We Need To Talk... - Eboys Podcast #10

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hello everybody welcome back to episode 10. yeah certain episodes of the voice podcast how crazy is that mate 10. it's unbelievable really good i don't know how we've got to that number so we recorded 10 podcasts well nine and then uploaded them and uploaded them yeah onto youtube oh oh spotify which if you're smart you'll be watching this four hours early on there i feel really yeah four hours earlier bit of a [ __ ] loser to be that keen on the e-boys podcast yeah well i mean any content that they can get really some people just desperately just love us that much and we appreciate them a lot yeah let us know if you're watching this early do you have friends answers on a postcard other than us obviously we're your best friends yeah if you're an apple podcast which is one we never talk about because we don't care about that one they're not offering us a potential deal are they nobody watches any of our apple podcasts leave that in the five star review uh because we only read the five star ones as you know we read them every week we don't but we might start at some point so yeah not not this week though you know we could um the real question is how much are we struggling [Laughter] i think it's i mean i'm good to go ready and and and raring for a bit of nutty news if you want nutty news yeah i was gonna say bye ready to go do you mean i i i simultaneously love and hate the smile on your face whenever you say nutty news you gave me the title it's like you're calling in life i really like nutty news this is what twice became this is this is like filled a little little voice that's what all the comments say have you seen they're like what is the closest when we get to 20 nowadays they're not wrong all right boys all right so let me just bring headlines to you and to me is it news to you uh so i'd just like to say a shout out to 17 year old macy kieran she has just secured the world record for the longest female legs in the world that's 17 year old macy curran i think whoever's on that judging panel needs their hard drive checks yeah so they just if you go on their computer just loads of files of legs yeah it's the fact that they've given it to a 17 year old as well which is a little bit on the cusp who's the who's the man with the longest legs and don't refer to himself as daddy longlegs don't know but he's not making it into nutty news this week he's 12. also in the news sorry also in the news 300 packages of cocaine have watched washed up on a dutch beach and people are flocking to the beach to find them literally it's not just the police going and searching two men who turned out to have driven hundreds of kilometers to reach the beach told the police they were just there to get some fresh air they've got it so that's why you're recording in a different location this weekend yeah i'm live from amsterdam but i mean i suppose for the six people who listen to this only yeah yeah the people on spotify will be like god he really went to amsterdam for that bit unbelievable whereas everybody on youtube would be like no i went for the cocaine yeah not the best oh yeah same thing have you seen two of the last recent podcasts have been demonetized the yeah the one got clapped and all so we need it so we yeah you'll do that and ask for it to be cut we're just making no money for this hour nah we've got a fake set would you would you be nah nah that's all right nah it's what you've just he spoken to youtube no he's right now so what we've got the pastors we've got the past this week i think i don't think the reviewer at youtube watches the boys i think they probably watch the first 30 seconds [ __ ] it just subscribe and you know c c word is permanently demonetizable nowadays it's it's gone i know that you can read it for some reason it's a robot let's stop talking about it let's stop talking about this if it's permanently demonetizable let's stop talking about it yeah smart smart from james smart we'll have to me we will be muting that out uh but unless you're on spotify then you get oh bryce the editor would you like to choose any word of your choice to dub over george zane oh that's brave and also put it here subscribe anything but the end words anything nice this is this is derailed and uh last up on news it's only three topics this week uh over 1 000 workers at a sri lankan factory have tested positive for coronavirus i just want you to guess what that factory makes chronovirus masks yep they make masks virus masks that are shipped all over the world so i thought i would shout out to that factory all right good don't order one from there i know i'm not sure about you guys but when i buy buy my masks i don't go on to sri lankan factory websites and and buy them directly well no but that's where they come from just because you didn't directly pull up to sri lanka and get one from out the back of a car do you think the man in the amazon warehouse is just knitting them or something james [Laughter] well no it was just you can't choose not to buy them from there you know what i mean like it depends where the supplies are you know are you one of those people sure like that oh [ __ ] that you know we've got like a designer mask james like a louis vuitton one i got sent some i got sent some i wear the i wear that one and they have like the the carbon filter refills i've got two here i want some of someone in pets at home a bald guy have it was like a black mask and it had two union jacks and then like a knight on the front down like in that wasn't a man that wasn't a man that was a statue where we just protected him kylie jenner sells masks and i was watching this video of her go like oh they're really good for me to like help like hide my identity and no word of a lie she puts it on and on the front it literally says kylie [Laughter] [Music] no really they make loads of money she stole your whole flow george yeah yeah yeah get the george meanwhile one that will be made in sri lanka we've this week oh sorry sorry uh i just did a little joke about just um to keep the george slander going because i know that's what you're all here for we've uh we divided the topics this week into basically who contributed what to uh who's you know like who's prepared it and george would you just like to do you want to just tell us your two topics for this week uh my two topics are um i went for a run and my legs hurt and i would maybe like to get a snake they are cool that's how it's written by the way right which one do you want to start with before you start before you start i went on the google doc to try and mess with everyone else's topics i saw wills and i was like wow he's really gone into a lot of effort here even using bold writing at points and i was somewhat impressed i saw george as i went to be honest it will look like i've [ __ ] with his by not doing anything and then i added on to the end of al's i did a really stinky fart which is he's taught the three people now and it gets even faster it's funny because that was i was gonna be writing that in anyway right george your run please tell us about your run i went for a run uh and it was really good i felt really good after and uh but i woke up staying my legs were really stiff and they hurt a bit you should get in an ice bath you get a little just nicole yeah but that's a bit cold in it i had a warm bath after because that's quite nice now you've got a bath man and yeah no that was funny i called i called him up i was just facetiming him and he did he answers in the bar flight with this ridiculous smile on his face and he's like over the buff i was like yeah you are george well done and he thought that's great podcast fodder because i love having a bath i've had a bar flight every day this week do you have a bath in your own suite i do alex don't ha i don't i i don't mind [ __ ] well i don't know it's really difficult life i used to have a really uh big bath when i lived in the house like it was [ __ ] huge uh so and obviously i'm quite a big guy so like having a bath where the entirety of me can fit in and i don't have to like have my legs out oh it was pretty nuts [ __ ] talking about baths you remember eboy's uh room swap video yeah yeah so i've got a room downstairs which is basically just a bin room with basically anything we don't really want oh we call that wine yeah we all right so we store it in there well i've done that with the [ __ ] paddling pool from there and it stank of like hot dog water like that whole room i thought the washing machine was dodgy it's just that [ __ ] pool stank we didn't fill it with hot dog water your remnants of alex elmsley's um skin like skin flakes yeah just grown and [ __ ] stank i used to well i need cardboard head to be fur do you still have that no it's gone imagine how nightmarish it would be if he went in there and another one of him had just grown from oh god we could have 20 podcasts we could and they'd all fail wouldn't even be able to really be worth it you waste time you just get a half decent name but you're going on a run was really fun i liked it right snake snake oh yeah i've been looking i saw a video no i was just looking on pets for homes because like you know i just have a little browse because sometimes i like looking at all like the weird pets they have on there so i was looking at snakes i was like oh this looks interesting it was a brazilian rainbow bower and it looked really pretty and i was like a rainbow you could call it yeah nice very very funny one very good and that they look really cute and like they're they're well uh they look well smart so uh i'm like oh i might get one when i when i when i get a house or something you're all talk you're all talk am i what do you mean also we've you've been saying right i want this dog i want this cash for this a month just [ __ ] get one you're not about it i reckon one day right you just need a rock up and just [ __ ] into this podcast webcam on and an animal all right well one day i'm gonna get a rottweiler and train it to maul you all right for that comment alone [ __ ] it might be friends with him man i wouldn't and i wouldn't be opposed to it george you have full permission to get any animal so yeah but you're not the landlord are you alex oh please just get a big [ __ ] baboon baboon he just wakes up if i walked into there there i'd be over the moon i i'd be having a great time as if that would be a problem i'd [ __ ] fight that baboons for death and i film it and i posted my channel that'd be my last upload but i think i'd be good with snakes i've had i've had lizas before have you been watching any snake tick tocks george are they inspired no snake tick tocks what's nick there's some really scary generally quite there's like this audio where it's like um people like let their snake just free and then they film it and you're talking about that [ __ ] no i'm not talking about a [ __ ] although a ticked off anything could happen and um they put like this really cursed audio over it and it's generally one of the most terrifyings ever like it's very strange watching a snake just like traverse around somebody's room is very off-putting i'll show you i've just found a video of this snake it's [ __ ] beautiful oh i don't think i've ever used traverse like that but that's a really good word it's a lovely word um yes oh that is pretty cool it looks like rainbow road have any of you ever held a snake i've given you a hug before alex all right too funny there we go nice that's [ __ ] massive george oh wow no that is cool that is a cool snake it looks like you know when you like spill oil and water and it kind of glimmers a bit yeah oil snake yeah oh but it's like really lubey no it's not i i no they're not slimy at all they're just like smooth oh james [ __ ] stop it bro how far how much of that snake do you reckon you could get in your [ __ ] for this week how much of this like six foot long snake do you think you can get in your [ __ ] nine feet would you reckon if it went would happen if you go all the way in it's never coming out it just starts a new life inside of you i think it would be great because you could kind of tease yourself with the tail because that's obviously a bit you just go [ __ ] you guys [ __ ] you guys yeah you never want to go head first you always want to have the snake back it up you know [ __ ] it up [ __ ] oh right and if it's a rattlesnake it's great because the noise it mates then you can kind of track where it is inside of you as well actually it actually rattles as well so um we won't be getting a snake arsenal any our stories this week fellas that's enough arse talk that's enough asking the rspca will not allow us to get an animal no more arse talk until you come out with your guilty pleasure that is it he's just very good he's just going to be pleasant if you've ever watched george and you hear a hissing sound alex you can't see a snake anywhere george starts laying eggs talking about guilty pleasures i did try asmr last night because i was having trouble sleeping oh yeah what was the verdict it didn't help it scared me scared you which one did you watch a lot of women whispering in my ear i didn't like it so she said did you record some i tried it for like i gave it a solid goal i had it on for about half an hour right i didn't like it she was reading to me and i didn't like it oh she really didn't know it was just like asmr's helped me get sleeping she started reading alice in wonderland i was like before i i was gonna say i was wondering if you actually stopped across my mind camp and you know you sit down don't worry it's daniel from there i wouldn't recommend that one um well do you write on it there you go segway yourself out of that one mate uh talking about hitler have you seen mike pence pretty solid six out of ten i'll give you american politics everybody are we talking about the fly on the head he had fly on his head didn't he yeah um where should i something some sort of american politics yeah just rotten rotten people to the core um i mean i would you reckon attracted the fly to his head do you reckon it was like a type like hair gel or products don't wear a mask just like now he's there's so much virus around him um he must be [ __ ] like surely he's [ __ ] because if you've been hanging around trump and the trump the no mask crew and they've all got covered and you're his age you'd be terrible that's crew like that's an essay nickname we're going to have an album if they make it um yeah i don't i didn't watch the second debate the first one was funny yet sad enough the second one i i couldn't do that i can't be bothered when's the election is it soon hopefully it's at the beginning of next month november yeah oh man get it over with that's gonna be a fun evening though sitting down yeah remember do you remember the last one it just beat everyone being like what the [ __ ] has just happened yeah yeah everyone just been like i still remember the the big no i loved that that was great that woman you remember what they remember the woman that like goes on her knees at the white house and just goes the best thing that came out of that election was the um the alex ernst video do you remember it where it's watching the obama cleft on his phone he goes well at least i will actually be able to say that i was a president and it pans up but it's just trump during his opening speech at the white house i was like [ __ ] an unbelievable video um so who's who have you got your bets on winning well my votes are trump uh i reckon he'll do it again no don't say it like that don't say my votes with trump say i think trump's gonna win it don't say my vote now but i reckon he'll take it again him having covered and just been like i filmed it i'm solid like do you see what he said about like this isn't my dna this is usa that's that beated them it's like it was like the fastest anyone ever beated yeah i feel as though people over there are so [ __ ] dense they'll just be like oh yeah that's a big bar it's a bar oh [ __ ] off let's put that like donald trump got bars mate it's funny though it's like it's it's but did you see how much he was clearly struggling to breathe when he took off he like takes off the mask and you just see him go like poor [ __ ] it's so funny i feel bad for america because they literally have no one good to vote for yeah i mean biden's practically lost his yeah he's basically on death's door right and you've got it's like a man who's gonna die in half a year in trump yeah bernie seems like a nice small man yeah he seemed nice yeah i wish it would have been bernie you know which sucks all that occasional cortez uh oh i fancy the [ __ ] out of aoc irene because of that not a reason to vote her in sorry sorry i'm not saying like that's why she's i'm just like not related i know it would be a plus side wouldn't it i'm just saying very beautiful woman very beautiful woman i will add her to the list of um 14 year old moaning myrtle and us future president alexandra ocasio both similar ages so what's your problem trey they are they probably well she was 14 once as well so no no no no no no actually i watched the chamber secrets like three days ago i couldn't look at her the same way i watched it as well and i was watching it and when she came on the screen everyone was she's actually 35. i bet you've looked up i bet you've looked up moaning myrtle asmr i bet you've tried to find it no she's really annoying that would sound horrible yeah when the basilisk came on i was thinking is fat well i went buckbeak as well because i got to prisoner of azkaban i can't look at any of the characters the saved like a bug beat the same the way he throws it back oh my god paragon put these no no more no it's probably why it gets this is the thing when our girl covers how big do you think aragog's [ __ ] is no no how big do you think his big spider [ __ ] is what do you think a spider [ __ ] even looks like right google spider [ __ ] on google imagine like the that like porno parody you could literally just call him aracop i'm a big [ __ ] spider penis i'll see what we've been adding in my chamber of secrets um john this is a great segue onto the fact there's a name harry potter again wait wait wait no no no no sorry no segway male spiders don't possess a penis what instead their anatomy includes a pair of appendages appended appendages called pedopelps they don't have penises they have pedipalps oh that's no fun how big do you think he's a pedodelphsaur he's what yeah i'll show you i'll show you he's packing big boy a pedops or whatever they were a pedophile boys i'll show you it's oh they're detachable as well detachable penis attachable oh nice hang on i'm putting it in now i'm putting it in stick it to the wall in the oh shower i was gonna segue into my harry potter segment i don't why have you go why did you put the google image in there don't say it don't want to say it like a little testicles for those who are listening and can we show up spider penis no we're not showing the picture of a spider's penis it's not a penis it's in a pedagogy oh yeah so we can show it for those who are listening on spotify it looks like an orb like a massive well it's small orb on the top of a stalk what a spider it looks like uh yeah it i've done why i'm holding my hands up to people who can't see it but it's like it it just looks like it looks like a stinger like a lollipop no it looks like a stinger it's like a wasp it looks nothing like a [ __ ] stinger it's round oh great yeah it's got a pointy bit would you suck the spider's lollipop no no you're you're weird you bro you're strange how much would it how much would uh you have to be paid to suck karagogs uh no no no no whatever it is suspect well you've put them on to this to be honest so none of you are no no no you i i'm all right i laid the bait you locked took it and run with me seven butter beers [Laughter] well guys get your wand in your broomstick at the ready because the new harry potter game is coming and it's not anything to do with was that now you read that out like it was an ad yeah are you getting paid for this well get your ones ready radio of news friends um that's what it says uh i don't think they'll have any interaction with the monsters to be honest along those lines although i have said that i'm gonna post an image of one of the things that the screenshots have released would you sleep with this animal oh um a very interesting new harry potter animal there well where do those um like tusks or whatever ends okay for context it's a big dinosaur fat dragon type i like the gruffalo in a sense doesn't it yeah it looks like the gruffalo just a little bit less friendly yeah um what's that from is that harry potter yeah so there's a new harry potter game coming out this year actually genuinely looks sick to be honest so you've welcomed him to the broadcast you're keeping all the monsters equal i like that i like that new new ones we're keeping new ones rated we're going to have new ones which is that we can write them when it comes out uh he's got them i'm going to [ __ ] you into the ground eyes all right right no no no no that's done this section's concluded that's over that's finished alex another segue please say sorry no i'm enforcing tell me i'm wrong all right one question follow question harry potter questions literally we've drawn a line underneath you play this game you get to choose which side you're going to go on so you're going to be a good guy you're going to go to the top of the bottom night well it's also his mouth [ __ ] [Music] dominant or submissive that's [Laughter] ah [Music] submissive there's a troll in my dungeon oh we've ruined harry potter generally [ __ ] rain we've destroyed the entire franchise jk rowling the marauders [Laughter] mischief oh my god we're talking about [Laughter] schools witchcraft and misery more like jesus jizzery it's dead it's finished my favorite [Laughter] has anybody seen this bloke called corpse he's been playing among us lately they just want to know which ones you can [ __ ] anyway right corpse all of them if you're brave enough so he says yeah too right [ __ ] it out so it's just like he's just like randomly trying to think of puns for that okay i'm sorry i'll stop myself local courts he's randomly just absolutely exploded over last week um and twitch yeah so but not just on twitch so he's on like 200k live viewers playing among us because he's got this like crazy deep voice i don't know if you see he's a crocodile voice but um not just that he's also got a song in the [ __ ] top 40 right now trending like worldwide uh the guy is just [ __ ] doing bits right now uh his ammonium videos do like seven million views a piece it's [ __ ] ridiculous he plays with like pewdiepie in that lot like the biggest biggest group yeah he's my voice disguised toast pewdiepie like have you listened to his music channel james you sound like you're hating you don't believe in his ability no no i'm sick i love him i haven't heard his song yet but um no but i really like no no i i think like i didn't even know he did he did music i didn't even know well david a couple of his videos huh it's not like a band called corpse or something no no no no it's a guy called he's he's called something i can't remember what it is yeah yeah uh corpse husband i'm pretty sure right yeah that's it and like yeah i just want to mention it because one of the things that we i because i've been playing a lot of minecraft and stuff and chilling the discord and we did the stuff for the dream smp guys it's like nowadays it seems like like if you but it seems to change every two years i'd say the definition of a blow up changes don't it now if you're not doing 10 million views a video after awake like what are you doing it's wild you don't really see people blow off just up off just off youtube at the moment much like for the last few years like especially in the uk there's not been anyone like like apart from like that james daniels yeah he's the only one i've seen go from like small to like something whereas every summer it used to be like two or three people would just go from like small to like well go from nothing to like that would be in their full-time job yeah whereas now it's kind of all like twitch led or i don't know i just or in the uk it's all tick-tock yeah it seems like the youtube scene's pretty established these days like it's just kind of like is what it is i'd say in the uk right like if you wanted to break in you'd start a tick tock account at the moment because that's how i've met oh what a suspect call why would you say that uh well why would you say that i think twitch i think the only people who i've uh seen you've hit a million recently aren't on youtube it's all like british tick tockers um like what hit a million on youtube uh on tick tock in in the sense bro anyone can hit a million on tick tock me [ __ ] dog but you know what i mean but like she when she was alive she could have done it yeah probably [ __ ] anyone can blow up on that yeah i i don't know if there's more people hitting a million on tick tock in the uk right now than hitting 100k on youtube in the uk right now yes yeah yeah probably i mean there's probably more people in the middle on tick tock it's very strange i'm close to hitting a million on tick tock i'm like 20k off no [ __ ] well late i'm 200 but i've like given up so there's only so many unfunny videos you make oh by the way in the last episode the um james marriott wannabe now has uh more followers than me on twitter james you've posted like three times on tick-tock and you deleted your best one i did delete my best one oh about tank yeah because you felt like i didn't know i feel like let's not talk of course it's deji's [ __ ] fault but he's not gonna see it is he it was funny all right it was a really good tick tock i'll be honest and it did bang but like it you know it's it's like jj loved it huh jj loved it didn't he you thought it's funny he he laughed this is the thing it's like you can see him reacting to it and he he smiles and then goes like oh oh no that's just not that's not funny he's definitely seen that before and gone that is [ __ ] hilarious and then he's put that in the video did they they got another dog called tank right yes what tank too yeah he's got another dog did you not know wait it's like he he because of his like because he couldn't like keep his other dog under control mm-hmm he ended up getting put down he thought yes it would be a good idea to get another dog mmm that's the same breed and call it oh wait he's got another german shepherd no no so the dog the new ones related i think it's like a family member like either of the same mum or something and it's also called tank wait hang on so you're telling me shepherds oh maybe two oh no yeah yeah he'll be fine how long do we give this one no we can't do that we can't do that can't be a segment what's his fault how long do we give this one all right if we get a dog alex alex i think it's time it's baby baby if we had a dog how long would you give it with us how long do you reckon we keep it alive should we should we just make this the spotify exclusive one because there's no chance ads are running on this on youtube i think saying how long would you give the dog before has to go to a more friendlier home before it goes to the farm oh my god ah take it out to the back of the shed mike i wanted to talk about britain's got talent yeah good good good because did you know britain's got talent was going on i thought you're going to say did you know britain's not got any talent i saw a few people tweet about yesterday britain's got talent has happened right he still exists and that it just the series ended well this current this current this current season to this year's britain's got talent has been and gotten already and no one [ __ ] watches it anymore do they and so yeah like that there was the the winner was announced i think two days ago jeremy lynch he's gone back home [ __ ] knows mate i didn't [ __ ] care i was and i was thinking to myself it's it's interesting how things we grew up with because britain's got talent was huge right like back in the day yeah i've got a tenner for anyone who can for which one of yous can name the most britain's got talent finalists james you can go first diversity always gonna yeah alex oh [ __ ] diversity was giving my one george sampson alright alex is out james um oh [ __ ] this one [ __ ] obvious twist and pulse yes what did you say just impossible words at this point it was it was not bars and melody yeah bowser melody count oh no you can't say that now george oh okay um alcohols i'm gonna have to push you um i i'm stuck all right that was the [ __ ] dog the [ __ ] dog the dog dust james is tempted how come no one says susan boyle oh yeah legend of the scene i thought i was x factor i'll say he should have singing once sh you shouldn't be able to sing on there yeah you should you shouldn't be on uh brett's got talent and saying that's where i expected back yeah but they're both done right now are we gonna talk about how we're going on britain's school talent next year oh yeah no because of course diversity did the um the black lives matter dance and britain's got talent that's how i have heard that it's been on recently and then itv came out and backed it because apparently they got loads of complaints about a black lives matter performance all right i just found it interesting how you know things that we grew up with have pretty much just [ __ ] been mudded like things like britain's got talent x factor stuff like that you know stuff like over the last five years has just slowly gone like well it'll be cinemas next george tweeted about love island how about how they [ __ ] ruined it by posting two in one year no i i meant everything was fine until because everything was fine in terms of like you know the world was fine there was no coronavirus then love island producers did two seasons in one year and the world just start with it is the problem it's like the balance you know you gotta have the balance otherwise the world goes into turmoil it's it's a struggle being a youtuber when love island is on so the fact that they did two seasons in one year i didn't watch it i was so pissed off that they just decided oh that's completely rid of adequate upload times for youtubers again what was that other one we watched james the one with the guys in the in the house what was it called uh oh was it you mean the like the social media one the circle yeah the circle yeah yeah i ran into the guy what run that some [ __ ] end game well that was very strange do you ever see people from these real reality tv shows that pop up in real life they're like the only people i ever see out in public oh do you know do you know who adam collard is i think so no they're one of the ones from love island with the the really big toxic muscular like king of the streets yes king of yeah uh i i found him on twitter yesterday and he followed me oh my gosh it came big fan of the e-boys podcast i'm sure didn't you just insult him no i don't like it he just called him toxically masculine yeah it was a compliment yeah i called him a king shortly after yeah you can't really complain about that to be honest it's been toxic yeah it's just me he's got a huge muscle he's really done it that's where i sit um um what else just be going on do you think among us is dead now or do you think it's still strong and would you you don't think it's dead i'd like to also address something i said last week in last week's podcast i said i think people are going to try hard this game and ruin it by being too good at it and then the other day on alex's stream he was playing with me and everyone was commenting saying that i'd become the thing that i hated and you know and instead of taking that on the chin right he played one game and then when the game ended he went i can't play with you guys i'm leaving and he left after one game you did do that and the fact that you don't remember that shows how seriously you take it we should make a video among us we should do a [ __ ] among this video because it would be funny do you know what i feel like we missed that one and we we could have done that really well if there's still time we should we should do it like some really creative ideas on that i think if we because i feel like we're so i this is and well it's something else i've written down i feel like we've been so head down into this one a week video thing doing videos that weren't really us i think we missed like something that could have we could have easily smashed uh yeah i don't know i don't but i don't know is it too late now no way so i saw an among us video that came out yesterday right generally views ad in 24 hours 15 mil i linked it in the discord and i'm not and this is an i'm alex exaggeration this was 50 mil like generally i was so i was on my feet it was um and actually i the reason why i was going to bring it up is because of the fact that i generally think there's an e-boys video in it they did it as like um a reality tv show so it's like a bit i'll find it now they didn't like with vts well not vt's but the big week yeah so it's like and it was pretty good but if you did that um let me find uh there's there's two of them here's the one that uh i found because there's a lot there's a lot of amongst videos so oh this isn't the one that did um in a day but i'll link i'll link a bunch of them so this is the one that i think we could do an e-boys video around where we actually just played it if we could find more people i think the concept's good obviously it just wouldn't be a sketch basically they just do like among us it's great they could laugh over life and it's a great video oh right so it's not them playing it it's like it's like a joke it's like 15 mil in two weeks and then in general there's these guys who do animation these are the ones that have been banging lately um it must be such a sick thing for animators because it'd be so easy to like make loads of really cool stuff yeah okay all right look how many views this has in two days you're kind of losing mine with 99 of us that's a [ __ ] banger 43 mil in two days in two days i don't think we've missed the boat i think this time bro that all right so their last three uploads one was a pokemon go video it's got 280k the next one among us with 100 players has 78 mil can you easily just whack a hundred players in or not uh these videos these videos are animated then it's not real like these guys are like hand scratched and it's not real yeah so some people have been doing it where they code it in with 100 people um no they haven't yeah there are some people um not these guys so um like some people also do one where it's like an online game kill cool down with one person um i think you probably just have to get the source and you'd have to host it off a lan it's complicated and something that nobody watches us cares about uh but um yeah most of them are animated but look at that mate [ __ ] he cracks them out every two weeks a 50 million view video it's unbelievable that's the pixel kingdom for anybody who's watching really cool videos quite funny you mr pixel should we talk a bit more about why we're thinking of changing the upload schedule yeah because we're [ __ ] knackered well for a few reasons right uh yeah so [ __ ] we for context we're thinking of dropping the upload schedule down from one like guaranteed every saturday to one to like two a month one every two weeks uh because i feel like we're just this sounds very cliche but like putting myself in a box that i don't think is i feel like we're just kind of nearly becoming sidemen too just a little bit [ __ ] with some of the videos yeah which is yeah and i think you're having that's all i don't feel like we're running a group channel our way i don't think we're doing it i think we're just gonna know that works and then well [ __ ] it we'll follow in that but there's some videos that i think we could just i think we still need we're still figuring out where we're style what's style also because of the main channels right like i think so there's a lot of stuff as well and i've mentioned it on the podcast as well obviously it's global pandemic so putting out like sometimes you we do relatively have to phone some videos in which we don't want to do um because the fact that like this week yeah um i went out on one shoot day uh with um chris md and crew and i come back i went to get a coronavirus test uh and that's and that was and we were with the cameramen who i it was so funny actually they went we'll see you tomorrow for uh the e-boy shoot a really cool shape planned which we're still gonna do uh and that's and they i don't know if we go too much detail about that video but that video is the type of stuff that we want to do um did you say we can the car yeah we could talk yeah yeah so we were gonna do basically a video on a racetrack uh with the bell delphine car and whoever set the fastest lap kept the bell dell finger um but obviously because of rona such a cool video idea because of rona yeah [ __ ] but you you win some you lose some we'll reschedule it and we'll get it out in the near future yeah it's kind of rough because like because obviously there's four of us and anybody as well any mates connected like at any point anybody has to go into lockdown which sucks i've got eight days left on my app apparently which is great but if you come back negative surely you don't have to isolate right i'd assume so because i would be i wouldn't have anything to pass on yeah but um yeah uh it's taking ages it's taking longer and longer now well i'm just really worried about going outside now same yeah same i've been isolating because it there's about it's estimated there's about 50k 50k cases a day now in this country jesus christ yeah yeah and based on the fact that they're not like and that makes sense because like i know three people have taken tests and it's taken for like we still haven't gone back in four days so it's taking longer and longer which sucks so that's one reason why uh like god knows if it will change if we get out of it and you know well yeah we can have more people yeah we're still finding it and i think the more people the more we start to build the team the easier it'll get for us but i think for all of us as well it's not any of our like top top priorities so it's like you know when you're like yes everyone's still we're trying to make sure our stuff's going all right and then when when the boy stuff becomes a hassle of like organizing it it's like it's tough for us all to like be like [ __ ] all right we'll get screw this it affects the main as well don't it but the important thing to note is that we think one people are getting far more content from us as a group now than they were when we were doing weekly at the beginning we've got the podcast which is another hour every single week and i think it's like for every like i i always thought like whenever we come together and we come up with video video ideas we come up with three great ones for the next following month and then there's always one more it's hard to come up with weekly videos yeah yeah it is hard to do and i feel like this is this is a way of making sure every single one we do is something we all love the idea and we all think it's going to do well and we're all putting our all into it also gives us time to get really really far ahead also as well a segment that i totally forgot to mention chip that's gone yep yeah rest in peace our guy uh i've of course honest so chip for those who don't know is the editor who what was the editor on uh the eboyz youtube channel all of the fancy stuff anything that was good was shitfat and uh we've we lost him this week and it's been like a very it's honestly hurt more than any breakup i've ever had hey jerry it's sad yeah it's not it's now war between us and the sidemen it it can't be war it's war no no no it can't be purely because we we got him from there we took him yeah we got him from them doesn't matter it's warwill but we saw him do simon pro clubs we were like do you want to work for us does it matter it's warwick he messaged me today he messaged me today and he was like uh i know i know him he's like i know we haven't spoken um since the thing and unless you've been like i generally said i didn't really know what to say i was just generally quite sad i didn't want it i don't want my first conversation to be like i'm gonna miss you because he was one of the [ __ ] boys man maybe he'll be back one day like you know where now i was really upset man he texted me today so he really misses doing the videos like you know when on re-return arsenal for those few games you'll come back one day yes when he scores against leeds well he's finished in 30 and he's got no after effects skills left so five years oh man yeah i unbelievable he's a great he's great guy and he did an unbelievable job for us um but yeah thank you for all you've done mr wilship [ __ ] yeah so we're trying to find somebody else because people keep on asking like when's the next video gonna be and um we've got people lined up we just need to you know it's gonna take time like it did at the beginning when we were going for an editor every week like we're gonna have to find somebody yeah just [ __ ] slapping them and [ __ ] going through them sorry yeah like that we're gonna sleep with them uh so yeah we'll we'll have everything back as it will be soon um but obviously you need a couple weeks to sort that out as well on top of everything else in general like not just the content but also the back end of things and getting it sorted so i [ __ ] sought my nope no probably not but we're there as james said this we post i was looking at earlier on stream we post a lot of stuff too much shade too yeah too much [ __ ] yeah too much i think we do too much we need we're taking on a break on big holiday and never sleep where would you go if you could go on holiday right now though barley i've been thinking about it so much barley is the one you know barley or movies hawaii's collier in the summer southern hemisphere i really want to do south africa have you ever been to the caribbean no a lot of that is in the southern hemisphere and it's so nice during i don't know really yeah i take any of those man when does it does it get dark then it's i wanna i want warmth and light don't know geography yeah it's warm because it's basically strong is fine but is it does it get dark early there because sometimes like when you go like see if you want hawaii in october it gets dark at like five six o'clock still nah nah still oh solid sorry to be honest i don't mind if it's hot like i like i don't mind that like being in the night like it's like being in tenerife when it's night in tenerife you know what i mean it's just like like humid and the air's hot you know i love that i quite like los angeles when it gets a bit when it's dark and you're sat by the pool and it's still not freezing it's not freezing it's just like normal i swam in minecraft earlier right okay and i and i was like i want i want to go on holiday i want to swim i haven't swam in so long and that's me i was swimming in minecraft and i was like i missed this if we had a swimming race who would win me i'd lose why would you win george i think i'd win i'm quite good at swimming i'm not good i used to go every week did you what yeah like in 2004 no no in like two thousand i lost it since then what might would my height advantage i think will would win it because i think i it actually plays into it quite a lot but he's yeah but i'm [ __ ] wrapped up i'm not a good swimmer we should i i used to i could do some decent i did i did last thing i ever did swimming wise was just [ __ ] charity lapse but that was ages and ages to cover there's no one and i i don't have the uh i don't have the um what's called a cardiovascular system for that i can't did you did any of you ever have uh then frosty's badges yes i had like one word because i held my breath underwater for 10 meters i was well proud of that i still don't know how i did that to this day can i do that that [ __ ] freaks me out i hate it even played but i do love a good swim i love a good splish splash swimming on minecraft gives me anxiety i eat it george in the pool what will he do what will he do next mask on waterboarding himself did you watch that uh logan paul pokemon live stream um very much enjoyed that no i didn't watch it really good fun watching i haven't been keeping up with this pokemon card thing what i know is a lot of people a lot of people made 30 grand george yeah so it was so he got he whacked the he basically had the 36 or 32 packs in the box and sold yeah all pack all the packs for 11 grand or whatever and he was opening them and like they pulled their charizards and [ __ ] blastoises and whatever but he has this like bald um like this not like mental but like there was this guy who basically collects pokemon cards and was like oh that's worth that much that's worth that much and this guy he's supposed to be like he obviously has a huge collective professor was just was just quoting completely from professor elm for [ __ ] sake was just completely um quoting like wrong values like there was a bulbasaur card right which yeah look if you look it up it's like one and a half 2k like ps like top quality every time he got out he's like yeah it's a 30k card 30k card that is and all the values it would just seem to be skewed and now the hype towards pokemon cards because logan's brought so many eyes on it and it's such a limited market it's just like inflated through the roof i was going to say because i've got my pokemon card collection that i bought about a year ago yeah i mean if you you probably made a chunk on it yeah well i bought i i looked on my ebay today and i paid 400 for the lot of them right it was a base set that was about 400k uh a fossil set in a jungle set for the lot shadowless or basic no no no it's just it's just the base set it's nothing special about it's just the base set uh but it's probably doubled in value although all my are already doubled in value by now or if not more yeah they were like the way they were worried and it was like they were like saying like oh yeah it's a great investment we think it's just going to plateau and then boom again and then plato not dip and the way that we're talking about was like it's going to be i wonder if this guy won't yeah of course of course but i wonder if the um if the guy was like trying to say that to me like just to to get more people in and get his yeah yeah he's like randolph came out at the end of his video and was like this guy is not good yeah i watched that no that guy's a scumbag i'll come out and say it he's a [ __ ] scumbag like the fact like you going on a live stream and then purposefully inflating the prices for hundreds of thousands of children to see this right and like it like [ __ ] with the market so much why children though because they don't have [ __ ] the peace to buy them well no but like the the way you're just trying to people who won't look into it people who won't realize that the guy's a big [ __ ] fraud like a big liar like yeah yeah it's it's this reminds you of when fenway got priced out on the fifa market at 5k by ksi it's disgraceful right shut up well it's like that yeah everyone was buying into that so much and then everyone just kind of lost interest and it crashed it's gonna be the same with this well you know that you know the guy the guy collectibles guru got his money through bitcoin oh that'll be why it's a big scam if there's any hyped investment by the time it's hyped it's not a good investment yeah usually exactly yeah i bought them as an investment my cards yeah you did really well that was a really good one yeah i'm not going to sell them because i can't be asked how much they're cool to have you know how much is that uh was it red eyes baby dragon you know which that's worth there i don't know probably not much because it's not in two weeks yeah i want to get um a first edition um holo polly world because apparently that's like one of the cheapest ones but it was my favorite pokemon as a kid pollywog why do you want to get a singular cards i don't get it i just think it'd be cool what is your favorite pokemon lapras no oh i can see you as a lapras donnie that fits alex what about you i generally i used to when i was collecting when i lived in america i had loads but like of the gx ones and the one that i always wanted was i need a straight answer yeah mewtwo mate couldn't get a hold of it though george gengar because i saw him i knew that so i [ __ ] sorry i should have known you know pokemon fire red on the intro where he's fighting like nidorina yeah may i remember that i just saw him then and i was like oh he looks welcome that's a really good one i couldn't i swear by lugia he's [ __ ] have you seen the second movie his song where it's like i'd say that's my favorite favorite movie pokemon 2000. did you see the new pokemon film that's on netflix uh no they recreated the the first pokemon movie oh oh oh they did didn't they it was all right i just think i'm a bit old for it now like i didn't enjoy i i really enjoyed the first pokemon movie when i was a kid and it's basically the same it's the same story except it looks a bit better like was it like a remaster yeah kind of but it's like a full it said like 2d animation it's 3d um i i thought it was quite good it's just i didn't really have much interest in it because i'm 22. yeah fair enough i also love melodic melodics are good pokemon yep bulky as [ __ ] pokemon go might make a comeback if it's uh we can only wish that's wishful thinking i i just i it was good it's one of those right it's it's kind of like the full guys of mobile games it just kind of happened for a week and everyone did it and then it just died my friends still play two months my friends at home genuinely still play like every day it's like when it was all everyone was doing though and you could make videos i wish i was a youtuber when you could make videos on it would bang more smorgas ones miss mewtwo one what a boy what a boy oh that's why i just typed in i just looked because i remember i was looking for which pokemon was it the green one uh rayquaza all right oh yep cold yeah cool i'll talk to you he's the top tier he is the top two big pokemon yeah they're [ __ ] expensive though like no wonder i mean now it's ridiculous but mate it's amazing how much money you can spend on [ __ ] are you are you are you laughing at me for getting rayquaza's pronouns correct laughing at you for misgendering a pokemon i've misgendered the pokemon i'll take it seriously legendaries are those fair enough pokemon said to any of them have genders yeah well actually yeah have you ever played it of course they do because they breathe don't they oh is it to be honest i was a yugioh kid i'm not gonna lie some of them have like different traits on and like yeah they're different they have different stats depending on which one they're like ninja king you need a queen oh wait no i think they're like 80 20 it's sorry this is really [ __ ] boring i think people well right now it's trendy ironically so needle king i think nida king's like this is the only this might be the only acceptable week to talk about pokemon in depth you know yeah no i used to i mean i say used to i'm still in um some pokemon facebook groups do you guys have sword and shield yeah uh yeah what's your team looking like i've got like a mewtwo your [ __ ] i don't want to hear about your team you get slapped up every time no not on pokemon sword and shield i got well good team you lower your voice yeah your boy's chest really shows you where you're at george to be honest sorry well yeah shut up all right i don't care no one saw that yeah did you get nobody sorry voice chess sad in it or anything about it nobody will ever know right james on your topics i want to be for you about this you've written i had some vegan baileys and it was good well it was pogba's vegan yeah vegans get a [ __ ] grip no because i realized i don't like regular milk like i like oat milk now regular milk wank it just makes me feel ill so when our aria and i saw this vegan bailey's on amazon i was like [ __ ] it let's give it a go and then i got addicted to it i had like almost like a whole bottle in one night i was just [ __ ] going at it i recorded my last video you could literally see me like drinking like more and more vegan baileys in my last video what do you mix with bailey's nothing you can just drink it or you can have it in coffee you can you can mix it with stuff right what would you what would you mix it with coffee really yeah bailey's coffee that's the thing it's nice what is this what's it taste like i've never had bailey's it's really good it's really good it's like creamy it's like how would you describe it it's like sweet and creamy it's like it's dead easy to drink but it's one of them ones if you had like a bad night on it you'll never want to go near it ever again i love it though i [ __ ] i've always loved it you see i'm a i'm a i drink in moderation will so i don't know it's a cream liqueur flavored with cream cocoa and irish whiskey oh okay you'd like it yeah you'd like it can we have a baby tonight james tonight yeah we'll have a bailey's night well we're not invited yeah alex are you human james have drinking nights we have whiskey nights we used to have tabs nights uh we used to have uh kraken nights [ __ ] you now well alex menu will just have sex yeah [ __ ] that yeah why not oh talking about uh well actually not talking about anything but i i put the uh camcast in tent in the bin yesterday oh it's finally done yeah it's gone somebody had to get rid of it let me show you what i did find in the bin though james please don't ruin it i'm gonna ruin it while you go get it no please don't no don't don't ruin it let him get it fine he's gonna ruin it he's good no go i'll mute james right now mute james until you come back all right bye james i might go get water oh i don't have any muted oh he's got his arse out oh i ordered a pizza earlier today and they put mushrooms on it the scoundrels i love them so i've got 12 pounds now my shield of people oh wait you've got the money back yeah because i hate mushrooms mushrooms are ranked it had mushrooms green peppers and red onions that's not a good combo for what i had on that pizza so i was like that's right if they put them on and you didn't ask them that's completely fine but because that's ridiculous well that's ridiculous that they would put more on exactly it was a disgrace maybe you thought you'd be nice and i really like that oh my gosh look we'll see sorry what i found some crutches in the bin wait what wait did you find them in the did he find those in the bin room yes so um i know he told me about it right and he has taken hospital equipment from a bin room up to his room and not cleaned them i've cleaned them you have cleaned them no i haven't cleaned them yet wait what are you finding he's literally taken something which the whole point of right is that someone who's been in a hospital has put their hands over it and he thought i'm gonna bring this into my apartment sorry just washed my hands no well i phoned them in the i saw them just sticking out the bins and i was like well that would make a [ __ ] unreal fuddy prop for an intro imagine someone walked in while you were stealing out the bins i got that but i was like don't no yep no not it's really nice no creamy don't like that at all and the vegan ones made with almonds so it kind of you know um you know what what's that uh liqueur called that like almond one that really famous one uh on it yeah it's kind of like got like a disaronno hint to it as well because it's made of almonds pretty good tell you what it is guys cafe patron oh yeah i'm sure the 14 year old's watching this podcast will be able to help us out just meant in west bed time really yeah should we actually do one and then like send it together and kind of like go like why did you put this there oh that quite like that i quite like that idea yeah we could do that in a podcast compare our favorite drinks and argue about them ribena sorry yo you guys will be questioning me when all of them are in s fanny discharge for mine is for my vodka is uh bottom tier i hate vodka well let's talk about that next week yeah tequila in the depths let's talk about this next week right you'll [ __ ] tune in for that oh i think next week is spotify exclusive week oh is it so yeah everyone at home uh if you want to listen to next week's spotify uh i was about to say early no if you if you want to spotify next week's episode go over to spotify and follow us there yes please guys on podcast linkedin i just did the same thing it's exclusive on podcasts if you want to go watch next week's video on spot no not video it's audio only oh if you want to watch next week's podcast it's on spotify the boys podcast check it out also you can't watch it you can't watch it it's um well you can you can watch the bar go up you can sit there just watching the box slowly it's part of a game on there if you get to the end of it you get rewards which is good content so go give it a listen thank you for watching episode ted see you guys next time peace out
Channel: The Eboys Podcast
Views: 620,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eboys, the eboys podcast, eboys podcast, willne, james marriott, imallexx, memeulous, 10, ten, harry potter, us election, 2020, trump, joe biden, moaning murtle
Id: B7Al9vYksfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 8sec (3668 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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