YMS Talks About Death Note 2017 for 2 Hours

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I am still confused why they just didn't go the miniseries route instead of forcing all these points in under 2 hours

Its not like Netflix has a drought of original films

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/Corat_McRed 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

Oh wow he must've really liked it.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/AnalBumCovers 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

I simply don't get why they seem to go out of their way to piss off fandom and absolutely just ignore literally all the themes of the fucking source material. It's the same with Ghost in the Shell, GitS is not nearly as bad, but it suffers from the same shit.

It doesn't even make fucking sense as smart sci-fi DOES WELL at the box office. In the age of RT, dumb shallow shit (that doesn't have massive established backing like DC or Transformers) gets destroyed by reviews before GA's can even experience it.

I don't even understand why you would go this route with a Western Adaption of Death Note. A big part of cultural discourse these days is the discussion of power and privilege and Death Note the source material plays a lot around with this as well and this film does absolutely nothing with it. A big discussion in OPeds RECENTLY is how privileged white males can like rape a girl and the dumbasses in the MSM seem to side with the white males and victim blame the girls. Again a theme that can easily play into Death Note and Light... nope.

I defended the White Washing of Light because I assumed they would be playing around with such themes. Light would be a rich, privileged white kid, maybe from a beloved political dynasty, he's destined to go to Harvard/Yale, follow his parents in politics etc, a Malia Obama or Chelsea Clinton style figure, so he has to act all perfect and has all these expectations and image projected on him because of the dynasty he is from, while in reality, like the Light of the Anime, he's an outright psychopath manipulating everyone around him and getting away with it, because of the insane privileged position he is in.

Nope, Light is a edgy unpopular bullied moron and gets the Death Note to kill people who make fun of him.

This shows how the creators of this Western Adaption actually viewed Death Note, they didn't get the themes of the story at all, they only saw it as a cool power fantasy, "If I had the death note, everyone would respect me!", which makes me think, this film is probably aimed at like 13 year olds despite Death Note peaked in popularity a decade ago.

Death Note could have easily been a good film and be successful, I honestly can't believe they fucked it up this bad not on purpose. The same with GITS. How do you miss the point so fucking bad? (though I've heard with GITS there was massive studio meddling and the original cut which had a completely different ending and very different scenes you actually see in the first trailer was more in line with the anime)

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/Psydonk 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

WELP i know what i'm putting on for background while I work today!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/reticense 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

I really wouldn't mind if Adam did a Podcast.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Cinematron23 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

As some one who hasn't watched the show and is planning to, would it ruin it to watch this video?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/InsideJoelsHole 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

There's a lot to see in this life, I'm not wasting it there.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/dongsuvious 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

I completely forgot Adam used the Death Note soundtrack in his past videos. This conversation is really cathartic btw, this movie was a The Last Airbender level disappointment for me, the series has so much potential and Wingard just fucking blew it.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Protoman89 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2017 🗫︎ replies


"First of all, I'm straight as hell... mostly... I'm kinda bi, but Light's hot, like, Light's just fuckin' easy on the eyes."


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/waunakonor 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey guys so I saw the Death Note movie and it was a piece-of-shit one out of ten I hated it it was garbage dumb [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] since I saw it I've been debating what kind of video I should make on it obviously I'm very opinionated on the film but I'm usually not as inclined to make a full huge project video on something if I know that other people are already covering it hence why I never watched or reviewed films like ghostbusters pixels and the emoji movie obviously there's more to say about Death Note than just it's bad but making a huge project out of it just seems a little redundant for myself at least anyway chase face asked me to record a conversation with him over the film to get my input on it for a video that he's making and the conversation worked out well enough that we decided to post it as its own separate video it already exists on his channel but I figured I'd post it here with his permission just so that more of you guys could see it because I'm aware that a lot of you are wondering exactly what I have to say about this steaming pile of [ __ ] so yeah enjoy hearing me rant about this movie for almost two hours and feel free to check out Chase faces channel there's a link in the video description it's literally the first one so you don't even have to open it all the way it should be relatively easy so yeah go go over there and say thanks because otherwise this long rant wouldn't exist without his idea also I didn't have to edit any of this so that kind of worked out for me too oh yeah and one last thing there are spoilers in our conversation not like it would ruin the experience of this awful film but if you haven't checked out the anime I would HIGHLY highly suggest that you do so before watching this video I wouldn't even really call myself a fan of anime and I love this show if one good thing came out of this awful film it's that it's forced me to examine exactly why I love the anime so much so yeah please do yourself a favor and check that one out before watching this if you haven't already alright here you go we pretty much just started talking about the Death Note movie immediately and didn't do any sort of formal intro so enjoy so there's that point yeah my voice is gonna be awful there's that point that you were talking about that your friend was saying like yeah so uh you're saying a high school kid wouldn't use it to get [ __ ] sure but why why even make a film trying to capitalize off of a pre-existing franchise where the entire success of that that franchise is based off of how characters are portrayed and the interesting dynamics they have the interesting types that they are and completely abandon all of that and say okay now we're just gonna make it a cliched stereotypical American high school kids movie that's fine but why why even call it definitely if you want to if you want to make something like it's fine to make something different but you're not just making changes you're completely ignoring literally everything that made the original successful so why even adapt it if you don't even give a [ __ ] about anything that made the original successful or fun to watch or appeal to any audiences like you've literally gutted it you know yeah I know exactly and so yeah I mean they also threw in really cliched stereotypical bullied jock characters for no reason I believe we're not to suggest for one or two yeah exactly and it's not to suggest that American high school students don't get bullied sometimes but same goes with Japanese students it's not like that needed to show up just because it's an American remake and so when you look at changes being made you kind of have to ask the question okay what about this change made it better because if it's not gonna make it better in anyone's opinion even right like the most that people can say is like oh yeah well it doesn't ruin it but if you're gonna change anything why not what why would you be making changes unless you have a better idea for it the problem is Adam Wingard doesn't know how to make a good movie and that's absolutely true from what I've seen he he really I'm sure that every single change that he made to the Death Note story and characters is a change the heat that he thought man this is so much better you know that's just Julie is did you see his remake of Blair Witch no but I heard he'd [ __ ] take same [ __ ] thing happened completely misses the point of the original to such a degree that why are you even remaking it yeah why are you even using the same intellectual property if you like I get it money brand recognition I get it but if you're not going to make something that the fans of the original would enjoy in any sense then what's the point of using brand recognition because the the people that you're supposed to be luring in as audience members because they recognize that brand you're completely isolating them you're completely what's what's the word the word distress isolating I guess so ostracizing you're completely just spitting in their face you know yeah yeah so it's like if you can't even make this appealing for the demographic that if they didn't exist the movie wouldn't be made yeah you know there would be no green light there would be no semblance of anybody saying this will be profitable unless there was a fanbase of people you know that that appreciated aspects of the original in some sense if you're not going to either faithfully attempt to recreate those aspects that people loved or try to correct issues with the original by making something better or fixing something if you're not gonna try and do any of those things then what's the point of making a remake other than I get it money but like if this was in theaters and not Netflix like no one would be watching oh yeah absolutely no like you you wouldn't this this this would bum so hard like people really you are drawing a lot of parallels to Dragonball Evolution I think one of the reasons why we're not seeing you know that much of an overlap is because it's not a theatrical release and the people who are [ __ ] already paying for their Netflix subscription are just like you know why not like I have nothing better yeah exactly it's the same as torrenting it when you walk when you're already paying for the service yeah I want to ask because I I looked up like I did a little bit of research on Adam and I mean interviews he seems you know humble as all actors or all directors tend to be looking our sweaters obviously completely [ __ ] different story hilarious my friend did say he's like you know the one who's creating the movie he's like no in all honesty Adam Wingard the complete [ __ ] [ __ ] and I from what I've seen like anyone who uses the laughing and laughing until crying emoji like an ironically yeah they're dissing people yeah it's like suck my dick you're such a [ __ ] douche bag it speaks of so much projection oh yeah like this is the emoji that I'm including to try and to try and make you think or to try and instill the emotion of haha I'm laughing it yeah like I'm song yeah exactly when it's like you should be using your words and not resorting to like an emotional response yeah like it's in your best interest to actually articulate your points and defend why like if he could come out and say it well manipulation yeah if you come out and said you know I get it in the movies not for everyone but we made it different enough and I think you should treat it as an adaptation rather than a direct sequel or like a you know direct remake then I could actually respect that like it's still not good but at least you'd own the fact that like I guess it's not for everyone I'm trying to think of something that man there was something yeah so I mean spider-man homecoming did a good job of distancing itself from the other works in a sense even though it was kind of a reboot kind of not really yeah decided to make instead of instead of trying to do the same thing but different or better or worse or whatever they instead just took a completely different route and that's part of what made it work is that you're not forced to make those comparisons when it's a completely different product unfortunately I mean this wasn't if they were going to use that defense by saying like oh yeah this is just a completely different story set in the same universe change the characters names why do you have to have the same characters why are you pretending as though those are the same characters if what you're supposedly aiming for is a completely new fresh adaptation that has nothing to do with the original I don't think that's what they were for I genuinely believe Adam Wingard was like you know what this needs Gort that's gonna be so cool everybody loves that and a lot of [ __ ] Swartz - did you count how many swear words that were lucky you could kind of feel at least I thought you could feel he was really trying to push it like no this is still dark it's just dark in a different way the amount of times I heard the phrase [ __ ] in the first ten minutes I was a little numb - I didn't even pay attention to the swears honestly but I feel like the film was at constant odds with itself in terms of what kind of demographic that they were trying to appeal to and not just with the whole pre-existing fanbase that will literally get nothing out of the new adaptation but the entire film plays off as some shitty Family Channel teen high school [ __ ] movie like made-for-tv movie you know might as well be like cyberbully you know I do get that vibe yeah and then just out of nowhere like gore and then you know adult themes here and there but for the most part it's like you have shitty high school teen movies guy actor and I'm sure I'm sure a few of them are from that same sort of genre definitely the main character if you look up his IMDB it's just like nothing but shitty teen [ __ ] high school movies and that's it I'm pretty sure Mia's whoever her actresses she her mom was like a really historical actress I think she did the you know the damsel in distress in King Kong so like she clearly and she actually got in by being Wolf's it's Lessing's wolf rate I honestly keep blanking on it the guy who did something like she was dating him before the movie so I think that's a little Milt a little bit in habit ISM in action oh it's good for a film nat wolff nat wolff yeah that's it but when did you get into death notes like how old were you when did you discover it and like what were your general thoughts I don't were you like a mega fan like I was or was it just like I was cool guess I started watching it when I was like 15 or something yeah I think same actually I don't know what year that was maybe 2007 or something let me check when did Death Note come out as I want to say cuz I read it and shown and jump when it was like being printed and so I read the first few chapters I want to say I was like 13 14 I'm 27 so I was born in 1990 yeah I guess the TV series ended in 2007 oh that sounds about right yeah I'm I'm pretty positive the whole thing was ended before I started watching it but yeah I I don't think I'd ever really consumed any kind of anime show before that point that wasn't marketed towards children I guess you know like I grew up with pokum Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z and yeah so not really not really a big anime fan but death notes kind of one that shows where yeah ception cuz it's sort of dirty I will always describe it as the anime for people that don't like anime yeah pretty much that and cowboy bebop for me Death Note I mean like sure there's some anime esque things that show up every once in a while especially later in the series but I mean for the most part it's regardless of format the the meat of the show is the the cat-and-mouse game and the characters and not necessarily like really in your face kind of anime yeah exactly it kind of dulls it out with Mesa and El and [ __ ] in select quantities but overall it's more like like you said that tense cat mouse game yeah so I I really loved it I watched through the whole series in a short amount of time I think I watched I think I watched every episode twice within like a few months honestly really enjoy it still do and I mean I couldn't help but notice that you use predominantly unless something else is more fitting you predominantly use the Death Note soundtrack and like all of your videos and I mean it helps that it fits with everything there's a couple songs that that work well yeah it's good like good thinking music which is how they the tracks were presented in the show in a sense it would always be you know when he's talking about his desk fire burned the book drawer contraption thing and you know like yeah there was a lot of like thinking music going on in the show I really thought about like that's a good point my friend you know who was defending the movie I was referencing earlier he was he was saying the one of the most unfortunate things about the anime coming out was that it's so [ __ ] good compared to the source material of the manga that like you can't go back and read the manga because the music's just that goddamn good it really it's like the whole Imus there's a lot that is in the show stylistically that I really enjoy so like even if we were to take the same sequence of events the presentation really adds a lot to it once again Adam Wingard gutted the entire thing I always thought that a Death Note live-action film adaptation would be entirely possible to do well but it would it would require a keen attention to detail in terms of what elements are going to be brought in from the show right and what can be communicated in a live-action kind of setting because I mean you know the the first shot that we get of the Shinigami world when the Death Note gets dropped or whatever and you see like react for the first time and like this kind of uplifting chorus of demonic choir members plays and the camerawork it's doing this whole like earthquake effect it's where the tunnel right you know like you could you could translate that into film I don't see why an adaptation just because it's not an anime I don't see why that same tow and presentation can't be recreated in some way or improved upon even instead of just completely abandoned hmm yeah I think I good shot Adam Wingard his presentation of this film is just like shitty dumb high school cliched [ __ ] like High School Musical with some gore essentially it's pretty on the nose and then his his throwback 80s synth soundtracks that he's been doing since forever and make a lot of people think that his movies are more clever and self-aware than they actually are when it's literally just that's the music he likes yeah he really did like emphasize that and as evidenced by this film he'll throw it in wherever he can regardless of whether or not it fits or makes sense that's literally just what he wants to put in his movies yeah you know I did notice that there's a lot of like romantic lyrics in those songs and I was like who the [ __ ] greenlit this for the scene like this doesn't add anything doesn't even make sense yeah he really uh people people act surprised by how how bad this film is and they're like how could this happen Adam Wingard is one of the most inventive and creative directors in the filmmaking scene today and people say that literally just based off of two of his films you're next and the guest which came out one after the other so I guess people were like really hyped for him I didn't think those movies were great I still to see those you're next is average at best or okay at best I wouldn't call it good were those like the low-budget horror movies that he's known for kind of style that was that well that was a million dollar budget movie that literally just took place in like a cabin and that's it it's impressive that the Death Note movie at a forty million dollar budget and this is what we got but yeah I mean like people act surprised when this Death Note film completely misses the point doesn't develop any of the characters really at all doesn't spend any time fleshing out the universe at all spends all of its time on on gore and just [ __ ] shitty cliches and that's it and it's like well this is exactly how all of his other films are I don't see why anybody surprised people think that he was doing it ironically in your next and the guest but it's not true it's not ironic just because there's some subversion in the tropes that we're used to seeing what's giving me look at your next and they're like because there will be a scene where one of the characters is is dying but it's like the killer has to stab them with like four different knives he's like oh why won't you die and then he like actually dies and people are like wow this is ironic but it's not ironic it's like this has happened in horror films before there was somebody telling me the other day that the opening scene by itself is supposed to be an obvious clue as to the irony of the film but there's nothing that happens in the opening scene that isn't just something that could happen in a film that's not trying to be ironic there's nothing there's nothing about it that says this is ironic it's just really cheesy acting and really cheesy presentation that doesn't mean that it's trying to be cheesy in bed perhaps part of it knows that it's cheesy in bed and it's okay with it it's not like a commentary on the genre just because you do a couple things different you know yeah it's it's it's literally just a dumb slasher movie that people give way too much credit and I will never understand I gave it a second chance I literally after seeing Death Note and tweeting about it on the Friday that it came out and I said something along the lines of Adam Wingard has never directed a good film in his life and a lot of people obviously responded like what about you're next and the guest and it's like I've already given these films a chance before and you know I made it through your next but I didn't even make it through the guests and so with all these people saying that and saying like oh no their genre deconstruction films that are pointing out the very things that you take issue with in the film and so I watched them again trying as hard as I can as hard as I can to find where the commentary is but there's nothing about it that's providing commentary it's literally just I can see how some people might think that it's ironic because it's so cheesy and dumb that you would have to think like oh yeah this knows you know but it's not the case yeah it's literally just what it is ya know exactly it's infuriating this is actually my first bout of familiarity with Wingard but from this alone I definitely don't think I'll be contributing anything financially to him in the near future I gave your next and the guest a second chance on on Saturday and then followed it with his Blair Witch remake and so I had I had watched for Adam Wingard films and in like 30 hours and I think it broke me I'm just I'm are you doing okay I was about to ask do you need TV to talk to someone I feel worse than before I tried giving him a second chance I feel more infuriated that I wasted my time trying to find something of value in any one of his films and was left even more disappointed it's like now I actually finished the guest and it was even worse than the first 20 minutes so were you glad you stopped when you did the first time it was an appropriate response and I don't I don't see how yeah I mean I was right in thinking that I wouldn't get much more out of it from that point on as evidenced by me giving it a second chance yeah your gut was on the money to get away from winger himself never it's constantly relevant so first of all light yog or sorry light Turner I got to get used to that well he thought sunlight just as a whole I'm not I'm not sure like a lot of what makes this interpretation so awful is also comparing it to the original and like I said earlier like it's important to note like a change in of itself is not a flaw and should never be considered as such but when every change is for the worse and when you start out like your intellectual property that you're adapting into a film starts out as great source material it starts out as having laid the groundwork for something that is successful before you even get involved and from you to go from like a nine out of ten source material and drag it down into the ground into a one that requires some extra special talent you know that was choirs so much [ __ ] up that most people couldn't do that if they tried if we're gonna go into the characters lights pretty obnoxious honestly yeah what I'm struggling to understand is why they would get someone that looks and act so obnoxious for the role like I don't understand how that benefits the film or the character regardless of how you're trying to portray the character exactly I don't see how that's a benefit I don't see how hiring an actor who can't even scream without smiling I noticed that I was watching I was watching the first ten minutes when I was waiting for you yes hey Barry your audio thing and I was like he's screaming but he looks like he's having fun exactly they're like you can't even get a half-decent take out of him it takes you out of the film like perhaps Adam Wingard was playing the scene for a laugh who knows right wouldn't it be convenient yeah exactly yeah and he runs like a [ __ ] schmutz like that was that was something that they seemed to be really proud of is the way they look Keith and Wolf both run is that like oh he kept saying in interviews you know Wolfe has this he's like flailing and he's running and then like Heath has like this Terminator like 1000 run to him and I was like that's not [ __ ] good thing exactly like that's that that reminds me of the interviews for after Earth they were saying the exact sectional [ __ ] run they're like we gave him a superhero run when that's as far as your detailed goes in terms of fleshing out the characters I think that speaks for itself I and just as an interlude I you know everyone likes to think that they're super crazy I should ask first have you seen any of the interviews with LA Keith no he [ __ ] wears like some weird sort of pantyhose on his head he wears like these [ __ ] is that the L guy yeah the guy who plays L he was also like one of the one of the characters and get out so I guess you know he's probably got some talent oh yeah he had that he had the head yeah yeah that was in those then I still haven't seen that but from what I saw of the pictures yeah it looked like he was just kind of a minor character in that movie he was an important character that didn't have much screen time right like he was pivotal to like the central plot from what I saw yeah without spoiling anything yeah yeah but I was gonna say that yeah in all these interviews I can send it to you after just so you can have a nice girl fashion cringe is he was trying to act like L he was you know people kept giving him credit he's you know he's in character in the interview it's so great it's just like and you know you see that he he will cite um Heath Ledger as one of his biggest inspirations and his clear that he's kind of trying to take know in that sense yeah because before he even said anything I was gonna say that Heath Ledger kind of started this trend him and and like Daniel day-lewis and a lot of a lot of really talented people working in the industry that would force themselves to stay in character even when they're not recording just for their own personal gain and somehow that turned from hey here are some really talented people in the industry that are taking their job seriously into hey here's how you market the film to make people think it's gonna be well active because Studios took note of that in people they saw how people responded to interviews like Heath Ledger and I'm sure Daniel day-lewis and there's a bunch of other actors that I just can't think of off the top of my head but they're started a trend where Studios could see how oddly people were receiving that and then you know how every second article that came out about Suicide Squad when it was in production was like Jared Leto hid condoms in his actors lunch box so quirky perfect for the role because he's crazy he's always in character it's just really really lame [ __ ] counts for fast pranks yeah like nine pranks like the mad labs subreddit yeah I'll show you um I'm actually not familiar with that subreddit it's exactly what happens I get a bit I'll show you after this uh you can check it out for yourself but they're very uncomfortable to watch is you know remember the anime when the first time that L had any kind of I'm not sure when's the last time you watched the anime but you can probably remember the first time that L I it's been many years but I'm I can probably remember yeah there's that scene as well yeah it's [ __ ] I'm a pretty huge fanboy of Death Note honestly so it's taking a lot of restraint to give this film a neutral sort of like let's examine both sides view because I just want to [ __ ] all over it it's worth [ __ ] it is it is but I want those people that's like you know hold on let's hear the other side as weak as it might be just to you know just - oh yeah I want to hear the other side - yeah yeah but I I imagine I'll have very strong disagreements I can't imagine I'll change much of my opinion it's like yeah I want like every every argument that your friend gave to you as to why it's not so bad I want to hear every single one of them yeah I'll soon see you when we're done because I have just as legitimate reasons as to why I didn't feel as though those points really improve the film God if I got you guys I'm like a call together they'll probably be like three hours and you never reach a consensus cuz he's he's very adamant about his opinions and he never changes mine but I digress yeah so in in this interview I keep changing keeps shifting subjects so in the original Death Note when L the first time you actually saw L give a genuine emotional response to anything cuz you know he's so calculated and emotionless and robotic was when he saw that light had one of the prisoners right in their own light on the wall l did you know that gods of death love apples and his first response was Shinigami what the [ __ ] and he threw his arms up and just went oh and everyone looked at him and then he quickly yeah gathered himself in an interview with likitha he liked he was pointing at the Death Note and they said oh yeah something something Shinigami said they interviewer and he said yeah and then and it was he was playing it off like you couldn't tell if he was if he was having fun he was being silly or if he really believed I am L this is how L would act he was very uncomfortable and then when he was with the other actors he was in character he was kind of kneeled up in the fetal position almost he wouldn't wear shoes cuz he could it goes a little further wearing shoes every other actor was just they were just themselves because they're not massive stuck-up [ __ ] I mean you know I don't know the Keith's but I find that the whole thing really obnoxious if it's not done well and if it's not a good character in a good movie Wow and everyone else was just staring at him like they were all smiling to be polite but you could help some of them were just kind of like this [ __ ] douche bag I have a feeling like NAT Wolff wasn't really putting on much of a character at all so maybe it was in the interviews yeah yeah who knows maybe he was constantly a light Turner in the interviews but you would never tell there was actually one interview he did with [ __ ] Al Roker whatever that's show is I don't watch it but you know the whole morning interview thing he was saying to them oh you know there was a time where I had to scream and I was I was wondering whether I should do like my oh my cinematic scream afresh you do my real scream which is more like a and then they're like which one did you do he's like I did my real scream and I was like huh [ __ ] oh wow I'm cringing that he he was smiling the entire time and I still have that in my head like the whole scene was like shot okay I mean I granted I'm I'm totally green when it comes to my knowledgeable cinematic it managed I thought of it and I was like oh you know how'd they do that I mean I'm sure was just a rope pulling on the [ __ ] desk but I was just like oh it's just there's not exactly I mean there's nothing special at all yeah terms of filmmaking in in this and there never has been in any Adam Wingard film ever so everybody should stop acting surprised there's literally never been any piece of impressive filmmaking mm-hmm at all whatsoever he's done gore he has got good gore that's it that's not really filmmaking that's props I saw when the interviews that I downloaded and put it into premiere and I haven't watched it yet but it was just called like Adam Wingard how to make a horror film like on a budget and I just thought to myself oh I'm sure there'll be a lot of [ __ ] gems in this one yeah that's what he knows he's been doing the same thing forever just in slightly different ways you know and all of a sudden people think it's bad now well buckle up children you're about to witness every other film and his entire career being bad from this point onward and wonder why isn't he making good movies anymore because he never was I noticed that every time L was on screen you know in the in the in the show L is arguably and I my ones people that just necessarily throws this word around as a meme but he's in the in the show he's essentially autistic and he's not even high-functioning autistic because he can't dress himself he can't get around he can't really function without wat side he and other people helping him out with just his day-to-day routine and you know this and that in the movie he just seemed like he seemed more like eccentric and obnoxious sort of like self-absorbed way than any sort of like genius you know exactly I mean you know this is just one more example of the film being in conflict with itself like ignore the source material but you're taking parts of the source material and then adding them in with the new parts you've added and it's fine if you want to change parts but the parts you've changed are now at conflict with the other halves of these of this character you know the character of the presentation the story every part about it it's like the changes that were made were not just different they were changes that that inevitably had contradictions with other parts of the film or other parts of the story that they're supposedly trying to set up yeah and so yeah I guess just before I get into Ella I'll just say one more thing about light Turner I'd still love that they went with Cerner like Johnson or Williams or anything yes like anything could have been you know better but Turner immediately invokes the image of Fairly OddParents yeah that's that's kind of funny yeah I mean not only was having him become the I'm bullied character not a change that was made for the better at all and I don't understand how Adam Wingard all the sudden things like oh yeah let's make it more stereotypical and cliched that's totally great you know yeah but did anybody I'm sure a lot of people felt this way just how embarrassingly written the whole scene was when he when he was like if you beat me up that's technically child abuse Lia he would get out of him saying something so stupid and obnoxious and I like that it didn't even work out for him because after the fact like Mia just told the principal like oh yeah he's a dumb ass and he walked into a pole that's why he gotta you know beat up like she didn't even appreciate it and again another example just a lights character being at odds with himself and in terms of consistency is you know they they changed him into this completely obnoxious annoying wimpy just all-around not a pleasant or relatable character at all and then in terms of the moral ambiguity of what he does as a character in the actual story they completely stripped away all of the moral ambiguity and had it so that he only kills people in supposedly ethical ways like everybody he kills in the film is just somebody who was either a criminal or a bully or like you know there was some sense of whether they were trying to have this happen or not there was some sense of quote/unquote justice and literally every death he was responsible for and it's like okay that's fine I guess if this is the movie you want to make but that takes away everything that was interesting about his character in the anime it's it's you had something yeah and it's clear to literally every fan of the show why it works and you Adam Wingard decided now let's take away everything that made it work and replace it with [ __ ] he essentially admitted in interviews with I don't remember the publication some website but he said he sent it that light is just a [ __ ] dumbass typical American kid because he said oh you know he's seen on the news that Isis is bad so he kills a bunch of Isis people he knows that North Korea he read he read somewhere an actual wording he read somewhere that North Korea is you know responsible for a lot of bad [ __ ] so he killed the North Korean general and so it's kind of like he admitted himself that yeah I wrote a shitty character but that was intentional because this is my and my friend had a good point he said in Japan you have a lot more of those societal expectations of like be perfect go to cram school you know do this with your family you know collectivism etc and then in in the American version he's just this shitty stupid punk kid that takes everything out on his dad and you know doesn't respect all the things he's sacrificed for him and it just it was just an embarrassment moving the story to America doesn't warrant that type of change to be made otherwise there's an implication as though that kind of straight-a student doesn't exist in America as though there's no such thing as that like what there's there's things about the character in the original that work and it's plain it's clear as day to everybody who has ever enjoyed the show what makes it work and why why the character is interesting what do you gain what what do you benefit from in completely gutting everything that was objectively responsible for the original success why do you hate the things about it that are the only reason anybody liked it yeah unless you're a [ __ ] idiot like the thing about the animated maid it's so [ __ ] good is it first of all you know I'm straight as hell mostly you know I'm kind of by but like lights hot like lights just [ __ ] easy on the eyes he may look like um Zac Efron was it right High School Musical whatever yeah am I thinking of a different Zack and he looks really nice so immediately you have that I was a psychology major and we learned it's psychology classes I think it's kind of a common commonly accepted fact that attractive people are much less likely to be judged negatively they're much more likely to be competitive oh no he wouldn't murder someone he's hot how that exactly and and so that's why it worked with light and then on top of that you get he's just sociopathic and the only time since we're still talking about like the only time that he ever expressed interest in any girl was like Yuri I believe what's her name the girl in the bus that he pretended to go on a date so that he could yeah expose repent roll yeah is a complete social manipulator yeah and with Misa he just started dating her number one to shudder them to be like shut the [ __ ] up you're gonna blow my cover you're really tactless about this whole making public announcements as as as Kira thing and then on top of that hey you have the Shinigami eyes I could [ __ ] easy to kill L like my biggest enemy he has no he may as well not have a dick at all because he doesn't use it he's only interested in just yeah manipulating people and so then as soon as you throw romance into the plot it's like this goes against absolutely everything that the character stood for in the show like he's almost too smart to even be thinking about temptations of the loins you know it would be one thing if light had a romantic interest in the film it's another thing entirely to have the romantic interest be a plot device yeah and that's the literally the only reason why she's there in this film is to fill the female interest gender quota and to to literally just have her be used as a plot device for conflicts not just for conflict but also to absolve our main character of any kind of perceived wrongdoing that that people might think throughout the entire film hmm I also long we could talk about her separately but I just want to ask now was it just maybe I'm being too hard what was it just me or did Mia her actress reminded me a lot of Bella from the Twilight series in terms of like emotional range and energy maybe that was how she was written or something but I just I kept thinking of Bella yeah I mean that's another thing that Kristen Stewart people people keep suggesting as though she's great and I didn't really watch much of the Twilight yeah films at all I kind of just you know ignored them and now with her like diversifying and going into films and trying to legitimize herself she was in clouds of SILS Maria and she won like the French equivalent of an Academy Award for that movie and everybody's talking about how great she is but I watched the film and not only is it just like one of the most painfully boring movies to sit through but her performance in that movie and literally every movie I've seen her in is exactly what I what I would have imagined she would be like in Twilight when I didn't really watch Twilight and all I heard from people saying is like oh she just mumbles everything and she only has like one face the entire like very narrow range of emotion and then that's what I hear about people saying for Twilight and then I see her in every other movie and that's exactly what she's doing and all I'm thinking is like is this different then what happened in Twilight do I have to watch all the Twilight movies then you pretty much got the whole experience like would she be worse in those movies anyway I don't yeah I'm so confused why people think she's a good actor Robert Pattinson really impressed me in the film that seven theaters right now good time mmm highly recommend them to see them oh yeah honestly I mean like I said I'm pretty new too I'm not really much of a movie guy just because I am the worst attention span ever and I [ __ ] hate going to the actual movies because all the people there I'm not terribly familiar but I would even say what then I unfortunately dated a girl for a little while that was a big Twilight fan and that was one of the biggest mistake I've ever made and she's so she had me watch a little bit of the movie and you know Robert Pattinson was okay in those movies for the limited yeah but I would I wouldn't doubt that he's actually pretty accountant he's been doing a better job at proving himself than Kristen Stewart in my opinion and yet she's the one with a French Academy Award for some reason clouds of SILS Maria was actual garbage and people loved it it's like Criterion it's it's it's like highly regarded anyway I'm just gonna I'm gonna piss I'll be right back all right I didn't want to say there was like some article on the same website as mentioning before where they were like how Netflix saved the Death Note movie adaptation and they were just a bunch of comments that just said I wish it didn't I wish you'd just [ __ ] let it die is that an article from before the film was released it was I think it was like a month before it released but this was after all the teasers came out and everyone already can see there was gonna be a [ __ ] rolling dumpster fire yeah speaking of which it became abundantly clear to me once I had watched the film why they had left Three Oaks design so intentionally ambiguous in the marketing and that's because he looks [ __ ] stupid I thinks there were some parts where he looked kind of cool I liked his eyes but I honestly I think it's an improvement from that I'm not sure if you saw the Japanese movie movie agree and I think the Japanese movie was bad don't get me yeah yeah yeah but Riggs designed their although you know he could have looked more quote-unquote realistic there's nothing like if it ain't broke down don't fix it that was a that was a truer adaptation of his design than this film for sure yeah and again if you're gonna make changes make them for the better you know or don't change it what does giving him an ugly fat face do what is it what is that what is that for his face used to be like whitish gray it looked cool like he had an interesting attractive designed to him in like a demon kind of way you know yeah and now I just look stupid also his his purpose as a character in the narrative is completely gutted once more like he in the anime part of what made lights and rooks dynamic so interesting is because over time you kind of saw the Shinigami over time is more humanized and his reactions to the sociopathy of light is like wow this human sure is nuts you know and you understand that that really almost seems to to have his own set of moral guidelines in a sense yeah like the idea that you would have a Shinigami look at the person you just give the death a note to and have this you know and he's like oh no I actually it's good that I met you good I've been waiting for you and then rooks response in the in the sub was just oh yeah he's like this human individual he's like this might actually be a bit of a mistake yeah and well I mean even so I mean like his he would repeat that he was bored and that he just wanted to find something interesting but through that we saw just how unique of a character light is and you know that this death God that has presumably done this thing many many times is now acting as though he's never seen such a thing before and that this is a very rare and unique experience for him to see an individual human being reacting in that way or use the Death Note in the way that light started using it or evade being caught etc etc light as a character in contrast became almost less humanized as the series went on he became more of a monster and so there's like a really interesting juxtaposition happening between these two characters and they kind of played off of each other in a really entertaining way so that when light isn't interacting with other characters you still get interesting dialogue scenes between him and buek and it also moves the plot forward where they explain light explains what he's gonna do and does it in kind of a really eco-centric kind of way where he's proud of himself and he wants to he wants to share his genius but he doesn't want to get caught so he so he shares his genius with the death guide right who's who's kind of forced to listen to him anyway to kind of brag about his own intellect and planning all of that completely lost again fine if you want to make a change but you should be making changes for the better not for the worse and again ignore the source material let's pretend the source material didn't exist if this was the first incarnation of anything Death Note the manga didn't exist the anime didn't exist and this was just a new thing my first question would be what [ __ ] purpose does real serve in the story why is he even there like if you're gonna strip away the point of him being there and and have him be completely useless to the story then why even have a minute at all if you're gonna be like I've [ __ ] like strip away every every reason he had to be there why even include him at all like your film is not even consistent with itself it doesn't even understand what it's trying to do yeah it's it's at constant ads with itself the only thing really accomplished in the story was to have light think that he killed some people independently when it was actually Misa or whatever and that's literally the only time he came into play in the story at all otherwise he was literally just a little devil on your shoulder like hey I feel like that's the extent of their understand of what are you goes about because if you really think about like in the show he's like chaotic neutral he doesn't give a [ __ ] he literally let the Death Note land who wherever it wanted and like just happen to find it but in the movie it literally dropped at lights feet as if to say you're the chosen one and then he was kind of coaxing in a head come on yeah you know you wanna it'll be fun like just all this [ __ ] and uh yeah it really did seem like Luke was just there out of obligation Oh cuz the fans are gonna want to seem it obviously for the the marketing purposes that's the one Chris is my friend gave it was that they did a [ __ ] job marketing it he said you should go I still don't looked at it but he said you should go look at the do you Twitter handle cuz apparently it's just like oh there's also peace poopy spoopy apples and spoopy and that was like the the deepest part yeah that was apparently the deepest understanding they had of Luke but in the in the show he was just like you could tell the whole time he didn't give a [ __ ] he wasn't on anyone's side when when L exposed him I have him kill the the convicted prisoner Lind L tailor and you know light actually got kind of yeah he got kind of butthurt about it Ryou quiz cackling the whole time like us this [ __ ] got you dude like you literally had no dog in any fight he was just bored yeah he was there for the entertainment yeah it's to completely miss the point of any aspects and every aspect of the source material to such a degree that Adam Wingard has consistently done now is to suggest that when he's watching something like the original Blair Witch or the Death Note animate when he's watching something he doesn't even he doesn't even like he is literally incapable of appreciating it on in the same level like an average fan would he is somehow below that level where him making a successor that has the same title that's in the same universe and that is supposedly trying to market itself to fans of the original somehow somehow all he got out of Death Note was there's a Death Note and this kid named light kills people with it and that's bit like like he just he apparently he he watched all of the death scenes and just jerked off to those only and thought I you know we'll make this better let's do add some final destination [ __ ] you know like how can you even carry it over yeah and pretend as though every aspect that made it successful in the first place doesn't exist it's the fact that he didn't even know they were there he is literally that inept at perceiving story and characters in a film that this is what he thinks made the film special this is his honest attempt at carrying it over into the next incarnation of the franchise this is his honest attempt and it's just it's it's pathetic and embarrassing yeah by the way that's the Twitter of Luke who which is probably handled by winGuard himself does take a gander at that because it's it seems this is just like the most surface level understanding possible of what New York's character is yeah it's to see that this is what they apparently got out of the original is just it makes me feel bad for them because you you will literally never appreciate the story and characters as much as just an average fan would you'd like you were you were so far below the level of comprehension as to what worked and didn't work and what made the original special that I can't even believe that you actually enjoyed or appreciated it you know like maybe perhaps Adam Wingard was a fan of the original but if he was which I would even be skeptical of then all he got out of it was was like [Music] people died that's a good then movie and that's it oh you know was the [ __ ] funniest thing I was watching they had like a Comic Con interview with the whole cast right and I feel bad for that asian guy that was in heros I forget his name but he actually is like a fan of the series he's a self-proclaimed otaku and you know he's that [ __ ] is like more famous and more talented than everyone like obviously Dafoe wasn't there so otherwise that would have kind of cancelled that but he was the and he was a screen gob Amell movie hey what are you doing in anyway wolf so this person came up and just said what how scary is Death Note and there was like a pause as if they were kind of trying to think okay how can we like lie by omission and wolf said verbatim ooh you know I had to look away a lot and I thought probably not for the reasons that you're leading us to believe do you think that when cuz when Luke Heath was cast as L he went in he read all the manga he watched the anime he at least so he claims I don't know he's telling me entirely truth but he said that he went in and became [ __ ] obsessed with L and you know he's great character he's really eccentric there's no other character like him that I can think of in media I'm sure he had a lot of fun playing him but I'm not sure he I'm not sure he interpreted the character correctly if that's what he was like to do was was especially when he had emotional lapse of a gun-wielding crying like okay yeah like naniji and sung to sleep by Watson I think like all this weird [ __ ] rigor happy emotional not calculated in the slightest but sometimes as long as it needs to happen in the plot but every other exactly late again constant conflict with itself you're not creating something consistent if you want to change it change it all the way don't change half of it and then have two halves of a character being the opposite of each other you know you can have consistency by keeping it all the way it was or have consistency by doing a complete 180 but all of it so like 180 the the whole character not just half of him otherwise it's it's literally just a conflict with itself it's doesn't doesn't make any sense do you think look he should be given credit apparently wolf claimed it he you know he gives kind of a typical answer oh I'm not really I familiar with a bit of my younger cousins really liked it and I went I read and really liked it I always doubt that whenever their performance is really shitty it's like did you really get it though do you think that people that actors should get brownie points so to speak for really researching their character and understanding everything about the merge do you think that's just a basic [ __ ] job requirement um well I mean good work should go appreciate it that's for sure yeah there are some actors that that I call director dependents their performance more often than not just coincides with who is directing them in a film and there's some actors that I consider to be direct or independent where literally no matter how [ __ ] the movie is or how should the director is like everybody could be the worst actor that you've give the worst performance you've ever seen out of them but there will be one actor that like every film here her is in he or she is in will consistently be like you know what they didn't do anything wrong here and they were the best part about this movie despite it being a dumpster fire so I mean I would have to see more of I forget his name already to be able to tell what kind of an actor he is mm-hmm he seems to be director dependent if if a director or a team of filmmakers are adapting source material into their vision they should be responsible to make sure that the actors understand what they're going for it shouldn't be the actors responsibility to decide exactly how they're gonna play the character there should be a collaborative effort there should be ideas bouncing from the actor onto the filmmakers and vice versa to try and establish what they want out of it but at the end of the day an actor's job is to do exactly what the director tells them to do even if even if an actor decides like that they really really want to do something a certain way at the end of the day a director can easily step in and say I don't want you to do it this way this is how I want you to do it and if they're you know if they take their job seriously they'll do it how the director says so in terms of characters being portrayed really poorly I'm I I would have to put the blame and Adam Wingard he is the he's credited as the director he is the most he has the most control over what the final product of the film will be otherwise you should not be calling yourself a director yeah well said what did you think of L as a whole right before we get into L I'm just gonna say one more thing about Rio just before we switch why what the what the [ __ ] was the point in having the apples in the film at all like there was no there was never any kind of mention of like death God's love apples and as far as we could tell there was never any kind of indication that light was buying these apples for Rio they would literally just it was like he he brought apples from the Shinigami world and and like chomped them up and and just left trash all over the human world for no reason it honestly seemed like a meme like an attempt at a mean because all the fans can expect that they're gonna expect L to eat a lot of candy gotta have the apples what did I think of L as a whole uh he didn't he didn't really he never it was it was like the film insisted that he was the yin to the yang it's like the film insisted that he was the opposite opposing force to the main character but it never really it never really earned any of it like there was no I was never impressed by what either of the characters was doing to try and outwit the other there was no sense of clever tact there no sense of planning or manipulation or foresight really any foresight at all yeah it really there was there was zero sense of that whatsoever and then it again I'll just ask why even have the character there why not just ditch the character altogether if there's there's not gonna be anything about the character that makes them interesting to watch I didn't give a [ __ ] about L honestly yeah I didn't give a [ __ ] about a single character in the film I don't know what Adam Wingard thinks we're supposed to get out of his character or watching him in the film or watching the character in the universe I really I'm struggling to understand what he thinks anyone should have or could have gotten out of out of that character let alone any of the characters I mean like every everything was garbage but yeah if we're talking about L specifically it's like I didn't there was nothing interesting about him and they were they were insisting upon that type of reaction from people as though simply just carrying over the same character name from the previous work would somehow instill that in people but again they apparently watched the original and didn't even understand any [ __ ] thing about what made people feel those emotions all they got was like this is what people will think of L but they don't they don't do anything in the film to make people have that emotional reaction or that that interpretation so terrible it's literally just saying this is how you're supposed to feel but it doesn't do anything to earn it and they set up these characters in a way where it's clear that you're supposed to be thinking of them in similar ways to the original and yet they do nothing to earn it yeah I like the moment and I mean I'm trying not to draw comparisons but like you said how the [ __ ] can you completely avoid it when it's obviously supposed to be supposed to be compared to this worse if it doesn't want to be compared to the source material then don't make a photo make something new that makes make something different if you said inspired by Death Note like people would have given this a much greater pass if you just use different characters change the title if you wanted to if you work if you were really interested in making a film set in the Death Note universe and having a different take on it like drastically different where it literally ruins everything special about it then why not just just say hey market it as a film in a Death Note universe and call it something different just call it like the next character name or something you know [ __ ] later in the timeline we'll have like mellow and near and [ __ ] or whatever I don't care a lot of people have been telling me and I think I agree with that if they had made this a miniseries it could have been more salable but not from Adam Wingard in 20 minutes no nothing yeah Wingard but it would have been even from Adam Wingard it still would have been marginally better I'm in DC you don't even lose cramming and bowling like okay if you're gonna say marginally better than sure I guess I can't very place where you could go other than from where this current film sits he keeps talking about oh maybe we can get a seagull I'm thinking and what [ __ ] universe did you leave any room at the end of that for a sequel cuz lights still alive he's a good guy I think they're gonna try and do a sequel I genuinely think they're gonna try it I really hope they don't because then I'll have to [ __ ] watch it and [ __ ] again and I just better spent on other things in all the interviews that I read with Wingard he was really obsessed with the idea of the death notes ability to control people's minds and I think he went a little too gung-ho with that especially in reference to wat today just completely turning his back against L just to help light like it's just it doesn't make for an interesting premise just to be able to come have complete control over people might like you know with them with Ray pembers fiance or he got her name yeah and then wrote her name down he's like oh by the way I'm Kira and walked away and he had her specifically hide her body like even in the if you're familiar with how to read thirteen it's like a trivia final manga chapter sure I didn't I have no idea it's pretty cool it's like 400 pages of just extra [ __ ] you might not have known they said that light used the whole death notes mind controlled aspect of it to make sure that she hid herself she killed herself in such an discreet way and hid her body so well yeah her body would never be found yeah yeah so even in like the actual you know you go to wiki's and it says like status deceased it's it's just she's listed as missing like they still never found her to the end of the series so that's interesting that's crazy he should do that with everybody yeah you really should one thing that my friend pointed out that and we can get back to Ellen just a cycle and think my friend pointed out that I I thought was kind of interesting is that he liked the detail of dealer's choice so to speak in that and I don't know if I agree I thought it was you know sufficient that just by writing their name it would just do a heart attack because then that became the main indicator of this was an attack from Keira it was just like a hundred heart attacks at once he liked that ryu could just have his own he could have his fun with it he could just [ __ ] around and decide you know i'm gonna have this guy get decapitated or I'm gonna have him poison himself accidentally or something go for it it takes all of that in the way that they've added that into Rio's character along with every other change they made to Rio character takes all of the responsibility off of light and implies that this and I mean they even hinted at it before the twist or whatever that light isn't really responsible for any of this and that ryoga's essentially like twisting his arm and and this you know he's lights kind of like a victim of circumstance in a way the way the way that they had these stupid final destination deaths which by the way you know get decapitated like that from a ladder first of all I was thinking that that was stupid the force that would have required second it takes away everything personal about it you know that the heart attack worked so well in the because you weren't left with a spectacle of blood and gore and confetti you were left with watching a person die and that's as simple as it was and sure there's room for more elaborate deaths and the the series perfectly utilized that when it was appropriate but the whole point of people dying from the Death Note is not like man blood and gore is really cool I love watching people die because I'm a horror movie fetishist and this is how I jerk off it was about the choices it was about taking someone's life it's about the morality and as soon as you as a director or as filmmakers adapting the anime into a film decide that the morality is not important they dig gutted all aspects of moral ambiguity the the character choices are not important you're literally just throwing on a display of final destination [ __ ] and that's it and you're literally telling the audience this is what's important about the film is the blood and gore and nothing about the characters nothing about the story you know that's it and it really just shows where his priorities are and they always have been once you factor in that Wingard is you know like you would point it out like a low-budget a horror director that really kind of explains why this an emphasis on gore and spooky things and yet he couldn't even do a half-decent adaptation of glare which more is less when it comes to found-footage you know he doesn't even understand he doesn't understand anything he literally doesn't have it have a [ __ ] clue why the first Blair Witch movie was good he doesn't even understand anything about it I'm not even really that familiar with it the found-footage genre as a whole but I did watch your your video on rec chord you know chord as you put it and that was honestly kind of my first foray into that genre and you really illustrate your points well in that video is there anything else you want to say on that or did you want to get back to hell on the topic of I guess what was the I'm just a general topic what are you can general like just out of character if you had anything else you want to say about that not really we kind of got into L a little I'm not really sure yeah how much more there is to say about him because he's just a really there's that every character in this film is unspecial and cliched and and stereotypical nothing personal about them nothing interesting about them you know that's that's as far as it goes like yeah lights dad character was annoying stereotypical dad movie American movie dad the bully kid it they it's it's it's embarrassing it's [ __ ] trash I feel bad cuz I mean like you're giving really good answers but I can feel your [ __ ] anguish and between your answers just having to think about this [ __ ] again yeah I'm gonna rant about something I usually have some sort of no absolutely this is great everything I was hoping for cuz yeah I mean there isn't really that much to say about a lot of characters but just with if you can recall what made L interesting cuz the cool thing about the anime was that L was [ __ ] ballsy while still having a plan you know he comes up to light and he's just like oh hey I'm you know essentially hey I'm Quentin Tarantino whatever the American equipment would be and it's like I know you're not him because you're clearly not a model you're just using a celebrity name as a cover he's like I can't kill you because you clearly did this on purpose strategically knowing that if you die afterwards then BAM it's it's me and so then after that he had to have he had to do this long con of sure let's play tennis yeah you know what let's go get some food let's play some chess and then eventually gets the point where they're actually becoming friends and tells light like you know I've never actually had a friend before like you the first person almost like that would create like a moral conflict for light but then it shows that you know light still a piece of [ __ ] as he was from the very beginning and he kills him anyway without any remorse cuz that was the whole end goal and it's you know there was there was a lot of development there there was a reason to love you didn't have to like light because he was still sociopath and you know the the biggest antihero yeah but it was pretty much between either L or light who was your favorite most people chose L and it helped that they humanized him and they really gave him the sense of affection like you got the idea that he was this small person that despite his prodigal position in society and his his legendary status he was just a sad [ __ ] socially awkward weirdo yeah that really just wanted a friend and that made him so endearing and then the movie he's just this ballsy brash rude you know tactless person that's so focused on justice that even though he's you know completely morally opposed to murder and that's the whole reason why he hates Keira so much and then he's like now you know what [ __ ] I'm gonna shoot you with the super high-powered tron [ __ ] pistol that I just happen to have that was the Dom because action also when he pointed it at the ferris wheel operator and they acted as though they were in any danger I'm sorry but if somebody pointed a plastic [ __ ] Buzz Lightyear gun at me especially at a [ __ ] fair carnival setting I wouldn't feel threatened at all I would assume it's a toy I wouldn't be like oh don't shoot like he didn't light didn't shoot it until after the guy was taking it seriously that that was dumb and frankly if I was working as a carny I'd probably be like you know what dude just [ __ ] pull the trigger at this point like why not yeah well what made L special to me watching the anime is that he served a legitimate purpose he was legitimately the opposing force in the anime there was a real sense of power conflict there was a real sense of like cat and mouse there was a sense of of him getting the upper hand or like getting the upper hand and you wouldn't know who would at any given time or how it would play out because they're both equally they're like made for each other they're the yin and yang of the interview again in the end whatever Adam yeah whereas in the film light just kind of walked all over him like there was no point in the film where it felt like L had the upper hand like that that TV broadcast was the was a glimpse into what could have turned into something interesting I guess and again it's literally just a very embarrassing attempt at rehashing a plot point from the original he's gonna be worse in every way but whatever there was never any sense that he belonged in the story he could have been replaced by some [ __ ] dweeb lieutenant or something like he he could have been anybody there was no reason for him to exist in the story yeah like the FBI could have collectively been chasing him yeah exactly like L didn't need to be there he didn't serve a purpose he didn't bring anything to the to the narrative or the the setup of the characters in the universe there was nothing that was added by his presence there literally nothing yeah it's it's just he was he was the character that would figure things out before other characters would but that's about it there was nothing about him where you could understand why he would be the one to figure it out or why he's so passionate at trying to catch this this other force yeah it was just like I said with Duke it was like obligatory because it was in the anime remember you all liked L if we market that ELLs in this movie you're going option what it felt like for everything in the film like every character it's like well we don't want to do the same thing again at all in any way that would we don't want to carry over anything that made the original successful but we have to include the bare minimum of things that will just be as like essentially pop Ultra references to be original like what's the point you know yeah and I mean I was thinking not to go back to who Euclid just in relation to what you said the whole thing about the apples like it pretty much was just like a meme to just remind people hey you know you remember the apples and the head that's that's the thing in the anime it was incidental because it was just oh hey light by the way me your mother I brought you these apples that your your our neighbor was growing you want some he's like [ __ ] it Shore and then react as one and he's like oh cool again Jiu Shi and that was just this coincidence that was like oh that's kind of funny that just happen to be an endearing thing about him that kept him it's it's funny he's a grim reaper he's just god of death he's supposed to be incredibly intimidating and here he is wolfing down apples like a little child in a candy shop it's funny and in the you know in the movie he just rolls it over by the by the door and then well jump-scare yeah you saw apples appear as a a foreboding way to indicate that the characters around and that's it yeah there was no point to anything there was not everything that appeared in the film did not benefit the film yeah and if they just spent like a little bit more time trying to understand why any of these things appeared in the anime then they would be able to to carry over what made these things special or what made these things work exactly and if you're not gonna exactly I mean it it's it's a it it applies throughout almost literally every aspect in the film is just you're if you're not going to carry over what makes it work why carry it over at all there's no point it couldn't have been more obvious that it was just fur it was essentially offensive fanservice because you know in the scene where he's in detention it just starts off with his zoom from the apple on his desk and zooms out as if to say who are you come and you excited to see Ryu keys come and yeah like gonna be some [ __ ] dude Bros cheering in the audience like every time one of those things shows up in Star Wars Episode seven is a nod to the original fan phases like all these nerd nerd bros going yeah by the way thank you so [ __ ] much for saying that in your force awakens review because that's one of the most unknowing I think was force awakens that was a most annoying aspect of Star Wars that literally to this day has prevented me from getting into the series is that there's just it's this culture of [ __ ] dude bro [ __ ] yeah they ruin it for everyone else it's like I would tell people I'm not really a fan of Star Wars and they would say why and it's like because of [ __ ] what you just said the way you're acting right now I'm okay then I get exactly the nerd bros yeah like not nerdy enough not to be part bro but not bro e enough to be like a bro in of itself without the nerd aspect it's like the halfway point like like thinking that fantasy football is still like a manly hobby but it's like your [ __ ] maze will be playing Dungeons & Dragons yeah the thing that really stood out to me and this is one thing that I kind of missed was that you know with Luke being just this sort of character that they pulled out when they needed to fill the spooby quota it was you know in in the anime he would need apples and then during that time when the FBI are you know I CPU bugged his room I was watching him with cameras and he couldn't give him apples and he couldn't show them hey you know look at this Apple that's floating in mid-air and getting consumed by it by what exactly that whole time Rukh was suffering because he suddenly started having withdrawal addictions and that was funny that was humanizing two three oak it was not just it was not just you know entertaining but it was another it was another aspect in which we could in which lights character could be manipulating somebody else like even even to a death God he finds a way to manipulate yeah I never thought about those everybody around him it's just one more one more person for him to exert his dominance over there's not a single character he interacts with in the series that he doesn't manipulate in some way yeah even just [ __ ] him down as to my memory honestly yeah I can't think of a single person he interacts with that he doesn't take advantage of or try to use to his is gain maybe like his mom but they don't really even have any actual interaction like that so yeah well he's she's not useful to him I guess yeah I'm true whereas this dead and the police force or whatever in in regards to L I think we got kind of everything else we wanted to say out of that but yeah I think with Elle as far as I can as far as I feel he's really aggressive he's really emotional he's tactless like we already covered all that I think that you don't get a chance to see who he is I think the only time they really attempt to give him any sort of endearing exposition is when they they throw the [ __ ] candy in your face like the scene the scenes in the show where he's eating candy he's eating a little piece of cake it's cute he's eating strawberries he's eating [ __ ] ham off of watermelon I think no cantaloupe he's eating the little slice of ham off of cantaloupe and it's like what the [ __ ] wrong with you and that's funny but in the movie they just constantly show him it was what that one scene where they like kinda introduced his whole candy fetish he like slams his [ __ ] hand down on this bowl of skittles and gets everywhere and it's like that's not that's not something he'd do like being messy and wasting his food did you also notice how in the film I mean like they did this plenty of times with light in ways that I've already explained but they kind of stripped away eles own agency in that sense too is I think it was a watch Henry that was with him in the car or something yeah but but the only time where you understood why he is a sugar fiend is because of somebody else telling him like hey you should eat this and you'll be other levels will be back up and it's like okay you can't just carry something over and say this is what the character does and then not consider it to be of any importance if it's the character choosing to do it for themselves or being told to by somebody yeah like those that completely changes it right yeah I never even remembered you know LL in the anime it was was you know he said it helps him concentrate and he was doing it for his own benefit even like the his sitting position these are things that he felt worked for himself and yeah he's like it raises it raises my thinking abilities by 70% yeah and he didn't care if it looked weird to other people he knew that this is what he should be doing to get the best out of himself in his mind and his performance out of any given moment whereas in the film it's it's like you're just a little baby and daddy is telling you keep your sugar levels up because he got diabetes or something like what I don't understand how they can somehow miss that one of those instances is saying a lot about a character and one of those isn't yeah you know like when the agency is stripped away from a character making choices for themselves you don't really understand that much about them and so lights agency was stripped away Eliz agency was stripped away so what do we have we have really bland boring characters that we don't really understand they just were kind of told how we're supposed to feel about them but without seeing any sort of evidence or any anything to earn how we're supposed to feel about them and it's it's it's [ __ ] stupid yeah like I think I was so blown away from Watts ID singing him some sort of irrelevant nursery rhyme to sing him to sleep which you know did make him like a big big crying baby I was so blown away from that that I completely forgot about the whole were they trying to pass it off as like you're doing this because you're like type 1 diabetic or something well so I mean obviously they had to pick and choose how they were gonna present things because it's adapting 37 episode well I guess not 37 I guess we'll just say like a fifth of the episodes will say like 10 FPS I may be I don't know how far we would have gotten in the animations they're kind of different but honestly probably about 13 episodes I'd say if I had those adapting adapting a fair amount of source material into an hour and 41 minute long film and so for them they're like oh well if I remember correctly Watari was somebody that looked after him in like a foster care environment or with the school of gifted blah blah blah like that was something that was explained later on yeah went wham he house I think it was called yeah and like it was it was something to to add to a character and so you could better understand their relationship but if I was making a film adaptation and I didn't have time to present that in a way that would have as much effect or that would be subtle and and appropriate then I just wouldn't mention it at all I mean it seems what they were trying to do with the film is they were trying to quickly show that he has a caretaker kind of relationship with him yeah but without really getting into it without writing anything to tell us or show us yeah they literally just said oh well since Watari is this caretaker person let's just have him [ __ ] nursing him for like a scene yeah and like in the you know in the [ __ ] anime wasit he was also a trained sniper so it's like he was you could utilize him in so many cool ways for so many different situations he was essentially just you know Batman's butler he was basically just that character yeah and now that was really interesting I wanted to mention I love hearing you know when you go on really in-depth because there's so much to saying there's so much to what is why I don't think I'm gonna make like a YMS review out of it because like I don't I feel like it would take up too much of my time to just be saying things that a lot of people are well they had to express the same opinion that a lot of people are already expressing do you know when about sure aiming to have this I'm gonna try to keep it within the next week and a half I have two editors who helped me get stuff out pretty quickly but with this one I kind of want the hands-on approach because I'm such a mega fan of Death Note that I think only I'll be able to yeah do the editing justice justice oh that's good I think about it yeah that was that was one thing well I so I went ahead and I started torrenting on the like blu-ray of Death Note cuz I'm [ __ ] dirt broke right now otherwise I would have bought it for sure and there's there's the interviews with Bret swale who did light in the English version anyway and then I forget the voice actor but the guy did L and he had this sort of Keira we will find you we're coming to get you and it was just this is so so confident so handsome sounding it was really good and you have likitha people's calm Keith for serious yeah yeah very very seriously calculated to the point Frank won yeah well in the sub you could tell the way that L spoke he's like kiddo I wish I spoke Japanese so that wasn't such garbage yeah it was calm yet confident like I got the vibe that he was kind of this super like this huge shut-in that never really even learned how to enunciate properly and that was really interesting about him and but then they adapted it perfectly well when they dubbed it and they made him sound like this sort of like I'm much better than you and let me tell you why and that worked to refreeze character anyway into transition I think better than it would have been a Japanese a culture because I think in Japan they have a lot more of this sort of weird introverted otaku they're like the only thing I understand is Gundam and I want a girlfriend and I think that's kind of what they were going for with Elle I honestly thought that um us so each you know the interesting thing about him in the whole I'll spare you with my and my my [ __ ] the trivia but in in how to read thirteen they talk about like the interview the writers and the artists and stuff and they said that the only good person the entire series that's truly morally like unobjectionable upright is so it's you know his dad because he's the only one that's actually like doing things to make the world better and everyone else is kind of you know selfish or acting in self interest yeah and I thought that was really interesting I thought he transitioned like okay in the movie for what should have been like you know the American equivalent I agree with you that they definitely dumped him down he was just really [ __ ] stereotypical yeah every change was to make it more bland and less personal yeah you know oh every change was in in the direction of being more stereotypical so my friend pointed out and I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this because I can see what my friend was saying but I don't agree just because of obviously the outcome Mia so clearly they just took the S out of Mesa and made her way less boring granted uh less obnoxious but I would have taken obnoxious over boring any day especially if you know she had her own Shinigami I would have loved to see Ren in the movie that would have been interesting just to have you know cuz I was I was flipping through yeah as flipping through thirteen and I looked at the character page I think there's about 90 characters they literally give development to the Shinigami that you only see in like two scenes total like the one that's sitting on a throne he's got the gem eyes like he has a battery to yeah useful interesting information to chew on yeah and we condensed that into like what six people yeah you can say what you want about mellow and almost no one likes near but they were there and they helped spice things up Mel was [ __ ] insane and reckless and they had their own Shiga me that fun fact and the dub you know you know the Shinigami there was just like wrapped in gauze yeah that they kind of just bullied around like do this and he was like okay they have but dub he was voiced by the actor who did Edie admit or who did double D's my dad and Eddie he was just like this oh okay so we're gonna kill this guy [ __ ] double D I digress yeah so what uh what was your take on Mia in general would you think we're interesting she was like I know the answer already but did you think she was well developed or did she fit in this adaptation like what do you think she was a plot device she was there to be a useless checkbox quota fulfillment for a stereotypical [ __ ] high school tween movie that is apparently also supposed to be a serious adult film again constant odds and conflict with with itself yeah and also actually sorry to stop you but I want to ask did you before we get to that did you also notice the blatant check marks going on in the first 10 or 15 minutes the exposition the exposition oh that literally isn't a conversation with his dad like this quick conversation copy with the daddy something about this literally all the Dead was saying like I'm not gonna let you leave this room until I get all this exposition out like that's pretty much what happened that that whole scene and then and then it's just like scenes over goodbye like okay well you're you were you were telling me a lot of things you were lecturing me a lot but you didn't really develop anything yeah it's really ham-fisted I was talking to Chris right again about this because he you know you saw he tweeted out was it you that quoted him and said people like this exist yeah as a response to him doing the same thing to N Coulter which I mean I don't have any issue with I just wanted piss out of him no it's it's funny he's he's the kind of guy who can actually take it too yeah yeah I was talking to him and saying that the worst scene I can remember in terms of just pacing and it really felt like they were trying to get out of the way was Watts that he introduced himself to lights dad he literally just walked out from a room started talking to him and it was just like all right don't talk too much we got to go like the scenes going this way we got to keep the pace up and it was just it was just like Bam Bam Bam Bam no time to digest what was going on I couldn't stand it it was just the worst that was the worst part but anyway checkboxes with me sorry interrupt ooh yeah they were she felt like as an actor and a character her entire presentation belongs more in a shitty family channel family movie both it kind of thing she would be more appropriately fitting in the 13 reasons why Netflix shows and yeah this universe like every everybody is just it there was no character or actor that that felt like they belonged there and I guess that might just be attributed to a constant sense of confusion as to what the film is even going for in the first place but I guess I guess I'll elaborate on her and a bit a bit but I also wanted to point out I kind of forgot to say earlier it felt like every single actor belonged in a comedy movie yeah which was which was incredibly apparent during that first dinner conversation with his dad which I'm pretty sure I've seen that guy in comedy movies I don't remember his name probably the accurate plays is dead then light himself especially with the I can't scream without smiling performance and also I'm gonna scream super high-pitched and then he you know he's like oh you should go ahead and kill the guy and he goes I don't have a pen hands him a pen he goes well good thing you have a pen I was thinking is that did that line add anything he could have just stared and taken the pen it would have been an improvement yeah it was yeah all dumb nobody felt like they belong there to reinforce that point did it strike you as kind of flippant how at the very end they showed everyone like [ __ ] up their their takes and smiling and laughing as they sort of did the credit roll it showed like scenes that we knew from watching the movie were supposed to be serious or you know in character and it showed them like smiling and laughing and it's just like a comedy movie exactly that's like yeah that's like the blooper reel at the end of rush hour like you might have done that and it felt like they were doing that almost as sort of a deflection of like if you have any criticism it's because we're just [ __ ] around and not taking it too seriously it had no [ __ ] clue what it even wanted to be yeah it was at odds with itself at every moment and that's the best way I can describe it so I'll continue describing it that way yeah it's pretty fair and yeah I mean who is she in this film Mesa she's supposed to be Mesa but my friend pointed out and I don't know if I agree with it I started to say this early on I got off track that it's effectively the idealistic light from the first season was just light Turner and then the I've gone against my morals and I've killed people self-righteously just because they were in my way even if they were actually very decent people light there wasn't a hard abrupt shift though you can't know I [ __ ] it I seriously doubt that there's going to be any if they make a sequel there's not gonna be like a realistic transition that makes sense yeah you know I mean I guess that if they do make a sequel I guess they'll have to have an abrupt cut in his morality maybe it'll have him have one of those epiphanies where something really convenient will happen to him and I'll be like but this bully really deserves it or something and then that'll just completely shift every decision from that point on who knows but I mean the whole point of his character was that that part of him was always there you know yeah someone on Twitter had a reference to me that they were like I really liked Elle's character arc and I thought what character there was none yeah so glad I'm out - who would've thought that but my friend had described it as light Turner being like idealistic light from the first season and then you have this crazy self-righteous light from the second season and Mia is more or less just that come on do it [ __ ] do it you [ __ ] [ __ ] you're not gonna do what this needs to be done and I don't think that's an excuse but what do you think of that this is say say that one more time that they essentially took lights personality of the first season where he's idealistic and the second season where he's just become this monster that's everything that he hates who kills people and is criminally whether or not they're morally righteous people just because he wants to like he becomes his antithesis that that's supposed to be it's like they took light and they split him into two characters like light Turner was the good and then me was the the sort of devil yeah make things more black-and-white make things like not interesting anymore in the slightest good guy is good guy bad guy is that guy nothing in between no moral ambiguity and again what's the [ __ ] point of making a Death Note adaptation if you're gonna strip it away of everything that made it work yeah I think the only thing I liked that the movie did differently in Indy that like I said or constantly referring back to 13 they say at the very end of the series they were going to have all of Kira's supporters at lights tombstone but that would have caused some conflict of you know how would they have known who he was and they sort of would have taken away from the power of his sort of omnipotence but I did sort of like the part where that guy recognized him and he's like Hira and he took out l like the whole the way they did it was dumb but I liked the idea of wouldn't it have been kind of interesting if light ended up getting this whole army of the believers of his little cult and they were destroying the yeah and it ended up destroying the the world with his with his cult you know what he could have done at that very moment what he couldn't beat there was a gun he could have asked that guy to shoot L lights Hinton the light lights fingerprints would not even be on the gun yeah if you're gonna ask him to knock him out you could custom day yeah he literally just had tanks and I am up you couldn't yeah you could have done any number of things when you would realized how much power you have over these other people but once again they're like they don't even want to imply that light is is in any way anything close to what be could be considered by only some as a bad guy they don't want to they don't want to give him any kind of depth at all I think the only time they tried to even draw parallels between him in the movie and him and the anime was you had that whole thing where you know revisiting the whole bus scene where he had the guy come on and then he touched the Death Note cuz he thought he saw the note being passed he's like I give that to me and then he was turned out to be a piece of Death Note sorry you'd fired a few bullets at him ran and got run over that was incredibly tactful that's something that actually could have reasonably happened with the powers of the Death Note like entailed and that whole episode was designed to be like wow not always won the Death Note really [ __ ] cool and useful but to light is a genius and he actually can organize an orchestra yes the only thing that they did that was even remotely only time he was had any remote similarities to his enemy counterpart was when oh it turns out I got this pedophile and this rapist to go retrieve me and retrieve the Death Note and oh me is gonna die on the way down and and that'll take care of that and also that the Death Note will burn up so I won't die like that was just the most it's like that was the only time he was conveniently brilliant and it was not convincing at all because he's been an incompetent [ __ ] the rest of the movie it was literally just a what a twist yeah let's let's start writing the story from the ending and try to figure out how we're gonna get there you know that's why they had the whole burn the person's name within 48 hours but you can only do it once the sort of thing that they just forced in there was literally just so the ending could happen and that's it and and you know they literally create the rules of the universe and set everything up just so it can get to the stupid dumb twist ending because the apparent they apparently thought it was just so important to include and just so substantive and entertaining the it's didn't make any sense it's [ __ ] awful where were we right before talking about it there's something else that I wanted to add you were talking about how they were like really black and white almost like between their Oh getting one of his followers to just take the gun and shoot el oh yeah I was gonna say to kind of go in line with the bus scene in the anime another important thing to to take in is that when there was a complicated death or a complicated sequence of events leading up to some somebody's death it wasn't just for the sake of of showing variety in deaths it like the death wasn't the point right it only existed as a way for light to abuse or manipulate the rules in his favor there were only ever complicated when it worked out for him from an advantageous perspective whereas in the film it's just needlessly complicated because Adam Wingard thinks that the gore is the whole point and that just watching a [ __ ] Rube Goldberg machine of of death is apparently what people want out of this and what makes it entertaining but again just missing the [ __ ] point what did you even watch the only time in the whole movie where I got like a 10% feeling of like oh okay that's kind of clever was when they were talking about when it was when she was like I had to kill Watsa D because I needed to write your name in the destiny can only do it or you can only burn one name in the Death Note or something and I was like okay I guess they kind of thought about that one but not really it was a stupid dumb rule that they just added in there anyway I I was really and I mean I know you know add a patient's not all gonna be the same but I was really annoyed when they took out the detail of you know oh you're gonna be terrified when you see Rio what I can't I can't see him and then it's like oh we're only Oh lead the owner of the Death Note can see that Shinigami and then for the rest of the movie every time he's talking to Luke me is just like who are you talking to it's like [ __ ] we've been over this you should know who I'm talking to at this point yeah it was just yeah that was really obnoxious I'll be back in one minute hello I'm trying to think of if there's anything else we haven't touched on cuz you've covered everything pretty well I don't think there's any characters worth forgetting are there if we are that says a lot really yeah I was gonna say that too actually because it's not that lotsa D was even a very important character in the show but he you know he came out in a trench coat lookin all [ __ ] mysterious and he just brought out the the laptop and his eye and that was his cool intro yeah I mean just in the film it's everything is just so much more blatantly transparent where even without the source material someone who just literally shows up in the story as ham-fisted as he is the first thing that anybody would be thinking is like okay well he's expendable you literally just showed up and dead shortly after yeah I think when I was kind of re watching I only got about twenty minutes into my second watch while I was waiting for you I couldn't help but think that in the anime when light tests out the Death Note on the dude on TV I thought they did that scene okay in the movie but the fact that a dude just came right i one of the cops just ran him over like that doesn't it didn't seem as plausible as say you know someone just shooting him the moment he comes out because they all had their she got away he was there for a moment could have just gotten shot really quickly but they just decided to hit him with a vehicle because you know action right yeah way cooler but the scene where he's at the UM in the anime where he's at the magazine store and he sees a girl literally about to get raped on the street by a bike gang yep like that's like holy [ __ ] this is pretty [ __ ] up and they're all lightning yeah devious about it like that really made them out to be these guys are pieces of [ __ ] scum and light is you know the the justice deliverer and that was satisfying yeah he had he had like baby steps into the monster that he eventually became you know if you play a time you can see you could see that it was all always they're just waiting to come out yeah and like in the movie where he just sees he sees these bullies just kind of [ __ ] with this girl and sort of like pushing her around and maybe getting her a headlock or something he looks it or you can use ghost no it's like really you're the one who's always talking about justice what this is a good time and you have a weapon to do it come on and you should try it what do you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I'm looking on IMDB right now there's a different actor credited as Luke so there's two actors created credited who's in the costume yeah they had a picture of Willem Dafoe doing like mocap and that's what they did at the end of the movie so it's like was he only there for one day just to pretend like you did it for the whole movie there's a lot I think it says a lot that that guy doesn't even have his own wiki or IMDB page that he was just that much of an afterthought cuz everyone was excited for Willem Dafoe I don't think anyone can really say Willem Dafoe was bad in this movie I would just say it was he was a little underutilized cuz I was I was thinking Serpas he served no purpose in the anime he was walking around with like he was just floating cuz he knows no one can see him it was cool but then in the movie like I thought it was kind of a very minor nitpick I know but the fact that he was sitting on lights bed I thought to myself I don't think I've ever seen what are you except he's always flowing or he's always standing like ominously over everyone he's so tall and they utilized that and then the movie he's just it's almost like he's that that mutant cousin that the family doesn't to talk about they lock him in the Attic and he only gets to come out for apples for whatever it felt like they really didn't at my first response and I said this to kami was um it feels like they're not confident in their CG because they they kept showing him very infrequently in the shadows she could only really see his eyes it felt like they didn't believe in the technology to make him look cool yeah have any other reason is a massive failure of a film yeah pretty much says it all any other thoughts and closing thoughts anything that you can think of that would have made the film better or was it just [ __ ] doomed from the start it's I wholeheartedly believe that a Death Note film adaptation is possible in a way that could be well done you know I would I would prop if I were to make a Death Note film and I had like [ __ ] fifty million dollars I don't know I I think I would try to make it like two and a half hours just so I could properly properly do the original justice or have a faithful adaptation not including everything obviously but being able to have enough space for actual development because if you don't if you don't develop things but you have the same general setup in terms of like here's this character in this character in this character in this character and they're all here it means nothing if if they're not developed in any way it means nothing if you if you can't articulate any reason for audience members to have that reaction otherwise they're just people with the same names I think a higher runtime could have helped with that and obviously I mean if it was still Adam Wingard responsible for the adaptation then it would have just been more boring there's nothing that could have been improved as long as he had any involvement in the project because he made the movie he wanted to and he I'm sure he thinks it's [ __ ] great I'm sure I'm sure he thinks it's like miles better than then the original I've noticed that the only the only response is that he gives on Twitter you're trolling yeah that but more than anything he'll retweet endorsements of course he [ __ ] will oh yeah and he'll like them he'll only acknowledge the positive ones even the neutral ones that are like I thought you did a good job for what you had but I can understand why the fans didn't like it he didn't even give that a like he's just like [ __ ] hater he's get that [ __ ] out of here and he's just the most butthurt director I think I've ever seen he wants to fabricate this reality to himself where he can pretend as though there's a significant amount of people that actually enjoyed it yeah like he's completely deluding himself and aren't just saying that to get a retweet from him good point honestly what's the name of that wasn't in that director it's like that bald hot-headed Italian guy or something who is responsible for making all of those shitty video game movie adaptations as provable I don't have to tell you in the okay and he's German I can't decide which I like less Wingard or bull Wow they're both different people I don't know I'm not sure if I would compare them yeah let's see I think I pretty much covers everything right I don't think there's much else we could talk about we kind of covered everything yeah if you need anything more didn't do another call at some point I guess but there's just like a short thing missing I think I'll just go ahead and maybe do like a little vocal introduction like oh hey you know I definitely do a whole introduction we just kind of start talking about it so here's just I kind of hate all that YouTube like yeah everyone I'm talking with [ __ ] YMS you may know him from cool cats Eve the kids Synecdoche New York like by the way [ __ ] not to be like a weird fan anything like that but I'm really enjoying how that's coming along how thank you how many more parts were you gonna do for that because I mean obviously take your time into that [ __ ] to explain so I'm not trying to rush you but so like one or two or how many more parts that's the real question isn't it trifle till I think it was like you got at the end of you like your third video and you're like keep in mind we're only 15 minutes and I was like holy [ __ ] this is great yeah that's that's a really good it's a shame cuz I think I looked at your cool cats hit the kids video as the Internet does that one got really big because it was really Mimi and hilarious and [ __ ] bizarre I look to your Synecdoche New York and it's like what 500,000 views or something like that right now yeah at this point it's been up for a while too yeah I hope more people see that because that was my introduction to the movie and even without having watched it myself and I'm getting a lot of enjoyment I'm just watching your sort of summation that movie just from the themes and the ideas presented it's it honestly [ __ ] chills me to my very core because I'm phonetic OVA click crazy like I'm insanely scared of you know accidentally swallowing a little bit of mouthwash and just dying and everyone will laugh for me it's my [ __ ] like my death so it's like don't say man what a [ __ ] but yeah that's that is a crazy movie I'm glad you decided to cover it because I would never would have found my about otherwise but yeah but anyway um thank you very much Adam for [ __ ] come on talk to me about this is it was a treat here you just bail on and [ __ ] on this movie with me yeah honestly I think I because there'll be there will be a significant amount of people in my audience that will want to hear me really delve into and elaborate my thoughts on this film but I don't like I'm not really leaning towards doing a whole production of it myself I'm sure you wouldn't want to just tan everything else you're working on now just to do this quick yeah and so I guess that's kind of why I was wondering when it would come out because if I like I could always time a release of a quickie to - link at the end be like hey if you want to hear me talk for like two hours on it click on this thing and then it's right there yeah when would you want to get that out because I could get that out pretty quick audio editing is not as intensive as video editing obviously really depends on how my voice is doing honestly cuz I I mean like I project myself a lot more when I'm doing like the actual yeah of course narration for the reviews and I've had a little bit of difficulty with that this week so that's why I mean like there's two movies that I want to make like a little quickie reviews on but I just can't right now so I've just been working on my 2015 list instead yeah so who knows but I don't know like I mean I would I would likely want to get it out before September 8th which is when I leave for TIFF yeah oh that's more than workable yeah I ideally even earlier much earlier than that but I mean you're in no huge rush yeah that's that's ample time I can definitely do that cuz my equivalent of um you know the whole are you regularly not to go back to that but are you kind of regularly working on synecdoche like a certain amount of hours a day or is it just kind of like whenever you're not working on quickies and stuff no I I'm like um there's no constant presence of that project in my schedule that's for sure yeah I'm just kind of leaving it and coming back to it when I feel like it at this point which makes sense yeah as if you committed it's like a schedule it would it would be probably well I mean that's when I mean the it's it's a series that really like eats away at my channel in a sense that like there's a lot of the people that like it really love it but it doesn't really I mean it leaves the people who aren't watching that which is most of my audience into being starved for some kind of like comedy material so the few I wanted to I worked on back-to-back thinking I could just do the whole series and it's done and then and then I was like okay well [ __ ] I've been working like two or three months on this [ __ ] and I haven't had like a big funny video and then really what is my channel anymore so then I did some of that [ __ ] came back and did three and four and then just didn't even work on it for a while obviously until recently yeah that makes sense yeah I mean and I did my whole explanation at the beginning of part 5 like going into more detail about why it's taken so long yeah what was the line you said or should I say time is slipping away from me or something like well yeah I mean it's it fits somatically with the film yeah of course so it makes sense all right well yeah I go say you know you know thanks for coming on and talking about [ __ ] and no probs yes Emmy link whenever yeah hopefully that'll let a lend a greater sense of credibility as opposed to hey this this [ __ ] oh there's nothing about films so here's a guy who actually like does it for a living so well lend greater weight to it so cool alright but yeah so that's I'm trying to give how to end it I mean that's pretty much it but well see you next time on the next angry Joe show [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: YourMovieSucksDOTorg
Views: 1,425,894
Rating: 4.8764029 out of 5
Keywords: yms, death note, 2017, film, review, quickie, adam wingard, blair witch, the guest, you're next, your next
Id: jWtgKtPTg-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 14sec (6794 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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