COIN TEMPLE Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot ASMR

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[Applause] lunch was amazing we had to change our appearance we're going back in notice anything we actually have a really cool thing to share with you these new headlights from Oh light they're the mini Prix runs they go on sale on the 21st through the 23rd there's like twenty eight hours and George has the limited-edition one she's she's been begging for one so I ordered them got them in the mail every treasure hunter needs to have light check these bad boys out because it's a ray of sunshine and we're gonna we're gonna see if we can see everything today in the coin pusher we're gonna see if we can see it without the flashlight we're gonna follow it all the way through we'll put the link for the flashlights in the pin to comment and the description let's jump into the coin pushers let's do it if we don't get kicked out we're definitely getting kicked out now [Music] who's ready to win with me with lucky bag do you have the quarter okay all right put that one in first okay so let me I'm gonna drop it right you are the left yeah she's going left all right okay good we can see if we can see it that's good we mark this oh look at the $100 box do you think there's anything in it this time a $20 box okay her first coin remember we're watching the first coin you want to see what happens we don't have any issues just let me push it all the way and try and get it back out there but all those getting in trouble [Music] is this another Oh got a box you didn't get a box it almost no I don't think you actually got it I don't think you got it by the way did you see that somebody was posted in all of our videos that casino we've been playing up now yeah all over my stake check out I've been flanking I think I got most of them deleted so we don't get trouble to us in here hey guys we don't want to get in trouble especially after we run these experiments for you and somebody somebody did throw out there exactly I mean they obviously know because they've been there so we got a place you got to be careful you guys want videos this here's what we would respectfully ask you guys if you know where we're at please don't keep it on the hush-hush or we're not going to be able to continue to provide you videos where's the what now go now he's singing it's shaken you've got one and it felt it felt in the playing field come on Coco okay nice oh so close it's shaken again my hands are all clammy she's got the hundred dollar box up there and where did that black I think it's raining under that I think it's under the box it's probably under there we're guys where I on it come on Oh shifted the entire thing oh that was crazy yeah I see the edge if it's right underneath right underneath that box like I just see the edge of the black tape it's right right there yeah it's buried underneath the box right now I think you can I think you can take it off though if you go left you'll unburied it I'm curious if one quarter goes through the whole system well that's what I'm saying we'll go through the system one time around and if he pushes like that it will yeah it definitely it got flipped even further looking at there guys you see it she just pushed it a little bit further but the box pushed you so we do know it's staying on the left course there as of right now it's halfway through the playing field and if we're lucky it's going to push them I can't I can't believe that power still stick oh nice nice nice alright my next push this little guy right here [Music] that one's pretty far away out of months are you gonna oh maybe you will you are you're like right on the edge oh she moved it she moved it come on baby okay our marked coin is under there I can't even see it anymore so oh I just see the edge right I just see the edge it's buried under there but that's where it's at so halfway through the play [Music] [Applause] nobody was and you were denying I can't believe I can't see where you're you're marked quarter is but okay well you definitely drop some [Music] and probably over losing this is this is gonna be crazy I may have to fitting in the bag [Music] you know one of the hundred dollars fall on my side and then three win over another hundred dollar boxes fall on you drop them you drop them drunk drunk drunk push give me a baby baby push this is not any better start can we find we find the quarter the quarter is still hidden hit him right under there after lunch too [Music] typically this is where say when it hits this low this is where we're done and you don't show the videos where she loses Oh walk away I'm not sure where she loses because first I wouldn't be as fun to watch but everything is full of no no everything is our neighbors and neighbors next door and went through all their quarters were gone yeah gave up okay I got to find that order we got to find our marked quarter actually it's probably good that it's hidden right now so nobody can see it $7.25 a bill in the game I'm going to continue hitting one because you know how much my favorite I know she needs to song well I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt at this point every time all the things we gotta play rapidly rapidly for something good usually usually happens [Music] give me a push come on I know every time we go to pull something falls in something just did before we went on to pull we looked for our marked quarter it's right there you see it under the quarter the corner of the box it's right there so two times two cycles through it speaking we'll have to keep an eye out for it still to the left but it's like it's been Elvis is my king my king I can't believe it do you see our coin so we have found our marked coin if you look right there on the edge of the box it's right there hiding so it's traveled all the way from there to there and that's the way to the edge she's only got 550 to play here every time she goes down that crazy egg is closed - hundred on the hog pusher is being stubborn that hundred on the pusher is not going anywhere oh my goodness did you just see that one move she's trying to get down one right there guys oh my goodness an epic epic epic epic that was crazy the craziest Oh nice you're still in it for more quarters the craziest part is when she knocked that tower over there that was tan and that Benjamin Horne himself at me nice nice oh here comes here goes [Music] I don't know a single hundred is not behind 75 my goodness I think she's gonna be out of this ago I'm gonna continue playing class okay she's going all there's actually in it again she's in it again not by much somehow oh if you don't know any arabic's in your life they are extremely extremely do you do it there's a point right there there's our point right there with all this the love of winning the love of science love of racing in the quarter did you just like another one oh no no no that's the same one that's the same one but sheer bounds she bounced a quarter and almost knocked another pillar in if she can actually get a pillar from another machine that would be a big don't think we've ever ever seen that happen before anything [Music] [Music] [Music] corners getting closer to the edge so really in all reality it took a straight path from here it went straight right it went great completely and totally strange it's like legit straight line so now we know the first time in the machine it just on the left oh my goodness it went completely and totally be line free if you get a couple good more pushes you might fall just so you guys gonna taste straight you see how straight it is right down to line that's the ways of corner web I mean it literally that did not fear from course nothing that was wild definitely not like them that roll of that hovered over there oh my goodness how in the Hills are you pulling this off you had like nothing left I cannot believe oh my goodness secure quarters over down far that are far far [Music] all right I'm calling either this guy or that guy will call next I'm calling the March quarter it's right there on the edge well at least now we know we know for sure that at least that one to them burgers ain't green and then got another box thing in it all right she says she doesn't hear anything I'm not 20 to 25 [Music] right next up next is the black quarter we're gonna save you George everybody sees George right there so he's trying to save George [Music] are you so what are we gonna do with them and put them in again oh my goodness hey little right you see what happens to the light you actually see what happens if you put it to the right yeah that's what you should do we should find out what happens if you put them to the right if he falls if he falls we need to pull right away and put him right back in come on give me a push sure he was out of this game I have no idea how she pulled it back in it was like she was down to like two dollars and some stop signs oh that's right oh they're doing that doing that do it come on shake with us guys shake where this at home shake with us at home let's knock the quarter let's knock that corner all help us with you Elvis we can get that quarter to fall below here goes here goes here goes come on shake out home shake at home everyone get that one out let's put him right back yet we'll put him right back I cannot believe you pulled this game back I thought for sure you were done again our Boy George you know I'm gonna play hard rain she's going to the right that's the rain I feel has been neglected we've pretty much cleared the entire life except for that guy right there buh-burn roll I swear that always existed he probably is thinking all about yourself you know you don't deserve to win me because I'm off-limits exactly you should have never even landed I guess that could happen so look George wash and our friend George is already at the edge okay no we're gonna find out is he gonna be lying as well or it's gonna get caught under those boxes that was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] every time we go $20 boxes down I don't think there's anything in them and then I 100 that's pretty good let's get the pushin you think you can actually push that might be a yes your honor might be yeah that might be a strong yes okay guys usually when she's down the one when we're down the bat much that I have no idea how she pulled it back it is the most epic comeback this video was almost never going to be sick wait why are you so surprised did you forget I have the lucky bag because I know how many time we have lost so with lucky sock or lucky bag look mom why you going on less you sock into the depth under things gonna go one way and let her talk another show me the money have no idea how you've done this I've never seen you come back like this it is raining hundred-dollar bill there's a little bit of a hailstorm him show me the hail is [Music] he kidding so he's you feel I managed to the edge to he's getting carry that money but just get the ball get the ball all right Elvis is singing guys push with a shake with us yeah that's a good idea so I probably should put a sock right there right here I don't know that that role of top on the top story is and we're gonna come off now that was an epic that if that thing does not want to come up you might as well go for the easier money just hit it to the right and then if we have money at the end then we can see if we can try and get that thing to fall that was the epic but what you probably spent fifty dollars already trying to get something to fall in a ditch oh nice [Music] okay our mark quarter right there [Music] there's like $100 bucks there it looks like and it's snuck under the corner there he made it so it is in input he's making it up this way in the playing field but as you can see it kind of all pushes and bumbles and jumbled up but if you get enough pushing you can get you can get that cushion oh my goodness this is crazy on my heart is competition debris I just thought is a comfort break I thought you might be losing that when tired cookie from lunch but I thought you were completely and totally out I was like our business and what was the lowest you were down to $1.00 of course orders I can't I have a hill just wanted to see how much we didn't pull the quarters yet is there anything in that one nice but that's simply $100 five okay so that's how small will come all that at the end we just wanted to see how much probably put something lucky Franklin's that even electrical know this yeah I will Frank and stitch that thing off like nobody's been there worth the whole pour it in there that you can drink in such anything except for your mouth if you switch my mouth and I would just complete oh I love me some crack fries mashed potatoes order with ketchup hater tops with cheese and ketchup Georgia's theory yes he's definitely he's hiding somewhere there he is he's right right under the hundred dollar box right there I just noticed another little rip right there Wow it just keeps getting better and better I find it hard to believe myself but yes killing it it feels like a half-hour ago she was down to a buck I was down the quarters but between what he bagged and all this they saved the day people need to understand that you don't win every single time they they got to see where you were just about yeah the house came very close to winning some days the points which for you some days just [Music] because it looks easy doesn't mean it is easy and there's a lot of risk involved if you if you don't have the money to have fun with don't do you may never get this don't ever ever do something like this this is not a get quick rich this is just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] of course I'm looking for our quarter you see a boy George he's like he is he's definitely lost as soon as we can find them we'll try and find these probably oh man oh man oh I see him I see him I see him he is he's under the hundred dollars you can barely barely see him he's in the show he's in the shadow so you see exactly where the hundred dollar box is that's where he is so we went almost straight but veered to the right [Music] when ready serve - I don't know why I think the machine gets triggered or something when there's jackpots yeah and then it must start saying when it's something something but even then music vibrations could shake the Machine and shift everything down [Music] I'll tell you what I really really mean I mean I use for like a lucky quarter is smack dab under the box I'll give you that I thought the whole pretty push thing was weird at first but that actually was kind of a price drop the other one let's get let's get our mark order oh you only got two left okay yeah all right we'll put them are clever in the box yes same time same time is right under their 5150 in the bag there's the George and then I got the hundred dollar box it up there Wilson you should be where you gonna go right or let me go Center yeah no because well you're gonna lose them if you go Center and then we're gonna walk away it's too right yeah it's not right see remember the original goal is to try to get him through this is some three times well that's twice points sounds like Metamucil slam this is operational beautiful let's get it through the system all right three times [Music] ouch I'm pulling up so what she can see they all pile up like that once he's over to the right so we've gone through the left we knew it took a line straight and then literally just went straight on the left we went to the right it almost went straight it beard head beard started the right just by about an inch underneath the hundred dollar bill box so let's see if it changes at all but really it kind of doesn't look like coins goes straight when you drop oh yeah maybe middle is a little bit different oh here we go here we go here we go we are not going to try to find an owl drop the middle the middle maybe an experiment oh the electrical tape was good because it's early thin especially people posted on our videos around again we asked you recognize where we're at we asked please please don't let us promise we are deleting all those comments if we move we urge the opportunity to go we will be banned and not put out any more videos like this so again for those who are putting putting the information out there because you're recognized [Music] [Music] [Music] big tonight some more boxes first first I'll blind me with my own light my headlamps are my favorite things I think everyone knows everyone in this and the surgeon at business needs one the headlamps are the bust and they just came out with new many ones I love them it's my favorite no it's my first favorite because smiling we see where our market order is oh we've got another quarter on a pilot role that role is still so stubborn up there just like surfing and slow are you really gonna try and push not bad it did turn but it's been up there for our baby [Music] [Music] have anything one way to find out I think the Metamucil project Metamucil is working no it's the time no sometime project Metamucil everybody at home eat a meal so we're Sinkin their secret we got to get that hundred dollar box come on come on go come on come on come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for shaking remember shake it don't break this take it well your recipe that should be your next book what shake it don't break it the recipe to pitcher number one watch girl in [Music] [Music] quarters [Music] amazing now he definitely went more to the right whereas the other time it really may be our mark order will not get off dollars and 25 cents across to the $20 boxes I use nothing in them it doesn't appear yeah what point are you gonna stop with all the reporters once you get the box and st. George or once you get an order I definitely want to save George again are you gonna go for the other money [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he really isn't so close I think once you get them you at least have to go to this box and have to try middle okay you have to try Mill you can save George I guess but you gotta try and get that box I understand even the role that's been there for over an hour now once once I save George he's not gone back in yeah yeah come back we're gonna although there is he's on the edge [Music] oh come on come on all of us oh oh man come on nah come on man that this time he did get pretty close to the right inside yeah it's so straight this time we get you staying with us he's staying with us are you going middle or you going oh my goodness that thing oh my goodness I cannot believe it over an hour floating up there I cannot you have a dollar a dollar for quarters this is Mama's back in the game but you might as well go for it all now what's the point what's the point in leaving it now that you got it down go for it all over the goal definitely want to get that 20 bucks there could be something in it that'd be nice remember the ones when you had that whole point yeah that was awesome what this one was like a temple so maybe maybe there's some holy water in it could be Jesus cleared the temple the money changers so right now it's a 50/50 chance there could either be nothing I would say it's a 25 25 verses of 25 to 25 or there could be something I'm voting give me something good well said all the other serve all of the sudden new energy new life you said all the other ones live felt empty right yeah I should come in chuckle it didn't feel like that hundred world remembered this hundred role was up here with these others and it knocked over when this pillar fell back it knocked it into play that wasn't even part of the original board we were here last week and we had a $500 chip fall up on the edge and we were joking can we get it back in this time keep playing she plans probably never seen something jump from the edge into the playing field before that's why you watch what the hell is you never know for quarters are you gonna go for that hundred yeah are you gonna go okay you can stay don't let them I'll see what happens because they always bend forward George has been officially saved we got the Washington hundred dollar box $20 bar you gotta go good girly she got 6125 6125 there hurry she wants she would stop she said she was getting $100 because of the chip that fell last week so she's going for it since it's in her playing field now she's got these 6125 to do it with all right let's see how quick she can get look she's got quarters dropping already quarter Lance's everywhere she's already pushing it all we need is one good big push she's not putting is not putting our birthright that would be an epic if that was a raffle - that was nice corner lands [Music] thank you thanks for noticing [Music] that's this entire machine [Music] [Music] it's so close thanks for noticing I'm starving can we go to the day why aren't you saying it like I said can we go to the book but you're buying better cuz I'm the one that doesn't buy just need one really big wave did you see that oh that yeah it's all about I thought you actually I thought you actually weren't the buffing without there you got your mind on the buffet are you getting angry and you say I'm the hankering your job you're like thank you sweetheart don't let Jeremy fool you this man gets angry too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] seventy-five cents in quarters for that poll and one that we should they've even gotten that was that's a hand full of cash boxes is that one those are all the ones that don't feel like it but this one does so that's eight hundred and twenty dollars me for this maybe she's got one this is well there's another two hundred dollars there because you've got two on the box it feels like there's there's definitely something in there we'll check the other ones and if there's something we'll show you oh god is that is a gold that is a gold quarter that is shiny that's the corner we need to put in and track [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 186,721
Rating: 4.8672385 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: d3x8WWt6oGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 42sec (3282 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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