Baldur's Gate 3 - 6 PERMANENT BUFFS, YOUR OWN GUILD & NEW LEGENDARY - 11 Act 1 Secrets You Missed!

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hello and welcome back to rage gaming and welcome to Baldur's Gate 3. with the Playstation release the game we have many new players who can finally play and with that we thought video dedicated to some of the best most important things to not miss in act one might be helpful but an updated list about a variety of sure gamey stuff like permanent Buffs but also really useful things like an extra summon for the playthrough weird NPCs that I completely missed things that actually have follow-ups in the later acts so whether you're new or have been playing since the PC release this video should provide some interesting things to consider maybe avoid missing so let's get started let's kick this video off with two really interesting and useful things that I missed originally myself a potent and horrifying Necromancer book that leads to a unique spell and a permanent summon that would have been really useful we'll start with the easier thing the summon it comes with its own invisibility allowing you to reach places and things you wouldn't be able to this early on shovel is said familiar though and to get him you either have a cast to learn the scroll for the summon or you could respect your character to have one of those Caster levels and then spec back but it works well to give shovel to Gail for example this is found under the blighted village by entering the Apothecary Cellar revealing the hidden lever behind the boxes in there to progress into a grassy area with some caskets within is a scroll found in one of these caskets and at that point make sure to save just in case you make any wrong options have your sorcerer warlock or wizard of the group use the scroll and talk to the shovel you could respect your character to any of those three just for this and then respect back if you want shovel to be yours on whatever character you're using use the dialogue options in this order basically choose the first option six times the second option on the seventh Choice and then the first option again on the eighth Choice basically all you need to be doing is choosing the first option unless option one says no we won't allow you to do that which point just choose option two after that you should cause shovel to say go talk to the mirror is referring to the large mirror in this room that has a challenge to actually bypass it to beat the mirror you'll need to state your name say you're an ally of the master say the line that's referencing foul Lich and as the following question with cleaner wound then you'll get inside the following room once inside you can now speak to shovel again using the Caster that you actually interacted each other with originally shovel will call you an insulting name but reward that character with the spell find familiar cheeky Quasar if you had respect temporarily you should be able to spec back now and keep the summon despite that change but either way you have the little summon can be a distraction a meat shield in combat or a stealthy very useful invisible thief whatever you like but there is of course more to this Necromancer than there's a really cool Necromancer book with a horrible cover here you won't want to miss this one allows you to long term learn a very powerful necrons to summon spell which if you're going down that kind of Route you certainly want this is another thing I completely missed so also in the necromancer's secret layer that we just covered for the summon minion is a weird book to find it you need to be in the room post mirror and we need to pick up the Rusted key that's in this room there's a trap on the left side of the room to disarm and then we can use the key to lock the door within we can then loot the book from the altar which you know it's a good idea to pick this up using Gail or someone with kind of wizard related aspects you're also going to need higher wisdom for this in general to open the Necromancer book you're going to need the dark amethyst which is found in the whispering depths that's under the blighted village as well enterable by the well in the middle of the blighted village or via the blacksmicella whichever you prefer at the end of that underground section with all the spiders is a boss fight with a level 5 spider which when defeated allows you to pick up the dark amethyst using that we can open the neck around the book and then we need to pass three wisdom checks to read and understand it it's gonna be a DC-10 then a 15 then a 20 check so you want to be prepared if you fail the book's gonna close forever so you might want to wait until you have higher wisdom or you could like save and reload until you achieve it having successfully read the book it'll come back up much later in the game in act 3. basically whoever successfully reads the book can now decipher runic symbols and when you might much later on in act 3 follow Gail's storyline with sorcery Sundries you can go into that building's Vault and find a codex and the person that can understand runic symbols can then learn from that book which will then give you the dance Macabre spell which is what lets you summon ghouls so if you go in for a necromancer Vibe this book and learning the runic symbols and all that is definitely going to be worth it now here's another thing that I completely Miss myself it's actually called the thieves Den but then becomes a Thieves Guild later in act 3. in The Druids Grove or the emerald Grove you'll find a young tiefling who sells a few items and wants to show you an interesting trick with a ring turns out that ring trick is more of a distraction for them to try to steal from you but the child that tried to steal from you you should let them go and treat them well when they run away you'll see that behind this Merchant it's kind of a hidden cave entrance that you can only fit in if you're small you could change into a smaller Race using say disguised self or use an animal form or a summon but within that cave is the den of Thieves it's a bunch of young tieflings who like to steal but you'll just be kicked out if you haven't done something nice for the kids or if you upset the girl who tried to rob you to make them like you there's multiple options you could save the child who stole a locket or save Merkin down in the secluded Cove the secluded Cove is found by heading out of the main Druid circle area down at the bottom heading north east from there which is an area I completely missed myself down by the water you find Merkin who is Enchanted by harpies if you defeat them and save Merkin you can now return to the thieves den and they'll like you speak with Maul the one who's in charge depending on your progress you'll be asked to help them steal the druid's idol which is probably not worth doing there's a lot of negative consequences there but if you progress the main events without spoilers you can speak to them about their future plans and you'll learn that they're planning to get a proper hideout in Baldur's Gate in the future and if you invest meaning give them a bit of gold they'll much appreciate it and tell you to go find them later on in act 3 you should be able to find Maul in the Guild Hall when you reach the lower City it's something I completely missed myself so you might want to be aware of it moving on how about the earliest legendary weapon you can get in the game the silver sword of the astral plane which is something I've talked about a couple times recently so I'll be short in this video this legendary weapon is ideally used by a gif because the passives trigger and it Powers up the weapon in a variety of ways you could use a spell like this guy's self to become a gift temporarily to get the Buffs anyway or just give it to a gift in your party like Lazelle to get it in act one though you need to make Vos the weapons owner drop it somehow and I like the simple disarm attack that Fighters such as Lazelle can use but we'll need to sneak up behind Voss meaning we need an invisibility potion which you can get in a few ways in act one like buying it from the merchant found in the goblin Camp either way sneak up behind Voss with the invisibility which you'll find at the meeting point at the Northwestern point of the Wilderness so while behind him you want to use a disarm attack or whatever method you're using to disarm then instantly use the turn-based mode before he can actually react to prevent him from picking it up then a conversation will trigger which ends with combat and vast leaves of course which he does so without actually picking up his sword so it's just on the ground and you can pick it up you can either escape the following combat or just let the character that did this die and revive them via Withers in the camp so if you want this legendary sword in act 1 that's how otherwise you're gonna have to wait until much later in act 3 depending on your choices next up we have a couple things tied to the goblin Camp aka the shattered sanctum first up we have a permanent buff the Lovato's love boss ideal for a character that's taking consistent damage because it triggers when they're low Health when the character with this buff has 30 hit points or less you gain plus two to attack rolls and wisdom saving throws for three turns to get it you'll need to speak with Abby direct who is in his own room on the east side of the entrance chamber of the goblin Camp by being generally positive to the strange things that he says he'll offer to alleviate your pain basically meaning abuse you I and I'm sure many other players chose not to let the strange man happily hurt us but if you want the buff you probably should to get it though you're gonna need to overcome three dice checks involved choosing whatever works best for you intimidation is the safest because some of the options will have you leave the encounter and you don't want to do that beat the three roll checks though and then tell him that you enjoyed that or it was interesting just don't say you could have hit harder or leave with that the character who went through that ordeal will get the permanent buff speaking on permanent Buffs then there was another one right here like the ability to see invisible creatures within a short range from you forever anything you detect will have to roll a deck saving throw or be exposed let me tell you that is really useful in both act two and three where invisible enemies start to pop up all you need to do is say Volo who is imprisoned right next to where we just met the Abby durak character also on the east side of the entrance chamber of the goblin camp we have to convince the goblin who is holding Volo prisoner to free him through intimidation or otherwise say Volo and tell him to go to your Camp then just go meet him in your camp and tell him about the lithid that's in your head and he'll offer to remove it for you through that process he will actually remove one of your eyes and if you're pretty upset with him which to be fair who wouldn't be he will give you a new eye which provides you with that permanent ability to Spot close invisible enemies pretty simple and straightforward you just have to give up and I but it's well worth it if you're okay with that concept what about another permanent buff that you won't want to miss that you can get in act one this is tied to anti-ethyl the hag of the swamp in the South solving that whole situation is really fun and rewarding in general can get this permanent buff that personally I missed for new players in short you're trying to save the kidnap Girl Marina and the hag isn't really gonna let her go so we have to fight her the permanent buff comes from her hair which she actually offers you if you let the hag live personally I just killed her before she ever gave me that option maybe you did too she offers you a literal plus one ability Point permanently for letting her go which is crazy good you could pick one of your main stats to increase by one which is wonderful basically you put her to low Health roughly 10 or less but then don't kill her let the turn order progress until it's the real Ethel's turn now she's very low and she'll start begging she wants to live and she offers you the hair buff in exchange but she also wants to keep the girl who's trying to save if you succeed the intimidation check you can save the girl and get the hair why while letting Ethel escape this is very much worth the effort though because Marina will return in act three with her own cool storyline again to do with Ethel it has some fantastic items so you want to save her and you come away with this with a plus one ability point which is no small thing finally there's one last permanent buffer I want to highlight in act one which can be found later than the rest in the underdark the strange NPC bowl is one I personally missed the only minor issue here is the buff that you get requires a True Companion permanent sacrifice like you have to give up someone such as Lazelle forever to get the buff which is certainly not worth it to many people however you can also get a weapon from him or other rewards so it's worth coming here and doing this anyway from the underdark beach Waypoint within the underdark head east to the orange sort of fungal area that has torch stalks you'll want to attack from range so they'll blow you up and on the east side of this Orange area is a little entrance that leads down via this cragged rock you can climb down here you have this strange NPC bowel who wants to give you a permanent buff has been addiction but that means sacrificing someone one of you companions if you're willing you'll get advantage and attack rolls against any bleeding creatures which is a very strong perk if you're using that alternatively you could get a blue quality Weapon by instead persuading Val to give you his sickle you know using it in his name the sickle is a d24 weapon and it has its own buff providing extra damage to bleeding enemies finally you can simply kill battle and claim the loot and the funny reaction of the fish people so it's up to you how you go about this there's three main options but there you have it a pile of useful and interesting things to know about in act one some of which I missed in my own first playthrough like the book or the weird guy in the underdark if you guys know anything else that would really benefit new players that you would do in say act 1 or act 2 that affects act three maybe drop it in the comments you might help someone for now though I've been Hollow you've been you thank you for watching we'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice Julian to your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world of stage is is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 251,021
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 necromancy of thay, necromancy of thay, baldurs gate 3 booal, baldurs gate 3 aunt ethel hair, baldurs gate 3 danse macarbe, baldurs gate 3 silver sword of the astral plane, baldurs gate 3 shovel familiar, baldurs gate 3 secret, baldurs gate 3 secrets, baldurs gate 3 side quests, best class, best build, build guide, baldurs gate 3 gear, gear guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, baldurs gate 3 act 1, act 1, act 1 secrets, ragegamingvideos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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