MONEY CASTLE Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot ASMR

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if the princess can do like the people's elbow princess princess George I would would like for you to do a belly flop if that wasn't a fairytale ending to an epic epic story and battle I don't know what else is except Elvis no that's gotta be as quarter push an arm he probably pushes with a guitar and if you want to watch us push what should they do George make sure you subscribe hit the bell icon so you don't miss a video and burr at birth never good to miss out FOMO [Music] when it found allergy oh he's singing already okay all right I have to ask why in the world this one out of everything I mean look at it would you look at it okay I'm looking there's the princess that's very all right so that's baby princess George is that is that a dragon is a dragon protecting the castle all right you got your co swords so you can take out the dragon and try and save the princess I know you got a goal what's your goal it never fails the left I'm going there she goes on the left again okay so you're gonna go after the dragon with the quarter sword party should get shaking it up for those hundreds oh my goodness timber is right okay those are those hundreds those are hundreds just like the prize nice nice okay she's knocking it down already you know you know you have to take the princess every good fairy tale oh okay okay you d thrown them now what you need to do is drop like a ton of exporters on them teach him his lesson okay although you may actually want to drop so all quarters you may want to drop some quarters in the actual shoe so you can keep playing because this one's pretty epic look at everything falling backwards like always does you just you actually just tempered that on the dragon oh you just got some nice you just got I don't know you at least have a dollar for would you finally got some to fall for that's good any dragon guarding a castle from what I've learned from watching Shrek in everything else Disney related is a bad dragon isn't it unless you got a donkey to come and sleep it off its feet okay why would you need to rescue a princess from a good dragon wasn't the dragon just take it take it away to safety so basically what you're saying is that oh yes nice that's what we like to see I want to see you rescue the princess you're gonna be like you're gonna be like Mario and Luigi rescuing the princess won't you just got some more now you see you got money flying everywhere [Music] we love the plaintiff that that and hurt Howard just keeps moving let's rock it back and forth [Music] rocket rocket watch oh oh what's going backwards it's gonna fall on the dragon it's gone oh you just knocked the dragon out you just knocked the dragon out of the castle you might have actually taken off his head I want to know who in the world sets these things up my goodness they have the coolest job in the world [Music] you're gonna go to casinos and settle in torture okay I mean and where am i where am I in this you can be vandals yeah how many more quarters I think I'm gonna reconsider being Vanna White have done about five quarters 540 the queenfishers Senate lady what kind of things would you set up oh I already know princess your differences everything would have a Georgian again of course every quarter helen gorge on alright that was my last quarter come on come on come on come on big push we better pull but I don't think there's gonna be much lucky bank is holding four dollars in the game do you think you can come back so the strategy d kappa be thrown the dragon capitate the dragon and then take all of its plunder about a big push that was your last one already yeah rapid-fire baby that looks better not bad better slow down $8.00 in the lucky bag well I like to hit three different slides like three in a row when did this new strategy start [Music] so for the lovin of an experiment oh now you're going with the experiments again yeah I know what happened you won't the wieners do you think you can make that whole tower crash down on the dragon dragon sandwich you were hitting ahead you like dragon another two pillars you smell the same time that actually helps me get you to the point of going after that tower you know I think you got to go after all this money before you go after the tower cuz it's gonna take some serious cash yeah and this is gonna take some serious cash [Music] start the clock [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just jiggle jiggle I'm down into quarters [Music] definitely just shake old me jiggle jiggle jiggle [Music] see I got 550 550 look at this we were looking at the tower she definitely lean and definitely lean and all the way to the yeah she's got the side lean to the left [Music] [Music] that was pretty epic that was pretty epic now if you can get them all but you got to get quarters you go oh nice nice really nice look at that she's getting everything to fall down there she's got to get the quarters to try and take get enough get enough change actually trying to take that tower out so first rule of the game has to be get enough ammunition to safe their way yeah to continue keep going rapid fire but that's not your last push yeah it's baby push little push need avoid seven fitty is lucky bag and the business will roll over we're dominant you got it looks like - OH paper clips we'll look later to see if those are two $100 bills are single I'm gonna continue to strategically place the quarters on the left side of the machine if you can get all that change to fall I'm taking you out for ice cream and then just beatin up on that Friday I want you just move that I'm still alive you have to hit upon it you're gonna take that right down to one shiny quarter let's see how much damage we can do [Music] time to destroy that dragon 16:25 much better much much better my order is are you going after the power now yeah you are you are gonna try and get that tower to fall on the dragon are new words okay I'll tell you what you get that power to fall on the Dragon not only will I take you out for ice cream you just go get everybody shaking right now [Music] [Music] oh my goodness and you're getting things to fall forward today take that power down take it down take it down take it down right there oh you definitely are the Dragons no I want you to crush the tower right on top of it come on you got this dude that touch that dragon was moving it's still alive gonna take it out the whole flower just move I just saw the whole stinking tower boom you got this you're gonna drop that tower right on that [Music] I smell you like me no notification needed I was there right now you owe me some ice cream still in the game with 30 $3.75 Wow kill the dragon kill the dragon [Music] crush the dragon and crush his dreams [Music] [Music] hey there's no no no their pump which is why I only bid against you where's the referee so if the princess can do like the people's elbow princess princess George I would would like for you to do a belly flop on the dragon that would be epic I'll even share my ice cream okay everybody we got no singing you guys know what to do when Elvis things shake everybody the dragon has been subdued come on come on not only not only Lord loveth I will I I will get the gas bubbles as well oh my gosh I didn't even notice look over to your right there's $100 $100 million that that's everything everything like you got it you got it you got much along always a pleasure it takes one quarter if everything is aligned correctly yeah one quarters not the whole power down on the dragon come on come on come on we know we know it's ready I want to see some WWE WWE if you have WWE Smackdown calm action with the princess right now I want to see the princess that's why the body slam o mine oh mine that'll make my week that'll make [Music] the dragon of people he's trying to get away he's trying to get away he's running you gotta get her to bodyslam getting so close to that she's looking like she's ready to jump out yeah she's like someone someone tapped me in I'm ready I think you can take this power down and body slam [Music] reporter three quarters left oh but this is in on it now come on everybody come on everybody this is where it's gonna happen right here I don't think they were shaking George I am scared to death to move the camera because that might fall that's - yeah big time you're gonna have to pull what I keep focused on this I gotta tell ya my lucky bag gets mulcair by each they should have put a see what you got we still have the dragon pin down which from George's George's looking out for me nice nice nice get some money take that power down right on the power [Music] oh it just moved it moved is that power again hit that power [Music] it's so afraid the drug is gonna fall before it could be some damage [Music] it's cleaning it makes just drop right on it the whole thing is [Music] just needs one good push one pretty foot no good boy rapidfire [Music] at the water [Music] come on come on get a good push get a good push give me that push give me the push we've all been waiting for [Music] [Music] [Music] that was Vitas there's a that is the first time I've seen the princess take the dragon power don't mess with the princess hole I think she might have a concussion though gonna meet her I don't know got to get her out of there you have to save her she may be a little about her personality's like six foot 11 are we talking about her or you this is the craziest thing in the world you never you truly never know what the hell's gonna happen every single day I I just don't even I don't even get it everybody you know what to do shaky-shaky at home Elvis is shaken you guys are shaken [Music] oh I won't go come on shake it guys Oh [Music] [Music] oh noes it's the princess you have to get around all this to be French [Music] [Music] Oh where's that put me between a peanut butter sandwich peanut butter dinner and honey I guess Elvis is the honey and I'm the peanut butter [Music] come on princess do you think the dragon will fall first worth at $20 bucks the $20 box is gonna fall first the Dragon has definitely been slayed he thrown from the castle chopped and knocked out with the tower and then potty slammed by the president that was pretty epic the box is gonna fall first then the dragon then the princess and I don't know if you're gonna get that power or not although I guess you haven't been lucky back that's far the science where you never know what the hills is gonna come out of her mouth okay what is what do I get if they call it something funny you get to play the next game yeah if they fall at the same time the box just to clarify the box and the dragon if they fall the same time I get to play the next channel the $20 box and the dragon hammer falls the same time exact same time and then you to bring out the lucky within one second of each other all right I'll make that bet with you I'm wearing it like I go anywhere without what you saw [Music] oh please fall gonna happen Elvis I need your help Elvis drop the box ticking damn the dragon Elvis please Elvis please drop the box and the dragon [Applause] [Music] that was both within a second that was in a second within a second I get to play I think we need to do a little replay by the judges everybody in the comments below let us know let us know they're both one second or three seconds three seconds I don't get the play one second I get to play I counted three well they're watching the video at home they're gonna know [Music] not to mention when I headed this I'm gonna slo-mo the whole thing is gonna be like 30 seconds I mean I mean my two more quarters she's got money to the left a princess in the middle and a tower to the right oh man this is what the author that fly dragon $100 bill rolls and then to the $20 boxes let's unfold him to see if he's won $100 bill or two one hundred dollar bills looks like one nice boy Benjamin all right and then 8350 on the porters it's time to save the princess and get to cash and knock the power down whatever you do George do not knock the power on the princess that will go again you'll have to give all the money back if you kill the princess it may if it does fall in my color here really you don't think it just crushed your head in really what you got super strength scholars princesses the district princesses have super Souls [Music] gotta get that princess out of there so I'll take a vanilla frozen yogurt with peanut butter sauce and extra Oreos please I will take a giant anything of dairy with Oh butterfingers Oreos hot fudge hi caramel with cream gummy bears gummy bears hope the pickles skittles a little bit more hot fudge you're just don't forget the sprinkles with the size of diabetes oh nice and I'll take a diet coke with that please I don't wanna I don't want to do too much I don't want to go overboard they're ridiculous as you play in this game all right so you got got hundreds over to the right we got a princess to save what's gonna happen first hundreds fall yeah princess gets saved or powerful hundred I know like Jim those princesses she's getting close she's coming back into consciousness she's like doing a rollover yeah [Music] is this like is this like pass baby stores in here did we just go back to the gorge did we just go back here 30 years ago you would have been 37 years ago let's do 30 seconds no the hunters just moved come on come on come on you got more than enough to take this thing out win it you get those hundreds that's our baby tree jammed up the most important thing is to get the princess yeah we gotta save her she's gonna need my lucky Elvis figurine her and Elvis are gonna get along so well [Music] Elvis will sing to her she'll sing to all the wildlife [Music] [Music] I'm just saying I would take sunburn over moving I mean you got a pack everything oh wait move everything unpack we do this every single day don't wait yeah yeah I would take the Sun for sure or suck it oh now it's your chance to unstuck it [Music] that's it everybody start shaking once once Elvis things you know what to do oh it's working guys that's the cue it's working yes yes nice job thank you I was talking I was talking to everybody watching those [Music] wasn't saying anything about a flick of the wrist I was complimenting them on how they're viewing the patterns and to health a shake yeah if you've got a big plasma screen LED TV you know 65 inch planetarium use your mind powers exactly baby I don't know if you're ever gonna save this process more importantly and you safety take these hundreds over there try driving see what happens if anything maybe maybe the tower will fall maybe just maybe [Music] don't worry princess I'll save you princess the Queen George will save you you just need to get a good monster push back it up try stacking right all your hundred dollars of my stack I'm right behind here your power stack it right behind there [Music] that happy that was pretty epic princess George just stack up stacking stacking stack oh oh your hundred dollars just come on we need to help us to sing [Music] get everything behind us power everything you can try and save the princess try and knock the tower down she's so close to the edge knock that tower down with your power oh it's a thing that moved again I got some skills they definitely moved [Music] I just need one amazing Porter lanch and one giganto [Music] [Music] [Music] bushroe push her out we're gonna have to save her oh I don't know what to say that was just downright that's what 1/100 dragon issue three four five six seven seven hundred dollar bills right all right so 700 in the hundred dollar bills there's forty dollars and eighty dollars so I am proud to say you did save the princess there's Princess George how many how many coins holy lucky bag one hundred and fifteen dollars and 25 cents in coins lucky bag is that that's a pretty good that's a pretty good win [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 199,549
Rating: 4.9147143 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: W71_vEWyc7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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