We Got Cancelled - Eboys Podcast #8

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hello everyone and welcome back to the eboyz podcast episode 8 how are we doing boys we're good it's a great day uh as you can tell guys we've gone back to our uh 1 a.m schedule uh now it's 9 o'clock yeah doing okay cheers to that oh you got a little harito again yeah it's become a podcast special now i'm gonna pop over my guava jarito at the beginning of every episode so i've got a jasmine and mango green tea you know slightly ruining my intense hard man image but i'll take it for this podcast yeah i've got a pepsi max cherry what you got george i don't need uh any liquids because liquid is for the week i just uh i don't drink you just gain energy from the sun yeah i've got some sad news to start this podcast with cheery we said we actually redid the intro for cheery someone died i hope not yes in a way someone has died oh what arse talk is dead why why is this why yes i don't know why one of the recent podcasts on youtube was demonetised because of ass talk i don't care was it i think it was i don't want to repeat it because i don't want to get do you want to toast again but i'm pretty sure let's not do it again are we really going to let the money machine censor us james well this is exactly what i mean george this is why people come to this podcast they don't come to it for our witty opinions they come to it for arsenal they want to know yeah but we make it for money we make it for money this is why i needed to talk about alice's i don't know about you guys this is why people should be listening to us on a platform that won't hurt us uh so you should be listening to this over on spotify or apple music should we should we make arse talk a spotify exclusive yeah that'll make it that'll make him give us a deal should we just do like an episode where we only talk about us on spotify just a whole episode around the uh boardroom table at spotify you know that ass talk is [ __ ] exceptional we need to silence still got us into the top 15 within a month yeah without ask talk man i have i have a fear that the rugby podcast surpass us without arse talking i don't know i could feel about that well to be honest a rugby podcast is pretty much ours talk anyway it is yeah you know what them a lot are like yeah has anyone got any good ass related stories this week they can't so they can't talk when they're done with them um i don't really you know i'm gonna ignore that what are you implying [ __ ] each other i don't have any [ __ ] any things this week but i'm open to hearing your your guys's art stories this week yeah i know i'm trying to think i'm eating chili flakes right now with my chili squash shut up man well i go he's in one end i'm shoving chili flakes up my rectum currently i'm currently slightly here just just feels like i actually record every podcast three things three fingers deep in my mind we actually do have ask talk this week james do we your [ __ ] song oh oh that's a good arsenal that's a that's a lot have you have have you guys heard it i have one i wasn't supposed to yeah no i've heard it and it's incredible we're gonna play it you've shown everyone by collateral damage we were all going to hear for context um i was in a call with joe and he was like have you ever thought about doing like music streams before and i was like i don't really know i feel like i whenever there's pressure on me to do something i feel like i crumble so i didn't want to do music live because i was like i thought i think i'd crumble about 15 minutes later we're in a call and um someone mistakes alert to something we're listening to for i i pooed or something like that and joe's like did he did he just say i pooed in a [ __ ] rap and they were like no no no but imagine if imagine if you just did rap about pooh in a song and um should i show it yeah yeah you got it yeah come on have you had all of it well no i couldn't close the stream fast enough to save it as a surprise when you were showing it and discord the other night i can't wait to hear this again so you've only heard a little bit i've heard i've heard like [ __ ] it i don't know play the thing well is it how long is it now james is it now eight minutes so it's a minute long it's a minute long eight minutes long now let me uh let me record my um screen so yeah so i could get this um you guys are gonna want to listen to this i think this is gonna be one of the things we're gonna make it i i said we don't have a podcast jingle at the moment and we've meant to get on that at some point oh we should make this the jingle but i've i generally said when when this happened this is the podcast jingle this is what we've been looking for this is the special sauce that we've been uh needing um the [ __ ] sauce uh you might be able to say stop it like stop it gotta get it there somehow that's what she said oh hey depending on you know who you're interested in okay my discord's lagging out because because it's too powerful the the potency of the bars that i'm about to show you this may be a spotify exclusive so for anybody who is watching on youtube you can't listen to this song anywhere else definitely will only be on spotify james also you're putting this on your spotify so you've got to slow down that's your discography not the second part that would be the second part of [ __ ] on there oh oh you don't believe that uh welcome back youtube viewers if you missed that you missed something incredibly special possibly finest ever it's magnum opus yeah i don't i don't think i have something does anyone else have chills i think my hands i've got goosebumps yeah you're you'll never beat that james that's uh thank you thank you that might be i don't think we'll talk we might as well just end the podcast i mean that was my peek yeah brilliant so go and watch that listen to that on spotify if you missed that and you're on youtube if not yeah welcome back what we've got going on here today what are we going to do we've got to really sell it because that is the best thing i've ever made yep done uh talking about a [ __ ] show um oh you're slick with it these dudes h3h3 versus james charles over the past few weeks because it doesn't seem to ever [ __ ] end he must have [ __ ] sold do you think james charles he must have sold a bunch more because of that i wouldn't have known about that much if he didn't win your boat yeah i reckon his his fans probably were like well we'll support sister james and then spot eighty thousand of these sorry solid it was a nablo he's done it oh yeah well it wasn't him directly it would have been someone in james's team who just did a bunch of colors and then he went like yes yes yes yeah no but like he must have to approve it and he must be like puts his name on yeah do you see the dm conversation they had it was basically like oh yeah i love what you do he said i didn't kind of realize it was so similar um i i think the only thing really that is pushing it a bit is if you've gone different color combination i think there's no i think you can't argue that because the color block could use color block hoodie it's just the same colors in each block yeah like even like the cuffs are the same i mean clearly it's time to try and test it for me that works very well i just tell you fresh has done that well but i always do think when i see something like geniuses if if your marketing ploy is controversy then that is genius but really just pick three new colors right yeah and that's i always think that when i see like people get done on much for copying i've obviously have no clue or it's like mate just just change the shade just slightly and you'll be fine you know no because if you complain then everybody would just be like oh you don't own the color spectrum so yeah it's just very strange because now i've seen five tick tocks about it and like 18 tweets and i'm like you know what i just don't care what are people writing in tick tocks like [ __ ] hey nubs no ethan's the one making them oh yeah he's his tick-tock i will i find him very funny he's made very funny videos in the past brilliant right his tick tock's pitch it's i it's ironic isn't it wouldn't it be worrying though if like a man of his age was unbelievable at tick-tock no but you get like good old people on tick-tock like did you see the guy uh who's not like you went viral he was did you say like me yeah you [ __ ] off 32 year old anyway the guy on his skateboard listening to fleetwood mac he was like 40 oh that was brilliant oh with what he's doing the drink tic tocs for everyone just maybe not ethan claim it's a bit of merch terrorism you could say um so what what we're saying then what's the the official verdict red card or i think that's a red card james charles i think it's a red card it's a it's a solid nab um but but it's annoying whenever he thinks he's right now he just goes on twitter for [ __ ] months and i really don't care like we get it i think it's because he's been so like people have just ragged on him for so long that now when he gets something in his court he's like i'm gonna let the whole world know that i won this uh it's just like just get off twitter really and sue him no don't do that i mean but if you want money then you know speaking speaking of uh being sued i got a very angry letter from the tv licensed man i got one of them too i got one of them too hang on what george george as well i'm few right do you not pay your tv list do i [ __ ] bro why why would i need to i don't watch the bbc exactly i don't watch [ __ ] like nationwide tv i'm gonna go right now on the bbc website george and pay for it the thing is though will i i understand that eight quid a month is not that much money in the in our in at least our world right we're all millionaires yeah you big mr miller who wants to be one but i'm but a humble working class man but if someone sends me a letter right let me go was it the one we've already ripped it in half was it the one with red all over it oh my god it's like block red and it's like we're gonna it's basically saying we're gonna sue you look all right okay so i've ripped it in half because i get really upset about this just the both of us uh no just me good so you've ripped it now for that [ __ ] tell them so your attention is required in all caps you're like oh no like oh [ __ ] off oh it's like anyone who gives me anxiety can [ __ ] do one i'm not paying i'm not even if i enjoyed content on the bbc i would purposefully not watch it from that point because i refuse to give you money you've been summoned to court for an accused murder is it the letter saying that an investigation is ongoing into you jesus oh yeah but it's like yeah like level two what like [ __ ] sherlock holmes going like oh he's not paid five pounds to the government [ __ ] off i'm not paying to keep your dying service alive the bbc is a [ __ ] [ __ ] how bad must your life go to become one of them people that goes around knocking on doors asking people to pay their tv license like your life must have like [ __ ] spiraled out of control what if you're like a really big corrie fan yeah that's like you like metro inspector and then you get like car ticket person and then it's like tv like debt collector i'd scum of the earth [ __ ] glorified stitches imagine like your lunch break is a tv license man you've just gone up to someone's door they've not answered the door because they don't know who you [ __ ] are or you've gone in and gone i have to inspect your home they've gone no and you've walked away what do you do on your lunch break you probably you probably just go and sit down at a little bench in a park just kind of sit there no no no they may watch iplayer oh do you want to know actually all right officially the annual tv license costs 157 pounds a year which i to be honest actually is [ __ ] it's [ __ ] not a big chunk of cash but if you have a black and white tv it's only 53 pounds that's an action i've stood by this fact for a long time right i didn't i hate the word influencer i hate i hate the word influencer but if there's one thing i'm going to influence anyone out there do not partake in tv license things do not watch the bbc right if you watch the bbc you pay your tv license but if you don't need it cut out your life don't let them [ __ ] have this over us what oh well that's this podcast you know being pitched to bbc never happening now you'll never find us on bbc sounds to be fair they probably offer us like five shillings yeah they'll offer us they're about the amount of a tv license anyway will and then i'd have to give it back straight away this is some good because i'd have to watch my own podcast i'd have to have a tv license what about david attenborough he's got a couple of shows on the bbc they're on netflix yeah but his best ones are on netflix already mate and you don't need a tv license for netflix you have a netflix account what do you mean you don't have you've got like planet earth and [ __ ] on netflix yeah those are yeah but not but not for a while after they come out like there's a new one coming out soon i'd rather not i'd rather wait for i'd rather wait and then pay 150 quid did you see he banged four million followers on instagram yeah i followed him just showed up being like david attenborough and everyone's like yeah solid enough nice hey you don't know guys when he trends you're terrified aren't you when he gets trending yeah yeah he's a british hero british hero he gets a class british hero but yeah [ __ ] the tv license all my homies hate the tv like yeah i wanna i wanna be out there as vehemently opposed to it just because they give me anxiety whenever i go i hate getting my letters right cause i'm always like maybe i committed a murder five years ago and i've got an investigation into me right that's a guilty conscience what you've been doing why are you so worried about letters and then when i see a letter that goes like this is bad in big red writing on the front i'm like oh my god this it just scares the [ __ ] out of me yeah am i not the only person even when you know you've done nothing wrong you get a letter through with your name on it your text whenever i get a letter that comes through this door i know that it's got i'm always terrified because i don't assign my address up to like if you dodge tax that's why i have not done it it's gonna make me pay my taxes i have not dodged tax i've paid all of my taxes in fact i have to pay loads more because i have my tax bills you in three days i support this country i love my country i paid my taxes last week it's i'm i'm dreading it seeing that money go out he just makes so much yeah it's gonna be a huge huge build yeah um so you're saying euro 2021 we're not watching it no we're just going to know yeah maybe i'll pay for it for a month or something mate yeah you can pay like monthly and then like a subscript like a netflix subscription right all right so never buy tv license unless england are on yeah signature well no the thing is right oh just go to a pub are they gonna come to the pub and go oh sorry you can't watch it sir you don't have a tv license at your address no they're not but what if they did start doing that oh if they did i honestly um you know i'm not even gonna say that it was also out of pocket so i'm gonna i'm gonna hold back have you guys seen all the new um talk about pubs to the [ __ ] new 10 o'clock guidelines yes yes of course stupid it's the dumbest [ __ ] thing ever yeah well maybe not ever he's pretty stupid you go all or nothing in my opinion you go all or nothing it's like you close the pubs you keep them open yes i think it's [ __ ] because if you've got a pandemic on right the last thing you want is a big group of people all in one place if you're going to shut everything at the same time significantly pubs that's a brilliant way to guarantee to have a lot of people outside in one place did you see the video yes [ __ ] i'll play it play it yeah i'm sure we can get bruce to cut it in can't we i've got it i've got a link i've got a link i'll show you nice yeah this video is absolutely mental it's literally like is this a people going into the office it's the busiest time i think it's the busiest people have seen is it central london where am i mistaken there it's created a new rush hour oh my god look at this video yeah pop what what could we call this rush hour um crash hour whenever he gets crashed together oh my god is that king's cross i tell you what it looks like [ __ ] brilliant fun it looks like a good time to be honest i just don't get that's nuts goddamn man it's just ridiculous isn't it it's just absolutely ridiculous you know in my opinion it's like close them or keep them right keep them open like it's like what is the point of like these little half measures that do nothing like i think with schools open it it does nothing like realistically if the schools are open shit's going round does tell you guys i drove past that school when they were like [ __ ] like 100 you've got a restraining order from here you know it was like pandemic though to be fair it was like uh this voice is a man in the mask peeping over the fence no it's like three o'clock i was driving past um the school and there were just like hundreds of kids pouring out no masks or anything like close proximity to each other it's so [ __ ] stupid oh [ __ ] i've just seen that video someone used to tell them ethan bazinga's in the middle of a crowd out for some more drinks you got your cover test back didn't you well speaking of [ __ ] completely unrelated yeah why did you have to get a cover test yeah let's talk about that uh i just just was in contact with someone who who tested positive so i just thought you know for the boys let's cancel all our filming for two weeks and drop well actually no chess was just that was going to be that's on us still that's that was we planned that stinker but yeah make a video want to be who's the millionaire i thought that i thought that video came out really good well that was my my favorite tv character would say bazinga yeah but we wouldn't know that because we don't play our tv license so we've never seen that show obviously so it's completely unrelated we would not know although talking about a man who we may accidentally kill off if we revoke our tv license um chris tarrant commented on the new e-boys video it's probably it was probably an intern alex it wasn't chris tarrant doesn't even present it anymore he retired years ago if chris tarrant knows the word poggers then i would be incredibly surprised it's jeremy clarkson now alex it was jeremy clarkson that commented pogba's on our video so for context the official who wants to be a millionaire youtube account comet now this is pogba's yeah gucci is one of my top five e-boys moments i was in i was in the same place with you when i was out will and then i watched it back and i was like oh guccio gucci was really funny and for that alone i like it's just for those of the audience who've that got to put us the people who've made it this far into a podcast that have got a long tolerance of us yeah yeah that give us a lot of a lot of leeway for them a lot it was for you everyone else who didn't watch it i totally understand well i thought it was a good video i thought it was i don't think it's one people will regret missing out on i think because guccio gucci was great we don't miss from here though we don't miss we don't miss i don't jinx it well we might be well we'll probably will miss we will but yeah it wasn't our fault was it wait no it wasn't our fault but we had to stay in like we had to get a cover test chess was our fault chess was uh yeah yeah well i think a lot of people genuinely i wasn't really necessarily sure whether to bring it up but i read a few of the comments occasionally i try not to i really do think people forget that there's like a global pandemic on all right it isn't as easy as people may think to number one come up with video ideas and lackland then actually maybe to shoot them because sometimes it's not just the fact that we like we thought that we might have experienced contact with people but the cameraman there's so many there's so many people there is so many moving parts now to those like studio days where to keep in contact with everybody you know what everybody's doing is a bit of a nightmare um so please bear with us but we're getting there right we're learning right we're learning how to run a channel in a bit of a real we'll get there one we'll get there i definitely think there's like the thing is it's like our audience is definitely split into like two camps so you get like you get the people who revel the videos where it's just us chilling in our bedrooms and just chatting [ __ ] about something and then the morons yeah and then the other half of like slightly newer people who are waiting for like another bake off video or something like that you know what i mean like when we're in a studio and [ __ ] like that no green screen another green screen because then it's like oh this one doesn't have this one's [ __ ] it doesn't have as much effort but it's like we started by doing not the [ __ ] video we'll die by them but no but it's literally like we the reason they worked you know there's a weird split in it because i noticed that by reading the comments on that video there's very much people who love it because it reminds them of like uh uh classics like eboy's bat on chess which is obviously a fan favorite oh yeah some people love your voice and chess where some people don't it's not marmite yeah i love it you write it interesting i thought you'd voice that on chestnuts right it's pretty good video they've always better just it's just such a great title oh it should have been now this afternoon i've uh i took it upon myself and i've looked at basically the weird news of the week so boys there are some articles i would like to show you all right so how did you hear about the the factory in vietnam well the condoms [ __ ] washing was it hang on i've got the article wait you have heard about this i don't know where they harvested these used condoms from harvested that's a good shot yeah from like under people's beds and outer bins and yeah you hear about this alex no factory caught washing recycling and reselling over 300 000 used condoms at least they washed them the owner of the illicit factory had said that she had washed and then dried the condoms before selling them on to unsuspecting members of the public the cummies factory surely if you wash and dry a condom that puts it through stress that probably is going to let semen out of it at what when it yeah that's the main cause yeah well it is yeah if you're a condo manufacturer your main concern is stopping people getting pregnant could just kind of go like oh chase oh god sorry i just clocked that yeah but you you think like oh someone else has [ __ ] busted a nut in this you put it you put it over um a phallic shaped object and you go and then you flip it round and then blow boy so that way you can really get both sides you've you've done that before like don't you there was some talent there uh there's a song in that yeah the grapefruit there's a song in that that is horrific uh you know i was happy in not knowing about that really um what else have we got for this it was reported in condom sales it's a new ass talk news that makes you nut sorry we'll carry on right we got interrupted by nutty news you're right well oh god she's so so intriguing shocked by this next incredible article while the virus has been found in semen and feces it is not yet clear if coronavirus can be transmitted through sex interesting still get shagging boys oh yes that's great that's really that's really that's really made me worry less the mask stays on during sex to be honest right my weird news one of my three topics of my weird news that i looked at was the pubs and the video of them shut in but next up there was a man in india who had to have a toothbrush removed from his stomach after swallowing it is it a small one i don't think he was brushing his teeth i think he was he was up to something so a link in he's saying he put it up his bum oh no that's horrible i know i maybe he was giving it a head or something do you know what i mean maybe he was just trying to see if he had that [ __ ] good oh i'm trying to think i imagine okay did you ever brush your tongue do you ever brush your tongue yeah it's horrible i can't do it man it's grim maybe he went like we've got i have a special tongue brush i [ __ ] like properly a special tongue special tongue i was gonna say have you you know the little scraper things that you scrape your tongue it's a funny way of saying a [ __ ] i come in i've got your specialty i've got a serrated [ __ ] he gets the gunk off the back of your throat it does it's [ __ ] good the scrapy tongue thing it's really good alex's [ __ ] i'll grab it for you i'll grab it and show you it hang on well alex's [ __ ] watch out man you're coming in a bloody toothbrush had to be removed from a man's stomach after you swallow it while cleaning the back of his throat i [ __ ] doubt that no i believe that that makes me feel ill look it's a scrappy tongue thing what the [ __ ] it's my scrappy tongue thing this scrapey tongue thing like you put it like you scrape your tongue it's got little bristles and it like helps clean your tongue and then that like drags all like the horrible [ __ ] at the back of your it makes your breath smell nice i never have smelly i always use i use the vacuum cleaner mate solid the actual full base one sorry i don't know what's going on this podcast is [ __ ] deteriorated if someone went off and put it the other way around so it blows everything up we have the worst pockets on the planet oh [ __ ] it out oh man you know we're like oh you gotta remove some stuff because youtube are gonna be livids somebody buy us please please save us uh weird news is concluded for this week that is all i had i'll come back stronger next week speaking of things that you want to gag on um joji because of his amazing album nectar wha what the no what it was good to be fair i bet he tastes like nectar sweets have we all had a listen i have i think he don't miss he don't miss does he he doesn't i was really upset that [ __ ] the club wasn't on there yeah that's sad i haven't what's [ __ ] the club i haven't heard that one it's like it's one that he released called like in the description was not song right it was on youtube like a month ago and pretty boy was there as well with not song yeah and then pretty boy made it onto the album but ftc didn't and it's really good i liked i liked pretty boy i thought pretty boy was a really good song that's my favorite so far that's probably it's probably that one except for the uh i like i like you as well and that one's probably my favorite that isn't the shot that's probably my favorite that isn't like one of the singles that's already been released for me it's it's a toss-up between modis and 777. yeah seven seven seven four seven seven seven is so good i quite like the one with um uh ray brown in it normal people that was pretty good as well um after thought as well he always she just always bangs it mate she always bangs it who's ray brown who's ray brown should i know that i've listened to ray brown came up in my spotify like um selective you know how like you know it just like passes through sometimes you got music on it with your shuffle and you'll get new artists so it's like curated for you um yeah i uh a few of ray brown's songs came up but he's he's pretty good i quite like him i want to say it to him but i don't know honestly so yeah i think so might be wrong for me to say but i don't oh it's so good that was my jersey impression everyone get every week it's just the thing you can tell when when you can tell there's a good [ __ ] album that's come out when you talk about it with people they all have different favorite songs like you get like certain albums where it's just like oh that's clear what the bangers are here like um the [ __ ] i mean none of you listened to the 1975 but the last 1975 album that was very true like there was like a good 10 to 15 songs which no one [ __ ] remembers i always get that of all of the tree i think um the only the people i know listed as one of the tree i think their main favorite was probably i'm gone and uh that was when did he drop his last album a little bit about a few months ago a few months ago this one was good i really liked all of the trees one yeah if you're too shy that's a the only one really good 1975 song is he did some not with all of a training's label that you have to like release a lot the same song oh like couldn't release an album no i got that wrong he was constantly forced to re-release eps um yes because why was that they kept on telling him basically that his fans loved him so much that he could almost release five or six of the songs as eps and just bump the straight like it's almost like re-uploading the same video so getting as much value out of the same songs or so he was getting so much money out of them and they were basically saying to him like if you do that we can give you this amount of budget etc so on so forth from what i could tell basically just holding the album at ransom like you know if you do another ep then then it's the album and if you do another ep then it's the album if you do another ep then so on and so on um what would you say is being your best album this year i don't know i really like nectar to be honest i think nectar probably i don't know what other albums are i think really absolutely in my mind i love every song after a few days i think so i don't really get excited over albums um but that next got me excited find it hard to look past after hours who's after hours who's that with the weekends oh right yeah yeah no that will stop that one i like joji so i'm just i'm kind of scrolling through now to try and just remind myself if i'm thinking of it i think mine is ugly it's beautiful just because i've been waiting for trace droppers album for so long but it just has to be that one has that been i said okay it's not been running out like big alden's drop this yet no i haven't i can't really think of any everybody's postponed them haven't they tame impala had an album out this year didn't he oh [ __ ] yeah everybody's postponed their stuff isn't that it's not really like um everybody thinks they're a band but it's one guy oh i thought um there was a big thing two-door cinema club rep posted today about um how uh they want to just [ __ ] covered off and be like [ __ ] it because of the fact that the music industry screwed because of there's no live shows and they were talking about how nobody makes any money off streaming because the labels um like i have ridiculous cuts on the streaming deals so the music artists want to just kind of be like [ __ ] it we're just going to start doing live shows so they they're saying what if we just came back something good could work i mean i just said you retweet let's say boris johnson what you know you're a [ __ ] freak i'm kind of i'm kind of scrolling through here grimes released an album this year i [ __ ] love grimes but i think joji for me like this i know a grime song huh would i know a grime song yeah yeah yeah yeah i can send you some after this anyway i'm sorry sorry let me know let me get up her most popular i mean i like i mean i mainly listen to her because of arya like arya's running into her music i'm a big elo musk fan yeah did you see [ __ ] zack from zach and jay changing his name unbelievable video what the [ __ ] that's outrage how can you just change your name back from deadpool like easy yeah yeah yeah pretty sure that's what what's his name did joe lysett yes joe lycip joel isaac changed his name to hugo boss and then changed it back yeah because um he and hugo box got really angry at him didn't they because facebook makes you wait like 12 months to change your name back on there i thought it might be the same type of crack with deadpool it's amazing that facebook is more of a [ __ ] limit on that than [ __ ] the real your real name your real legal name if you could change your name what would you change it to megatron no like i mean like like your first last name something really epic what would you change it to what you said megatron's not epic i was just about to say your full name george i said my name to george bleep bleep because obviously your name is quadruple barreled oh seven five nine seven two zero five three one six yeah i don't know i i quite i mean i'm so established in my name now that like i do i don't even know not in the sense of like oh i'm so established that it's me but it's like my name is literally like yeah well obviously everyone else is different for you because you have that entire hotel chain so like everything you change you have to like think about all the money you spend on signs maybe i'd become hilton you know james premiere in or something you know james premier in did you know green day released an album this year yeah i heard it wasn't that good though father of father father of all [ __ ] they called it wait who released an album this year green day there's kanye doing an album uh [ __ ] it you never really know with him do you i'm scrolling through as well actually because i yeah tame impala donald glover well usually if he's on a mad one he's releasing one yeah but he's always on a mad 1 at the moment really morrissey morrissey morrissey made one called i am not a dog on a chain all right well marcy lost profits i'm i love i'm not okay simulation i'm not mentioning the 1975 here because it wasn't their best so you could pretend it doesn't exist yeah um eden did he release anything eden did didn't he i'm not sure i swear he didn't really say well we went to his live show so we're quite embarrassed if we don't know this to be honest postmodern's album was last year wasn't it yeah that was good i want him to transition into like [ __ ] just making rock music yeah yeah he has proper rock vocal i think that's what he wants to do eden released no future this year that was a very good uh very good album what's what's the um what's the cover post malone does of the nirvana song oh amazing have you seen the miley cyrus clip that's been going viral recently of her covering a song uh i think i saw a tick tock about it yeah it's about it's like all over my tic toc what song is it i can't remember wasn't logic's last album meant to be really good as well i actually don't think all apologies all apologies [ __ ] amazing oh biffy clyro have you seen that [ __ ] clip of biffy clyro covering um oh god whereas oh my awful you tweeted no what is it oh come on can we play this yeah if i could give it a go is it part of is it on bbc live lounge yes it's on their youtube channel another reason to not renew the tv license everybody we have burned all bridges with bbc this episode the entire british broadcast communications whatever they're called oh god who's billy who's biffy cairo what bring a bucket give me everything you they all agree to do this surely get like halfway through that first bit yeah probably suck this off boys i hate this so much this is why i don't pay my tv license like this is my excuse okay can i can i interrupt this my fart song is better than this it i is i was i'm less comfortable listening to this than i was yes could you imagine charlie dimiglio doing a dance to this can it's not even at the bad bit yet that's not the bad bit james here and it won't get there the worst thing about that is is a zayn from the vlog squad uploaded a cover of the song thick oh it was a [ __ ] class though right really good zayn smashed it unbelievable what's that on stream can we watch that one yeah zayn's one was ridiculous really good yes genuinely his cover i didn't realize that he went from doing a justin bieber music video justin bieber's uh uh did dj khaled's new song featuring justin bieber slaps by the way um justin bieber was unbelievable in that great music video as well with loads of youtubers in it uh zane's in there wait what what what yona book dj khaled released a song with justin bieber and zayn's in the background and the next week he drops the the whap cover really yeah he's been doing a lot of stuff lately this is sick he's been smashing it he's been smashing it mate it's good it's so good in it that was sick that was really good banged it ten out of ten solid [ __ ] effort my biffy claw in the mud he killed it uh especially we want to talk about youtubers now what about the mr beast stuff yeah i was gonna ask about this very [ __ ] strange you have no idea what it is james because i've we've written down the words mr beast navy might like the color is he uh wearing like a navy sweatshirt oh yeah hello honestly ethan klein's he's seen three colors he's just lost his mind navy blue and and turquoise he just can't deal with it um no um the navy the us navy have been going through mr beast's instagram comments and leaving comments weirdly similar to the one that was left on the eboy's video the this is pogba's one by one do you think they're the same admins the us neighbors oh man basically what's going on is obviously it looks like a bit of a meme right oh the us navy are going on mr beast's comments and they comment and stuff like oh this is pogba's so far but in reality what they're doing is they're trying to like [ __ ] indoctrinate mr beast's [ __ ] child audience into the navy which is insane that's been done on a youtubers posts that is crazy that is actually what like basically self-promoting on mr beast's upload he just thought it was a funny joke but it's just the grind it's just the grind they do like brian deals right the army yeah i think sorry [ __ ] i i do you think that should be allowed like if the army being advertised like just any other like summer camp i don't know i mean you get like ads on the tv it's not really any different from that that's what i mean that's what i mean do you think that should be allowed i suppose how else would you get weirdo it's like they they do like someone do you go to a recruitment center and be like oh um pewdiepie sent me uh can i join yeah 201 i'm here to join the bro army if i die get the chunk come i will i was lost out of mr b circle but i was made in the royal navy it's very odds does that does like the british army do that or is it just the american army uh well you get it on like tv breaks i mean like he's quoting right yeah we get on tv breaks but like i think you meant like brand deals uh no no no the americans are on it yeah they've got a lot more budget over there though yeah yeah they've got a [ __ ] loader budget what's your budget yeah [ __ ] yeah you could you could take them yeah imagine the money you could get off of a us military brandon because they they really could not turn around and go well we don't have much for this company because he well [ __ ] 300 billion this quarter you work do it yeah i'm sure you've got it you're not spending on anything else are you yeah because well he said it would be good if like if they give him a big like uh mr beast does his next video um uh blowing up whichever country channel appoints to that might bang you do so many my mates pointed out a map and we sent a the beast invades afghanistan we took over afghanistan and this happened shocking we went looking for oil and found this they say the possibilities are endless oh my god last to leave the detonation zone dies how many innocent civilians can you kill with a drone in 10 minutes when it gets a hundred grand i think it's an underground lifetime of guilt [ __ ] it out it would really change off his painful video would it i really nobody gets live munitions but literally nobody gets brave come on chris the meme god go harder but imagine you turn up nobody's brief they just think it's like a paintball video you see um [ __ ] laser beam you pick him off bullet straight for his head he's done what would you what'd you do for that point did you just carry on trying to win the 100 grand you 100 grand top link of the description would it be worth it what's a murder people you'd be the only link in the description mate alex if you murder someone for a hundred grand if you finish second the top link if you finish second oh yeah fair enough you pop ninja at the back of the edge if you finish second i mean he can't win anymore top link and what would you do for toppling the description in the u.s navy mr beast this is dave i'm sorry oh man we take a knee boys navy collab i think yeah i know we'd do it oh yeah that'd be sick we're gonna [ __ ] the army yeah [ __ ] it okay no we can say [ __ ] the tv license man because they're not very threatening but you can't go ahead and say [ __ ] the us army yeah [ __ ] them [ __ ] what are they going to do invade us what are they going to do here we might have a bit of egg on our faces invaded by oh someone said this to me this week i can't remember who said it and why they said it but they went you know it would be really easy to walk aboard george yes somebody just recording in a studio if one of us just pulls his head back and someone pours the water over yeah but the torch is kind of illegal so i don't think uh yeah but no it's just a bit of banter when it's you're making just a bit abandoned yeah i mean yeah but it's just a bit of banter really yeah i think somebody said why don't you do eboy's try waterboarding and i was like for so many reasons you won't be doing that video but i appreciate the suggestion you've always tried different methods of torture waterboarding really sounds like a fun family sport doesn't it just like a sport on a lake it's really not hey kids we're gonna go waterboarding today was just yeah his [ __ ] in their mouth yeah and it's arsenal he's podcaster monetized there were so many reasons why the podcast got lost out to last week and i'm not willing to go to any of them on here we're probably we're probably deep enough into the video now for it not to get yeah i doubt anyone's watching yeah yeah what what happened what did we talk about it was the harry potter segment about um money murder i'm pretty sure i don't know if you remember but it was pretty funny basically well you were trying to she was 32. she was fine you were trying to morally accept justified [ __ ] 14 year old youtube no no no no you're spinning that way i wanted to [ __ ] the actors i wanted to [ __ ] moaning and that's fine who at the time was 32 years old playing that role pause that's fine and that's it that's all we need we i all we need is that little caption of you saying i want to [ __ ] moaning myrtle and then well now i've said it as well so exactly well i did the thing is i did put that in the requester review i said please consider these factors yeah 32 yeah of birth 87 and i'm and i'm waiting for youtube to get back to us um yeah and we'll say maybe we'll haven't actually [ __ ] a child he just really wants to no child he's not a child the accent i didn't even want i don't even really want a [ __ ] bone in middle it was just a bit just a bit yeah i'm dying on a hill i don't want to die you're looking more worth dying on to be honest i'm just saying i'd rather [ __ ] morning yeah than buck beat go haragog aragog mate because which i don't think any of you could deny like it's like on your part aragorn could give you like that like spider like he's got like loads of hands it's just like he could [ __ ] he could put him in all different places yeah he could fill every single hole you have even the ones you don't even realize you have to warm the holes filled by a spider but it would be all furry and nice you know it'd be soft no it wasn't what furry thing in you would feel good oh there's a whole category about that gerbil uh that's the thing yeah yeah [ __ ] gerbils there's our thing it's a whole eminem song about it yeah there's our whole thing about putting in the armadillo as well but we can't talk about that in the podcast they started a podcast started a podcast i did i've gone on [ __ ] that i don't give them no free clothes all right we've we've censored out his name we've just censored his name we can just answer it no podcast for you uh no he's allowed on did i tell you guys about what simon said to me when i when i saw him the other day simon said he came up to me and he went i saw what you guys said about our podcast oh oh what did we say about i can't remember to vote it one star no oh yeah yeah that's fake that's very good we never called it but it's not a bad podcast i quite enjoy it it's not i actually quite like it yeah no i like it yeah sorry what i do i swear what vote what no no no no that's me morally morally we can't say about it okay no but four hours five please a a confronted way and and and he he just said he was like i'm gonna bully you at football you know if you carry on doing that so don't vote this one down just fight one up but all the other ones can go or maybe two star yeah yeah we've moved on now for every host yeah hours vote every podcast to start for every host we've got four fours are decent right no no we're good for every host two two for every house so we have uh eight so our podcast eight eight stars five will do though so okay no one and a half one and a half when was the last time we checked the podcast reviews i'm going to check them now i don't know if you guys got anything you want to talk about whilst i do this good take away alex good segway i really wanted to talk about how good i am among us because that was hilarious earlier i've had some absolutely exceptional plays these last two days to the point where people will just believe me anything i say and i really am enjoying it i had a big at the begin at the beginning of a game today where i saw pinely getting out of a vent and elliott right next to him only one person had died i said we vote finally here and we vote elliot right after i've seen finally basically i started the round by being like elliot did you see anything weird and he went like no and then i was like in my head i was like i've got you where i want you and then because people believed me they just voted them out immediately and they were gone and it was great because in unison as james is doing all these deductions i and me and joe designs in unison start singing the sherlock holmes thing and we start getting louder and louder the closer he gets tell you what boys if this sounds brilliant correct right it was like i'm guessing you have to be there like among us live streams which will be highlighted and posted on alex live i've been unbelievable they've been great they've been fantastic james has been streaming him as well we've been having a lot of fun on there um and the one person thinks you wouldn't enjoy it well because you only come on there to cause uh trouble that's your whole goal that's what the game's about i agree i don't say will like george doesn't participate in it no because he doesn't say anything that's his that's his secret george orchestrates the [ __ ] up and i just follow suit george is good at the game though when he's the imposter he's good at it we need to create ourselves like tend to throw it but when he's the imposter he's good the reason why george is so hard to pin on it among us is because he gets imposter every time but the one time you actually decide to quickly vote for him with the one time he's innocent and that's how he and he's i haven't had i haven't had imposter in [ __ ] yonks like i haven't had it like like half an hour no no genuinely i think we played when we played the other day i don't know if you were in there alex when we played the other day we were playing for about like three four hours i got it like once or twice i don't think i wouldn't have been in that one you always get it when i'm playing with you yeah no you get it all the time i go like once or twice in like freeze four hours great fun though i love it so i look at the customer reviews as it's called an apple yeah read it read them about read them out our loyal customers um five stars um the kids in my basement really enjoyed the big british boys well thank you so much that's good good thank you for the five stars uh clove said nice five star review thank you we only read the five stars by the way favorite podcast i've ever listened to also the only podcast i've ever listened to so it's also the worst they've ever listened to definitely clearly on that yeah yeah but george we don't say that no you don't say that glass half full you know i actually got guys guys guys i'm an american and i find most if not every british kid i run into annoying but this podcast is high quality stuff and i love george as well as james and will she cheat you won't run into us anywhere i usually mind where i'm walking you know i'm just gonna let's go read it again i love george careful as well as james's and well as you cheap sounds nothing wrong there where's my one so they don't like yours no one's on there they really should have voted the podcast four star then yeah really yeah because if i'm not good enough yeah i mean i i said this uh five stars uh bruh let's give a review um here's another one from sydney it must be the last one i really unless you guys want to read any more uh for time and ad revenue all right yo five stars yo that's wrong but i'll take the five stars because you make me laugh but god you guys aren't good at making a podcast and that is our selling point are you the five stars i think we're sick i think we're well good i do yeah i think our podcast is really good yeah like personally i can't listen through many things i could listen through the eboyz podcast yeah could you name um like anybody who's got anything close to nutty news or ass talk i don't know anybody's got stuff like that yeah is that oh there are two tv segments no you can use the knives that's what we're known for nothing news ass talk and the come zone yeah the come zone the three pillars that hold this podcast together we haven't done the come zone this episode what's uh what do you mean it's not it's not like a new thing that happens every week it's not long yeah that's what we should just make it a ritual we listen to this yeah we can't do that if only someone had written a song about [ __ ] and recorded it oh you haven't have you you haven't done another one have you gone that's your next one james um oh he's already done it hasn't he you've not made another song already you haven't done it on call on this [ __ ] podcast call have you no i can't be honest maybe this is a maybe the [ __ ] song can i can show it next week it's done i just i can't be bothered to find it right now exclusively on spotify the [ __ ] song yeah i've done a [ __ ] song you're a strange stranger should i show the comic song on spotify next week i think save it for next week give them a reason to watch the next time is this what you're doing when you say you're busy that's my next spotify exclusive i did this on stream i wrote the [ __ ] song on stream we'll have a song every week for audio listeners on spotify no we won't but i don't maybe do anything i'm very much bored of writing songs about stupid [ __ ] i want to write proper songs again no this is good we're gonna this is what you're gonna be known for now james we're gonna pitch in how are you into this yeah no i'm not gonna you're gonna be like joji but you never get to become joji you'll be stuck as as the the lobby bomb man jimbo mazza for the rest of my life oh well i say that's been a great episode of the boys podcast outstanding yes we've had some great moments some great laughs and a lot of fun if you guys did enjoy it don't forget to leave a like check out us on spotify and apple and subscribe on the youtube channel and check out the highlights we do loads of stuff it's just loads of things we'll see you guys next time alright see you in a bit bye
Channel: The Eboys Podcast
Views: 596,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eboys, the eboys podcast, eboys podcast, willne, james marriott, imallexx, memeulous, army, best album of the year, 2020, podcast 08, eight, Mr Beast, WAP
Id: BbKrzbU5iIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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