Baldur's Gate 3 - 17 More Secrets & Things You Didn't Know You Could Do - IMPORTANT Tips & Tricks!

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hello and welcome back to rage gaming and a new baldness gate video today we're back to talk more interesting things you didn't know in bg3 the response to the first video was pretty incredible so many brilliant comments with ideas and suggestions and a lot of things I just had no idea about myself which is part of what is so cool about this game so of course I'm back for a follow-up a video filled with more ideas and more great things that I didn't know in this time a lot of them are from you guys in the comments and I want to say a big thank you to everyone who got involved on that video hopefully then this video proves useful or interesting so either way let's begin a first thing is to do with the Traveler's chest which we can absolutely dump loads of stuff in and as you can see I've currently yeah I've dumped loads of stuff in it obviously you can extend it up and down like so and make it a lot less irritating to look through but there's a further method to make this smoother in a follow-up to an idea that I talked about in the first episode there are backpacks sacks and adventure packs and so on that allow for containing items as you can see you can open them and you have an inventory within we talked about how useful this can be per se making your own potion bag or something you could even put it on your hot bar cleaning up your inventory basically why not apply it to your traveler's chest this simple ingenious idea comes from the boring one in the comments of the last video so let's take this bewildering Adventure Pack and make it my useful equipment pack items that I want to keep potentially use rather than just sell all the junk so just like that my empty pack has now 29 items in it as it does tell you what's actually in it and whenever I can open it up and find all of those particularly useful items that I decided I would like to keep and talk about or use later on this is just an example but honestly I'm now going to spend some time really organizing this I'm going to make one for like vendoring junk like these random Grays and so on that's going to make this whole experience so much smoother next we have one to do with Traders an incredible tip from the same person that boring one thank you so much for all the help basically you have two types of trading right trading and bartering we all know that but have you actually stopped to pay attention to the attitude of the vendor if you stay in the barter Tab and choose to give them items you know you're not actually going to earn anything for this obviously the trader will be pleased with this offer so let's make that barter I'm going to receive no gold from that and suddenly her attitude has gone up from 0 to 12. now while her attitude's still in Orange let's look at this purple staff before we do anything with that reputation 1617 gold to buy it right now that boring one suggested that it was about six gold will net you one approval so you can actually give them total junk it doesn't have to be incredible items like I'm doing for the purpose of this video it could be the junk that you collect of which we all collect a lot of junk as long as it's worth six gold or more you get one approval so now we're into the yellow at attitude 29 you need to get attitude 25 to actually reach yellow let's look at that staff again it's no longer 1 617 gold it's 1505. and you're like yeah well I guess you've improved your attitude so she's buying and selling for cheap deeper great but you could have just sold all those items and made a lot of gold right well true what if you intentionally pick a vendor that you know you're going to interact with a lot that you know has a good amount of money that you want to sell to and buy from potentially regularly well if you have higher attitude you can get more for what you're selling and buy for cheaper whenever you interact with that specific vendor so if I were to push this all the way to Green it would be even cheaper and I will be able to sell for even better prices ultimately the idea here is that you build your attitude with a vendor so that vendor becomes the vendor you go to sell all your junk and whatever else two to make the most gold of course they'll eventually run out of gold but they do reset after a period of time so you can just keep using the same vendor that has a great attitude and of course you can get a better attitude with multiple vendors if there's a bunch you like next we have a quick and absolutely brilliant one from Irish bladesmith in the comments of last time something I've been completely unaware that you can do and it's been staring me the whole time in my face so we have our buttons here and you can say oh let me show my actions let me see my bonus actions whatever another thing that I've done is oh let me see my fighter actions let me see my common actions you know this just helps me organize in the middle of a fight when I'm making decisions but I've never once pressed the passives button I reveal all the passives that you have such as toggling your non-lethal attacks take my Eldritch blast right now I've got rappelling blast on it so when I go to use Eldritch blast let's say someone's near me or something no matter what I do I'm gonna hit them with this and it's gonna send them flying that can be really useful right the idea of sending them away from an ally who I don't want them attacking sending them off a ledge and so on but what if I want them to stay where they are and as useful as repelling blast is in some cases in many cases or if I don't want to repel every enemy well then I can go to the passives tab and press repelling blast and turn it off so it's no longer going to repel them until I turn it back on and it's literally as easy as that to do this is also incredible for toggling on non-lethal attacks as we just mentioned meaning instead of killing people we will knock them unconscious with that damage as you can see it does say you need to be unarmed or using a melee weapon for this to work but just like that you can choose who you kill and who you don't which can be very important in terms of RP or there's even quests such in the area I'm in right now where you're trying not to kill someone you're trying to help who's been cursed by the shadowblight so many cool purposes there with your passives and more potential depending on your class and what passives you have that you can turn on and off absolutely incredible tip and one that makes me feel a bit silly since it seems obvious when you look at the button that says passives but yeah now I know and now you guys do too thank you Irish bladesmith next one from me in regards to something that I realized recently and I've included in a build video in the multi-class video and I want it in this video as well in case you haven't watched those basically depending on the martial class that you're playing at level 5 you can get extra attack it's a passive that allows for an extra weapon attack or unarmed attack after using one of those already basically being able to take multiple melee actions in a turn now there is this detail in DND or in this game too where you can't stack this effect let's say you're level 5 fighter and level 5 Paladin both of these get extra attack at level five but just because you've got two extra attacks doesn't mean they're gonna stack and it won't allow for a triple attack but in the case of the Warlock one for some reason that's just not the case by using The Pact of the blade you can eventually reach your Deep Impact which also provides an extra attack and for whatever reason these two effects are stacking we're not really sure or it's not clear if this is intended or not but for the time being we're able to make use of extra attack and deepen Pax extra attack to attack three times in a turn without using like action surge or anything else like that which is pretty incredible and definitely worth using while you can next we have a really cool tip that again I was completely unaware of from Linson expander in the comments now I've got you a little example here sometimes you'll be picking things up in the world like teas or food or Alchemy items or whatever it is and you have the containers that actually store all of these things that you know prevent them from wasting a load of space in the inventory you have all of those things inside the pouches but apparently there's a quick trick that you can make to instantly fill these up instead of manually dragging each individual thing into its correct place you just take it out of your inventory put it back in and it just Scoops up all the items that's so cool that's the first time I've tried that so what about camp supplies let's put them yeah so it's just taking all the food that was in my equipment there and then obviously with Alchemy it's just going to grab all the Alchemy stuff and immediately just gather it up and put it in there instead of having to one by one do it that's so cool showcasing just how important these items are because yeah while they still obviously have the full weight of everything look at that 54 in that and as I was telling you in the previous episode you can take those and put them in the storage and save loads of space it is cool the way they just scoop them up and put them together for organization purposes super good tip Linson thank you but you know lynson expander also had another great comment just the simple fact that yeah you have your items that you can throw and this is from your inventory so when you press I you can see all the stuff that you have but of course when you press tab you have everyone's inventory and as you can see Starion here has a lot of arrows and other potions such that they could throw or use now if I wanted to use sterion to give my main character a potion say we're in the middle of combat we'll turn on turn based mode just to show this we'll have a stereion then try to throw the potion of healing at my main character to heal him but the action of throwing of course requires a full action so that would be a pretty hefty turn to use one through action for a heal instead apparently what you can do is choose the character you want to heal open up the shared inventory and then just find the item and then rather than throw it you can just use it and as you can see It'll be single use bonus action rather than the action of throwing it so when I right click it and choose drink you can see that it says Hollow not a stereon because my main character is going to get that healing effect rather than a Syrian which is crazy that you can just yeah open up the inventory and do that as you can see it has consumed the bonus action of my character specifically because if I check a Starion he still has his bonus action because he didn't drink the potion that's crazy and feels a little bit like a bit broken like surely that wouldn't be allowed in D but since it's a feature that we can make use of in this game why not of course that won't just apply to potions of healing there are plenty of other Buffs that we would use to improve our attack rolls on our oiled weapon we can use a bonus section to get that benefit instead of having to use throw as a full action on the person that's giving it to another all you need to do is click on the character that you want to use the potion and just like that now I can drink it as a Starion because he has his bonus section ready what a cool tip thank you again Linson next this comes from a multi-class video that I did recently where I had a look at barbarians and Druids as a multi-class something that I did didn't expect to work but totally does and then makes a basis of a specific multi-class it's how Barbarian Roars actually will carry over to your Druid wild forms so in the case of the beastial heart bear heart raw where while you have that raw active for 10 turns you are taking half damage from most damage sources including physical meaning you are massively reducing the damage you take but if you combine that with a bear form that has massive Health pool suddenly you're making that big Health pool take half the damage on most damage types and again physical is the most common one all you actually have to do to do this is Roar before you go into the bear form because once you're in the bear form you can't actually have the button on your bar to Roar but to be fair you would do the raw before taking any combat actions anyway it will just delay the transformation slightly but again well worth it this leads to such an ultra tanky Druid that it might be one of the tankiest things that you can just quickly get through multi-classing and it's really cool and worth knowing about if you consider playing a druid alright this next one seems ridiculous I haven't fully tested this myself so let's see if it works it comes from a commenter called liver G I hope I pronounced that right with the idea of Camp casters basically the idea of making use of your unused companions in a helpful way and you can also hire followers via Withers to also become Camp captors if you're not wanting to like do this with particular characters but let me explain basically there are a variety of long rest Buffs Gail has a great example of that in the form of his Mage Armor until long rest protect a target from attacks increasing its armor class to 13 plus its dexterity modifier it can't be used on currently armored Target so I'll just swap clothes with Gail real quick so we'll have him cast Mage Armor on me and then I'm gonna get that buff as you can see I now have Mage Armor let's then say all right thanks Gail for the buff I need you to remain in Camp for a while just like that he's no longer in the party and yet I still have Mage Armor let me completely leave the camp yeah I still have Mage Armor and that is until long rest nothing is going to break that because it has nothing to do with like concentration or whatever so Gail is buffing me even though he's not in the party so you could easily take some of your Caster or buffer allies who has a buff that doesn't require concentration but lasts until of course long rest there's a lot of these long rest type or Buffs that can be incredible warding Bond or say protection from evil and good that's also incredible in certain areas there's quite a few ways that you can until long rest get a really Hefty buff and it's pretty incredible you don't even need that person in your party to do so and that's why liver G is calling them Camp casters because you go back to Camp have them cast on you and then just leave they also suggested utility characters who could be like a transmutation wizard for potion making if someone specializes in medicine and wisdom and that type of thing so this is where Withers comes in for exactly that you can choose hilings and for 100 gold actually recruit one as you can see this allows you to pick from a selection of people and just as suggested by liver G you could pick someone with a useful buff just like that we have our own hiling who we can choose to level up and give them details that will actually be useful for this concept then as always just like a companion you can say hey wait for me in the camp and then interact with them put them in the party get the Buffs have them craft stuff whatever and leave them behind which is just awesome so yeah very unique tip really cool glad to include that but there you have it a bunch of things that I either recently learned myself Oliver and via the comments of the first video again a big thank you to everyone who got involved made suggestions comments honestly there was even more than I could consider for this video so maybe there's a third video worth doing on that note if you had more things that would fit in this concept that you think most people don't know then please comment it down below for now though I've been Hollow you've been new thank you for watching I'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice Jewel again to your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world of stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 44,591
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Keywords: baldurs gate act 2, act 2 guide, baldurs get best spell, baldurs gate 3 secret, baldurs gate 3 secrets, baldurs gate 3 side quests, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, baldurs gate 3 magic items, camp, combat, combat guide, best class, best build, build guide, companion guide, new player, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldurs gate 3 gear, gear guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, sorcerer, subclasses, level, xp guide, baldurs gate 3 ac, bg3, ac, act 1, bg, ragegamingvideos
Id: F9maSokUn3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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