WillNE Quits The Eboys - Eboys Podcast #25

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Looks like he’s going for an off camera toss but he left on the camera

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ThotSlyer69420 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome back to the eboyz podcast [Applause] we've missed you no we haven't how's everyone doing i'm great i'm all right good okay good good i thought because uh the cow cow story went home quite well either last week or the week before i brought you back some more cow news poor cow oh i love cow related news news an escaped colombian cow moose you get it moose like news nutty booze nutty moose oh tell you what guys this is music to my ears i genuinely will sit down anyway right an escaped colombian cow has run it's like just like a normal cow it's just full of cocaine it has ran inside a hospital and attacked some patients knocked over chairs and calls general panic would you like to see some pictures of the colombian cow yeah go on i'd like to see some pictures of the guilty the guilty party hang on that's not a cow that's just a man in a black and white new castle this this big old boy just came in have a bit of had a bit of a smash around uh i don't think oh oh there is footage yes like a bull in a china shop i was about to say that but there's not there was there wasn't a china shop i was about to say bull in a emergency room but that wouldn't that that is then literally what it is yeah i don't think it any work here we go yeah come on nice big [ __ ] this is crazy [ __ ] out how small is this player oh wow oh my god oh he's big he's a i can hardly believe what i'm seeing this podcast is [ __ ] invisible it's a catastrophe is the highlight of your week don't lie away don't worry we'll we're we're called of the way there [Laughter] i want to kill moose sorry [Laughter] let's let's steer ourselves into the next nutty news topic all right microphone back scientists have managed to clone the first ferret looking good nice u.s and wildlife service announced the first successful cloning of a black-footed ferret uh i don't know if you could clone anything i don't know why you do a ferris wheel there's a lot of ferrets kicking around what would you call if you could clone site what would you clone [Music] not you not definitely not you oh yeah if you cloned yourself code yourself i'd be pretty good send them certain names with the jd shoots if you could clone yourself would you [ __ ] yourself right moving on next topic no no no no no no no no no no no we're not moving on this is a good topic so an ohio man has um for lent he's given up food and he started and only beer diet genuinely started and only fans this is the third year he's done it uh 46 day beer diet i only have three to five beers a day it's not like i'm drinking constantly apparently all he did is drink beer water and black coffee and herbal tea and three days into his diet he lost six pounds says he does it every year loses 40 to 50 pounds each year that's quite a big weight loss yeah but it does yeah yeah but yeah you lose 40 to 50 pounds each year but you also lose 10 years off your lifespan herbal tea that's that's good for your immune system yes it's it's not a beer diet though isn't it because you've said beer and then named other drinks which are actually like herbal teas nutrients it's a beard eye it's like that's not yeah he says you don't eat the same thing every day so i'm definitely not going to drink the same thing every day i was just getting a bit of things he's having a bit of pale ale every now and then maybe apparently he also notices blood blood blood pressure and cholesterol improved his improvement has gotten gotten worse improved hasn't like gotten bigger because i'm better improved right i don't know uh it's called yeah it's debatable on this i think it really depends because if you if you're going on a beer diet and your diet before the beer diet is even worse then sure like if your diet is just the beer but also like four pizzas a day then of course your cholesterol is going to improve but if you're having like a regular person's diet and then doing the beer diet yeah i think the bare diet is not the one you're right there they've just not told us what he was doing beforehand good insight james good insight for all we know that man ate rocks like he was eating rocks on the daily basis and now he's like oh it's improved yeah mate it would do me teeth are way better i want to come back to my nutty question because i feel so this is a prime eboyz podcast we're moving on with no one's no we're not alex you answered this question for me would you because i mean i reckon i reckon i do things but i don't reckon i go the full the full i'm moving on can we move on brilliant uh all right who wants to see a half alligator half fish oh yeah dude oh [ __ ] me did someone stitch it together or is it like a the real question is would you [ __ ] that [ __ ] well let's see it first it's been a long time alex look down here look i'm down bad bro yeah i am down bad oh god showed off off the coast of singapore uh it appears to have the head of an alligator and the body of a fish i can't wait to see this look at him oh my god i don't know which one the eyes and which parts the ears oh my god look at this that looks like a rabbit he has most certainly had a bad day what the [ __ ] no i've not you've got to be kidding me it makes me feel ill just looking at it i don't like it that's what i'm saying he's not getting [ __ ] yeah no i don't know when i'm down bad at the moment i don't know i i think there is a time and a place for it oh man it reminds me a lot of the prawn that i watch oh yeah that's all right no i don't talk about yet for that did he just take too long to down it uh what don't what the guinness that's funny james don't want to be here most drink hands torn off with teeth in one minute oh wow so i wasn't actually that far from it i thought you'd seen it um pretty [ __ ] to be honest just what is this it's just it's mouth it's just the way surely with your thumb is quicker why is there a yeah but i don't think that's the world record but i think i'd be cheating in this case how do you how do you find out that you're good at this like it's it's the same idea of like how do people know that cow's milk tastes good like at what point do you go right i'm gonna rip this off with my [ __ ] teeth to be fair james you can neck a pint in like two seconds yeah but i've never tried to eat a pint you know what i mean like i've never got i've never oh no you know what i'm gonna eat it well why not like a party trick how many pints can you eat so you guys oh he goes i can i could eat a record amount of pints in in a minute hey i think you mean drink no i mean you it's not a bragging right is it like if if someone comes over to your house and sees guinness world record and it edits scranny beer cans i don't think anyone's going to go nice they're going to go oh all right okay that's how he throws the beer can away afterwards as well if somebody came to your party and took all your beer cans and bit the lid off and chucked them over his shoulder you'd be pissed off it's not even practical it's not useful at all i've i remember when you tried to get a guinness world record no no you've not not tried it all i just don't think i'm not spectacular enough you know like there's a certain type of person that goes for guinness world record and know i don't think it's me should i move on to my phone okay here we go so guys that's the end of that torture prince harry this caused the controversy you guys know about this um mental um prince william has called out prince harry he said he's sad and shocked at harry's behavior towards the queen now we are very we're a very queen friendly podcast it's fine for you james obviously because you've got like mutual friends with him so i get why you you know it's in the family or something i have actually i have actually i've not met prince philip i've done you've been on the island with him no i was um i was a waiter at um st james's palace uh not i'm not saying james for the record before we go but i i i was um a wine waiter at a fundraiser where prince charles was and uh that was interesting did you figure out any cool secrets not really but i you kind of you go in the kitchen and there's this cheese wire and you're thinking like the security's not that great there's a few people standing behind him but you were thinking you could kill a member of the royal family and you're saying well the thing is podcast right now because james's plans i'm not saying i would have but when you have that many security checks done on you when you before you go into a place they're like oh no you can't come in until we see in your passport and you need to stand outside i'm like oh yeah but how would you actually be able to judge what i'm about to do to you know remember this is horrific you thought about killing a member of the royal family no it raises the question though it's a i don't think it would be that difficult for someone to do do not that makes it even more pogba because it raises the question how has he got this far um because you think uh surely he was surrounded by security so if you tried anything he's not he's not like so so i remember thinking like i just remember feeling like this is really chill for remember the royal family i swear they have to have like mad security but then i guess like what would you i mean terrorists might like do it to make a message but then like why why else would i like kill them why would james barry do it what message does james marriott have never know you never know streams slow down i just found myself thinking like i was just like literally walking you weren't allowed to walk behind him and you weren't allowed to be in a photo where he was or go near him but as soon as they were around the table and i was pouring wine for everyone which everyone just rejected no one drank wine so my job was rather disappointing anyway there's someone playing the harp and he had his own private waiting team of about two or three people but that was it so it wasn't like there was like mad security which i would have thought there would have been so many there are definitely people looking over him most of the time though like not from what i could tell not from what i could tell so by the way if anybody wonders why prince charles gets assassinated a week after this podcast came out because we've revealed the security issues of the royal family i know i'm just saying like especially in the time that i was working there there were a lot of terrorist attacks going on in the uk and france and i was like i remember thinking like security's a bit low here like and this is somewhere if people wanted to make an impact it would be here so yeah i just made it before i found out a bit weird so yeah everybody that was the terrorist part of the podcast uh we discussed the potential ability to be able to assassinate a royal family member yeah what was the wall why did why did they get brought up police case at this point because they think i wanted to murder a member of the royal family oh they're definitely watching this podcast for sure liz liz's got it all in the bath you're gonna worry him so liz what um if you had to [ __ ] a harry potter character that wasn't human which one would you [ __ ] leave it in the comments yeah she'll be watching um by the way i'm just reading this article about prince charles going to visit is um what was it is it uncle dad i can't remember his dad it's his dad it's his dad um i completely understand it i it's later for half an hour yeah loads of people have been complaining about it and it's like i understand that some people weren't able to see their their family members but by i'm i'm not gonna lie mate you're not you're not a member of the royal family and i saw something like oh why do they get a special exception because they're the [ __ ] royal family i think if they're with me family people got really pissed off because prince charles went to go visit prince philip for half an hour oh because he went to see him yeah yeah [ __ ] dying you'd think at least unless he's got some [ __ ] ritual on him but yeah then understand he was bringing it he was bringing the blood ritual to him um he was only there for half an hour so if they are doing rituals they're pretty short you know half an hour for an extra 30 years i think it is a minute a year i guess i have no idea people started tweeting saying like oh there's going to be news tonight about the royal coming out of the royals i saw that yeah and it reminded me of like a fabrizio romano tweet here we go ladies and gentlemen here we go unbelievable yeah so that's all the royal family news and in more positive news everybody um a new virus has been discovered in russia um oh is it just the [ __ ] bird flu one yeah russian officials diagnosed the human cases of the bird flu virus um the virus spread from birds to workers at a poultry plant who was [ __ ] the chicken that's the question i'm i'm not worried though because like swine flu wasn't on piss like all these other like the one we've got now was about it and it's [ __ ] everyone up all the other viruses that came before i can't remember them being there yeah i remember my i had a friend actually who who believed that they might have had an ebola because they did they did like they were in africa for a certain amount of time while the ebola crisis was beginning and they came back to the uk so they told that they like got in contact they rang 999 and then this whole [ __ ] they like had to shut down the house people in like big hazmat suits like came into the house to like try and they set up like a hostel bed in the house or like and it was just like a big tent basically over the house and they weren't allowed to tell anyone about it and then it turned out it's not exactly inconspicuous having a temper over your house maybe i'm just visualizing that a bit too much it's a big party maybe it was a bit more low-key than that let's just go there's camping but then uh it turned out to be wind so imagine that they set up this huge thing for you thinking that you might even bother you literally fart and they leave that's horrific um i'm actually quite scared of this chicken this russian chicken disease because the picture shut up look at this picture [ __ ] off look at this picture could you imagine if you just had some chicken nuggets you turn around and you just say every chicken that you've got in your farm is just [ __ ] killed over you'd be telling me not just like gone and slapped the next this is definitely the oh no yeah you're right oh yeah you put that's like the worst thing you could turn around and see the next day you just had a lovely roast dinner you go in the next day i wonder how the chickens are doing all dead overnight oh [ __ ] you'd be [ __ ] terrified someone could have just gone in and scrapped with all of them do you reckon you could batter like that many chickens yeah i reckon i could well why why do i do it when kc could do it for you no no i mean like you probably like like it's batter yeah just like just like kill him with your hands you just [ __ ] off that's probably one i think i'm on ten now ten bad jokes can somebody count how many there are please and send them in if it was going to happen anything at least it was them like they were they only you know it was going to happen to them anyway but the russians not the russians the russians [ __ ] out oh my god i also think it's russia is one of the best places for a virus to start simply because there's not many people within a confined area that that there's probably they've probably met the people who've taken those photos are probably met 20 people in their life maximum so realistically we won't be seeing it anytime soon yeah a massive country and it's really cold would it be really cold without killer virus or would that just make it go dormant i'm not a scientist never claimed to be good i was believing that he sounded it sounded right to me keep going i know if i've said it confidently enough we could we could spread information across our country like prince philip is still alive or whatever which one is it charles i can't remember but i don't care i mean you kind of lost me at the word dormant because i'm pretty sure they use that for smaug in the hobbit so that's where all my information comes from um in all positive news actually um do any of you guys here know the minecraft stream of rambu um he's on the dream smp i've heard the name uh he broke a bunch of records last night um he's donating all of his twitch subscribers to to charity he he broke the record he had i think he gained like so like 80 000 subscribers in a day or something mental on twitch what um and he's giving away last night to like yeah all to charity gave it all away he has he is the highest ever i think subscribed twitch channel um or second to ninja he's got over a hundred thousand twitch subscribers how mental is that if that were me i just turned around and got psyched and [ __ ] off with the money yeah it's good for him what charity give it to so wait so he's donated all of it yeah i think so i think it was the gist rambu had 50 followers six months ago wow and he's just this first big bag he's giving it a cherry okay i think he's had quite a few big bags well i'll be honest he's had enough big bags by now to have a to have a charity bag okay okay and the other thing is right well done well done mr boo if i'm strictly from a rather sociopathic point of view if you were to take the idea that you've now got 100 000 people subscribed to your channel they're all going to get a notification that says continue subscription and at that point 100 000 people getting that notification you might get quite a few people going oh he gave the last one to charity i'll do do a little one thing now and he deserves it because he owns an internet sensation eddie which means he's absolutely funny he does beautiful before i slip that in there um that's not good very entertaining a very entertaining guy as well he's a lovely fellow i'd like to get him on the podcast at some point actually um i think he'll be pretty yeah sure um but uh moving on from that we've done the charity of it uh that they're called the cool nice bit um has anybody seen what's happening with britney spears oh i saw there was i saw i saw saffron barca tweeting about free britney and thought it was that prisoner and then it actually put in pen yeah what happened she just she gets treated i saw the tbh is there a documentary come out yeah documentary came out about basically like her whole life has just been controlled by or a management or a father or whatever it's really kind of creepy when you watch it have you seen their tick tocks brilliantly they're like unnerving oh what what what are they about your shirt i mean anybody makes tick tocks are unknown um it basically like peop yeah i'll try to find one it all started because like um people basically thought that she like in her tick tocks it looked like she didn't want to be there like she was being made to do stuff if you listen closely you can hear james's brain work and how to find it oops i did it again pun right now no i'm not yeah you know i have a headache i guess you could say it was kind of toxic there we go there we go well done we got it in well that documentary came out and i saw loads of people tweeting about it i haven't watched it yet um but apparently like i mean the music industry's scary so james barrett we're going to protect you from this thank you we won't let this happen to you all right thank you no hold on does anybody else want to talk about anything else uh did you see the baby take a shot at jojo siwa no this look at this what's going on there what jojo c yeah i don't get i i don't know the context is that actually part of the video yeah probably you know it is it is he literally says you a [ __ ] jojo siwa [ __ ] yeah there's no it's not like he's not saying something different we're miss hearing it right oh that's that's not outrageous yeah the words jojo c was a [ __ ] will not be copyright claimed thank god we can use that clip that's mental yeah she's taller than him is she is she she's taller than half us here [Laughter] yes she's like six foot two no she's not she's five foot nine alex why does he call her out then she'll [ __ ] drop him you know the amount of people that like put um they'd put like the the height chart the e-boys height chart where they compare their heights to us i reckon yeah jojo see what would have to be in the middle of us like like i mean she's quite a bit taller than george quite a bit yeah i reckon she could beat me in a fight easy like oh mate i think she'd beat all of us in a fight record she's got a deadly right hook yeah i mean i remember at dm james well what oh [ __ ] me [ __ ] audio again it's it's got you lot coming through again it'll be [ __ ] camera audio [ __ ] hang on let me uh be fine yeah be funny he'll be all right uh let me if it was james's audio gone ah this book has been i thought no oh no because you imagine we lost all of that all that gold darling it would drive you mad yeah it would be really upsetting someone just commented on one of my songs with is it actually you singing is it yes yes well that wasn't convincing that was not convincing yes it was it is it ye it is it is me unfortunately but people have this thing with you don't they where they think your voice is different like everywhere you go yeah it used to happen with the wii watchers well people used to think that i pitched you down or something yeah no this still happens i still have issues with people thinking that this is not my real voice like when people think you've been like pitched down i was in a business i was in a business call and they'd seen something like one of the collabs of something i i'd done and they were like oh i didn't think that was your real voice they'll let you have a very nice voice just sounds so [ __ ] ridiculous they think i some well that's not very nice that's not nice how is it [Laughter] oh my god look at him look at george oh [ __ ] me choice yeah no you sound wonderful sorry yeah i wasn't doing my mic for the first half but we're here now we're here wait so you were just not audible for the first no it's just whenever you talk it was recording that too no he wasn't he was a physical book [Laughter] i think about leaving every week podcast man right should we get on to my topics because all right yeah so to be fair i don't know about this one apparently there was some like jd thing that happened this week i don't remember what that was though um oh this is bollocks right i saw you going oh the invite you don't leave the [ __ ] house right now you wouldn't want it we try and get you to film in person we can't and then oh sorry i wasn't invited jt [ __ ] off james just have to be honest james we begged for that i mean basically we begged i messaged i said can i go on i please it was good it was very e-boys though so well the thing is right the thing is with don't crack is obviously it's quite a lot i would i don't think i'd do it myself because one the [ __ ] forfeits are brutal and it's quite a lot of it's either you're funny or you flop so it's something you know a lot of people do a lot of prep for these cut two [ __ ] just came and came along and winged it just they're like harvard my mom and dad watch it george got away with it so easily i had a nice day out and i got a bit of money for it it's great yeah and then that bit at the end where will goes go on please put a bit of hot sauce in it no alex how did you brave that that cocktail that concoction because okay my mum my mum called me what's your mum gotta do she was worried after that video she was like she was like why did you do that to yourself and i was like should've seen how much i was getting paid no no yeah exactly you should have seen the paycheck uh to be fair would they have paid us if we just didn't like if if alex went no would they probably not what what brand was the bag because obviously that changes a lot alex james james james just shut up like sports bag jd sports bag very funny so don't know what was available in shoot to be fair probably was um would it be a really good plot twist if i actually despised doing this podcast and i was just making it hell for everyone else in the aim that we could end the way i managed to brave it was um the top half was so thick right but it was basically like drinking the bottom of a pot noodle because it's just basically [ __ ] savory foods and that wasn't that bad because it was all recently bought it wasn't like [ __ ] grim yeah i mean it wasn't a great combination but it was like you know when you go for a bit out there when you go to a restaurant and you pick something random it's yes oh god i feel sick like it [ __ ] stank it's awful that's that's why i stopped asking that's why i didn't ask for any of the fruit because i thought that would really [ __ ] it up if pickled onions um kimchi i think there was um i'm trying to remember what else i was that's what i remember um oranges yeah oranges are like blueberries i think um yeah there were there was a few fruits in there at the bottom it's all fine until and it wasn't any of the foods it was pouring in that pickle juice that made it [ __ ] horrible um because i got about i got about a quarter way through and it was fine generally only reason i started [ __ ] gagging as soon as i hit that it was just all pickle juice [Music] yeah i think you've definitely had one of the worst ones that we've like the worst drinks that we've filmed so far there was one we did with uh you know nico bee uh our boy [ __ ] he had boson you know that like garlicky cheese garlic yeah you had to put that in there and it stanks so [ __ ] bad i was fine i was surprised you weren't sick you were ill for like the entire day when i i was fine after the shoot and i got back into the car and then when i got home i laid in bed for like 14 hours couldn't move i've i felt [ __ ] terrible um but it didn't taste that bad but my stomach was like i must have a stomach of steel i could do one of those like um 100 hot dogs in a minute challenges now no problem oh the cans you could do you could try the beer can i could do the cans i'm like i'm like iron man now that's a yeah everybody should do that no need for a covered vaccine give everybody a swig of that yeah build up the immune system you never have a problem ever again i wanted to ask um i want to know if you guys have any fears because this week one of my fears was made worse i feel like i am now more scared of that thing um more hair falling thanks will no it's not that uh it's not the the part of the it's it's actually this it's actually what what that's weird [ __ ] timing what the one i've just put in that's the colorado plane right yeah yeah it's actually that so you want to explain it basically a colorado plane was on its way to honolulu perhaps the most relaxing relaxing holiday destination you could think of and it just starts falling apart in the sky and there's pla in colorado there's literally pieces of plane all around colorado and people have just like looked outside their house and there's just been like huge slabs of plane it looks like one of those speeders from the front of menace it's not now this is pod racing you can see the fire in it it's absolutely insane yeah that's terrible terrifying i i honestly i always does anyone else have this whenever i get on a plane i always think this might be when i die always no no i hate it i hate flying you how likely you die in a car right i think you're more likely to die on the other motorway what do you mean you have to i mean every time i get in a plane i feel like i feel like because it disobeys what seems to be every you know you can't fly every time i get on the plane i do everything i sit and i go i have to be okay with the fact that i might not land it's only ryanair i feel like that because a ryanair flight is always like i am this is like take together this plane i'm gonna die there's no reason there's no actual reason why this plane ticket cost me nine quid like i'm going to die one yeah when you get on a norwegian flight you think might as well be dead because this is heaven um so that's the difference ryanair is terrifying or easyjet oh he's more is this more norwegian [ __ ] airline propaganda no i'm talking about ryanair because i swear i heard alex at norwegian yeah he's more who's paid he was getting paid here well mate you know if they paid a job i would do anything for norwegian air flights i would i would do anything they're not alex they're not that expensive to be honest when i go to norway i'd much rather get a boat i've heard they're great at a scanning donavian can we [ __ ] can we can we kick him off speaking of um planes and going on holidays has anyone seen what ted cruz has been up to this week he went on holiday didn't he when texas was like frozen there is a storm right there are about like millions of freezing texans there's like a huge nightmare going over in tech going on over in texas ted cruz is like might go to cancun he's a senator he's a senator and he just dipped he fully dipped with his family and then he came back the same day because he was worried about pr but is he like the big cheese of texas then well he's a senator so is that the big cheese no he's not the big cheese i think he is a texas isn't he he's like i would say a camembert right so he's one of the bigger cheeses you're a [ __ ] girl who is the big cheese in texas then in a wheel of cheese in it let's say he's more like he's like he's like a laughing cow he's one wedge of a bigger cheese okay yeah right oh yeah that's oh okay all right oh yeah that's pretty nice pretty nice thank you i love laughing cow um have you seen the videos of texas it's terrifying i saw a video of a bit of a fish in the country i saw a video of it yeah would the fish be alive after they come out of the ice it's not ice age is it like cryogenically frozen yeah captain america winter soldier i don't think so i don't think that's how it works have you seen the one of like um spouses walking down the hallway and they've got like a fan and it's just icicles coming down mate it's terrifying because texas isn't built for that type of weather so like it's a it's like it's [ __ ] horrible over there so many people dying and he and he just goes on a bloody holiday and he said the reason why it's crazy it's because his kid what his kid wanted he blamed his kids look he'd want to go on holiday he blamed his kids he said no he went my kid wanted to see his mate fair enough so i couldn't anyone i couldn't say no did i see the justice league children see the um internet historian video this week about the concordia ship no you know the these videos are great though really oh this one's my favorite one uh you remember it was like a cruise ship where the captain just [ __ ] off as it was sinking and he just got off and left everyone reminds me of that i hadn't heard of that yeah well it is that it's a captain leaving a sinking ship that is very much what it is metaphorically that's mental not only does that like [ __ ] absolutely obviously destroy all the social distancing stuff for one but like man well no i think he's gonna be completely he's gone to a completely different country that's pretty good social distances this is what you're doing boys look i'm warm you just follow suit you should have done it come over here what you got um i like bears i wrote that i saw a thing on the twitter timeline of like gonzo the reason i like bears is i saw a little thing on the timeline and it was a woman taking some photos with a bear and it looked really like the bear looked so sweet and then i saw it i saw a picture of a bear underwater and it was poking his head up and it was light on its back and it was like oh it's a little bad someone drew it and it was really nice i'd always think it like i would love to go and hug a bear but i can't because it would probably rip my head off if there's like a domesticated bear do those exist yeah i assume so there's like ones that are illegally yeah okay sanctuaries and [ __ ] like that that that humans feed them okay i do i like bears too james thanks george i i think that my questions i was wondering if there was any animals that that you like that are deadly that you could wish to not be deadly and be fun which would they be currently right now looks like you could kill somebody i'd like a bear i feel like bears james um see i'd agree with you i like bears i think a bear's maybe a panda bear oh but they're already pretty docile yeah they're [ __ ] useless no but like it could rip your head off there's a chance it'll rip your head off and i don't want to take that chance what about you will don't talk to me with that tone [ __ ] off what about you well come on i'm thinking bro i'm thinking well panda surprise bamboo [Laughter] all right he's gone let's just finish this podcast for three of us all right well thank you guys everybody for watching no no no no we're already 40 minutes let's put it let's talk about some stuff okay all right kim kardashian kim kardashian filed uh her divorce with kanye west officially it's over everyone um oh no i don't really i never really cared about their relationship i just hope that it means that we get a really good album out of it yeah because it's been a while since since kanye released music i guess he spent so much time on this whole presidential thing that yeah as he has he actually spent time on that i don't know i kind of watched him he oh i have something good we could talk about while he's gone um the um pole oh yeah oh yeah let's do it yeah the pole um okay so let's have a look at uh what the what the ratings are i'm hoping oh my god mason mountain did it in that order do you think he put us top no he definitely didn't most of that would not first 26 26 may have scored down to beta scored down to nine percent cyber down to 65 percent we can do it we're gonna beat the sidemen all right that is the plan yeah keep vote for us on that poem um that's on average i think we need four more podcasts and we'll have done it we won't have four more will's left yeah well i i will i think we might i think he might actually be angry at us because of bear talk i genuinely think he's angry at us for bear talk but people love these kind of podcast topics they love them exactly it's more natural and it's more natural i can't talk about the queen let us know if you want more bear talk yeah and tell us if you want bear talk you're on better talk about bed right that could be a segment did any of you watch the nintendo direct that happened no oh this is so bad i've heard it was bad just do the nintendo direct if you're if your news is going to be we don't have any news don't do the damn news they literally they said that didn't they they went sorry we've got no knees he's like why have you done a [ __ ] like press conference if you have anything to talk about you did an announcement about the fact that you don't have anything to announce i do not i actually gave away my switch you did i gave it away pure anger oh boys i was like there's nothing like i was waiting for a game to come out but maybe be like i want to play this again and we already have one which we play mario kart on and i was like and now i'm like i gave up because what was it they they they did they announced a re-releasing and what a zelda game yeah well no they they they they've done like a they've they've put it onto the switch platform now i think is it majora's mask i'm not sure might be one in it oh okay i don't know uh but the the main thing was people wanted to see anything from breath of the wild too and that's not happening yet and i cannot wait for that game it's gonna be [ __ ] great when it does happen but sad yeah i was for me they did they did a star wars thing right at the end and they didn't show any gameplay and i was like that's not a good sign because it obviously never is and it's an open world star wars game on the switch so me and king of kazoos tried to google right who made this he's making this star wars game you know because we wanna try to figure out the creators of farmville oh no oh that's a big that's a big awesome star wars game maybe so awesome who made farmville and cityville so that is what we got to look forward to if you're a nintendo switch user um it was really it was really bad um i i generally couldn't believe it because i was i was made to watch it because everybody else was watching on discord so i thought i'll give it a go and then i was like why did i waste an hour doing that i mean nothing i think nothing will come i'm used to stuff like the disney plus did any of you watch the disney one when that came out when they announced the star wars shows and all the marvel stuff that was incredible see i've not even picked up disney plus yet i feel like that's good because like everyone's been talking about um the mandalorian one division and i've just not made the dive one division really good i've started watching mcu i watched um the first captain america i'm trying i'm gonna try and watch him because i i feel as though i started like right at the end i didn't get into him yeah um and uh so i'm watching i got like 10 minutes into iron man but my room was too bright because i watched it during the middle of the day so i'm gonna watch it like after we finish this podcast it goes like this right so it starts at like good then it goes bad and then it goes better than good and then it kind of just sits there so they kind of like they took them a while to perfect the formula what are the bad films because i'm watching them in like in like timeline order the second avengers film that one's awful yeah that one's [ __ ] terrible i've seen that i iron man iron man one's pretty good captain america good four terrible really four is basically almost not worth watching thor one and two four two is trash four one's air and then thor three great ragnarok unbelievable film so good um really [ __ ] funny because they really tucker waititi came in and just [ __ ] absolutely saved that character they guardians of the galaxy guardians of the galaxy's incredible big fan of guardians of the galaxy i didn't like the foot i watched guardians galaxy i didn't like it that much i just found it really boring and predictable i think the thing is it's like when when i well this is the thing it's like you probably watch it without seeing many marvel films like being a marvel viewer and watching all the films and then guardians of the galaxy coming out and you having no idea who these characters are but it being really different from the other ones it was cool at the time right because it opens up the whole thing guidance of galaxy obviously as it opens up you're used to everybody tony stark's on earth when he fights terrorists and he does that for three movies in a row and then it's suddenly now you've got a bunch of guys who are in space and you know eventually that that's gonna they're gonna have to it's gonna blow their world out of proportion i also doctor strange really good i think you should try to get into them before the next doctor strange comes out when's the next doctor um this year god don't i don't know i mean i'll get i'm gonna try i'm gonna try and watch one per night one every night oh well that would be good you could come back to us next week and tell us how far you've got maybe write up a little like yeah i mean i've watched the first captain america uh i'm watching iron man at the moment then i'm gonna watch captain marvel then iron man two and then i think four so i don't know yeah four you might you might lose it there is it really is it that bad thor 2 is is pretty especially bad it's it's off-putting because he bleached his eyebrows did he it's very weird yeah they bleached his eyebrows in the first four film strange move um like he looks he looks weird um i don't know why they did that to chris hemsworth but they made him look really strange and then they go but they just you have to get through the first two films to get to ragnarok and then and then it's worth doing um one division is also really good um i'm gonna talk about any spoilers on there but everybody was giving it so much [ __ ] before it came out i think i was one of the only people who had faith and um i'm loving that so far that's blown the whole universe out as well disney plus they do seem to be getting it right like they they kind of they've been hitting the right notes and i can't i can't hate on them for it but for me it's just another subscription service and i'd like for me to commit to one that i i have i'm already subscribed to crunchyroll netflix i've got amazon prime obviously because it just comes with amazon funimation as well because there's an anime i like that's coming out weekly on that and if you want to watch it like as soon as it comes out you have to be subscribed you have to have that one and then so it's like maybe once that one's done i can kind of get rid of funimation and disney's expensive by the way really um yeah it's expensive it's it's about 60 a year 60 a year oh that's that's okay it's about the same as all the others yeah cause like i think netflix is more expensive than that i thought yeah netflix i think netflix is like eight quid a month or something i think the issue is uh is you you still have to buy certain films on disney plus which is kind of ridiculous from them yeah mulan was are you to pay for milan oh yeah the newer ones definitely because you especially those ones which are being released in cinemas like that's cool that you can watch them even because like there's this huge top period of weight before you can go and watch a film online after it's been released in a cinema so i like that they're trying to kind of break that down now and just make it available to everyone it's the next it's clearly the next monetizable move from their place yeah anyway because like no one buys dvds anymore like so it's like what do you where you're not just gonna wait a few months for the hype to die down so you can get that revenue you know people don't really go to the cinema as much as they once did especially not in the last year and a half so yeah i didn't use my disney plus for anything but mandalorian at all and then i let it sit for about a month now i default to it over netflix like if i want to go watch a film because the disney category is just so extensive have you watched on there recently every single mc i've done it i've done an mcu film a day let's you what you're doing i've done an mcu film with dave for lost two weeks every night i've watched them um and it's been really good uh because there's a few minutes seen they're missing a few on there aren't they they're missing the hulk one and the spider-man ones hulk is on netflix because it was a sony because it's sony owned that hulk's universal and uh spider-man sony i think is it bad the hulk one yes yes not worth it it's for me it's like it's not really a part of the mcu because it's never really that some characters come over and like it is he ends up where he starts if that makes sense so it's like it kind of does carry over but it's the only part that it carries on is um robert downey jr's at the ending yeah so it's like the hulk it's it i like it but that's because i have nostalgia for it um and make sure you watch the right hulk film by the way because there's another one which is even worse so i remember that one 2002 yeah i think it was i watched that one in cinema yeah you want to watch the one of the guy who was on joe rogan what's his name again what's the name the guy played the hulk oh oh mark ruffalo no the old one um that's a new one um i'll look it up on it hulk he's in fight club he's in fight club honey oh oh [ __ ] oh my god edward norton edward norton there we go okay i figured uh before we end this podcast will's not here rest in peace well he sent an image of himself uh with a beer watching the football he said come back and he said no um so i thought we'd finish it off with a topic that we'll probably wouldn't want to be here for anyway and that is if you could rail any minecraft mob which minecraft mob would it be oh well i mean default i'd say i mean i'd say the witch like a bad [ __ ] you know i mean like oh got a wild side shorty with the potions i see what you're doing there yeah i see where you're going with that see i think maybe a creeper why because she'd be duck she'd be da bomb right okay good one it'll be explosive i think i'd pick a minecraft house catch that [ __ ] to die for right and thank you everyone for watching the e-boys podcast or listening to it over on spotify we've been the e-boys minus william lenny and uh we will catch you next time where hopefully william lenny has not quit the e-boys podcast or the e-boys bye everyone bye
Channel: The Eboys Podcast
Views: 297,743
Rating: 4.9700646 out of 5
Keywords: eboys, the eboys podcast, eboys podcast, willne, james marriott, imallexx, memeulous, willne quits, quits, leaves, exits, monarchy, queen, prince, jojo siwa, DaBaby, beef, bears, minecraft mobs, nutty news
Id: xUGP3YjrTL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 13sec (2953 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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