100 Hours To Finally Find This! Baldur's Gate 3 SECRET Permanent Upgrades The Game Never Tells You

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so Baldur's Gate 3 is absolutely filled with secrets to discover and interesting hidden things but some of these can power up your character permanently with extra ability points and other strong effects that's why today we'll take a look at some of those that you should really try out and get on every character though keep in mind that this video might contain some inevitable spoilers as we will discuss how to acquire these powers in the first place starting things off you can get one extra ability point of your choice from Auntie Ethel if you head over to her Shack in the future Vlog in act 1. now there will be some disturbing stuff here to discover about her and her powers but your goal is to try and antagonize her until she runs into her secret hideout through the fireplace whatever you do just don't kill her just now it's going to make it impossible to gain the ability later on as a matter of fact you will want to keep her alive from here simply make your way through the under roots of the ancient abode until you have your final confrontation with Ethel now there might be some poison traps on the way so simply disable them or try to navigate without triggering any now our goal here is to bring her down to just below 10 HP so that we can trigger a special dialogue in which she surrenders by the way quick tip to make this encounter a lot easier is to use magic Missile for instant deleting her Illusions and also use silence on her so that she completely stops using any spell casting and once she's down to just under 10 HP this is when you can go ahead activate the orb to have my Arena freed and this is going to immediately trigger this scene where she will promise a special power upgrades to you if you spare her life and let her leave with the girl however if you have a high Charisma and can pass the intimidation or the deception check you can force her to leave alone instead and still give you that power so this is going to be one over hears friends that she gives you yes kinda gross but eating that will provide you one point boost to an ability of your choice so this is going to be permanent you should always pick your primary ability and this is going to easily let you reach 20 points with it in just the starting hours so with this you're going to have much better ability checks attack rolls saving throws for this specific ability and you're going to see your character improving a lot as a result now at number two there's a second easily missable permanent upgrade early on that you get this time around from Volo once you bring him back at your Camp so you either have to talk to him back at the Druid Grove the first time you meet him or at the very least save him from his cage in the goblin stronghold when you went to rescue helsin from here you can bring him to your camp where he will start investigating your tadpole problem now the first dialogue after the Grove is saved will just be him trying to examine your condition trigger the prop upper scene you will have to just take a long rest and go back to your Camp again once one day has passed speaking to him a second time will now let him perform let's just say a very unconventional and funny medical procedure on you that might end up requiring an eye replacement however that eye that gets replaced will gain the power to completely see invisibility within 9 meters so creatures will actually have to succeed in dexterity saving throw otherwise they will lose their invisibility which is a very handy feature to have it's also permanent from what I'm able to tell and not just that it's incredibly useful especially if you play in melee range but by the way the surgery might or might not change how one of your eyes look so just keep that in mind now the third upgrade comes a bit later and in Act 2 once you reach the shadow lens there's a secret interaction here that gives you a legendary Elixir which provides a permanent plus two strength boost as well as a bunch of other class related elixirs or should I say race it's related to the race for this you need to head over to the moonrise towers and head over through the room onto the left side of catholic's Throne Room towards the kitchen area here you will meet a vendor that goes by the name of a Raj oblodra Who besides selling some interesting elixirs will offer her services to extract your blood in exchange for some powerful elixirs as a result now this will provide different effects depending on the race that the character has however once that first dialogue is done the NPC will also propose a second pact for a permanent legendary Elixir but for that you will need to have a Starion to be in your party with you and also convince him to drink her blood at the same time fortunately no skill checks here so simply follow the dialogues to do that and eventually even though he's going to be extremely disapproving of this fact he is going to just oblige and this is going to provide you that potion of everlasting Vigor so this again proved to be an amazing option for my Paladin but it can work on any other strength character it's something that you can use and then divest a couple of the other points to maybe a different stat like in my case that would be Constitution or Charisma but in your case it would be something else maybe dexterity but moving on to number 4 you might have spotted this really strange broken mirror of loss in Chapter 2 when going through the temple of char however there's a pristine version of this that actually works and this comes later in act 3 which is going to give you the power to gain plus two more points to your favorite stat though at a slight disadvantage that can easily be corrected so for this you will need to have follow the Shadow Hearts character story and possibly rescue and or save Knight song during the Temple of char Mission back in act 2. then you can progress to the next stage in act 3 which is going to be the house of grief that you can find right here in the lower City area towards the Northwestern end of it now I will not spoil what happens inside as there's gonna be a bunch of decisions to be made here but during this you also get to unlock a bunch of powerful items even legendary quality ones but also access to the room that contains the mirror of loss so you will find this by going through the locked round door at the back of the final room luckily the key to open this is called the silver key and I found it upon one of the enemy corpses that I previously defeated in the area so once I got that I went on to the other side and I was able to interact with the mirror which now gives you a couple of intelligence and religion X to forego that memory exchange that will provide the extra points so I recommend the headpiece from act 1 that boosts your character's intelligence to 17 to make this easier also using Shadow heart's guidance and any bardic inspiration from any Bard hireling should ensure that you can hit the 25 role needed to pass the inspect dialogue and the other dialogues over there so besides inspecting the mirror also make sure that you operate a prayer so that you benefit from both of the interactions if you pass this successfully the next window will let you get rid of one of your memories and as such get a minus 2 debuff to a certain stats that you surrender but it's also going to give you a second dialogue after this which is going to let you gain plus 2 to 8 different stat instead so either strength dexterity Constitution and so on as you will see being implied by the dialogues over there however you will also gain that stolen Vigor debuff or a curse which saves you those two points of lost memory however this is a curse and it can easily be removed with you guessed it your curse which is one of the abilities that shadow heart gets access to but also paladins and maybe even monks if I remember correctly so you can easily catch this on the character affected and you're going to completely remove the debuff but you're still going to have the plus two buff on your character which will remain permanently now you can also surrender a memory of forbidden knowledge that you got from the necromancy of Faye if you found that necromancy book in act 1 in the blighted village so both the book and the Crystal to Power It Up can be found in the same area the crystal is in the spider cave below that you can access via the well in the town center and you will need to find this dusk Amethyst in the room with the Spiderman tree Arc to either defeat that or sneak around and grab it the book on the other hand is above it can be found in the house just next to the Waypoint but you will need to go through the hatch in the area below here you can use the secret handle to open up the bookshelf and basically go through the next hidden passage up until you reach this mirror on the wall so you will have to present yourself to it as friendly and it's going to essentially give you access to the other side which also contains the necromancy book but this is a neat way to acquire a free speak to the dead ability once you pass the skill checks required to read the first page on it so yeah make sure you stay on that page until you learn everything about it but this is also going to give you the possibility later on in act 3 to surrender this memory of this lost knowledge lose that spell but no longer be affected by the minus 2 inability and in exchange gain possibly more skill points than just two I'm not fully sure if the latest thought fakes changed anything because I was able to get plus 2 display light not having the Forbidden Knowledge on this playthrough that I was able to film so let me know down below if you're getting different results with the book after the recent hot fixes and this brings us to the final character buff the target's Vigor which gives you 20 extra HP to the character but it's probably not gonna be as permanent as some of the other Buffs but to get this from the sorcerer's Sunrise Vault right here in the same lower city of Baldur's Gate though there are going to be some special things you have to do it's basically the same place where we got the best legendary staff for spellcaster that we covered in yesterday's video so reaching the same place just like how we did before we're gonna have to make our way right here to this middle section from the top of the tower once we took the portal over there you can obviously use fly or just the sand jump Misty stab just make your way over there down now from this point on you're going to want to head over to this kind of like Circle tablet to the southern part of the tower which is how you're gonna reach the Vault areas if you pick any of the other you might encounter some really Troublesome encounters but if you just press the one towards the South you can then eventually make your way to the elminster and the cars vaults however before that there's going to be this room in which you can find a bunch of items including the Red Knights final strangers this is going to be an important one to get a magical book that will award special Scrolls upon first reading so do make sure that you do that once on the other side you're going to see three different doors however only one of them is currently accessible which is the silver hand right in front of you so this is the one that we'll need to use to access other doors that will unlock these two doors onto the side to reach these other wizard vaults so there are two vaults let's start with the karsus Vault you start this by just accessing the silver hand door and then in the next room you'll have to pick up duration the door that reads observation then you will reach a third room in which you will want to open the door marked silver inside will be a plaque that reads to karsus and there's going to be a lever after all of these traps set in front of you so simply turn that on and then exit via the demon door to return to the initial set of doors once back you'll notice one of the doors is open so now you can access the karsus Vault and essentially get items inside there are going to be a bunch of very powerful spell Scrolls as well as an important book that itself contains some other really cool rewards you can get from this point just head over back and again access the silver hands door which is going to bring you to the next room and in this case we're gonna now pick the evocation door in the third room we're gonna open up the wish door and this is going to bring us to the L Minster plaque which if we activate the lever off will open up the final fault so from this point on we can simply exit via invulnerability door and then just access the main Vault and access it through the newly opened the door instead of it you're going to find this very special codecs that if you read and hold on your character it will affect you with a withering condition it sort of curves that just slashes off Five Points of your Constitution stat however this can be cured and transformed into a Vigor instead so if you use something like a QR curse like how we did in the previous case with the mirror this is going to turn the target with the ring into a Target Vigor which is going to give you 20 temporary hit points so yeah too bad these are only going to be available until a long rest but who knows maybe in the future this will change I think that this is a good or decent enough buff that should warrant just having a permanent effect on our characters just like how all the others had and I will you say the other ones were definitely stronger anyway that's it with the video if you want to check out some of the items that you can also find in this area totally check out the secret Legendary Weapons Guide I posted yesterday or you can also check out these massive mistakes that you can easily avoid and just become a lot better at playing the game thanks much for watching and until the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
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Keywords: khrazegaming, baldurs gate 3, larian studios, bg3 tips, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 beginner tips, dungeons and dragons, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 secrets, baldurs gate 3 hidden features, baldurs gate 3 best build, baldurs gate 3 best class, baldurs gate 3 best weapons, baldurs gate 3 best, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 best legendary weapons, baldurs gate 3 best items, baldurs gate 3 mirror of loss, baldurs gate 3 character creation
Id: 5a5itT-HmYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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