Justice League - ralphthemoviemaker

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It's been a pleasure ladies and gentlemen

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/ordinaryorganism 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Man, I just can't get over this.

I have yet to see this movie cause I've just given up on DC at this point, the movies are boring and WAY too long. But here's the thing -- every time I've seen clips of this movie in reviews and stuff, I seriously CANNOT believe that it's actual footage from the movie. It just looks so bad, it literally looks like a parody movie. The lighting and colors are weird, the special effects look like shit, Cyborg just looks like the actor's head floating over a CG body straight out of a 2000s-era made-for-TV movie. I seriously can't believe it was released in this state.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/Ashanmaril 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/YapPac 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Happening status: IT'S

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/VenusAdonis 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

So what is that ending all about?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Heyafirnd 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

So...is he done?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/bearypunnyy 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

A really incredible video as always.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/E_R_Quinn 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Joaquin Phoenix is the new idea

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GraveDancer1971 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
Interviewer- What do you hope that the fans walk away feeling, when they go and see the Justice League if you're just gonna run a line quick Jason Momoa- It's it's it's a beautiful amazing story. I want them to go back and watch with with more people Gal Gadot- I hope they like to watch it just as sick too, so we have more to explore Ben Affleck- I also hope that people just have fun And enjoy the ride and get as much enjoyment out of the camaraderie of the group as we did, you know and performing it Ezra Miller- Yeah, just that exhilaration when you see a film and you really like it and then you're excited You can't sleep and you just like think about it a lot. I I hope some people have that. Ray Fisher- I sincerely hope that people walk away from it and they can feel What it was like for us to be a part of something so much larger than any any one of us Henry Cavill- For me. I hope people walk away from it. Just First of all having enjoyed it and had fun, but more importantly to have been inspired and to walk away with a sense of hope *Electric Guitar Music* Jay Bauman (RLM)- What do you think of Justice League? Rich Evans (RLM)- It wasn't a big of a clusterfuck as Batman versus Superman It's still a pointless waste of my time and life. The World of Wolf- Most of what I did was stare open-mouthed in a state of perpetual disbelief that anything. That any movie in existence, could possibly be so unrepentantly awful! *Movie from Laptop -"Wanna Do something this week?" -"Yeah, sure. " Ralph- Wow Hendrix this movie's fucking boring and it sucks Macon- Hey Ralph, what's going on with your facial hair? You kind of look like a homeless bum I'm growing out my hair for a role. Where I play like a drug dealer slimy guy What's going on with your lip there Macon? Macon- What you talking about? I don't know what you mean! Ralph- It looks like there's CGI on top of it or something. Macon- You know what, Stop bullying me! Fuck you. I gonna tell everyone you're a trump supporter Ralph- I'm not a trump supporter. Macon- Oh, yeah, right! You don't like Black Panther, Wonder Woman because they're shitty movies. Fuck you! You racist! I'm gonna drink my ______ (crainum?) somewhere else. You better watch it Ralph the movie maker! whatever Ralph to his dog- You wanna watch Justice League? it's probably better than this shitty, boring Black and white, Why is it black and white? Why can't it be in color? Good movies are in color Ralph (voiceover)- When I first saw it on VOD a few months ago. I was just baffled afterward I recorded this like suicidal voice note and put it on patreon This is the lowest common denominator of film made for the lowest common denominator of human being If you watch this and you think this is a good movie I don't even want to talk to you That's it's admit it this movie made me upset so how do we get here The the DC Cinematic Universe has been a disaster I've been covering this shit since I was 16 years old and I've been pissed Just fucking pissed so they got the first movie in their series, right? They they they wanted Chris Nolan to do something Chris Nolan's like nah. I made the Dark Knight trilogy. I'm out Was this always set to be a trilogy? So they go. Okay. So let's get D-list Chris Nolan and let's have him make a realistic take on Superman Superman- You think you can threaten my mother? The first third of the movie was Confusing and weird. The alien world was dumb and then he got to the second third of the movie, which was just boring It's just a kid going around her neighborhood bunch of bad dialogue Dick splash dick splash and then the last third of the movie is a bunch of invincible people punching each other through fucking buildings Wow Superman at least you rescued that family. Thank God Speaking of tragedies, Batman V Superman came out three years later and it somehow managed to be worse Martha scene is a total joke Their fight is dumb and way too short for a movie called Batman vs Superman Everything before that fight was boring and made no sense Batman was okay when he was fighting that's it. Jesse Eisenberg's portrayal of Lex Luthor is just not good I don't think Jesse Eisenberg is a bad actor. I think he's a great actor. He's just not good as Lex Luthor. I Can see what he was trying to do, but it just came across laughably stupid you my friend have a date Hmm across the bay shortly after Suicide Squad came out which might have been a good movie at some point. This is good Donna She's got my back her sword traps the souls of its victims what we end up having is like eight different movies combined into a two hour long movie and Tonally, it's all over the place. The movie has an ugly color palette It's like you're watching a movie through fucking dirty toilet water. Most of the acting is just ass what we some kind of Suicide Squad and the movies good the movie has a great heart and Then you have Wonder Woman which is slightly better than these colossal disaster Nightmares because it actually had a story and characters that made sense and were consistent The cinematography was OK at times like you could see what was going on. It wasn't all dark and green But while it's a competent movie, it's just a competent movie It's pretty standard and dull nothing really memorable about it and there are some pretty bad moments as well I covered all these movies in more depth over the years So you got to admit the build-up to the Justice League was pretty bad. Now to be clear, all these movies did well financially. All of this stuff before Justice League had to be good in order for the build-up to Justice League to work You know people were excited before the Avengers came out and hey At least the Marvel movies were consistent in tone and made sense and weren't God-awful, and I could fucking see the image. Although one thing has been pretty consistent with DC Inconsistency. DC is so concerned with following trends that they can't do their own thing ever. They're always copying what Marvel's doing Meanwhile, by the time they end up copying what Marvel's doing Marvel's already trying something else and stays ahead of DC We're gonna add jokes. We're gonna make it more colorful We're gonna add in pink graphics and and make the the trailer all silly and add in fun pop Music and then Wonder Woman. They just went completely off the rails just like okay just copy Captain America and Thor All right, and then we get to Justice League and this is them copying the Avengers They even got Joss Whedon to come in and do reshoots ♬ Ween - Ocean Man ♬ He wrote and directed the Avengers and let me tell you something Avengers a good goddamn movie. Yeah, it's silly It's a superhero movie Captain America's suit looks stupid as hell It kind of looks like a TV movie just because of how flat the lighting is for all of the movie But it's still a pretty good movie. The cast is fantastic and they all have great chemistry Each of them is given enough time to develop their character just enough to make them interesting but no one's given too much screen time to where you feel like someone's hogging up the show got lots of Fanservice and lots of action. It's just a crowd-pleasing entertaining movie And that's why it's one of the highest-grossing movies vault. It totally did its job now. We got the Justice League Superman is a no-show. You got no powers. No offense. This guy might be working for the enemy. We don't know Hey, you know what? I don't want to die baby, I'm scared because I'm Zack Snyder Directed most of the film but he had to step away from the project due to a tragedy in his life and in all likelihood If Zack Snyder was still directing this movie all of this would have came out very different. We were sad Saddened by the events that caused dak to have to next nighter and Deborah Snyder to have to leave and turn the reins over to Joss Whedon, but he was already working with us on some of the scenes for the additional photography that we're going to be doing shortly and it was fortunate that, you know, Zack convinced him and he agreed to Step in and finish the movie help Zack finish his vision and we're excited about that Whoo, so anyway, they got joss whedon, they give him zack snyder's movie and they say 'hey, what's up? Let me tell you something. Joss. Whedon. We got this movie. He had justice league It's directed by zack snyder, you know, and we know we know you made that Avengers movie, which is really good So we're wondering can we just give you all the footage that Zack shot? and you could just make it into something that people would actually want to see and then Joshua is like Well, why don't you go look outside your window right now And then Joss Whedon looks outside his window and he sees a giant dump truck filled to the brim with gold So Joss Whedon takes on the project. He takes all Zack Snyder's footage and he ups the saturation He reshoot some scenes to give some characters more interesting stuff to do some of the actors weren't available for some of the reshoots So you can see that they used body doubles at certain points like around here. You can see Cal goats body double There's points Ben Affleck has a body double they edited the movie down to like two hours They added a few more jokes and funny quippy bits where the actors are supposed to like play off each other and have charisma and chemistry You know And they kwatak, you know Do you talk to fish? The water does the talking, of course the car comes in strange of me point away I Thought of that I had fun during the movie Just trying to figure out what was reach out and what was part of the original cut there are certain scenes that literally go from original cut to reshoots in the same scene Like you got shots have been a flick and then in the following shot of him his hair is different and the angle is slightly different and the lighting is different and this happens a lot in the movie just Constantly hairline changes and lighting changes and you're like that looks a little weird that looks different than that shot It's so funny there are lots of good videos online which I'll link in the description just like pointing out all the Little things that are different in the nations that have full rows of tattoos and In this the older principal photography we had any three rows you can see zack snyder's cut of the movie The colour correction is different It's a lot darker Warner Brothers and Joss Whedon clearly made an effort to Brighten everything up and like the producer said Joss Whedon was brought on way before this whole Zack Snyder incident So when the studio said that they were staying true to Zack Snyder's vision I can't help but not believe them whatever Zack Snyder came up with is probably better than this people are Difficult, they require a lot of focus. They uh, they have like a rhythm that I haven't quite been able to like brunch like What is brunch? You wait in line for an hour for essentially lunch. I mean Something Joss Whedon also added in was this Russian family? They get attacked by the bug creatures that Steppenwolf sent over I don't know. What the hell this is doing in the movie It serves no purpose at all. And we keep cutting back to them. You could have spent this time developing other characters Why are we spending it on this Russian family who flashes rescues at the end? Dostoevsky Joss whedon, also like tweets that were critical towards aspects of the movie So, why did Joss Whedon agree to make this movie? Well, he was offered a shot at directing about girl movie, which he's always wanted to make apparently Unfortunately, he backed away from the project earlier this year. So there goes that All right First part of the review done smoking a verbal cigarette. Just relaxing Not watching any shitty movies not having about oh my god, what's going on? What do you well, I was just wondering. Can you review the film of Hannah from? 2011 relax for two seconds. Why don't you guys fucking recommending a man after you review that can you review paranoid? I don't care about these movies at all. I don't care don't you know amending the series? I'm ending Ralph the movie maker Why are you still recommending things to me? What? Are you okay? What? Yeah, I'm fine what you're about to pass out. You keep doing your Justice League reviews I'll be right back. I'll be right back. You'll see Sir we have a problem Trough the movie maker is ending his show That's what everyone tried telling this faggot sir, but he won't listen. He won't listen He's gonna end his show and he's gonna be gone I'll get it done You Thanks Alfred, but I'll take it from here Do I know you who needs good characters when you'll sell toys no matter how poorly written they are so we have our Justice League which consists of Superman Batman Wonder Woman Aquaman Cyborg and last but certainly not least the flash. I'm free to box Yeah, there were all these other characters, too Like Alfred's in it for a bit Commissioner Gordon's in it for like five seconds mirrors in it for a bit But they don't serve any function in the story. They're just there for fanservice. Oh, look, it's Meera You're gonna be seeing more of her in the Aquaman movie, doesn't it? Look great Wow, I can't wait to see that and we have a villain called Steppenwolf. I guess we'll start with him So let's look at a to Marvel attempts at making a big villain, right? So we got Loki got an actor playing him, you know, like there's a real person there. So I go Oh, it's it's a real person and he oh he has charisma and he's funny. Wow He's a really entertaining character to watch. How are your friends at time to me? When they're so busy fighting you This usually works oh, it's a CGI character Searching It looks really bad There's already a level of disconnect and I haven't even discussed his character really like the fact that he's CG and not very good CG at that takes a lot away from this character cuz you're constantly thinking. Oh, it's not real It's not real and what good movies do is they actually give these cgi characters a personality This is why Andy Serkis makes the big bucks because he's able to give computer generated models Actual character. Let's talk about Thanos for a sec Thanos is an entirely CGI purple man who was in Avengers infinity war? First of all, I gotta give mad props to the VFX artists You could tell a lot of time and money went into designing him and making him look real and making sure the textures look good And there are lots of subtle nuances in Josh Brolin's performance that come across through the CGI character There's actually a psychology to Thanos that anyone can easily understand He didn't want to blow up the universe just cuz what a Steppenwolf do. Oh Nothing so we got a CGI character With no motivation. He just wants to he wants this box so he can blow up the earth or something. Who cares? He doesn't grow it. All he doesn't change. He's not scary. He doesn't give some intimidating. Speech he's the most useless boring villain you could conceive so why is it that all DC villains have to be either an Overacted buffoon or just constantly yells at people Or bland CGI guy who's big and shoots lasers at people. Yeah as a box that's gonna blow up the earth Oh my god, he has a box that's gonna blow up the whole earth. Oh my god He has a box that's gonna blow up the whole earth Then we have the flash Oh God, so people like this character and I guess he has the most personality out of all of them You know that if she kills you will cover for her a good job everybody Really good character you got that's the plan Okay, we're not ready for Racially charged cyborg Cyborg is a useless character I know from insiders who worked on the movie that the scenes with cyborg were so bad that the actor who played Cyborg ray Fisher thanked Joss Whedon for cutting his scenes out of the movie This is just a rumor. But hey, I believe it all that's left for his character in the little time He has in the movie is oh I feel like a freak because I'm 95 percent bad CGI and his arc is he learns to accept himself? For the bad special effect he is and then he punches more CGI monsters. They got Aquaman boy Aquaman is a joke of a character. Okay, seriously, everyone needs to stop with Aquaman His power is he's a guy in the ocean who talks to fish So you got the Justice League and you got to include Aquaman in the Justice League, right? I mean, you just can't not include him and you have to make a movie about him Right because Aquaman is a big character who doesn't know Aquaman, but the problem is everyone knows Aquaman's as a goddamn joke So DC and sax net are like okay, we got to overcompensate and make Aquaman the most badass character ever But the problem is no matter how much you do. It just makes him look sillier Oh, yeah, this Aquaman the Saint your dad's awful man. This ain't your grandfather's uncle bank dude. He's played by Jason Oh, he's got huge muscles at the end of the day is the same character. He talks to fish Oh, but he could move the waves dude Right who gives a shit Wonder Woman is probably the best character in the movie Her scenes are still bad and you still got Galgo notes corny acting. Oh, I'm gonna pose She's always posing all the time instead of like being a normal character It's the goofiest thing and my god, is she really bad in this movie. You have no idea What kind of power you even if there's a fraction of a chance? So what that we could raise a monster like Luther did we have tech look, there's no even Superman is dead My guess is that patty Jenkins was a better actors director than Zack Snyder is right because of your guilt Like, oh, I'm just a good woman with no flaws at all. I have no problems with the team I'm always supportive and caring what's interesting about that. Let's see what's going on on that Avengers The whole movie The Avengers are fighting each other and struggling but at the end of the day They pulled together and become the Avengers and that's satisfying you just have all these people who don't have any Conflict with each other at all. Really? Yeah. Well, I guess we'll make a good team Let's let's do it. And then they fight a CGI monster. You don't give a fuck about at all You got Batman played by Ben Affleck who looks bored as hell it looks like it wants to take a nap very tail It's probably the fact that Ben Affleck is an alcoholic. That's okay. Then I'm addicted to crack We all have our problems. I'm on opioids right now. Hold on. Let me inject some heroin This interpretation of Batman is up there with Joel Schumacher's interpretation of Batman seven minutes Never leave the cave without it everything that was muddly intriguing about Batman in Batman vs Superman is completely absent in this movie not that I enjoyed Zack Snyder's take on Batman because I also thought he was a total idiot in the movie and Zack Snyder got rid of a lot of what I liked about Batman like how Eerie, and mysterious he is, you know now he's just out in broad daylight in a Mad Max coat And he just punches people and kills people Doesn't really do a lot of crime work he kind of goes on his computer for a few seconds and the computer does all the work for him and Then he just goes to the place and punch people what in this movie. He doesn't even do that the issue is in the DC Cinematic Universe when you got all these like Super-powered guys and gods and all these demons coming out from portals and fighting each other and all these guys are like indestructible What the hell is Batman gonna do against these guys? Not much and he doesn't really do much in this movie He kind of acts as the Nick Fury He wants to get everybody together cuz there are enemies coming from far away. I Need warriors I guess he needed Batman to do something right? That's really the only thing Batman does in this movie What else is he good for? Superman can fight a Wonder Woman can fight him cyborg can fight them maybe even Aquaman he can talk to his fish I guess he was able to beat Superman. It's only because Superman's an idiot Who knows maybe everyone in this world is stupid I have no reason to believe otherwise at this moment if it's for friends who do stuff together Zack snyder's succeeded in building a dark and brooding world with absolutely no tension because the world is populated with one-dimensional characters that are indestructible So DC wants to be like a fun Family film now in the advertising they kept talking about how fun the movie is how much fun you're gonna have in the movie Also hope that people just have fun and enjoy the ride and that fun Look how fun with so much fun. All the actors in the interviews are like, oh my god. It's gonna be so much fun I hope the audience has fun. I hope you guys have fun out the fans. Have fun I hope everyone has Fon Fon Fon Fon Fon. It's gonna be a fun time. Holy fucking fun But that's clearly not what Zack Snyder envisioned with this movie So the fact that DC went back and re shot scenes to give these characters some camaraderie It just feels out of place and forced Because that's exactly what it is Arthur yeah, that was a great way to get rid of Superman man. I'm not doing this on purpose Right because you can't control the machine So is this a bad time to bring up my blood sugar? Very hungry, the flash is supposed to be the comedic relief and nothing. He says is funny. He just keeps talking and talking But whatever there's dead air you just need him to come in and just have say something My shoes are hot from running fast. Ha ha ha not even fans of the other DC movies like this movie I'm serious. All the people who like Batman vs Superman and Man of Steel are pissed off because they didn't get to see Zack Snyder's cut of the movie They got to see this corporate thrown together watered down shit fest the level of writing is like a children's movie or something like Illumination made this so I'm guessing this movie is targeted mainly toward children like the Suicide Squad Audience self like those edgy teenagers, you know go to Hot Topic they wouldn't like this movie So let's tell the story of Henry cavils mustache way back when when they were shooting Mission Impossible 6 Henry Cavill grew up his mustache for the character. For some reason. I guess he thought it would be good Maybe he just wanted a mustache I don't know all of Henry Cavill scenes for Justice League were shot by the time he started shooting Mission Impossible 6 but of course when Joss Whedon came in as the director He ordered reshoots and Henry Cavill already had the mustache and he's like I ain't shaving it for whatever Reason we can speculate the studio and the director of Mission Impossible 6 said Henry Cavill couldn't shave his mustache So they had to do the reshoots with henry cavill with the mustache Sure, the guys making Mission Impossible sex could have given him a fake mustache But why would they maybe Henry Cavill just didn't feel like shaving his mustache for this stupid movie He probably knew it was gonna suck So what was Warner Brothers gonna do all they could do is use CG to get rid of the mustache and that's what they did And it looked horrible Warner Brothers spent 3 million dollars to remove Henry cavils mustache It's just hilarious to me I mean Obviously you can't have Superman walking around with a mustache on maybe you should have planned out what you were doing before Warner Brothers Instead of trying to change the entire tone of the movie halfway through making it. Yes. It's meant to It's meant to wind like a river it comes and goes can't you see it's not working. So This movie starts in a rather unexpected way with iPhone footage taken by a bunch of kids of Superman This is clearly one of the reshoots for you know, because because of his lips I think I understand. What joss whedon is trying to do here. Although this is a big epic superhero story He wants to ground it in reality and make superman seem humble and human by starting the film with a low-quality Iphone video it's something you don't necessarily expect and who knows it could have worked except Something is throwing me off So then we get our Batman introduction There's some guy robbing a place and he sees Batman and he shoots at him then out of nowhere There's some flying the CGI creature and Batman fights him and then the CG monster explodes and it leaves behind a symbol Which Alfred sees and finds in Lex Luthor's notes? which makes Batman go I'm gonna call the Justice League now because the Symbol in Lex Luthor's notes, is is eerie And then the dude Batman tied up earlier is like it's because they know he's dead, right? Superman He's gone Where does that leave us? And the Justice League logo comes up that's how you start your movie why is it shot like that? It's because they know he's dead, right? Superman He's gone, I felt like they just added that line and after the fact because the scene made no sense or something They just needed a way for the scene to end The only angle they have of that character who's saying that line of dialogue is this one? And it's like from far away and he's behind this water tower and he's off to the left and he starts talking off-camera You don't even know who's talking He's gone Where is he looking to the opening credits start and it's all dark and raining Oh Everyone's sad listen to the sad piano song. Oh My god, so dark. Look how dark my movie is crime Homelessness man. Oh, what's that? That doesn't sell Alright just make it all colorful. Then who cares but Sir the opening credits are still pretty dark. Oh, whatever Just leave it. The next scene is rose Bolton's robbing a bank or something Oh, no If only someone was here to save the day Cut to poorly rendered CGI statue that Wonder Woman is standing on top of as she makes a dumb face She goes in fights the guys or whatever slow motion Punching kicking and throws the ball up in the air blows off on and now Batman is somewhere cold He's there to find Aquaman. So he goes into this room of people. This hasn't been established at all Like I don't know what this town is or where it is Batman just goes there and he talks to this guy who's speaking a different language So how does it even understand what Batman saying also known as protector of the oceans? The Aquaman really twenty minutes into the movie they establish this box that's gonna blow up the planet and the villain steals it this should have been way earlier in the movie and Why are no main characters here Diana's mother is there that's it. Everyone else surges nameless henchmen that got killed whatever How about you start the film you started on Wonder Woman's Island Wonder Woman's there? You know, it's just hanging out with her with their family or whatever And then the villain comes down kills a bunch of people Takes the box and leaves we can also have some bad exposition where Diana's mother explains to her what this box is but instead the first 20 minutes of this movie is just Batman's over here doing something. The flash is over here doing something That Batman goes to Aquaman for some reason there are enemies coming I'm far away. That's a little vague, isn't it? So there's this action sequence on this island the Diana's mother comes in and she explains what the boxes and before I even have time to process what it does and the stakes of The story Steppenwolf comes in I want your box girl. He takes the box and runs away with it. It's all CGI There's not a single character I know in this entire scene, how can you feel any tension during the scene when it just looks so fake so Steppenwolf takes the Box They call Diana tell her there's been a great tragedy Really dark a moment in the story. What's the scene after this? This janitors wife had some strong words for the aliens She says stole her man My Howard is a good man He's a provider This movie needs more jokes, it needs more comedic levity. So let's take that TV that's over there and just Throw in this stupid scene the stupid scene that has no impact on the story And it's not funny and it features no characters we know and we could just swap it out with anything if we really wanted to Perhaps in Zack Snyder's cut of the movie the television actually had some relevant piece of the story on it. Oh it's Lois Lane and Superman's mom two of the best characters. Oh Boy life is too big for me anyway shuffling around like an old ghost These two characters talk these two characters who no one cares about at all and this guy comes in and he's like yo, There's a story Give me a scoop Who cares? Why do these movies spend so much time on Lois Lane? No one wants to see what she's doing No one cares I get it's Amy. I like Amy Adams a lot. She's in a lot of good movies She's great in sharp objects. She's great in a rival. She's great American hustle. She's great in so many movies. I love her I love her. I love her She sucks in this cuz you give her nothing to do stop throwing this character into these movies kill her off Please do anything with her just I don't want to see her anymore. Take a look at this amazing acting Wow, that's how I'd act if my son came back from the grave so stupid so gal gadot explains the backstory of Steppenwolf Generic. Oh, he's a guy who's Unstoppable and then he was betrayed and now he's back with the box and you can blow everything up great. Who cares? I wouldn't count on the tribes of men We tend to act like the Doomsday Clock as a snooze button Nod you hit the snooze button before rolling the camera pan a flick boy Are they holding a bottle of Jack Daniels behind the camera? So Ben Affleck drunk drives to Ezra Miller's house? And is Ezra Miller's eating a pizza of dimensional reality? And it seems to manipulate space-time I call it the Speed Force. It caused me to burn it tremendous amount of calories. Well, I'm just a black hole of snacks I'm a snack hole Nice Mercedes product placement meanwhile Gal gadot --tz-- on the back computer looking up some pornography and she comes across a video where cyborg is like in a chair so she goes to visit cyborgs and cyborgs ology and whatever and she's like, yeah, whatever and he's like okay, bye and Jason Momoa was hanging out with Amber Heard and Steppenwolf shows up and they fight Steppenwolf under water JK Simmons is on a roof and the Danny Elfman Batman music plays as Batman shows up I don't understand that and the whole Justice League show up They go to an underground Place or Steppenwolf is and they punch him for a little bit and they can't stop them So they come to the conclusion that they need to Resurrect Superman by digging up his grave and like doing some thing where the flash has to run really fast and like I don't know Something who cares? I don't even want to talk about this movie anymore. I just want to die I want to go back to injecting heroin into my veins Superman comes back to life for some reason his lip looks weird That's what happens when you're resurrected. For some reason your top lip doesn't move. That's the only thing though That's the only side effect. Amy Adams shows up and she's like And he's like, oh It's her and they go to a CGI fields. They can't filming it in real field because that's too hard They go to a CGI field with a CGI lip This is home And we go to more CGI and then we go to CGI Russia all the characters stand in front of a green screen punch and It's like god I'm gonna kill you when Superman comes in he's like no Five minutes and then Amy Adams is at work again She's out of computer. You know, you're just watching the apocalypse happen But aren't you interested in what amy adams is doing at her desk justice Lee had a budget of 300 million dollars and yet it's one of the cheapest looking movies I've ever seen Everything is CGI, and it seems like nothing is polished. All the stuff needed way more time and money My guess is that they just didn't have time to render it all they were constantly making changes There was constantly new people coming in and out. You have that whole scene in the trailer That's at night and then in the actual movie, it's daytime They had to re render the entire scene to make it daytime. They had to adjust all the color correction They had to adjust all the visual effects When you have no plan and you're just making it up as you go along and you keep adjusting things during the production It's gonna come out bad and you're gonna end up blowing a bunch of money on crap Because you're constantly changing what you want You look at Ridley Scott's movies, and they all look great And most of them are under a hundred million dollars and you wonder why He works on the script and he works with all the artists to make concept art He works with the visual effects team to see what he can do and can't do He figures out what he wants to do before he runs the fucking camera and starts spending tons of money So DC is trying to course-correct now and I gotta give him some credit, you know At least they're trying they're making a Shazam movie. You know, they'll make another Wonder Woman again people like that And who knows when they make Justice League two, they might actually make the movie correctly You know and not go back and reshoot everything after they complete it and they'll just let one director And have a vision and be like, okay this is what we're gonna do and we're gonna execute it this way and then we're gonna release it the way I want it to Be released. I know it's a crazy idea. But when you look back at good movies, that's what they do It's crazy, right they have this Joker movie. But Joaquin Phoenix is Joker what happened that Jared Leto? I guess he was just an idea an idea Yeah, DC's big miscalculation this time around is thinking they don't need an artist at the helm They figured Oh doc Snyder messed everything up because his vision sucked So all the producers got together and said we'll just make all the decisions now and that'll be much better Except these people have no idea how to make a good movie the mistake wasn't you got a creative person at the home The mistake was you got the wrong Creative person at the helm and if you had someone like the guy who was the head of Marvel you might have actually made something Cohesive, maybe if you let Joss Whedon work on it from the get-go. It would have been better but having this Frankenstein's monster of a movie is not a good idea why when Bruce said something about you having to take us all to brunch Films can make money and be art at the same time. Sure They can just be art but no one goes to see that shit That's why the USA has the biggest film market at this moment America knows how to make stupid big-budget schlock sell like hotcakes. If only DC knew how to do that I guess Uncle Sam didn't give them instructions on how to do it properly And that's how a movie like Deadpool - a stupid comedy based on a d-list comic character Somehow grosses more money than a tentpole film and a billion-dollar franchise that stars Batman Superman and Wonder Woman three of the biggest superheroes ever in what is currently a Superhero craze and that's all the money you made Henry. Cavill will no longer be playing Superman Ben Affleck will no longer be playing Batman You can even see in the movie that he's trying to like him the reins over to Wonder Woman He keeps saying things like oh, you're so good. You're an inspiration You don't just save people Make them see their better selves Jeff Jones who was the chief creative producer of DC stepped down as well. Really? The studio is banking on Aquaman to do well and of course Aquaman looks awful. So what's the core of the problem here? There's obviously a lot of issues but at the end of the day the problem with this movie is that it has no vision it Has no one clear vision. It's also played out We're up to like the fifth version of Batman the fifth version of Superman It's an adaptation of a comic book and that was adapted by Zack Snyder now if ten days into that they got compromised with the producers the producers got a compromise whose compromise after compromise after compromise And before you know it you have a movie that's made for nobody so I don't want to be accused of being over-the-top vitriolic, you know, some of the criticism is is so Over-the-top vitriolic, especially by overrated shitty directors. I mean you guys know me. I'm never over the top for triolic So, let me cap off this review by giving this movie some compliments one Jason Momoa is built like a fucking brick house I Respect this man's awesome body. He's the real Man of Steel to hell with Henry Cavill I'll get there one day Jason Momoa to gal gadot. It's hot to gal gadot. It's hot I respect it three despite Ben Affleck scribbling alcoholism. You can barely tell in some scenes Ralph My dad is an alcoholic and I really don't like you making light of Alcoholism it's not a funny issue Okay How about you and your stupid alcoholic father? Learn to take a goddamn joke to hell with you to hell with your stupid dad I hope your dad gets cirrhosis the liver and dies. Okay, that's it. That's me being positive. There you go. And that's it. I'm finished Now all I got to do is cash this check that Disney wrote me every Marvel movie I reviewed they just paid me to say that stuff. I really hate Marvel. Thank you all so much for watching my show I really had a great time doing it and everything but uh, you know, I'm glad it's over I'm really glad it's over and I no longer have to worry about it's me. Yeah, and how you doing buddy? Oh God, I Gotta say my goodbyes now to him so making it's been great Thank you so much for everything. You've been a hilarious co-host and friend to me. And now that I'm ending the show I just really hope you go away from Seriously, though. Why are you ending your show? It brings you so much fame and money and must make you happy to be entertaining millions of people who's look at me I mean I've been reviewing bad movies for years and I'm I'm depressed and lonely and sad and I've become a drug addict You know smoking cigarettes and I started smoking weed and then I went to heroin and I'm doing cocaine while I edit and then I'm also doing Um fentanyl, and I'm also doing uh, what other drugs that are I do LSD sometimes like once every two days or so and then sometimes I do mushrooms when I'm not doing LSD I like alternate I have mushrooms Tuesday and then LSD Wednesday and then mushrooms Thursday and an LSD Friday and then Saturday and Sunday I just do heroin that's what the youtuber lifestyle does to you. Makin You think it's gonna make you this happy guy you think internet fame is gonna bring you so much happiness And it doesn't bring you anything. Makin, you know, all these superficial things like Fame and money and being internet famous It's all bullshit. It's all bullshit None of it makes you happy. You know, what makes you happy makin friends and family and purpose in life I'm gonna get a farm with the mad load of YouTube money I have and I'm gonna get a horse And I'm gonna take care of my dog and I'm gonna have a family that's what life is about Life isn't about becoming Instagram famous. If you make your life about that, you're gonna become a shallow husk of a human being I'm sorry No making it's good. I'm glad we're having this moment This is no this is a nice way to cap it off, you know have like some sentimentality. No, I'm not. Sorry for that I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to you Wake up Wow my god You really thought I was just a dumb fan the entire time Disney planted me you moron. That'll carry you and make sure you got your checks Okay, most importantly I made sure you didn't mess around They were really pissed when you reviewed Black Panther poorly But when they heard you were ending your show and you were gonna stop shitting on DC. They were really mad. They were really mad Ralph the mouse needs you to serve your purpose and that purpose Is to shit on DC Consistently tarnish their brand so that Marvel stays ahead That's what they need you to do. That's been your purpose the entire time you fucking idiot And as long as you're doing that you can do whatever you want You can have whatever horses or dogs whatever fuck you want to do But you better keep shitting on DC and you'd better stop criticizing Marvel. Well, I'm gonna fuckin kill you Now you're gonna announce that you're gonna keep the show going And you're gonna have a great time and you're not a drug addict and you don't great That's what I need you to joke, goddamnit. Thank you. I Thought we were friends Oh Friends on our friends before you called me a retard Whatever the hell but now that I got you tied up and it's revealed that I'm actually a badass motherfucker Now you're coming at me Oh bacon. You're a bill. You're such a good guy. How about you suck my balls? Hi everybody it's uh It's me Ralph the movie maker, and I just wanted to announce that I'm staying I'm staying for for a long time and You know what I just I decided I have a I had a change of heart, you know and It's um, it's gonna be great we're gonna have many more years of fun and I Look forward to sharing it with you We're gonna have a great time Hey I'm Ralph Sepe Closeted-
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,551,495
Rating: 4.8498278 out of 5
Keywords: Justice League, ralphthemoviemaker, DCEU, DC, Marvel
Id: nEOqkagHsHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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