Addison Rae's Movie Is A Disaster

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hey greg i just released a bunch of new merch if you want to check it out head on over to danny and if not enjoy the video hey greg guess what the new addison rey movie's out my butt is so sore it's not very good in case you didn't hear tick-tock star and social media sensation addison ray recently starred in a netflix movie called he's all that it's a remake of a movie from the 90s and it is just a mess it is simply a hot mess there's no other way to describe it it's got bad acting it's got rampant product placement it's got macklemore huh and i've gotten a lot of messages asking me to review this movie so i will be doing that now so this movie follows addison rey's character paget tagette paget not pageant paget i did not know that was a name she's a tic toc beauty guru she supports herself and her mother by doing sponsorships endorsing products mostly from this company bunny venom that's like her main sponsor in fact the very first thing she does in the movie is endorse one of bunny venom's products without disclosing that they sponsored her these bunny venom revival eye patches are always my fave for eye puff so a little shady but you know what get the bag nonetheless get get that bag and go off queen at first i was gonna say like right away that makes this movie like not believable because it's like the writers of the the movie i guess don't even know how sponsorships work but uh on tic tac i feel like it actually is very believable that someone would do that because people do that literally all the time paget has a lot going for her she's popular both at school and on social media she's got hundreds of thousands of followers on tick tock she's got the coolest clothes the coolest friends and oh yeah the hottest boyfriend her boyfriend is jordan he happens to also be famous because he is a pop star we're led to believe that jordan goes to the same high school as all of the other kids in this movie despite the fact that he's definitely 30 years old so i don't know if he like got held back or something but i definitely thought the first time i saw him that he's got to be like a much older guy at least i did until i heard his music [Music] you're trying to tell me a 30 year old wrote this please you'd have to be like eight at the oldest dude unfortunately though all good things must come to an end padgett goes to surprise jordan on his birthday at his music video set and ends up walking in on jordan cheating on her with one of the dancers for the music video and for some reason her friend who was live streaming the whole thing like just continued live streaming through the entire thing after everything we've been through we're over okay you know what you don't deserve me you don't deserve my love and you don't deserve my crocodile dude you're still alive oh no dude people are gonna find out that she's like a human person with emotions and snot and spoiler alert they do find out and they hate it how could this happen hey so like a few people are being kind of mean a few [Music] bubble girl who's bubble girl this kind of starts the whole conflict of the movie i don't understand how it works because this for some reason causes paget to lose a ton of followers and also causes jordan to gain a ton of followers unbelievable i'm the victim how is jordan not a complete pariah now i checked his profile earlier and his numbers are actually going up i'm sorry what how does that work how does like watching someone react appropriately to finding out that they're getting cheated on make them lose a ton of followers and what must jordan have been doing that made him gain followers i mean i guess we don't see exactly what they're doing on this live stream because it doesn't show them until they're already like fully clothed again but like was he just really putting it down or what people are just like oh my god oh whoa jordan is doing paget so dirty dude that scumbag that absolute rap scallion i gotta unfollow this [ __ ] right now hold on holy [ __ ] look at those moves such grace such beauty i was gonna unfollow him but now i can't look away i think i'll keep following him actually and i think i'm going to be sending this to all of my friends as well so that they can watch this so yeah this basically ends up ruining paget's life she loses all those followers everybody starts making fun of her because she had a snot bubble in the live stream everyone at school starts calling her bubble girl and she ends up losing her bunny venom sponsorship because of this it's jessica miles taurus from bunny venom jessica hi what's up you're going viral yeah the bunny venom liaison in this movie is kourtney kardashian for some reason and if you watched this movie and thought that addison rey's acting was bad then wait until you see kourtney kardashians you saw the video and well it is unfortunate unfortunate my ex-husband's hiking accident was unfortunate and he was mauled by bears she's exercising while watching a video of someone she's upset with on loop that is a serial killer activity she is training for vengeance and you cannot convince me otherwise i know i know i've lost a lot of followers but i can get them back i just need a chance to redeem myself that's all sweetie i am your biggest supporter no one has more faith in you than i do but until you turn things around don't talk to me love ya damn that is so mean yes sorry but bunny venom is actually a company for hot girls that don't get cheated on okay and that don't have snot damn that all sucks you know what make it better though product placement i went to all the trouble of putting cereal in a bowl with milk lucky charms mama i know it's not really what you eat anymore but i used to cheer you up when you were eight hear that eight-year-olds lucky charms will make you feel better i'm just not hungry okay suit yourself wow and the marshmallows i forgot about the marshmallows mom oh my god i guess it'll make your mom feel better too so this is the main conflict of the movie and the whole plot from here is paget's plan to get back at jordan and get her sponsorships back her plan that her and her friends come up with is paget's gonna find the biggest loser in school turn him into a cooler guy than jordan and then get him to win prom king instead of jordan you might think it's harsh of me to call whoever they're gonna pick a loser but that's actually not my words it's theirs we'll pick the loser so this will hopefully stick it to jordan while also showing bunny venom that paget is still the makeover queen she can get done so absolutely dirty and still come out on top with the best makeup and fashion advice and so they go off to find the perfect loser hmm could it be this guy oh no dude he's a criminal he could be dangerous but how about this guy oh no he's on fire he could be dangerous that's cameron something wait wait wait what about this guy [Music] bro fascist he is a total disaster weird arrogant anti-social great oh ew that laugh that gurgly laugh how awful that's an awful laugh i'm so glad i don't know anyone in real life that laughs like that so then i said hey buddy if you're gonna screw me at least buy me dinner first [Laughter] oh oh god what is this why are you laughing like this oh why do all of you have the same laugh so the guy that paget and her friends decide to make over his name is cam and he's like the main love interest in this movie obviously like i guess the best way i could describe him is if you've ever seen breakfast club how there's like that like outcast kind of guy who rejects all like popular culture and stuff and it's just kind of generally like a prickly guy who doesn't get along with anybody that's how i would describe cam he's basically like the modern version of that guy and as you can imagine they start to fall in love or at least cam starts to fall in love with paget i think for most of the beginning of this movie paget is just like manipulating him basically paget pretends to be interested in all the things cam is cam is big into photography he spends a lot of his time taking care of horses at a local stable you've heard of horse girls well this is horse boy this is horse boy they do that thing that all budding romances do in movies where they they fall over together and then they throw [ __ ] at each other they throw horse [ __ ] what it's mostly grass right this movie's got a couple like weird shots that are just like a little bit too head on usually in movies people are kind of talking like you know to the side of the camera but there's a couple shots where it almost looks like they're looking right into the camera and also like really close to the camera it's like if the whole movie was kind of shot like this like that would be pretty off-putting right even though cam is against most popular culture and selling out that still doesn't stop him from executing absolutely flawless product placement just look at the grip he's got on that bag of doritos dude this guy knows what he's doing along with pretending to be interested in things that cam is interested in padgett also tries to get cam out of his comfort zone she invites him to this karaoke party which as we all know is a great place for two young people to find oh you were gonna say romance no it's product placement eating free pizza hut free pizza hut sign me up i just wish there was kfc here too can i get some kfc to go oh hell yeah love that his new girlfriend is just shaking her butt during karaoke that's like the exact opposite of the point of karaoke what's your go-to karaoke song oh mine's hey ya by outkast what about you oh that's a good one my yeah mine is sandstorm by darude oh interesting wait that doesn't have any words i guess i never come downtown because it's always so crowded well with street photography crowds with the whole point makes it easier to blend in but after a while you kind of develop a sense of when it's okay to shoot kids on the camera ah run he's coming after us run look at him he's crazy he's crazy that man's gonna kill us school you're this really reserved person but at the stables or here with your camera oh maybe it's because no one in those places ever keyed the word loser into my truck door or put a fetal pig in my backpack holy [ __ ] a fetal pig is that a common prank do people do that it sounds like a demonic ritual i would be a little bit more concerned if i were him yeah the kids in high school used to always pick on me man shooting spitballs at me giving me swirlies i mean sacrificing a goat in front of my locker and smearing the blood in the shape of a pentagram on my locker yeah do you ever like wake up in the middle of the night and there's like a demonic entity sort of like plastered on the ceiling above your bed eyes completely blackened and you're unable to move paralyzed does that ever happen to anybody else no might have to do with the goat thing in this scene pedja asks cam why they don't live with his mom and it turns out it's because she died in a plane crash this scene could probably be very emotional but for some reason these two actors seem to think that the way you act sad is just by talking really quietly and slowly with like zero expression on your face who's dating this guy named marcus who flew a turbo prop and um sorry it's just thinking about my mother's death makes me really sleepy would you call me wrong run things continue to go great for paget and cam paget invites cam to a great gatsby-themed party and there's this big makeover montage scene and cam gets hot we can skip past this whole montage thing i feel like we've seen this in every movie before so we don't need to talk about it instead how about we take a little bit of a break to talk about the absurd amount of product placement in this movie take it away product placement dan thank you and hello i am product placement dan and i'm here to talk to you today about all of the product placement that was in this movie now before i actually saw this movie for the first time i saw a lot of tick tocks about how much product placement was in this movie and even still i was blown away by just how many products are in this movie now you can watch through the movie and try to like point out every single product placement that happens but you can't really get an accurate idea of how many products have been placed in this movie until you go to the credits where it lists them all here's the credit go ahead and just full screen that okay okay so look it says special thanks to up here and then all of these brands so it appears that these are all of the brands that paid in some way to have their products in the movies and some of them are pretty obvious and we've definitely seen them in the movie like like frito-lay that's like all the chips the people in this movie never stop eating chips that's all they want to do is eat chips they cleaned up all the sun chips and then you've got of course pizza hut kfc old navy that one was a really obvious one and then there's like less obvious ones like adt the security company like home security i'm not exactly sure what their marketing strategy was here with that i don't know how many of the like eight-year-olds that are in this movie's target demographic are looking for a new home security solution i also have no recollection of seeing any home security system in this movie it must have been like way in the background or something charmin i'm sorry charmin the toilet paper company with the pooping the the pooping bears when the [ __ ] did they use charmin in this movie so i was watching the credits and i was like oh my god this is like a long list of sponsors a lot of these i didn't even realize were in the background i can't like how many times was i subliminally advertised to and i didn't even realize it but then as i was watching the credits it kept scrolling and it came to an and then another section came up that said special thanks to and i was like wait hold on i thought all this was the special thanks no turns out this is extra special thanks and then there's a whole other section with more brands that just get special thanks and this section is even longer than the first one look at how many sponsors are in here look at all this i don't i guess i don't really know how movies get made but like did they really need all all of these now here's the thing i'm not exactly sure what kind of like business relationship the movie had with all of these companies like maybe extra special thanks means like these companies paid to have their products in the movie and that's why like pizza hut gets mentioned by name eating free pizza hut an old navy gets like a three second long just like pause on a laptop screen and then special thanks maybe just means like these these companies just provided things to be in the movie with no payment like ugg ugg boot maybe they just sent a bunch of ugg boots but no actual payments i don't remember anyone setting foot in a lexus in this movie at all why did all of these companies need to be involved what i'd never seen a movie like this and the movie is not like didn't seem like a crazy high budget movie does it it's not like an avengers movie where they're spending like 100 million dollars to make it or whatever my only theory is that like all of the money they made from any of these brands went like directly towards paying addison ray and kourtney kardashian to be in the movie because i get i bet they have pretty high rates especially kourtney kardashian but i kind of hate to say it i don't think that they really got a bang for their buck i mean edison ray's sure she like sold the movie basically everybody who watched this movie probably did because addison rey is in it but kourtney kardashian did you even know that she was gonna be in this movie because i didn't okay so there's 43 companies on this list and the movie was 80 minutes long okay 40 companies on this list and the movie's 80 minutes long so that's an average of one sponsor for every two minutes of content that's bad anyway that's that's it first that's it for product placement dan i'm gonna pass it back over to regular dan now hey dan how's that makeover montage going uh yeah apparently cam is like shredded like absolutely jacked and cut like a diamond how is this part of his character huh this doesn't make any sense to my understanding of the one-dimensional characters in this movie this kind of like shy a counter culture kid whose only hobbies are like photography and taking care of horses is like the most cut dude i've ever seen when is he working out how has it never come up how is that not discussed as one of his hobbies he must spend like an hour a day in the gym he must always be eating just right when does he work out is it with the horses does he just like bench press horses we never see him eating to get a body like this which would probably just be like chicken and rice and broccoli in fact i think the only thing we've seen him eat is pizza hut and doritos kudos to pizza hut and doritos they're getting some really good advertisement in this movie you want a body like that you eat pizza hut and doritos it's actually kind of called like the v-shaped body and the way you get it is by eating things shaped like that so like slices of pizza and doritos yeah are what you eat man anyway paget cuts his hair and holy [ __ ] he's hot now [Music] and don't just take my word for it ask his sister oh well if i didn't know any better and you weren't my brother i'd say you look pretty hot what but it must be so hard to make yourself look terrible when you're naturally so you know oh [ __ ] they're gonna kiss what oh god damn the first kiss beautiful let's see it baby let's get it first kiss of the movie [Music] that means they can't kiss now that's the rules of movies if anything even slightly distracting happens then the characters can't kiss but so cam and jordan actually end up getting into a fight at this party because jordan made a move on cam's sister and apparently not only is cam shredded but he is also like a master of martial arts this dude is actually beast mode this dude is a proper fighter how was that i'm pretty sure that was me kicking your ass i love when people fight like professional fighters in movies when have you ever seen a high school fight that looked like this i saw a few fights in high school and you know what they looked like it looked like two people rolling around on the floor just sort of like pulling each other's hair and hugging aggressively it was mostly aggressive hugging it wasn't this like jab for jab dodging thing that they got going on where did cam learn to fight like this does he fight the horses too is he sparring with them you know i don't care about money or not but keeping your talent locked away what are you hiding from you know i could ask you the same question what are you talking about well i'm talking about this what her ears this oh her makeup he's talking about her makeup he thinks that she shouldn't wear makeup wow that's really unique of you to think that dude and actually i'm pretty sure girls love it when you tell them that you don't like their makeup that's actually kind of a girl's dream why did i think he was gonna pull back her hair and it was just gonna be another product placement no babe i'm talking about your delicious captain crunch cereal you shouldn't be afraid to crunch it ties me cap'n as to be expected cam does find out that paget was just doing this as part of a bet and he gets pissed off and hates her now and as to be expected he does forgive her and he shows up on a horse to prom and that's pretty much the whole movie oh also there's a random dance battle to a 2016 macklemore song at prom now this is a movie that knows what kids want dude and what kids want is macklemore now look in my opinion this movie is not very good there is a lot of things that it does poorly in fact i think most things it does poorly but also this movie is now made for me this movie is made for kids specifically kids that like addison ray and i think that if you were a kid that liked addison ray i think you would like this movie because it has addison ray i also think that it will make you spontaneously want to eat lucky charms and own a lexus and you know whether or not i like it it really doesn't have any bearing on how like successful this movie is or the adoption of this movie because guess what this movie was like the most popular movie on netflix the week it came out and it did so well that netflix just signed a deal with addison ray for her to do several more films with netflix which you know what i'm pleased to see i'm happy for her you know this is her first movie she's ever done she doesn't have any acting experience before this all she can do is get better right i don't think that she'll stay this bad at acting forever especially if this is something she wants to do so you know congrats addison i hope that things go well for you in the future you know if you have any control over the movies i would advocate for maybe less lucky charms in the movie maybe but with that being said i want to try something out i'm not exactly sure if this will like catch on and this will stick but i thought it would be fun to try to do like a a rating system almost like a fantano-esque rating but i was trying to think of how to do it and i feel like a rating system out of 10 for for movies like this doesn't really work because when i'm looking for movies to talk about i'm looking for specifically movies that are so bad that they're funny okay and that's really like the prime type of movie i'm looking for i'm looking for the worst movie that is so bad that it is the most funny so i feel like i almost need to rate it on like two axes okay so here's what i'm thinking you got like an x-axis and a y-axis this way is how good a movie is it's either good or bad and then on this axis you have how funny it is that it's bad now this isn't like funny as in like the comedy prowess of the movie like i wouldn't i think the movie airplane is a very good and funny movie i wouldn't put that up here i'd actually put that down here because when i'm saying funny i mean like funny how bad it is airplane is so good and funny that it's not even funny okay so that would go down here something like ratatoing or plan b would go over here it's so bad that it is so funny okay so maybe here is five points and then here is five points okay so i'm gonna say that he's all that is pretty bad and kind of funny how bad it is so i'm gonna put that like here i suppose that would be like a four on the bad scale and a two and a half on the funny scale so let's say this is like a seven on the scale i don't have a name for the scale yet it's gotta be something good and clever i don't have a name for the scale yet i don't have a name for it yet this is just a beta test to see if i like doing this and if i do then i'll rate more of the movies that i review but for now this is going to be about a seven oh yeah let me know what you guys think do you agree with my assessment why or why not let me know in the comments down below or just or you can just buzz off and i don't care anyway now it's time to do an ad read guys this video has been sponsored by hellofresh america's number one meal kit i'm a busy guy all right i don't have time to spend browsing the supermarket aisles looking for fun new interesting foods to try looking up recipes getting a bunch of ingredients most of which i'll never use again so i just end up wasting a bunch of food i'm a busy man i've got things to do i got a puppy you think i want to be at the grocery store wasting my time when i could be at home looking at my puppy no and that is precisely why i love hellofresh so much every week hellofresh sends me three delicious meals that i get to cook but i don't have to prep that's because they send me all the instructions plus the pre-measured ingredients which means i get to cut down on food waste and i can get dinner on the table in like 30 minutes sometimes as little as 20 with some other quick and easy options now i'm no chef honestly i don't really know how to cook anything unless the instructions are right in front of me which is why hello fresh is so great their instructions are clear and the food is so good that i feel like i'm a professional chef by the time i'm done hellofresh can fit into your lifestyle with a variety of different plans they've got low calorie meals carb smart meals vegetarian meals even pescatarian meals and they're nice and flexible so you can add an extra meal every week you can add lunches or some of their add-ons most importantly though the food really is delicious there's never been a meal that i've made i've been like oh i don't want this it's all been awesome and a lot of times it's like a new thing that i haven't tried before and probably wouldn't make for myself on an ordinary occasion because i don't want to spend all this time like looking up recipes for stuff i've never heard of before but it ends up being really good so if you want to get started or get cooking i should say then go to and use my code truly greg14 to get 14 free meals plus free shipping that's my code truly greg14 you get 14 free meals plus free shipping thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring this video and thank you guys for checking out hellofresh truly is a great service i love it and i'm sure you guys will too so thanks all right well thank you guys for watching this video if you're new here and you're not subscribed yet make sure you subscribe and turn on my notifications to join greg again i've got new merch if you want to get some go to danny i'll see you guys next time goodbye
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 12,581,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor
Id: tt-BXsEehnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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