Zapped Might Be Disney's Most Disturbing Movie

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what's up Greg and welcome back to another episode of a grown man spends 20 minutes making fun of a movie for kids you may have noticed something a little bit different there's a microphone in the frame I got a new stand for my microphone and apparently the only way I can get it like close enough to me is by having it slightly in frame so I hope this isn't super distracting this would be kind of a crazy way for like one of those faceless YouTubers to film videos what's up guys so today we're going to be talking about Zapped and after watching this movie I'm starting to think that the writers of Disney Channel original movies are not capable of writing a movie that's not about a teenager trying to control the opposite sex and mold them and craft them to their liking you got Pixel Perfect a movie about creating like the perfect girl pop star How to Build a Better Boy Pretty self-explanatory in the title on that one and then you got this movie Zapped which is about Zendaya discovering that for dog training app can actually train boys to obey sorry I can train boys to obey her every command um it's not actually Zendaya she's not playing herself it's Zendaya's playing a character named Zoe I think that's probably pretty clear but I just wanted to I just want to clear that up this movie is full of dark magic I'm convinced of it there's something deeply Sinister going on in this movie I don't know what it is but I'm gonna figure it out let's go ahead and watch it the movie starts out with Zendaya's character Zoe giving a maid of honor speech at her mom's wedding she's marrying this new guy so her family is about to be merged with his family so it's Zendaya and her mom and then this man and his three sons so it's like a family of women mixing with a family of men which makes a lot of sense because as we know women give birth to girls and men give birth to boys first off I just want to say how happy I am that my mom has finally found love again she is the most giving person I Know Her speech starts off sweet but then she immediately just starts like kind of complaining about having to live with four new guys because they're stinky four guys and they're mysterious odors says they always blame on the dog yeah she sort of takes the opportunity to to complain and just make her mom I guess like feel bad for marrying a guy it's the happiest day of her mother's life and also this guy her new stepdad is the happiest day of his life and Her speech is like I hate my news family my new stinky family and this wedding will certainly ruin my life to make matters even worse towards the end of her speech the boys lose control of their pet dog who is at their wedding for some reason they lose control of the dog and the dog goes crazy and knocks like a chocolate fondue fountain all over Zendaya and at this moment I couldn't help but remember that Zendaya's character in Euphoria is supposed to be the same age as Zendaya's character in this movie and their lives are drastically different throughout this movie you will find that the characters are like super weird they're like caricatures of people that don't exist in real life to show how much it's gonna suck really living with the boys the writers of this movie decided to have the next day start with Zendaya's new stepdad screaming in the hallways getting everybody ready for school but then when he sees Zendaya come out of her room he like doesn't know how to talk to her I mean hi girl hi girl it's like dude you're 50. have you never talked to a girl before the movie then establishes why each one of the new guys that she lives with is like gross in some way one of her little brothers is really messy the other one's always like cooking gross stuff which is like a weird character trait I get the messy younger brother but like the gross cooking younger brother is that a thing is that something worse I'm supposed to be able to relate to and then the oldest of the brothers is like always frantically running around he's like always late for something he's really scatterbrained my pets where are my pants where are my parents where are my okay excuse me can we just establish a few ground rules here you're not wearing pants please stay out of my personal space Bubble look Joey I have morning basketball practice and then a player's meeting and then a captain's meeting and then even more practicing kind of weird to respond to a request about like not invading my personal space when you're not wearing pants by saying like but uh Zoe I've got basketball practice like he fully like bumps his butt on her while getting ready in his underwear and she's like can you not do that and he's like sorry sometimes when you're busy you just gotta rub up on your step sis in your underwear what don't you get I'm in many extracurricular clubs okay along with moving into a new house with all these boys she also starts attending her new school which is the school that her brother goes to and you know how in Disney movies there's always like the distinct clicks like there's the popular crowd and then there's like the the Stoners that they never say Stoners in the Disney movie they're just kind of like these are like the kids who wear jean jackets this movie has the most insane High School Posse's ever you got the skateboard boys okay that's pretty normal the next group she sees are the shirtless workout boys and then just the straight up stinky boys where the only like defining characteristic is that they're dirty flea-ridden smelly boys there's you can hear like flies flying around them what Clique is this supposed to be in high school and then there's the popular group one of whom is also pretty stinky himself actually the tripster the tripathon it's me I'm Tripp oh Bird Farm the movie sort of writes this off as like well this is just something boys do you know new school you gotta kind of accept what boys come with it you know boys will be boys uh no that is actually not not what boys do that is something that just one very specific boy does it's me I'm true and he needs to be stopped I cannot remember a single moment in high school where a boy walked up to a girl let alone like the new girl who's already like scared and doesn't know anyone and is like hey I'm gonna fart in your face welcome to the school smell my ass but it's not all bad though she does make a friend on her very first day and in typical Disney Channel movie fashion uh she is wearing a fedora every Disney Channel movie has to have a token Fedora Blazer wearing character but the boys here are cute aren't they all of them I think we have the highest percentage of cute boys in the entire greater West Lake Area unlike Zoe though she actually kind of likes the boys at the school she's like sure they may have their flaws but they're pretty cute wow you seem a little oh boy crazy yeah that's the official diagnosis hold up this girl has a picture of a boy that goes to her school in her locker is that a thing I remember in like Middle School girls would have pictures of like celebrity boys in their lock imagine seeing a picture of you in somebody else's Locker I'd feel like I was being hunted it's weird to have his picture in your locker it's even weirder in the movie when we find out that she also actually has pictures of him printed out on her pillows in her bed go that's scary imagine if they start dating she's like FaceTiming him in bed and she like accidentally tilts the camera a little bit to the side he just sees his own face next to her wait what was that is that is that me of course Zoe does have a love interest in this movie and he is introduced early on it's this guy every boy in the movie is depicted in a negative light except this guy because this guy he's not like other guys Mr kale pay attention there will be a quiz on praying mantis Soldier mantis for riddus carnivorous member of the phylum of Roberto class insecto wow he really is different than all the other guys he knows about praying mantises most guys around this school don't know [ __ ] about bugs yeah the movie really seems to depict this guy as like a way that guy should be guys shouldn't be stinky and messy okay guys should wear beanie and sunglasses and no [ __ ] about bugs and b-35 I know I talk about this in like every Disney Channel Original Movie video that I make but this guy literally looks like he's 30. maybe he was held back for being too cool or not not being stinky enough that seems to be a requirement at the school he went on stage to accept his diploma and they were they shook his hand and they were like wait a minute why isn't your hand sticky actually there's no flies flying around you get it get out of here dude back to freshman year no wonder you do the silent Lone Wolf sunglass Rebel thing oh this it's pancake mishap this morning no no I'm not I'm not looking at that okay well then what are you looking at I'm looking at you creepy stops in the middle of the hallway just to stare her down I think I've got you figured out oh really yeah I don't know man this just comes off as creepy to me I guess this is supposed to be romantic but it's not really romantic to me just scary another one of the plot lines in this movie is that Zoe wants to join the dance team but the girl who runs the dance team is like the popular mean girl she doesn't want Zoe on the dance team because she's too good at dancing and it's gonna make her look bad or something anyway by now you're probably wondering when the frick does this app thing happen right when the frick does Zoe discover that the dog training app works on boys well at first it doesn't Zoe's just trying to train the family dog because it's all just like the rest of the boys in the house it's stinky and it like destroys her room and [ __ ] breaks this thing that her dad gave to her she downloads this app called Listen and Obey which is kind of an ominous sounding app sit Shake [Music] right away this app is already clearly cursed with dark magic right and the dog can even tell too because you know what the dog does the second he realizes what's going on he grabs her phone and runs off with it and tries to destroy it presumably to break the curse and then what happens next is honestly the most confusing part of the movie okay so the dog drops the phone in the bath her brother gets it out and tries to swing it around to get the water out of it it flies out the window swings around a satellite dish slides down a solar panel and lands in dog food and from here on out that app is now able to control boys any man or boy this app can control against their Wills sit and at first while watching this movie I didn't even think it was that weird I didn't even give it a second thought it was just like okay yeah so something magical happened and now it can control boys that makes sense but like what what happened to the phone I don't understand how solar panels and satellite dish changes the app from dog based to man-based like you think of the verily something having to do with like men would happen to the phone like the phone lands in like a bucket of buffalo wings or like flies through a football field I'm just curious to know if like if that [ __ ] up other apps on the phone or if it's just the dog training app now whenever a boy likes one of my tweets he goes into a coma for three years and don't even get me started on the weather app because every time I check that boys start falling from the sky anyway let's just say now that she's got the ability to control boys she has a little bit of fun boys are acting weird farted twice in midair in such rapid succession they added in two fart sound effects kind of impressive I'm trying to imagine how she's gonna use the app to get herself out of this one stop farting take it take it back take the fart back suck it back up into your ass I know she just uses the app to utterly humiliate him in front of his friends go to the bathroom mm-hmm oh wait no not not here I'm still confused about some of these clicks by the way like who are what are these nerdy kids supposed to be look at this kid in the green sweater how he acts when nobody high fives him what is that acting I guess your dog app doesn't work on girls maybe because girls aren't dog-like enough they're too [Music] caddy Ah that's funny those are caddy what the [ __ ] does that mean boys are dog-like what the hell I mean I guess in this universe they kind of are they're like flea-ridden mangy boys why do we smell like we smell so pretty much like the the majority of this movie is just Zoe using the app to like get what she wants and make all the boys at the school act exactly how she wants them to she turns the skater boys into gentlemen she goes up to their nerdy gamer kids and tells them to like go do yoga instead of playing video games let's go do some yoga and her brothers dude don't even get me started on what she does to her poor Brothers I'm taking the brother's side all right they did nothing wrong her poor brothers were just living their lives until Zoe moved in and tries to fix them be clean holy moly it's filthy in here her messy brother she tells to be more clean which turns him into this like hyper hygienic husk of his former cell I use sponge and soap and paper towels and a power washer for the rest of the movie he's literally just he's scrubbing everything frantically in a panic anytime there's a mess he's like I gotta clean it up she tells the gross cooking boy to cook less a gross stuff start making less gross food so he's like cooking five-star meals for the rest of the movie and then the oldest brother she tells him to be more focused be focused [Music] this lampshade the boy is just like focused on inanimate objects for the rest of the movie he's just like staring at a lamb or at the basketball net she turns her own family into like Mindless zombies and she's like this is better this is nice it's creepy dude it's Eerie this movie in all honesty dude this show walked so that Wanda Vision could run this is basically One Division in fact since they're both owned by Disney I wouldn't be surprised if this was in the same universe this is like a prequel to One Division this is where she gets the idea it's kind of funny how how low the stakes are considering the power that she holds she could like take over Wall Street she could get rich she could make she could make anybody do what she wants any man she could fix every war create world peace in fact I think her friend says that at one point in the movie she's like we could end every war with this and Zoe's just like yeah we could but I simply will not I think it's more important that my brother stares at a lamp for the rest of his life that's kind of the [ __ ] I'm on things aren't nearly as terrible as it were and again I'm talking to a dog so I might just be losing my mind Hey smartphone and this scene there's a little bit more development with the love Interest Zoe runs into him Reading Alone in the park well what are you reading oh no let me guess the cool guy's guide to wearing sunglasses inside close To Kill a Mockingbird I feel like when he holds up that book we're supposed to be like wow he really is not like other guys except that like that is required reading in most high schools so he actually is like other guys he's like every other guy to kill a mockingbird's sort of my favorite book my second favorite is The Great Gatsby third favorite is geometry 101. I just love to read what can I say eventually things start to get a little crazy at school and Zoe realizes that she probably shouldn't be controlling people like this anymore people are getting into fights and stuff because the the new clicks at school are just like not not meshing well so Zoe's like all right I'll just make them stop and she tells the app to stop and then of course everybody just stands still and freezes and so she's like oh no I can't reverse the commands if I tell them to stop they're just gonna literally stop and so then like many more days go by and she's just like well I guess I can never reverse the thing and it's like well what if you just said hey ignore all the commands I gave you instead of just saying stop and being like oh it didn't work the movie continues to get even more or dark to like a a startling Point there's a creepy ass scene where the whole JV dance team wants to resign because they don't like dancing anymore and Zoe's like how about I use the app to Make You Dance instead and so there's just a scene of them all like sadly dancing as their hearts aren't in it but they are being like physically forced to dance and the movie even goes so far as to make Zoe Force the love interest to kiss her with the app kiss me laughs ah she just forced a guy to kiss her Disney what what are we doing here dude what's going on we need to have a talk with the writers of these movies anyway Zoe feels bad after this and she gets all stressed because there is a college Scout coming to the basketball game but Zoe's brother obviously isn't playing very well because the only thing he can do is like stare at an object for hours at a time welcome to a new season of husky basketball the Huskies have been struggling with practice and there's a calling Scout in the stands so tonight's game could be a nail bite I like that the Scout is writing stuff before the game even starts what do you think he's writing ball rounds Fort shiny boys stinky just as the beginning of the movie made no sense the ending also makes no sense the phone falls into the wrong hands the popular girl figures out that Zoe is using it to control people I don't know how she figures it out she just like sees Zoe holding it during dance practice and she's like hmm she's holding her phone while dancing she must be using mind control I gotta get that phone anyway she steals the phone at the basketball game she just like starts making everybody obey her every command [Music] in order to get the phone back Zoe's like how about I just do whatever you want I'll do anything you want just say the command pants and then this happens roll over how did you your brother you stick together sorry what he just broke the curse like the the spell that everyone is under he just like got up and he's like I'll do it with you I'm your brother don't worry about it it's like I'm sorry is that's what breaks the curse being a being a brother being her brother and then eventually like her whole family is able to resist the app and get on the ground with her and start doing it and It embarrasses the popular girl and like the only explanation for it is this why isn't this working because everyone knows you can never make a dog turn against its own pack the rules to this movie the lore does not make sense I guess that's just how Disney Channel movies go in the end everyone sort of learns that like hey girls have things that girls do that are weird to boys and boys do things that are weird to girls and that's just how we need to leave it which some in some sense I would agree with not in this movie though the boys are disgusting in this movie they need to change something about themselves I think that there's there could be some Middle Ground between her mind controlling them and them just being utterly repulsive anyway the moral of the story is like Zoe realizes that she is not God and uh should not have unilateral control over everyone's lives and they all live happily ever after well guys we may never be able to control boys using our smartphones but you know what we can control our money thanks to today's sponsor current do a flip do a backflip Sid I love you father good boy that's right guys today's video has been sponsored by current current is the future of Mobile Banking you guys have heard me talk about how awesome current is before how flexible they are how transparent they are with things like no hidden fees but today I've got something new to talk about and that's interest because current just launched a new feature called interest where you can earn four percent apy on your money that's four percent for your money literally just sitting there that's right you don't got to be throwing money at the stock market or buying nfts and investing in cryptocurrency to get some return on your money with current's interest feature you literally just get four percent of your money just sitting there and as if that's not already enough reason to start 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Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 7,308,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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