Baldur's Gate 3 - 19 Secrets & Things You Didn't Know You Could Do - IMPORTANT Tips & Tricks!

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hello and welcome back to race gaming in a new Baldur's Gate video today we're about to talk more useful or interesting things that you didn't know you could do in this massive game once again I'd like to quickly thank the many people who got involved and dropped their own tips and ideas in the comments of last time and of course I'll be crediting everyone that learned anything from in those comments but of course I also have my own tips today too with that all said though let's get into it our first thing today then is all about disguised self or in this case I'll be using seeming which is the same thing but AOE Now using these types of Disguise spells is incredibly powerful because obviously you can turn yourself into someone else which can be very useful if you're dealing with people who know who you are and you don't want them to know who you are but you can always adjust like you have all of this insane amount of options and that can actually be just specifically useful for swapping to the correct race of who you're about to talk to an obvious example would be githyanki who are a little bit rude to people of their not the same race and it's not exactly true that a gith will speak nicely to a gift but there'll be a lot more welcoming let's say and open up other opportunities of conversation but you could also go further than that obvious use and turn yourself into specifically a small race gnomes are probably going to be your best bet for that in specific because they're one of the smallest options you have the reason to do this is to squeeze into the smaller gaps and holes that most races just can't fit through but what if we do something even better what if we take enlarge and reduce and then shrink ourselves like so now we're smaller and then disguise and go into gnome form I'm now even smaller I'm like an ultra small gnome in this specific case here's a perfect size comparison I'm just slightly bigger than this bucket this allows you to get through the smallest holes possible without you know basically becoming a gaseous cloud or something and it's actually a really simple combination the sky itself is a level one ritual spell of course an enlarge and reduce is also a spell level 2 transmutation in this case so easy to run if you have a wizard or otherwise next let's talk about rituals and this comes from susac in the comments of last time it's all about different rituals and how they actually don't cost anything when you're not in combat even though the majority of them are Level 1 spells and like detect thoughts which is level two as you can see it says it's just costing an action and a ritual because when you're not in combat in Baldur's Gate specifically you can just do this as many times as you want which means you can take say long Strider and give yourself that extra movement speed which will be helpful in all of the gameplay and combat but then you can also choose to Target allies and give them the buff and then they'll have it until the long rest which is incredible but you can also upcast it to turn it into like a multi-target buff so you don't have to do it one by one you can just do it all in one go which is really cool the same can be said for featherfall as you can see it's not actually costing me a spell slot and we all have that perk as well as everyone having long Strider same for enhanced leap which is another one that we can Target allies with and give them the same buff with or find familiar detect dots and even disguise so through that you're able to give yourself and your allies some pretty incredible Buffs that will last until long rest or can be incredible for moving around the map without actually any cost at all there's no reason not to be running these if you have the opportunity to do so exploring the world with them is so much easier all right here's another one that's just kind of funny and it can even be a combination of a couple things we just mentioned so on my main character I have this weapon and I have high strength so I can leap really fast I think we've all experienced it when your main character or a couple of characters can make a jump and then some of them like Gail or someone else they just can't make the same jump and they get left behind and it's kind of annoying there's two ways you can resolve that issue so yeah basically pretend I can make a jump and Gail can what you can do with that same high strength character then is choose throw and then choose the character that can't make that same leap and then throw them the distance that they can't make them themselves it's not going to be massive damage it's definitely going to be a bit embarrassing and awkward for the two characters involved but it is an option and a way to overcome that scenario this is best done on small characters though that are easier to throw so that's where Disco guy's self comes in handy yet again if I were to turn myself into a smaller character like a gnome then I should be able to pick them up and throw them even further oh my God that's so much further that's like double the distance so you know in this case maybe I'm dealing a bit too much damage to them but this can really help resolve characters that can't make the same jump and you don't want to waste a spell slot or something to get them there alright this next one is one that I realized very recently it's changed the way that I'm interacting with items when I'm looting and maybe it'll be really useful to you so let's say I loot this Barrel obviously it's got fish in it but let's pretend this fish is actually an arrow well I have one person who's actually using ranged combat in my party in that cysterian so what I've been doing is instead of like swapping to a stereo and then running up to the barrel and picking up the arrow instead of doing that I'm taking whoever's actually currently looting and right clicking it and going send to asterian and then it just goes straight to him and now he has it so I don't have to manually swap that's fine but there's actually something a lot smooth smoother and faster and just better that you can do and let's take the item let's again pretend this as an arrow and it wants to go to a Starion and I'm just going to drag it and give it to asserian and now he has it so I don't have to do this right clicking awkward fast I can just very smoothly drag the items to whoever should have it like say I find some spell Scrolls for Gail I can just drag them to him I don't have to do it this awkward way I feel like I've evolved the way that I'm sending items to my allies from like awkwardly having them go loot it right clicking and sending to them and now dragging them it's just getting smoother and smoother I wonder what I'm gonna learn next next up we have one from the comments by JB mcclicken who makes just a simple and pretty great suggestion in regards to pickpocketing with your thieves or you know Rogues or whatever so we're going to take our Rogue and ungroup them from the party and we'll just put him over here in prep for the thievery then we're going to take our group and interact with this NPC at that point as you may know you can click character select and just pick someone else in your group such as someone that's not currently in that conversation like a Starion here who can then just stealth and because I've forced him to speak to me I've forced the person to look a certain way making stealthing up on them super easy at which point I can then pickpocket them and find whatever useful items they have a very clever trick for positioning and pickpocketing we have more to do with this again from the comments so this one comes from co-ops in the comments and it's a genius way to basically steal gold really effectively so let's take a vendor here we're going to talk to them we'll have a take a look okay we see how much money they've got 717. let's once again swap to the person that I'd like to pickpocket with and there's the 717. the problem with trying to pickpocket this is it's going to be a pretty hard check so instead of trying to loot 717 gold in one go and that being a hard check what you can incredibly do thanks to cops telling me is you hold shift and then move it and then you can drag it and separate it so suddenly a roll for 359 gold compared to 717 actually a lot easier again let's just spread it out a little bit more making smaller stacks of gold in their inventory once again we'll go on a staring and try to pickpocket and now you can see that the gold Stacks have changed we've spread it out so instead of having a hard check of whatever it was like 12 or 13 now it's minus one that's really easy or even four on 179 stack it's so much easier to succeed and actually steal when you're trying to take smaller stacks of items or gold or whatever so that's an absolute genius tip thank you for that moving on from that we have one from pc574 who talks about how vendor gold actually resets so let's say I want to trade with this guy and I'm going to trade him a bunch of stuff worth a lot of money now I can't keep vendoring to this guy because he doesn't have enough gold to even complete the transactions which is annoying well as it turns out you can reset vendors and what amount of gold they have to trade with when you level up so let's take Gail and just quickly level him up One Singular level now he's leveled up we can go back to the vendor and interact with him and suddenly he's got gold again and he's right ready to trade once more this little tip then means that if you're planning on vendoring and doing a lot of rendering you can do it all with one vendor let's say every time you level up you've just gone from 10 to 11 instead of just instantly leveling go okay cool I can dump all of the stuff I've been Gathering and make a bunch of gold from vendors go to a vendor sell everything you've got level up one character to reset them sell everything else you've got level up another character keep selling and so on and that means it's a lot smoother to get all of that gold and get rid of all these junk items that you want to sell in one smooth process also while we're here we have another from the comments by Lance Clark it's to do with that reputation attitude thing we talked about last time where the higher the attitude the more you'll actually get by selling and less cost on actually trading which is well worth doing with a vendor you want to trade with however what I didn't mention in that and I didn't realize at the time is an obvious thing really is you Charisma stat affects the prices of items so the higher your charisma the cheaper he will sell these things for so instead of just using your main character or whoever you should take someone who actually has high Charisma and by the things for cheaper warlocks bad Sorcerers or whoever logically has high Charisma based on their class and build have those ones being the ones that actually earn the attitude because then buying and selling will be even more efficient in that case and for the last thing in this video it's something that I thought was more common knowledge than it must be because I've seen the comment come up a little bit so it was caped Baldi who said in the comments that if you're swapping gear there's a much faster way to do it instead of saying manually finding the item that I want to equip like hey I want to put this weapon on okay cool is you can just click on the weapon slot and as you can see it shows every single weapon that I have currently available in our shared inventory now this doesn't show what's in my Camp chest for example I've got loads of stuff there but it is what I can swap to and put on immediately because me and my party currently has this stuff I thought this was a relatively well-known feature I have seen it come up a few times so just letting you guys know that you can swap gear based on what's currently available to you smoothly and as quickly as that which is certainly a useful thing to know if you didn't but there you have it another round of interesting details or really useful tips to use in your own gameplay I feel like I learned a lot each time I go to make one of these videos it's really awesome so again a big thank you to everyone who's leaving ideas in the comments on that note if you do have more tips or things you think most people don't know that could be useful then sure drop it in the comments it might just make it into another video for now though I've been Hollow you've been new thank you for watching see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 84,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 act 3, act 3, baldurs gate 3 gold, gold, baldurs gate 3 best spell, best weapon, best spell, seeming, baldurs gate 3 seeming, pickpocketing, pickpocket, baldurs gate act 2, baldurs gate 3 secret, baldurs gate 3 secrets, baldurs gate 3 side quests, baldurs gate 3 magic items, combat, combat guide, best class, best build, build guide, baldurs gate 3 gear, gear guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, sorcerer, subclasses, bg3, act 1, ragegamingvideos
Id: ctqY6uTYDls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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