked the plan worked i got 233.75 a lot of coins and they say there's a coin shortage in uh because i've got it all in my lucky bag okay so here we go she is going over here yep trying to push the golden ticket so we can win another iphone [Music] golden ticket here we come i already know what she's gonna do there's it any way she's leaving those ones behind [Music] she's so close she's gonna come back over here do you think so i already know you're gonna go back over here nobody else is gonna play that spot now because it's not reset up yeah it'll be bad for him we took the fun out of it but it's still fun for us because there's a ton more quarters to win so you're just gonna play all left i'm bouncing back and forward between left and right because i want multiple quarters oh there's a good push all across the board [Music] you dig it can you dig it i'm digging oh my goodness i still can't get that silver bar to move it's being just as stubborn as the golden ticket [Music] what is it like an ounce of silver or [Music] yeah finally getting that but now that silver bar is being just as stubborn as the golden ticket was [Music] earlier it's moving [Music] 230 some dollars then that's enough ammunition yeah there's some damage you got enough i know you ain't gonna let that hundred go i had to move over somebody actually got our original spot and started to play but we're not staking a claim to it anymore since we swung over here oh nice nice not as easy to oh so close oh man elvis is singing now bring it over bring it [Music] [Music] all right that's golden ticket here we go golden ticket and then we can cash out really you don't think you're gonna go for them boxes over there should i i don't think you can't right now somebody's playing yeah if he continues to play when i'm done with the bag i didn't think anybody would but that hungry pile recorder [Music] what's that elvis what did you say the golden tickets about to fall down the well oh oh oh oh peanut butter man or sandwich [Music] the gold oh there's the there's the silver bar if you drop the silver bars all right now it ain't about the golden ticket anymore now it's about the golden ticket and the silver ball you know what that means leave no silver bars behind me oh my goodness we have been here probably i'm guessing nine hours we probably are gonna go home and celebrate a weekend off or i mean winning is celebrating we got july 4th we got all kinds of things can we not spend every moment of every day here [Music] come on oh it just slid back so close we moved forward and then slid back you know you know i don't want this iphone if you win it right yeah i already know you don't want it you're gonna throw it up on ebay because your anti-apple products [Music] you gonna throw it up on ebay not sure what i'll do i'll either gift it to someone or convince you to switch over you're gonna sell it on our sunday night live auctions or i could auction it off on our sunday night live i couldn't even give it away well it could be a sunday night giveaway anyway yeah yeah i do love to give people away it could be the giveaway for the auction come on i think that would be a pretty awesome giveaway [Music] or it would be more awesome than lucky song let's not go the extreme zero it's definitely moving but it keeps shifting back it's moving you're heading the wrong direction [Music] oh the gold bar or the silver bar just moved [Music] [Music] yes see that bush [Music] give me more just like it yes now that was an aggressive push [Music] so [Music] they're all shoving each other they're starting a riot in the machine [Music] oh where did the silver bar go barry do you see it i don't see it anywhere i see it it's buried right there all right i need a good shake i need a good shaky thing those boxes aren't moving at all for that person they're getting quarters but the boxes aren't moving they're waiting for me they only want to cook yeah wrong way golden ticket wrong way follow the sound of my voice golden ticket follow the sound of my voice okay now the gold bar is completely pretty sure you mean silver yes silver it moved it moved again it's completely buried come on give me a [Music] push [Music] it's so close it's so close it is so close it's like teeter-tottering [Music] you just keep playing playing left i'll be so impressed [Music] you knew what i meant i don't know what you're talking about we've been this cruise we've been here way too long way too long this day trip has turned into a full weight oh come on it pushed that silver bar so close to the edge i needed that push [Music] and to think i was gonna abandon the silver bar driving home tonight or are you making me drive we can switch what the way that we the way that we switch on the coin machine yes yes we can switch get off we're stuck one or the other [Music] oh yeah [Music] next door are still where they were so the good thing we switched came back oh yes it's three surfing [Music] come on goal 20. that golden ticket might be stuck yeah that push should have definitely the gold bar just fell the gold bar just falls okay again no gold bars in here silver bar you need a nap i do need a nap you've been at this too long you're seeing gold everywhere and i think your golden ticket is completely and totally jammed [Music] i think it's all all up in there jammed yeah because that massive push should have definitely pushed it off the edge [Music] drop it drop and drop and drop in oh it's moving it's moving moved again but it keeps getting pushed back keeps getting stuck pushed back the whole deal come on it's so close [Music] oh my goodness i can't believe it thing has got to go now now now really how can that thing still be up there there's come on show me how you should drop it show me the money come on golden ticket it's being beyond stubborn it's not playing nice no i say it's not [Music] what is it doing now it's so jammed up it's moved back until it just moved again [Music] [Music] a few inches later crazy this is good no there's a good job finally finally finally andrew jackson never looks so good he looks so stubborn he looks like one of the jackson 5. nice okay and then quarters 2.0 is holding 232 so we actually lost quarters going for the certificate hell this had us all shook up this trip i'm still shaking right it's been a long time i'm a nervous wreck nervous wreck well guess what chicken butt no oh she got it she got it and the best part is they let me keep the gold the golden ticket i can't believe they agreed to it but i can't either but there's something about an angry egyptian that nobody can say no to or maybe it's my lucky bag or the hangry egyptian or maybe lucky bag 2.0 angry egyptian or just elvish [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 121,415
Rating: 4.9141865 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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