Why Fat Acceptance SUCKS.. (My Thoughts)

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so today what i wanted to talk about this was actually sent to me in my discord so if you guys haven't checked out my discord i'll make sure i'll put a link down in the description um but so this was sent to me in my discord and the title of this video is called it is right here it is called oh you guys can't see that but it's called my 315 uh pound life plus why the fat acceptance movement kind of sucks um i watched like the first 30 seconds of this video but i haven't seen the whole thing uh so i'm kind of interested to see you know the whole thing so let's go ahead and and play this and and see what it's about that does not hello welcome back to my channel that was loud i am megan if you are returning welcome back if you're new thanks for stopping by i really appreciate it so this video is pretty long i'm going to speed it up just a little bit so we're not sitting here for ever all right it's like 10 p.m right now i went to the gym tonight for the first time in like a month and a half excuse me and i just ate a whole plate of fruit because health and yeah so my endorphins are still rolling and i can't sleep so i figured i would make this video also yes i am i have my hair tied up in that whole like tic toc robe tie situation i just really like what it does for my hair it's funny when uh like people are maybe haven't been making videos for like a long time and uh they you can tell they're kind of nervous so they uh like talk about random stuff i still kind of do this but i don't know it's funny that's something that i notice a lot when people are a little bit newer it looks cute compliments the bangs well which are finally getting trimmed on tuesday thank god and i'm also wearing a jonas brothers t-shirt from when i went and saw that last year so now that we've got that out of the way i can stop procrastinating i've been trying to articulate my thoughts on this topic for a very long time and i knew i wanted to make a video about it i knew i wanted to make a video about it but i just knew i had and that i wanted to tread about it very lightly my thoughts on this used to be a lot a lot different um and they changed and i think it's okay for opinions to change i think we need to say that more because it's just part of growing up and just growing in general i agree with that i think like a lot of people especially like if you're if you're like online and you say an opinion you feel like you have to stay with that uh because like if you change your opinion people will call you like a you know hypocrite or they'll call you like oh like i think it's okay for your opinion to change on a certain like topic is your opinions changing on things after certain life experiences that you've had or just after anything like your opinion can just you know change the topic of the fat acceptance movement for me has been a very weird one for a while i was watching um an obese to beast video i think hey that's me hello my name is john it was like i think it was like a snippet from like a live stream that he did but he was responding to and giving commentary on a girl talking about her experience with the fat acceptance movement and how she's no longer i haven't seen this video yet that's funny hey that's kind of cool it's funny they're involved in it and how it kind of ultimately affected her health really negatively and watching that it made me think like wow this all sounds really familiar and it honestly kind of pissed me off because i was like this is something that i i just felt like i had like i wanted to talk about because it is so prevalent right now i made i need a script wow i need notes like this is like it's a scary topic to talk about because you can you can like speaking about this people will get so unbelievably upset at you um just for sharing you know your opinion and how how you know this movement kind of affected you so i'm i'm really interested to see like what what her like what she says here the title is why fat acceptance kind of sucks um because it kind of does suck and that's what i i'm gonna be talking about today my first point is that i am not trying to say that body positivity is bad body positivity and fat acceptance are two different things to me anyways and i think that the fat acceptance movement has kind of overtaken the body positivity movement i agree i agree so far which kind of sucks um but it's not all that bad i just think they're two very different things and body positivity is super rad and like something that i still am working on and i'm still a huge advocate for for other people also second disclaimer i am not trying to come at this uh and come at you with this thinking i am any kind of health nut that knows better than you there's a lot of people on this platform that talk about the fat acceptance movement and they're so aggressive about it and the level of arrogance that they portray sometimes is really intimidating and annoying wow yes 100 wow this is great and uh you guys know i love a good disclaimer so uh she's throwing those disclaimers in there so shout out to this girl and i'm not trying to be that person lest we forget i am still over 200 pounds and i ate dunkin donuts and chinese takeout today and i went to the gym for the first time in like a month and a half crush in it i love the honesty man that's what we need more of so i'm not trying to act like i am better healthier whatever than anybody else this is just my opinion on how the fat acceptance movement has affected my life personally and obviously just like like this is my opinion and like do whatever the [ __ ] you want like whatever makes you happy that's awesome but i just want to as someone who has lost some weight i want to talk about this because i feel like it was such a big part of my life for such a long time but obviously like do whatever you want like in them like who cares who cares now that i have those disclaimers out of the way let's just jump into five minutes in finally into the video i know the struggle my story shall we so i would say my experience with the whole fat acceptance movement um came about when i was about 16 or 17. i can't remember if i was like a senior in high school or like young um young college like my first year of college i can't remember it was sometime around that point in my life and uh it was when i discovered test holiday and it was before she was actually test holiday she hadn't gotten married yet but i did find her on the instagram i had never seen someone who looked like me at the time who had the same kind of body as me rocking it honestly like i had not seen that before and such a public like like public platform you don't know tess holiday she's like she's a very successful plus size model she has this brand called f your beauty standards and it's about like the beauty standards and media and in society and how we need to change them and i totally 100 back that i don't 100 back the brand but i back the concept of the brand oh yeah i agree i would agree with that so far oh my god this i feel like i'm gonna make a lot of people really mad at this video so i came about tess and i did some research in her and i specifically remember showing her to my mom when we were at dinner at applebee's and i'm like mom look at this girl she's amazing like she's fat and she's beautiful and blah blah blah it was just so cool for me to see like i said a fat girl doing all of these things when i too was a fat girl after i discovered tests it led me to discover um a lot of other fat positive fat acceptance influencers on instagram and i had never felt so excited and so accepted never felt so accepted when i discovered the fat acceptance community and the influencers in it so this is this is something that i i mean i've talked about before but i think that having people to look up to and having people that you know might have like similar bodies to you they that can represent you and just in in in life in general i think that's a positive thing and i think that it's good and so this is where i probably disagree with a lot of people that might make similar videos to that i make as well is because like a lot of people were like oh it's glorifying obesity glorifying everyone calls everything glorifying obesity now i do definitely think there are certain things that glorify obesity but just someone existing in a fat body and posting pictures of themselves in a fat body whether they're in a bikini whether they're in regular clothes whether they're in work attire whatever like that to me isn't glorifying obesity there are there's a difference there and so i do think that it is a good thing to have people that have similar body types or different body types that are uh being out there uh i i personally don't think that just it people existing in bigger bodies is glorifying obesity um seeing people that look like me modeling advertising clothes like i've been a big fashion nerd ever since i can remember so like seeing women wearing awesome clothes and different clothes that like weren't just like standard plus size clothes was so cool to me and i do a tribute growing up with this movement kind of being in my adolescence in this movement i do um give that full credit for me developing into me developing my like general sense of style absolutely this is great like the movement can absolutely give people confidence and i think like confidence is such a huge thing especially when we're growing up right especially we're like if we're in like high school or we're going through all of that and having just even if a movement gives you confidence to maybe step out of your shell a little bit and and take different steps that maybe you wouldn't have before like that's a powerful thing and i think that that is something that should be celebrated and again i'm not 100 totally against um you know body positivity and and being able to post about these things because i think the more confident people are the better right i think that's a good thing and realizing that there were other brands out there that i didn't know about i really got a lot of what and still how i dress from this movement so that's one thing is that it taught me it's okay to like just be you and that's not and that's never a bad thing my cats are fighting so if you hear any like scruffling over there that's why when i discovered test holiday at that point in my life i'd always been like a generally positive confident person my body and my size didn't bother me although in height that's how i acted but in hindsight i know that that's about the time when it really did start to bother me i was really excited to finally feel accepted and to finally feel like my body was good and it was beautiful which it was and i will say this until i'm blue in the face to anybody who um who i talked to about like before and after pictures or whatever i don't consider myself worth any more any less than than i am now and vice versa if that makes sense i hope it makes sense i do not like you are worthy of love and you are worthy of self-love at any body type and that's where the body positivity thing comes in for me is i don't think it's a bad thing i'm getting off track let's not get off track no i agree i agree with that too like i think everyone obviously everyone deserves respect and i've always said like if you are going to go on a massive weight loss journey and you are going to do all of these things to change your life like that is that has to come from a place of self-love if that is going to stick around for a long time right you are not going to lose all of that that weight while still being like i hate everything about myself and i i hate like i don't see that like you might lose the weight you might get the weight off but keeping it off for years and years and years to come it is not going to just happen and you're going to be like hating yourself the whole time like self-love has to be intertwined with a weight loss journey and just a general health uh journey as well my body was good and it was just unhealthy and i didn't want to see that and entering into the fat acceptance movement really made me blind to that i had my script broken wow that was powerful i mean she kind of skipped over that but yeah yeah i was blind to that that's powerful right there down into like parts with bullets because that's just how my brain works this part is uh called when it became kind of not great that's actually what i did i think one of the pivotal points for me when the fat acceptance movement became not so great uh in hindsight in the in the in all like when i'm talking about all this throughout this entire time i was not self-aware i didn't really become software until i was about 21 about the state of my body and the state of my life if i kept on going on how i was going whoa yes oh man and this is like this is something i've said many times right uh a lot of the people that are very loud in the health of every size movement or that are very loud in the body positivity movement are very young right they are under 35 and i've always said that like you might be healthy right now but in 10 years it might be really bad and i don't want that for people i don't want that for anyone right so this is why i get nervous is because a lot of these people they have these big platforms they have these loud voices and they're really young and they haven't really had any complications with their weight or with their size or anything like that because they haven't had any complications with their health because of their size yet but i really do think it is just a matter of time right i've said this many times before like you you see a lot of really large people and you see a lot of older people but you don't typically see a lot of really large older people right and that is just a fact but yeah so one of like the big points that i remember was always subscribing to the idea that i was fat but like i was healthy my blood work was fine like everything was fine so i'm fine that's that's one of the big things i always remember thinking and that's one of the main things the fat acceptance community preaches is the whole health at every size thing which i do not having been both sides of the spectrum i know that is not true one of the other things i remember is i remember thinking that my doctors were being unnecessarily harsh to me because of my weight and that all of my health problems that i was having at the time were being blamed on my weight without actually looking into them which i do believe is an issue i really do i'm not treated like that a lot with my mental health stuff i've lost 115 ish pounds and my mental health hasn't gotten really any better so i think that got kind of written off but it's like looking back at some of the health problems i did have they were weight related and i just didn't want to face it i think i mean a lot of the stuff that she's saying i agree with as far as like i've always said losing weight isn't going to be a silver bullet that's going to solve all your health issues right it's just that's just not how it works it's not true right but there are absolutely doctors and this is like one of the things with the health that every side one of the things with the health at every size movement that i 100 agree with that i really do think is a problem is how doctors treat people that are overweight or that are that do struggle with obesity that do have a lot of extra weight on them is they blame every single thing on your weight and that is a pro like that is a genuine problem that i think should be addressed and i know it has been addressed i have a friend dr nadolski he's been on the channel many times and he talks about it so much with his doctor friends and people that are much smarter than me i think that that is a problem that should be addressed so again i do agree with some of the stuff of the fat acceptance movement or health at every size it's just not everything right that is pre shallow and the fat acceptance movement is that you're that your doctor is weighing you i've actually seen this your doctor is weighing you at your appointment is fatphobic which i think is the biggest crock of [ __ ] ever if you're at a certain weight at a certain age they have to start screening you for if you need a certain medication and i know this because i was on that medication i feel like i'm getting kind of spicy in this video and i'm sorry it's just like i've been gathering my thoughts about this for like the entire week which is why there wasn't a video on wednesday because i knew i needed to save my filming energy for this video in order in order for it to be articulate uh yeah another thing that i kind of just threw to the wayside was any was eating any kind of nutritious food good for me food and only eating what made me happy because i felt like it was a form of self self care and self love which i still do think that no food should be ever cut out there's not a thing moderation is key this point in my life i was treating it as a very big extreme and i ate like garbage because those foods they i don't know the science but they just make you feel good and i was like who the [ __ ] cares like i'm fat the world just has to like deal with it and i'm gonna eat what i want i distinctly remember which i don't even know if this friend so this is something that happens this is something that happens a lot is people will they'll like moralize food so like when we when we go to lose weight we'll turn foods into either good or bad like oh a burger is bad food and it makes me a bad person but eating chicken and rice makes me a good person right and i think that that is a problem and a lot of people i think have taken it too far though like with the fat acceptance movement is if you are doing any sort of uh changing up your diet changing up your nutrition trying to make better choices like it has literally become people are saying any type of doing anything with your diet tracking macros tracking calories uh doing keto doing all these other types of diets is an eating disorder like it has literally gone from if you it feels like and i know that people probably aren't saying this but i know that people feel like if you decide to do anything for your health as far as nutrition is concerned you have an eating disorder and you have a problem like that's what people feel like they're being told with this movement and so that is i think that that's where she's kind of going with that and it is frustrating to hear that remembers doing this but i remember this because it pissed me off so much but in in now i'm like wow she actually she cared about me in my health when i i didn't um we're at my friend we're at another friend's house and we're eating pizza oh look at megan megan is this is you right megan that just commented thanks for the two dollars you don't have to pay me or anything but this is awesome well i'm um i'm watching your video so we're gonna get through it that's cool and i was eating so much pizza and like bread and which like same still but like yes bread i love bread moderation i remember we were eating so much pizza and bread and or i was eating so much pizza and bread excuse me and my friend like i don't remember what exactly they said something she just made a comment about how much i had eaten at that point and i were being so taken back kind of embarrassed but like honestly i needed to hear that because i stopped i think i don't know if i stopped but i just remember that and now that i have kind of learned those cues myself of like when to stop eating i'm like holy [ __ ] she was just looking out for me but i was so offended and embarrassed but i didn't say anything yes oh man this is so good like i remember i've said this before but i had a sister that would constantly talk about my weight and she was never mean or never tried to be mean but it was my perception of anytime she brought it up i felt like she was attacking me and i felt like she was being mean and this is something that i'm sure a lot of you guys in chat a lot of you guys watching the video have probably dealt with uh with the help that every size movement like if you bring up anyone's size or the amount of food that they're eating they'll call you like fat phobic they'll call you fat shaming they'll call you so many words when you might genuinely be trying to help someone right like i've said if it's someone that you don't know of course leave them alone like you don't need to help that person like it's none of your business really but like if it's like a family member of yours or someone a close friend and you you're genuinely concerned it can be kind of scary bringing that up but a lot of times like if you are genuinely concerned for a friend you want to bring it up because you know that they're struggling with their weight you know they're struggling with their health i'm just that kind of a person i just distinctly remember that and but at that point i was kind of like i'm fat deal with it i'm going to eat what i want and you're going to be fat phobic and that's such a well she said it there you go toxic way of thinking you're putting your life on the fast track and that's exactly what i was doing so i didn't care because i just wanted everybody to accept me because i was fat because that's how i felt that it should be and yes do i think that people are unfairly treated in our society absolute [ __ ] lutely i will preach that time in the face i may not be plus-sized anymore but when a plus-size person is winning i'm still winning this is so good megan you did such a great job this is so good i feel like it's like the female version of myself talking right now this is awesome i still believe in that i believe that that is truly a thing that um fat people plus-sized people whatever are treated very unfairly in our society i just want to put that out there as well okay my camera cut off but we're back um so i'm just going to start off on a new point i guess um so when it got kind of not great per my notes the biggest like overarching thing was i started to feel like the world was against me as a fat person which like i just said in some ways it is and i'm not going to ever deny that because it is i've lived both sides of the coin and i'm still not super like thin but i've lived both sides of that coin for the most part and i do know that fat people are unfairly treated in our society i agree with that that is a thing and that's something that i will not deny but the mindset of thinking everybody's against you because you're fat that's such a bad mindset for yourself it wasn't good and as like a 16 17 year old young adult thinking these things it was not good so yes that is a thing that fat people have to deal with i feel like they just kind of like amp you up to keep believing these things and it just gets to be a very negative mindset to be part of me filming this video is that i wanted to kind of spill some tea about where my life was when i hit my highest weight after being in the fat acceptance mindset for probably probably like four years um i made a list all right let's hear the t i'm ready by the age of 21 i had hit 315 pounds in no way shape or form is not healthy i was 315 pounds still when i hit that weight that's when i really started to be like like not like really not happy with myself in my appearance but yeah by the age of 21 315 pounds that's the highest i ever remember weighing and also something that just i just did not focus on for the longest time which is so stupid i was pre-diabetic guys and i was pre-diabetic i was diagnosed at the age of 16 or like 17 still really young to be diagnosed with these issues i was on medication for it i was pre-diabetic and i just didn't care i think part of it is just teenage stupid like teenage stupidity this is so wild man like when i was so when i was a a sophomore i think in high school it was a sophomore or a junior and i graduated with 17 so it was like 14 or 15. i went to the doctor and they basically told me i was uh pre-pre-diabetic so i wasn't like pre-diabetic but i was like about to be pre-diabetic if that makes any sense um and so i like i remember thinking the same exact thing like thinking to myself like when he told me that i was pre-pre-diabetic in my head i was thinking oh well at least i'm not diabetic you know i'm fine or i'm not even pre-diabetic you know like i just remember thinking like ah it's no big deal and and so like hearing this it's just so crazy because i remember thinking the same exact way and like just literally getting to a point of just not caring like i was like whatever it is what it is i remember like thinking to myself i am just gonna become diabetic like i it doesn't i can't do any like i remember thinking i literally can't do anything about it it's just gonna happen and i remember thinking when he told me i was pre-pre-diabetic again like i said i was like oh great i thought i was for sure so i'm killing it now and i just thinking back like being 14 or 15 that being my mindset of i can't change anything so might as well just live with it i am and this might sound kind of crazy but or mean but i am so glad i didn't find the health at every size movement when i was that age like i am so glad i didn't because i don't know what would have happened and i'm not trying to say anyone that believes in it is a bad person but i know for me it probably would not have been a good thing seriously it probably would not have been a good thing but i think a lot of it too was i saw all these people who looked like me and were fat like me just living their lives going about their lives seemingly not caring about anything that was going on with their body and yeah i just did not give a [ __ ] about being pre-diabetic and in hindsight i'm like like that was huge what were you thinking i don't understand how that was not like the big like thing that it should have been but it just wasn't 315 pounds pre-diabetic third thing which this was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back for me and made me realize like yo megan's shit's got to change was i went in for some routine blood work i think it was for like a physical or something and it came back and i got this long ass letter in the mail and it was like hey megan your liver enzymes are like really bad i don't really know what the issue was but they just weren't what they were supposed to be by like a long shot and my liver function was also not good i went to art school so i'm not describing any of this correctly like just bear with me my liver just she wasn't she wasn't working as it should for a 21 year old person and they told me in the in the letter that if i kept on going how i was going i was going to develop fatty liver disease and i just did not want that and that's what scared me forget being 315 pounds forget being pre-diabetic at the age of 16 uh but wow my liver being weird was what did it for me so and this is what scares me man like i'm seriously this is what scares me when i when i talk about people that have had that have like large followings right large followings in the body positivity health at every size movement that they have this big following that their their whole brand is about you can be healthy at any size and their whole brand is about no matter what size you are everything will be fine like imagine them getting that information that she just talked about and now what is going on in that person's head like imagine being that person i i don't want to be that person because now you are going to deal with instead of just being like oh that's bad let me make a change now you have to deal with oh that's bad i should probably make a change but if i do my whole livelihood is going to crash down if i do all of my friends that i've made in the health at every size movement are going to treat me like garbage if i do everyone's going to think i'm a fraud and i've been a fake if i do like it is i cannot imagine being in that position and that's what scares me so much like seriously scares me so much because it any any other person that isn't in that spot right any other person that isn't in that spot they hear that information it is well let's let's make a change how can i make a change what can i do right but for someone that is in that position that's not where your mind is gonna go it's gonna go oh my gosh my whole livelihood oh my gosh all these people oh my gosh what are they gonna think like that is it seriously is terrifying to think about and i i really hope there is no one that is in that situation because that would be incredibly hard to deal with keeping track 315 pounds at the age of 21. pre-diabetic at the age of 16 liver function not what it should be at the age of like 20 or 21. other not really like medical things was i was just struggling like i was walking across my very small university campus was hard for me a five-minute walk would make me feel winded and my legs would hurt like that was kind of a thing or not kind of a thing it was a thing i just overall felt really uncomfortable and the best way that i can describe it is i felt i could feel my body just trying to be a body i i don't think people will understand what i mean and i say that unless they've also felt something similar and that was when i i decided that it was something something had to give was when i truly was just struggling to just do basic functions and forget like don't forget please what it did for my mental health like putting on weight eating bad uh all that stuff it just made me feel really awful like like forget all the physical things that were going on with me i just felt like crap and i kept denying it because i'm like megan you're just that blank it's just how it's going to be you've been fat your whole life like think of test holiday she's fat and she loves it and it was really not a great time in my life especially when i was like like older and um like towards the end before i started to actually take weight loss seriously i was just really mentally not not great like just felt like i was struggling you know i could like put a bullet list i would say 315 pounds by the age of 21 diagnosed with pre-diabetes and on medication at the age of 16 or 17 i don't remember what liver function not what it should be at the age of 21 20 or 21 uh not able to walk across campus for five minutes without being out of breath and overall just feeling really shitty about myself um my body is feeling shitty not being able to work how it's supposed to work and yes all this by the ripe old age of 21 years old oh man okay so this is i i love this because something that i've i've spoken about many times right when i was at my heaviest i was 20 years old right almost 400 pounds 20 years old and i remember i worked at the van shoe store i'm wearing vans right now can you see them vans um so i remember i i would work just four hour shifts and by the end of that four hours i was in so much pain right and i would complain to my co-workers all the time and they probably were not happy with me because they're like dude i don't want to hear it anymore but it i was in so much pain my feet my knees my ankles my back 20 years old you guys like this is something like everyone likes to talk when we talk about like the the healthier besides everyone's like oh my blood works fine oh this is fine oh that's fine but like how is the quality of your life right for most people when you get to that size the quality of your life is gonna go down so if you really like love yourself and you wanna have the best life possible why would you not want to improve the quality of your life like why would you not want to improve that i don't like you and you can like that's the thing is like you can if you want to lose weight if you want to do like you absolutely can like this is something that might affect you but you can actually make a difference by making choices like you can actually make choices that change your situation right if you have cancer you probably you're not just going to be able to change your diet and then all of a sudden your cancer is gone or any other diseases like this is something that we happens to us that we can make a change and improve the quality of our life and improve how how much we enjoy living day to day and improve the amount of pain that we're in improve how long we live like that's so awesome and there are so many people that are so against it now and it blows my mind because we have this power that most people that have these might have diseases they might have issues with their body that if you told them okay if you just ate a little bit differently if you just moved a little bit more this thing would go away those people would be like sign me up i'm gonna do it let me get i i i am so excited i can make a change but there's so many people that when you tell them that they can make a change they get mad at you they say how dare you and it's just i'm out of breath i mean let's see sorry this is something that i i struggle with with my weight loss i should talk about this in therapy next week because i haven't brought it up yet but i do struggle with the fact that i let myself get that out of control and that just like willy-nilly with my life basically because that's what it was i do really struggle with that and i think a lot of it was perpetuated by constantly seeing all these fat activists and fat acceptance people living their life and not talking about any of the bad stuff that comes with being morbidly obese because that's the fact of the matter is i was morbidly obese and so are all these people and they're pretending like nothing's wrong and having been there i can tell you that something's wrong and if it's not wrong yet it will be that's the thing man like if you talk about the negatives you get called fat phobic you get called all these names for just speaking about the negatives and it's like it's scary so people just don't do it and then if you do and you're saying you're trying to lose weight like you become an enemy of this movement and it's just it's sad that we can't just work together like it really is sad but for me it was wrong at the age of 20. and that's just what it was in conclusion i feel like i'm giving like a speech right now but i had to come prepared i i'm really i'm really not trying to come off as a dick in this video i really that is not my intention i am not trying to offend anybody i'm just trying to open people's eyes to how toxic this this this mindset can be and how life-threatening honestly it can be and i don't think the fat acceptance movement is inherently bad and i like i said i developed a lot of my personal style from being in this community for so long and that's something that i can't fault it for because i learned that dressing your own way and having your own style is an okay thing to do and it's a great thing to do and i learned it from all of these people so i can't say that it's all bad but i just think it's spreading a false narrative about morbid obesity that needs to be complete i think everybody should be okay with and this is more body positivity i think everybody should be okay with their body the way it is now and make the positive steps to make it how you would like it to be and if that's to be fat who am i to stop you like do what you want to do right yeah i used to work at an activewear store and it was super awesome i made a lot of really cool relationships with people and i i would get these and it was primarily a women's activewear store and um i get these women that came in and they were like i'm fat what can we do and like i know that's really like it's just like i used to think like that and i still do think like that i think like that more than i did when i actually was super fat right but i would always tell them if you can't fix it within 30 seconds don't dwell on it and make the changes that you would like to change or that you would like to make to make you the happiest version of you that you can be and i stand by that and i still tell people that and i'm trying to implement that myself genuinely feel like the fat acceptance movement made me feel like the damage and the harm that i was doing to my body was okay wow yeah i mean if you when you when that becomes normalized that can be the that can be scary right because it was coming from a place of self-care and self-love because i was feeding my body what i wanted to eat and obviously i wanted to eat trash just think that the fat acceptance movement and the individuals in it that i followed just kind of perpetuated that and i'm not putting the blame on them at all what i did was 100 me but i just think seeing all of these people presumably living happy healthy lives made me think that what i was doing was okay and it just kind of like pushed me along saying yes megan it is okay one and one thing that you notice quite a bit with the uh the health at every size of the fat acceptance movement is uh it is so it is like instagram to a t how much they post the highlight reel instead of the reality like they people post about oh i'm i'm working out oh i'm doing this oh this is what i'm doing but the the reality is so far different like they might be going through some things they might have some aches i might have some pains i might have some serious medical conditions but those things are never brought up and it's just the positive and it's just that this is great this is awesome and i fear and like she said you fear for the people that are following them that think that's how it should be for them as well and then when things start to go south maybe they don't take it as seriously maybe they don't do the things that maybe they should and maybe they would have done those things if they didn't start listening to this these what i believe are are fake truths they're not reality and i think that is dangerous keep doing what you're doing doing great but i was not doing great on the opposite end of this spectrum i have delved into so many fitness uh instagrams youtube whatever youtube channels whatever and i feel like on the opposite side of this video i could also make a video about why the fitness community a lot of times on social media also kind of sucks absolutely oh my goodness uh yes it is the same thing and i think sarah said it that's all social media for the most part in my opinion yes everyone even me right and i try to be as real as i can but everyone is going to post more positive than they will negative there might be some people that might post a little bit more of the negative that's going on in their life but not everyone is going to be posting all of the negative because again we struggle with this well i don't want to be a negative person and i want to put out positivity especially as someone that has a following i don't want to always be posting negative stuff right because then people are going to be like i don't want to follow him anymore he's always negative and so it is incredibly important when you're looking at social media to understand it's fake it's not real right it's not real and or it is a highlight reel it is it is what people want you to see and there is almost always things that are going on in that person's life that they don't want you to see and if you only follow them on social media you're not gonna see it because i am now just getting to the point like megan you don't have to be a health guru you don't have to be a fitness nut you just have to be healthy and that's all that matters but before i was getting to this point another reason why i started therapy i was so fixated on these help like these just fitness nuts where like all they did was go to the gym and eat plain chicken and broccoli and that also screws with your head and that's not good either so if you want to see me make that video which honestly will require a little bit more research because i didn't grow up with it and i didn't i haven't been in that community for very long but if you want to see that video leave a comment down below or like like this video or something um because i would be very interested in making something like that as well it's frustrating man and like this is why when i do my full day of eatings when i show my vlogs like i show myself eating microwave food i show myself eating like sandwiches and chips and i because it's important to show people that like we're not everyone most people aren't out here eating like making their own custom acai bowls and and making their own like like these illustrious meals all the time like it that's not what is really going on and people think that they have to do that if they want to make a change and you don't like you can like again you just don't let perfection get in the way of good enough if you're do what you're doing is good enough that's literally all that matters so 100 i agree with that overall i just needed to get my opinions out on this topic because while i do support the body positivity movement wholeheartedly i do not support the fat acceptance movement or the health of every size movement because i think as a whole they're just not good and they don't promote good things and they're dangerous to people that's all i really have to say thank you for making it this far i know this has probably been a very long video um but i just wanted to sit in my bed and chat about my feelings on this topic uh hopefully i did it in the way that i wanted to and i don't want to offend anybody i'm just i just wanted to share my experience thank you guys for watching i really appreciate it uh if you like this video i talk about a bunch of other lifestyle things and sometimes i cook sometimes i vlog you know i'm just kind of here making videos talking to myself so if you liked it subscribe i'm talking about the family here and i would really like it if you join so yeah um i love and appreciate you all thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one awesome well i will make sure that i um links link megan's channel down in the description if you guys want to check that out um i think that these these videos with people talking about uh their experience especially people that have been inside and like have dealt with it and have dealt with the negatives and the positives i think they're really important and so i'm gonna continue uh you know talking about it when i when i see them brought up because i think that this is a really important conversation to have and i think that that she did a great job you know explaining again explaining things that i would never be able to explain because i haven't i haven't been there but really really awesome video [Music] obey the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig wags don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 154,184
Rating: 4.9481788 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, weight loss, fat loss
Id: oJTwpzpE0Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 10sec (2410 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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