RECORD WIN Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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oh wow it's rotating oh here it comes it's gonna hold it it's wild it's wonderful it's george you ready here we go this is going to be interesting i think i want to lose today i'm so tired of winning psych let's get to the casino and win some moolah elvis i didn't forget about you baby did you bring your three troops my goodies bags full of goodies but do you have your three chips your five hundred dollar buying check i got em all right let's go let's do this make sure you subscribe hit the all bell notifications so you always know when we upload because you never know what the hell we're gonna find or what she's gonna win or what i'll lose because that's what she's doing today apparently i'm gonna lose baby lose [Music] i thought we said lucky ammo 5.0 25 no more what the hells are you doing good question why why are we doing towers because you said i've got 1500 in chips i want to play oh that's right you said it was a bridge yeah good justification there see how quickly i forgot all right let's see london bridge is falling down that was my thought process i'm gonna go to the left [Music] what did london ever do to you my lunch is monday monday [Music] she just knocked she just knocked a chip that just happened on its own thanks elvis good looking out i was on the left in the back on the right the 500 chip just it split into my field you've got to be kidding me you've split into my money he's like george i feel like you're gonna lose let me help you out to cheer your well if you can actually look at that chip float back there on the right yeah should i switch it up and go to the right [Music] if it pushes off and it gets behind the pusher and then i get a boom it's hard to see right now with everything going on yeah if i can get it off then i'll get a boom but if she pushes that chip off there's a chip behind the right tower if it pushes off that thing could push straight into all three of them could fall at the same time that um i guess she's calling it the bridge oh my goodness [Music] it's and nope lost it oh my goodness i still have quarters are you rapid firing i'm trying to she's rapid firing this may be dangerous it's hard to see everything because of the towers but there's a chip to the right it's something just moved oh my goodness everything just moved the anxiety right now everything just moves she's trying to knock the chip off [Music] if she can actually knock it off i'm so close so close it's teeter-tottery almost there [Music] that ship to the right fell off i didn't know how she knocked it off not bad i was able to push off ten dollars a quarter i feel like you probably could have got more if i didn't encourage you to just swing to the right so what are you saying should i i don't know the chip is definitely off it's off it's definitely fine might as well it's in my plate now should i go left or right or center i don't know what do you think i think i should still go right all right then go right once you go right try and push that chip into that chip can push that power down that would did be just call it a tower no i mean rich support okay that would definitely be a bridge support possible yes yes this reminds me of the bridge that we saw in west virginia the world's largest art bridge well we'll be seeing it again soon because we're going a little bit further south have you ever seen a waterfall inside a cave no never you probably never will either [Music] how much you want to bet on that i'll bet you the [Music] can hop on winnings geographic and watch a game a waterfall i'll bet you the winnings from this game [Music] but you gotta win it here comes a good question they're moving they're moving you gotta win it you know right now i've got so many losses i can just post lost videos all of december we can go on vacation probably january 2. the many many hours in labor spent at the casino losing all right i'm down to one corner one quarter that's it oh she's got a drop oh man you got a feeling this is gonna be a coffee it's looking a little better 14.50 not bad at all i'm gonna keep going to the right [Music] even though it doesn't feel right [Music] right doesn't feel right brain doesn't feel right right now what's it feel [Music] so i've got my eye on the 500 pound chip i can see that you're trying to push it and it's it's definitely chipping away at the [Music] it's a bridge in london did elvis own property in london i don't know he's your bff i figured you would know all this whoa you've been so jelly of our relationship you started stalking him and looking up information did you find a london property jelly i would say it's just completely and totally ruined look at the chip it's getting ready to slide over [Music] [Music] is trying to slide into the tower now it's [Music] that's not good all right down to one quarter [Music] all right time to fall man this is a coffee i'm bad 12 and 25 so what's the plan then do you keep going to the right or should i keep one in the right i don't know i mean it doesn't feel right but maybe i should at least get the 500 chip off you have a mystery bag back there too maybe that can help push but well your chip is moving it's moving it's definitely moving in the right direction was that a pun that's moving in the right direction yeah yeah you're really funny you're really really pumped you're so funny you're so very honey george you're so very honey why you no call that's crazy that thing even fell off oh my gosh i didn't even notice it until you mentioned it [Music] so i mentioned did you mention it [Music] no i think you saw it first i thought you saw it first [Music] all right who the hell's nose too much excitement too much in general and but i'll race you to be the one to oh my goodness look the quarters in the back where the chip was on just fell [Music] is anything dropping oh you just got dropped oh so [Music] you said you wanted to lose today so there you go [Music] hello chip who noticed it first you did all right i'm gonna switch it up and go to the left are you sure you're gonna get enough are you gonna get enough well you gotta get coined you gotta get ammo that's [Music] i had to get a stroll and prop myself up on it oh my goodness i just made the left part of the bridge move are you seeing it i just lost my breath which is probably good because it's kicking i like chicken like it knows karate because i had chicken with some ketchup put some ketchup on my carrots some ketchup on my chicken put some more ketchup on my carrots my um my niece that nephew wanted to know why you put ketchup on your chicken and carrots they thought that was so bizarre they're foreigners how can they think that's foreign they didn't understand why you enjoy ketchup so much well i suppose they're 50 foreigners all right down to the last quarter better make a count oh you did you just got a couple to fall not too bad you got to figure out a plan to get something to fall [Music] he will know [Music] [Music] have you read my resume i was it chippendale dancer you invented the chip and dale have you not seen my bow tie i call it chippendale [Music] moving if you keep pushing that piece of the bridge to the left that chip may fall look the chips are connected and it may bring down you do don't push to the middle look what it's doing it's pulling do you see what i'm saying it's going to collapse who noticed first you did i said you know you just got the bag down oh yeah that fell backwards it should all help push would you think would you say the mystery bank has a dad bob dude it looks a little husky today probably has an egyptian forcing the food down in space trying to make sure that no other no other egyptian can get her dad if i put 30 pounds on him nobody will want him and he'll keep me toasty warm at night if he ever marries me i have no idea where you're going with this [Music] imagination wild imagination [Music] what are you whispering over there you're supposed to be cheering me on all right i'm down to my last quarter [Music] come on come on come on collapse on me don't mind if i do that worked out well 14.75 not bad not bad if you can take that left tower out how amazing would that be bridge support [Music] oh yeah yeah yeah however you justify your actions this time the bridge support are you sure you want to take the bridge support out since you wanted to lose today yeah before i said psych i came back with a big sight and then i was ready in sight [Music] mean just a joke remember when you said we don't talk in voices remember we were talking about michael and holly and i was like oh my goodness we are michael scott and holly from the office and you're like we're not like them we don't talk about talking in weird voices like they do we have our own voices i was like really we don't we talk in a million different voices a day our own nothing like theirs your point is you said we don't talk in weird voices as you're over there that's part of my accent what are you talking about that's part of oh my god just starting to fall back left one is going left one is getting close that's part of our cleveland accent from the hood it's that northern accent george grew up in the cleveland hood [Music] west side [Music] west side y'all that's mixing in a little redneck accent it was actually on the east side oh east side y'all wait they don't say y'all on the east side all right time to pull you side dog you're so annoying cool nice push that's what kind of hails of a lot better thank you 17 and 25 quarters not bad not bad now if you can get old lefty there to do its job [Music] you know what the job of old lefty is right what's the lefty supposed to to do the mission what's the mission to knock it down i thought your mission was to lose today did you forget i came back with a fight [Music] oh [Music] come on those quarters have got a push those quarters have got a something oh there you go there you go now you're getting some pushes okay we've got a mystery bag is back there a chip is falling to the left good old fellow chip oh that tower in the middle just went forward [Music] my ears are always ringing after you leave this place because it's so loud [Music] nice push [Music] nice nice crush [Music] better get a good push out of those two one quarter and boom we got one quarter to drop all right better pull again wowzers 25.75 a quarter nice really nice now it's time to get it [Music] i've been thinking that the entire time but you're saying you want to lose you just want to come up here on the school did you see that center the center bridge part of the bridge just moved that's why i lost my breath again that left me at a loss for words come on [Music] wow wow wow so what if you knock that chip out of the chip's moving and the mystery bag is moving the husky mystery bag just remember you don't wanna you don't wanna lose the actual towers in the other field i don't think that'll happen the field to the left is already empty that lady is gone she won [Music] come on elvis knock it down [Music] okay she's clogged up to the left man how amazing would it be knocked into another tower [Music] triple mind control to make that happen i ain't got no mind control today me you and elvis yeah uh that ain't happening maybe maybe not in that order i'll miss you and me yeah still not happening dream on player [Music] don't hate the game hate the player i mean you don't hate the play i hate the game what does that mean you should know part of your special weird language [Music] i've never said that ever [Music] i learned it from you no you couldn't have because i don't talk like that that's what you say all the time i learned it from you i learned it from you right down to three-quarters [Music] all right time to fall look at all that ammo 23 in ammo you've got to take a tower out left definitely definitely left [Music] if you can get it that's going to be the hard part [Music] are you losing confidence i'm not saying anything about your wrist [Music] i'm waiting for that chip to did drop say chip or chick chip the 500 tip [Music] it's on the edge [Music] have you noticed the chip in the back hasn't moved because i have noticed that it'd be nice if that actually helped you push something that would be that middle that middle bridge partition whatever you justified the power as just moved again [Music] you're so close to getting it out from that 500 chip i'm gonna keep attacking the left center left left center center oh man you are so close one more good boy right now one more good [Music] it's push it's rotating [Music] elvis is singing you got to go for it now [Music] hit it hard hit it hard here it comes down to three quarters three quarters she's got to hit it hard without the thing [Music] here it is here it is oh you got some of it to fall some of it to fall oh man that bridge is so close 27 in ammo so close to coming down from the middle left middle left center just moved a little bit we've been at it over an hour already she's been taking the bridge out piece by piece as a matter of fact at one point i think i've heard her say i will take [Music] have you noticed that my high pitchy is coming back it's not all the way back but it's bad i've heard it while you've been yelling at me damn no no oh really see there we go she just went [Music] close was that high [Music] oh man it's turning oh wow it's rotating oh here it comes oh there goes there goes it's gonna go it's gonna go [Applause] oh let's get in the mystery bag look it's gonna come on is it gonna get another one is he gonna get another one oh my goodness look at this look at this the ship is still up there the chip is still up there i can't believe it oh my goodness the chip is still up there we've got a crowd a george crowd no way george washington what are you going to do if you go to the right it might push the other one over what's the plan i feel like going to the right is the right time that was awesome that was so awesome yeah oh man that chip is just standing there no way victory is mine george had a plan to lose today i got lucky drawers on i got lucky socks on my plan i can't help it all i do is win it just has an aura i tried to get george to play the monopoly machine but she went uh i ain't never playing monopoly [Music] i scored 82.50 ammo oh my goodness oh my god now look the one to the right with the chip to me looks like it's actually leaning in to the left yeah and the one on the left dangerously looks like it's leaning to the left as well oh i could lose a part of that bridge well if you could get that chip to come out man that would be epic [Music] it would i mean that's the first thing that that other chip in the back there is just hanging on for like dear life yes [Music] oh it learned it from you come on man don't be like that come join the team come join the team since when is there a chip on the team why where are we going so we've got elvis we've got stephen and now you're adding a chip yes [Music] if the chip could talk it would sound like this hey guys my name is chip sounds an awful lot like george after my surgery [Music] that was amazing if i could just kick you right now [Music] over an hour later her back hurt yet not yet the start of the day [Music] can you carry this over to there i am a man george it's a feather i just want you to put it in the door it's a pound of feathers oh that mystery bag just moved george can can you take this pile of money and um place it over there you know i have a bad man even though my back does start burning for standing up for so long to hear things you know we have so much fun that i forget about the back pain george are you gonna get up today [Music] what story are you calling huh what stories are you selling what the hell um [Music] remember that one time you told me you had a bad you very silly jeremy you're really silly [Music] oh do you see the strings for the mystery bag it's right on the edge the string is on the edge it's like save me save me pull my string i [Music] i feel like i'm going to lose that one [Music] that one to me definitely looks like it's leaning all the way to the left which we will not try and recover because there's nothing left over there they got their golden ticket that was uh we haven't been playing the golden ticket once anymore no although you know what i did i broke the what the asmr phone on accident so i was using a phone that we found from the storage units in which we have thousands but we normally don't even test them and i found a galaxy s8 plus and that one wasn't locked so i was using that for creating the asmr videos but i dropped it and the screen just is crazy now do you remember where you dropped it yeah in the shop [Music] when i was working on sanding stones did it have a case on it yeah [Music] in [Music] because when i took this one up to the island it went underwater [Music] that's another one of our voices that one's got a particular story behind it you can't just say crazy anymore [Music] wow mystery bag mystery bag is literally going around the husky mystery bag and wanting to jump into the shoe [Music] and then the chip is going behind it's barely it's moved to the left but it hasn't moved forward all the mystery bags were out to fall it's being a stubborn one definitely it there we go are you just going in the middle now or what right you're going to the right yes that's how i thought it would be right [Music] that tower has not budged sometimes you just got to be patient [Music] since when patience is a virtue since when [Music] now you're bringing grasshoppers into this too you're my little grasshopper you're very funny george you're very very you're very why are you no problem [Music] how much did it move it moved counterclockwise i just saw the coins to the to the right upper those just fell down where you got that uh initial [Music] chip and dale [Music] i do not see that thing moving i do not see it moving maybe i'm down to four quarters maybe four quarters to make it move elvis is singing this might be it right here this might be it no not this round holy hails 136. 1375 okay that's more than enough ammo to take something out what's the plan i feel like right didn't do anything so i'm gonna go left if you can get that chip to push to the left that'd be epic that would be awesome we gotta get it to be less anti-social chip chip number two number two chip junior yes don't be that way chips it's definitely up against the glass it's pushing on the glass it's leaning to the left which scares the heels out of me i'm trying to rapid fire it's got a chip behind it [Music] i'll race you to be the first one to see if anything falls okay especially since you're trying to rapid fire i think it just moved a little bit again i think it just moved a little bit again that ship has barely moved it is pushed up against the glass it's like smooshed on the glass leaning to the left you would think that chip would jump right into it and push it over help me push it it just does not want a bunch you have plenty of ammo to make it happen come on come on baby just remember it i was just thinking listen dude listen i was just thinking okay the one to the left is the golden ticket for the iphone right yeah and they already got the golden ticket yeah and so you go for the iphone but what's up on the list so what if you actually get the left the left column of the bridge to hit that golden ticket in and then we go over and play that and we get another phone from the asmr this might actually work in our advantage this could be huge for our favor i don't see it happening but we can pretend do you think you can make it fall just right to push that golden ticket in i can try i can certainly try you push that golden ticket in don't make any promises [Music] then we could redeem it okay but it's not gonna come into our playing field you're gonna have to push it into you got skills to pay the bills or not [Music] how epic was that [Music] that would be insane that would be insane listen we have seen we have seen crazier things happen we have seen some of the most insane things ever i just saw it move did you it was just wobbling back and forth i haven't seen it i'm telling you i just saw it wobble i just saw it wobble focus on chip trying to get him to be part of the team i'm telling you i saw a wobble i thought for sure i saw a wobble maybe i'm just seeing things because i wanted to see it i was just saw me this time i would actually be okay if you got to push that golden ticket off to the left that would be pretty awesome awesome that would be the most epic trick shot move ever ever ever ever promises i think i want to lose today [Music] that thing is definitely leaning to the left she's got plenty of ammo over a hundred dollars to take it out what is wrong with that chip i don't know that tower's on the glass it's gonna be crushed move out of the way chip otherwise you're gonna get crushed maybe that's what it needs maybe it needs to be weighed down to get into the hop up get out of the way [Music] that tower i mean that power that bridge support neither side of the bridge is moving there it goes who recognized it first who recognized it first it definitely pushed the golden ticket slightly to the left but not enough to where can you trick shot the golden ticket in there i don't think so i i don't think so you know i have no control over that with my corners balance okay so do you go for all the quarters for more ammo to take the other tower out actually that was not a bad tower fall if that really would have pushed that ticket in that would have been oh my goodness that would have been epic so do you go for more more money i'm going center center center because i'm going to try and get the point and the remaining of the bridge so you can get you get all the coin and then you can get the remainder break yeah oh no you have to go to the left remember what's under there there's a chip under there don't forget there's a chip under there you might be better you might actually be better to rapid fire to the left to get that chip first and then we'll take out the other all right i'm going left left left left center you absolutely want to get that chip uh yeah i would get the ammo get the chip then take out the other support for the bridge man if that ticket if that golden ticket would have went that would have been that would have been the most epic show that would have made my losing my losing streak [Music] you know at this rate you may not lose that's a lot of quarters if you can get all the quarters you may have one of your best days ever [Music] i'm trying to drop as fast as i can [Music] that ship has got to be going forward now yeah i can't see it i can't see it either it's under that pile i'm waiting for it to resurface so that i can see if it's moved [Music] i see a little corner is it forward it is moving forward it's making progress [Music] i don't see it [Music] [Music] it's right now it's in between the hopper and the orange where you can see the orange the edge of the pusher [Music] [Music] but it looks you're getting push money you're getting ammo we'll see it when it drops that's for sure [Music] you're dropping a ton of cash [Music] yeah but where is it oh i see it it's close to the edge it's got a ton of quarters on top of it it's close to the edge really yes yeah it's buried right now you can't see it where [Applause] nice how many more quarters do you have i have this many that's not bad to get more ammo uh you might as well just end it on the left and then we'll attack that tower you rescue the chip they're gonna have to get that tower did you just say no i didn't bridge bridge whatever whatever it takes for you to justify it bridge bridge thank you for correcting yourself better correct yourself before you rank yourself all right down to one quarter one quarter left here we go and time to take out that power i mean bridge there's the mystery bang and that that stubborn 500 thing has been shifting you got to go for it 266 dollars i should be able to knock it down with all these orders uh i would think so more than enough now is the right time to go to the right it's always right to go right [Music] that thing has definitely been shifted slipping and sliding look look it looks like it's sliding on the chip even [Music] come on do your damage do your damage [Music] nice nice get it get it do you want to get the chip yeah [Music] face the bridge and the chip [Music] wasted no time to get to the egg [Music] [Music] so much for losing today wow wow right on the edge now that last ship was definitely a team player and i feel like the base of this bridge is going to be a team player too [Music] wanting to join the team our team you mean your team our team um i know you the team you know stubborn your team is it gonna go it's definitely [Music] it's on the edge that's for sure oh nice nice it's sitting on the edge it can't stop itself from falling [Music] rapido [Music] get that bass so close [Music] we need a good quarter lance right here well you can never quarter lances are never bad there was ever an earthquake where would you want to be [Music] um i know where i'm gonna be right here on the edge of this machine i still you know george says she wanted to lose today george said she wanted to lose so i wanted her to play the monopoly machine because obviously christian patience and i we couldn't win so we want to want to see if george should actually get a little lost there too but she still refuses the woman has never played monopoly in her life before i start now never played the board game in my life why would i stop now now i've sold a lot of anomaly games but i don't know everyone that i know that has played it told me that i'm not missing anything monopoly is one of the best games ever i used to play it after school in high school [Music] what do you think's in the mystery bag huskier huskier the mystery bag bigger the prize it's definitely going to be a big puskier the size bigger the prize is not what you say george that's what you just said right now [Music] i'm gonna feel it i'm gonna thunder steal it i'm gonna put it on t-shirt [Music] that's what we should do instead of size matter t-shirts plus gear the size bigger the prize [Music] that bass don't want to [Music] all parts of go is falling [Music] you're getting better those finger exercises it definitely helps the finger exercises and the stretching definitely helps [Music] come on need a really good push right here i don't know that you're gonna get one right there this thing doesn't want to move [Music] it's right on the edge it's about to happen oh there it goes it's not a bad push here we go now we just got to get the other half to [Music] fall you know there is a coin shortage apparently oh yeah there is that was a good push [Music] what do you think one more handful and then call it quits or try and get the whole base [Music] um you think you can get it all right one more handful you sure you're gonna get it [Music] i need the rest of the base of the bridge [Music] there's something gliding underneath do you think yeah there could be another tower not token but another chip i suppose anything is possible at this point oh there it goes nice how the hails did you do it two three amigos two were only in the playing field and from the beginning she knocked the bonus one in she started with 1500 in chips and she got 1500 chips back so much for losing new record of quarters this is your new world record of getting the most quarter winnings ever 575 dollars and 25 seconds new record that is and you wanted to lose that is looking a little uh dad bodish right there give me good news give me good news come on and definitely something yeah nice can i get a whoo-hoo we've gots to play another one [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 645,536
Rating: 4.8273559 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: X7UakSloaOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 53sec (3593 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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