WillNE's Deepest Secret... - Eboys Podcast #3

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Queen of clubs

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hanalouise ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 26 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Anyone know when the next ones out

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/_iDontUseReddit_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 29 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
right what was that it's an audio podcast mate video podcast hello welcome back to the third eboyz podcast today uh how's everyone doing today i'm good i'm just confused at why you've chucked a bunch of cards on a podcast that is podcasts are normally audio based just well you know will mate he always has an ace up his sleeve he does there we go that's good um and currently uh a king on his floor what do you think this card is jibs what do you think this card is sorry for you god spot five four of clubs try again which we try again i got it wrong eight apart eight of half if you're an audio listener he got that right if you're a visual listener he got that wrong is that it hearts well i think so it's not hard is it the jack of spades first one to get it with 50 could oh um seven of hearts four four six of hearts oh my god well welcome back everybody um to the uk's number one trending podcast are we are we still on that we're still [ __ ] rugby [ __ ] me in the mud [ __ ] rugby so we have mudded rugby well do you want to talk about um your discovery [ __ ] hit rugby yes fella no not rockefeller let's not talk about rugby i was forced to play rugby as a kid and i didn't know i never intended shows shite sport you're a like you got the build for it though you're not just smash people out the way you just did you just fat shame me you go you you go [ __ ] rugby you go you go [ __ ] rugby and then you're like oh my god i didn't say oh you you love chocolate you [ __ ] right i said you got a bill for ruppy well you've said it now i haven't if we all played rugby four aside rugby or four v four four side rugby that would be carnegie you'd win i'm just saying i probably never fancy it yeah let's do it next podcast we'll do it out in shoreditch rugby podcast rugby podcast i mean it doesn't work for anyone else we did football talk what last week and and now we're doing we've beat rugby with arse talk and you could actually argue that though you beat rugby with our stalking again i bet they've tried the ice up the bum thing yeah they definitely do last day 100 one thing i noticed is when we were number two uh trending podcast we're now number one trending podcast almost in the top 50 uh i think so it probably won't be by the time this episode goes off basically but alex noted that we were under david tennant we were we've just been drinking a joke about wanting to be yep yeah i mean that's unbelievable um the one difference is david tennant doesn't have any form of social media so the fact that he's not surrounded above us is a bit embarrassing but we have overthrown him now but i wonder what's going on right now why are there so many rugby podcasts i'm sorry because there's just so much to talk about in the sport of rugby like how many pencils can you shove up your ass um how much of your mates piss have you drank tonight exactly whose [ __ ] have you seen of a changing room oh classic rugby conversations at least if rugby podcasts were like that i'd be tuning in to all of them they probably are like that and that's why we're uh we're never going to know how do you how are you to know that they're not like that if you haven't listened to the rugby weekly every every tuesday we just start beef with these [ __ ] [ __ ] the rugby weekly almost homies hate them do you think they'll be big books i doubt it they're probably little [ __ ] boys i don't think we win this one if i'm honest no i think we get the [ __ ] kicked out no they're probably little [ __ ] boys they won't come for us if you were to have a rugby podcast what would you call yours i called mine the scrum half it would be half an hour long that'd be the special gimmick there see you've smashed this because you've been thinking of this in the shower before recording we're not gonna have any good answers yeah yeah i'm i'm a podcast king mate i just think about all the new podcasts i could possibly do all the time and i just write them down i've got ideas for rugby podcast ass specific podcast that's what this one is this is an awesome yeah what's what's your specific podcast i would make an eight minute long rugby park podcast and call it the number eight oh that's good that's great it doesn't count as a podcast it's only eight minutes i thought why if i was having an ass podcast i call it the half-assed cast and it would be about half an hour long again all of them are half an hour long mine would be called i [ __ ] love drinking piss if i was to have an anal call it um preach the peach yeah that's a good one yeah they just want to talk about arse all the time yeah i preach about arseholes yeah that's good yeah that's fantastic so another strong start once again so episode three um i thought to kick off this episode we'd um read some of uh the reviews that have been put on apple pogba will you tell them off for this will you tell them off alex yeah i'm going to tell them off so i asked you guys to write us up on the apple podcast charts i generally have no idea how apple works which is why we don't care about that we're better than rugby you usually just eat it yeah wow oh [ __ ] oh yeah that's fine we all can mutually agree to meet him left the podcast no we could actually get rid of them this time nobody's safe but um i asked people to go like leave a friendly rating i asked for five stars um what do you thought it'd be funny to write one star which isn't funny like we don't even it's not even ironically funny no it's not funny all my homies hate people that write the eboyz podcast one star oh [ __ ] they're gonna do it now no no look the fact of the matter is we make it worse by addressing it if we address it people have been recognized now [ __ ] all right but it's honestly it's quite important so it's a funny meme but please give it five stars and we're [ __ ] we've got less than like waffling and that's half the oh baker [ __ ] jack mate's got more than us um so i'm simon i'm sure they're five star we're the only ones who doesn't have a five star podcast yeah if we're four point nine what we're learning from this do you not think you're [ __ ] funny is that if you're going to rate us one star at least rate every other podcast one star yes right eboy's five stars right everyone else one star so we will be the best podcast ever yeah you could put down the happy hour podcast the watch don't do that that's bad we can't encourage you we came into this game with toxic vibes and we are going to maintain the toxicity we're bought off right now we're like follow my villa [ __ ] any podcast that is not this podcast once perhaps even consider reporting other podcasts to the police rugby i'm going to read a review um well i saw there's a few of them i'm going to go through you guys want to read it i'll link um the podcast reviews in a second yeah get george to read them i do not understand why everybody keeps hating on alex for having an utterly rubbish first go at podcasting he doesn't deserve all the hate no it wasn't it wasn't the first it was it was like seven this isn't good this isn't in my favor by the way i know they seem like this is aimed at you guys but don't worry there's more at least he's tried the rest of you have done nothing of substance except james don't know what i mean by that he literally was barely in the last one he got cut out this is the part where i thought oh that's cool you know been really nice to me when i read bullying alex can permanently damage his already tarnished self-esteem what he's leaving the line anyway the podcast is brilliant i will love and support you boys smiley face lots of love alex martin emsley i don't nothing's wrong with martin but it's not true bro it's not that deep you can't get ducks from your [ __ ] middle name like don't beg it bring all you know my full name why would i hide my middle name well clearly you have a reason sure marty they did give us five star though presented shout out to narnia pure101 for that for the fight if we read out the bad ones we'll just make people give us more bad ones yeah we're only going to we're only going to read out five star ones like if you write a five star you got it out if you don't write it five stars five star and write the most horrible thing underneath but just if you write five stars fair game yeah that's fine yeah that's a happy new year i want james to get colon cancer and dad will re [ __ ] see i wasn't sure if you said you said i want james right to get colon and then a thing or colon or like ah cancer in my code we've got a five star review here that's just called that just says disappointed um i'm not sure they know how uh writing things work another five star review one disappointing pretty good until i realized george was on a booster seat yeah what does that i'm not what do you mean i want a boost to see i'm on a chair uh it is what it is i have to get a booster seat when i record next to james or i look tiny do you actually i had that with cam kirkham i had that once and then people clocked and then i started uh having a go at me oh no yeah it's not what you want to be fair uh five star will any fanboy says alex is a bloke i'll be about to buy it at the moment oh yeah it is that's a good segue oh yeah this is this very well veiled [ __ ] tick tock account that node will ever get to well you know i planned ahead for the fact that it would fail how long did it take for people to to find out how long um about two comments wow um so my video will be out hopefully maybe when this podcast comes out to be honest it really depends on wherever i uh pull my finger out and actually edit it but um i was pretending uh to be a girl on tick tock so i thought you know what girls on tick tock they do bits on there and i'm not female um it's a traffic tick tock it's got loads of pretty girls yeah um that's basically what i was getting at and i was thinking if i could turn myself into a pretty girl then maybe but you know i would be mega mega successful you turned yourself into a girl like i appreciate that abby roberts it was all down to abby artistry she smashed it carried her woman did a great job um i let the side down i can't dance can't do any of those tick tock transitions really struggle um i spent two hours doing a transition right where you look right and then back again two hours i couldn't do it just couldn't do it that app people don't understand that app is generally if when if you actually try and learn those dances it's a [ __ ] nightmare i found a new form of respect for those people i could never do i want to do the whap dance i'd like to do the what you want to do a lap dance the whap dance basically the same thing have you seen it she's a very pretty lady though i can't say that right i can say that you could say wait who was it addison marie yeah yeah you could say that all right all right cool yeah she's 16 it's a loud ball there's a whole song about her isn't that sorry yeah sure sure he's a bad it's a bad day she hates rugby yeah she hates rugby too she would ate rugby um come on this podcast out of some race an open invitation but yeah i tried to turn myself into a woman um nobody was convinced and now i have to make a youtube video where i pretend somehow that people are like convinced was going to full people yeah talking how are you spinning it as a dub um i say if i can fool people that's a bonus but all i really want is to go viral yep there we go good um so i have a fail safe cool and that arguably worked so you've got to get this video up by wednesday now then or you've completely ruined it i've already people already know it's mate but you know okay okay look i know in the next time i'll plan ahead but right now um i'm too depressed to uh do it in any form of actual order so i've just gone [ __ ] it people can know you should consider getting the app that i got recently yeah oh is this the [ __ ] happy app what's it do it's called the happy hour podcast so what it does is it gives you little things to improve your day how do i get what's it called fabulous yeah so it's it's basically like an app which um basically creates like positive routine in your life i've got um currently i'm on day three of drink a glass of water when you wake up and um yeah but you're not gonna chase it with a glass of vodka yeah the issue is i wake up and i go for my glass of water and i i drink my glass of water and this app's going like reading me out a poem going like you're on your first step to declining a mountain of happiness and i'm just there just like i feel i feel worse i like i'm just like sat there going like you're being mugged for drinking water and it costs money as well man yeah does it does it oh [ __ ] that costs money well it's not much to go drink water well no because it it develops yeah i can get alex to do that for me i can just get him to tell me stuff to do i do that for free it develops and it and it helps you create like a positive routine for yourself do you actually rate it or not so far yeah but at the end of it all i've all it's made me do is drink some water and i think we should we should revisit this in a week's time and like yes see how much how would you pay for it uh i i mean it's a free trial i think for at least like a week or a month so i'll tell you what i did have you ever tried that car map yeah that was quite good but i just didn't use it i used headspace for a while as well headspace i love big fan that's just that's just [ __ ] watered down asmr you lead like me to just come clean and say you're like you're looking no not wrong it's it's it is like with the the fire it's not you confirming bro i've exhausted the whole air support catalog by now obviously the whole thing really that's terrifying max i've seen some interesting asmr so if you've gone through am i [ __ ] recommending what's the weirdest asmr you've ever enjoyed or endured yeah one you just you just haven't turned it off you just kind of kept it going a bit a bit like oh you just gone oh my god well it's on now i'll be honest i'll probably search for it um um there's no judgment here there's a bloke that oh there is but it's the internet but first yeah there's a there's a bloke that pretends like the camera is like you're like a droid he's like am i the only one here that has never watched asmr like properly just just admit it man i'm being dead i don't get it i don't get the tingles i just don't get it i've never been into it my favorite one is [ __ ] magic tricks like like the unintentional one where it's like they're just doing magic tricks every night every time i see you every time it's the good [ __ ] man you just need to stop lighting yourself is it is it like for you is it is it relaxing or is it like what what what use do you have from it tingly mate just get me tingles in it it's such an interesting phenomenal is there a science behind it you heard it here first what are these shag steroids i'm the driver okay so sorry you are the droid all right i'm the little droid and i get fixed [Laughter] i'm i found it i found it it's just a man with a really bad green screen like he does what he can with his budget that's not it that's please don't tell me this what's his name what's his name dr t yeah that's him that's him big fan of his workshop dr t if you're watching this i feel like a droid watching this this is how droid feels you know that meme which is like what your microwave sees well i fully i refuse to believe you all you actually just sit down and watch this for 35 minutes james said that was like the weirdest one that's the one i've been kind of like this is bordering uncomfortable i know i'm just here with myself but i felt a little bit weird but maybe it's just [ __ ] card tricks i love a good card trick i think if you'd have said something actually weird it wouldn't have been as funny but because it's so completely sweet i just didn't expect it it just asks i i just given you another sense no i honestly very good very good answer really like that answer in the first study of its kind into the psychological psychological underpinnings of asmr researchers from the university of sheffield found that those experience of phloem had slightly significantly reduced heart rates or watching someone i'm [ __ ] zen lad crazy mate so you're going to live longer i reckon like you know how it's like one in five people i reckon maybe listen asmr just do it oh but then i bet a lot of people i don't think it's embarrassing i bet like i bet you're like lewis buckingham loves it or like cam kirkham has a secret thing for us i don't think it's i think you've kind of created this idea that it's a taboo well it's i don't think it is it is have you not made a video on it before i've made a video on it before and then and then then the [ __ ] rabbit all started i was like oh this is really weird i have made a video on it i have made a video on it ages ago so it is it gets mocked man it's weird like imagine going to the pub and like imagine that's your job like you lick microphones for a [ __ ] living and then go to the pub and like explain in your too fair we don't do much better night that's what we do anyway we don't do much i really like it though like oh you what you make videos on like all right fair enough 12 year old children is probably a little bit worse but seeing that [ __ ] i'm a comment i'm a commentary channel so i might as well just lick the microphone anyway your your homework for this week will is you need to go away and find some rugby asmr so i'm gonna find that right now squeaking the ball squeaking the ball and like wait there's gonna be no rugby air samaras no they'll just be licking each other's arseholes oh everybody we're in the changing rooms again there's this one i found it's a rugby lego asmr lego australian accent whispering oh i like an aussie accent you know yeah but they're playing rugby i might don't come in my butthole all right mate on the wing i'm on the wing mate good morning mike play with the ball gage wins on the barbie right if you get that trying you can shack me to change you put that big [ __ ] pole up my [ __ ] right no nice try try try see if you can fit it in see rugby puns everybody everybody was like oh mate this podcast could be shambles and this is what you've got 22 minutes of this sorry i can't get over the fact that will's a little droid i'm never going to forget oh you know i'm changing your name on my phone what little choice it's just little droid little droid [ __ ] rapper name lil droid little droid i love that remember when we said to everybody right can you write the podcast five stars and then we'll told everybody that he thinks he's a droid no i didn't say that i said that was the weirdest one i'd watched unbelievable little droid lenny that's your name you know what that'll be my next d boys costume i'll come out like [ __ ] r2 oh my god that'd be a late you've got a warrick davis what are those ones in the phantom menace called with the blasters the useless ones trade federation droids that's why you said literally just as if you were gonna say like an offhanded comment and then give their exact name you should do you should just get a colossally colossal-sized bb-8 [ __ ] hamster wheel you should get you should dress up as uh you know one of the rolly ones the droid deckers that put up the shields oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just do rollie police oh yeah [ __ ] with the shield though yeah but can we add a chip catch if i could do that chip cat chip cat yeah unbelievable so i mean uh how do we move on from wellington droid tour yeah what's the next [ __ ] topic we took a week off oh yeah yeah sorry we couldn't arc it and um i think we're just kind of trying to run before run before you could walk yeah yeah we're trying to run before we can we're just trying to [ __ ] take it up and up and just learning as we go so we thought we'd take this week off i'm seeing it as season two now we're on season two of that e we took a week off it's not season two james no no no it's season two we uh we beat rugby and we thought that's a good way to end this he's been on the face all week since we've murdered rugby yeah it's just been celebrated it's all cancelled because the e-boys [ __ ] murdered it yeah but back on we had a meeting didn't work had a big meeting were planned out and we're going to try and raise the level uh and and yeah well of our stuff we've got the big whiteboard out yeah i got the whiteboard oh i left that don't yeah so we basically just like oh we had a chat and like we're going to try and make uh better videos so um don't hold us to it yeah but yeah no promises so eboy's jack box 2 coming next week that's not happening even more censored answers i know you guys love them a special episode where everything is censored oh centering we're basically going to try and plan ahead to read that doesn't happen again because like that's kind of we don't we know we know people don't want that and we don't want the videos to be that pretty much so we just are going to try and get ahead can we well we're recording tomorrow and the day after so we'll see it's the tuesday after don't worry fix the google calendar sorry now so we've got a google calendar everybody's professionals now well we're actually growing up a video we're actually doing it oh i don't want to grow up i'm such a useless [ __ ] i'm so baby i don't want to grow up you're 43 what do you mean you don't want to grow up it's strange having a calendar and bigger youtuber i don't like it bro youtubers have calendars you're just you're just a useless one makes you feel like i've got to actually do work just start so well [ __ ] sake i hate laughing at these jokes i hate it unbelievable can we talk about how i absolutely [ __ ] mugged you off this week james is is this going to be about my glass jar because i don't know what to do my mug drove me off so hard i was sat in the living room yeah here's one or our one r1 all right oh that was like a cool view yeah um and i just said to james i went oh james james if you're so cool you should go give it a look he went all right all right i heard him get up but i saw how i get up i heard what could only be described as everything he loved shatter across his floor see the issue was my blinds were closed and i had to open my blinds to see this incredible view that i'd heard so much about um so i did it and it pushed my glass jar onto the floor of like rocks oh this stupid coffee thing now my glass jar of rocks and pebbles and cool things oh no oh that's quite sad yeah i mean it was quite funny at the time i was at a great time view wasn't even worth it and then i looked out the view i looked at the view and it was shiny it was just the sun going through some clouds i've got a new glass jar you'll be happy to know uh podcast listeners i remember i was eating a salad on the first episode of the podcast podcast you mean everyone that's here no no because no because podcast watches and podcast listeners are very different well because i would like to show people something right all right all right so podcast listeners i ate out of uh a glass jar in the first episode of the eboyz podcast that is now the new jar of goodies wow it's like it's come full circle by episode three wow that's the end of season one of the podcast see you again next week that's it that's a great story arc that we've managed to get ready um so this is a gift from my dead great grandpa right uh oh you showed me this this is really cool so oh it's a tobacco jar how do you open it i'm gonna ask how do you think you open that do you like lick it like the snitch like they're called you do that i don't know so so what you do is oh that's sick huh big fan of that so you like you put your hand over it basically so you don't actually touch it it's like it's like wind thing it's like a wooden thing so you ready oh mate that's pretty cool that's class that's genuinely close i can't hear you what'd you say that's cl wait my bike working yeah yeah that's genuinely class yeah it's crazy isn't it a futuristic technology so this is like bear in mind this is like 75 years old or something you ready that's mental yes yeah we can have a we can we can take it to bar i think alex i think alex i think alex he's protected in all honesty i was just trying really hard to pretend like i was interested oh [ __ ] man i really was interested and i've been but it's still pretty cool like you squeeze it and it opens so yeah for everybody who's going to tune into the rugby podcast we completely understand it's it's completely fine um yeah i was quite worried when i saw james broken glass jar um especially because of the fact that some for some reason somebody's added in brackets no more ass talk on the end of that so i was quite concerned but oh it's probably like glass jar you know let's not go any further than that you know that guy i think it's implied yeah bruno whatever's talking about that's not why do you know his name um you know it's all right glass jars i'm gonna put your youtubes in a glass jar oh my youtube is coming out very soon yeah it's coming out already soon september 4th you're the one who wrote it down so you can talk about this i have a youtubes coming out on september 4th and you should buy it because then you can put it next to your i'm alex and mimulus youtubes yeah that's what you should do or don't buy it what sorry but that's not what i was going to say was i was going to encourage people to yeah no encouragement it's gonna be beast it looks sick it does look sick i can't believe that's written down i don't get anything from him plugging his gts if anything i'd say arguably go back and just just make your own one out of play-doh i think maybe i'll have stones i can use my glass and my new glass jar i reckon you could make it out i've got i'm going to make a will anyone out of play-doh and i'll bring it for the next next podcast it'll be like the only chance you have of getting one can we all come on it before we show it oh no like a wally you open up his head and it's just filled with eboycon that's so weird that's ridiculous instead of wally will you are instead of packing up trash it's just loads of cars my parents right she's oh [ __ ] we're very good hello hello hello i was saying right my parents talked to me about like any main channel video i put up second channel video they just ignore the fact eboyz exists i feel like they've clicked on one what's in god that's a bit [ __ ] strange we'll just pretend it's it's not they never ask about e-boys i feel like they've heard it and gone that's a bit strange like if they clicked on the last podcast i'd be mortified if my mom heard the other if i click on this one imagine finding out your son jacks off to people fixing it i don't want to do it [Music] gonna be watching has anybody um talking about droids um you know droid simulate things and then he played flight simulator i haven't played it but it looks really cool it does look good hang on george george you've got before we record this because george i want to talk about this i want to talk about this he sets you up for the segway goal i haven't played it but it looks cool i did all right but it looks well cool doesn't it it's like you can fly over the whole world and stuff explain the game because you can fly a play you fly a plane it's welcome i've played it but it looks well cool but can you can you fix the plane i don't think so james i think that'll be more um airplane mechanic simulator this is a flight simulator so you're simulating i really want a man to walk up to me as a plane and fix me where this is going got what i give to be an aeroplane getting fixed right now by dr t whispering to my jet i love how i literally well i literally i literally went well tell us the most embarrassing one no judgment here it's just funny i'm not ashamed good good oh man i watched lewis play it and he flew over where we live and he pointed out where he was building and he was oh i'm gonna fly past it and as soon as he said that the engines died because he ran out of fuel and he just didn't say he was gonna fly and that's as far as i've seen he was i'd wanted to leave that bit out potentially maybe well let's not maybe say lewis was in court saying he was gonna launch a terrorist attack on our buildings and flight simulator maybe that's the only reason anyone's buying flight simulator right everybody's on there just doing terror simulation quit on that i'm crashing into every [ __ ] building i can find i'm fighting back up i'm finding the flight simulator offices and i'm crashing straight does it actually wreck buildings does that actually wreck buildings is there like that would be sick if it had like beam mg damage models that would be well called just like who would be the first person to destroy the entire planet by just crashing planes into families does it actually have the whole world on it yeah yeah yeah it's like it's like generated from bing maps or something and you like you can see i look good on does it look yeah no it looks good it looks like um generally i nearly said the name of the building um but i when he went over where we live i could i literally went that's literally like normally it would obviously it's not just like a rendered like building it looks just like it so um come find us on flight simulator everyone so yeah we're there somewhere we'll uh drop our postcode in the description oh yeah and you can fly it fly take pictures of us on flights don't visit us in real life visit us on flight simulator that's completely uh that'll be kind of cool if you have like little easter eggs it's just us waving where we live don't crash into me if it was google maps she'd be able to see um george on top of his mansion why even everybody saying don't come here with his with his anti-aircraft well i had you'll be able to go to all of the houses he owns throughout the country and they've got a big george m like sticker on the front of it on the front yeah but i said you know that's about that's the thing if i if i was playing an aircraft simulator i'd also want the ability for it to be multiplayer and the ability to play as anti-aircraft oh my god well you can just shoot down everyone else speaking of gaming uh i got a dub on four guys who cares i tried to play that i can't play it man like it's so straight you know i watch have you seen this video i don't know if you guys seen have you seen the video of the girl trying to get over the wall oh yeah four guys it's [ __ ] infuriating i'm going to find the video it's going to drive you [ __ ] mental now the thing is i watched it and i was livid i think it was amazing she's so bad she's so bad it hurts how bad she is all right number one she's getting so much like crazy hate for the fact that she can't play full guys which is a bit wild that's a bit full on let's go this is gonna be enjoyable i'm gonna try and give some form of running commentary for people who have to listen to this i'm so stuck behind are you kidding me oh my god are you kidding me keep [ __ ] right wait where are you stupid all right no it's so bad it's deteriorating i don't understand why somebody found it so hard simply to have patience another game that we've been playing is rocket league and that game is even worse man i hate i love it i'm a big fan i can't play that game if you ever try to play rocket league it's like ridiculous i already care he's on the hard stuff why has somebody written the [ __ ] zone down yeah but what does that mean yeah why is it now at the end of the google doc what am i gonna do with that i just think i figured it was a good way to end well we haven't got to that point yet but i just that's really off-putting but it's there because now i know that every time i don't want to talk about anything else now which if i carry on going through the topics list eventually i'm going to get to the come zone i don't want to get to that point we'll get there we'll get there no we won't i don't want to get there no let's do comes over now let's get out of the way what's the [ __ ] is the come zoom all right okay okay okay let me get this hi george welcome back to this i just had a slippery board it's devolved what's happened it's gone downhill since you left what's happened it's gone back to come it oh yummy yummy yummy [ __ ] up man this is the podcast we want to sell this through advertising all right you ready yummy everyone uh get james i'm watching some strange [ __ ] videos [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] how long does this how this is actually the first song of my ap it's okay there's a good two and a half minutes we've just got a minute left i wanna say i wanna listen to the rest of this don't leave it leave it there one minute exactly all right for the editor who has to [ __ ] go through this at one minute he pauses the come zone youtube video just press play don't press play stop pressing play [Music] is we simply cannot find i'm so sorry no you're not i've never got past the one minute mark before i'm just so bear in mind i was living in the world of co-op torture for quite hope you haven't been sending that to people no no no no no him and sean murray and dm james's dad that comes over right now george give me odds of do you have sean murray at the company you gave me odds of five i've always given you one you have no no i'm not doing this [Applause] for you no no no come on you've got a good idea bro fine dm sean murray at the come zone he won't get it now but he will get it when the podcast comes out i'm very worried for your mum will because she's got to the bit where you talk about how you want to be a droid and she's got i'm just going to skip ahead and she's gone i never talked about i wanted to be a droid i just told you the weirdest one i've ever listened to i don't have fantasies about being a joy i'd like us to go back in time sorry can we just go to bar here i'm a little droid it was an i [ __ ] hate this podcast i hate you [ __ ] bunch of [ __ ] i still should have stuck with exo so funny uh neymar wasn't very good in the champions league was he [ __ ] football bro [ __ ] football we we we played rugby in this house yeah no we died yeah i didn't watch the champo league final but you didn't watch it you didn't miss anything george watched it lost twenty clicks pretty good you had a bat one didn't you well yeah i had 400 quid riding on [ __ ] psg to win and they flopped it and pape and neymar showed up like the [ __ ] f2 freestylers yeah useless dance useless and cried at the end did they cry yeah i don't know i cried he was in tears mate poor little man absolutely [ __ ] that's what you get ma'am so you get going to live in paris well it's a nice place paris but um i saw a review earlier that said they don't believe that i speak more than english so all right come on then i mean you've never proved it i'm not did adios but you couldn't do the transition i'm not i'm not i'm not proving anything i don't feel the need to oh mate it's conspiracy yeah can you just say stuff you should you should do it and then bryce should just like subtitle with horrendous atrocities that you're saying underneath uh i i didn't hear that because uh my internet died for a second don't worry about it we all know that you've been saying that stuff that we'll just mention if if will was saying can you please make an asmr video where you're a spanish droid what's this thing about who was this thing about the boxing did any of you watch the boxing thing i didn't watch i did yeah i did it was good i don't know about you guys i'm not a boxing guy right yeah we know you're all you're all here for what the e-boys think of of boxing fights got clotted he got whacked yeah no i i put in the dock white got clotted rip my guy i don't know who that is [Music] the new topic siren this one's a stinker what's next some people might call that the segway alarm leafy leafy you want to talk about leafy um i wish you hadn't been i know i know he made a horrible video about you it's a bit raj to just suddenly poofy's gone like i can't i can't say i'm surprised like with their [ __ ] harassment right see the thing is it's like i mean we've been like there's people we've been warned directly by youtube about like i know i have i've been warned about making like consistent videos on people like doing like multiple in a week for example yeah so i can i saw the [ __ ] on pokemon and i was like that's walking a fine line it doesn't even really matter what you're saying it's like did he have a strike beforehand or was it just suddenly gone i think he was suddenly gone uh yes my video got taken down on the video that he did on me got striked down um and i swear i had nothing to do with that but then he got put back up so surely that's true when he got put back up so like he did get warnings but then youtube went hey here's some warnings and they put the videos back up so yeah i don't really understand that because the h3h3 video got striked in it as well i really think you should get a warning like he should have had like if even if it was just someone saying like come on dude but like the fact that it's just everything and then nothing is it's a bit [ __ ] but alas i wonder do you think he'll get it back or do you think it's done i don't think he'll make a thing i will i mean when he got i thought he was i don't think he gets it back i don't think he gets i don't think so because they terminated his second channel pretty swiftly after so that's probably a sign that they're like yeah i didn't know that but story fire story fire have been getting a bunch of creators involved recently and i know he's on there now is that mcjuggernuggets yeah yeah yeah i mean i kind of laughed it off when i first saw it but now i'm like [ __ ] they've actually got like quite a few credits on there and you can definitely see why those creators are doing it do you remember the first one that came around i don't know if james if you would have been there for that vid yeah do you remember me that tanked though that tanked whereas this is like this they seem they're investing in it like they're actually like bringing on creators to make exclusive content like a competitor is there's nothing wrong about a competitor it's only only welcome really yeah um you know it's uh it's a bit of a worrying time really just in terms of content because you know tick tock is going to get bad might get banned and then you know if you make videos on people i mean obviously but i haven't seen the pokemon video so i really can't give an opinion on whether they were harassment or not i don't watch them do you think it's just the sheer number of them it doesn't really matter what you say i honestly i watched a lot of the videos i wouldn't say they're like i wouldn't call them like harassing yeah but it doesn't matter what you say anymore like if you make commentary videos and you're critiquing people and you do it a lot youtube are like within their within their like tos whether you agree with it or not they have the right to take videos down if you've been paying attention and like and i have yeah but the thing is i'll go on george like the thing is i think they should have given him a strike for it or like told should like he didn't get a warning he he's been doing this his whole youtube career so he's kind of probably thought of [ __ ] he keep going about this uh he's way tamer than he was like back in the day so he was just keeping karen going about what he was doing and then all of a sudden his channel just poof gone like nothing like they didn't give him a warning or anything from like what i've heard but yeah if he'd have had if it if this strikes it's if the strikes were on the community guidelines for the video on me and the one on h3h3 if they didn't know you're one got real estate if you all got ruined yeah if they stood i would have understood why his channel was taken out but they didn't stand they rescinded though so i feel like youtube fumbled the suspension what do you mean like as in if they were to suspend him why reinstate the videos the other two why aren't did he get suspended did he get no so originally he had the videos taken off and taken down and then i put the videos back up and then take him down a month later so why would you do that either to go in 100 or dying i think we need to remember that like youtube isn't just like one singular unit of one person going leafy god white susan h like it's it's probably different people it's probably different teams that did it both yes that's what i've heard i've heard that sometimes like people meet people and go oh this team probably didn't like that video i think the thing is it just doesn't it doesn't feel very concise like there's a lot of channels that make there's a lot of channels that did that many videos on like pokemon which is what i think it was but it just so happened that leafy was one of the bigger ones like and then he got taken down i think almost as a way of like well let's make a point by taking him down you know what i mean i think the whole thing invalidates the strike system because the strike system is in place to like be like okay don't this is your warning don't do it again like you get two warnings it's meaningless really isn't it just goes to show it just doesn't matter like it's not impossible to shake those i've still got a community guideline strike on my channel it's been like two and a half months still yeah it's three months after it expires uh the one on that uh the dwarf kid no because i didn't bully him man i didn't do that what did you do on him oh wait the little lion prick i don't think he was lying i know i just made a video i just went this is what's going on i didn't say oh i thought it turned out it was full of [ __ ] i don't know i didn't say that in the video it was very much a fence-sitting video but like i mean youtube decided it was community guidelines and they took it down and like to get get rid of strikes with the nightmares so like i don't understand yeah community guidelines ones are a myth but when i i had a community guidelines one when i had like i can't remember if i had like 4k subs or it was between 4 and 20k and i was living pretty much on like livestream money it was like literally the way i paid my rent was for doing live streams and when you go through yeah come guild times yeah it's fine when you when you but when you get a strike you can't stream anymore so like i got a striker i was literally like i can't stream on my biggest platform and that was like my main moneymaker at the time so it's sort of systems never really worked has it i don't think it makes sense that they take away like the the live streaming thing like losing that i was like what yeah weird features that they remove if it's copyrighted it makes sense though it wasn't i don't think it was i think it was community if it is the i'm just saying yeah that kind of makes sense yeah very very uh odd anyway i mean god knows what's gonna happen with that i'm so out of the late putting that stuff nowadays like i just don't really honestly i wouldn't know what to do if if when i get a strike i i don't even know to ask for help anymore like what'd you even do with them it seems to be all over the place it's a desperate cry from the heart that oh no please help me get ready um what's this ksi trippy red stuff oh rattled by a call freezie video did you ever think you'd see the date it's bob really so they were doing like say it or shot it and he goes who's the worst artist you ever worked with and i watched it back so i saw the kickoffs first and then watched the video and they're doing stories and [ __ ] back and forth jj the video was just like oh yeah it was just a bit difficult to work with really like his music was a bit difficult and then he was like oh you paid for my studio and then jj's back and i'm like [ __ ] you for going to see jake like all that much to do about nothing but [ __ ] yeah cal frizzy video right now she went with jake paul didn't he i watched the video it's a really funny video but i i haven't seen the back and forth since like what's that what do they actually say to each other it was just like yeah uh thank you for paying for my studio you built this this was a weak-ass song and yeah wow just just yeah a bunch of nothing but do like very odd i didn't really that's so weird ksi versus trippy red what a strange strange word we live in i didn't if you did a song with jake paul did he or he went and hung out with you you went and did some boxing with him right wow jake paul's cool he's a cool guy have you seen jake paul did like an interview today no oh where he called the aircon it was didn't he say something about like how the fbi thing was like a whole lot of nothing oh i don't know i don't know if you've seen something different to me me just like he's basically just like yeah the fbi getting involved it's just the people making a big deal out of nothing mate see fbi what are you all about he's a big deal yeah i saw him he's saying he was sucking off vlogging because youtube's a dead end yeah she did say that didn't he the platform's just done with him it's not a done platform yet i've logged in proven that he needs to do a podcast where he talks about ass hey jake you wanna come on oh [ __ ] sick maybe he could be the first uh guest on the the anal corner yeah unbelievable jake paul what's the biggest thing you've shoved up your ass what the [ __ ] is the anal corner we discussed this in the last episode to be fair jake paul would be a great person to have on the ass cast what the anal corner is we we ask people for pictures of their [ __ ] you need to stop bringing this back to bombs it's every [ __ ] episode you just talk about us men's asses i think we should have a wall uh when we get a podcast studio the the anal corner where we just hang up little polaroid pictures you know when joe rogan does pictures with his guests oh this is a huge mosaic it's fat but it's all of us it's all of us and the guest and we've all got our ass down i bet we'll go back to even the droid crack here well you'd want a droid crack wouldn't you yeah yeah you always bring it back to us oh batman look good yeah i want him to bang it i really want rob patterson to bang it yeah i think you i think you'll be interested um i don't know i saw the trailer got leaked and then they uh put out originally they're very hopeful friend not saying fear is 20 21 i appreciate the optimism oh yeah so you know i'd love to see it i think it was back open now i think they are for us but not not in america not number one so are they releasing much new at the moment or is it like it very much isn't it coming out soon tenant comes out this week right yeah that looks pretty good that's done by what um the guy did nolan yeah christopher nolan i can't remember if we talked about this last podcast but did we talk about um i think it was mulan if this is anything about arsenal's land i'm gonna say no it's not about arseholes mulan you know the disney films they really [ __ ] people didn't they they made a live action uh version of it and get guess how much they're charging for on uh disney plus a platform people already paid for nine pounds no it's like i think it was like thirty thirty three dollars three quid thirty three dollars twenty twenty eight twenty five quid for a film that's ridiculous and that's also ridiculous because they pulled it from studios so you know like when you go into like cinemas and people the big cardboard cutouts are like mulan and it's like all the characters they just went hey every cinema that's gonna make all the money uh showing the one of the biggest disney movies of the year unlucky it's on disney plus now and there's like this a cinema and i think we did talk about his last podcast he puts a hammer through the moonland cardboard cutout seems like cinemas in america are just a bit [ __ ] at the moment like like i mean america is completely [ __ ] for that with virus yeah actually could have written i don't know if we spoke about us did anybody we see the the sway house tick tock gerard anybody what the [ __ ] is that who the [ __ ] is the sway house the sway house okay i'll explain it i actually probably should have written this down actually it's a pretty good one um i don't know if you met him at the box here but bryce hall famous tick tocker who is dating addison he was too busy punching people weren't he yes he he he shook my hand and he said i love your hype house video and then he went and beat some bloke up right next to us which was odds um this was when we were at the give fight uh he does that a lot apparently shocking shocking evening shocking evening he had a his 21st birthday party had 200 people around in la and like that's not good obviously uh is that slow to meet i wish i had 200 mates well yeah it's great for him loads of yeah but would you want 200 people to turn up who are like half of them look like tana mongeau or artana manjo yes [Laughter] he had a huge party and then la the mayor of l.a shut off the electricity in his house which i don't think you could that's i mean i understand he's being a dick that's a gross overestimation of like power there to just shut somebody's power off because you can't tell i understand there's a virus on and people are meant to be socially distancing but you can't shut somebody's power off because they had 200 people around can you yeah you kind of go higher yeah you run again dancers now you toss it hey now i i think i think he did a naughty and he got a slap on the wrist for doing a naughty the mayor's just like turning it off and on to the beat so he's got like dude no i'm not saying that what he did was fine i was saying that at all but i'm saying that like you go around and you give him a fine you can he's the mayor [ __ ] it just go to the lucky off all right you guys would be horrible people in power i'd never want to do that's going to [ __ ] deter anyone because if you give a fine to a rich person for having a party they don't [ __ ] care bro if bryce hall can get it who can't like but if you turn off their electricity then they're gonna care like you from experience said george i've seen you on call of the year on man yeah they're trying to charge me like [ __ ] three hundred a month i'm not having an accident don't set him off don't set him off i'm not [ __ ] having it they're trying hang on to read the electricity bill you're the brighter of uk youtube so okay on the phone we agreed a 100 and something a month that was it because they kept overcharging me and no no i want to tell this [ __ ] story on a single thing that man is saying uh the fact that will and alex is still reacting makes me feel like he's still going i'm not going he's muted me he still hasn't he i know i'm gonna go because they were trying to [ __ ] overcharge me so much he comes around and he's like oh i'm sorry i'm not qualified enough to read the meeting what the [ __ ] do you mean you're not qualified enough to why did they say that was a bit of a piss take i'm not gonna lie that is mocking it tell me more no genuinely and um so then i got on the phone on the phone for a couple hours and i was like okay well we've agreed to like i think it's like a hundred and something okay but i'm still telling it a month they're like okay then they get another bill through they want another [ __ ] 200 quid out of me i'm not gonna [ __ ] pay it [ __ ] you eon right i stand by you they should not be over charged us for our internet we're social media influencers and we will not be determined is [ __ ] broken you admit it you made it on the phone why are you [ __ ] charging me it's disgraceful for them they need to sort their life out but basically to end the sway house talk um they're off they've gone we stand we stand with you bryce hall we know what it's like to be bullied by the electricity man and we stand by you um no i mean don't have parties with 200 people in it's [ __ ] stupid uh i don't think i need to tell you that with anything into the house he started off his new video though where he got a covered test all right and um he just ended up like celebrating the fact he number one he goes it's really bad for um you know it was irresponsible for me to have that party and he goes but i do have a montage of it anyway and he plays the montage of his birthday party and then after he plays the monster now you guys are back um let me finish my story about the eon man so basically bryce was like oh no oh i'm really sorry guys it was irresponsible for me to have that birthday party and then he goes but i do have a montage of the night and i think my eon story is closer to home like more people can relate to being [ __ ] over by the energy man what kind of music do you reckon they listened to at that party uh trippy rides houses pit bull bangers just joking oh wait i know i know what album he'd like there's a oh well there's the an album coming out on november 13th you'll know about it's your favorite yeah there's a lot of music videos music videos and extras i've heard right there i've heard that there's an album coming out i'm not getting there's an album coming out on november 13th and it's got lots of music videos and extras how have you not heard about this will you right this album is going to change well haven't you guessed it yet right it's not the biggest thing like there is so much music videos and i don't know what extras means whatever it is the gummy bears dropping a slapper and i can't wait for it thanks for watching uh this episode of the podcast everybody we greatly appreciate all of you coming out um uh three times you can bite him see you next one
Channel: The Eboys Podcast
Views: 853,802
Rating: 4.9574952 out of 5
Keywords: eboys, the eboys podcast, eboys podcast, willne, james marriott, imallexx, memeulous, episode 3, amsr, tik tok, flight simulator, fall guys, eon, leafy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 53sec (3653 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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