Eboys Podcast #1

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all right okay so welcome to the first episode of the eboyz podcast are you lucky what's your favorite meal deal uh i like uh egg and crest mayonnaise sandwiches prawn cocktail crisps and a naked smoothie because i like scamming tesco what about you james uh i'm a boots meal deal kind of guy you're a loser uh right boys our network right for context told us for our first episode we had to say a little bit about ourselves first so alex would you uh you'll be used to introducing yourself on podcasts would you like to tell us a bit about yourself um i am the bringer of demon death this podcast is about five episodes jesus christ uh i'm also a gay say okay yeah yeah all right so those two things really followed up each other right yeah you said kind of in uh my name is james marriott better known as jimbo mazza uh the dude the slime the chad uh i make commentary videos uh music commentary videos you're the other full range of losers ranger loser range of loser yeah we're all lasers there what about you george what do you think hello oh no i don't care about you world no one cares all right okay my name is george mimulus it's not sells drugs on the side yeah sell drugs on the sides and i have a uh crippling uh weed addiction good there nice sound hi my name is will no one's safe uh would you alex who would you say is the stupidest e-boy it's gonna be me why would that be george what have you done because you would consider being perceived as the stupid one george i think there's a story there's a reason why about you being who did you send money to george oh yeah i sent money to um the elon musk scammer yeah didn't you so for context a couple of weeks a couple of weeks ago now someone hacked like bill gates elon musk or jeff bezos mr beast and put like a bitcoin scam saying if you send me this to this address i'll send double back but in george's defense right elon musk went down first and the first like 30 seconds i saw that tweet i was like well you know it was like it was like i have a bit of money i want to do this i literally because i put my i remember when we invested in crypto schedule we'll think about we would like 60 million by the end of it yep i i i was like okay you know i'm not doing anything with it i might as well just whack it in and come through oh well uh we move how many how many how many weeks has it been uh i don't know a couple and you know i would say that the stupidest e-boy would be the type of person who would believe a fake story wouldn't they i mean it might perhaps be that can you answer a question for me alex will could you answer a question for me well i'm so sorry does it say gullible on the ceiling no no [ __ ] fearfully i've kept that going for weeks management video that i fell for it just to keep it going well done you've even said it in business calls like yes i did lose yeah i've said it i've been keeping this up for like weeks all right so who's the stupidest boy now i'll have it i'll have it gg [ __ ] bro i've told so many people [Applause] well do you really think me who thinks like five times before spending ten pounds that i would spend said three grand sometimes well fair play ladder brilliant [ __ ] i wanted to believe that so much it took me i i it took me a lot of like it took me a lot of time i was just constantly saying i don't believe that george did that but also entertaining the idea that it did happen and then i think alex let it slip in in a group chat and i was like [ __ ] you few and well you know what's really annoying as well right we have a list of topics for today and alex has basically done them well alex has done them all and i was like oh but what about george sending muddy elon put that on there [ __ ] i've been done when when you said it's mine i almost went i almost went what because i forgot i forgot about the fact that we've been keeping this up for god knows how long that yeah i haven't mentioned it who have you told this well i want to know a list of names boys like uh i just didn't know their group chats well because we thought randolph for dinner i was well i was like well george has done it too did randolph actually do it i think randolph actually did it all right i think hey imagine if this was a double bait and he had actually done it yeah it could be you never know so alex when you said you went upstairs and george was just sat on the city with his head in his hands yeah he was just doing that just all i liked i was just no he was just doing that i was just tired i was just lying on the sofa contract i went upstairs keemstar was right george was just sat on the sofa like he looked like he wanted to die and it was just after we'd like jokingly said that he sent all his money to elon musk bitcoin factory terrorism human i'm absolutely gutted do you have any other questions or was that just like a setup to ridicule george that massively backfired what do you mean because you went oh what yeah it was a segway yeah that makes george the smartest boy by default for keeping up for as long as you can impressive thank you thank you thank you who cares about gcse the least gcses but i am the smartest i got straight how many do you have um i've i got all except two so seven no it's like nine six ten or something i've got nine beats how did you get alex you did beat it you could do for was media it's the only way you could do media in my school so i do i did actually do a b tech so it kind of says it all right i've got two b techs b techs are underrated i mean it's not a competition lads i'll be real he's got the most b tech say a win technically it was two v texts but mate they were like it's like three quarters of a gcse and i went it's like b techs are like golf like the least you have the less you have the more you win the more impressive you are like you meet someone who has nine b techs and you're like you're [ __ ] you know b-text is like the equivalent of like three and a half gcses i think i don't know if any of you have seen that what elon musk uh just he's in the news i suppose has been up to but have you seen his new like um we start off with the with the less uh controversial stuff his new earpiece has anybody seen that oh yeah i hate people who worship elon musk yeah i know that's probably just like when you stop it's like epic attracts i think he does a lot of cool [ __ ] but he's just i don't i don't get like yeah for example like tweeting the pronoun stuff it's like why would you do that even if you believe that stuff it's like there is no nothing good comes out of tweeting that and that's what i'm this is a man whose face looks like it was constructed out of ham put a chip in your brain you deserve [ __ ] whatever you get you deserve everything you know [ __ ] do you remember when like the apple like preloaded the youtube album onto everybody's iphone oh yeah they released a story what song would you want preloaded into your brain chip if you had to pick one song i already knew that question was coming caramel dancing i'd have caramel dancing on 100 i would i would want the uh chuckle brother's full album i'd want uh annoying orange straight as hits oh i've gone and any of mcgee knows mcgee no ds hits oh i i has replay i was very that's a big hit i never really no no i don't know that was a good tune i mean the id the idea of having like something that implant into your brain isn't what it is before you know to hear things you've already got like what's the what's the upside though what is upside you could like what learn a language like that so no i think the idea was like that it was like the chip being inserted it's like you could actually have like a screen in front of you that you scroll through using your mind like that was like the actual concept my laptop's fine nah that's all that's been in like that's like some black mirror [ __ ] like have you seen that episode in black mirror it didn't go very well i mean that is the point of black mirror though it's not like actual like testing out theory and it might go well still james it's scary can we pull up an article that says what it's actually supposed to do um elon musk unveils neurolinks plans for brain reading that sounds terrifying doesn't it that doesn't sound fun oh it's all okay it's not for humans yet so what are they testing on animals well how would they test that would they just be like you're right mr rats can you hear anything can you read book please mr all right you hear the gummy the secretive company developing brain machine interfaces showed off some of the technology has been developing to the public for the first time the big advantage is threads which are less likely go and read that out the first big advance is flexible threads which are less likely to damage the brain oh my goodness because that's what you want in brain machine interfaces these threads also create the possibility of transferring a higher volume of data according to a white paper credited um the abstract notes i don't know what any of that [ __ ] means three thousand electorate why would you do this though why don't you just get like airpods or something flex on them you can't even flex get a job that's so dumb i hate anyone that considers even doing that no it's so it makes a nice sense doesn't it until it becomes the norm if if there was a man you would let put a chip in your brain who would it be james marriott no yeah he's got a degree yeah i trust yeah i don't trust him though i do wow i'm here he's done that wrong if he had the technology behind him i'd let him do it yeah he'd make he could program accents directly into your brain yeah see and and maybe i'd get a nicer trim who would i trust uh yeah basically it doesn't really say anything i think people just kind of made it up right so the vote is no e-boys until we release our own brand one in the next five years then we'll we'll definitely push that if you could brainwash people to do what would you do are you a psychopath what is look i'm thinking everyone's thinking the advantages of the chip what's the advantages of owning the chip i'm thinking outside the box nomination i'd make everyone uh floss at the same time oh that is a that is a dangerous powerful ninja could have done with that a few years ago yeah oh god yeah i don't know if you had the ability to best communicate to people via their brain chip what would you what would you would i just would use it as like a school you know one of those intercom systems yeah i'd be like uh new videos at night oh my god like push notifications to the back of your skull i feel right this now i've changed my mind yeah yeah pick up ela let's go let's go let's do it let's link i just james marriott tweets read to me directly as they get posted it would be a non-stop spiel at that point listening to an audio book to be fair talking about uh i suppose we're kind of on the topic of like social media [ __ ] i don't know if anybody saw but everyone on the internet trended that shane dawson died the other day yeah what was that all about oh yeah just got bored imagine if someone called shane did actually die and then it was taken over by the fact that oh funny dawson instead has anybody here ever trended for dying no remember when the queen trended for dying that was a fun evening yeah the queen trying to oh a legendary day on twitter that rivaled the drip doctor's day the what the the drip doctor's day on twitter come on george what how how you got a job my memory you've got a job in my memory nazari nazaree the drip doctors you've got a good night's sleep remember these jokes are merry but i think i've repressed this samia nasri his wife or his last kicked off that he cheated with a drip doctor uh with the one of the doctors or nurses from yeah i think the queen day surpasses that no i think they're on a par it was a [ __ ] good day the day that one of the members of the royal family dies is going to be a nuts day for twitter oh yeah when prince philip kicks it when he goes we've been waiting for princeville to die for [ __ ] youngsters we've got like a group chat like pondering if he's dead yet yeah yeah we've got a mate who likes to tell us stories from inside the media and about eight months ago he told us prince philip was dead now it's been eight months and we were i don't know why we were so excited about this at least because it took i think like royal family news is huge when you're british royal family news is something that everyone knows about like everyone hears about what's happening with the royal family but he's he's kicking it you see pictures of him and it's a real worry so how is he he's not alive is he he's not living right yeah it's that photo of him in the car where he just doesn't look like he's all there yeah that's what's gonna happen to shane dawson you're gonna see a picture of it like a chuck e cheese or something he's gonna look half decomposed i wonder how he's cut how he's doing at the moment probably not imagine very well not brilliant thing is though six months right i'd put any money totally fine everyone like he crashed it happens every [ __ ] time a documentary on yeah on himself elon musk chip it's like people people don't actually care that's the thing like they pretend to care yeah for like internet points but they don't no one actually cares but there's one thing i care about massively there are quite a few people who care about what he said but i guess when it comes to their life and like whether they'll care in the future i doubt it'll be that much yeah it's trained he's just a bloke because he's been cancelled so much for i think the the really harrowing stuff is the stuff he did like eight years ago and that and that stuff it's not like that stuff's only just been found out that was yeah the majority of it has been the majority of it has been i thought sorry when you said movie i thought you were talking about the movie poster one no no no no no not that one [ __ ] there's not much of that wait what what we're not okay okay we'll move on from there okay i'm leaving um i do care about which one did they moving on dawson you know because we don't talk about that anymore and this i think this is arguing i think i mean this is this is arguably arguably worse there's been a big there's been a big oh yeah bring back the the segway alarm uh good podcast boys let's go you trended will anna you trended two weeks ago and you failed to [ __ ] deliver when did i drink where is hashtag joe banana oh yeah where is joey where is joe bernardo he's edited if you don't know what joey banana is basically my editor will bet what was it like 200 quid 100 quid 100 hundred quid that my editor couldn't eat like what five bananas in a minute four bananas four bananas in a minute and he did it and we recorded it and we all said he put out the video and he hasn't yet should we put in the clip of it now [Music] and it's live all right you ready joe how are you feeling feeling good three two one go oh oh my god oh my i'm [ __ ] oh my god 30 seconds you know oh my god oh my god not the last bit [Applause] well you can look back at the record var will don't worry don't worry lad i'm prone to it great achievement pleasure doing business with you how underwhelming is that man eats four bananas yeah it's just a bit of a stinker really it me and george want a bid for it yeah i want to bid for the rights to joe banana right right now i actually screen recorded it so i'm just i'll probably just tweet it no you guys want a bid for it we'll buy it off you well right now we'll buy it off you the edited version you've got what have you got to offer i'll give you a tenner yeah i'll start at 15. 10 17. [ __ ] off 25. this is bollocks um well i want me 100 quid back or it's never going out i've got 30 bananas i'll sell it for 50. i've got the screen recording i'm not buying joe banana for 50 questions yeah i don't like twitter but the thing is that you're bidding over stuff that literally has just been played in this podcast oh yeah oh yeah so yeah i'll take it i'll take whatever's going on okay no joke is free now i'm just going to take it down from the pod and copyright strike joke yeah i'll pay for the rights over george can't repost it it's 25 quid 25 legal rights joe banana just just post it on tick talk and hope he doesn't see it we are pretty terrible to uh to some of the people you can sit with disc or call for example i've seen the clip now of you and lois well oh well oh yeah because will was over over a mine and oh that lewis went live on twitch and will said he was doing a bit for a video he said no no no no well i said george was doing i was pretty i was [ __ ] we've had a few drinks right and there we go and i'm like louis i'm with george right that's his first mistake and he's george says he'll give you 400 quid if you take your top off and do some star jumps i can't believe when would george pay anyone 400 quick exactly then again i believe the [ __ ] three grand elon musk thing so so what we're trying to say is the stupidest d boy is louis yes he is he's not an e-boy though he was delivered warning that he didn't get the 50 boy thing he was absolutely who was funny he did it we had cut so much out of that so much we've really messed that video up there are so many youtubers who sent in oh my god i'm so embarrassed we forgot to put whose week was that it wasn't it wasn't my week so i went to record a video with curtis connor and on the day of recording it i remember i just like realized i was like what was this bit in in the e-boys audition video and it had been cut alex just hates him and the reason it had been cut is because i said i think it was one of the joes that edited it and i said all right it's a low quality one in the screen recording for some reason i will send you his one and i i forgot so like his part just got completely cut and i had two one out for kids yeah i also figured whoever was editing it didn't know um uh who the american youtubers and the canadian youtubers were so loads of them disappeared just because he only knew the british ones and i was like who were the american ones we did uh he didn't make it in there was a couple wasn't there from whatever i think quackity only got added in at the last second yeah because i remember well there was a few he's kind of this was really good so it was like yeah he's got loads of subs we needed him [ __ ] it's piss bottle time piss bottle time how many times have you told this story and it hasn't actually materialized into anything yet oh well i mean in essence alex pissed in a bottle at the end and left it in the hallway yeah it's not the end because i believe and it was just it was a small mistake level one and number two i'd do it again have you done it again do that again i'm telling the landlord so i can get the place to myself you are the landlord yeah you are you own this place you literally make me pay rent to you exactly i'll just kick you i was just 4k a month here you make me pay you it's ridiculous i can't no wonder i piss in bottles man i've got to save money somehow can't flush it didn't you try and claim it was fanta yes i panicked i panicked all right yeah no it was a very different misty color in a coke bottle yes and i was like who pours it i went to investigate again after we made that ludicrous claim and i confirmed that it was in fact piss test showed in my findings and he was like stop pissed and they went off discord call with you two yeah that's when will and i knew that it was yeah as soon as i like stepped from the call and left the pro club session it was i could explain this side all right there was two cardboard boxes in the way i couldn't get through i was on the edit i had to get it done and i'm just more dedicated to the grind than anybody here right because i person bottles and personally i think that should be seen as a positive towards my character that i'm that ingrained into the content yeah let's see what let's see what everyone else thinks about it shut the [ __ ] up i think they're great i think they're great i think he's a scruffy little kid you know what i'm like we've spoken we know we talk about billionaires and all that you know i work under the george miller's second channel regime and just like amazon workers are not allowed toilet breaks and it's horrific and it's horrible i don't even get paid today's video so i have to sit there and read reddit posts and pretend to enjoy that he's not a monster he shits in a box [ __ ] bottle that's what we need [ __ ] has to make sense because then you know post walking alex has a litter tray in his room but it can't be asked to go to the [ __ ] ensuite the segway from that is meant to be eboy's meals let's go is this trying to cut us try to convince the audience we actually like each other and spend time outside of youtube yeah no the thing is we actually all despise each other absolutely this is a great business from us we've smashed them and we only eat together because you can put on the business card talking about business expenses that [ __ ] sidemen video when they spent 100 grand oh my that's the most ah [ __ ] art we need let's do it let's do it i've got my watch all the way through you are i've got my eye on a rolex we gotta do it yeah [ __ ] we just oh buying each other cars and houses for a video that'll be great let's [ __ ] do that man they've got it good i i respect that big move from your lot hundred grand was the brand deal because they did a brand deal for him yeah it must have been [ __ ] well it's a hundred thousand dollars so that's what like 75 okay i think yeah i spent about 10 on each other 10 grand i think they went a little bit over i think it was so i think it was like 11 grand yes 77 ish yeah yeah but did anybody buy anybody nine wagyu stakes yeah exactly yeah i've still got two pieces left no one scrammed a tab in that video tray sally that was [ __ ] next level though respect that why did you yeah why did you i still can't believe you actually ate that cigarette as well i mean you're never going to see nothing else he didn't toby ain't going to do that is he i actually think that was really mean of george to just get you a package he loves them yeah did you love your gift you can actually see in the background of my video uh a bit of things for the the next boys video this will be set up in my room very soon can you read out the name i know the board will be set up in my room right oh wait no your room yeah yeah yeah yeah that'll not be up for long uh do you want to tell that say the name i put on the on the boxes for you james yeah and the address and postcode beneath it yeah please so basically context we're doing this video where we redecorate each other's rooms aren't we it would be out by itself yes william bartholomew quincy marriott iii that's his real name [Laughter] i don't know why he's right reading that in a funny voices yeah this is real legitimate i mean you should see the first and second if you think i'm bad i can't wait for everybody to see what they've been bought it's truly gonna be incredible i think will's gonna love his i think you know it's a bit of him it is right it's very much we may we targeted yours directly at you stuff we thought you'd like personally right so is it like decorations or a presents it's a mix i've got some presents in there james we think you'll love yours james you've got some great presents are you kidding me you got me no genuinely you'll love it we balled out i thought we we went a little bit we got a little bit over yeah no we did go a bit over budget we ended up spending about 5 20. i think we're the same george yeah i think the same one of yours is sat downstairs on my kitchen table i'm excited i think it's going to be really good don't be but you just said oh you got me a good time don't be excited don't be excited the people just said you got me in the video oh no oh like we we think haha very funny good [ __ ] but it's not good i thought you said you got me some nice gifts yeah well nice funny but that's really nice it doesn't mean you're funny a fair bit of responsibility with one of the ones we've got you it's a it's an orphan we've got you right you're often a syrian child i probably can't stop i've probably got that out um maybe they have gotten that and then that would be factually correct and there's nothing controversial at all um talking about uh foreign countries they're having loads of terrible times they really want to talk about no uh tick-tock um have you ever seen the country of tick-tock no no india's banned tick-tock tick-tock we've put one out again so sad it's like that man's troubles indian tick tock was the best side of tick tock oh mate it was so good do you have the joke indian joker great characters great great people over there um but it's kind of crazy because basically tick tock went down for like five minutes for a week i everybody freaked out um i don't know how your life's gonna change when tick tock gets banned i barely use it it's not getting banned i'd like to hit a million on there before uh i get taken off yeah that's my goal as well are they going to panic here but doesn't every [ __ ] social media like track your data and all that [ __ ] yeah yeah but it's because it's foreign everyone don't like it because it's it's different country to america tracking your data right yeah it's all right when the americans uh right you know because america is a very trustworthy country like you know when you speak and then like google starts giving you adverts on your phone for [ __ ] that you've been told yeah that apparently that's fine no one cares about that but the idea that a chinese man might hear it or he's not alone and it was crazy is i actually read something about this today because you'd think that it would kind of just like it's obviously not gonna happen i don't believe that any um like of the western world will be banning it uh i i'm confused why india banned it anyway they probably banned it for other reasons and just used it as a bit of an excuse i assume um what the [ __ ] well like i don't why would i care if they have my data what the [ __ ] are they going to do with it they're all the way over there i just sell it to people when i put your address in an eboy's video there's hell on yeah better us selling that than them yeah well i i think what people people seem to be like confused oh they get you data but they just do it so they can target adverts at you right like it's not anything mental maybe it is is that maybe yeah maybe there's something worse to it that us our simple mind story well i guess china i think the rumor is that china use it so they could like because if they've got access to your microphones in your pocket then they may be able to overhead over here information they can overthrow the american government or something but if yeah we discuss uh military secrets together don't we go oh he's doing the renegade i don't know how this alex blocks is but he's been pissing in a bottle yeah they'll find that out then they will never listen into my phone again it's great tactic yeah but it's one of the things i just saw i don't know i think if we all scream into our phones they'll go away because they'll just be i can't be honest [Laughter] it doesn't have consent to listen to you it won't do it that is awesome but um have you any of you seen that platform it's called like trailer or is it thriller yeah yeah like it's just like [ __ ] tick tock in it my my driller oh yeah by trailer yeah my driller my truck is on there though right yeah they just bought a bunch of tickets so that's one that's a good usp i take back what i said pay me and i'll build your platform so they bought a bunch of tick tockers because apparently the tick tock is a concerned about the data breach they don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] well in the tickets um if tick tock are out there listening um please pay us to stay we don't care sell it use that chinese selling money that you get for selling information to reimburse me please i'd love that you've done enough damage to that platform as it is like just you know but i love that i made myself a chicken wing on that platform the other day it's so good now you name a platform where you could go on unless you get away without punchlines right chicken wing i tell myself your [ __ ] chicken wing oh we have a green screen maybe we should get a chip fat to edit us all as chicken wings for the entirety of the next video enough um yeah that might seen too many [ __ ] last week a lot of people always are crying sending him that a boy stuff we've already a few videos in and there's been a lot of penis content on our channel just love [ __ ] when we got called misogynistic and then we decided to just show off we just love [ __ ] so much and nothing's as good as [ __ ] yeah nothing is as good as [ __ ] so don't say that about us ever again um i get a lot of comments about that they're very interesting i love that it's always like the the like george george and will as like the straight ones show us the [ __ ] alex the bisexual one no and james the gay one obviously oh yeah well no because i was i was the exception to the rule there because i didn't take part in the [ __ ] hunt i don't think there's anyone nothing wrong with wanting to see a bit of [ __ ] no there isn't science really my main thing i just want to the preface it's not the fact that i don't love a [ __ ] it's the fact that i'm going to hello of not wanting to see one that i haven't you know you know you don't want to see i don't just like random if somebody got a [ __ ] out in the street you wouldn't go well if you will maybe you would god you put it down on your notes up another point on the [ __ ] hunt we play that game constantly by the way it doesn't end on that video is the fact that you know you don't i don't go on there thinking you know this is the great e-boys video i can't wait to see some [ __ ] but i'm getting used to it see i went in that e-boys video thinking gonna say loads of [ __ ] today yeah i don't know something got there was a miscommunication because me and george were like [ __ ] hunting and you were a lot more like a legal video i don't know what happened i was definitely like because it was cynic's idea the amiga [ __ ] hunt my editor's sitting snacks and i was like we can't just do a video called a meagle cut [ __ ] that will never survive on the platform so i was like i went ahead with my brain i know for a fact that i was thinking at least will i wasn't sure of george i was like at least willa's just gonna go into this going how much shaft can i see and i thought someone has to at the end of the day bringing some phones out it's family friendly you know i was under the story of that video that it was going to be like a prank call video where you guys just tell me to say things and that was going to be the whole car and then i log in every sort of thing i thought oh that's a funny intro obviously then no no no no no rocks 25 minutes later bro we started this channel looking at the fat man's [ __ ] right nothing's changed since stick to our roots man i rate that well i reckon as soon as that video hits a million views we change the title to a meagle cuckoo i think that's [ __ ] boys yeah youtube youtube will love that merger yeah it was it was any kind of the rider at that point what's next on the agenda um i wanted to talk about the fact that obviously since the beginning of quarantine you know we've all got closer we started the channel during quarantine um yeah we've played a thousand games of pro clubs and we've played a thousand games of pro clubs and that's exactly what i was moving on to number one we're still [ __ ] we're still [ __ ] at pro clubs everybody here still mate speak for yourself i'm you're james gasses himself he's good but he gasses himself yeah orlando bloomers at the top of his game oh yeah we were speaking about this actually because there was like a few rumors when people found out that we played pro clubs people like are they going to play the sidemen at pro clubs we'd like to dispel that rumor right now and say that we take it way too seriously to ever have a fun video with it it would not be entertaining we'd hate each other you'd probably funny video and we would take it far too seriously wouldn't we i wouldn't yeah you're right i would not be able to lose i would have to win i will look i shout wrath with my xbox as if it can hear me it's just not going to go well but my favorite thing about pro clubs is not our incredible goals and the scorpion kicks that we put in it's people who decide to set their pro club name and their pro names numbers oh that's brilliant that's the best thing so you get into the game some [ __ ] got massive blue hair he's doing yes shushes and then you see oh seven five nine six seven three two that's george's yeah sorry george yeah that guy and then he was there and i tweeted it and then and then he quit the game and we weren't in it we've done that a few times if you play pro club set your number as your thing and i'll tweet it for you you're good at evening i don't think people want that infinite entertainment people got angry at us for doing that some people replied being like this is ridiculous how can you do that but if you have the goal to go on a public forum and set your public profile is your phone number if you have a platform like my twitter you use it yeah you abuse that millions of goods if i'm going to use it for something it's to win a [ __ ] pro clubs game i get [ __ ] all else out of it doxing for dubs there's nothing wrong with the best part is we're doing their little skills won't they they'll be doing a little like spins and then suddenly you tweet out their phone number and then the player just goes dead still as the guy trying to [ __ ] turn his phone off it's so satisfying when it's just like one of the players isn't moving and then they send you a bunch of messages after i love that yeah yeah some people have been running into us on clubs haven't they they've been tweeting at us we've buddied some teenage fans earlier on on the on a bit of pro clubs they tweeted out yeah one of the rare occasions when we've won recently what's upsetting is always the fact that when we lose and we'll be losing we're like oh and then suddenly they get past the ball and you see their name will be like um josh 2009 yeah and you know they're like an eight-year-old well it's usually like what 2006 2007. did you ever find out how old mandy shark was the person who managed to join our club he was like 14 i think yeah for context we left our pro club open and then someone joined started playing left back and then we realized they were actually a bit better than we were and we're really good at taking corners we let them stay and then they had a [ __ ] there and would kick them out without seeing anything me and mendy shark on the left was a deadly combination take credit well we didn't kick them out you did i didn't do [ __ ] there was you were the one who kicked him i was you i thought it was you will no well will said i don't want to play unless you kick him i went all right he's gone nice sorry if i told you jump off a cliff would you uh yeah probably you're like you're like the messy to barcelona yeah he is he's the messy of clubs just sweet uh eboy's fc never said that before you know it's one of those things you know you gotta keep the camp happy uh well he's been at the club he's a club legend he's been there for years and uh many pseudonyms that we probably can't mention um are you getting some great you're orlando bloom at the moment aren't you james why are you laughing is there a reason why i just like i don't know i like being a bit interesting i've been jeremy corbyn i've been boris johnson i've been orlando bloom i've been myself i've been old jimbo i've not been adolf hitler should we go into yours well do you want us to go over [Music] [Laughter] that's what clubs are supposed to be though stupid maybe slightly offensive names it is it's the best part about it i mean i've been yeah if you're sorry your actual name or something like messy you're boring as [ __ ] oh i've been james marriott before i've been gibberman i remember the first time we looked at the clubs and i was called alan beans and i can't remember who else was in the club but they all had random names and then everybody had some ridiculous name and it was just up front i passed the ball to james it's just a james marriott and i was like you can't be taking a pace and i have an incredible goal scoring record as james marriott so put it in the stack himself get off my back get off my back truly um one of the things that i uh also wanted to mention obviously because you know we live in the uk and everybody knows that social distancing now is for [ __ ] yeah get rid of it uh kiss your kiss do what you want [ __ ] social media i'm joking uh don't i've got my mask i got my mask together though right well we live around like we don't go see it we don't see anybody else apart from each other no we we wore a condom from march through to june and now obviously we're out of that kind of zone and i was on my [ __ ] seat so i was fine yeah um but i suited a collar oh thank god for us there's no tyler oakley around uh obviously we'd all be uh interesting segway there what's tyler oakley done alec uh i'd be probably wearing a condom i guess uh but uh that's not what's gonna talk about um it's honorable clay tweeted out um just like a bunch of like social media influencers just on twitter publicly who said that they weren't so suggested to say they weren't wearing any masks so she posted it i thought it was just so late for me what a snitch snake just get stitches horrible horrible one of them is like 16 year old charlie dimiglio that it's only like 30. he's like 30 years old is that what it's like is this what happens when you fall off no you're joking yeah i'll link i'll link the tweet in the chat he told us like 20 times a day tyler oakley get a grip hang on hang on boys hold the bus what is in that jar i don't want to talk about it all right come on what's up you've we've done my first podcast you're already scratting what's in the [ __ ] this is shocking for you it's a salad that's it why is it in a job why the [ __ ] is it in a jar all right arya was like can we order from this place it looks nice i didn't know i was gonna get a [ __ ] jar of food all right i thought i was just going to get a little how much was it for a salad james like a tenner for a jar of salad it was like seven pounds oh reasonable it's a good it's a very very good seven quarter choice oh yeah well done i love that good salad that's so unbelievable i mean to be fair to go back to this tyler oakley thing you know because we could blame these influencers for atrocities instead of focusing on your ones james um this have you seen the pictures of the house party those guys because all right just a preface in america it's [ __ ] they've got like 140 000 people have died which is ridiculous they might even be more at this point um and nobody's going to go out or do anything but obviously people in their life they don't care at all you know we social distance for a long period of time and boris johnson you know after he after the green light went we were like [ __ ] it hookers everything we've had everything around here me and george just been filling the apartment up with whoever we can find but there's like this party and it's like 300 influencers at a party and then do you know what happened i literally can't think of anything [ __ ] worse did you know what happened there was a covered outbreak because of the party and now half of them foxes got it right yep rest in peace well not rest in peace hopefully jesus sorry who has it lovely that's what i'm saying i meant it well i meant to say sorry i hope you get better soon but rest in peace came out who the [ __ ] is who are you on about who you are tyler fox fox oh tana foster card fast car bikes scooters hot wheels brand hill boy he did a brand new with hot wheels yeah man he's got his car as a hot wheel yeah house you're joking did you get the bell dolphin car as a hot wheel oh oh bang me and george went out in the other day and someone pulled over the side tooted at us like three times and just pointed and laughed no they were going around the roundabout and he just like stuck his head like half his body out his window i was just pointing at us as he went round that's so late honestly i'll just try i just forget that it's as ridiculous as it is i like driving it i just took the boat in it oh that was fun if anyone's ever gotten this do you want to talk about the whole discovery of that and how you should pull me out let's go get it um yeah honestly without you i don't think that video would have happened like we were really getting bollocked i was panicking when i got up there it was so i get a phone call from you then i will and you're just like oh we [ __ ] it security guard please give me my video this month security guard was delivered at willie and karen carlin for acting like falls uh wait what did they do why weren't they allowed in this building we were filming as we went in and i was just joking about and he was like it was so obvious we literally had the camera like this yeah yeah and he was like oh no filming in here and i was he was like why are you here and i was like well i couldn't be like oh someone's left just like a package i don't know what's in this yeah [ __ ] middle of london next to the shot yeah we're doing worse oh taking pictures and he's like get out like you don't have a car in here get out alex please come and get the box so he called me and i turn up in the [ __ ] like internet sensation hoodie which obviously made loki um and i walk in and first of all i come by the left so i walked up every single part of the car park really well it's like 10 floors so i took so long so i walked all the way up but because i was so set on the idea that we were receiving a package because that's what you told me like weeks ago i was thinking it's a cable box behind some random stranger's car and because i i come towards the car at the only angle where because it's on the top floor it's so bright it looked silver more than it looked pink and it was the only side where there's no text on the car yeah yeah and i couldn't see anything for the windows because the reflection of windows so i just walk and i just think oh this is just some random stranger's car so no one i'm freaking out because i know there's some bloke walking around he's like looking and then i go behind i circled the car about nine times cannot find this package i'm looking for a box for some reason every time i circle around i just think it will magically appear and then i call you and i'm like oh oh am i as soon as i'm about to call you i clocked the [ __ ] bear i was like oh i was like oh it's me being an idiot i feel oh it's just her car that's just how she feels about she that's just what she does she rides around someone who's that publicly subtle actually drives in a car with her [ __ ] name on it i'm gonna get a car called with just george mimulus on the front i got like a red with that red bubble design you know like fat george media yes design yeah i don't know why my brain wasn't i was so i think she was panicking so much i wasn't really thinking and i went down i just saw the car keys and my heart dropped because i wasn't thinking oh great she's got my car i was thinking i can't drive this out of here and i thought that was kind of like what the next thing i was gonna do was can you not drive no i can't drive at all have you ever driven no never seen for george i've seen him try it might as well i couldn't reverse i can out look look all right we'll whenever we have some time i'll show you my driving team all right i want to learn how to drive i'd like to learn how to drive maybe that could be a good video boys learn to drive eboy's learn to drive that would be a week we go for like a really like fast-paced driving school day like one day oh i'll teach you no because we'll see who is allowed to teach us i think because he's had his license for a year yeah and um sorry that would be a great video idea what if like we each buy each other a car and like design it and [ __ ] yeah hmrc that would be a great idea let's all buy each other a car okay if i land boat or no that's just that we should i reckon we just take the bell dell fiend car down a country road or something yeah for sure or like a big car park or something yeah okay yeah that's the that's the plan we should i'll set you up some co and i'll score you on who's the best at that man i'll put it all together i reckon it'll be me because i i found my test twice but i actually got to the test bit all right so you filled your test twice alex how many times you failed your chest is here right exactly so you're better than george no yes you're the one who raised the idea of golf scores earlier yeah yeah no but i can i actually know how to drive joyce is a b-tech in driving alex have you ever had someone tell you no you can't drive you're too [ __ ] no there you go i haven't i have oh will has okay so i'm the second driver here the logic the thing is sometimes i just i get tempted to drive purely because i just want to spend all my money on a car how many times that what car would you get alex oh i'd love uh trying to think i i do i love the idea of whistling around in the ferrari but [Music] alex is a mini cooper and i will hear nothing other than that i mean i could say that all right all right james if you were a car what would you be i'd be a cyber truck well what i do want to get one of them to be fair what's a cyber truck what oh do you know what i'd be i would be an e bussy segue to the next topic yeah have you seen that tweet that ebussy that eva see imagine right you're like all right we need a name for this new electronic bus your name is hello everybody you got you got like five uh middle asian men in suits sitting around would you would you come inside the ebussy i'd come inside the ebussy it's like a campervan right you're supposed to live in it and kick a boat in it yeah i guess electric brands is unveiled it's ebussy concert a modular electric vehicle that could be transformed it's attended yeah that must be like some kind of publicity stunt surely because we would never have heard about that surely that didn't go through so many people and maybe that's not a good idea well did you guys know what a [ __ ] was until the nicocado avocados no i didn't no i didn't know i didn't know everybody's missing a point here it's a [ __ ] transformer what do you mean it transforms man do you mean it's a campervan no no legitimately on transforms what you put the seeds down right this is mental you can like this is insane oh my god you know the things on the side they open and you can get in the windows that go down the windows you can move the steering wheel from left to right this is crazy it's like a transformer man it only costs uh 18k 18. hell damn half a brand deal for you e-boys e-bussy the e-boys roll up in the e-bussy oh come on man that's that's literally a match made in [ __ ] heaven it is we need one two are america in the in the e busy e-boys on tour it's the channel starts with a [ __ ] and then we die in a road trip and we end in the [ __ ] race had a legend e-boy's dying that e bussy yeah apparently it might it might go up to thirty three thousand us dollars um if you get the top spec off-roading e-bussy mate that's a that's a third of a sidemen video that's very affordable mm-hmm yeah that's awesome simon so out and that's incredible man uh like the fact that it's it's on the hypebeast website just so you know i reckon it's a publicity stunt yeah because we would never have heard of that if it was if they hadn't called it the e-buzzy we would probably never have heard of it never have ever seen it but because they called it the e-bussy hit podcast on spotify on itunes have you ever if you guys look at it i'm linking to you look at the shape it's very strange it doesn't look i like it you know i think i think it's wrong i think it rocks ma'am we got a custom black it looks like you know the little uh thing in star wars the droids yeah bbs the little one that goes around r2d2 it's got droid mate droids yeah yes gog droid car we could call it donk droid we should get an ep i actually actually would be down that could be the company car the the ebussy wait it's got 20 horsepower that's a third as much as the b the beldolfienko and a third yeah but this one transforms mike it's not even a third as much it's an electric though so surely that makes it no yeah but we're saving the environment by going around in the ebussy what save the world doesn't horsepower not mean as much when it's electric am i right james right we're gonna fail the driving lesson yeah though i think this isn't gonna go very well no you know when i my first driving lesson he was like right we're gonna do a little bit um can you tell me uh just point at it which one's the handbrake and i pointed at the foot i pointed at one of the pedals he said james can you slow down you actually kind of hit that though you kind of hit that i wrote that i hit the notes talking about a bussy i've seen on it one of the questions is who would make the best only fans now by default i win because i basically got my [ __ ] out you've made the best daily fans but [ __ ] off mine was better i did it years before you even thought of it you didn't even get naked will neither did he he was wrapped around your face was wrapped around his [ __ ] i don't know how you're gonna try and talk i did get naked in it yeah but in terms of only fans content i'm saying with alex you get more bang for your buck but i could find you a steel frame right now as my [ __ ] in it if you wanted and the money went towards the nhs allegedly put your [ __ ] in the chat [ __ ] in chat i well i'd have to go through the premiere profile boys boys [ __ ] and chat e-boys cooking chat that's all in the first podcast everyone take a picture with that not put it in chat well we'll decide the thumbnail now coming to spotify video big red arrows going who's his who voice gets send your cox anonymously to this email we will try and guess whose [ __ ] is whose unless chris md you can send me your call after i was so nice to him in the last video he actually did yeah chris legibility fed us not just figaro hang on hang on chris md i've got a voice note uh hang on from chris md about our video before i see you about i've got a picture of his [ __ ] actually youtube's cocky christmas takeaway video but unfortunately i was ill for the last two weeks and then i saw an online group of backstabbers decided to jump on that before me so i'd love to get the band together wait was he gonna invite us to do one and then no no he was gonna meet stephen and harry to do a second one and then we [ __ ] stole it we'll do one i'd love another wacky steak christmas wait come on invite the whole squad yeah do you do eboyz we're not quite harry right or sure in combined but it doesn't matter same habits same habits oh yeah we're all very similar oh my does anybody else go anything else that they want to um i thought like i wanted to mention the the document that was posted as a tweet that we found i thought where someone someone had counted up someone had done a huge document basically saying who is winning the e-boys so what they did was they they tallied up the points and kind of equated them um basically saying who has the most points out of all of the competitions that we've had in the e-boys videos and uh does anyone else want to reveal who's first like do you know this i know you know i know you're i'm first yeah know i've got to be last surely i i don't really ever win let me uh let me type in eboy's ranking did they also correct i feel like george is second i feel like george's second i've missed so many voice videos like just in terms of the scores i've miscounted so many there would i lie to you video yes yeah which was the other one that i [ __ ] the quiz one we did yeah the mastermind mastermind we [ __ ] that too right yeah no mastermind three of us got disqualified and only generally i was the only one that didn't cheat so yeah only george got points for that one i did i didn't cheat the star wars question i know but we were disqualified oh no it sucks that was a great video because we just oh we decided that week that we could be bothered oh i love it oh man when people like what do what are they boys it's hard to even really say just wherever we want to be whenever we want to be [ __ ] solid we're the english boys we're the egg boys egg boys why are we at the moment i changed the buyer didn't i'm not the egg boys we are the egg boys that's the buyer i'm not the [ __ ] the boy i know the buyer is currently ingallon boys say right because what's the rank in there one to four what what who's winning uh i couldn't find it i typed in eboy's ranking and it was just people on twitter ranking us as who's the best typically was the best no because there's a lot i want to have my ego completely crushed shut up go read him god let's see i'm not reading them look i'm not [ __ ] reading them as the boy with the least amount of subscribers this will hurt me more than anyone else all right so can you please allow it i'm typing in e-voice ranking they've kept track of like who won every video but they've not kept track of who's winning overall oh well that's because there's still he's playing for at lovely marriott sort your [ __ ] out right we want we want a league keep the league going of of wins of videos and then we get a big trophy at the end of the year yeah we're paid for by them yeah by you caitlyn at lovely marriott do you wanna know the boys rankings on twitter uh number one alex george james and will so somebody just put a solid number one shared because you because you because you shouldn't rank people who are making a joint effort on this channel yeah but james has bought him that first place is alex woodland georgia second place james ranking uh william i would actually be fourth there george i don't care james well in jim tied for one um george second i came last according to uh um i know they got some uh don't name them and [ __ ] they got smart they got some k-pop names so their opinion is automatically invalid oh no you don't want that war you do not want that war i'd take that take that back no no no apologize i love actually i just don't have don't love stans um eboy's ranking uh number one i'm alex because he's baby all right well i'm not gonna read that anymore you've got a cat now don't you james i do have a cat how's that been i love my cat he's already grown so much it's ridiculous is he in the right room right now can you show him i can go get him yeah go get him go get the cat because i only show i've only showed him once on an actual video i've tweeted a lot of that i always see him walking behind when we're uh [ __ ] on discord i had a dream yesterday i really you know when you have like one of those really lucid like vivid dreams i had a dream that i like genuinely had a like i bought a kitten it was so real yeah what was he called the kid i i think i don't remember that much from it i just remember having one right i was really good you know anyway [ __ ] pets so bad yeah you know you wake up and you think that you actually got the thing that you had in your dream [Music] well he's really good at being picked up now he doesn't complain look at him look at him he's just chilling have you seen the thing if you pick up a cat and wiggle it it grows in length yeah have you seen if you pick him up you know like by like under his arms hold him up and then like shake him a little bit he'll expand in length go like [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm not going to do that to my cat i'll find the tick tock it's not it's not it's a real thing like you don't obviously i'm gonna go he was very comfortable on the sofa so i'm gonna go put him back all right goodbye stan otto in the comments my goodbyes off yeah we need one george what pet are we gonna get i want to get a dog um but uh i was also a hamster maybe i was thinking i i reckon i'm responsible enough for a hamster at least i was quite tempted to go for fish you know yeah yeah start with the goldfish no shark yeah bit boring though i feel as though with hamster you get certain you can hold you can't hold a fish what i would really like would be like a turtle that would be quite yeah but they live forever anyone's gonna [ __ ] tell you the toys same thing well not oh they are they look the same well not a turtle goes in water tail can swim yeah a turtle is like an evolved tortoise no but like i want the ones from nemo a turtle is less evolved than a torch the animals came out of the sea will remember no not right so a turtle can swim and walk a tortoise can only walk tell them i don't give a [ __ ] if i chopped off your legs would you be more evolved no if you had no that's not how it works oh my god i'm so sorry will but i have to veto that well you are the biggest boy that's no question are you saying are you saying that people who are disabled are less evolved than you well no don't flip on me like that oh my god i'm just saying [ __ ] turtles are more are just better up living than tortoises are tortoises are [ __ ] pointless honestly they're more involved you haven't convinced me to not get one if anything you've convinced me to get one more couldn't get a tail no one has a turtle there's a pen uh you can get terrapins which are like smaller the rich get what they want and that's simply how it works so i'll find a way that's been the eboyz podcast thank you very much i'm going to bed thank you very much everybody don't yes if you if you want to check out on uh all the platforms you can do so follow us on social media so you know when the next episodes are going up that would be great follow all of us on our social media so you know what we're up to and there's a boys videos every single saturday thank you
Channel: The Eboys Podcast
Views: 942,840
Rating: 4.9509745 out of 5
Keywords: eboys, the eboys podcast, eboys podcast, willne, james marriott, imallexx, memeulous
Id: X68zjUzAs-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 59sec (3659 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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