We Are Down Bad - Eboys Podcast #26

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right hello welcome back to the evoice podcast we're really up for it today on yeah really good yeah yeah i actually can't wait i can't wait i can't wait for this one i feel like we've gotta have more enthusiasm this time because the way the last one ended obviously with you quitting yeah no i'm happy to be here i'm gonna last the whole 90 minutes 60 minutes hopefully five no not nine years i'm gonna be there all the time full time whole time me at your mom do you think we could if you think if you think we can keep this up for 90 minutes then you're wrong no it will peter out about 45 like it always does maybe 30. depending on how good the episode is and then we'll we could stall it we could aim for an hour there we go there's a sex joke in here somewhere will was um fairly angry with me last week after the amount of [ __ ] jokes i did so uh two things have happened because of that i think i've been dealt my fair dose of karma which we will be getting into and uh second of all today i'm not gonna be making any [ __ ] jokes i'm gonna be refraining today so this is the one anyone at home who hates the [ __ ] [ __ ] jokes this is the one that's cute careful all right did you see the comments on you what did i say you said he said thank you it's only a group of people don't worry about that the top comment on your tick tock because you posted the tick tock of the highlights of the podcast which i didn't realize the podcast had highlights but that's fantastic tonight um what highlights the top comment was james is a lot funnier when he doesn't try now i think people believe that you think those jokes are really funny which i prefer the idea yes [Laughter] you must be somebody yourself away it must be self-aware and yeah you're just saying that to make yourself feel better about it no i think it's funny because of how bad they are but yeah i i get what you're welcome all right yeah who fancies a bit of your news this week then i'd love some um no i'll i'll be honest right nutty news has kind of just devolved into how like what's the most mangled animal we can find and i'll be honest right now wait you can't bring up order after saying mangled animal yeah that's horrible really all of that no i said has really taken this mangled animal thing and ran with it no not finding them on the internet right honestly this whole nothing news is just funny-looking animals [ __ ] animals yeah i was looking for the podcast topics it was just pictures of mangled animals um all right so who wants to see she's just been running over animals all week for this podcast you get interrupted every single topic and nobody's gonna go all right who wants to see the real life baby shark yeah baby human face what oh i've seen this it's it's so strange it's [ __ ] hideous yeah okay and coming in yeah boys three two one there he is oh i hate that i really hate that oh this mutant shark has a distinctly human appearance with two large round eyes underneath its snout a man was fishing off the coast of indonesia and accidentally caught an adult shark and basically he cut open the adult shark's belly and found this the shark looks like it's part of a club what club what what type of clubs i reckon yeah no it does look like a mix between a kkk member of the michelin man racist entire company he uh so this man found it off the coast of indonesia uh he took it home and apparently everybody in his town wants to come and see it people have been asking to buy he's preserved it he says many people want to buy it but i will preserve it instead i think it will bring me good luck now i don't know about you but if i saw that there's nothing telling me good luck you think let me get that thing as far away as possible that's all you know what ass talk i reckon it would feel good up the bum that's terrific even no james no i'm happy to be here i'm happy to be here i'm not happy to be here yeah i'm not signing off on on this episode well done well done three out of four thank you all right uh i can i just take away on from that from the ice thing i saw a dog on tick tock this week i don't know if you ever seen dogs no you could like weirdly human eyes like you know when you look at a dog and it looks like it looks like it's it knows everything it was really off-putting like this person filmed their dog i'm sure if you could you could if you google dogs with like human-like eyes they're really scary because it just feels like they're judging you are you talking about like the really like the huskies with like the really sharp blue eyes yeah like light blue ones no no no no no no no like like um wait i'll put one in chat yeah there's this because suck from zach and jay his his dog has because it looks like a person that's been trapped in a dog's body what they call george dogs that's a that's a fairy it's a fairy's dream jesus sorry what type of dog is it i don't know there's loads of dogs like it they just get born with eyes like that oh my god yeah no when you when you search up you see so many hold on i found one as well they're really that i don't like them at all they don't oh james that's just a woman pretending to be a dog horrible called a woman a dog there sorry okay she she follows me on twitter um anyway sorry about that segway uh what's up next tonight do you want to see well no actually it was a good segway alex because uh the next one of our animals has where mutant animals for the week is a dog uh it has six legs and two tails it's [ __ ] hideous two tails let's see him let's see let's say let's see the poor bastard god it's like a custom character in it have you noticed that all of these mangled animals are always very young yeah you never get one that lives that long do you i mean yeah no they don't live that they kind of imagine they don't make it very far do they um poor sod but probably for the best is so this [ __ ] is a miracle puppy born with six legs and two tails is the world's first hop it's healthy and healthy no no no it's it's healthy happy no healthy yeah baby then there was an overgrown sheep named barack was found struggling to walk before being shaved of his massive fleet have you seen him he's a big old fat boy hang on let you want to see him but she brought up i remember i saw that i saw a tick tock as well like this where somebody found a sheep that was they die loads of sheep died because they get so aggravated and then it rains and they can't move because it becomes so heavy he's become a rock how does this is a boulder how have they survived [ __ ] graveler if people those years in office sheep like that a lot of domesticated sheep are bred to like produce excess of wool normally like wild sheep they shed it themselves okay um i don't know how do they do that i thought you meant she shed they just just dropped to get the sheers out i reckon he would function as a boat yes yeah he looks like he would float he looks very buoyant i don't think he could propel himself forward i think the legs are engulfed in that as well just get a little motor they'll get a paddle i think you'd be fine yeah install a motor on the back his self-grown jumper weighed more than 35 kilograms almost half an adult kangaroo i don't know why kangaroo was the measurement of measurement here well no you you know you when you pick up a kangaroo you're like i wonder how much a big woolly sheep is in comparison to this well now you know half half all right yeah uh his name is barack very very good i did i did make a [ __ ] joke earlier but i'm glad it went over heads yeah for the last yeah what was it come on i'm not going outside i said i said get out those years in office really didn't do him well okay thanks everyone an animal shelter in phoenix arizona has been offering pre-rolled cannabis joints cannabis joints to anybody who adopts a puppy now i don't feel like that's a that's a that's a great incentive like nice a dog's not just for christmas uh it's just for a joint yeah and also you're attracted to the wrong kind of people there if you stoners with dogs that dog is not surviving that long in a lot of cases have some friends uh the popular pups and pre-rolls promotion which makes sure everyone has a best friend to smoke with offers five pre-rolled joints as a bonus gift to dog adopters that's just you're just asking to get that dog back in six months yeah just give the dog twos wouldn't the dog also if you were smoking around a dog smoking weed around a dog wouldn't the dog also get high i don't i think only if you give it blow back hot box the room hot watch the rain with the talking that dog's living good i don't know what you're about james that dog's having a great time i actually have something that um actually we'll finish knocking these and then we can move on no no that is the end that is that well there's a half story about a man in wisconsin who won two lotteries in a week uh he run 50 grand then 120 grand well in yeah really good apparently in spain um the quite like polit political people win the lottery quite a lot it's a bit of a bit of a scandal over there there's someone i believe there's someone who's won the lottery i think 17 times in spain because i think they just like they shifted the numbers did you see the documentary about the guy that rigged the mcdonald's monopoly for like 15 years yeah incredible documentary that how did how did he do it uh he he worked for like the security company that like transferred all the expensive pieces or some i can't i watched this probably about a year ago so he like switched him out um he was like basically responsible for transporting them and i guess he's i can't remember exactly the details but he switched out like the expensive pieces it was really interesting and then just oh [ __ ] hell because they what they do is they don't they like if you need like two they'll put like they'll distribute loads of like one expense because you need like two to win yeah so say you need like the mayfair one and then they put like in like [ __ ] the south east and then like [ __ ] park lane mayfair like across the other country yeah but this was in america where the prize isn't i think the prize is like two million dollars or something not 100k where it is here yeah here we go about 20 pounds ah i like mcdonald's monopoly because you always know the big tasty with bacon's coming just after that's out right now actually no it's not no it's not i just got rid of it do you want one i don't believe in is the grand big money no that's too bad i didn't need to be bigger i'll tell you what was awful the double quarter pounder that's just a half [ __ ] the meat mcdonald's meat isn't great and it was just more of it right huh it's not something you want more of no no definitely not you know what i'm not a fan of the the mcdonald's chicken burgers that just use chicken selects so i quite like them when they have like the red onions and the what they're called yeah but it's a bit of an reason the chicken one was great i love that yes elite really good there's one that's been out recently which is its own chicken fillet which i'm a big fan of oh yeah no that one's great that one's great the chicken legend is is absolutely chicken that's just too dry in my opinion if you get a barbecue sauce you can put extra barbecue sauce on it it's pretty good right i see the dry comment i see it i see it i see it fair enough fair enough i like that let me tell you speaking of lottery oh wait you guys i was going to say that time james we ordered mcdonald's we got the wrong order and it was like eight fish fillet sandwiches yeah very strange that's like the worst one you could get as well yeah that's like losing the lottery like usually if they give you the wrong one you're like there's some crossover here yeah no it was it was like eight fish filet sandwiches and four oasis i don't know what type of party that is but it's one that i never want to be invited yeah no that's not the one i remember when we were it was back in um our old place when it was i was living with fraser and you came over and i performed perhaps the biggest bait of all time where we were having this conversation and i said like oh i'll order assault mcdonald's uh alex had the phone i i took the phone put my stuff in and then fraser was like talking and he was quite in-depth on something so i i just clicked order and then i passed him the phone so that when he went to put in his after speaking when he went to put in his order he'd look down at the phone and the driver would be already on his way and it worked perfectly he said it was it was almost heartbreaking to see a man go down to a mcdonald's menu to see that the mcdonald's was already on its way it was the fact that he didn't say anything did it it was about he looked at it and like always was like processing the fact that he wasn't going to be getting anything i suppose that's why we got the fish full of sandwiches it was it was karma yeah because then uh he then ordered and his order arrived first so yeah uh which is terrible speaking of uh of lottery i got very lucky this week on my uh on my stream i have a clip should we shall we just roll to the cliff and then and then talk about it after would you want it um should we preface it literally preface it yes get give the story so i wanted i i've been doing a few pokemon box openings on stream i really enjoy it twitch.tv14 uh um and so i did one where i opened a few vivid voltage boxes the elite training boxes was great didn't really get that much so but i was into it by that point so i got a booster box which is 36 packs will messages me 15 minutes before i go live saying hey can i jump on i was like [ __ ] it why not be fun so we got on stream we set it all up he was in the corner of the screen uh and then he says you need to do a bendpak and i was thinking like okay keep things interesting content it works it works for content i said if we get 10 gifted subs i will do a bendpak and then will out of 36 packs in this box pointed to one pack which was slightly dipping out and said that is the one you need to bend um if we get 10 gifted subs and then i'm gonna yeah this this is when it all went to [ __ ] i cannot believe how much is 10 gifted subs how much do you get off that like 25 25 quids which up realistically i i then upped it so it went 10 gifted subs for one 25 gifted subs to do another one and then 50 gives it gifted subs to the third which then paid for the next box so it's kind of like okay i can't so we ended up we ended up cutting the pack in half instead of bending uh i can't remember to be honest i don't think he exists right he doesn't want it will saw this two seconds after the bend worked oh [Applause] the amount of times i've watched back that reaction because he's been after this card for like literally months right this is on about for this this is the only reason like five times the only reason i've been buying this set i swear to god it's it's a psa ten it can go up for it can go up to a thousand dollars per card and here it is uh the the rainbow pikachu i've lost mine no no so i've um i've i've just put him in so you can see that the rip's still there oh that's um good good uh but but in in on brighter news right there is a version of the card which is a bit it's 25 pounds right but i'm glad i packed him myself so it's just the same card but not a rainbow oh right okay so it's not good no it is good it's still good it's not the rainbow one though it's not the same no it's not i bet you wish you had a rainbow one that wasn't like cut in half like yeah it kind of sucks that that was the one like what are the odds i have bought another box and um will and i will be doing more uh pokemon card openings and he will hopefully be ripping up some of his [ __ ] packs when we do them right it's the new age ultimate team how about how much is a box that's what this is how much is a box a box is about 130 to 150 pounds on pokeyrand.net.com bigger brandy sells them at fair prices bigger bigger mr randolph tell you what will one of you jump on a stream if i were to do that because oh i can't say what to stream but yeah i think that would be quite a fun stream i'd love to i'd love to do it i think we should all get on it'll be really funny yeah every fantastic ebook is becoming a pokemon channel yeah i wouldn't be a part of what how could we do it in a fun like high-stakes way if we were doing it as an e-boys way we'd have to get a an old box it would have to be oh those ones are sold out now jim maybe get boxes get boxes and open each other's so like i will swap boxes and then you open them and you've got to give it back what you get at the end could be could be that would actually be really interesting then we'd have to go we we couldn't do the new boxes though we'd have to go for like a jungle box or something like that oh [ __ ] those are expensive those are well [ __ ] company money boys oh yeah it's it's i've never seen that cash any other way that's all i know is that he has destroyed the pricing of pokemon single-handedly yeah because there's the one one of the boxes i want to get is the shining fates box and there's another one called hidden fates and i wanted to get that uh on an elite trainer box for that because it has this really cool uh articuno moltres and zapdos card which is like a mosaic it [ __ ] looks phenomenal um but getting one of those boxes which is 10 packs is 130 pounds at the moment just big pokemon he started the pokemon hype um i think it's harsh to say he's done a lot to say not to drive the prices up where he could have just been like ah [ __ ] it you know although the [ __ ] bald guy on his first stream he was fraudulent oh people hated him yeah he got he he was on the second stream as well he packed up what's he did let him back he packed a hollow mewtwo as well so [ __ ] like tens of thousands apparently he pulled two charizards oh wait oh my god crazy within the first five packs two charizards oh in the first five oh you'd be so [ __ ] human if your pack was after that because you know for [ __ ] like for a damn shirt you aren't getting that yeah yeah but i think the box itself had three chanseys and two charizard hollows which is nice yeah i think so all the blastoises but and they got a blastoise as well and a venusaur so it's just like incredible luck it was it was pretty crazy that's insane i stayed up until two well until four in the morning watching it really interesting stuff and someone this is amazing right we mentioned randolph right and um his his pokemon.net website where you can pick up pokemon cards we stan um someone okay basically because each pack on average went for 36 grand right dollars and you were able to basically have an ad with the card with what they what was read out people really took advantage of the fact that people were just saying their accounts or like their instagram handles for the first box break that they did last year and so this year bunch of crypto people just were like talking about [ __ ] finance and oh use coin coin coin dot coin that you know and [ __ ] like yeah yeah it was pretty dreadful but then one person who bought two packs so 70 grand their message was check out randolph and like go and use his website oh wow that's cool which was just absolutely lovely yeah just a guy who who genuinely loved randolph's content and what he does because randolph has like really good systems where he he kind of i don't know you gotta go watch one of his videos yourself and just he cares i think he he genuinely cares for it and i think that's what kind of separates him in my mind to a lot of other people who pokemon research has been really cool to watch to be honest yeah i mean it never really goes away does it i wonder if the prices will crash like because it's been such a [ __ ] boom do you think you just keep going because charizard will probably end up a million dollars yeah i mean it's will it before or not i think it will stick i don't think it will go down because there's been such a [ __ ] hype but then it's hell it's held longer than i thought it would have now like when he did the first box i thought all right you know this is the next youtube-ish craze for the next two or three weeks but it's held pretty [ __ ] solidly and even in the new cards like when you all mentioned that shine and fate [ __ ] maybe maybe it won't maybe it'll help yeah i mean sold out boom like it's gonna it's gonna be immediate like it's gonna be very hard to pick those up and there's a hidden fates uh they're they're reproducing them again and and they're gonna go like [ __ ] nothing as well i i think the issue is with pokemon for it to retain its value and to build on it the next few games have to be incredible because that like sword and shield's good but it's not fantastic you know do they though because i don't know if it's if it's i don't i know it's the same [ __ ] brand but like isn't it not nostalgia for old pokemon [ __ ] yeah but there's some new training cards it's more than cards right we will we will always have nostalgia for it right but i don't think the current generation growing up now necessarily have the same feeling towards pokemon yeah but they're not the reason it's trending now no but the reason it could build is what i mean so if you kind of maintain that nostalgia and get more and more people into it then over time it will they will be impossible i wouldn't say it's a cycle it lives like a cycle just it self-fulfills itself really there um yeah it's crazy they just announced the new game the open world game didn't they which i just got rid of my switch so that was great oh um oh what happened to you oh i just gave up i haven't i generally just haven't touched it like a year so i thought i might as well get somebody actually wants to play it um so i i i axed it um but yeah i wanted to say something george i did about pokemon i did um will you i remember you were telling me um like a couple weeks about these nfts because oh yeah mentioning like logan paul i i still don't understand what that is do you pay for like a jpeg is that what it is it sounds like you just think well can i not just [ __ ] right click save as myself no it's like kind of just like digital ownership of oh it's kind of like you know like you could just go and [ __ ] buy a copy of the mona lisa and whack it on the wall but you don't own the mona lisa it's kind of just like that it's like original ownership of digital lot that's kind of no i don't get it i think if you own a painting um some paintings you can own them but they still have to stay in the museum no but i think the paintings it's like you get the thing of like it was hand done by them yeah i think that's what you get with paintings whereas with digital it's just like you've got that jpeg i mean if anyone wants to it's like you have digital yeah you're not gone yeah if anyone wants to buy digital art from me then do you know what you know what do you know what kind you know ultimate team right so you've got [ __ ] banging ronaldinho icon on the wing you've got like you've got him yeah and it still works but it's like the original one it's that will hold well 50 000 offer right now to own all of james marriott's thumbnails as long as i can keep using them yeah i can load them back but i just want them to be digital art that is digital art well this is the thing right what what you were saying well about fifa cards i was thinking to myself i was like because i i put another 100 and i think it was 140 pounds before before randolph told me i could get it for 129 on his website i spent it on ebay um and i was like can i really justify like buying these boxes over and over again i am making the money back on stream but still it's like 140 pounds on pokemon then i thought god back in the day i'd spend this amount of money on fifa and i don't know these things i don't have those cards anymore i'm not going to go back on that game probably more than twice so it kind of to me it feels like having something physical this is something i will always have even if it is ripped in half and that's why i can't quite understand the nft stuff just yet but maybe it's a thing that will happen over time could be a load of waffle but i do enjoy it for me it feels like it feels like do you know when [ __ ] youtube the part that dropped the partner program and suddenly get could get paid of chat [ __ ] online i feel like this is hang on is like uh artists and graphics designers version of this i feel like they are now can build out of the world of kind of just working on a whim for someone else or whatever they can create something really special and then directly for you you can commission a benefit from that in a monetary way i think it's yeah it's really it could be really cool i think it's very um very young and it could be it could end up [ __ ] but i think there's a lot of talk about bringing it into the music space and people are already doing sports cards on the blockchain could be interested could be i think it would be fascinating i could definitely understand it if it was like singular specific items so for example we spoke about the mona lisa it's like you have the the mona lisa let's say of nfts but i saw logan paul doing like okay we've got 111 of these we've got 10 of these ones we've got three of these it's like well no technically you have unlimited amount you've just said that there's three of these ones specifically because like he's like the the tokens being like yeah no but he'll have only minted three there's only three minted there's only three out there yeah but i just like for me it's kind of like if if you had a piece of art in real life if that's what we're comparing it to if if you did three you know that they they would even slightly be different if you if an artist was sadistic enough to make themselves do three of the set exact well masochistic enough to do three of the exact same drawing they would still be slightly different it sounds weird done it but it's not it sounds like you have to really believe in it yeah like you have to be willing to play along for it to already work kind of not kind of like going in on paint and just going copy paste copy paste right they're minted though so they each have value and that to me it's just like i think having singular versions of them and knowing you are the sole owner of that specific one that i could get behind it's interesting i wonder i wonder what will happen with it i wonder uh like it seems to be uh booming at the moment so we'll see i suppose i've been interested where it's at in like six months time might be nothing i've been one of the worst fads ever i wanted to i made a tweet about this actually um this is devastating this i i'm sorry i'm gonna bring the mood down here um but the company that makes mr potato head is taking the mister off of the packaging and ipad pc gone mad isn't it it is mate it is pc i'm bloody mad um the thing is they're still selling mr potato heads i don't think people understood this i think people thought that it's just gonna be a p just potato head this is so stupid i can't believe i'm talking about things it makes [ __ ] sense so people thought the mr potato head was no longer a man no you could still buy a male mr potato head although i don't ever remember buying i don't remember buying a mr potato head and going oh detachable [ __ ] that was never a thing i think this is a potato head advertising company do you think this is like whatever they've done i mean anyway who buys mr potato heads nowadays no one is it the toy story one is that is that who we're talking about all right have you seen that clip of toy story from toy story where he goes that's mr potato head to you woody that's potato head what people don't understand is people think it's like pc god bad but in reality it's because the so the companies is so [ __ ] a dub no come on come on the company that owns the company that owns mr potato head is called mr potato head but they sell mr and mrs potato head under the umbrella so the reason they change the name is because it's potato head and then you can buy mr and mrs it's which makes sense yeah [ __ ] like media outlets putting that out they know what they're doing they know this will spark some outrage let's get my [ __ ] interactions up and stir the pot a bit because skinheads saw that and they thought yeah they take your mr potatoes [ __ ] away just okay you not thought of [ __ ] mr potato head next they're gonna be making him wear a mask yeah mr oh he's literally got interchangeable body parts that is the whole point of the character if anything it's one of the most progressive toys there is i don't understand it's a [ __ ] potato i don't understand yeah also potatoes don't have gender well i don't know that's controversial i have no idea twitter will have a go at it um yeah i'm still waiting for mr cucumber [ __ ] wait that's a real one he's a male for sure in shape and everything definitely what have you sent here well uh did you could you could you share your screen please james this irish uh politician guy is a good old clip talking about getting kids back in school so he's he's i had a bit of a gaff okay ready wow schools preschools and child care next week we'll see kids in uniform again i don't think there's anything i'd more like to see next week oh my god if those kids go back to school and ruin like summer and the euros and the pub they can all [ __ ] off yeah well said well get the [ __ ] oh they're [ __ ] kids disease spreading bastards skive off school kids if you're listening to this it's one of the best they are the equivalent of of rats in the plague they are can we not just have two more months zoom classes and then make sure we get all their jobs and we can you know have have paints well i get shouted out for going to my raves but kids can go to school what's that about yeah it's not fair it makes no sense i i it's the fact that if you're if you're a kid all you gotta think about is do you want a euros this summer and you've got if you do stay home yeah if you do stay home especially because it could be all in england yeah we get a host of [ __ ] euros and then [ __ ] year six is trying to learn ruin it they can all [ __ ] off yeah i don't care if david gets cut dave gets covered in year six and passes away we want the euros i don't think surely there's not many six year six it's called dave yeah you get that's the name that becomes adopted to you done it really dave it's just when he comes in after his long hard shift to bricklaying ready for history miss he wouldn't be doing that she's been laid off during the pandemic poor bastards speak speaking of um school um there's there is a creator called connor pugs and he's graduating so congratulations to conor parks but he put out a tweet saying the most liked reply will be what i put in my graduation book so i went on to my uw keyboard online and said uh let me let me get up the tweet just so i get it come you're talking as if you don't text arya like this that's why he's got it yeah hold on uh uh my response is look mom i'm graduating and then another night you've done the voice as well yeah that's that's that's sent shivers right through is that how you and arya talk to each other absolutely me absolutely that's how i talk to the cat what was that it was a race car but yeah i also said it like a little and he's submitted it fair enough to him he has submitted it it won i won yeah oh oh and it so yeah i got i i also ray showed him with it so that's right that's not very nice that's horrible that's even worse that's like double embarrassment double jeopardy there it is it's double jefferson it's unfair it just means he doesn't know any minecraft youtubers that's what it means yeah right now you'll find conor in every uh minecraft youtubers tweet replies um so he's always uh he's always he's always just just hiding um and he'll have to pay for it soon because the twitter are releasing a feature of super followers yes i am so looking forward to that there is no one super following at me meals yes they are [ __ ] no if i get my [ __ ] out if i get my [ __ ] out [ __ ] off i'm making like 50 grand a month off that right [ __ ] anyone paying why would you super follow maybe i'm i don't want to cut off a potential avenue but what what good is that super follow people for fans is it just for really funny tweets or is it like we're going to see some some jokes well like i'd say it's kind of like you know for example with like a patreon feed for example where you can get kind of like closer to the crit and i'm not talking with nudes and [ __ ] i'm talking there's a lot of [ __ ] i'm doing my own yeah patreon news that was the camp cast back in the day i mean i mean like privately like kind of more specific tweets of just like how people are feeling and kind of just more direct contact to see how i'm alex is feeling yeah you know i mean i've got an older guy for that yeah he's following my main uh really i'll watch my second channel [Music] uh but yeah i mean i i don't get it like you'll just you'll just be able to see tommy in it tweet more but it would just be on a pay wall oh he's living like he's living if he gets it oh my god yeah oh those guys would just make money wouldn't they yes as if they're not already not yes you've got to pay a fight tommy and it's like 150 million monthly views no if you this is a drop in the ocean think about how many minecraft youtubes are that tweet them i find new ones every day and they all have 300 thousand followers if you had to pay a fiver for each of them just so you because imagine you see a tommy innit tweet and all the replies because they're normally all minecraft youtubes aren't they they'll just be unavailable to be behind the paywall you're gonna have to play you're going to pay to unlock all of them um the minecraft collector games if you're paying a what look at tweets you you really need again no you don't pay for our tweets i love how we went forward we went from virtual art virtual art really cool you know pay for virtual art but sir but uh limited uh paying for tweets no way that's unconceivable yeah no i've got let's just label the e-boys twitter account every tweet's an nft you've got to pay for them bang yeah i've got an idea how about i actually think it would be funny if we put all of the e-boys tweets behind a paywall i've got an idea of how i can make serious money off this i'm just going to tweet really offensive things off the uh of the paid the paid account so if people want to cancel me they have to access the paid account oh mate you just you absolutely you blast from that be the greatest way to not mug people off uh lady gaga's dogs what's going on there she did she shoot a man trying to steal her dog or something no so they the dog walker got shocked they wanted to knicker dogs how expensive are the [ __ ] like half a male the thing is the thing is i don't know if um i don't know if the dog walker got shocked because they knew it was lady gaga's dogs and there'd be a big ransom from or if they were just like expensive people still dogs like yeah apparently people are stealing dogs way more at the moment like because puppy prices are [ __ ] through the roof through through the woof yeah hey can i leave now can i go oh my god that's crazy though i swear apparently her dogs are worth like half a mil really so we've got bullet points here well she no she got she put out a thing for half a mil ryan said he had been walking you're valuing the dogs george if you do that yeah i'm gonna go nick him now i'm gonna go like the dogs get half a mill do you remember this is do you remember when johnny when fraser lost kenji and he tweeted out like uh like he's twitter like i [ __ ] found that dog and i didn't get my rewards yeah he tweeted out one and a half grand reward and i thought hey i i'm gonna me and george literally when we went to go get the dog we're like who says we could we don't just keep it well half grand on the on the price on the edge you keep the dog yeah that's why we didn't let him in the e-boys she didn't give me ransom money he gave me the dog all the ransom money yeah you should have you should have kept the dog until he paid [Laughter] it's mine it's fine now 10 grand a dog is what it was you're fair enough fair enough well not fair enough surely the values sorry i missed i've just skimped the bullet points she's offering half a mil for the safe return of gustav and koji could not just buy her two similar looking dogs yeah but it's about the emotional connection will 500k though yeah but it's like you know like when a goldfish dies and your mum and dad just replace it with another goldfish just do that would lady gaga know james if what i went missing how much would you how much would you give to someone if they found him oh damn well to be honest i wouldn't i'd never lose him in the first place don't advertise this don't advertise give people a reason to come and steal your class because no one's gonna be in you they're not gonna be in here flat yeah no actually that is a [ __ ] point i love the idea of 80 people lining up outside james's building just with battering rams just trying to get up the stairs stealing his cat that cat is locked in that apartment never leave him well the thing is he's not really allowed out unless i take him on a walk but people will steal him if i go on on too many walks of them around here so i don't really want to risk it and if you walk your cat you deserve shot like the bloke was walking no no no walking a cat that's [ __ ] weird yeah but they gotta get their exercise we just [ __ ] let them out why have you gotta go with them why you gotta go with them yeah but if you live in a flat well this is we have a cat wheel we we have a cat wheels the guy got started shot is in um uh stable condition so he's recovering [ __ ] him brilliant i mean that's a job when you're professional dog walker that's a job you don't think requires a bulletproof vest but maybe it does yeah if you're wearing 20 grand dogs you should be you know but his fee for juggernauts yeah his fee for dog walking now must be through the roof oh root very roof oh unbelievable you'd be lady gaga you get [ __ ] it's just stone blue's joke that's not funny thank you george you the amount of money you'd ask lady gaga for after you get shot ever after her dogs because you know she's got mad cash hmm big old cash i don't think so alex i don't think lady gaga actually has that much money you know no you can james come on where's the punt was it was a lady gaga song type punch okay she she lives for the uh pause or pause of course there you go that's where you go [ __ ] off um did anyone see this video of the spiders in the bedroom oh my god no no i hate these clips i honestly i have i haven't seen it either it's at all a clip but i'm i'm ready to watch if someone would wouldn't mind yeah i'll watch if yeah come on james come on james mrs you know when uh will annie was doing epic funny oh there's a spider behind you there's a spider behind you that's this is the nightmare version of that that's what this is all right ksi lost that reference referring to a bunch of spiders babies one is like oh that's not too bad but they're the babies maybe they're from where's the accent but then she says look in the other corner i'm not playing that game oh my god [Music] and that's they're the [ __ ] babies they're kind of wham oh that's guys the [ __ ] on me i hate it stop saying oh that's [ __ ] gross man oh and i was saying ours in like ah no no she went oh look at that where's the [ __ ] mom the man must be massive do you just look out the window it's just like arrogant careful careful boys oh god getting railed i wanted i wanted to show you uh cynic uh cynic my editor has started a tick tock account this is his first this is his first ever tick tock it is bang it's banging he uploaded it today he it already has like 200 000 views man what is something really stupid that you collected this is just it's fantastic he said like this is banging and i went and watched it i was like no [ __ ] wonder this is banging the day you collect so a few years ago i was walking around and i found this in the street it's just a passable photo of some random boy that i don't know at the time i thought it'd be really funny to put it in my wallet uh because other people would have pictures of their kids or whatever sometimes it was open people would see it be like is that your cousin or something and i'd be like no it's just some boys [Music] down they were just like everywhere just just this ain't real it is who are these people well how is he 26 basketball photos so many like seriously seriously no whether i've never found a passport it keeps going it just doesn't stop i don't know this is this is after meeting this man and being friends with him for a long time and knowing the amount of shite he collects this is most definitely real hundred percent wait no but how did you come across that he said he said well as he said in the tick tock he just they just come to him he just looks down every now and then and he always sees them yeah he's been on tick tock for nine hours and he has already been accused by the top comment with 3 000 likes of being a murderer why is nothing i can back that i can back that back why is no one talking about the fact that he probably murdered those people and collects their photos as trophies cynics has been on tick tock for nine hours and is a criminal i love that app well the best thing is is people in the comments are claiming to recognize some of the photos that he has those people because you and surely there are definitely some that are telling the truth because it's like when you have that many pictures and you're putting it out there and it's going that viral people have definitely seen like seeing some of the people they recognize i was looking out for people i recognized i think that's why it's doing so well what would you do if you just had you in there and you look down at your passport and it's gone he does he probably does no that one i have there's a huge there's a huge poster above it's above his bed that's the worst photo that people could get of you as well nobody has a good passport photo i do i think i look pretty dashing in mine right go and get out you kind of [ __ ] show it can you i'm not on camera but mine's pretty good let's see well yeah sure the webcam should the webcam hang on i'll find it one sec i'll show the webcam i look all right in it well while george is finding that oh i want to say something about setting as well there was a point a few months ago where he was like he was in bed with his girlfriend he told me about this and they were just watching back the eboyz podcast and and she told you it went like cynic by his name but cynic so today oh yeah yeah you woke up you you spent your entire day editing for james you then got on a call with james and played games with james and now you're in bed watching he's james of reflected on him somewhere like [ __ ] yeah it's weird actually yeah his whole life revolves around you in a scary way you'll be the next person on that list of passport photos yeah i'm scared for my life james what are you drinking is that what oats is that is that from joe and the juice where everything's like 10 quid yeah i like it how much was that wait no no it's an ice latte yeah at nine o'clock at night yeah you're [ __ ] psychopath yeah i've been drinking a lot of coffees when did you wake up uh midday oh yeah i had a midday i woke up at 4pm uh yeah let's go i've seen you up at 8am recently and i always think to myself whenever i see you up at eight in the morning it's either you your body clock has either stumbled upon something magnificent or you have not yet slept i can't go in cycles don't you know what it is now currently right i wake up at like 4 p.m and then i'll go to bed i'll get really tired at 10 p.m and i'll be like this is great i'm gonna wake up at like seven it'd be fantastic because i normally sleep like 11 hours anyway because i'm deficient as [ __ ] so my body needs to just save itself and then i wake up at three o'clock in the morning and i'm like [ __ ] you know i [ __ ] it big time well i watch marvel films for six hours because you're in that area it's weird where eight hours could be productive in that time but you're trying to still convince yourself that you can go back to bed aren't you you know i can go back to sleep then it's nine o'clock in the morning you've wasted seven hours i've just sat there and then i wake up again at four and it repeats and that's my life now and i hate it and i stream flight two hours in between that i reckon i reckon i'm asleep more than i'm awake for most of the day which is not yeah i come back that in miami you you were you just were out cold anywhere that's warm it's been a long time if it's warm i sleep i can't a warm country so i can't do it maybe of spanish descent maybe yeah that could be it oh i'm really ill speaking speaking of what's the difference of uh spain when i lived in portugal which is next to spain i was like my sleep schedule was built different i would stay up because i was at uni abroad like trying to experience the culture balancing work that i had to do for my union london work that i was doing at portrait at portuguese university and youtube and i'd stay up until six in the morning my lectures lectures in europe they start at like eight in the morning so i would go get up an hour and a half later like get the train into uni come back at about midday sleep for three hours and then repeat so i would stay up until six sleep for one and a half uni sleep for three day i was [ __ ] do you guys reckon you could do that anymore i couldn't no no i also agree i don't know if it's like growing up or maybe locked down or whatever if i go to bed like late and wake up i have to wake up early but it's ropes i feel [ __ ] horrible i know i wake up at night i went to bed at seven the other night and then i woke up at nine it's horrible it's horrible and like it you just feel terrible all the time i mean that's the thing i mean you're just like yeah and then also i mean just me just me it's been it's been uh the thing is have any of you been outside recently will lenny we chatted for a bit got a picture right socially distanced she goes so when's the next e-boys video and i'm really sorry because i just laughed in her face just so if that was you i'm sorry we i promise we are working on it but yeah lovely to meet you we uploaded the reaction video on my channel didn't we um so that's fair enough to worship i think we've kind of kind of come to we're going to be getting an office when we come out of um lockdown we're going to be reinvesting pretty much anything we can back into making a really sick set and coming back with some high production [ __ ] including upping the podcast and i'm really [ __ ] excited for it it wouldn't take much stop this pile of [ __ ] it will be an incredible improvement we went to a viewing this week didn't we will what do you say sorry we went to a viewing this week didn't we will yeah it went with you this week it was exciting but it just wasn't the right place but we'll find out we could get a cool video set and a cool podcast set and just chill out and [ __ ] loads of chicks in it speaking about it going outside i was i was playing valerian earlier with arya and someone else and then we were talking about going outside and i was like yeah when i take the bins down i walk around the block you know and and then arya called me out very rightly she went [ __ ] you you do not walk around the block you probably just stand outside and just breathe for a minute and then come back in so today i um went a step further and went for a little three minute walk uh before coming back inside i did that i did the exact same thing the other day i was fantastic um i went out to meet my my delivery driver couldn't find the apartment so that's this is the only time i go outside so i had to go outside to go meet him and i picked up my phone i went to instantly walk back into the apartment i thought no i'll stand outside for a bit stand outside for one minute i stood there for about two three minutes i literally went it's probably good enough back in that's as exciting as it gets bleak it's [ __ ] bleak in it yeah but if those super spreaders behave themselves will be out by summer oh man yeah it's gonna be what a summer it'll be it'll be incredible even though it's running in leeds fest doesn't they which is mental to me oh that's a bit early surely yeah that's very optimistic no no i mean like like that's yeah let's get the [ __ ] festivals going they managed to sell it out though they managed to sell all the [ __ ] tickets well this is what i noticed the other day speaking of tickets for the eboyz secret santa video i i booked well and i some flights to glasgow um on the happiest day of the year which happens to be june the 23rd it's back in the days after lockdown is off it's back on yes so we'll have been out of lockdown for two days and we're going to scotland that's the worst book another holiday oh my god so for context what how much did he book it on the flights were how much and how much have we got foreign now we have 45 pounds left for the night so i'm on a date that was my christmas present it's well one of them to be fair it's a [ __ ] day trip out to luton airport and then to glasgow yeah and you did get a rainbow [ __ ] pikachu as well as one of your guests i did i did it sorry i've been grateful i am being grateful thank you james your gifts were the best minus alex's yeah i was very lucky what well now i can't use any of the presents here because the playstation 5 is way more important yeah that this is what i would argue this is what i would argue wills were had a very big advantage for the fact that he doubled the money because then it's like ps5 xbox series x and we can compare with that but i i like to think i put a lot of thought into every single one and i'm really happy with it yes you did thank you well no that's the thing but one of the things because somebody asked me about this on stream and i said um as much as obviously will have more money everything there was i could have been catered more to me really there was nothing there that i wouldn't have wanted like it's true like that is true the necklace i wear the necklace like [ __ ] every single day um the shirt i wear that shirt the headband i've still got the hairband over there well my hair's too short at the moment really to put it on although actually that brings me on saying um i am a traitor oh [ __ ] others not again oh yeah i can't wait to see this to get a haircut you're tough you're so tough i'm [ __ ] um especially because the joy ethan had when i said i'd do it he was so happy and i think for context what's like a video where they're cutting youtubers sidemen clout is too [ __ ] powerful bro they will they get people to do this [ __ ] i went down to as you were on the sofa aren't you george i went my new video was a 10 in 10 and i went i need this that's so sad you went you literally looked at me and went i'm desperate i used to my best friend that's where i'm at now that's where i am can i can i pay you to put something on your t-shirt that day yeah if you wanted to for a video yeah can i pay you to put a message in can i please put a message as well like five hundred quid yeah 500 works i ain't paying 500. if you listen carefully you can hear george going i'll wear a shirt as well will well i'll wear a chevy i want to shout every video for 500 quid yeah um no i will yeah if you want me to yeah even virtually yeah yeah virtually and shake it there we go okay fantastic really so i'm trying to figure who do you reckon i'd be if i get like vic or josh i reckon relatively safe i think toby you'd be the same yet simon me and simon get on well but i feel like commentary channel he might [ __ ] you up um jj i'm that's it's done really be [ __ ] funny if you come you're only going in gea with like no hair and you come out with an afro be great with some massive [ __ ] weave or something but the thing i've been told they have a professional barber on set in case they really [ __ ] it up so that's reassuring really yeah that's relatively reassuring um i don't know how they'll be able to salvage someone who is bold that is the worry though oh do you know um do you know bexy when he shaved the line down his head have you seen alex yeah you could you could pull that off i believe in you you know he's got like hair like yours but like just bald down the middle it's gonna be hat season um really uh coming up i'm gonna be it's gonna be summertime and i'll be going through the entire summer wearing a beanie that's basically sellotaped to my head i will be surprised if the we we have the next podcast and you are not bold i will be bold then the next podcast we do you will have no hair i i'm putting it out there i genuinely believe that is what's going to happen it's going to be it's going to be bad i know it's going to be bad i i try to like smooth it over again oh you can dye it but that would take too long for a video they're going to shave it off let's face it that's kind of hot they'll be shaving youtubers hairs off for half an hour i mean i i'm looking forward to it it will be um it'll be terrifying i'm [ __ ] looking forward to seeing that very looking forward to seeing that i can't wait to see you come back through the door i'll be sitting there waiting like a golden retriever should we save it for a podcast should we like should we record a problem no i live with him how am i not going to see it alex just wear a hat when you come in so don't show up and we all see it live at the same time i think that would be brilliant uh would be a good moment would be a good moment yeah i'll try or we could record i should record a podcast on tuesday straight after let's do it not that nothing happened though right or we could just [ __ ] just the general stuff going on in her life um i got the fear the other day when i saw your tweet about the neighbors yeah what about it no i they're all right i didn't go up and have a go at them did you know i just went it's two in the morning i've got work tomorrow can you like turn it down a little bit cause i'm sleeping right below he was like it was okay you know it was quite obvious he was having a uh the guy was having a party oh wow like um i went out basically it was like [ __ ] thumping music like just base space space it was like my room was basically shaking it's not acceptable basically i went up there it was trevorly shaking am i right boys yeah shut the [ __ ] up what the [ __ ] yeah nice okay so i went upstairs i get out the lift i get up there's like a door a fire door i open the fire door and it's like you know when you're james you know when like you walk into a club oh it's like like like roxy stairs roxy stairs when you walk down the stairs it's like that i felt it was that it was about the same noise there was a club so like impending doom and depression yeah yeah you know it was like genuinely like a club like this same noise level as a club so i got a picture [ __ ] hell uh so i ring the doorbell silence silence for about three minutes i'm just standing how loud it was and then i opened he opens the door pokes his head round and i'm like it's obvious this guy was having like a [ __ ] lockdown party so next time he's doing it i'm calling the police get my money oh it gets invited [ __ ] hell there's two ways i can go really in there i took my dad to roxy once yeah that's a terrible you told me that sounds tragic yeah dad did my dad yeah it was his stag dude so no you went to your dad stacked him your dad went to roxy on his [ __ ] side for context we went to a we went to a brilliant no okay that was not the aim right so we went to this pub we were there for like four hours i think a really nice pub and then they were like oh we're gonna go to a jazz bar and then we went to this jazz bar and it was closed and i was i was i was [ __ ] pissed like i don't think i've ever been well i've been that drunk i've never been drunk in front of my dad but context if you've never been a roxy it's like a student's nightmare and a young one at that well this is the funny thing right so i i i basically was there with like all of my dad's mates from when i was a kid and they were like loving the fact that i was 17 year olds no they were loving the fact that i was an adult now so they all bought me drinks like they were like oh james hands it's like one of those like i'll get you your first beer type memes so i [ __ ] let me speak so i i i i was very drunk and the jazz ball wasn't working and then i was like you know what guys i know a place and then five of them five people left and then we so we got we got an uber to [ __ ] tottenham court road and i took them to the line at roxy and i just i it all hit me at once i was like i simply cannot [ __ ] do this be inside the club with my dad so i found a way to run away no one was looking and no one noticed and i [ __ ] dipped right so before and i dipped right as i was walking in i was like dad no no no if you took him there right the sin was gonna you took your dad oxy right by that point it already happened no you could have then ran with it and pure like eiffel tower last week this is the amazing moment so i dipped i just ran i i got to the stairs and i was like no i'm not doing it i ran i find out the next day my dad had done the exact same thing but 10 seconds earlier so he did that with my son with that [ __ ] and just dipped so he dipped and i dipped around the same time which is brilliant but i do have a video of me and him doing a shot on his stag do so i don't want to i want to show you that oh this is great this is absolutely fantastic a really good memory on to a james barrett story that i want to talk about oh god you told it last week and i think it got brushed over but we'll play this first okay i got a good i got a good proxy story sorry while we're waiting uh i think it was me you and james alex i think it's us three the iconic i think it was when we used to i think it was and then this there was that guy who's like just stood at the bar gurning he was obviously on so much mdma he looks at me you go and i think james i goes and he just looks at us and goes do you fancy a threesome and he's like being dead seriously followed us around didn't he can i can i make it clear here i wasn't a part of this i wasn't a part of this so you two were available for a threesome it's me you and someone else i think no no i was there i was not one of i was not allowed in the freezer not me because it was it was the same night where somebody tried to uh i think somebody tried to [ __ ] beat james up just because he was tall uh this always [ __ ] happens to me people always pick fights on me because i look like [ __ ] hagrid no it's because he's poshed yeah that's why i if i wanted to fight james it would be because he's posh i'll tell you what though when i take george to gay bars people hit on him like nothing else i i've literally had to steal george away from someone who was just dragging him to another side of the club before i'd be you you alcohol will it's because people don't harass women in the gay bars normally that's why we're not well where george is there that little gene although they harass george instead well yeah basically it's like if you go roxy the women get harassed if you go gay bar george gets harassed you gotta pick a choice already there george loves it either way i like the attention all right sorry you got it you got to take george out of the roxy because george harasses women but if you came to the game so james sorry i just want to direct your attention to grace all over the place's comment on this wow your dad is very good looking i've always had this there will be a lot of there'll be a lot of um good job my dad's a muslim what's that right okay i don't get it okay so here here i am doing a tequila shot with my with my dad oh my god this is late your dad and he hates spirits as well there you go let's be honest i'm in the mouth there james marriott love a lime yeah i don't i don't have the limes anymore i've i've evolved past the need for the lime um because because i went to a gay bar and there was a woman who taught me how to do shots with with no chaser and do them easily is this your method the shot technique is the secret to just not drink a chaser after it well you you breathe in before you do the shot and you breathe out after you've had it so you go and it gets rid of all the blood i can do i could shot you you could put any shot in front of me right now and i could do it come on i'd do a shot come on i still pointed the gay bar in it that's my favorite thing it's cheap it's free as well this is the best bit free free cummies all night yeah it's always a happy hour happy night every night really um [ __ ] me [ __ ] me can i uh point out a story from last week that i i only know i heard he because i got my memory was job because people asked why we didn't really we glossed over this last week james merritt was a butler for the prince and nobody said a thing oh we've been told this one haven't we though yeah but i yeah i guess it's just not a surprise to you guys no i i think i was getting called out for people being like oh it must be so normal for all of you guys to just be around for family all the time um that's still mental i think people believe that you got the job to be a part with the royal family but i suppose you were but you were working there already weren't you no no no so i worked for i worked for a catering company um and they just like had odd jobs all around london so anyone could book this catering company and it was very [ __ ] cheap i got paid like 5 15 an hour to do it um and i was just basically dotted around london doing odd jobs i've done lords i was doing one of the really posh box uh boxes and lords for a qriket game and i was meant to get tipped i was meant to get tipped a hundred [ __ ] pounds but because i didn't work for lords i i wasn't allowed to keep my tip oh really and that was that was literally i was paid 25 pounds to work and i got 100 pounds of tips because i was entertaining people at the same time and telling some good puns yeah no that was that was a good half an hour in the bathroom mate giving blowies so that's that's all down the drain i know yeah brilliant fantastic yeah i just wanted to retouch for that just because i think people felt like that was left untouched on the last podcast and yeah i just felt like revisiting that was um it was awful i i honestly like i don't know actually to be fair that one was okay because we got the food the leftover food and i literally went home with so many pieces of expensive steak it might have been wagyu actually it was literally yeah no exactly i feel something there's something about me right whatever job i have i always find a way to get away fantastic boys if you could own one non-domesticated animal as a pet guaranteed safe and tamed what would you have a bear i would say bear like [ __ ] that that's a good one that's if you had a bear as a mate that's yeah that's i don't think there's a better answer than that but they don't exist panda surprise no not this again no this is when i don't have to say a bear or like a lying like a like a lion with a big fluffy mane good boy good boy it's a big that's a that's a big flex oh yeah if it was a good boy a pet but a friendly bat would be quite fun it could be like just a little me choose a bato for a life have you seen how big bats can be i'm just saying it could be quite fun i'm not saying i would choose it but i'm just saying having a mate it could come from have you seen how big bats can be though no you know bats can be human sized that's a big game around us this blue one's a film alex um i go for have you seen the guy the russian guy on youtube he's got a pet puma fascinating this man pull it up pull it up pull it up this man is uh pull it up it's called messi after the footballer after it shut itself [Laughter] um [Laughter] he has 1.7 million subscribers by the way this guy look at this that's something i can get on board with doesn't compare to any of us how did you search for this i came up with my recommended he's fluent mate he's fluent right he has this in his [ __ ] house look at it oh my god wow james i am better than book yeah look at that could you like that does he shag it no i don't think he shags it why is it in the bed then oh look at him he definitely shakes it oh he's just huge there's this brilliant video where he like puts a carp in a bath and he tries to fish it out where is it look look at this video this was a catfishing puma look he doesn't need a wife he's got his fishing rods that's all he needs when when they do that that means they're they're upset that they haven't caught it yet yeah look at him he's pissed because that's what otto does auto literally should be better at catching it i mean he's not going anywhere yeah when i when i tell her photo he chatters look he's trying so hard this honestly i think i have a video of otto traversing above exactly like this it's mental in it this channel blows my mind just [ __ ] get it you definitely he doesn't he doesn't he leaves at one point as well he's just going for 10 minutes we skipped the ball where he screams him no he just ends up licking it funny softy oh oh oh that was stumped on his head he wouldn't last a minute in the wild no he wouldn't look he just ignores he just watches it oh he's just playing sweet squatting and scratch and scrunch he doesn't want to where where did this guy get that fish from not the pubert that's not him sorry yeah yeah where do you get the big sorry yeah probably the more the word garlic center big fish from yeah the cedar fish that big he never touches it strange channel yeah literally just called iron if you could remove one thing from existence that isn't one of the other three of the e-boys what would it be nobody nobody get themselves cancelled either drugs because drugs aren't cool yeah well done um i don't think that would change my life too much if drugs were taken away middlesbrough oh not a bad shot uh get rid of middles just drop a bomb and level it and then we'll build up from there we'll make it nicer i'd say garfield blu-ray discs just get rid of all of them actually i got you the dvd so that wouldn't change anything okay [Applause] i get rid of world hunger oh grow up boring jesus christ i mean if you had the power you would oh i'd i'd get rid of all of the cancer within children no i keep that alex we all know you're getting rid of the asian consent oh here i am abolished instantly hey freedom right next time freedom all right all right boys god is retiring and he asks you to permanently replace him what is the first thing you do as new god give myself one and ten have a wank i would click my fingers and every discord server in the world would just disappear all the admins would just no because could you live normal live they wouldn't live normal lives they'd just be out in society yeah keep them on discords you lock them into discord right and then on the seventh day the lord created discord to save the children oh man i wonder what the yeah you don't want those people out on the street um i would release the it sounded e-boys sad no we could we could release that soon we just don't have a videos to promote it with i try yeah we're going to drop that one when we up stuff and then we'll be like it'll be all edgy though everyone will be like wow look at the e-boys no i want to be an e-boy what's edgy about that oh you'll see yeah everybody just gave out a big sigh i tell you what is edgy making skateboards where none of us could [ __ ] skate speak for yourself it's a it's a it's a political statement right right okay yeah that's it all right brilliant do you think avril lavigne could skate right now she hated skater boys quite a [ __ ] eyeliner sure she could she famously hated skater boys really to be honest did you yeah sorry all right boys if you could body swap with anyone for 24 hours who would it be and why would it be james's dad oh mate james dad on the night of roxy it'll be uh my my dad's wife actually yeah don't know she won't i don't know if she'd appreciate that um i would body swap with oh i'm trying to think who's like really cool right well what's up he's got a good song he's killing it it like because i can't play his song or i tried to play the uk i can't but he's alright you're a youtuber he's a youtuber yeah that's true variety yeah but he's a better one than he though to be honest that's shite oh shock him then no shy i would go for a a child with coconut oh james in africa because then i'd learn a bit of perspective and start being happier about my life wow that's emotional [ __ ] hell that's true though if you really put yourself into the shoes of someone who is suffering then then you'd come back to your first world life and be like actually i shouldn't give i shouldn't be this sad you know and that's why i'd be kim jong-un why i picked [Music] i think i think i'd do kim jong-un yeah yeah from a perspective sorry sorry sorry yeah do you remember that yeah well they do good dances for him or don't they the military in the [ __ ] spinner i'd be like can you do a fortnight dance for me and then the whole country does fortnight dance for me it'd be kind of epic if you were kim jong-un you could cause some stuff yeah world war have you seen have you have you seen the um sorry i kind of i can't stop thinking about the new fortnite skin they released what was it they've released this new fortnite couch on i don't know if these photos are edited but they oh come on it's going to be [ __ ] like captain tom all over again on dumpy me go it's it's absolutely nuts one sec i don't believe this to be real i don't actually it might have just been a meme i don't know i wish this to be real it's on twitter and there was just they released this character i think with the biggest ass i've ever seen yeah this is not real man they'll send it i want to see it i want to see it for research purposes i don't [ __ ] believe in this i promise i'm not saving this do you have it do you have it no but i just don't believe in it i go i don't know if i if this is actually don't believe me i think you dreamed this up i mean you drained this up mate wait hold on is it this character yes oh my god yeah that can't be real surely you are tapped you're down i saw that i was like what logic is there behind doing that in a kids game they made it [ __ ] i mean i'd buy yeah i'll play to be honest say mate re-downloaded fortnite um james marriott down bad yeah that's horrific no no i just saw it and it was just yeah hold on fortnight dudes discovering that chun li has a fat ass and thick thighs will never not be funny and it's just like oh yeah this is real this is real oh it's so stupid so stupid unbelievable well all right boys fortnight is the new rising game okay boys if an alien appeared in your room and offered you a life of luxury with everything you could ever want but you had to come and stay at their big alien zoo and let aliens watch you 24 7. would you do it anything you want big you know apartment bait we might be ha we might be in that anyway we'll we don't know is that bike that's a good point i say so yeah if i want to if i live live well happy life well let the aliens watch you aliens can just see me wank five times a day yeah all right if they want to see that for a life of luxury they can you know you'd know you're in the alien zoo so if you are in the alien zoo for 24 hours and you go five wanks now wouldn't you just wait a day like you wouldn't think oh [ __ ] better be true to my word no you're in there for a life no no no 24 7. they watch you at old times not just one day a week sorry how could he [ __ ] manage that that's just um yeah yeah might as well i mean i practically uh make youtube videos it's the same thing really i am i'm i think i've got more in common with the aliens than human beings at this point so i'll take it would you no i don't think i would i wouldn't i've got nothing to hide could you because do you have to go to an alien planet or can i just do it here i like zsl would you rather never have to work again or be guaranteed good health good health good health um yeah it comes to this podcast will be fantastic and my battery's dead good well all right boys that's the end of the boys podcast for this week oh what five stars on all of the things that it goes on what happened there george yeah what happened there what i got really upset i just heard him scream i went oh well i'm not uh i'll see you later goodbye
Channel: The Eboys Podcast
Views: 478,542
Rating: 4.9611607 out of 5
Keywords: eboys, the eboys podcast, eboys podcast, willne, james marriott, imallexx, memeulous, fortnite, nutty news, jame's dad, roxy, neighbours, bald, sidemen sunday, puppy, pokemon, digital art, nft
Id: DhXFcJpv01w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 3sec (4743 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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