James’ Big Tory Christmas - Eboys Podcast #17

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right hello welcome back to eboyz podcast episode mate well we must be in 20s now we must i don't know probably the 50s oh i thought you talked about sub days no i think we're on we're on 17 or 18 i think let's go that is that well done us we couldn't do the main channel but we could do a podcast we are elites we are elite members of society we can sit down and have a chat for an hour yeah we could talk absolute grafters as well yeah we're the best talkers on the planet why that you are i i read uh apparently people we're meant to be wearing maid dresses today i didn't hear that i didn't hear that we agreed to no such thing i i don't know when we promised to do this but i think at some point i think someone tweeted out the boys twitter like um if we don't upload this week we'll wear may dress in the next episode but we did upload that week yeah so that's that's one time offers ran out oh wait so we we're not wearing made dresses i mean i actually got one no it's good to be filled in who here owns a major ass out of curiosity what do you mean you you are no i know i do oh i am buying free yeah i was i don't yeah i don't have a maid dress yeah no i can't say i do you've got some interesting costumes well they stupid question now you've got some interesting costumes yeah i'm not going to mate i'm not going to make dresses though i know she gave up on them that weird [ __ ] is absolutely anyway uh boys we are getting very close quite close to christmas uh so because of that right this week's news is a big it's a bit christmas eve not roast not roasty news because that's like a christmas tree get it don't give him all for that that was a four out of ten up best not right this is there's there's something there if i if i think about it more all right all right we'll come back we'll come back to you okay uh this week boys uh etiquette expert what [ __ ] hell that was harder [Music] william hansen has shared his list of warning signs that your christmas day might be common okay so i've noted them also we might be celebrating christmas like the povs yeah yeah yeah so i just wanted to check that no one in here was doing that sort of no i can't say i will be here all right number one presents christmas should be an exercise in restraint and all those stockings can be opened before breakfast main presents should only be exchanged after the queen's speech at 3 p.m who does that 3 p.m it's christmas tradition to wake your parents up at 5 00 in the morning i'm going to be honest here no james i'm gonna be honest stockings for me throughout my childhood happened before when whenever we wanted when we got up so like we'd have a stocking at the end of our bed and then we'd have to wait until we after we ate to do like main presents so everyone would be eight eight breakfast or like after we ate is in like christmas christmas dinner so christmas dinner every once everyone's gathered around the table and then like we all give our gifts afterwards that's not that's strange that's not that's that's that's that's so right just because it was everyone was yeah but technically it would have been after 3 p.m so you know but then it became a point where my dad just stopped giving me stockings so that was just something i didn't have as a kid i'm gonna say presents he's just stopped giving you anything really gave up on you merry christmas stop giving you love and affection this is the this is the christmas cheer for [ __ ] merry christmas merry christmas everyone all right uh so as a as a general do i'm guessing the three of us disagree with that and james you're you're kind of in line with it with you well yeah i i i kind of like coming for from where i am right now i would very much decide with you but uh in my childhood yeah though that did happen with me all right okay the next one i agree with right i don't know if it's not so much common i just think it needs to [ __ ] off social media updates sharing snaps of your big day on social media i don't agree with the next bit it's considered another common activity it's supposed to be about the people you're with not the people you are not with two rights yeah i agree i agree i i yeah i mean i don't think people who used to like put on like [ __ ] twitter and snapchat or whatever you used when i was a [ __ ] kid their presents pile of presents shoot them in there oh yeah no i do agree with that they need gone uh but i don't think christmas should should just be a family thing you know like i'm i'm i'm of the opinion that if you want to chat to people on christmas you [ __ ] go for it you know well like i i yeah i i don't think social media is a big issue on christmas day but my family post christmasy pictures you need hmm especially like bragging about the amount of gifts you get if you're bragging you're not a [ __ ] you see he's always like like 10 50 pound notes like laying out and your dad's a drug dealer all right next one an artificial christmas tree i have never ever had a real christmas tree never really no i've had both an artificial is elite my parents kind of flip between yeah yeah sometimes sometimes we'll do the real one have you seen those videos of when the praying mantises come on the real ones what what what there's like sometimes you can get a christmas tree and praying man this egg is like on it and then they all hatch on like boxing day i think this is annoying this is just what happens in the north this is just what happens above watford they've they've normalized it haven't they in infestations at christmas and the great dragon of the north the boxing day praying mantis where do christmas trees come from uh the ground i [ __ ] eat three years like together honestly a forest probably i'm sorry can you grow christmas trees over here yeah yeah yeah they're growing in the in the uh what's it the house you went to the wave house don't they i don't know i don't think they didn't grow it from a seedling oh but i had them there the place where you always used to walk my dogs when i was a kid well you think they carried them over from norway okay no they're from they're from germany oh well all of them no not all of them well no i guess they they they started in germany they started the christmas tree tradition so i imagine it's from wood that was very available in germany well from the tree that's very available in germany i've heard it's from like scandinavia or somewhere all right anyway uh [ __ ] back to it artificial christmas trees cost effective and easy to maintain fake christmas trees are a staple for many uh but the etiquette expert says that anything that is pretending to be something it's not falls into fills into the naf category no no i don't agree yeah i disagree with that i think like when you've had a regular christmas tree enough and you see how much [ __ ] goes on the floor from just the leaves like breaking down if you got pets as well man that's a nightmare yeah yeah like if you've got cats they'll just [ __ ] with the tree yeah all right matching pajamas william says that matching pajamas reek of unsophistication and adding that he thinks they look tragic they're [ __ ] nine williams pajamas i think that's unfair yeah i still wear my matching pajamas to george every christmas that's it that's the end of not using my contribution properly oh no i liked that thank you will thank you brothers very christmassy chess nutty news chess nutty news there we go you uh you mentioned the wave house uh in their gym have you seen they've been [ __ ] i mentioned the rave house i mentioned the wave house george oh george uh again all right um they've seen they've been kicking jeff says go well if you will first of all you don't know where trees come from and now this yeah forget it i've already said it i've already said it but you talked over it too what am i supposed to do now well you you carry the dinner it's fine alex that wasn't very christmasy i'd like you to apologize to will i'm sorry it wasn't very christmassy no have you seen they've been kicked out it's been like a month they've been told they've got to move out i think they apparently did they speed when i went they were like oh we've only got it for three months but we're going to extend it for a year and apparently not they're doing like [ __ ] moves out for three months surely it's just more hassle than it's worth no no but it wasn't those uh they put red um things on and they they're doing you know they did the reveals they're now doing like their their deaths council house reveal oh what oh my god yeah we move them into a [ __ ] blocking poplar that would be great that would that would be great telly like seeing the the the chain in fairness whoever paid for the wave house because i doubt it was them it was probably for a company right yeah yoke management i think i know who it is because they had such a big blow up and then they i don't i just didn't hear anything from them other than your video will after they had did that initial mask reveal that was it that's what it felt like yeah they kind of i went on the tick tock they kind of plateaued at like one and a half two million views and then they started doing these eliminations and it's like eight nine million views of tick tock again yeah i saw people on the map aren't they like or they leave or whatever well so they kind of just like gone like oh now it's a reality show because because they've got to leave i think it's more they just like now we need to find a way to get out sorry well they're getting another house but a different one okay so is it like they've actually been kicked out do you know that they've been kicked out or they just ended up do i mean would you say well i'm saying that's a bit enough when you when you've centered your group around the house yeah like the house was the content and now the house is gone also you do you get a better house like how does that work is there a better house yeah now imagine you just get a free bed semi-detached after that like yeah yeah what do you do so do you know for a fact they've been evicted yeah just go on that tick tock it's one of them was live streaming as well being like yeah we still don't know why we've been told we've got to move out we've been told big things are coming but wait was it the landlords or was it like the the agent but it seemed pretty legit it seemed that seems like an agency kind of thing like uh because i mean realistically have they been doing brand deals to support that or like has it just been yeah that house really confuses me because i just don't understand any of it really works like at all well take talk isn't an easy thing to monetize is it sorry oh yeah speaking of people leaving things uh we received a tweet about uh eboy's topics because obviously will you ask for some mean voice topics today saying personally i'm heartbroken by the news that jesse has left little mix i think you need to talk about how you are feeling hope you're okay yeah i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm in pieces i'm in pieces quite honestly i don't think i'm ready to talk about this no not in a public forum as well i feel like i'll be opening myself up too much yeah are you gonna put that party on the internet i if it's not going to heal can you name any other members of little mix yeah cheese perry and leo leon or lee yeah you could have named three [ __ ] names there a night nobody would know we're not saying that you've made it up i'm just yes but i just i said you may as well have made it up because i don't know them and i like i i know who who jesse is yeah i know jessie you don't sound confident that's the balance yeah what does that even did anybody ever work out what she was trying to say uh she was doing oh jamaican accent which i don't know what she was trying to say by leg that ballet big mysteries of the 21st century it's a conspiracy theory doing about big mysteries the 21st century um did you see that youtube youtubers uploaded this video the other day where they claimed that they up did all the monoliths banging videos banging videos yeah i hope that it is someone i hope it's like a [ __ ] oh what's josh peter's been doing these last couple of months you must be doing something mother lifts everywhere who who uploaded it i [ __ ] hope it's a youtube video that would be sick yeah somebody uploaded this video uh it went straight in my recommended it had been up for probably about like 10 minutes and it was just like they went and put monoliths in romania and australia i think i don't know if they were inspired by the original one they claimed that the first one was that was theirs but there's but it was a good video um i just has anybody prepared attention to the monoliths anybody figured out anything else here no honestly i looked into it really i reckon it's aliens mate it's not really like something to look into like something like all read into the code of a big metal sheet it should have given a little bit more to work with whoever it was a little bit more of an easter egg puzzle should have put like some codes do you reckon maybe something like coordinates maybe it's the chords yeah it's just random places that made no sense would have been great as well like just [ __ ] skegnet the coordinates spell boobies maybe it's like a really kind of uh if you actually click them all together it's actually like just somebody's merch drop and they've just done that as a really interesting way to promote it you could do anything like that that sounds very nico on milano i feel like that's something he'd do it does that it it's like it's like he do i just saw his tweet by the way at us on this podcast about me biting him you do look the type did you ever have you ever bitten anyone before in like school or even i feel like i've seen you bite someone yeah that's it yeah come on then here we go who's that it would that have been no i think i'm thinking about the um that video i got of you where you're like just like in your underwear like running towards the camera i might have beaten you after that yeah you may have right yeah i i just there's only way to go from there to be honest yeah that video i've got you the underwear yeah come on everyone knows this video haven't you seen that like screenshot of alex like this yeah sure right come on everyone's got this video with me in my underwear oh sure man i i think you're losing it mate to be honest not gonna lie um what else should be going on anybody done anything this week obviously you came out did you see that what what did you came out with his recent video he made he posted a video called coming out he's not gay but he's changed the title now but everyone was just like i haven't watched the video but i know it's not he's not actually i didn't know it was titled that originally i watched that video and i thought it was quite good like what was it he was talking about like um a lot of it was just an apology to jj not really and he cried quite a lot and i thought it was quite a good video oh i feel bad what made it good he cried a lot oh he's just talking it was like a movember thing like he was like oh okay it was like opening up about stuff did you see calyx's calyx has ones of those were [ __ ] sick yeah really alex's movember videos has been amazing i saw his one uh i haven't watched this fishing run yet but i saw his one about being in a room i clicked on that i was just like the one about where he's moving and [ __ ] i i saw that one that was very good yeah something i i watched a bit of the fishing one and then it was too high production and i got a bit scared and clicked off yeah you know when youtube videos look a little too good and you just feel a bit uncomfortable that's why our videos always [ __ ] we're authentic yeah yeah we we are wank but we're wanking our own weight yeah yeah our last main child video i was quite comfortable i was happy with how [ __ ] it was that wasn't [ __ ] come on man no but it was it was it was [ __ ] in a good way like it went wrong yeah yeah yeah yeah i know i'll accept that i'll accept that a lot of people were very supportive of my series of a celebrity or in person or in person or your series my addition to the eboy's channel is celebrity impersonator and i probably shouldn't be claiming it because it will probably get nowhere near the amount of views our other videos get but still i i thought it was a great video does that mean green screens is alex's series two right yeah i'll take that might i'll have play tape that's your series it's george what's your series that was cynic's idea green screens it might have been but he's not here is he so who really cares to be honest i don't really give a [ __ ] about him [ __ ] you sick snacks it's mine i'm going to take the most of you all the most free videos on on the voice channel are all my idea all right for this next this next day all your weeks like yeah that means i just have you a 10 pound versus a thousand pound takeaway yes yeah that was a great i still love that video two of the top two you know i went i opened up roka actually i opened up on delivery don't ask why um just dabbling and i saw you know when you got like oh reorder again and it was reorder again one grand it was just the list and i was like i'm a bit hungry last weekend so you're right bloody oh yeah that video i just love that video it was a great one um we should have want to stream me i think we should have want to stream me i can't see why we didn't we got robbed man i can't see why we didn't we did get robbed can you re could someone read out the stream award yeah i'll get them charlie i know charlie demilio won breakout creator of the year fair enough that's fair enough she got like 100 million followers like oh wait uh did you do you know who won editor of the year yes that chocolate dork [ __ ] giggling chip [ __ ] give it [ __ ] give me chip fat he made us look great for about three months give it [ __ ] chip [ __ ] yeah he really deserves it yeah it was it was logan logan paul's um he he activates my fight or flight him that makes me really sad you know okay i don't like him creator of the year was mr beast yeah fair enough yeah i feel like it's a bit obvious though you know what i mean maybe they should just throw in yeah but still it's it's obvious because it's deserved like it's like given like tiger woods or something you know what you're like he's already the best we save the awards for people aren't the best yeah and it can't really be it can't be somebody like dobrik can it because he hasn't uploaded really who's sarah cooper sarah cooper's on here dinner i don't know no offense what's the sheet what did you win twitter apparently it's a twitter creator what the [ __ ] the twitter what does that mean oh imagine winning best twitter account that's a [ __ ] sad existence i don't want to be mean because we don't know the person but oh wait no they're they're a net they're a netflix person everything's fine a comedy special in 2020 what's the worst that could happen well i never like burning should we look up reviews for it i want to hear more winners okay i'm sorry yeah go on uh show of the year is instant influencer by james charles did anyone watch that i did i did obviously did you like it it was all right yeah it was interesting um just the standard kind of like youtube show but i thought ethan's ethan's was good yeah he has the the most liked youtube origin he does yeah so i feel like he deserves some form of mention but yeah it's not even on here not even on here but ukraine is are there any uk creators in there out of curiosity not on this bit no because there aren't normally and i always find that interesting oh yeah there was none on creator of the year as well is this just an american thing normally because i don't think i've ever seen a british person win a streamy there's no ksi well no because there's there's international awards and we're not even on there they just hate us it's like [ __ ] eurovision we've been robbed again there's a guy called mike crack in sorry there's a song called mike crack in spain uh there's a japanese channel myth pat from india gone breakout crater was charlie demilio yeah okay that's understandable who's spencer x uh spencer owens twin brother okay uh collaboration was david dobrik and justin bieber that was a good that was a good collab yeah was that this year well apparently um [ __ ] hell that feels yonks ago doesn't it um crossover will smith not each well it's a it's a the crossover channel so it was between jack black jason derulo kevin james naomi campbell and will smith what did they do they they were on youtube oh okay oh wow i quite like jack black on youtube i it makes me feel good yeah no no no jablinski games is good yeah yeah there's a good channel she feels like it's coming from a good place yeah i'll just build this platform he's good on he's on tick tock as well he's good on tick tock first person uh emma chamberlain won that i think that's like vlogs first person to do what it's not in first person though but like you know perspective first person first person to do youtube this year yeah as soon as it turns midnight on new year's you're gonna upload a video like [ __ ] fastest clicker did anybody get most consistent uploader i think that'd be for you mate yeah nick mercs won uh live streamer right um indie series went to chris and jack no idea uh don't know what that is uh podcast went to the e boys actually cheers for that everyone where are we sorry where are we in the chat oh yeah we're sorry i was i was taking a left here animated went to jaiden animations um beauty james charles comedy sarah cooper again the one who was nominated for best creator earlier she beat gus johnson and i [ __ ] love girls oh i love gastroenterology i do i've got a commentary out of uh none of us uh deangelo wallace danny gonzalez yep jarvis johnson tiffany ferguson and contra points and it went to contra points i knew all the other names but yeah um maybe then maybe they're lovely people yeah no interesting i'm not i'm not cued in enough to know much about what's going on anymore why was i not nominated for a streamy girl my commentary videos are so good yeah like to be honest we don't deserve it gaming went to dream so yeah fair enough yeah what guy uh and then uh kids went to ryan's world learning and education went to mark rober yeah i love marvel you know that royale video is great that ryan's world is gonna gross like something like a billion in toy sales or something soon i read well is this to brian's toy reviews yeah oh [ __ ] it out i wrote that the other day technology went to marcus brownlee but i think you should have gone to michael reeves he's one of my favorite youtubers michael's stuff is so funny i do like michael reeves michael reese's have you watched one of his videos well so he's in offline tv he basically invents things so he eat their soul he invents like really cursed items yeah yeah yeah yeah so like surgery robots and then he'll get like pokeyman to come and like test it out it's very funny very good yeah they're good videos so best editor we won't talk about that one marcus marcus brownlee has a lovely camera though and it always looks brilliant and it always marcus brownlee is one of them once you click on his video and you know when you can choose the quality i always learn qualities i didn't know existed on marcus brownlee videos jokingly's got like a room it was just like a huge computer i think he's got one god there's there were so many awards okay this is this is this is brand of the year guess what that went to right netflix for what what have you ever seen netflix sponsor something dude netflix getting like massive drama this year for pedophilia allegations with that that um yeah there was a show do you want to say that ten-year-old french girls twerking or something like that netflix netflix do follow us all on twitter so they don't follow me i checked this the other day they don't follow me well they follow me so netflix oh that's another thing we could talk about oh yeah verified oh yes yes we all no it [ __ ] means nothing yeah this this podcast looking very blue these days boys and i was you know james did you know you've got the feature to like look through who all your followers who are verified are no you okay if you go on your phone it goes to like your followers and then you'll see verified followers i was just scrolling through it the other day nickelodeon followed me for some reason nickelodeon if if you want me to do a really good kids show huh please you click on your followers click on your followers and just yeah click on your followers on your um because i i show george because i do this in my spare time like a loser oh [ __ ] yeah go on read it let's read out some let's read out some of us oh tick-tock uk good um do you know what the worst part is this is when you realize you don't follow people who you should be following yeah and you're like you didn't follow theo baker george no i followed him back because wait who wants to be a millionaire they follow us yeah they're commenting on our video right phase k followed me the other day i think it's so weird dollar dollar witch hamlet fc yeah who's over to flow overflow did a fight uh with fisenzi yeah overflow sapphire yeah big upset i was really happy i got uh anthony padilla following me back the other day i was well happy with that that's a banger yeah um i got this guy called dave who says i was an ex-con and now i'm in a controversial movie nice shout out to dave flashlight follow me oh good that's a banger hooch hooch lemon brew follow me back that's amazing michael mcrudden follows me nickelodeon uk michael mccrudden will he's your mate who wants to be a millionaire follows me i think they follow all of us i've said that yeah the student room lucas crickshank oh [ __ ] oh god the student room that gave me flashbacks to you yeah follow you know i'm the type of person who post forums on the student room i was actually um when i was a very small youtuber they reached out to me to have me do a series on their youtube channel but i asked for payment and they said no well i'm lucky right i said 50. i said 50 pounds of video and they said no [ __ ] that's like working for george do you remember made in tyo maiden what tyo the rapper he did um he had an xxl freshman he followed he follows bare people yeah yeah but still i'm taking that um james charles my driller oh dell follow me adele adele theodell that's crazy i've got one that i bet none of you have soldier boy soldier boy follows me that is a paragraph uh it's not quite post malone though no it isn't quite post my life well it is soldier boy is better than postmodern okay no no we're not going you're getting him on the podcast you will yeah he's coming on says next week have you ever damned him no would you ever dm him no not even for a forfeit for an eboy's video one day when i write it into a video yeah no way you really wouldn't what if i got you to dm something like oh i love you lovely your toes are really beautiful posts below yeah i would do that i can i think i can i can say this now but because obviously we're doing eboy's secret santa and that's coming out this weekend on your album one of the things i was getting it's coming out this weekend before yeah oh wait no it's not okay you know what i won't talk about that heart attack for a little bit more time yeah [ __ ] it out yeah that video is gonna take a while to be done oh york's cast lewis follows me i do love the ox cast speaking of people that follow us and and being verified does anyone here have any dream guests for the podcast because last year we did we did our first nice one last week nice last one got it in the first time last last week we i'll please stop going to say something again stream so last week we had our first guest and it went down very well hey james what about dream turns out what people wanted most from this podcast from us uh so i was wondering if you three had a dream guest for the podcast dream okay that's all right that's your answer so joe oh my god i'm back in the game i wish i had just normal friends you know what i was watching a clip from the fellas podcast the other day and they said like they were just chatting [ __ ] about our podcast they're like if you listen to the eboyz podcast you got [ __ ] problems is that how it is i was just like looking at myself going i do somewhat agree with them if they listen to our podcast regularly they probably do absolutely [ __ ] it [ __ ] man they bang one video and they've gassed themselves yeah we've got oh we've got four podcasts [ __ ] off both of you well i said they haven't even had tommy in it on their podcast yeah two right boys uh haven't you tommy in it on there where's their ass talk section because you come back ass talk yeah well yeah actually i did watch a clip of theirs though and i'd like to know your thoughts um question would you rather do the first 90 of a [ __ ] or the last 10. the uh first 90 sorry i could get it done really quickly as well you know right why weren't you george is 100 a choice either glock i mean if you're gonna put 90 and you might as well put the final 10 percent in you know right so get the job done would you do that would you do the 90 of the 10 10 with the ending and then well i do it 90 um because i don't quite like mess that much but you know you might as well get the job done oh there wouldn't be any mess george because you'd take it like a champ wouldn't you i've not i thought my my marine just went blank there i'm just thinking of it you've said it actually it's dependent on how long how much stamina they have because if they if they're not gonna bust for like 40 minutes i'm not giving that glut gluck for 35 minutes i've got things to do i've got places to be it's nothing about stamina it's about ability so you need to back yourself and go hey i can i can freak can i give that can i give that dumb just become an absolute throat goblin and i hate this [ __ ] you know what we've gone from everybody listen to the eboy's podcast it's weird too oh i could suck somebody off for 40 minutes [ __ ] me maybe it wouldn't be 40 minutes i'm back in george here i reckon 40 minutes very quickly george the biggest james i'm not experienced in this sector so i think i will be there for 40 minutes if i was doing the 90 one do you you think you'd get teeth involved ah 100 no teeth involved well no no no i'm saying like do you think because you yeah you'd hope jack george huh forget it it so i i i think i'm gonna change my answers to final ten percent because it's like a it'll be a few minute job and then um i can spend the rest of the time cleaning up do you know do you not feel bad stealing for other people though you know taking credit for other people's work because he [ __ ] doesn't tag team for stealing a tweet um there's a there's an account called like dinosaur memes and they uh they treat like they tweet like uh kind of like sad boy dinosaur memes so it's like dinosaurs saying sad things to each other and they retweeted something from 2019 and i was like oh that's quite a funny tweet i'll tweet that and they replied sad going like why is it do you like why didn't you just retweet it why do you have to steal other people's content so i replied with a sad dinosaur meme okay and they replied again like as a content creator surely you should understand that it's not nice to have your content stolen and i was just like what's your opinion on that oh dinosaurs get angry it's all fair game i wanted to i wanted to reply being like i don't deep twitter you know i'm i'm stealing some words off you i'm you haven't spent much time i mean i did also steal the art as a jerry would you say i'm just going to copy and paste slow down feel free feel free feel free our stealing should be punishable by hanging i think okay mate you know artists take this stuff really seriously and that they'll get really angry oh yeah but no i think there's a difference between stealing art and stealing a tweet is what i'm saying yeah but i hear people in our discord all the time complaining about you stealing tweets james well yeah but it's funny in it tell them to get a job alex see the thing yeah no exactly who complains about james steele and tweets yeah i'll make joe says that james has taken a few of his baggage i regularly steal his tweets because he's one of those because he's so unbelievably irrelevant but he does have a bit of like quality so this is the thing it's like if you if you hold on to your forehead joe whatever your [ __ ] name is you could you can take it's almost like talent scouting without their permission so you you scout these talents this will be this will be the discord server later just steal it are there are little tweet tweet makers they're like elves santa gets all the credit doesn't even do any of the [ __ ] work yeah in a way i'm just twitter santa you're a twitter santa you're giving joy to the money by taking the work from the few it's brilliant like anthony robin hood food we should be honored when you take one of their tweets and post it to really they should be happy they made one good enough to be on there i have deleted tweets before after people have called me up for stealing them a lot yeah cape town i stole cape town oh yes then replied to me calling me lame and i was like yep who's cave town kate sounds um a musician all right let's have a look at cape town he's quite famous come on let's rip into him no one upsets our little jimmy he's [ __ ] ginger with glasses and he's calling other people liam i mean i did have we seen these guys i could beat up three of this man at one time what's he called again has got like a cult audience they will probably find a [ __ ] chin all right okay yeah cool how cold how cool i wouldn't say like i'd say like tumblr cult though i wouldn't say like i could chin them too i reckon you could chin them [ __ ] let's have it than you big [ __ ] cottage core freaks it's cottage core you're not cottage chorus merry christmas uh i wanted to i was listening to a song earlier speaking about music i was listening to uh foundations by kate nash and you know like that that general vibe of like british music from the naughties where it's just like um damn lemons you know like very sorry sorry like there was that point in time in in the uk where it's a staple for british songs in the early 2000s to go um dum dum dum [Music] no but like you know what i mean in the kind of like naughty's like lily allen era of british music where like you were popular if you just spoke with a very british accent you know what i mean have you heard foundations by kate nash sing what does it go like um i want to get the lyrics upon him they're all banging it's got the thursday night everything's fine except you've got yeah yeah yeah yeah you know that very like i'm done damn lemons because you're you're because i am so bitter i said i'd rather be with your friends mate because they are much fitter that one oh what a banger and you smashed that is how you're doing the new album yeah exactly but it's it's like you know that very like it's just marriage english isn't it persona in his new album anyway where was this point going i wanted to know what you guys think is like one of the if you had to show a song that was british and in pop culture not like you can't just show the nationalism it's like one bounce is all right either one's just scary and uh what's it [ __ ] called arctic monkeys i probably do who's that what's that i think that one is a very british song oh that that would be very like uh over the last few years i'd say that one's definitely up there yeah hang on uh is it rich to the rubble yeah from the rest of the rubble oh can't say i know that one yeah you have you know let me stream it for one second maybe cut this out but let's play copyrighted music hour on spotify welcome back to the boys podcast we you spotify spotify only yeah the ones are scary why are you logged into care and spotify yeah can we go from it on this pc do you just still with spotify premium no no i just i can't log into my old facebook because it got hacked so i just got this i've got i can't i've got it on my mac and i can't have it anywhere else so on my pc it's kieran have you noticed will that he's put editing and good vibes in two separate players well he's [ __ ] he'll probably be gone by that oh no he's got two more days when this podcast comes up well to live yeah that's it terminal illness cheery [ __ ] kill back everybody that's called editing for william don't do it no no do it do it i need another one i need another [ __ ] someone to make me look good i do genuinely need another if you're [ __ ] class nice so um okay okay alex and george what would you say is a quintessentially british song muffin man okay well you've already said you've already who said uh nico b was like you george yeah that was me so alex do you need what about jbt sticks and stones or um when the sun goes down that's a [ __ ] another monkey's one oh actually the do you remember scouting for girls oh yeah oh yeah yeah thank you so much what about what about maker yeah but it's british it's british music no it's not what it was you know what mr brightside's a very english song and they're [ __ ] americans yeah but that's the thing it's like if that song was never bigger than the states i don't think yeah weird why did we adopt them i don't [ __ ] want them but it's very like i don't know it's it's it's such like a british culture song i think mr brown what about like kids on gmt mgmt by management that's a classy [Music] that feels british but i bet it's worldwide what you know two-door cinema club oh two-door cinema club yeah that album that what was it called uh i know the one with the o's yeah i know exactly what you're talking about yeah everything by title that's a great question actually uh jbt sheila that's a [ __ ] british song um bittersweet symphony by the verve yes yes yes i think that one helps because it comes up before england games doesn't it so you you you naturally associate it england games on tv yeah you know it should be a bad day when that song started playing uh hotel room service by pitbull okay right i think that's a great a great british song uh wap wet ass [ __ ] uh by them like uh merry merry christmas by the side man keep up like cash featuring jeremy lamborghini every song by the halal ham slow down no god yeah very very song i've joined i'm glad that that topic is completely different i think we did get some good answers in there well i actually know one more one the world cup song by joe weller okay you kind of mentioned that yeah no that one doesn't run anymore mate for legal reasons we don't know what we just mentioned well i don't know what the world cup is they're out of it oh music music get the world cup oh man i'm sorry i just have the image of joe weller dressed up as balotelli burned in the device for [ __ ] sake for [ __ ] for me my god my god the fact that somebody probably sat there and did that for him i think about that a lot well he didn't just do it himself he didn't just [ __ ] there was a team of people that just thought yeah this is all right he's just really talented did he do kagawa as well he said oh my he did jarrod he did the jared one that really offended me personally i didn't that was acceptable um yeah probably not quite essentially british song that one maybe we could scrub that one off um i'm trying to think of as uh any other great songs you got any more suggestions i'd say the national anthem's a pretty good one it's pretty british i said it earlier i said that's not i'm not allowing that response that's well british that song if i was to pin a country to that song i put you knew him who if someone who would you give to do if we have any new national anthem who would you give to do um james corden and dizzy rascal [ __ ] james gordon [ __ ] just james corden and the whole england team yeah that would be great james corden does your article for my my one paul chuckle yeah yeah we'll give him that he deserves it he's earned it after all that cameo pricing could have made him sing that flow sorry adele you'd probably give it a doe right in the season she's too good though that's cheating we've got to give it someone a little bit [ __ ] like eurovision you couldn't tell adult eurovision charlotte yeah but the national anthem isn't eurovision i think there's a lot more to be had all right all right you know what i'm coming home so we should we get the big guns on it uh yeah yeah 100 yeah robbie williams you're not gonna get a [ __ ] jedward dude elvis presley from stoke robbie williams no he could do it i i feel like he could do it but then there's just like that question of like oh but you won't take that to have a reunion for the national anthem wouldn't you and then it will become a whole drama and no one wants that what about oasis [Music] it's also just [ __ ] you'd be representing manchester and not much else honestly yeah i don't think oasis would do a [ __ ] national anthem anyway if we were to have if you had to pick someone else some other country's national anthem i have it as ours what one would it be like what's your favorite national anthem i think the german one goes on for [ __ ] ages yeah but they i like the russian one i think the russian ones are freaking epic i'd like the russian one [Music] huh oh i thought it was just a meme was that yeah i think that i think that's it yeah that is it the russian national anthem goes off man yeah do a trap reaper oh yes please i just remember hearing it like in call of duty world at war like do you remember that alex i think it's when they they you put you up when you put the flag up and they play in berlin yeah that's a great that's a great thing that's that that was like one that's the best ending to a call of duty game yeah yeah that it never really will be topped such a good [ __ ] game that um that campaign is the best one by far oh i remember that sniping mission on the campaign so good when you got a [ __ ] dance through the stuff yeah sorry what's up call of duty did you play call of duty world at war yes yeah the campaign on that was sick wouldn't it the sniping mission when you're in berlin oh is it berlin oh when you're running through the building with the one guy right or is it the moscow massacre i can't remember which one it is not very cheery either of them so um i can't remember which missions which my bad uh well the last one's in berlin but i think the first one's in moscow and there's the missions in japan as well where you can get the ray gun yes though the japan ones always used to scare me because they come out the trees i hated that you'd have to they just they would get you ever i probably played through that campaign like 20 times oh at least at least i love that i love that one didn't if you watch the game awards actually talking about games i know nobody did she could ask well what else would they talk about the game awards um they gave a bunch of games awards among us won everything they among us won absolutely everything but it wasn't released this year was it no it was released in 2016 but it won everything i suppose because people only played it this year fair enough maybe there's a new map for that scene are we all going to play full guys doesn't deserve an award doesn't it i hope it didn't doesn't no not in my opinion it's [ __ ] frustrating it's a [ __ ] game it's it was it was good for the amount of time it took me to get a win and then i got my winning dipped you know i've never won a game before guys it's one of those things where it's like you might as well just get your win and then never play it again because as soon as you have your first win it's like heroin it's like heroin you you have your first hit of heroin two right heroines great fantastic you're flying high yeah but then every time you hit heroin after that point it will never be as good as it was before we know from experience but only once yeah that is the message i want to put out to my to my followers if you want to do heroin sure but make sure you don't do it twice naughty oh naughty naughty naughty jesus that's that roses i uploaded a youtube video just now boys secret champagne it's just the bottle of cam come coming champagne oh how is it oh wow check up how's it doing alex is doing well 40k views in 15 minutes that's sick i'm back baby i'm back what is this yes i didn't even hear that noise there was just no audio to that there was just no audio to that no no it'll just be discord that'll not got it this will got it yeah we're gonna edit here celebrate what's it called is it like back to normal no it's not the sequel um it's just called it's over and it's on f it's on it's on 40k views in the first 15 minutes so it's a one in ten i'll back it up and everybody thinks i've quit it's gonna be great you're a dirty dad i've got a lot of respect thanks everybody he's waited um especially all the people support from the podcast i talk about that in the video i say that the podcast and this channel has been a lot of fun wait it says it's over but your top line of the description says it's good to be back smiling you know they can see that oh i'm gonna change that yeah put it put it put aside put some sad [ __ ] um yeah oh yeah no let's write your description for you uh shall i what about thanks for everything oh you left the pit of you turning the camera on on me oh man i've smashed this video you've got all the cliches i've smashed this video so much um thanks for everything dot dot dot oh and it was a match plug as well you're the girl i should make this video it's over the the what's what could you put it after over let's let's let's skip over the bit where i talk about like dead relatives and that that part not important but the rest was brilliant um was that before or after the merch before it's not a match plug i'm just wearing it but cheering again it's not a match [ __ ] i just wear my clothing a lot everybody knows this it's the [ __ ] second link if you want to go [Laughter] so that was the default it's the youtube default don't get angry at me so you should yeah but you make your dude i'm not angry [ __ ] off i've been off for four months pay my rent god i mowed it yeah jesus christ well alex that's funny what an event what an eventful day an eventful episode what an eventful week it's been a good week i think christmas is going to be [ __ ] compared to this week what oh oh yeah what because our christmas was yeah yeah yeah watch the [ __ ] evil secret santa yeah when it comes out when it comes out it'll be out soon it'll be out soon when it comes out in march there are you guys you'll love it are we gonna do one of these for easter as well what eboyz what's what who's evil what's the easter egg easter you put hyphen there as well yeah uh we could have a video where we make eggs for each other or fertilize them no no i think we've done enough with that really what is that i [ __ ] i didn't realize there's got to be spring on it not a technical technical time with will ellie when we take stuff apart in his bedroom and he puts back together just like a little droid how far up your nose do you think you could put that like if you want no i mean the i mean this coil if you uncord it how far up your nose do you think you could put it that's grim if you're listening to this podcast on spotify do not click over onto youtube just leave yourself save yourself from this one bash grim i'm just wondering how far do you think you can put up your nose oh oh oh it's just a prank okay all right good i'm relieved seeing can i talk about cyberpunk oh i haven't played that i can't play it what i've been trying to play a bit my i'm i'm i'm trying to upgrade my computer now i i added pc specialist earlier and now we're we're in we're having that we started a dialogue to try and upgrade my pc but i want to actually get a better pc so i can [ __ ] run that shitty game that's gonna cost you like eight you've got loads of money just [ __ ] eight i said you got loads of [ __ ] money pay for it yourself yeah it's stingy well if i could if you can get something for free james in like half a day just [ __ ] that is unbelievably happy i very much it's at least four yeah i very much wish that was good i was thinking what's changed did you see the um the when cyberpunk first came out and people just kept revealing penises on live streams yes they're so close oh yeah why did they model the actual [ __ ] did you see this what the small uh the small one was no was it what was it sizeable the small [ __ ] was just was just an average [ __ ] and everyone was really angry not me because i've got a big cop i was gonna say george are you sure everyone else is really angry and not me i'm projecting a bit there aren't you mate to be honest i was gonna i was gonna ask actually because i was thinking about this i went for an average penis size because you can choose your size you choose large average or small and i and i have an argument to make here that i think you are most likely to get behind your protagonist if they have an average sized penis because what if you go behind it all right if your protagonist has a small penis you'll be like oh they're compensating aren't they like oh yeah they're talking it big but they're compensating they know they're not packing downstairs whereas if they have a large penis you're never going to really empathize with them because it's like wow they've got everything they've got cool guns they've got like sick lifestyle they live in a cool city and they've got a huge knob you say packing downstairs just said shivers down the body they've weirded me out a bit to give you well okay well let me let me resume so what i was saying was that um if if the protagonist has too big a penis i think they've got too much going on it's really scaring us why do you not understand what i'm saying though no if it's you saying that so it's freaking me out why is why are you constantly just going through the game thinking about your character's [ __ ] size well no because i barely played it but i have been thinking about my character's [ __ ] size outside of the game thinking why did i pick average [ __ ] size you know what does that mean that's the science behind that exactly what's this why and i want to see i want to see the statistics i want to see how many people have gone small because i'm wondering i would never go for small and i probably would never everybody if you can tweet james marriott your [ __ ] right now uh he really needs to know please don't do that don't do that i'm talking about a video game for context yeah please don't do that as a joke not even ironically not even i say you've said not to do it so do it i'm gonna ironically send you a picture of my [ __ ] please do please do don't do that no to george not to everyone else i wasn't saying please oh daddy i just want george's cup don't send george a penis either no please don't for the love of god right we've got ethan ells dream is in a lot of trouble at the moment and by a lot of trouble i mean some people who don't go out very much are very angry i guess you could say he's having a nightmare oh that's a good one james dream has been driver's been doing his speed run um i don't know if you guys know if you've seen his videos he speeds runs he speed runs turret of minecraft basically complete minecraft for like 15 minutes that's really it um he submitted i didn't know you could do this he submitted his speed run off and apparently there's like a council of people who play minecraft speed runs generally i'm not joking around a big oval table if you're part of the minecraft speaker on council i beg you get laid right just go outside man come on and they they watched through dream speed run and you won't believe it but they have said that they believe it's fake what no and dream in fairness is not very happy about that um because that's it that's his entire youtube channel on it like if the official minecraft council of speed runs suddenly so that your speed runs are fake kind of makes the videos harder to believe um yeah but i'm gonna be real with you though i doubt like the tens of millions of people that watch dream videos are going to go out i would never watch them again not the couchsurfing got the council of speed runs the council had decided you're fake what so what did they say they just said that um right so i watched the video i watched the video the the idea is that the the runs that dream has are way too lucky for them to not ask questions so like the chance of having a dream-esque run is like one in like eight billion like the amount of like consistent times he's had like good runs of like good drops because you know because of the minecraft world isn't it right it's the way that the minecraft so you know how when you start on minecraft world it completely randomly generates um basically to complete minecraft you have to go to the end beat the ender dragon i think he gets very lucky where he basically spawns and he's really close to where the ender dragon would be this is so sad i can't believe i'm explaining this in detail but it's more it's more than that it's awesome it's good yeah yeah well it's good it's good i'm enjoying the explanation it's more than like it's more than that as well it's also about drop rates so it's also like when you when you trade with pigment to get ender pearls which are really necessary that his pigmen give ender pearls so much more than like any other people that contest yeah and like and like even like blaze rods dropping and stuff like that he just has like so much more luck with everything throughout the run yeah or like a lot of things throughout the run so it's just like he's got a high loot really so they just believe that he's tampered with the game file in some way shape or form um so they've asked him to send over like his minecraft game file and stuff like that's how serious this is taking submit your files to the council for review or reap your fate so is it is he doing that i'm not doing that is he not doing that protest because they're [ __ ] or is he gonna like might as well just get it apparently he deletes them after like he regularly goes back and deletes [ __ ] for his computer when he's done stuff so so they're saying he's deleting the evidence so it's a big controversy at the moment who will live destruction of evidence that curry that carries a prison sentence i think dream's in a lot of trouble here i don't think he would have been so loud about it if he had modded it that's why that's where my my opinion is i don't think he would have made such a fuss about it on twitter he just would have ignored it surely yeah i think he really cares about being first which he would do how many views did that video get must be like nearly 100 mil right yeah i've seen i've seen that speed run how much how many views a lot god yeah i'll have tens of millions he went and did one the other day because he tried to beat the record i think you know he's in he and the thing is they're calling him a cheat but he's even if this one goes through i think he's only in sixth place and if you watch the speed run that they're they're calling out for being like way too lucky he actually gets really unlucky for quite a while he he misses out he needs one ender pole and he just like runs around like completely quiet for like four minutes trying to [ __ ] find one um so it's like if he had found the ender pearl that he needed or he had had one extra and one hadn't broken then he would have actually been able to finish the game in record time but he didn't and now they're also invalidating it so it's like two things you know yeah he also i'm pretty sure he said that he's beaten the record off stream loads of times um but you know it's just really it's really interesting because like people really care about this stuff and they're clearly on twitter and i understand why he cares because it's his job but i just i really found the whole idea of there being a council of people who i doubt they actively spend all their time checking but imagine that being i hope they get paid in some way shape or form because imagine that being what you do i hope they get shot you check other people's speed runs in minecraft well they have channels as well this is the thing it's like the controversy about it is now one of the people who is on the council has got a bang of video out of it so it's like yeah and it's got a lot of [ __ ] views and that's what dream thinks he's like oh i think they're just like purposely trying to make a case against me because it will bang views and it has so yeah it's on a million views in three days yeah it's one of it's yeah i wonder if he wasn't getting all this [ __ ] like if he wasn't blowing up so much if they they would never question that right never yeah i feel like yeah i don't think they'd be asking as many questions but i think there's also the point to be made that like out of you know a lot of people can go and do these minecraft runs and get insane luck how is it that this massive youtuber is one that's getting insane luck so it's like they're also going to ask a question because it's like it doesn't like you know you know what i mean people already accused you know you know the videos he does where he fights people right like the ones like we did the video did with us um yeah people accuse him of faking those but we've played with him i mean i know we don't know much about minecraft but like he is really [ __ ] good like oh man i watch his videos the guy's nuts yeah people think that those videos aren't real but somebody who's played with dream for like an hour the guy is [ __ ] next level you'll claim the fame you're complete at least an hour no but people people say he's all his other videos the ones that like george not found on sap nap and those ones are fake so like it's it's a big they're not it's a big thing that goes on with him where people just say that his videos aren't real i just i just don't i just i think that the whole appeal obviously is it is it's mental yeah especially with his sp uh with his um videos with like george not found nap and bubble halo people like that i think those they just they just record a lot of them i think because they i think they have a rule where if dream dies within a certain amount of time if they just won't bother with the video they'll just redo it because it's like obviously if it was just like a three-minute video and dream dies everyone will be like nice but [ __ ] nap in it has he ever died in one of them i've only watched a couple of his videos but like has he ever died in one of the speed runs i think he has i've seen him die in them before on tick tock and stuff so i'd assume that he does that's good on the edge of their seats yeah i've only ever watched ones where he's won but uh yeah i'm sure he has died yeah it's very strange though because it's like a big deal at the moment um you know that for the speed runs aren't apparently real or whatever which is just crazy we stand with dream we do team dream we're part of the dream team thanks for the million views on the eboyz channel we needed it thank you thank you fellow we really needed it yeah as well it will defend you to the end of time thank you and tommy thank you for the only podcast will be banned hey no our first podcast has done well that's the first one they always banged yeah i know but the tommy the tommy one's almost got more views than it so yeah well done jamie if you want to come and defend yourself this is an opening night the council will see you now we are that we know the most about this stuff you should talk to us about it we'll ask him what he thinks about rugby as well yeah he'd love that yeah and which harry potter character oh yeah yeah he's actually i'd like to know that ever that's good that's informative well thank you everybody thank you for watching well thank you for watching this episode of the world podcast you can listen to this over on spotify if you want hey thank you everyone yeah i don't think yeah yeah yeah yeah that's the one i think and um would you say well i don't think spotify given us a deal we should [ __ ] we should start buttering up apple music okay well you can listen to this podcast over on apple music if you want what about deezer is that cellophane you can listen to this podcast over on diesel if you want great alright thanks for watching everybody goodbye
Channel: The Eboys Podcast
Views: 467,911
Rating: 4.9633389 out of 5
Keywords: eboys, the eboys podcast, eboys podcast, willne, james marriott, imallexx, memeulous, christmas, tory, podcast 16, dream, minecraft, british, uk, streamys
Id: 70CNZqI6un0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 56sec (3836 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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