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what's up Greg if you've seen my video about the Disney Channel Original Movie zombies then you know I have some deeply troubling feelings about that movie it's a very poorly made weird cobbled together metaphor for racism and on top of that a lot of the lore surrounding the zombies doesn't make any sense so I ended up walking away from that movie feeling like I had so many unanswered questions which is why when I found out there are two more movies in this franchise I was honestly thrilled I could actually get some answers to my questions they'll dive into the lore a little bit deeper then I watched the movie and realized that was a very dumb assumption to make this movie does not answer any of the questions that you might have had about the first movie in fact it introduces a whole bunch of new lore that like is even more confusing and also kind of contradicts with the lore from the first movie now all of that might lead you to believe that this movie is going to be really bad like even worse than the first movie but honestly this movie is not that bad also it has 100% on Rotten Tomatoes so technically speaking this is a perfect film so strap it and get ready cuz I don't know if you've ever seen a technically Perfect film before but this is what one looks like the movie starts off right away changing the lore that we all know welcome back to cbra where belonging is everything it wasn't always this way there was a time when we had to protect ourselves right we all remember that in the first movie you explained how the power plant blew up zombies invaded the whole town and started killing and eating people how could we forget Legend has it that when the first settlers came to see book they found wild beasts with sharp claws lurking in the forest wait the so these beasts are different beasts these are a different sect of beasts which sparked an epic battle there was a Warbrook settlers bravely fought off the Monstrous attack and discovered a powerful energy source and that mysterious power source basically powered the entire town until that one fateful day when it blew up and created beasts different beasts there's these are different beasts than the Beast we just saw this is a very Beast heavy town the Beast s distant memory SE Brook forgot monsters could be real so hold on you guys didn't think to mention this during the first movie how could you tell us a history of Seabrook and neglect to mention the battle with mythical creatures that transpired what else are you hiding from us and what about this mysterious power source that runs the entire city don't you think during the 200 years since this happened someone should have like looked into this made it a nonm mysterious power source they were like we'll call this beautiful land seabook we'll build a school to our young a hospital to treat our ill and a power plant that might blow up we do not know because of the events of the last movie now all the zombies are allowed to co-mingle with the humans it seems like things are really on the up and up it's hard to believe there was a time when people were afraid of zombies crazy thing to say for someone who has for sure eaten his neighbor also we saw what you did to people in the last movie dude it's not hard to believe at all I'm still scared of you then we check in on Addison who you may remember from the first movie by her platinum blonde hair that for some reason in this universe makes her some kind of sick disgusting [Music] freak that's cheer captain Bucky my cousin my cousin it's here at cheer camp we learned two things first that story about the werewolves is kind of a legend and no one's really sure if it's true or not you've all heard the stories of bloodthirsty monsters who roam these Woods feasting on innocent cheerleaders and two the younger cheerleaders and the older cheerleaders are not getting along this week the veterans and the newbies will compete for the cheer camp cup feel like one of those things is going to have a bigger impact on the plot watch and learn snowball ah yes my hair still white still well conditioned and still drawing fire from the AC okay thank God she addressed it dude I know we were all thinking what the [ __ ] is wrong with her you should shave your head you look insane we then get a song about how well everybody's getting along now the cheerleaders are having fun at Cheer Camp zombies are entering all facets of normal human life Zed's dad has even been hired as the project manager to demolish the old Power Plant which I'm sure will have little to no consequence in this story the message of the song is undermined a little bit when the cheer captain Bucky cousin launches an underclassman into the air with a high-powered water bazooka called The Buck [Music] Zooka this a little bit of playful hazing I guess for the underclassman oh you want to be a cheerleader how about some internal bleeding that's hazing baby nobody joins an organization that I've already joined and gets away with it and while I do wish someone would rush this poor girl to the hospital I do have to admit the song does slap the music in the first movie sucked in my opinion but the production quality of not just the music honestly but the whole movie is way better in this one probably as a result of the success of the first movie the first one was very popular so they were like look this next movie you know it's not going to make any sense but it's going to look fantastic the lighting on that girl as she flies through the air with 12 broken ribs is going to be so good I wish that I could call I hope you get Addison is hoping that Zed will write to her while she's at Cheer Camp they have a bit of a love connection going on as you'll remember from the first movie but Addison never will get those letters because the older cheerleaders are shredding them and turning them into pom Pals for the underclassman to use Addison I hate to say it I don't think these cheerleaders are teaming up to make progress with you I think they're conspiring to ruin your life on the way home from Cheer Camp Love Is in the Air cheerleaders are asking each other to prawn yes I got to inv to prawn which is seabrook's version of prom their mascot is like a shrimp or something so I guess that's why it's called that and for the first time this year zombies are allowed to go to prawn Bri is actually hoping that bonso will ask her to prawn getting invited to prawn sounds great but bonso won't even look at me meanwhile bonso was locked in on her carving her face into a threatening looking apple and Addison gets a surprise of her very own because Zed has devised a very intricate way of asking her to be his dat Addison will you dead [Music] uh-oh uh-oh Zed's not supposed to be there he's supposed to be floating over [Music] there Addison help I'm going to [ __ ] die Addison the bus crashes into a gated Forest called The Forbidden Forest and Addison goes running off to find Zed but what she ends up finding are [Music] werewolves we're surrounded by werewolves so here's where the move movie started to lose me a little bit and I know this is a perfect film so this is probably something wrong with me but I feel like when I look at these werewolves they're not werewolves they're just teenagers living in the woods wearing dead animals you might be thinking okay these are people who are going to become werewolves at some point uh no no these are what the werewolves look like they even go out of their way to show a full moon in one of the shots to be like no this is as werewolf as they're going to get these are outdoor with dead animals on that's what werewolves are and that's just how it is for the entire movie and on one hand I guess I understand because like true to form werewolves would probably be super expensive to do and make look good but also you guys didn't have to make a movie about werewolves that was your choice you already had a whole universe with zombies in it you didn't have to add another creature or you could have kept the movie exactly the same as it is and just not called them werewolves you could have made up a new creature just called them outdoor teens it would have made sense but no you had to drag werewolves into this you said this movie will be about werewolves it will be an integral part of the story and our costume budget will be $4 a few scenes later a werewolf sneaks into the town of seab Brook and finds a drawing of like an actual werewolf that Zed's little sister Drew and he takes it back to the other werewolves and they all start making fun of it looks nothing like us Wyatt it's like they're trying to Gaslight us werewolves don't look like this werewolves never looked like this you'd have to be some kind of dumb uneducated zombie child to think that Us Wolf People bear any resemblance to those half wolf half people after word gets out that Addison had this encounter with the outdoor teens the whole town is a mess dad everything is fine it's not fine there are werewolves circling us right now waiting to attack they jumped to the conclusion that the werewolves want to attack them so bad Addison leaves the interaction totally unscathed they didn't do anything to her but the whole town even the zombies are like ooh the werewolves want to kill us so bad we better kill them first and eat them typical zombies so the leaders of the Town decide to reinstate all emergency monster laws all anti-monster laws are reinstated this sets up one of the big conflicts in the movie because as you know Addison wants to go to prawn with zed but one of these anti- monster laws is that zombies aren't allowed to go to prawn anymore zombies can't go to prawn ouch and when I say one of them I firmly believe that is the only emergency monster law it's the only one they talk about in this entire movie they let so much else slide in this movie but that's the one thing they're like no we cannot have zombies at prawn this year ouch you'll see in a bit why that's so strange but right now we got to go check in with the werewolves because they're setting up a conflict of their own and you know we don't have much time our necklaces are almost out of power so the werewolves all wear this Stone around their neck it's called Moonstone and it's sort of what gives them their power I guess it's like some kind of a mysterious power source or something but it turns out that like 200 years ago some body or some group of people stole all of the Moonstone from them so their reserves are running low and they're all going to like die because they don't have their Moonstone but some of the werewolves think that Addison fulfills a prophecy that the werewolves have about some white-haired lady who's going to lead them to more Moonstone this is the kind of lore that gets you a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes even if the girl is the great Alpha uh a girl the great Alpha I'll believe it when I see it even if the girl is the great Alpha how do we find her I found this in the woods it's hers we'll track her down with our Keen sense of smell it says see broke high on it so I thought we might just look there kind of seems like they will use any excuse not to show the werewolves do anything werewolf Y in this movie all right we've got to find this girl how would werewolves accomplish such a task we could use our wolf noses what no no what is wrong with you no we could ask around yes also for those of you wondering yes that is baby Ariel from musically she used to be like the most followed person on musically I always wondered what happened to her I guess she lives in the woods now we find the girl and if she's the great Alpha she'll tell us where the moonstone is hidden we go in the morning we go tonight that's right they're not going to wait around they have to go tonight so they March out of the Forbidden Forest down the streets and into seab Brook High singing about how they own the night the night then they open up event and crawl into it and they wait until morning so kind of seems like they didn't really need to go at night did they they all file into the event so dejectedly they're like maybe we should have researched what this place is I guess we don't know what a school is they're not here at night imagine they accidentally went on like the last day of school before summer a janitor finally comes in after 80 long days and finds 20 dead werewolves in event that day at school Bucky and Zed both decide to run for class president Zed because he wants to reallow monsters to go to prawn and Bucky I don't know he probably wants to like divert more of the school's funding towards an unmanned drone for the cheerleading team but then suddenly I will make seab Brook a place that Embraces zombies and wolf what where oh there a lucky guest how can you tell people peering in through glass doors uh yep those teens live outdoors you can't go to war with the whole town we'll never find the Moonstone if they're on high alert yeah dog I think that ship has sailed you guys just charge them growling and nashing your teeth I think they're on high alert hey all that stuff we did back there that was we were just messing around we're just a bunch of friendly teens don't look at her do not look at her sorry we werewolves so admire your town and we just came here to join your school okay well that's obviously not allowed you guys were about to kill them and also the emergency monster laws are in effect and there's definitely one forbidding such things technically the Forbidden Forest is within the school district what so welcome to feedack what wow guys the emergency monster laws are working great no you did so good you did such a good job they were so close to killing you and they only stopped because they found out bonso is not allowed to prawn so good rule so just like that the werewolves enroll at seab Brook High and wait a minute all of the werewolves look the same age are they all teenagers or are some of them like 80 years old are some of them babies and how does that work in dog years are they going to classes I don't even know if they know how to write they're not going to be able to find the Moonstone they're going to be too busy failing all their classes so Zed is worried about losing the class president election to Bucky so he decides to go over the new untapped voter base the werewolves Werewolves of the Swing B hello wolves I'm Zed yeah for some reason I feel like the werewolves aren't AR going to care who becomes the class president they don't know what a president is they don't know what school is they live in the woods and they wear Moonstone dude you have no [ __ ] clue come throughout this whole movie Addison has her own thing going on too where she just feels like she doesn't belong anywhere that's right despite being a bleach blonde cheerleader at a Disney Channel High School who is literally elected captain of the cheerleading team in this movie she just doesn't fit in I don't feel which makes her that much more susceptible when the werewolves come a knocking the werewolves are starting to get desperate and given that they think that Addison is the great Alpha which again she could not be they bring her back to their cave and ask her for help I believe you're the great Alpha I believe you're a werewolf that's it that's why she doesn't fit in that's why she has ugly hair it's cuz she's a different species it finally makes sense so they do a little dance they do a little wardrobe change and now she's a werewolf damn that was a fast costume change did she know they were going to rip her clothes off down there this seems terrifying if she didn't the rest of the game gets worried when they realize Addison is gone with the zombies so Zed shows up and he just [ __ ] kills one of them holy [ __ ] dude and we never see that guy again I think he's dead [Music] the explosion came from sebr power sebr power is the birthplace of zombies a little lime soda mixed with some mysterious energy and the bank zombies nice story but it doesn't concern us nice story about you and your unknown electricity fuel but we've got our own problem we're looking for a mysterious power source but it does concern you Willa that could be your Moonstone right oh [ __ ] she's right so for the rest of the movie abson is like pretending to be a werewolf she shows up to school the next day and she's like I'm a werewolf I've always been a werewolf and I've always known I was a werewolf Addison if you ever expect to be cheer captain well maybe I don't maybe I'm not meant to be cheer captain maybe I'm meant to be eating Geral I don't what do werewolves do I actually don't know what they do I know I am one I just don't know what we do then we get the presidential debate between Zed and Bucky and this is how all presidential debates should go I'm a real human there's no danger in that they're real monsters what if they turn back there should be sing there should be choreography one of the side should be claiming that the other is a dangerous beast and President Biden how would you respond to that claim he wants to eat me he's trying to [ __ ] eat me the demolition of the power PL is imminent so the werewolves Rush there to stop the mayor from destroying all their Moonstone via song uh it does not go very well arrest them oh my god dude he said arrest them not gas them collidal silver that'll tame those beasts you know for a government that just found out werewolves exist they sure seem to have the exact chemical compound that would hurt them most collidal silver shuts down their nervous system instantly all just a hunch then Addison and the cheerleader show up and then Zed and the zombie show up and now they're all singing trying to convince the mayor to shut this thing [Applause] down okay at this point in the song they're just having fun with it man they're just splashing around I don't even think they're trying to convince the mayor anymore he's not even in that part of the power PL he's just standing alone in the main entrance now you can hear music just vaguely echoing through the plant okay I get it I think I figured it out like 20 minutes ago guys okay so I've got good news and I've got bad news the good news is they decide not to blow up the power plant stop the detonation the bad news is the demolition guy accidentally does it anyway shut it off I can't and also Addison finds out she's actually not a [Music] werewolf am I Bree's like I actually I don't know they sort of just look like regular people to me you look like a teenager who lives outside she's not a werewolf oh that's so embarrassing dude we all saw you act like a werewolf you dressed up like one in everything dude no don't worry this movie does end with them finding a way to access the Moonstone underground they transport it to prawn and then they dance all night in the iridescent glow of this mysterious power source that is surely exposing them all to a dangerous dose of radiation and then at the very end of the movie they hint at another sequel which seems to have something to do with aliens weird and that is Zombies 2 and now it's time to talk about our sponsor this video has been sponsored by El guys it's the season of giving Gathering and with hellofresh it can be the season of saving you can actually save money this holiday season with fresh delicious recipes delivered straight to your door it's cheaper than takeout it's easier than grocery shopping and the meals turn out so good I like hellofresh because I'm not really much of a chef okay I don't really know how to cook well but every time I cook hellofresh it ends up turning out great last night we had these TexMex enchiladas didn't take too long to prepare turned out great honestly best homemade enchiladas I've ever had and I was the one who made them at home I've got a lot going on I've got a baby I've got family visiting it's a busy time of year so sometimes it can feel 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Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 3,888,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor
Id: Wz-o4SBcaJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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