Baldurs Gate 3 - Why You Should KILL KARLACH (Devil's Advocate)

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karlak is a powerful tiefling Barbarian and potential companion in Baldur's Gate 3. the obvious good choice is to recruit her into your party but in the spirit of avocado Diablo wait what was it called advocates diaboli in the spirit of Playing devil's advocate let's explore why you should kill karlak instead what's up everyone big Dan here I make terrible decisions in RPGs so if you enjoy this video be sure to leave a like And subscribe for more Baldur's Gate 3 content without further Ado let's Dive Right In so let's start off by focusing our attention on Will's dilemma since he's the one who kicks off this whole hit job to begin with Will was tasked by his devil mistress mazora to track down and kill karlak and depending on how you approach the quest things will take a very different turn for will when confronting karlak for the first time we learned the truth that she was escaping her role in the blood Wars and just wants to live as a free individual but my man will ain't buying it and will encourage us to take Swift action so let's see how this plays out this woman was on the front line what was that evident proof that you're a devil a gladiator in the archdevil zaryel's army I can explain but it's a whole situation if if you just hear me out another vision grave slicing through Devils sorry else servants as her eyes Dart around seeking Escape her rage and Desperation seep into you she's a victim of the blood War an agent of it trying to trick us don't believe her lies he saw the truth I never wanted to serve zarya I was enlisted in her Army against my will forced to fight a fight I did when I saw an opportunity to get away I took it finally home or near it anyway served her that's enough to damn you by my living Soul you will forever burn you know I could have used a friend pity that won't be you we swiftly put carlak in the dirt and speak to will afterwards but it seems will is harboring some doubts about the whole thing you can gas him up with the first dialogue option the devil is Fallen Hells I should be celebrating making toasts roaring in Victory but I can't get the tadpole's Visions out of my mind tell me we were right to strike kharlac down I like your conviction I've slayed Myriad Devils each one a threat to Pharaoh I've torn the horns from their heads without a second thought why should this time be any different my prey has fallen hail the blade and may our strikes always find their marks the second and third options produce the same response not exactly the words of solicit hoped for damn it all I vow to hunt vicious monsters not join their ranks no kalak blazed with the fire of avernus I saw it I smelled it infernal Essence tip to toe tell me we were right to strike kharlac down I care damn it all I vow to hunt vicious monsters not join their ranks also I think it's so funny and cringe-worthy to just say nothing when will shouts out Hail to the blade hail the blade hmm well let the silent winds carry word of our Conquest when you return to Camp here's where things get a bit wild now if you saved carlak will gets turned into a hell spawn by mazora a gruesome fate for our warlock friend his soul passes through each layer of the hills gaining their essence and their torment [Music] what the hell have you done however if you killed karlak instead then mazora blesses him with that drip [Music] thank you I can't take no loss I don't even know what it costs specifically this is the very rare outfit called infernal robes which grants a plus one to armor class resistance to fire damage and the level 4 spell fire Shield plus just look at the drip my guy I might have to wear this swag next time I roll up to Duncan for an iced coffee the item description has some interesting mazora lore presumably mizora was not always a sensuous and manipulative benefactor of troubled Souls like will negotiating the hierarchies of Hell result in changes of form but was she ever less beautiful less erudite less willful plus mazora is hot as [ __ ] so I'm inclined to stay on her good side oh you flatterer why if I had a heart I'm sure it would be skipping the rest of Will's Quest is pretty similar will is still contract bound to help mazora and she'll reappear later in the game once you're near moonrise Towers so ultimately if you want to prevent will from turning into a hell spawn and get that awesome outfit then karlak needs to die but maybe will getting some magical Gucci threads isn't enough to convince you so what about carlak's role in the blood Wars yes she never had a choice in her role and took the first opportunity to run away from that life so she's basically going for the I was just following orders defense well it didn't work during the Nuremberg trials home girl and it ain't working here either it's Don carlak by my living Soul you will forever burn plus she apparently went on a killing spree after escaping if this bloke is to be believed she slaughtered countless refugees fleeing the absolute yes yesterday she butchered an entire family without Mercy we were lucky to survive our encounter with her believe me she's no tiefling but a devil we were lucky to escape just yesterday the devil karlak slaughtered countless refugees an entire family met there and at her hands including a pregnant mother I'm gonna be real I don't trust a word this guy says it really seems like he's just throwing anything at the wall to make Carlock look evil he's basically like she slaughtered a village of people including a pregnant woman and I think I heard her shouting the n-word I don't know dude if we interrogate him with Carlock at our side we learn he basically was a hired Merc working for Zario so he's probably just saying anything to get paid and save his own hide plus I just can't trust a man with a bowl cut but if we are to believe Anders then Carlock has certainly committed some terrible acts even after leaving zario's army some of those actions are self-defense but were there other unintended casualties as well if we decide to assassinate carlak Anders will reward us with the Sword of Justice of course we can always pry it out of his cold dead hands so this outcome isn't unique to eliminating car lack from a role-playing standpoint the most compelling avenues for killing karlak are evil play through mercenary playthroughs and maybe paladins as well if you want to be an evil character then slaughtering a tiefling who's just trying to make a life for herself and wants to be left alone is clearly right up that alley mercenaries who just look at jobs with a dispassionate approach may also be inclined to finish the deed on behalf of will or Anders basically saying sorry your life's hard lady but I'm trying to get paid and some paladins may look at eliminating a health spawn as an act of good depending on their viewpoint but in my own playthrough I decided to save Carlock because it seemed like the right thing to do plus it's always fun to bring more companions into the fold when you can but I also had a lot of fun exploring the other side of this Quest and coming up with reasons to make it work from a role-playing standpoint so there you have it a devil's advocate approach on why you should kill karlak in Baldur's Gate 3. if you like this video be sure to subscribe to Big Dan gaming for more Baldur's Gate and RPG videos big shout out to all the channel members for supporting my content until next time this has been big Dan I should go
Channel: Big Dan Gaming
Views: 243,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big dan gaming, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 karlach, baldur's gate 3 kill karlach, baldur's gate 3 why you should kill karlach, baldur's gate 3 wyll infernal robe, baldur's gate 3 worst choices, baldur's gate 3 worst decisions, baldur's gate 3 wyll
Id: 0bo4qh87Bws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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