We Found James' Twin - Eboys Podcast #9

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all right hello before this podcast starts we just wanted to let you know if you want to catch this even earlier than when you're watching it right now go and check it out on spotify uh we dropped the audio episodes a little bit before on youtube so if you want to get them uh yeah go and follow us on spotify hello everyone and welcome back to the eboyz podcast episode nine the boys i love you could compare these intros as we've got along and they just gradually get less enthusiastic i always compare the intros to the of the podcast to the intros of our videos where we're like yeah and then this one yeah but the thing is when people go on spotify to listen to a podcast they're not like expecting like bangs right in the door they're not expecting that let's talk about [ __ ] and ass yeah a bunch of you sat on the tube you got your headphones in and all people could hear is just screaming coming out from your headphones were the 100 gecks of podcasting right i like that come out with our new bio we were going to make one of those weren't we should we do that now we've got a training exercise and if everybody at home can help we could tweet them in we need a bio apparently don't we we we've currently just got it as the england boys but people yeah what is wrong with that why we've been told we need a more professional buy it yeah i think it's professional enough i don't i don't think we should couldn't uh be we i don't think we should conform to the system i think we should just keep it i agree yeah you know what in fact i think we should actually make it spell it incorrectly so like the could you put emojis in bios and spotify i hope so just a couple of union jokes just put the money with wings in there no we should go for a big [ __ ] eggplant big [ __ ] aubergine emoji yeah can we actually do that can we put like just stupid dumb emoji thing i think if you're gonna read all of them that's the one that's gonna catch your attention can we make our bio equals three could we yeah who [ __ ] cares yeah i know what it should be it should be should i just put it as arse talk yeah it should be the peach emoji i mean it should be that emoji of that person with like the voice like coming out last time oh yeah the other way on it's a totally different concept oh very different talking just screaming into the great abyss which is what we do anyway can i um can i take this into nutty news for this year they're gone yeah go all right uh in the headlines it's nice five foul mouth parrots have had to be separated after encouraging each other to swear at lincoln zoo they've uh there's four very naughty parrots have been told off and separated from being a group because they've been swearing at the um that's the e-birds right now the parrot's name billy eric tyson jaden elsie joined will wilkenshire uh call 200 grey pirates they've got well i know i'd be tyron who would everyone else be there yeah i wonder what they say uh next up have you seen the uh the picture of the dog that had a roll in the grass no oh yeah i did i did he looks lovely i'm sure everyone listening to this on spotify is absolutely loving this image oh yeah hang on another look have a look imagine imagine a dog everybody who's on spotify and just imagine a dog that's like in a grass a dog that looks like grass very very green dog yeah very very green dog once a yellow dog now green also in the headlines at poundland have started selling one pound ouija boards and uh ghost hunters are not happy uh poor masters has warned deadly demons could be released by the one pound boards if they are in the hands of anyone oh god oh [ __ ] oh that's two right shall we do e-voice ouija boards no [ __ ] that the only only rich dead people should be able to come back not the poor dead people that was a problem oh mate e-boys do ouija boards that's a great video bring back my main channel i actually had one i had one very recently because um will be is doing some ghost hunting videos and he ordered everything to my uh about um god how long now about half a year ago if not a bit longer and he was like oh yeah um just send him over whenever you get a chance i was like yeah i'll mail them now because he's he'd moved to uh a different place i don't know if he wants to know people to know where he lives um they never and and it's been six months and i only just sent it he messaged me being like am i ever receiving this stuff i was like okay is it on your list yes [ __ ] sake um i've made a list this week and this just makes me sad yeah both your lists are just mythical wait what you've got a list of to do yeah [ __ ] doesn't i do he goes oh it's on my list and it's like oh my gosh i'll do it in three days sorry can you see a ouija board in here anywhere no because i sent it it's six months but he's infamous in my defense in my defense he didn't pick the pick it up right so there are three times where he had it the stuff in his hand and he didn't take it with him what what an idiot why did you do that well you you tell me wilbur maybe he's scared rightfully say yeah maybe maybe he didn't want to do the video and he was like actually yeah no but he did ask for it lots of times that i only just sent it and saying i kind of do blame myself somewhat can we do eboy's go ghost hunting i think that could be well good epic haunted house [ __ ] that bro what what we're gonna find [ __ ] all i hate because certain videos because it's like because they always put the scary music oh what was that like you [ __ ] edited in the sound i hate yeah but ours will be authentic we will find actual ghosts will i i'm sure well have you ever watched a ghost hunting video where they find a ghost apart from that what's that what's that clocky one that just puts stuff like pretend [ __ ] those are real though those are real videos right these are all real yeah i'm not i don't want to go ghost hunting just because i i'm not taking part in it i'm not going to be like my mates believe those videos to be real you know at home which says a lot about the caliber of my mates to be fair they're always like the ghost hunting videos are my favorite i mean you didn't know the day you didn't know the year where world war ii ended so let's start talking about the caliber of your friends 1948. [ __ ] how i wanted uh speaking of um going ghost hunting that reminded me of joe weller's book and i'm not sure if we can talk about this but we got offered a book this week didn't we boys yeah we did that i'm taking it yeah let's talk about it i'm gonna do it so we had an offer in basically saying like do you guys want to write a book uh what was the general consensus no no no it was no and then alex was like i'll do one i'll do i'm gonna do one i thought as the group it would only ever work if it was a coloring book because yeah no no that would be funny as [ __ ] after the series that i did there is there is absolutely no chance that i make of an unironic youtuber book well that's where people go wrong don't they because i mean if you made an autobiography about yourself like what would you even say i would just be like yeah went uni drunk a lot made some songs on the internet yeah at the end that was a great book nice one like i think it's gonna be like i loved chris's book um i've always wanted to pick up what was your what was your favorite quote of it yeah what was your favorite bit hang on uh that you know the bit where he goes uh and they all lived happily ever after the end yeah that was my favorite about chris book um it was fantastic i've i've read a lot of youtuber literature i've read a lot of it i've got an idea for a book to do with me that i just came up with go on where's mimulus that'd be great like where's wally uh yeah but will's gone away you can't tell me that wouldn't sell though yeah well well will will will will come out a really good idea book idea for me are you yeah for me yeah you can't even [ __ ] read blood yeah exactly exactly where's mimi where's like where's molly but with me i think that'll be well sick yeah and and you can't tell i'd buy that i would buy that we've got one of our mate hammers we do we do i i feel like though the pun works so much better with where's will annie where's wally where's willa knee you know what i mean is that chris md it's chris md is that his cat it's chris md as a as a red arrows pilot what i thought you said you liked this book have you not seen this bit i don't remember i don't remember that what do you remember are all the bits about football so go on yeah yeah he likes to kick up all about yeah um you know he makes football videos occasionally uh there's a great bit about you know what you just just for a second this feels like it could be the blurb i feel like you should really reach out to him yeah there's a great bit about takeaways and there he goes always do takeaway videos it was elite unbelievable well done chris md round of applause so you haven't you haven't read it have you so no he hasn't read it no i've not read it but i reckon if we did an e-boys video i reckon we did an e-boy's book what would we write about like oh this is uh how we make a video right what are we right about that's the point george we wouldn't have to write it i think that was could we do it like a fictional adventure book about like oh too right yeah get a ghostwriter in obviously um you know that's the best thing the ghost writer you know two birds in one stone there you do the ghost writer and the ouija board video oh yeah the ghost right oh for [ __ ] sake um sorry this podcast is invisible given we were speaking about football i do want to briefly touch upon fifa because whoa whoa whoa nerdy news is not finished oh i'm sorry okay uh you're ukrainian a ukrainian religious leader who claimed coronavirus was god's divine punishment uh for what what do you think he claimed it was god's divine punishment for opening faith i guess because of this segue who did you play sports no can you repeat the question please uh all right so who did a ukrainian religious leader uh blame coronavirus uh on for being god's divine punishment the e boys putin at the gays uh okay he's blamed it on same-sex marriage and there's this week shockingly contracted it himself well he's gay then i'm sorry but he's he's gay he's gay that's a comment that's a coming out story he's 91 as well so he's probably done that's gay mate public also this week amazon has came out and said they were not price gouging despite selling toilet paper for 36 during the pandemic that is and um during the pandemic where it's worst at the moment it's not ended it's really not over man i didn't i didn't say it like not like the one movement no i'm not blaming you i'm blaming the news article you're just you're just the reporter bisexual um bisexual pastor turned stripper blesses the world with her sacred sexuality through only fans never seen spaghetti strip before wait is it is it yeah liquid linguine or spaghetti well linguine or spaghetti it's too [ __ ] late for this linguine spaghetti i knew you were going to say that any any more nutty news and that's it that concludes this week's section of nutty news everybody everybody willing everybody yeah let's talk about covert because so fifa yeah for mate fifa sorry not covered yeah no fifa's a [ __ ] scam again so it's covered mate not real let's talk about scams what else we got today well fever is ridiculous did you see the magazine insert that was pulled out of like fifa literally being like oh yeah they had a magazine like advertising placement which was like kids if you're struggling at the beginning of ultimate scene don't forget to buy fifa points how much you spent already yeah sorry uh i am 140 pounds deep not even out yet you're more than that no you're more than that let's be honest come on honestly okay well people have been watching your live stream i swear to god all right so i received a donation points deep and and alex got donated the money to buy these packs right so i was on his stream what yeah i didn't i didn't i kept the rest i'm a scam artist right okay cool well that was what i was saying is like so alex was donated to dubai fifa points basically and then i i joked on the on the live oh go on then send me some so i could open some and they did so brilliant you're not even like negative really it's no you got sponsored if anything i'm positive yeah yeah sir bye actually i'm a net positive this faker just like bazinga yeah [ __ ] sake he's not anymore he's recovering he's uh he's back he's safe he's returned bazinga back hashtag hashtag everybody tweeted him hashtag bazinga back yeah but uh they haven't done anything to pro clubs so still in the mud have they actually done [ __ ] call oh no you can change the the names and the way that people look the ai but you can't change their height or their abilities right have you made your pro yet james no i have can you play cam oh [ __ ] knows mate i have no idea i've i've made my pro i've made guccio gucci in real life he's now a fifa pro club player also can i can i just say one of the arguably one of the funniest d-boys moments is guccio gucci and i will hear nothing it's absolutely it's a late in it yeah it was a great point it's a great moment so gucci gucci no one [ __ ] saw it yeah this is immortalized now in the pro club anyway so the issue is if we do pack anybody goods we're never going to move over over to ps5 that's the problem would you not keep your ultimate team no no no no no if you go to the playstation if you do yeah if you do xbox to xbox yeah but if you do xbox well they're not making it or they're not making it cross platform they must i think they are i swear you can just transfer it across you've never been able to before oh right yeah if they do that would be really nice of them but they probably won't lost the consensus then ps5 or xbox okay i'm a good ps5 i've never done playstation since like the second one but it just i like the way it looks it's big and looks like a spaceship yeah i'm trying to pre-order it but i can't find anywhere that will like that it's so expensive in it though isn't it like 450 quid it's like it's like 500 quid but like it's a play they they're always around that price when they first come out aren't they i don't ever remember them being that expensive i mean the inflation is a thing in it my ps i got my ps4 i think it was like 450 equipment it came out so it's not like that much of a jump yeah well inflation is also a thing yeah that's what it's actually worth nowadays [ __ ] nice can i ask your opinion on something i've seen a lot like yeah no logan paul did his uh pokemon video right recently yeah so he had his like he spent his 200 thousand dollars on pokemon [ __ ] right and like all of these old consoles are kind of like at that point like i tried to buy a nintendo wii the other day and you [ __ ] can't it's like they're hundreds they're literally it's it's cheaper to get a wii u than it is a wii by quite a long way right yeah because actually yeah do you reckon and they saw loads of them at the time as well do you reckon they've always been binned and [ __ ] well i just think like there's so many more people that want one than are willing to sell theirs at this point so it's like your best stop going to like cex or something and trying your luck there online it's difficult um no i found it for hundred quid really ebay yeah what are you looking at oh is that used it's still expensive though for it for an in for a nintendo wii when you think about what nintendo we can actually do 100 quid is steep man no but like if you're looking for nostalgia 100 quid's not bad uh it's in the box no we fit was undefeated with the we could do [ __ ] loads of [ __ ] boxing golf yeah you got like wii sports and [ __ ] and mario galaxy raving rabbids as well that those games were so fun yeah exactly you could get one for 60 quid i want to know what was your um professional if you if you were to go pro and wii sports which game would you pick on the wii sports game mode i like the gold tennis tennis i was really good at tennis and bowling i could score i could get a perfect score every game because it was just that you just go a little bit to the right turn and do the car yeah and then you get a strike every time mine was baseball i was like pro yeah that's actually not a bad tinder it's really nice get a strike every time i can get a perfect score on wii sports bowling it's a conversation starter no wait sports bowling strike every time yeah mine was baseball i love doing baseball do you think the question i was going to ask is do you think well i guess like this is kind of mute now because if you can find nintendo wii's now for less than they were when they came out then it doesn't really matter but do you think do you think they will increase in value over time stuff like nintendo wii i don't know let's have a look at i'm gonna see how much uh nes is now you do that yeah because i was always thinking like with these like older like retro consoles like a classic game boy for example there is like so much value in a game like that like where it's just literally like a few blocks right and you're just kind of like [ __ ] about like playing pokemon emerald or something like that you know i watched the fam i watched this like wife and husband play super mario sunshine yesterday on stream because we raided them just like this random couple and they look like they're over the time of their life and the greatest time i didn't um nintendo just uh george you've been playing the new re-released nintendo games yeah um mario 3d all-stars uh it's got like 64 sunshine and uh galaxy i've come i've completed galaxy now galaxy was a hell of a game on it yeah i find 64 really difficult i always have i had it as a kid i found it really difficult but uh i'm slowly working through it i was just wondering if like if you if like in my opinion right the the playstation 5 and stuff like this it's getting to a point now where we're getting to this this length with graphics that i feel like it cannot retain a value because it's like the future consoles are just going to be like this but much better have you heard about the the uh it's like the theory of uh computers have been processing so like it's getting so quick like uh processor speeds it's going up so fast in like five years time it's just gonna plateau because otherwise we'll need to use like quantum computers uh if we want to get like more powerful because you can't you can only put a certain amount of like uh things in something i don't know what i thought like laura what's her face used to have like points no it's something it's like to do with like hardware lara croft yeah no it's it's like the there's like a lore isn't it of like something that's the size of something halves by a certain i can't [ __ ] remember what it is i don't know i'll look it up i'll say i'll try and find it it's interesting though but i don't know i don't play any games nowadays for i play but the game i play the most is minecraft and like you know i put shaders on which makes it looks look incredible but beyond that like i don't play games that look good because i don't think they look good among us yeah it's a perfect example i think that's some of the value in among us is literally like it just it doesn't it doesn't matter how it [ __ ] looks it's just the mechanics hang on it's it's the mechanic and the interactions that you have through it and that's what makes the game so good at least in my opinion okay what the hell's going on with george there yeah i mean but so if we could talk about minecraft can't we actually because they just did the um the new uh which is split the world into the whole world is is split into over the great question of 2020 which is minecraft cow or minecraft squids yeah they they did some new mobs and uh piss cow should have won and it didn't glow squid one so basically like there was this option to vote for free minecraft like mobs in the um in the new minecraft update and they they did this thing that you should never do they gave the people the choice to decide what they kept and they had rainbow colored cows which you know lgbt cows now obviously gamers rose up and homophobia wins and homophobia destroyed it so we don't get gay cows gay cow's gone mate gay cows are gone everybody voted for it for squid glowing squids um and i don't know about you not much you guys playing minecraft when do you ever really encounter a squid you never do you encounter them but you don't really remember it do you you don't want a squid yeah who needs it and they don't even glow they're calling him a glowing swimmer they don't glow and i think this is the greatest problem of modern age um and i can't believe that it happens it's disgraceful to be honest also there's a there's a new biome as well so will you can steal my iron from that biome as well i look it's just borrowing yeah when am i getting it back that's the question well look but it i won't yeah fair enough no it's got tangible real world value my friend well it doesn't matter anymore because the whole cunt's blowing up now the whole server's in the mud right yeah you're not wrong the minecraft server is is genuinely not either or not um i rolled it back but i think the plan is that we're going to move it onto like an actual server where we could do really cool e-boys smp stuff but um god knows whether that's actually gonna happen uh i've just been playing too much among us to be honest like i'm addicted to that game but um you and me are just you're too chaotic and i i don't know i just i just i'm scared have you seen a [ __ ] setup no yes she's a proper fall she's got she's got a full gave a girl full-on [ __ ] e-girl she's got so for context of pink chair she's all bear in mind right now it's got the same chair as arya worked in a recruitment agency when i met her right none of this internet bollocks now she's got a pink [ __ ] chair with bunny ears and she's got [ __ ] like not like displaced but like uh framed framed anime on the wall this is like arya yeah yeah oh my god mate but with orange right you know what you knew what you were getting into this is [ __ ] character development of the worst kind this isn't what you signed up for [ __ ] dweeb i actually i really i really i i feel like at one point i resented um willem george's chaotic nature in among us and now i long for it because i feel like we're getting to that point you remember when fortnite first came out and anyone could get a win you could just [ __ ] [ __ ] about on it you know what i mean and then they reached a point where you shot someone and they just went [Music] right among us is getting to the point now where people know the maps and people are like oh you can't have been doing download in because you have to do downloading because you can't you can you can't vent you can vent to a from electrical to med bay yeah they need to release a new map so that people would like yeah but you need to when you put the new map on everyone goes oh i [ __ ] don't know this map let's go back the other one yeah yeah that's the fake bad but it's the fact that like people get so angry and it's scary because i love going on there and like just [ __ ] around and that that's like the fun bit about it but some people go on there and they go on there to win i was streaming everyday some people himself no james is pretty good jason we did the show james does everything to win james don't do anything for fun i i love winning that game though i love winning that you guys are how many times my favorite bit is um i keep watching back that sherlock holmes highlight and i'm just like so good showing i showed aria and i was like yeah look how good i am she's like why did everyone believe you and i was like because i'm sick that's the only reason why people believe in me because he's a genius he was just like it was it was pinely he watched hackney vents yeah no i was so proud of that moment i was like all right we believe him and then everybody votes them out and it was chaotic but unbelievable the round was over in a minute i really want to i really want to play hide and seek on among us i've heard people are playing hide and seek which is basically your vision is minimal even if you're the imposter right so you have the the smallest amount of vision and you have to hide somewhere in the map and the investor has to go around and try and find people it's going to be really funny yeah i want to play that as well i think that would be pretty cool it's got some pretty good dynamics it's like they're like they're releasing new stuff with it soon so there will actually be new stuff um but i think that's all is that all the gaming talk at the moment we've got youtube tweet written down and i think i know what this is about what is it youtube wrote a very offensive twitter so yeah oh okay okay we're on this thing i haven't seen this i haven't seen this you haven't seen the tweet my god man no no send me yet i'm trying to find like the actual i've been on the internet like two days wiped a billion off their [ __ ] value just as soon as they posted it oh yeah jeez i don't know yeah i don't know if we can show it it's a little bit too rockers yeah season's in the mud let me um let me find the tweet well they like hacked or something well you'll see mate you'll see yeah go on sure we're all friends yeah right mate it's gonna it's going to it's going to break your heart when you see this it's not going to be a [ __ ] inspect element thing in it no okay i'm going to i'm going to read out what the tweet is okay now let me read out the apology first we hear you you're right and we apologize our now deleted tweet was not was intended in good good faith sorry i thought that our now deleted tweet was intended in good faith you've missed the mark and did not reflect the spirit of the creator community that we love youtube social team what kind of things do you reckon they said george uh do they implement something that no one likes i don't know no they don't say sorry for that [ __ ] on the 3rd of october 2020 tweeted no one colon uh enter absolutely no one colon enter creators after talking for 15 minutes colon all right let's jump straight into the video it's horrible how dare they who [ __ ] kicked did people kick off yeah oh wait yeah people kicked off get a grip like where where is the perspective that you can literally sit in your room and chat [ __ ] about makeup or iphones or other people and that be your job and then to be like oh well that's a [ __ ] outrage you know like try and check them on that it's [ __ ] where's the perspective if youtube had a funny twitter account that would be great yeah if they were just toxic as [ __ ] yeah i'd love it yeah like they're just like get far that is funny though that is their tweets i was i was gearing up for something really horribly offensive no you're getting excited getting harder i don't know if you if you agree uh there's only one group of people who really can actually complain about that that's animation that's it anybody else who complained about that who's not an animator is a [ __ ] um like animators got [ __ ] over on youtube can't make a penny off it really like it's the quality of animation has to go down to be able to stretch the frames so they generally got impacted by the algorithm but everybody else might just go make your 20 minute long gaming video and [ __ ] off you don't have don't get angry about it just just enjoy the fact that you know you can make videos anyway so strange i don't why everybody was so upset about it it's just you know i suppose anything was relatively can be seen as negative obviously people got to jump on it when youtube say it but you know yeah i think everyone just kind of hates youtube like every every time youtube open their mouth everyone's kind of just like shut up they could do the smallest thing and people would just jump on it immediately but i know i used to do that but i just feel like it's counterproductive really at this point in it people weren't back were people baiting sure they must have been betting when they were upset about that like nah nah people would get me angry there's people genuinely like i got this is a weird way to do about your creator base yeah i mean it is a strange tweet like i don't know who who okayed that but yeah but it's fun is it oh like is it even it's like it's not even funny that's the worst bit it's like going back and looking back at the tweet i was like oh here we go and then it was like oh great it's take 15 minutes to get into an intro cool yeah trade too right you're not even wrong maybe that was what they're apologizing for we had one chance to make a joke and we didn't make anyone laugh and we're sorry you intentionally made a soulless algorithm that values quantity over quality and video content and then deliberately insulted every single person on your website who struggles to get their work seen your tweet was not intended in good faith which is why you missed the mark oh [ __ ] off ben the thing is how many of those people are applying get a life don't make 20 minute long videos i don't know who mark is i don't miss him oh but it's just the shadow boys in it everybody's just highlighted video pun which i i hope remains in uh george when we were going into the dating video right i i picked up the um the the rum which we shot it and it was from little it was a james cook rum and um george was like oh do you want me to like pretend that i bought the rum as like a little bit of like this is like the wine almost and i was like nah don't worry george i got like a really good way of introducing it and i was like um so i found this rum on the floor uh so we're gonna drink this as our drink because i didn't have budget for rum uh and then i go james cook no he doesn't he goes to the chicken shop yeah and i thought that was really [ __ ] so i just didn't laugh so this video is up for everybody but for us we haven't actually really seen the final edit back yet no we haven't seen each other's dates so that could be very funny how would you say your date went did you did you get along well pretty well yeah yeah no i i thought it went really well so there's some funny moments uh yeah it was good it was good you go for a second one well second date no no no no no he wasn't into ours no i i paid and he refused to to pay for the second so ours was all right when it well it was the singing that was annoying me what singing the singing the opera singing oh yeah we had a [ __ ] opera singer in the back of house you i don't get that never sounds good oh yeah someone someone moved in like a couple floors above me and they're an opera singer and i heard them the other day and i was like jesus i i can only ever hear bass coming from from different places but this was like a shrilling like oh can you slow down [ __ ] off man if you have that from above you would you go knock on that door and join in um i'm quite fortunate here because i have floor-to-ceiling windows so if i really threw myself at one i'd probably crash through it that's terrifying um i'm worried for you if it was the process just go say hello really um what is this cryptocurrency stuff you've been making loads of bank oh i just wanted to talk about cryptocurrency because i was just like how i remember just when me and you will when we were really into it we were just putting money into like these like tiny little like unknown coins and i was just looking i was just like curious so i was looking at how much they're worth today [ __ ] nothing and i was like i was just thinking to myself how did i ever think these would be worth anything am i stupid we got we got like we just bought in at the hype you know what actually i think what reminds me of that now is do you see how everyone i might be completely wrong because of the nostalgia value of them of how hard people are going on pokemon cards now like that pacquiao the pack i bought six months ago it would have been half the price and because like you see logan paul and gary vee's really on it it's just like it feels like this is the next fad it's a bubble so you think for long term i don't i think if you buy in now maybe it's a little bit too late but you know i mean i'm i'm kind of happy i went through the cryptocurrency thing because it kind of yeah it kind of teaches you a thing like not just to throw money at stuff that looks like it's doing well um so a big learning experience from that but uh when lisa elon musk's gonna give you three grand i still can't believe you fell for that still waiting on it you're like me you know all of them all of you yeah we are horrible but like you just held it up for days hmm yeah i know and they're like yeah i've never invested in crypto james did you ever get into crypto um no but given that by the time that i had any money to my name it was long mudded uh i had no money back when people were investing in crypto i didn't have enough money to invest in peanuts what about you alex i had no money back when i was living in [ __ ] durham when cryptocurrency was a thing i remember mr beast called me up and went you should really do this and i went i do not know i won't i regretted that yeah but it's all [ __ ] now in it so you're telling me mr b's caught on the blower and was like how alex aetherium is that how it went like he called it him and even dev we were in a skype call and then yeah while he was just just while he was reading the chris md book he uh it was him it was him derv and pro gamer jay and they were all talking about cryptocurrency because that sounds like the beginning of a joke walk into a bar do i have mr beast i think broke over j walk into a bar i think it was because scott was doing it at the time who i live with so like they were like oh you should do it and i won't call them and i listened to talk about for an hour i got really bored and left this doesn't really interest me either and they made a lot of money off it so i'm an idiot really i want to we were speaking about that about being a regret i want to talk about something i regretted earlier this week trying to join in this [ __ ] group um i thought i would take it up on myself to cook my cat a meal you say cook your cat no um i'm not kidding i cooked an entire roast chicken for my cat also um oh no what is the biggest thing the thing is it's like you can't season chicken that you feed your cat it has to be a plain roast chicken bit of olive oil you don't look like a don that seasons he's chicken anyway i will be honest i actually i season a lot of my food and i would like you to take back that statement i am i'm a taste connoisseur if you're i i'm i'm a i'm a man who likes you know chocolate the spice of a of a oat milk yeah i call you james cook for nothing yeah yeah exactly uh i prepare this entire roast chicken i've never prepared a roast chicken in my life well you were on call with me while i was trying to prepare the damn thing i'm not good at cooking i cooked this roast chicken for like an hour and a half i got it out you have to shred it so i i [ __ ] like carved a chicken right for my [ __ ] cat i then shredded too much time i shredded like little bits of like different areas of the chicken to be like i don't know which bit he's going to love really excited i can respect that [ __ ] expecting this to change his [ __ ] world yeah he he eats when i say three bites he like he's really a fussy eater and i've only really come to accept this he goes like like take these three little bites kind of like half chew them like half of it just comes out of his mouth the smallest amount of food i'd probably say like about like that in a square yeah so like like really a very very small amount of food three tiny nibbles yeah for you guys you're on the audio podcast uh james mark just pulled out a five meter ruler stick um ridiculous ridiculous uh metric he's using there but um just got his [ __ ] out that long that long just put your [ __ ] away okay i was very pissed off like not with the cat i didn't [ __ ] like hit him or anything but i was just like oh jesus sorry i'm sorry i don't know anyway i was like fine i'll just shred up the chicken put it on a plate put on the floor fine he doesn't go anywhere near the plate i'm like [ __ ] this i i i go i go back to my computer and about about like a minute later i could just hit i'm like there's i just look over to him and he's just going like oh no he hadn't vomited he just literally like [ __ ] wretching and he was like so like i i cook my cat one [ __ ] meal right i cook my cat an entire roast chicken i don't even know any of them for myself and he's just like like [ __ ] like did you did you do that thing where like you got on your hands and knees and like pretended to be the cat and you tried to eat it yourself you're like look look you do do this well the thing is is like i like he drinks out of my cups sometimes so like he likes drinking and eating out of things that i drink and eat out of because i think for him it's like oh you can drink that thing right nice have you seen the thing of cats like to imitate their owners like um you get them their own little laptop and then they sit oh yeah yeah i've never seen them oh they're great oh oh one of the things that's great we have like a little kitchen island right so i've got like these stools so when arya and i sit down to eat he he comes and sits with us so he jumps up on the stall and just kind of sits there and when you're cooking he'll come up and sit on the stool like because like aria and i take in turns to cook and the other one will kind of just sit there he comes and sits up to be like where's my food like are you cooking for me it's so cute yeah it's i'll get a picture of it it's it's honestly the best oh i asked uh oh it'll be out by now i asked alex right he has he's in a room with kenji and otto and he's got a gun and he's got to shoot one of them and he shot oh why just to snitch on him there alex uh what was my rating again uh for shooting i don't like uh because i've i've met him less than kenji it was actually down so just i'd i've met kenji moore yeah you've you've gained more of an attachment to kenji yeah that dog although i did it was close because kenji's ruined two pairs of shoes i own so i was never pissed on yeah on me rug shot on the floor he's not pissed off he just you know like you've got like the plastic casing around shoelaces he eats it and swallows it see this is the thing about dogs dogs are stupid i've only come to realize this very recently they are no they're great don't get me wrong i love a dog i want a dog but they're dumb they are dumb they eat anything they eat [ __ ] it depends you know it depends you certainly sometimes you get some [ __ ] stupid ones but then sometimes they're like proper right [ __ ] though have you seen the one on tick tock black and say things apparently the dog that can talk man he's the best and he [ __ ] bops the mom i'm hungry beach yes he's unbelievable he will he's great that dog is that dog needs to be president which brings us on to trump versus bryden i want to say something right i'm gonna say something quickly oh okay otto said hello the other day and i'm not [ __ ] with you he said hello shut up all right so trump versus bride right right not rob brydon rob braden has not walked in here you know i think i'd rather have rob bryan than either of them yeah because biden just looks like he's about to wither away keel over yeah and trump might just wither away yeah i watched the thing the other night like you watched it as well didn't you ask because we were talking about it yeah i live tweeted it [ __ ] mental i just feel like i'd rather die than watch anything political in that country no i was just watching it i was just baffled oh the debate yeah it was like i remember do you remember what any of you watched obama i didn't watch his demonstrators back when it was obama's one it was how much they'd be like my policy is to do this whereas trump and biden it's like you're racist it's like well your son stole money from three billion dollars i mean it's just mental it's back and forth whereas it was never like that with obama um it was very ordinary back then uh did you see the uh do you see the screenshot it went because he was like um streaming on twitch and it was like donald trump politics 300 turbo minecraft 27k oh my you love to see it like the important [ __ ] man the important [ __ ] it was crazy man i just remember watching it trump is the funniest guy to watch because like he just wouldn't he wouldn't he would he had to he had a response for everything and he just of a bit where they start calling each other like the bottom of their classes like literally like you've got a b tech level in sucks yeah he pulled up like his gpa or something right i didn't watch her he was just it was really like watching like biden at one point byland's snap zone just tells him to shut up which you know he's not is the debate was i i feel for that country uh it's [ __ ] it's genuinely [ __ ] the worst thing is is people that support trump probably watched it and we're like good it's actually like it changes nothing like people who don't like trump still don't like trump people who do like trump will just see anything he does as like against the establishment he's different from regular politicians i mean you know but at the same time i'm just i'm glad that's not here we're very lucky to have somebody like boris in charge so you know thank you boris yes thank you for the extra fifteen thousand corona virus coronavirus cases a day yes thank you boris the [ __ ] few uh you know that's like over double our peak right yeah let's go undefeated [ __ ] oh actually that's something i want to ask very much are defeated guys people watching this podcast right now let's say because the if a lockdown happened before like a thousand cases there's a chance we're getting a second one very soon i think it's a big challenge don't don't talk about this thing just ignore it just again no but no don't come on no but well what i'm trying to say is guys all right okay okay okay let's say okay um oh no uh i've broken both of my legs and i can't move we're gonna have to do the e-boys videos inside now and we're going to have to just do them in front of our desks what do people want to see for the foreseeable future until both of my legs heal and i'm able to go out again and record in public um basically what you're trying to say is please leave comments more a boy's chess yeah just in case just take a if it go if we're going to sec lockdown we are the four people who just universally go [ __ ] it for the greater good of youtube content and we just carry on doing it as we are and we and we take it all on the chin we're essential workers aren't we yeah super spreaders mate i think what we're saying yeah yeah and yeah and anybody who comes in contact with us if they die they die if we die we die but we do it realistically we need to do it so we can plow on later catch it firm it here go on let's all lips bazinga that's not how it's not [Laughter] oh the thing is the funny views if you actually when it did that james people wouldn't even recognize it as you they think it's the tick tock that looks like you oh good [ __ ] transition though thank you i'm not interacting with any of this [ __ ] man okay funny funny no no well to be honest you visual for the visual aspect of the podcast you can probably put a picture of him now uh for anyone listening on spotify that's just it's just a guy with brown hair and a brown beard and he looks a bit like me that's it do you have a cat just because someone has dark hair and facial hair and they are clearly in their early 20s shut up clearly clearly clearly that does not mean that oh james murray's a tick tocker now i hate it i'm not gonna interact with it can i just see a [ __ ] picture i've got one i've got i'll put it in the discord all right thank you it's not me man uh it kind of looks like this guy no this is him i just put a picture of the discord well sure man it's fair that does not look like me anyone who couldn't see that coming it's a picture of james in the discord it's a picture of me in a cafe from over two years ago and that just just does not look like me at all weird i used to have a really bad neck beard and no one told me and that makes me very upset how did you get these so fast where are you getting all these [ __ ] photos of me can you stop where the [ __ ] is that photo even from oh my [ __ ] god it's exactly like you that's shut up man that's [ __ ] you it's called swamp.sun if you um yeah if you wanna go follow someone if you can if you can get swamp.sun to more followers on tick tock than i have then there you go it couldn't be hard really could it you can't can you stop posting pictures of me we can't even show them them why [Music] they're hilarious man please don't do that actually no do that because then it'll mean that my google searches go up is that something that matters to you maybe i'll get verified that's all that matters go google it go look at him he's a very funny boy oh that picture of beans on my head and my sausage bean boy bean boy that was honestly one of the worst days of my life i [ __ ] hate and never mind speaking of foods i want to talk about the i'm a man of many foods i like cantaloupe melon and now i have a new one that i want to talk about oh god sweet potato oh sweet potato is great in it no you're a [ __ ] pizza [ __ ] like bitter well i have some homework for you i have some homework i've eaten a [ __ ] sweet potato yeah but have you baked sweet potato yes [ __ ] you haven't it's not like a [ __ ] oh you haven't special one bro it's [ __ ] i don't think you have i don't think you have i don't think you've had it right oh what does that mean right so so will you tell are you okay right what you got to do sweet potato fork fork it right so lots of little full coals oh you put it in your mouth you put it in your mouth all in one well no not yet well you've got to cook it first mate no you and then you pour some um some spices some herbs you know a bit of paprika a bit of um herbs uh and then you put some olive oil on it it's named five herbs jack robert robert rounds i've had strange barrack named five herbs oh god you put me on the spot here and i'm not going to do it because no come on i don't want to i do no because one of the things is i've got a very bad memory and i have this herb that i use all the time that's four letters long and i can't remember it for the life of me i never remember what it's called but i do use rosemary and i do use time every now and then we're good yeah um so there you go but then bake it for 40 minutes get it out bit of butter in there a bit of bit of parmesan cheese you just put some vegetables and meat oh huh you just cook every day no i don't i i cook maybe once every two days that's more than me talking about food will and i went to a well nice place yesterday didn't we did we got to co we got to cook our own food there so we went like for a restaurant and uh it's like a grill in the middle of the table called kintan nice and they give you know i assume they just be like beef when you put beef down because you know even if you eat it raw it's not the end of the world right they gave us like [ __ ] chicken to cook yeah i was we were cooking i thought that felt really sketchy dude he was stressed yeah i was like because they put the raw chicken like right next to me and i was like oh oh no if one wrong move and i've got salmonella uh so i was very stressed out about that but it was good fun like cooking your own food and stuff yeah i'll do it again uh what what else we got this week boys i've seen jk rowling why am i seeing what she said no oh she's just sweat so to be honest i just put it there just to say that what's the creator fun conspiracy that'll be a great clip sorry yeah seven seconds she's just a [ __ ] can we just can we actually upload that just seven seconds subscribe to the eboyz highlight channel by the way we want more subscribers there yeah maybe you should check that out a lot of people commented the highlights are better than the podcast themselves which i don't know that's a compliment it's the same thing or a negative well yeah that's the issue of that you just don't have to sit through the shape you don't want to hear yeah it's great you just skip to the best bits like skip straight to the ass talk and the harry it's halloween time it is halloween warm scrambled eggs what would you do if you walked up to somebody's house and you were like oh trick or treat and you're thinking like you're gonna get chocolate and i handed you a bowl of scrambled egg would you take it yummy yummy nutrition just eat it all up does anybody know what they're going after halloween this year i'm staying inside alex so you're just gonna carry away in the mask that was a very that's a very good answer yeah no i i don't think anything's going to happen this year for halloween we have a few drinks i don't think you're suggesting good trick or treating yeah yeah all right well i mean we could do how many years have you gone to a halloween thing as yourself george once everybody went to your fingers child that's me do you remember me on achieve yeah no you he was on the tube as the crib reaper and it wasn't even halloween it was like the week before halloween and he was just on the street as the grim reaper and everyone was just looking at him oh there's another chief in full coin streaming this full black reaper costume and i didn't even have a mask so it was just a guy like full black questions like 8 p.m with george and he was opposite me with his airports and pretending he didn't know me i was just sat there just smiling away because everybody was staring at me like i was just psycho uh i didn't i don't even think i even had the um like the the sword like the scythe no you didn't you were just jewish i look like i must have come back from a funeral wait oh man halloween is true it's such a weird holiday and it's so american yeah it's so [ __ ] american i know i never really celebrated halloween that much as a kid i did do people do people celebrate i don't know i know i never went through anything like did you ever look forward no no i hated it i did one thing one time where my parents took me to this thing where he went inside the forest and this bloke this bike would last around like uh it's bloke with these stories on a campfire um okay and everything was all right yeah no trauma it was just it was just terrifying oh i want some marshmallows on a campfire that was so good like halloween in the middle of a [ __ ] forest around a campfire it's like generally one of the scariest things anybody could do [ __ ] that oh what's the uh the last note on this thing is create a fun concept conspiracy what's that basically tick tock can't pay me enough and my views are down and i have so it's not a conspiracy have you thought of like making them funny do you really want anybody who spends actual time on a tick tock is a psychopath um not for me cannot be bothered like you won't just scroll through uh for me it's actually like if i can't make it in five seconds what's the point oh right oh i thought you meant like you spending time on the app i reckon i spend like two an hour and a half two hours a day on tick tock oh god okay that could not be me an hour but when i wake up an hour before i go to bed it's my favorite thing ever it's practically my job at this point talking about it so i just i do not interact with it at all you know touch it i love it no yeah my friend abby just posted like this incredible tick tock i like it i just think you spent nine hours on that and it's so impressive but like it just i look at mine i'm just like i just can't i don't think i could do that because the fear of spending nine hours on a tick tock and it flopping that would terrify me but the thing is though that's her main job right yeah for you it's just like you're a side profile of like something you don't really yeah but i i just like going on there and just it's more it really is the only reason i do it is because like uh you remember just like sticking on a capture card and making a fifa video just because you wanted to that's very much what tick tock is for me it's very much like i just do it cause i'm like you know i want to do that today [ __ ] it why not i'll just do that for five minutes so i go on my day i like it like that [ __ ] well that's it for me i figured that's it for everybody else's podcast thank you guys all for watching if you always want to listen to it on spotify and apple you can do so and the audio bit is great because you get all the stuff you get on the visual one but you have to look at us so check it out man um i think also the plan is and you can correct me if i'm wrong we're gonna be doing the audio podcast about four hours earlier than the video one yeah so if you want to get ahead so you want to get a bit of early in intel go and follow us on spotify yeah go follow us let's go yeah follow us on spotify or apple whatever your chosen platform really is and the video will go up a few hours later on youtube so um keep an eye out that's gonna be the plan poggers enjoy it while you can watch the highlights channel we'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: The Eboys Podcast
Views: 549,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eboys, the eboys podcast, eboys podcast, willne, james marriott, imallexx, memeulous, otto, autobiography, book, ouija boards, YouTube Tweet, presidential debate, look alike, twin
Id: huZWxeZctXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 55sec (3295 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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