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but jeremy likes to try and embarrass me but guess what i don't know oh i just dropped 100. nice just dropped it nice oh no you don't you said i could play the one to the left here we go we have not left we're now on the left so when she said we could left she meant we could go to the left okay and that is what that's what i'm gonna do george i got my giant bag you got your giant bag do you think lucky sock feels a little left out um maybe maybe let's see let's see i'm gonna go with your strategy okay how many did you push over here was it two i have no idea all right so if anybody remembers i when we get home and we start to edit all of these i'll have to go back and look and see how many you push okay well let's see how much money do we have right now we have one two three four five six seven eight nine hundred if you can somehow bounce a quarter on that one to the far right that's a grand right there plus the 500 chip [Music] you taking me for ice cream if i win yeah we can get some ice cream what kind you want i want i want an ice cream that i created one of the best ones ever you get plain vanilla of course plain vanilla because you're my basic vanilla grandpa and that's it no fun toppings and then you get some peanut butter you put it in the microwave in a little dish okay melted peanut butter and then you put that peanut butter oh just drop some you put that peanut butter right over all that vanilla ice cream and if you can get some chocolate fudge that's a good thing too it's not mandatory but if you can get some [Music] i got your hot fudge i know a foot factory you must have eaten some chipotle today look at that push you have chipotle today i did not i did not we've been in the casino all day where would i have gone to get your booklet [Music] nice job see that left technique works well we literally i mean if we're gonna if we're gonna make any money this time around we've gotta we gotta give it another try here or just lose a whole bunch more one or the other yeah sometimes the house wins what percentage would you say the house wins all like 80 20. [Music] well if you're the house if you're the house and you're in a fight with me yeah oh the house always wins but you disagree right now we're referring to the coin pushing you disagree no idea what you're talking about i'm referring to the coin pushing machine oh if i'm the person playing the coin pusher and you're the house and there is a competition or a disagreement or argument what percentage does the house win [Music] i'm speaking metaphorically this is called allegory metaphorics oh i thought it was a rhetorical question oh no no it's definitely not rhetorical that's why i didn't answer there's nothing rhetorical about this hysterical 80 20. [Music] yep one again one again let's just let's just agree to disagree there we go come on come on come on i'm pushing a view not a bad start oh there we go there we go there we go beautiful not a bad start not the best start but not a bad start see if you could bounce a quarter on that hundred how am i gonna i don't even know how you're about i don't know how to do it either it just happened that's when you put them in too fast there we're getting some good oh yeah wow get some good drops that was amazing okay i'm just playing to the left to get money i just want to drop the money he's playing to the left to get more quarter ammo i know i know those 100 bills those flat ones are gonna float yeah they're gonna create a netting as usual but if you get enough quarters on top of them they'll come right down two more shiny quarters down to two quarters make it count oh that one didn't count at all oh oh oh oh elvis is singing he dropped one for me he dropped one for me but he didn't drop anything else that's cool thirty dollars fifty cents i didn't even think that much fast look at that i'm learning i'm done getting educated do you think i should go to the right now and drop some of that you can try yeah i'm going to i'm going to i'm going to the right because you know what they say once you go right you know you've gone right just like when we said we left we actually went left we went to the left to the left oh i just dropped it oh yes that's awesome that was an awesome floor so quick now you got to get that 500 uh chip off that's what i want you to do i'm not sure how but try you maybe use your mind powers i'll get a quarter to bounce tough and i'll puff and then i'll i don't know what if you can get it to fall in your playing field [Music] that'd be pretty awesome the only way we're gonna do that is when it spits it out when you wrap and fire [Music] actually we're doing pretty good sometimes these quarters fall on their own it's like i'm i'm ready to join the party look at that push did you see that that was incredible that was incredible it's like they know we're going for ice cream and they're like i want to come too spend me spend me on your ice cream [Music] talk about a waterfall remember the last time i won when we were over here as well yeah i mean i dropped the entire tower and you saved the mystery bag but i feel like i'm having the same kind of luck right now [Music] all right i i think i'm gonna be able to bounce it i'm gonna try i'm gonna rapid fire and i'm gonna bounce one to hit that hundred okay here it goes wait wait yes did i do it you hit it on the head and it fell no i don't know if you'll be able to get it off now it's like you have one one try all right i'm a rapid fire again [Music] it's a mini push all right ready ready ready i don't have enough i only got three in my hand down at three quarters well no i got more in the bag but i only have three in my hand i can't rapid fire and get it to spit out okay you ready yeah should i rapid fire at the 500 yeah okay we'll come back for that hundred all right i'm gonna rapid fire we're coming after you 500 chips it looks a little lonely up there on that pusher we'll save you nothing happen nothing all right i'm gonna wrap it fire at it again you ready yeah don't pull jammed it sometimes third time is a charm all right here we go going to the right [Music] oh it's moving i think it's time for story time it definitely moved and now it's time for story time with george am i telling a story about you [Music] like an embarrassing story time what's the most embarrassing thing that you would tell about me [Laughter] i don't think they want to hear and i don't think you'd be happy if i shared it it's that bad it's that bad whisper it to me it's pretty mad whispering [Music] [Music] yeah i remember that time yeah yeah you better not share that okay yeah i didn't think you'd appreciate that something better than that let's see come on drop some hundreds let's see an embarrassing story about jeremy that i could share with them oh yes i gotta draw i gotta i gotta get them back again there's a nice chris 100 dollar bill roll and then 43.75 you're killing it already i know i've learned it i've learned and i knocked that 100 bill down is this the story that you're gonna tell is this the story you're gonna tell you're gonna tell about the time i've crushed it once the one time well i can't think of an embarrassing story right now about you but i can i can definitely share one about myself and this is something that i'm moving that 500 trip i met you one of my uh one of my girlfriends came to pick me up from my house and we're gonna go out to eat and i had just bought these new pair of jeans and i was excited to wear them to stretch them out i went to go sit down in the passenger seat and my jeans literally ripped in the back on the back side good thing like if it was going to rip in my driveway would have been the time to rip versus like at the restaurant what you're trying to say is there was some junk in the truck i've never had that happen to me before it literally ripped shreds into pieces all of my jeans rip and shred into pieces yeah they do this doesn't sound like an embarrassing thing no but mine was like an everyday mine was like in like in the booty area yours is like in the knees and the knees really that's where the last [Music] yeah i don't know where it's going either i know those hundreds are going to be falling yeah i have a feeling the one on the far left will probably fall first i'll get that chip one way or another i'm getting that what's your favorite story i've told thought that you shared with me um they're all pretty interesting i think the one where the camp actually trusted you to drive a speedboat when you had one of the campers um you took one of the campers tubing and they were up in the air as if they were gliding oh yeah yeah yeah it was one of my dreams when i was a teenager and actually early adulthood and actually still right now is i want to fill a tube on the lake with helium just to see like an inner tube yeah an inner tube i want to fill a big old inner tube with helium not that the gas would actually be not that it would be strong enough to lift anybody out of the air but i love sending people airborne and i think the mental part of it i just bounced another one it bounced a mental part of this would be the whoever's riding is gonna think that they're flying you know what i'm saying yeah i think you know what i'm saying as if they were parasailing versus tubing man come on i gotta get these hundred dollars i'm going back over to the right get it get it get it get it get it see if you can try and get another quarter to drop and get it to move all right i'll see what i can do get a quarter to bounce oh i'm getting quarters to drop but not where you want it nice punch [Music] it spit out in the middle and it bounced over i cannot believe my luck we can never leave here we literally cannot go home this has been this has been my trip i feel like the more you bounce quarters and get that hundred to move it's just gonna move to the far right into the other playing field this is crazy it's moving in the opposite direction all right i'm dropping i'm dropping yes push it that was oh yeah that was a rapid fire okay i'm going for another good rapid fire on the left here we go rapid fire on the right or the left i mean the right i don't even know what i mean your other left all right yes you're making moves that's because i like the movement he likes to move it move it yeah i got a little more ammo to work with i'm going to the going to the left now yeah switch it up switch it up a little bit this time switch it up keep them guessing here comes something yes all right this is what i got the rapid fire with okay five i don't know [Music] come on push it 36.75 i'm going for the middle i'm going for the chip go for the chicken going for the chip okay whatever you decide to do i'll support you and i'm sure elvis will support your decision as well yes all right so i want to create a pizza shop that puts indian food on every pizza that sounds delicious i would never do that why would you support something in port clinton remember when the when the truck broke down yeah and we were stranded in portland the state troopers recommended this pizza shop if you guys live in the portland ohio area called sloopy's and they recommended the hibachi pizza so i know jeremy doesn't like oh that hunter just moved i don't care about the hundreds right now i want that 500. jeremy doesn't like oh the hundreds moving now now i care about the honey he doesn't like food that has flavor or seasoning unless it tastes like ketchup yeah but did i ever tell you about my high school business idea so potpourri underwear i created a jingle and everything your friends won't care you can fart anywhere your friends won't mind you can find um and then they actually came out with potpourri underwear that was my business no way you think someone stole your idea or are you just good at predicting the future you tell me got that chip so back to sloopy's pizza they recommended the habachi pizza so i just ordered oh yes yes yes yes you got two of them two of them keep going to the right i ordered a personal pan-sized hibachi pizza my goodness if you like hibachi you would love this pizza and jeremy had no interest in trying it none at all none at all he stuck with pepperoni which i'm surprised you even eat pepperoni because pepperoni has a little bit of a spice to it okay interesting fact i didn't even have pepperoni pizza or any pizza until i was later in high school because my parents ate so bland we never had even pizza we never had it in the house until you were 19. high school in church oh wow first time i've ever had pizza i'm surprised that you didn't have pizza sooner with church and youth groups youth group was the first time i ever had pizza we never went to mcdonald's my parents owned a grocery store or my dad and uncle did we never voted for mcdonald's we were never allowed to have mcdonald's we never had a happy meal i had unhappy meals he had unhappy meals very very unhappy meals because i wanted i wanted chicken nuggets i just dropped another one man you're crushing it how do you do that how do you do that okay i'm going i'm going over okay see if we can drop some of that money's dropping that 500 tokens got closer [Music] it's getting closer [Music] i just bounced one i just bounced one over to the to the left now where did it land i don't know i just bounced it it's over there somewhere it's kind of camouflaged in you know what i mean you're moving that kind of blends in and let's go z1 z2 z3 z4 400. you're making mama proud not bad and then 44.50 in quarters okay you want me to go to the middle or do you want me to go to the left you know how much i love the less i do all right i can do the left i can do the left what's left you doing uh that's a good question that's a good story we have a lot of inside jokes and a lot of stories that should never be shared with the world should always be kept between you and i but jeremy likes to try and embarrass me but guess what i don't know oh i just dropped 100. nice just dropped it nice now you just gotta get quarters oh i just told an embarrassing story about my pants ripping in the back i had plumber crack yeah it was every day for me it was embarrassing for me because that's never happened to me before the quarters just landed on that hundred and pushed it down the shoes that's what we like to see i call that a george assist because the george washington oh what are you seeing and pushing see i told you about the time that i saw the lake erie loch ness monster didn't you see bigfoot at one point no never isn't there a state park known for uh bigfoot sightings we should go we need to go to that is right about an hour and a half south east of us and it's known for the most bigfoot sightings in all of ohio do you believe in bigfoot nope me neither it's unless you believe in my bigfoot wearing like your size 13 wine i think it would be fun to try and look for a yeti those coolers are way too expensive the coolers are expensive but they're so worth it they do the job and then some how worth it can a five hundred dollars i'm gonna buy a 500 cooler to hold my five dollars worth of water [Music] [Music] fall that hundred's gonna fall oh i got another one you wanna just get a room here tonight we already live here we might as well all right we'll get a play all day play all night get a room come back the next day do it all over again [Music] let the house win 80 of the time we win 20 of the time oh come on that hundreds this is our most winning trip ever it's the quickest win way you're getting really good with the flick of the wrist skills i don't think people don't understand that it's a skill it's all about timing timing of the pusher timing of the way your wrist flicks it yeah did i ever tell you about my story about the devil's pinch where i want to take you baby yes i have told you that i think you have do i hear it and you could share it sure because i want to take you there that's why i want to take you there and that's in west virginia the devil's pitch is hundreds hundreds of feet underground it's in what's called the dry cave there are dry caves and wet caves and this isn't commercial paving there's no black top there's no lights you you go in with the light on your head and any supplies that you can take with you so i went with a group we're probably about about 10 or 12 and we went to the devil's pitch which every portion of the cave was named and we got we got to the devil's pen is it called the pinch because it's called the pinch because it's only seven inches high that's it from the bottom slab of the limestone to the top slab of the limestone it's seven so it's tight and dark you take if you take your your pinky and your thumb and you spread them out that's how wide the devil's pinch is seven inches it's also called the seven inch pinch so i went with a group of people and we got to the devil's pitch so it's that's it it's seven inches and it goes about 30 30 feet back you climb through this crevice on your belly and then it opens up to about 12 inches so the first person got up to actually go through the pitch his name was nate and nate was what you would call 100 pounds soaking wet so he was a little dude nate got ready he was the smallest one of all of us and nate got ready to go into the pinch it moved the token moved and he immediately backed out hyperventilating now here in west virginia we act i'm probably going to have a better word [Music] but in west virginia they have special caving units rescue units for anybody who gets caught in a cage and to get out of the devil's pinch they actually have to break all of your limbs your arms and your legs what the heels [Music] trace cuatro all right you are seriously crushing it and then i've got 35 25 all right i'm going for that chip so nate actually got into that crevice first in the devil's pinch and because he was he was the and he backed out and then the next and the next and the next and the next and all the way it got to me which you know i rocked the dad bob and yeah i was sitting there thinking either is no way if these guys can't do it how the heels am i gonna do it so no joke i took my caving suit off which was a jumpsuit like a mechanic wears i took my t-shirt off i got all the way down to my underwear thankfully i wear boxers no joke in the cave i thought if i'm gonna do this and if i'm gonna die i'm not gonna go i gotta get as thin as possible and then i breathe and the temperature i breathe all the air out of my lungs and i stuck my head in you can't put your head it's not wide enough for your head to go up and down your head has to go to the side okay and then i put my feet up in the air because it's on a little ledge and i told all of them just push me in and don't let me out and so on the count of three they took the edges of my feet they pushed me straight in they did not hesitate at all so i had no air in my lungs my head was sideways and they pushed me straight into the devil's pinch by the soles of my feet and i was literally stuck in the devil's pitch and i had one option survive well there were two options or never eat papa john's again so there i was so there i was i grip with my fingers forward and i pushed my toes forward and inch by inch i would i would suck in air and then i would breathe out air and then you couldn't you couldn't breathe your entire lungs in because there isn't enough room in the devil's pinch and inch by inch by inch i started to try to get to the other side after about probably 15 minutes guess who i saw it was nate nate came into the devil's pitch right after me and he passed me on the side and i couldn't turn my my head to the side i said nick what are you doing and he goes well i finally figured if somebody as fat as you can get in here i'd be fine and he went off doing cartwheels down to the other end no joke yeah i swear that dude could have done cartwheels in that seven inches p-h-a-t p-h-a-c fat so then the next person came in and i'm going inch by inch slow breath [Music] next person passes me next person passes me everybody in my group was at the other end 30 feet down on the other side you know what they did to get me over there they ordered papa john's they started screaming there's papa john's garlic butter over here jeremy come on they're all screaming come on there's papa john's garbage come on you can do it garlic butter jam so inch by inch by inch by inch i finally got over there you feel all the stalactites and stalagmites digging into your back your front the whole deal but i finally got over there to the 12 inches and once you've been in seven inches 12 inches feels like a world of space [Music] but you know how you get out of the devil's punch george oh the same way you got in once you get there you have to get out of there so guess what i decided to do [Music] i said well since i already did it on my stomach this time i want to do it on my back and i got in trouble by the tour guide that i was not allowed to do that because i would probably die and therefore you are now part of what the hails that is how it all happened were you banned from there oh we're doing that oh absolutely so you want to take me there knowing that you're banned you're not banned i'm bad i'm out of quarters too 37.75 we're getting that 500 chip that'll be our next buy-in are you ready do you smell that i'm sorry did you just crop-dust me i got nervous oh gosh my mouth was open and everything i was thinking about the devil's pinch so when are we going that doesn't sound fun to me are you kidding seven inches i'm gonna get stuck seven inches doesn't sound fun to you [Music] oh my gosh i'm gonna be like nate hyperventilating the whole time no you're gonna be doing perfect i don't know i don't i don't do too well with tight spaces i told you from the very beginning that i wanted to take you on a date yes you did within the first 30 days of what's meeting you did mention that you want to take me there and i think i'm pretty sure i told you the same thing that i don't do well with tight spaces and it's dark right super dark yeah it's a cable we do have our old light headlights we'll have the old light headlamps and i want to make a video of it so people can see you go through the actual let us let us know in the comments below if you want to see george hyperventilation go through the devil's pincher while hyperventilating do you think i should go from recorders with this yeah you need a couple more quarters to drop on the on the uh those were the quarters that was they got it oh wait elvis is singing i got to put some quarters in while elvis is singing see what happens let's see if he gives me a good push [Music] come on i got a lot okay i got this much left you can either play at all or we got the chip we got another let's see how much we got okay look at all them george's i've been dreaming of two three four five six seven eight georges but i got the 500 chip as well look at all those beautiful george's 37.75 i've been dreaming of all these georges but didn't just get that got an actual casino chip 500 for another buy-in 200 bennies right there to join george's 200 so there's 200 and then we also have one two three four five six seven seven hundred hundred dollar rolls not bad they are singles they are all singles oh look elvis is singing for us singing okay now seriously we do have to go home there are auctions this weekend so we can't stay we gotta get back to [Music] ohio [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 91,760
Rating: 4.9399695 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: PjTujN2az-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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