Eboys Life Advice - Eboys Podcast #31

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right hello how's it going welcome back to the eboyz podcast how he's all doing boys i'm doing five minutes brilliant today actually before we tell you oh they know they know what the title before we tell you what we're doing will you please follow us on spotify rate it on apple subscribe to the eboyz podcast channel and the eboyz clips highlights channel yeah please and thank you nice massively yeah thank you today we are going to be giving you lot some life advice uh we are four very qualified men for this and you should these are some opinions you should trust we are we're all on on our sharpest sharpest i don't know if i agree with that i wouldn't trust anything george mimi just told me today why not i've just got loads of money addressed is good good job judgement guide yeah guiding look at him sat there i think george has got some ideas i got i got uh the streak smarts right yeah from growing up on the block what george has said is that he sells drugs yeah what he's saying is he's a drug dealer in his spare time that's what he means by that well you know i can't comment on that oh god oh well fair enough okay yeah because the ongoing case you want to crack straight into it yeah we've got one that's what george tells his clients uh okay my knives made my family hate me oh your family um this is from is this advice that you want us to give you will what oh i thought you i think venting please okay we've made that joke once can we not make that joke for every single piece of advice kitty got claws who are alex that's fine i'm sorry don't be sad i'm sorry okay uh right this one is from blank named sally sally she says my nan hates me four days before i was born my grandad in brackets her husband thank you for clearing that up sally would never be another figure uh died in a car accident so my nan has this crazy theory that he had to die in order for a new person me to be born because of this she absolutely despises me surely wouldn't you just wouldn't you be like it's the real incarnation of oh my god my camera's falling it's the reincarnation of yeah you know gramps you're speaking ill of the dead um yeah this this guy is his car has crashed right into my camera right into my sonia he's not just tony hofer i think that's um i think if that was me i'd embrace it and i'd i'd walk into the room and i'd like i do this and then i pretend to speak to her as her dead husband um that is horrible that's so mean alex all right the story goes on uh she takes any opportunity she has to call me fat or ugly today she gave me a cream egg and uh whispered in my ear only eat half of it can't make you any fatter than you already are okay well we need to clear something up straight away sally does she confirm if she is fat and ugly because if she is then the grandma has the right to know that yeah wow that's important that's appalling this is put she doesn't really ask for any advice here because if you are fat and ugly then maybe you know maybe that's advice it could be a nice thing i mean this is the thing i don't know because because that actually is quite important james because i've never received a creme egg from somebody and thought they hate me i've always seen that as a nice gesture it's a sign of respect yeah but it was the passive aggression stuff it came she whispered in a year we can't make you any fatter than you are about three seconds so it was it was a nice gesture and then it wasn't crazy eggs aren't really that great anyway so but i don't know what you want from this i'm not really too [ __ ] sally all right well there you go that's her name last name address should we check that in her grandma's watching okay yeah you didn't ask for any advice so we move hey are we supposed to give advice on that yeah yeah that's what we're doing yeah well we i just did i said i don't know what to say like just [ __ ] brave it no she didn't ask you anything we can't give advice all right yeah but don't worry this one is a bit more open-ended of a question okay this one is from it's from a boy can i have a boy name please barry simon barry simon and dave can we go a little bit younger for con it says for context i'm 23. uh greg okay greg greg hello boys i love the pod thank you greg thanks great five stars on apple thank you uh this one is a bit all over the place so i'll explain the best that i can apologies it is quite long for context i'm 23. girl a is 24 and girl b is 26. it's like a [ __ ] gcse maths i live with two girls you can probably see where this is going i've lived with them both for over two years and we were all friends before moving in together so we thought things would be fine but there's a twist lads over the last year or so myself and gurley have been cuddling talking and sleeping together but after sleeping together it says in brackets not sex when this first started we talked to girl b about it to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable with the situation and she said it was fine i really really like girlie and i think she feels the same way i don't know if i do if it's been a year and you've not you know a good old yeah what's going on there did you say a good old rodding yeah you know what i'm saying uh however recently we're in the first ten minutes still i'll keep it i'll keep it pg i'm learning george i'm learning yeah let's title this the rod pod the rod that's outrageous okay however recently girl b has suddenly taken issue with myself and gurley doing stuff together and not just the coupley stuff things as simple as going for a walk together or having a private conversation girlby has little to no friends except for girl a so i'm thinking locked down she's got no mates she's kind of losing her only mate and they're not even really shocking uh and she doesn't get out much even before covid she didn't get out much awful grammar there they still live with each other don't they yeah yes but she doesn't get out much she's saying she doesn't have anything you know going on outside of this situation so it's like a whole world girlby has said she's sick of me and girly constantly being together and doing whatever we're doing has apparently always had an issue with it when she said it sorry this is a bit long-winded but i'll get there when she said it it obviously pissed both me and gurley off beyond belief because both have different because both of us have develo developed feelings i don't you know what can i just add i think gobi is just frustrated that they haven't shagged yet she's not just [ __ ] get it over with get over with she wants to hear that that yeah she's like i'm gonna hear it at some point please stop it's like chinese water torture yeah are you gonna hear them shag you don't know yeah you don't know what's happening you've got a flying over your face and you're hoping for the best and you're in a dark and dingy room and you've been trapped there for a year who knows what's gonna happen currently gurley has put a hold on anything because b has a problem with it and says she doesn't want to lose girl b as a friend over this she's going to hold on all right sorry oh no she hasn't do i try and talk to b about it to clear the air or do i try and talk to a to say that girl b shouldn't have such control over her life or do i count my blessings and move on from a the last thing i want to do is lose her even as a friend but with feelings i really just couldn't be friends with her thanks boys i look forward to hearing your advice i have genuine advice does anyone have any jokes they want to make before the church in the air come on not that i can think of i've been trying to brew one up but i can't it's too long there's too much come on then what what's what's your thoughts i think the very idea that you're going do i talk to girl a or girl b is the problem you need to get together in a room and go hey there's been this underlying the apartment no george stay right shot them both instead of shocking one well he's he's clearly struggling to go for the first so you know let's not you know let's not run before we can walk i i think he needs to go to both of them and go hey i don't what do you what do find out what everyone's priorities are yeah do you guys want to live together do you want a relationship with girl a what do you want what do you want you can't do that in with with her there though you can't be you can't get like deep relationally couple-y stuff whilst the other girls in the room why not because i think if you address that as a three it's more likely that you're going to come out with a result i think you maybe speak to girl a first and then speakers of three i don't think he can do the relationship as a lot okay but i think it's worth considering that we are in strange times like yeah if she you know could get out more and could do stuff maybe she wouldn't be asked that you're trying to finger her friend but not really i think maybe a time let's talk about girl b for a second because let's say it's they mentioned the pandemic goldbee may not have had a shag in the last year and she's just watching her two flatmates and friends canoodling all the time and she's just they're [ __ ] frustrated out of her mind yeah that that must be [ __ ] hard yeah i i've got sympathy for girl b i think you can see why she's getting pissed off if that when they said private conversations i imagine you're sat alone in the apartment and they're just whispering to each other you'd want to you'd want to offer yourself that's why hammered left just be nice to goldbe understand girlby's situation you know she's not got like there's plenty of room for another person maybe that's the maybe that is the answer what the threesome yeah maybe that is actually the answer break the tension right okay well yeah well it would you know it would would i get a i'm going to move on hey boys hope you're all doing well i recently came out of a breakup and knowing i'm eventually going to have to find someone else is daunting me i'm a very awkward guy who struggles with social situations this one's from harry wrote ashore uh so can i try and find someone new online i'll keep my tail between my legs and see what comes my way well he he's asking if he should try his luck online uh no uh we'll try and find someone oh yeah new online yeah yeah yeah because you can just delete the app but if you if you don't feel ready don't do it yet chief i have a suggestion no don't rush yourself no you're going to have to cut it's going to have to happen sooner or later i have a suggestion join the i'm alex discord scout scout out in there alex they're all like 14. you just have to ask for the parent's permission first oh god i mean nobody specifies their age it might be no let's not go too deep down that down let's not go there i think right i think he should i think he should sign himself up to every dating website ever and then just see what happens yeah because if it just goes wrong you just delete the app in it i think yeah and if we're talking about someone who finds themselves as like quite a socially awkward person it could be good to just kind of chat to people online before you're thrown back into the real world you know try not to take it too seriously if you meet someone that's sick you meet someone that's sick but like don't go into it going okay i need to find my relationship using this app you know pay for tinder gold and then make the location worldwide that's a [ __ ] scam by the way it's so expensive yeah i i once paid for uh this was ages ago yes i am i paid for um bum on bumble you can pay for like boosts to put your profile out there and i was like you know what i i let the ladies try and find me so i boosted it it cost me like a fiver i got no one no one like me no one likes me oh mate that's pretty criminal [ __ ] is bumble the one where they've got a message first yeah it's like girls message guys first right in the short amount of time i used tinder i only matched with a few people and the majority of them said this isn't the real james marriott and that was that was the only reason people matched with me so i just gave up because you're really famous well just to tell you that you didn't exist yeah i don't know it's not for me this one is called group coursework useless groupmates which um oh yes you can relate to this hello boys i'm in i'm a final year uni student doing an engineering course and i've had numerous group courseworks with the same people however the last coursework only two out of four people in the group actually did oh no no there's four of them as well oh no oh no of the 6 000 words completed all with him from me and the other guy who did the work oh i those i'm assuming you did a bunch of it in uni james group [ __ ] work is the worst there's always gone i'm a bit of a control freak so i don't mind it i quite like you know i quite like having that moment over someone if they haven't done their part of the work and that pisses me off you know i did that in college as well we had to do uh we had to do a group um we had to make a film with like five other people and i shot acted and edited the entire thing because the other four didn't come to class so i remember what once we had an entire i did like games design and development and we had like a whole class project and the project was uh we had to build a game like a fairly basic 3d game together and um the guy who's basically in charge of the map uh he was uh quite well off so what he did was he paid like people like i guess like fiverr to do it all for him wow banger and that's called fortnight now everyone so i can't i even even know if he got in trouble like but would you get a good girl everyone knew he bought like all the assets and stuff i don't know what advice you could be given there because like let's face it if you've got a group project where two other people aren't doing anything i mean wait wait sorry there's way more of this there's way more of this to explain all right sorry george i want to know the grade you got for that coursework though did you get away with it i i think i did because i did quite good i didn't do anything i i didn't do anything naughty but it was a group coursework right what happened huh but it is like the group coursework what happened did i don't know i honestly can't remember where it was like five years ago ancient times yeah okay sure we want to do a peer review uh however we so basically it's like for those that don't know you like at the end of it you kind of like rate everyone else's content that's horrific by the way that is i think i think it adjusts their marks and stuff but they see it um however we still need to work with these people for a group dissertation which carries a massive waiting do we take the hit now and not do a peer review and reduce our grade in the one module to make sure there's no conflict for the rest of the group dissertation or do we do a peer review making any and make an enemy of them and despite the better grade in one module i'm assuming you get a little bit of a better grade for doing the peer review possibly take a hit in the group dissertation we're torn right now we await your response i have an idea oh that's tough make the peer review anonymous i don't think that's an option no give here give otherwise give the two who you don't like very much a cadburys cream egg and whisper into their ear and tell them they should do a better job and you'll give them the other half when they do a better job and then you can fix everything um just make a death threat against them that'll work no i don't know what i hate more in fairness the idea of failing or the idea of confrontation so i think this is also something that would really stump me i don't have an answer yeah they're equally terrifying i think you've got to confront them i think i would if if i was in this situation if i know that i need them for the final part of the project i wouldn't give them like a [ __ ] nine at a ten but i wouldn't give him like a [ __ ] two i'd be like i think i just five or a six i give him a six because you don't go five because five's too close to a four you've gotta go for like a six or a seven and then you're just probably right sign in their passive passive aggressive yeah they just hope for the best i think you pattern them because if maybe they need a kick up they ask for the dissertation like if they can hit out and no marks out of this coursework when it comes to the dissertation and that's a huge percentage usually they'll be like [ __ ] i've actually got to do it in this one so they don't stiff me like maybe you take that awkwardness and then you've got to work together anyway no one really wants awkwardness long term i think they should make a a commentary youtube video giving them constructive criticism that'll make him do better big yellow writing this has gone too far all right no do you know anarchically i reckon you give him a 10 and then when it comes to the final part of the project you make it your absolute life goal to [ __ ] try and make sure they fail and like you basically you do everything you can uh but it's group you'd fail yeah but then you just go mental you just go just bring the whole thing down or what you could do is maybe when they're driving into uni um you could like lay down like uh [ __ ] like one of those things they lay down when they're trying to catch criminals [ __ ] get in like crash his car kill him finish the project with just the three out of the four of you all the two out of the four of you you just maybe you just hire a hitman get rid of him because then technically you can't fail the project because of that because if he dies in mysterious circumstances there and you everyone passes everybody passes by default so if anyone wants to sponsor the podcast you won't give the man a two out of ten but you'll get a murdered no but everyone passes and then you don't have to do the work yourself right and you get time off i think you need to scam to mourn this is a great idea all right boys next title stepbrother shag conundrum oh really love it we love her step brother shag conundrum tell it to me will i've seen this title no that's not a conundrum that's my browser's history i'm writing this from the washing machine hello first of all please keep me anonymous call me pasquale no this is from the girl oh okay paul call me past yeah no anyway anyway call me pascal or something my friend would kill me if she found out that i'd sent this in secondly the subject of this is not clickbait or porn related so i'm good friends with my friend yes so i'm gonna sit up jesus never heard this let's call her shannon welcome shannon and also her mom just threw manny okay all right she's friends with shannon ander mum sharon's mom remarried last year and to shannon's horror her new stepbrother is a large she'd been seeing through work and had shagged a few times [Music] after finding out they were technically family are you not reading they're not really they oh they continued shagging well yeah i like it i like it um they went on a family holiday to spain uh this it says in brackets pre-covered well done and continued this escapade even in the same house as their parents my question for you are should i tell her mom and pop put a stop to this nah [ __ ] snitch snitch oh why was you rolling out for yourself no they're not blood related so it's all right so it's yeah it's the friend talking about their friends so they're not the person who sent this in isn't shagging oh don't be shy leave it don't get involved yeah exactly leave it don't get involved none of your [ __ ] business yeah also right if they'd met before the parents admit well then the parents are worse yeah in a way you know just because they're married yeah let's talk about how their parents are shagging in the same house as them all right and the second question is if jar jar binks was your step sibling would you still shag him what uh that implies he's stuck in the laundry machine that question by the way that question does imply that he's un it is undebatable that if he wasn't related to you'd be [ __ ] him anyway and that's the most interesting thing about that question did i did an impression and everything of him like suck at a car oh i remember it very well oh god i said a podcast somewhere didn't make it to the highlights channel bryce i haven't screened this one i haven't read through this one before so if it if it tails off a bit i do apologize all right it's okay well hi at all so my does bf mean best friend or boyfriend it can mean both oh wait it says have day all right so my boyfriend that i've been dating for a while now over a year oh but his ex continuously still posts about him and our relationship all over her social media she thinks that he cheated on her with me how this is awfully written however the only reason behind this is just our relationship now and the fact we were friends for rachel you're taking the piss yeah this is yeah three literature um we're friends for a while before we broke up with her he didn't cheat on her with me which obviously i know because i'm a part of that situation yeah and we got together a few months after they had broken up but despite it being over a year now she still posts about him indirectly as if it's a secondary school relationship zing it annoys me because i know that's not true we're all in my early 20s which i thought would mean that we're past petty [ __ ] like this you're in your early 20s and writing like you've got [ __ ] anyway um i'm not really sure what to do maybe she doesn't maybe she does have [ __ ] yeah whatever it is oh this gets juicy i'm not really sure what to do as i feel the best option is to just leave it alone and let her be mad that's right but there's a super petty part of me that wants to dm it and tell her all the stuff he's told me like how he lied and never loved her or that she was [ __ ] in bed and couldn't make him come i think he might be lying to you i think he might be lying to you rebecca now you just yeah two wrongs don't make a right you just you just uh you just kind of poke in the line there that opens up a whole jar of worms that you do not want access to she could fight she might if they were together for ages she might be able to fight back with some some he says i feel like i'm stooping to her level if though so any thoughts would be great lol yeah just leave it leave it in it from an outsider's perspective if you post it on facebook that's so great when you see somebody post on that on facebook and you could entertain a lot of your mates by turning this into a big war so think about the entertainment value that you could be bringing to everybody's lives right now this is why you always get yourself in [ __ ] yeah the ex will most definitely be a mother of two within the next four years yep this is from like crawley yeah all right this has got crawley written all over it what we're saying just leave the nutter yeah she's obviously got nothing going on like you don't want to there's no point like poking her well clearly she hasn't according to the information she's got nothing nothing going on i think that that was hard actually that one only really worked in my brain never mind yeah loads of cam okay yep this one um i'm now 23 and i've never been in a relationship virgin low low i only ever just wanted sex and was content with that but recently i've tried to open up and let some feelings in but only got my heart broke how can i differentiate between love and desire wow this one's written brilliant [ __ ] it out that's a deep one and us the e boys can answer that question yeah you're barking up the wrong tree this is the difference between it's the way that i see buck beacon the way i see dobby i think that's the way you should always address it buck beak quick shag dobby love of my life you know no you want to keep buck b and look after buck b can you give him lots of pets you would keep buck b you want to go good buck b good buck b and you wouldn't want to lie next to dobby's dobby's like all bony and skinny you want to lay down next to him every night but if you lay down next to buckbeak and he put his wing up he'll put his wing around you when you're having a bad day can you think about how much better you'd feel every day if but yeah but dog is more human no point right we can't get back into this on a [ __ ] themed episode right put your blinkers on focus the next question am i not made for love or am i just unlovable oh my god jesus christ man jesus you're asking truly the wrong podcast i hope the last two minutes have taught you that uh how do i stop myself feeling from how do i stop myself from just feeling like i'm worth something if i am someone's come dumpster that's i've read that word for word [ __ ] jesus man you've got some serious [ __ ] issues hang on wait is this a guy or a girl no i think you know anyone can be loved and can love um you just clearly have been barking up the wrong tree you've you've been going into relationships going i want sex and then as soon as you've gone into those relationships thinking i want sex and then suddenly people haven't loved you and have wanted you for sex you've gotten upset you need to go into something all the time don't worry yeah yeah i think you should like have put some focus on going like on a nice date when you meet someone right not just going like let's get let's get it done let's get it over with you know its approach to sex where should they go on their first if the first date this person should take somebody on to fix this i think shrek's adventure yes shrek's adventure excellent is that the one be it by the wheel yeah you joke i think that is a fantastic date destination it is it's not a bad idea you take somebody's adventure it's funny it's ironic you'd be laughing a bit together going ahead we're at shrek's adventure you could bond over that you really get to see what a real person is like it's shrek's adventure you get to see where they are you get to walk past you see their intentions yes you walk past some of the characters you go oh i really would shag donkey and then you could be going hehehe not the dragon bro the dragon yeah the dragon was a baddie dragons fit yeah that's further on you have to get through the rides to get to that bit so like you can really learn a lot about somebody there i think you yeah you take them shrek's adventure and you bond and also if they try to have sex with you after uh shrek's adventure not worth it don't do it if you come home wearing your shrek mask and they're like trying to get it on with you they're not worth it no because that means they will stop at nothing whereas if they uh if you're both laying in bed you've got your shrek mask on and they've got their fiona mask on and you're cuddling like in the films and you can be happy couple together forever and then and then you hear accidentally in love yeah this is a dream this is dream i think this is what they should do and this is coming from all the gl is this gold man so yeah we like i reckon that is it i reckon you take your instructions adventure and then and then you come home and you could be friends you can be friends it's just the moment you've been dreaming of since strike's adventure open this is a personal desire this is nothing this is completely evolved next one hey so i've been with my g oh i'm back hello sorry i have been with my girl for a year plus now and she's been a bit of a [ __ ] recently oh [ __ ] instead of writing this in a big paragraph i do appreciate they've just bullet pointed here which is saving me well done thank you so the bullet points boys oh she fell asleep next to her ex she has been saying stuff like you can kiss other people and that's made me overthink i don't know if that's overthinking i think that's just been a bit rational thinking that's thinking at first she lied about her body count yeah potato potato and she would completely ghost me for hours to days i want to break up with her but how should i even break up with her i would like to repair our relationship but it's getting toxic how do you fix that man what do you mean getting toxic i i've been in a relationship where one of those bullet points is applied get as far away as you physically can before things get worse yeah [ __ ] yeah though that was not fun so i completely i completely empathize with you but uh if you need to get as far away as possible um drink every night yeah no yeah have a whole month of drinking yeah cheers that's what you should do we'll we will invite you around we drink with you every night for that month and then we'll send you back out into the world and you'll be fine yeah you get a sad month token with george mimulus you can sit on my sofa and we can drink crack and rum until one of us passes out and you might you might break one or two toes in the process but it'll be worse it's all worth it yeah i don't know the fact that you have said it's getting toxic means that you are truly lost my friend get out get out there i think that that is especially if like it's one thing if you're comfortable with with what or like it's pre-established that this is the way the relationship is going to be but sleeping next to your ex one not a normal thing like if if i was in a relationship with someone and they slept next to their ex i'd be like okay hold the [ __ ] phone well that'll be mental for you because you'd be like how did anybody get his apartment right but then also yeah the idea of like people talking about polygamy if that's not something you've signed up to or something you're comfortable with get get as far out of that as you can yeah for your own sake that's like it's not like it's about if you both agree yeah but um somebody's saying that that also implies i think that if she slapped her neck uh next to her ex and she's going oh you can you can kiss other people i think you can read between the lines there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm being good i'm gonna be real here with you chief she shags her ex i'm just gonna be straight out of here chief i'm 95 percent certain you're gonna get two sad tokens for this if you don't leave um save them up a really good way of of telling if um someone has cheated on you is to sexually engage with them and getting engaged their response do they appear comfortable with the situation or do they appear guilty that is apparently like the best way to find out if someone is cheated on you how do you gauge if they feel guilty though or and if or if they just don't want to they do the sad puppy dog eyes yeah they're more likely to not want to they're more likely to feel uncomfortable be like their body feel uncomfortable because they feel like they've done it between whether they just don't want to or okay well the issue is george george is like what if they're always ugly [Laughter] oh no so what's the difference to usually my hookup likes me more so basically last year in august me and this girl hooked up we both got really drunk and yeah long story short we [ __ ] that bad i knew she liked me more and oh i see i knew she liked me more than i liked her and wanted to date properly so i took advantage of this you dirty dog because i wanted to get laid she also compliments me a lot which is nice fair enough so in february we started talking again and i was in need of a bit of validation wow this is someone very in tune with their feelings and wanted to get late but as it turns out she has this massive crush on me and wants to do more than just have sex pegging uh yeah i on the other hand don't want to do more and i just want to have sex i'm guessing by do more he means you know romantically have a big old love um what do i do i like her as a friend but i really don't want to date her but i said i'd take her to mackie's on a date because i felt bad romance that's a real [ __ ] sentence a man of romance i see try shrek try the shrek music yeah treshack adventure no no that's for love no you take her to the stretch you take her to the shrek museum she's expecting engagement within a few months take that back um no i think establish the boundaries that's the most important thing you can do establish the boundaries i think you lie to him hmm now i've dug myself this hole and it's bit of an issue her friends and her brother wouldn't think twice about kicking my face in so i'd quite like to avoid that but do i just let her down gently or do i tell her the truth by the way love the pod well i'd just like to say congratulations at least one of our listeners is having sex well done fellow you're proud of three i thought you meant right now do you reckon people have sex listening to these podcasts that was surely not bro surely not they did them last week sorry sorry if you were at least one person stop having sex now you're sinning [ __ ] them [ __ ] just sitting adventure whoever that is let's let's both take a moment and make sure both of you are having a lovely time and ask if the other person could be doing something you know ask if you could be doing something better would you like a finger in the bump finger in the finger at the bottom yeah give them directions on how to be better i think that's a question that's not asked enough yeah yeah okay uh we stacked her off i think you've got to sack her off right it's gonna happen sometime around there yeah yeah sack her off find someone else also are you meeting up during covid because you know that's really bad that's mental oh yeah no no one in this course ever no no never no okay we follow the guidelines keep me anonymous boys it's the title is you broke me and my boyfriend up good so i started watching your videos so i'd have something in common with my boyfriend but from the sec from the second i subscribed myself and started listening to the camp cast my boyfriend started hating you guys uh you sure always had the plethora of reasons to do that anyway what the [ __ ] whenever i offered to watch a video he'd get all upset and defensive he just took the camp cast breakup badly that's all it is some say that the people have still not recovered from the camp course ending that fascinates me no he was jealous that i was watching you guys for some reason you'd think i'd have cheated on him so we're all so handsome that's it that's it look we're 21 and he's acting like he's 14. i broke up with him not too long ago and i still don't know why he acted like that maybe you could help me unpack his emotional baggage maybe he was just upset he wasn't the only alex anymore i think she was having sex streams about george mimulus did it say that in the email maybe that that guy's ex was the one who got a him into our content maybe that's why just he maybe just attached it with something negative that could be a good reason to be fair because no men are watching our videos i think when he closed these nights at night all he saw was james murray clapping his girlfriend's cheeks and he just couldn't he couldn't i was holding clive very close to her he does not want to be viewed in that way she reckoned he just got [ __ ] really irritated at looking at like two people sit on these clearly undersized bean bags every single that would have week me off as well to be honest so i reminds me of uh this time where i met someone um called jake who's one of arya's friends and jake's a really big happy hour listener like has always been a really big made fun never heard of it and yeah no uh but he he was what listening to the happy hour like very regularly when alex was on it and he was like i really like alex on this show but alex has another podcast so i'm going to give it a listen he listened to what episode of the camp cast and went god i [ __ ] hate that james marriott guy i know he's my friend no i don't know he's like he was like he was like you were just constantly picking apart absolutely everything that alex said yeah that was the funny part about it that's what that was that was what it was it was good though it was funny it was great yeah i don't know i mean i think i think i can't help you really um yeah you should have told me you already left him yeah and you sh really you should have been like like two views is twice the ad revenue so we weren't bothered by it no that's true if anything the fact i feel like he's actually personally robbed me out of his own insecurity right i'm not happy about that yeah we don't claim him well shout out alex if you're listening um brilliant yeah i'm quite actually upset about the fact that somebody will stop watching our content because it's not so silly like that because uh it means i make less money yeah shame it's not it's not cool really is it you look really upset you look really upset why isn't it if i'd like if we started doing something bad but just because somebody else watches it that's not fair i feel i take this my personality is everything all right alex no i'm not happy about this i don't know there's no advice to be given here uh i reckon you send him this send it click this out and send it to him and then go lol there you go i've never seen someone upset wearing a gucci hoodie that was quite special yeah you know material things i mean he might have paid for this but it means nothing if he's not watching anymore yeah for sure if he's not paying for the next one all right i need advice from the boys so basically me and my girlfriend have been dating for four years but i can't stop thinking about her younger sister me and my girlfriend okay how old is how old is she okay right you don't need help from us you need help from a psychiatrist my guy me and my girlfriend are both 21 but her sister just turned 18. we do not claim this man i'm sorry we do not care about it yeah and it's sent sorry i know this probably isn't the most important thing it's sent using gorillamail.com yeah he's a cut he's a criminal what are you trying to hide fuller well though that is pretty [ __ ] criminal let's be real yeah oh yeah true true um i don't know if i'm really comfortable ruining the rest of this so i'm just gonna crack on yeah let's move on from that one jesus christ okay uh wait what was the advice he wanted just that curiosity just did uh he wanted um should you say no that's the advice am i a bad person for thinking about her instead of my girlfriend well we've answered that question you're [ __ ] horrible he thinks about the little sister wall no he um look i'm not going to read what he said about the little sister and describing am i a bad person for thinking about her instead of my girlfriend yes oh my god yes oh my [ __ ] god yes let's cut that bit where you are you are answer that ask that bit at the end we'll and then cut the bit where james says the answer is no [Laughter] stitch it together sup my dilemma a is simple my whole family and some friends think i am a lesbian but alas i am not i don't know how to tell them i am just straight they drop hints and ignore them of course i am thankful that if i only be of course i'm thankful that if i suddenly became a lesbian they would accept me all right so they're they're kind of nice but they're a bit pushy and she's not a lesbian but this isn't going to happen the fact that i've never had a boyfriend or openly talk about boys because my family doesn't help please save me from the cringy hints that they drop thanks a lot i'm gonna [ __ ] your brother that'll show up yes [ __ ] what [ __ ] the what did you say [ __ ] your brother oh christ yeah no don't do that oh yeah dad yeah [ __ ] your dad yeah that's that would really get one over on your mum yeah yeah she will definitely stop talking to you yeah you're gonna have to you're just going to have to rattle some lardon in front of them really you're just going to have to just bring something over your teeth and or you could just talk to them no no bring it back louder than words yeah because i don't know if i don't know i reckon if she brought a bloke over she just so happened to pick like the one obviously openly gay mate of hers to come over and then that will just cement it for them so all right find well they could just they could just close the door and make noises you know and then you could sorry i don't know this is a bit of a complex situation i just just speak to a man i think i think they're not listening though well if you're going i'm not gay and they go well then you are lost i'm sorry i mean it's pretty harmless though if they were like homophobic and they were actually like trying to like yeah getting pissed at you then it would be a problem but if they're not homophobic and they just kind of are joking around the issue i think you know it's pretty harmless just yeah someone all right um i'm going to skip that go on i'll i'll give give us a ramble to to buy you some time here well based on some of the stuff that you've already not skipped well i'm quite worried about what you would actually decide to move past well [ __ ] it come on then we'll we'll we'll read it hello e-boys please keep this anonymous please keep this anonymous because i know my mate watches the podcast so basically i'm 17 and i'm still a massive virgin it's not that i don't want to have sex with ev it's not that i don't have anyone to have sex with it's just every time i think about it i get scared i don't know if i should be worried about losing it soon or if i should wait from when i'm 100 ready of course wait so i so if i could have your advice that would be greatly appreciated also if i had to [ __ ] a right my guy no let's not run before we could walk here right wait for them to release the anamorphic buckbeak sex toy and then practice on that says um if i would have to [ __ ] any harry potter character that wasn't a human it would have to be draco when he turns into a ferret awful fair choice just just chill out mate just chill out just taking out your own time every [ __ ] drink yeah he still retains his human imagine being draco malfoy right this person only wants to [ __ ] you when you're in ferret form yeah christ that's messed up um on a real one you will you will get like you'll catch jokes from your mates if you're like oh i'm not ready for sex yet at 17 but i'd like to go by the philosophy will i care about this in five years and if you think you'd care about it in five well you wouldn't i don't think you like if you waited to have sex and then five years later you were you'd had sex i don't think you care about how you acted when you were 17. also you got shitty mates if they actually [ __ ] you know like so you know it's not a real loss 17 is quite young right yeah i know all right uh next one escaping the motherland sup i'm doing i'm planning on doing an exchange to the uk more specifically england hopefully in the next year or two anywhere excite the anywhere outside of the pacific ocean would be great as the farthest i've got from home she lives in new they they live in new zealand is australia there is a lot to consider choosing a university to go to is the main thing i originally wanted to go to one in london but loads of scholarship ships exclude london from their applications because it's hella expensive no it's to you you'll hate how expensive it is in london it's simply not worth it so my dilemma is where to go now my options are manchester southampton newcastle birmingham exeter leeds nottingham and sheffield the only reason these places are somewhat familiar is because my football obsessed brother thinks that something about football teams i humbly seek your advice to help me make this not so important important decision newcastle's cheapest birmingham is a beautiful town oh [ __ ] birmingham [ __ ] it don't not birmingham it's a beautiful quaint town [ __ ] off george the first three i have knowledge of the fact that they are good for students like they have high student satisfaction i think like manchester southampton and newcastle everyone i know that's gone to a union one of those places enjoys it are you sure yeah yeah my i've got a mate at manchester he [ __ ] loves it there uh kieran carlin went to southampton um so you could be next kieran carlin something like that work for will and then the next willown east slave all right so what we're saying manchester big yes yeah yeah manchester i know nothing about universities south and i'm going no southampton's a yes i was going to go to i was going to go to southampton solon over bournemouth so that that tells you all you need to know yeah newcastle's a yes newcastle undoubtedly yes yeah it's too far up north and the people speak funny mate i've heard someone say that they got like like quadruples for one pound like a go yeah so you could get uh there was uh there was a bar called empress um and it was like a pre-drinks kind of bar and you could get three trebles for five pounds and then they upped it to five pound fifty it was like paint stripper but you could go out in newcastle with like 20 quid come home with like a tenner and still get a taxi home it's just phenomenal that's nice reminds me of space but the the climate change from new zealand to newcastle might be a little bit much if i've got new in so they might feel it at home yeah so are we charging these unis based on alcohol prices yeah yes no because then we'd have to go birmingham's okay and i refuse to admit that no birmingham's like more expensive than newcastle i reckon like the further you got the cheaper it gets i think yes it definitely does economics uh exeter where is exeter where actually is that that's like devon uh it's east of east of wait is it easter oh no that's essex it's made devon yeah oh bottom left it's a west all i'll say is the people i know that went to university of exeter were like the proper posh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] and i didn't go to the university that's saying it all really leeds nottingham and sheffield i nearly went sheffield but i didn't get the grades to go into [ __ ] sheffield actually yeah [ __ ] sheffield um uh and they they speak a bit funny in leeds so i think [ __ ] there too nottingham's bad for crime also nottingham i know someone who got really sad there and i just i wouldn't bad vibes right yeah it's not a [ __ ] crime um all right now i'm looking at the town names around exeter what are they for fortherton whimple whimple clumped clampton tiverton riverage what chumley what no way is there a place called shagfoot okay it's pronounced chagfoot but i if you uh start renting in shagfoot over the next few years there is a high chance that george mcmulis will be your landlord just a warning i'm gonna buy up all the property in shackford there's a place next to chagford is a place literally just called french beer that's the that's just town name french beer are you sure it's not like an off license yeah it's probably an off license is it actually spelled s-h-a-g-f-o-r-d yes no chad for alex you [ __ ] misled me it's c-h-a-g i said that i said it is funny he's called it shagfed yeah don't let the truth get in the way of a good story boys give me advice please internet boys good day mates will seem just a little bit let down with a lack of drama in the confessions from last week's podcast thank you for listening again please rate five stars thank you just drop yourself in big boy and answer me this i feel a bit emasculated jesus all right i've been doing sex work on and off for two years and i genuinely enjoy it power to you i've never had a job which gives me such ease and sense of freedom and control and is flexible enough to work well with the physical and mental obstacles that impede my ability to do normal jobs understood i'm currently 24 and have been working normal jobs since i was 13. so it's not for lack of trying but in the last two years i've found myself wanting to quit trying to make a normal job work and just focus upon being open about sex work more importantly sex work is actually interesting and the thought of going in for a shift doesn't make me want to [ __ ] my own eyes out because of their sockets going in for a shift so i was thinking only fans but i can keep my baby station maybe oh yeah yeah and there was this man called hammered and he just burst through the door there'll be about there'll be a there'll be a small subsection of people that understand that joke yeah there's a hell out of video and i feel very [ __ ] sorry for them okay um recently my only sibling has gone to jail jesus that was drama and it's forced me to rethink about the way i'm living my life why maybe don't commit crimes and then yeah don't do crime oh but also brought to light how much my parents struggle with shame it's been a few weeks now and i'm not allowed to tell other family members about him being in jail because they fear being judged as bad parents this i immediately sounds like your parents problem that makes me feel deeply sad because all i want to do is talk to my cousins about it because at least they would come at it from an empathetic helpful angle rather than judgment i've always felt weighed down by this secret of mine but is it worth coming out of the stigma if if the stigma would feel even heavier i'm in a state in australia where sex work is legal but you can be legally discriminate against for being a sex worker cheers loud i hope you have a banging day if you do get to bang and be safe about it good good message uh and uh if you get the eboyz island up and running i'll help run the brothel oh right so i thought this well look if you don't tell your parents and if you don't come if you're not allowed to come out with that you're just going to resent your parents the longer that goes on so it might as well come out now because if you're genuinely enjoying it and everything's going well and you're happy comparing your other jobs that's the right thing for you so if you're not going to tell it to your parents you're just going to end up getting sick of them and you should just live your own life and they if they if it's only because they fear being judged [ __ ] them i reckon that's a really tough situation yeah a really tough one i think i don't know what i do in that situation i don't know sorry i don't have much commentary no i don't know what to add to that i guess it would really depend on the relationship you have with your parents i know if i was a sex worker i probably i would like mind i could my dad would probably hunt me down slowly so i don't know my dad would pay for it your dad could make brilliant money as a sex worker james dad if you're watching this only fans is calling you could be in the top 0.1 percent as is every other only fans creator now you got to tell them man you can't just keep it like it's obviously like yeah this is a bit of me just gonna have to crack on i reckon has to happen oh oh jimbo this could be a bit of you graphate creative creative perfectionism jesus hello eboyz you probably aren't going to give me any actual advice but i thought i'd ask anyways we are it's a serious podcast yes yes over the year i've got over the past year every over the past year i've gotten really into music songwriting production etc and i love it the problem is though that i'm a major perfectionism and i can't create anything i'm 100 happy with even if i spend weeks trying to get something just how i like it i will always find something new and that's wrong with it this causes me not to post much of my music as i would like to even though realistically i know it's not that bad i was wondering if any of you have ever had a similar thing and if you have any advice on how to stop overthinking it james and alex i think i'll pass this on to you too you can go faster you're more perfect you're way more professional than i am say i i so the way i do it is like so what i do is i set my goals to be bigger than what they actually are so for example when it came to writing an ep i made it a lot more songs than it would need to be you were getting a nice slogan loads weren't you seven and then it ended up being three one of them was cut after being finished so we did absolutely everything for it we dedicated a data in the studio we got it mastered i had to pay i think it was um like all the production fees all those studio fees everything for that one song ended up being around at close to a grand and and it got to when i was like i'm not posting this it makes me cringe and that was that was it um so kind of like setting your mark over the top and then dialing it back as you go along helps me and the other thing i'd say is don't sell yourself on one project until you tell yourself like i need to perfect this over weeks if as soon as you get the doubt if it's early enough to go hey i'm just going to move on to something else for now do that and also take time off like for example i've had a song recently that i spent like three weeks on and then i started hating it and i was like god i just can't get this right and i went back to it today after a month and now i like it again and i'm the imperfections that i saw before are now just bits of character in the song that i actually quite like so i think just take your time that's very important because i had that with video making first of all um i'm quite [ __ ] meticulous with the edit i still do like [ __ ] 95 of the edit even i have an editor um but it got to the point where i realized at one point that like if i am to be a perfectionist all the time then i will never ever have any form of stable work because if i sat there and really finished every video it's stupid and also i came to realize that um at the end of the day uh and i think this is the most important thing and this is also what i've got by speaking to a lot of musicians recently is um people just want something made by you uh they're not most of the stuff that you hear most people will never hear like i have videos on my channel that i look at and i can see like her like horrific editing errors i have videos but there's like five seconds of audio missing out of a video because i just missed it like in an upload card cvc yeah they've got and those videos have like 1.5 million views now but back then i remember uploading them and hating them and now at the back and i go you know i mean maybe not errors as big as the hoodies but you know what i mean like yeah i think you've just gonna you gotta be reasonable um otherwise you'll never get anything done also finding somebody else uh who can help because they'll keep you sane like i've started working when it comes to music like i could sit here and try and produce a song from scratch but that's ridiculous if i try and do it all and master it myself well like i don't have a [ __ ] clue what i'm doing at a certain point so i always end up hating it whereas if i get somebody else on you'll be like that's fine i'll do this i'll do that giving you advice it makes life way easier if you've got somebody else to help don't be afraid to get somebody else to help you and that's including youtube as well because i think a lot of people get they just try and do it all themselves and i didn't have an editor for ages because the idea of anybody else working on my videos like actually [ __ ] like scared the [ __ ] out of me because i was always thinking i could do that quicker and faster but now i'm like that was driving me insane um i actually like you know finishing projects so all right we're about to take a big old left turn here this is about someone's girlfriend's sperm kink lovely didn't even know that was basically my girlfriend gave her cousin sorry my sperm to drink what warning warning not for the week of mind in brackets will lenny [ __ ] off this [ __ ] is just confusing and i'm completely lost right now so my girlfriend has a sperm kink and after a very expensive dinner we got to hair house and she gave me head as i was about to finish she told me to do it in a she told me to do it in a glass of orange juice she had on the nightstand i didn't think much of it because she had just because i've known she had this kink since before we dated we both fell asleep that night drink not touched but in the morning she brought it downstairs and i guess she remembered her cousin was coming over this day and she thought it would be really funny to give him the juice to drink well those are the adds gone on this video no that's a criminal sentence that is actually criminal that is criminal uh hang on commerce died of course i told her not to and she eventually said she would do it but two hours later he came over asking something to drink she gave him the juice and i was too afraid to say anything because i didn't want to ruin his trip or cause bad blood between the two of them extremely it says in brackets extremely stupid in hindsight i have no idea what to do if she did this to her cousin what the [ __ ] has she given to me i've spent two years of my life with her in big couples that was and i really don't want to end it but i think after that incident i need to what do you think is the thing yes yeah man that's literally criminal what the [ __ ] i mean yeah that's what no that classifies as sexuality yeah my best my advice would be um not just get out call police maybe that's bad there's no no kink no kink should go that far that's not a kink that's criminal yeah you shouldn't involve other people surely you'd notice the consistency of the orange juice that's [ __ ] up man um get away where where was this energy during the confessions with us for advice i was expecting like oh i kind of like this girl but also she's into this other guy who's my best friend you know that's what i was expecting i would like to confess we're trying to make a [ __ ] podcast here this is good [ __ ] i mean it is but where was this energy last week yeah all right by the way guys this week it's my um i i am in control of highlighting uh this podcast around the highlights i'm just gonna write down one hour come drink there we go just so that's uh we'll see if that ends up in the highlights channel so a couple okay oh this one's good my stepdad grows drugs for obvious reasons to stay anonymous so a couple of years ago i found a weed plant in my step-dad's room and since then it isn't there anymore but it goes into our attic a lot and it's really loud up there and the heating bill's [ __ ] mental uh and i'm sure he's growing weed up there and i really don't know what to do like i know it's not it's morally right to tell someone but i don't want to get him in trouble but we have young kids in the house i know this isn't the type of thing you expect but i really haven't know what else to tell don't [ __ ] with his grind oh it's just weed don't [ __ ] with his grind i just want to ask yeah yeah don't [ __ ] with his groin for one that might be paying for your [ __ ] if you've noticed if your dad's like oh i'm i work at the local tesco and you've got like a [ __ ] 50-inch curved tv and the playstation 5 and xbox one like think it for a bit think yeah figure out where that's coming from you know if you wonder why your dad's got a porsche out front maybe think it free so don't don't ruin the grind but have any of you ever been around a house that is actually like this because i've only oh no are we going somewhere well a trap house alex has been into many trap houses in his life one okay really wasn't a trap house it was the most obvious house no it wasn't my [ __ ] house okay when i when i lived in america i went round to um a friend of a friend's house at the time and they were just like [ __ ] four like white blokes um and one of them was a fifa level referee who like was refereeing like [ __ ] mls games and stuff and he went i'll come down to the basement i've got something to show you and i walked in it was literally like saying out of [ __ ] breaking bad i walked downstairs i remember looking around like everything you know like those um big it's like silver kind of like chrome like like reflectors just the whole basement and just [ __ ] like weed plants everywhere and i remember and he just went do you want any and i was like no and he went it's not legal here he said but it probably will be in about six months and i remember that being the craziest experience because i was like that's true though like i think like if it's like if you're making like hard class a's and that you can see them like compacting the cat into little pills i think that's one thing but i'm like we're we're even in the uk i reckon only realistically a few years away from weed being legal and it also reminds me of this conversation by the way could you just clearly sorry okay yeah sorry uh sorry for the wills prosecutors um googled it i promise and uh so yeah it was a when i was in sixth form and like on the weekends my friends and i would go and smoke on this little hill right and she wasn't drugs yeah okay and and my girlfriend at the time this was like her first time on well not like knowing someone who was smoking weed around her and it happened to be me her boyfriend and she went to her mom and went i feel quite uncomfortable about this and my mum was like come on it's just weed i think it's just like i think i i think it's just it's it's like at the end and then she kind of came around to it she's like oh if my mom doesn't really care about it it's like you know as it goes it's something that will probably be and it already is legal in so many places it never it brings bad [ __ ] doesn't it i've watched all these documentaries like all the [ __ ] that comes with it is probably pretty ropey but i don't know that's the thing i'm qualified to tell you um next one [ __ ] juicy really juicy uh basically in jan 2020 my dad bought me a macbook and for some stupid reason he connected his phone to it so i get all of his texts oh no i have since found out that he's been regularly cheating on my lovely mother by having an and this is the next three words raw bum sex with lady escorts because i am slightly brain dead i have told literally everyone in my life about this except the rest of my family i've told teachers i've told friends i've told random people at school anyone with ears really i also have prom and lever stuff soon and my dad will probably be there whilst everyone else will know his secret except my mum within my family i am the only one who knows please help me it is slightly funny it isn't i love my mom way more way more i i am suffering please leave this completely anonymous because i have friends that watch your channel they already know though because i'm dumb as [ __ ] you need to tell your mum yeah yeah tell her exactly as you told us he's been having raw anal sex with escorts exactly like that you can't tell the [ __ ] eboyz podcast before you tell your mum that's shocking you've got to tell your mom straight away imagine though imagine she tells her mum and my mum's like yes it's like don't worry i'll do the same thing i've been having raw bum sex on the side as well i am the female escort um now maybe it's just role play perhaps you've got to tell the mom literally in that situation that the amount of awkwardness that could come out of a situation where your mum finds out in public yeah oh yeah he's one of your score well at prom when somebody goes raw bum sex well your dad gets out the car in his suit when he's dropping you off and then you go no that's that they won't beat it right but my nickname's here it's bombsites yeah my nickname is royal bums don't worry about it that's your worst one yet thanks sorry yeah i don't know what to say about that um yeah you gotta tell them get two christmases get two birthdays yeah you win we spoke we spoke about this before doubling up the you know the goodies yeah um [ __ ] that's uh that's deep alex give us your thoughts on raw bum sex where else did i try and find some more um emails i mean raw bub sex i mean it's slower this guy have you ever done it before alex ah all the time really uh just whenever i get a chance uh don't tell them about that though yeah so i i just think really you can't you can't like you gotta give them props for for trying it but then you know cheating on your mum's outrageous so why raw like why explicitly raw not for the sweet sensation of anal cafe jesus christ [Laughter] all right love advice anonymous please i'm having raw bum sex with some escort well i know my son knows hi hey boys i'm in a bit of a tricky situation and need advice from love experts such as yourself yes don't worry we're here to help me a little bit of backstory one of my best friends at uni was talking to this guy but told me she didn't like him and that she was talking to and sleeping with another guy at the time go on last so i started talking to this guy and we have loads in common and we hit it off instantly oh this is a bit annoying one night my friend messaged me one night my friend messaged me telling me horny she was telling me horny she watched and how she had three guys she would ask for sex but she didn't know who to choose and one of the guys she one of the guys that was the one she told me she didn't like and i was now talking to she ended up sleeping with him in his room that happens to be above mine in our flat and as it turns out she took his virginity but i found out the minute they had finished because she called me in a panic because she didn't know what to do next do i tell the guy whose virginity she took that i like him oh and the next day i found out my other friend and flatmate likes him too he must be a sexy boy what do you mean called me in a panic yeah like most of [ __ ] so much goes on to get to that point to finish and then go you're like you're a [ __ ] freak man that post won't regret in it um well it seems like there's a lot going on but you should tell the boy that oh but your friends shagged him you're gonna have to talk your friend first move on you're gonna have to talk to the friend first if she's cool with it then go ahead oh just move oh yeah no not worth it not worth the energy just find someone else also surely surely you sack her off right if she knows no i don't think she knew she didn't know and the friend met him first but the friend obviously just well the friend was in a panic maybe she doesn't want to shout him again so i think talk to your friends and then if you still want it give it a shot but i mean it looks like the roads are stacked against you so i wish you the best of luck in your endeavors yeah good luck uh okay hope this isn't too long so i'm in a long-distance relationship right now because of covid we are super serious and plan to get married video chat every day e dating isn't real mate uh not sure how relevant that is for just helping to explain the situation very relevant sorry anyway i'm not trying to badmouth my partner here but sometimes they bring themselves down example apologizing for being too sensitive or jealous and i always do it i always tell them what they're thinking about themselves negatively isn't true they usually insist that they are right and as nice as i try to be sometimes i agree with them but whenever my partner but whenever i agree with my partner they freak out at me for i hate these type of people whenever i freak whenever i agree with my partner they freak out at me for agreeing with them but when i try to encourage and bring them up they just go back to insisting that about the negative traits that they mentioned any advice on how to talk with my partner uh about the how they are feeling with saying the wrong when people are like eeyore like this i just oh what what do you reckon here oh if it was me i'd bounce um a lot of silence i don't know i don't know what you do with that that's um if you read that and suck it off i don't think it matters from that point yeah if you're ready we we could have ended that one at the first sentence really couldn't we yeah like really the part where you said we're in a long-distance relationship i'm gonna marry her and all we do is talk on video chat get a grip mate touch grass yeah i i think if people are constantly like as a put me down but then when you're like actually trying to talk about it they want it it's confrontation for me yeah they don't even want to help them they don't even want to help themselves at that point if it's a genuine like i feel [ __ ] about myself i want to grow i want to you know talk this through solve this issue totally fine you know obviously whatever but if they want to then turn that into a flip it on you and start an argument you've got to get out suck the marriage off um turn discord off and um yeah back to bed delete your discord account come back you'll be free one day we got anything else uh give me a sec give me a second the one thing i will say is guys is you should not sack off this pod and follow it on spotify and rate it on apple also if you want to subscribe to the channel that'd be great and also check out the clips channel because we do post clips on there and they're very funny um we popped off a clip recently about ollie balls so go watch that somebody here is asking for advice about what to do in social situations from a slot i'll go on oh god cry no i'm good at these i'm good at these i'm good at social situations are you are you now james let's do this right okay okay right now of course uh we're all here to get our advice from the very smart and talented e-boys if i was to ask for some genuine advice how do you stop overthinking especially in social you don't you don't you don't my friends yourself oh and they're right nice okay uh especially in social situations i convince myself that everyone hates me and make ideas in my head that people often avoid me even though it's obvious that they jesus that they aren't i've had people tell me how much they care about me without me hinting at it um is there something you is this something you grow of and are there ways to prevent yourself from doing this no you never grow out of it it never ends i guess the best my best piece of advice would be look at it from an outsider's perspective like imagine someone else is telling you your problem as their own problem and like like if that makes any sense does that make sense like it does not me you best start believing in ghost stories you're in one and then i've had the i've had the five year idea as well of like will i care about this five years from now that's one i always ask myself also nobody's really thinking if you knew how much like if you think of how little you think about what other people are like like no one's really thinking about you that much everyone's just left up in their own situations everybody's thinking about themselves yeah uh boy and best mate i want to shag kind of boring oh god oh this is beautiful yeah basically you're [ __ ] mate sorry okay i live in an old house and the walls are very thin my parents room is next to mine and at least once a week i can hear very clearly them having sex when they think i'm asleep yummy should i tell them i can hear them it will probably make things incredibly awkward but i honestly don't know if i can take this anymore just bang on the wall angrily start like clapping like yeah celebrate give them some encouragement but yeah celebrate for sure i remember when i had um i think it was my first girlfriend i went downstairs this is awful i went downstairs um one time and my dad went this is why i shouldn't have put your bedroom above mine and i ever ever since that that is that was an absolutely criminal moment i genuinely felt real pain so for the sake of just put up with it and don't talk about it because talking about it is scarring okay it's me again wait what someone's already put this in so there's this guy that i've been friends with more than friends with since around 2017. we flirt a lot and send news a couple of times a month one issue he has a girlfriend oh i don't want to date him and i don't want to bring it break up with him to break up with his girlfriend then stop but i have low self-esteem and i like getting the attention from him that makes me feel some self-worth okay what the hell should i do do i tell his girlfriend should i block all contact with him should i give you guys his contact information so you can dox him on this podcast [ __ ] off sorry mate don't be a [ __ ] we don't want to get involved it's your fault right you're doing a bad thing but if you don't know the girlfriend bit late to tell the girlfriend as well you can't you you can't be like oh yeah we've been sending nudes to each other for months but actually uh do you know the e-boys they've told me that i should tell you so might as well shag him yeah that [ __ ] he's already cheated right he's already cheating so you might as well shock him yeah just ruin everything for him at this point brilliant well i'm glad we solved that one i i've got i've got 19 left i will scan through some of the best ones and i'll i'll bring them to you live yeah uh i don't really know how to help you there i mean like you're you're basically being like i'm a problem how do i fix like you're the type of people we should be getting advice about i know that sucks because you are a viewer of this podcast you did so you have low self-esteem and we have basically said that you're a terrible person which may not necessarily help that um all we're gonna say is that uh get out save yourself the guy the guy in that situation is the the real issue yeah he's the one real problem yeah um you're enabling his behavior um go find somebody who loves you who you are and if you and if you can't find that watch these yeah and keep watching our podcast yeah because we are the podcasts for people who nobody loves help question mark hey guys this is random but if i'm talking or in brackets flirting and i knew what talking meant but thank you with someone getting close but not relationship wise what so are we in a way out here uh do i need to disclose my sexuality to them i'm bisexual but i've had an experience in the past where an ex has been extremely mad i hadn't told him but then that's experiences where people said i didn't need to tell them or does it all depend on the person i think if they're getting maybe it's a means you know what i mean yeah because if he's mad that there's a potential that you might be interested in both genders and that's weird because if you're already interested in one gender then that doesn't that imply that you'd be interested in other people from that gender as well it's not like i think i think it's like for for a personal from a personal perspective i think you should tell people as soon as it not as soon as but if it's clear that there's something going on there and you might be in a relationship just as to be like i don't want this to come up later and and for it to be like i've been hiding something from you but here you go here's the piece of information because also then it's a good way of telling like if they're going to be homophobic or they're going to be like oh that makes me uncomfortable weed them off yeah yeah really yeah exactly i agree with that actually because if you tell them and then they go oh you know i could deal with you liking me as a man but if you might also like women i draw the line there and you'll be like well that's really weird because i also like other men it's not that it's like you know yeah i don't know suck them off really like that's a great way to tell if somebody's shallow or a hyperfiber yeah uh yeah go yeah go for it tell them tell them and then judge them horrifically like how they judged you hi boys i have an awkward situation when linking when linking my contacts to my twitter account recently as a suggested contact through presumably an old email address i had linked to my account i was recommended a very explicit anonymous account with the name along the lines of oh i'm obviously not going to say that at first i was very confused as to why it was recommended it was a very kinky account with a series of amateur nudes and dirty tweets it wasn't until i saw the phone case and a bathroom in a mirror selfie that i realized it was one of my old school friends i know lockedown has been tough on all of us but i didn't think she meant for this account to be quite so public i presume she doesn't understand the privacy settings and thinks it's anonymous but i don't know how to tell her without letting her know that i've seen everything we haven't spoken make maybe a year and we're never that close never as close as i feel now seeing her [ __ ] splayed out on twitter do i leave it now or do i how do i even tactfully bring it over to it for an anonymous email you make an anonymous email email her and be like yeah i i don't want to i don't want to tell you who i am but you your shit's everyone everyone's seen your [ __ ] yeah just be like your privacy settings are kaput you've got a private your account or something like like the batman but also say in the anonymous email if it would make you comfortable to know who i am that's fine but it's about their comfort it's not about your embarrassment because this is embarrassing for them say to them because i know for a fact if this was me in this situation and i received an anonymous email i'd be like oh my god i don't know if i could go and talk to people without knowing who this person was that has seen my you know my bits everywhere james you might be able to answer this one hello eboyz last week i accidentally sent my boss a link to something which may or not have been hentai which i may or may not have been watching for something other than the plot [Laughter] doesn't exist i haven't seen them for a couple of months now but they've seen the message and haven't replied i have to go back to work soon any advice that's so funny because that has two plays did we ever tell the story about when you put site in the management group chat instead of the personal group chat um yeah yeah [Laughter] i think that's a great place to end this podcast all of your advice boys my camera just going oh no please subscribe to this podcast like the video if you're watching the clip subscribe to the clips follow us on spotify and rate it five stars on apple it's goodbye from me goodbye yeah we greatly appreciate that we'll read some reviews again soon and we'll read some comments and stuff so see you guys soon peace people bye
Channel: The Eboys Podcast
Views: 929,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eboys, the eboys podcast, eboys podcast, willne, james marriott, imallexx, memeulous, life advice, confessions, problem solving
Id: Q33oL2_m98c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 10sec (4930 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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