Eboys Mukbang - Eboys Podcast #11

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hello everyone and welcome back to a very special e-boys podcast wow sorry that it's been this long it's been a couple of weeks because last week was a spotify exclusive and the week before that i thought was the exclusive one and then we missed it because of me i'm sorry but uh welcome back good to see you again i missed you lot how's everyone doing i'm doing great i'm doing great how's i'm excited for this episode yeah because we we decided to treat each other today so we bought each other some food okay so i bought for alex alex bought for me we don't know what we've bought each other and uh james and will bought for each other no you i hope you've got me something good because i'm really [ __ ] like hangry right now so there's gonna be a very long recording i've got a good i'd like a good i wouldn't say hearty i'd say like you're going to be like oh good it's good it's like beefy you know what i mean it'll get me through who wants to go first will you open first because you are you are the most excited to eat me all right i have a delivery special i'm worried man i reckon three of us have niced each other and one person hasn't it is filth it is filth i got some fries i've got a bacon cheeseburger oh it says bacon cheeseburger it looks how much it looks hearty where's it from where's this food it's uh it's beer and burger oh really i thought for a second you bought a vegan one no no no no oh live it's right away and i've got none of that vegan you know when you're hungry though i like vegan of yeah but when i'm hungry i would have been to be fair there's this place called neat burger that's a vegan place and it's [ __ ] sick yeah i've been having i've been having stuff from there there you go oh i got a beer thank you oh my god my favorites oh this is probably a brilliant podcast that only cost me 10 quid by the way oh really well so maybe shut up um george alex you want to go hey and i'll whack on my 240p webcam yeah no go on mate one second oh my god okay i don't know it feels cold whatever alex has bought me i swear i swear it's frozen hang on there we go there we go sorry george sorry i oh he sounds happy he's got uh you know like them cakes you had in like primary oh my god elite elite rainbow yeah okay what's this this is something it's him for winning i'm guessing this is ice cream it's hit tinfoil it's probably cream or ice cream is it whipped cream yeah that's whipped cream in there um just a singular whipped cream is that apple pie yeah i got you i got you a pear uh a pear and uh peach pie fair enough fair enough for all of our audio listeners will's already half way through oh that's uh a cheesecake yeah oh very nice thank you alex no problem i told you but like like yeah it's like a nine-year-old would choose their dinner yeah right and that's why i picked it you know what i thought so i'm going to order him one i hope he doesn't finish half of it and take it on the pear pie yes because that was the bit i got for me so i can't get that yeah i can't get it and when we'll do whatever the first pizza is i'll go i'll go next uh will will is still going with the idea that he hates me being vegan so he's bought me a kfc [Laughter] he didn't hear that he just went repeat it when he gets back okay okay yeah wait so you're you're vegan well no but i do try to cook vegan oh [ __ ] shirt man you're only vegan on days that don't end with a white it's gonna be a whole kind of like melon okay so james on that vegan note i've got you the double down burger which is literally just ham cheese and in between two slices of fried chicken what i don't know how to feel about that fried chicken is the bread the chicken is the bread oh my that's unbelievable show it show it if you can oh my god and you got me i wonder how we're the fattest country in europe oh yeah how did this happen i want to say i'm a little bit upset about the the drink choice because i don't drink uh regular pepsi i only drink diet pepsi oh well you've been murdered so just say it thank you just it's fine yes i appreciate it thank you will thank you well you actually spent more money on me than i did on you so thank you yeah that's what we should do today uh alex uh do you want to turn on your webcam and show us yeah i'm screen sharing i'm screen sharing i'm gonna get out the double i'm gonna get out the double down quickly while alex is doing this and explain i wanna see the double down first jesus christ this does not look fun and as i'm saying this is something oh my god oh right guys if i'm if i'm honest it is it is an absolute it's an inhumane piece right here i don't know any podcast food is it oh mate you're right i don't think i could have more than two bites of that no what i bought you you got to finish it you won't eat it mate it's etiquette james come on only be polite i don't know if i'm gonna okay i will froze up don't be sick what's the opinion i mean it's kfc chicken right so it tastes good yeah but it's just unnecessary you know what i mean it's like you don't need to have welcome thanks will i really help you with bubba a burger where the bread is changed out for chicken yeah god gone alex let's see your pizza because i want to tell i want to explain why i got you we are the people invented space travel we're not asked specifically but okay shut up and show the pizza oh what is this mate it's it's not it's a pic that is my favorite pizza from my favorite pizza place it's good it's a good sweet corn on it yeah that's great it's a great choice all right george that's a that's a red card no george you're a wrong man what's wrong with sweet corn i love sweet corn it's the best vegetable on a pizza no honestly alex trust me use the sauce to dip in there's not they used to sell these in my school canteen and alex in the crust there's cheese and salami it is the best you'll ever have trust me okay it's so good i once ate that pizza every day for like a week that says a lot so [ __ ] it's so [ __ ] good that explains the shirt now i wasn't gonna say it i wasn't gonna say it nasty from you oh well boys settle in get yourself comfy because it's time for nutty news oh wow uh i'll be honest slow week this week a little bit of it so firstly whilst we're on the topic of food uh jaffa cakes biscuit or cake uh i'd say more a cake i'd agree well they are kept in the biscuit aisles though noted right if you go into a tesco biscuit isle jaffa cakes will be in the biscuit at least we can all agree that they're [ __ ] rancid oh they're great i love them what no i actually love them so yeah that's outrageous man you can die on that hill alone well they've came out this week and said good for them the top well in jaffa cake let's brave a few they came out and said um the chocolate bit right you know it's like half half cake and chocolate the chocolate bit is the bottom they've announced that the bottom bit is chocolate oh come on i haven't have a day off man so when you eat it because you you typically flip it don't you and ease it chocolate up because if you eat the chocolate down it crumbles and then it will just fall on the floor yeah they haven't thought this through have they no but they've said chocolate on the bottom absolutely imbeciles that's a pr stunt no that's not true when they make them in the factory they they stand in a way with a chocolate goes in top because the chocolate doesn't go on the bottom does it or does it i need to see a factory video i need to see a factory video how jaffa cakes are made p.s done maybe they dip it in maybe but like you gotta wait for it to cool and if it's down then it's gonna drip but if it's up then it's not gonna drip it's gonna stay i'm sorry i'm sorry about i no basically i think they've done this to stir a controversy this is like the skittles thing all over again i was thinking this it's a good way to get people to talk about it right here we are mugged we have we've had this already haven't we james or the skittles yeah i know oh yeah a singular skittle it's not a skittle it's a skittles for legal reasons outrageous but legally oh really yeah because they've got the trademark because i think they've got the trademark for i'm going to call it a skittle anyway what they're gonna do sue me it's like people who call lego legos i've got an issue with that yeah it's weird in it right like people in america call it legos yeah you can't quite now legos is a weird one like you gotta call it lego it's like octopus okay another headline in nutty news and to be honest the last headliner not used it's been very dry this week um uh heart basically you know heart the radio station yeah last week launched a 24 7 christie's christmas music station to uh it said a radio station dedicated to festive tunes which is designed to lift the nation's spirits in a tough year if there's anything that makes me feel i want to talk myself it's christmas music i hate christmas music awful feed the world on repeat that right there's only one good one um justin bieber mistletoe that's the only one that can hold its own throughout the year other ones stink mariah carey bitter what about the gummy bear one there's not a gummy bear christmas song the guy but yeah the gummy bear one's good my there's gummy bears there's a gummy bear christmas album what about alvin and the chipmunks one i think that one's great album chipmunks christmas album as well that's so late so i think you've grossly misstep there mate right those are two unbelievable albums i don't really like any christmas songs to be honest but white christmas is a banger yeah yeah but this is a lot about you really yeah of course you'd like that one a white only christmas and the jam's my household really shocking for youtube let's uh let's move on that page is there any more naughty names that places it was very dry week that is the end of dirty news well let me let me go on to my topic for this week because um i've seen you i've won i can't you're not listening um so i've obviously i'm still set on getting like a snake yeah um so i am i'm right i'm dead set serious i'm just gonna say what would you do huh can i make a bet with someone that george won't have a snake by christmas i won't have like christmas but i'll get at some point like in the next few months does that mean this is going to be a podcast topic every week until you get it yeah when do you think you'll have a snake bite if you're saying well i've got a chat okay okay um but i've been looking at other reptiles because i i kept bailey dragons when i was younger and i was like you know what because you can like bring beardy dragons in and like any reptiles in a way so they have like really cool colors and stuff and i found this hang on i'll put it in the chat it is an all-white bearded dragon look at that oh my god you sure haven't just taken the saturation down no no that is a real that's a real thing that's sick wait like an albino mate that's elite it's not albino it's just white why can we get one man i i do love being dragons to bits i don't know if i get one because they are like a lot of like with a snake you can kind of just give it food once a week and it'll be fine but beardy dragon you've got to feed it vegetables twice a day and then live food every two days yeah good better diet than alex mate you should see his pizza man you gotta have like a uv bulb that you change every six months and it's uh it comes with a lot of money what would you call him um i don't know i was gonna say yeah so out of pocket barney barney the dinosaur cause the dragon barney the fictional pet yeah boris yeah i call it after the um the uh tory uh bench or whatever it's called like all the other ones yeah i'll call it i call it him you see how small he is yeah yeah i you look at him and he looks like someone that'd be like six foot five but he's like one foot tiny tiny man well the beard the bearded dragon or rishi said yeah i'm gonna say i'm gonna google how tall he is um i'll take five six five six no wonder i don't believe in like feeding kids place your bets place your bets how tall is who rishi sunak five nine alex uh five eight he is five foot seven so none of you got it right oh wow we're all really terrible knowing our conservative party members heis yeah which is your favorite one it was your favorite toy boris johnson's only five nine i thought he'd be taller five nine tall and five nine wide jess is only five nine i thought jeremy corbyn was like a tall guy but he's only five nine he's five nine yeah oh wait i thought you meant jeremy clarkson i was like he looks he looks like someone that'd be tall is there any do we like any is there any tory people that you just like as a like what's who's your favorite not liking but like would you be like i don't know any of them enough yeah that michael gover he did a lot of cooking didn't he he's a he was like michael cove is universally one of the most hated politicians i think it was his um his daughter on uh she is on tv they have a tick tock and they pretend you know like the um have you ever seen skins oh you know like um there's like girls uh on tik tok that want to be like uh what's that what's the girl from skins the like edgy one i know you're talking about yeah like de laureate hang on hang on hang on one sec what's up effy they want to be like that and where they act like all proper like grunge um and she's one of them people when her uh her dad is a conservative mp but she had like a she had like a big tick tock account a few 100 000 followers i think and she's not acting like she's like um preferage and all that and then it got exposed but she was michael ghost's daughter and like oh man the comments on our tick tock account were late imagine if one of our dads was a conservative mp oh my god oh you never at the end of it it'd be over i used to do drama right and there was a kid um called james livingston that did that did drama with me and his dad was the mp for um for my my consideration and he used to know it wasn't a private school this was just like a completely non-academic thing but he people used to like bully him for it i remember that we were so horrible to him we were so horrible to this poor kid we used to like um we had this meme we had this thing we do we have my friend al we we'd call it flashbanging and what it was it's like he'd always wear a cap again two very big one trousers the front one in the back you can't joke about this you cannot so i what we used to do is we used to hit his cap over his face so he'd wear a cap and then he just like he'd hate it yeah that's what we did to him so of all the things flush banging could have been is you just pull this cap down james that's so [ __ ] it's such a grandeur title it had a lot i had a lot of promise in all youtube's police captain it was it was it was fun at the time right did you ever do peanut at your school where you like pulled down yeah yeah yeah my favorite one was when you kneel down behind someone and then push them like someone would near the elite oh that was horrible one of my favorites was um when you pull out the chair when they're about to sit down that was a classic i did that in year six and the kid pretended to be paralyzed and i got showered up that's funny that's a leak from him that's a leak from him it was like i can't move my legs i was just getting shot have you checked him now to sleep no he's fine he's fine you sure talking many times it's like that story all the teachers have when you like swing on your chair and they're like yeah yeah timmy banged his head two years ago without a good it's like i bet that was actually you were the real example of that when he paralyzed a boy he wasn't paralyzed he was just pretending no you've a bloke in a wheelchair you're horrible i can't believe that from you yeah that yo that is unbelievable i think the only crazy story i've got from school like that is i remember uh somebody two guys please don't say the [ __ ] man no no no they picked up a mate of mine and they ch you know like you had the big like tips uh they chucked him in one of those and he couldn't get out oh have you used um i got chuggy do you know what sugary boot is that nationwide thing no it's not nationwide is that where you get chugged into a lake or something no so people get your arms and your legs i was willingly i thought it'd be great fun i promise i wasn't just being viciously bullied all right my mate the oh no yeah literally like uh this one snapped the end of it off oh no not good don't like that at all how old were you then 2010 even oh right here's the last weight oh you've broken any bones no never i i i almost did uh when i was in i think i was like year nine it was i remember it was right when the xbox connect came out uh because i went around my mate's house that was good for a bit that was good for like two weeks and then i got bored um so uh i was just standing on the field and all out of nowhere some year 11 just rugby tackles me from behind for no [ __ ] reason and i kind of fall back and i land like that oh these two things they didn't break i think they like fractured your sight but they were really [ __ ] painful for like weeks what about you yeah just fingers again playing in goal in football put them in places they shouldn't be no i promise no my the thing is i don't even like my finger breaks are like so perfect it's just like i went to catch a football and i caught it wrong and i dropped it but because of the how hard the plug kicked it just i just put my fingers back and just broke one of them that's it just like i'm not a goalkeeper i mean i'm five foot four so when i was going for a bit of a bad stage um last year i broke my toes quite a lot i remember this oh i remember because i remember we had a really drunk night and then you kind of like stumble out the room to go back to your flat and all i hear is and i had to like hold you and walk you back into the living room to make sure you weren't like dying i've i've like literally woken up like like shivering like shaking like because i'm in that much pain because i've like broken toes like being really drunk it's happened a lot it did but then it happened twice it happened twice that's horrible it was bad breaking a tie big toe little toe both the little toes oh no no they're [ __ ] mate but they'll know they're [ __ ] they're pointing in different directions your fate is just like this it's like you're like a dinosaur dinosaur fake yeah i want to have like a [ __ ] what they called a sling on me elbow because i put it through the school gates and someone opened the gate and like crushed it oh no oh it couldn't be that bad because i can't remember it like being but it was like [ __ ] in there for weeks of just like that's traumatic and i was like going to the [ __ ] woman on duty be like i really hit she's going ah you're just being soft like just you just she's just whinged and then we're at the hospital it was like i've got scars i got a scar left over where i was at how to train your dragon in the cinema and you know how cinema toilet doors are like huge right um and they're like about i'd say four inches thick uh there was a huge queue to the toilet and i went to rest my hand up on the wall uh misplaced it put my hand inside the hinges of the door and the door oh the door shut on my hand my fingers are just gone right so i look at my hands in this [ __ ] door and it and i just start shouting and then everybody's looking at me and they opened the door and when i took it out like my finger was like bent like you know angle it shouldn't have been i and i know and the guy okay just like oh just right under a cold tap and you'll be fine but like i could see the inside off it was horrible i hate the ones where you get like a fingernail trapped in a door and then it goes huge and then it falls off it's [ __ ] brutal oh yeah i almost lost the use of my left arm when i was in like year 10. i swear this is just progressively getting worse everyone was like no i haven't they were all jogging memories what was that what happened uh i was doing my duke of edinburgh and they were doing the big old practice walk and uh my parents cheaped out and didn't get me a proper backpack and i was expected i was the smallest and they expected me to carry like base like most of the stuff uh so i had this backpack and you know how normally if you go like like a hiking backpack has like a thing around the waist that supports so it's not all in your shoulders that was [ __ ] broken uh so it was all my shoulders about 10 minutes into the walk my arm just goes numb and limp and i'm like i can't george used to be six foot four but he carried all those pots and pans on his back and it stunted his ground no but it um yeah uh i can't move my arm for like months that's horrible i can't i can't move it past there for like um a good half year do you have a duke of edinburgh ward yeah yeah i do like a proper one like yeah i have a bronze so it's not like the big boy one but like i've got bronze i'm not i didn't even complete it so what do you have to do for them i i did one session and [ __ ] it off same yeah um i it was like a proper seller all the smart kids didn't get in but i got in some help apparently they were pure raging and i was just like yeah [ __ ] sick i don't even want to be here my mom made me do it basically i don't want to do it um but uh yeah no i i did like [ __ ] um you had to do like some charity work uh so i cleaned my dan's house uh and i cleaned it yeah well my nana cancer so i was just like i'll be helping so i was like because she was really nice uh she'd see me do cleaning for like 10 minutes and just tell me to sit down and watch tv so that was good uh and then we i did you have to do some kind of exercise i went on one bike ride and said i did it for three months if anybody at the dvd is listening revoke his dov yeah [ __ ] i don't [ __ ] care what are you gonna do about it refocus rewards it's one of them ones where like you're always told when you're growing up like oh you've got to have this or like you know no union will accept you or whatever like you've got to have it to stand out on your cv did you get many jobs because of that bronze um not one but i don't think i don't think it was because of that purely on the duke of edinburgh there were like cleaners but um then i had to do uh a skill so i did made like two cakes and then i had to do a big walk which i didn't like i don't like camping i nearly watched somebody die on tv oh you went too yeah but i didn't finish it mainly because of this event to be honest we were cycling the isle of wight and we had about two hours to get to the ferry um if we hadn't got on it we would have to stay there an extra day without the parents like that was the that was for the [ __ ] that was how bad it was so we had to get there if we didn't get to the ferry they were gonna leave us on the other white for an extra day i was doing it we had 10. well we were all out we were like 14 at the time so it was a bit scary you didn't want to be nobody wants to be left on the other way anyway there's nothing there but we were going down now imagine living on the isle of wight like what do you do you do nothing i'm thinking of like that's like scooby doo's monster island is what's coming to my head right now right i could tell you oliver is all hills man but um there was this huge [ __ ] hill and we were at the top of it and we had had no injuries the entire time no injuries but there was this um it was just like a little pathway but it was up against all these trees but there was no way to get in amongst the trees and it was a singular pathway and there was about 14 with us with bikes so we always get off our bikes but i have no idea whose idea this was on the if you look normally it you just be on a hill but on the right hand side the thing that prevented you from being able to go down the hill was a barbed wire fence and there was not enough room for bikes to go down here first thing that happens we're going down i tell a joke to my mate and he keeps on going stop stop because like it bears no because there's no space and if he laughs and loses control he'll fall into the barbed wire fence i made him laugh i made him laugh you lose your life he dropped he dropped the bike and went to grab the bike missed the bike and just grabbed the barbed wire fence so he [ __ ] up his entire he was laughing so hard that he couldn't kind of concentrate but his hand was [ __ ] at the funny i'm alex joke he was laughing so hard i laughed at that i was laughing at the fact that he grabbed the barbed wire fence i thought that was hilarious um what was the joke you you told okay it was something really it would have been so completely inane like i i it probably would have been like oh don't drop the bike and grab the barbed wire fence so he's going to stop saying it or i'll do it and then he did and he accidentally dropped the bike and grabbed the barbed wire fence but then we were going down this hill my mate goes down the hill first for whatever reason that was like this right angle turn he just leaves his bike in the middle of the pathway uh my mate comes around the corner and sees the bike probably about three seconds before he's about to hit it so he dismounts onto the handlebars and dives over the bike hits his head on a stone right that cracks the helmet in half um two weeks ago yeah generally two weeks later found out he had a dent in his [ __ ] skull and he had to get surgery he didn't know for two weeks he was at any point generally like he could have died and he had no clue he had concussion for two weeks had no idea and was really bad we just carried on we just went ha ha you're helping you want to be on the left of the isle of wight we have well that's why we need to get back to the ferry but we didn't realize that his concussion was so bad that if he'd hit his head again he literally could have just it would have been done um but it was a great trip a dmv was great but i loved it if you hate kids working in dmv must be an absolute dream come true yeah like that's the best way for you to kill a kid and get away with it [Laughter] put them through their paces exactly i've actually i've actually opened up applications for a new job advocate i would have applied to be a dmv leader i thought youtube was my dream job but i was so wrong in a similar vein to horrific injuries what is the most ill you've ever been like most unwell because i've got a good one omnia house at the time i had coronavirus and then i went around james's the next day may i i still think about that i still think about how like funny that was i was like what when did this happen was like i'm feeling pretty ill are you still down to record and i was like yeah it it was just kicking off it was like feverish couldn't taste anything dry cough i went around like and there's like literally like a video of him like i've got like in the video he's got like oh no i know i'm just there like it's next to it is that actually the most ill you've ever been no i don't know i just just wanted to get me a little segwayed go on what so much still you've ever been um oh i don't know if i've got it like is he i've got no nothing comes to mind sorry jim i mean recently not much i think i had like chicken pox when i was a kid oh they suck man i had like bad bad tonsillitis i had really bad tonsillitis as a kid so my tonsils were cut alex do you remember do you remember the great hot tub of the omnia house oh [ __ ] that was foul we cooked up some form of global pandemic in that hot tub i'll tell you that i didn't realize that you're not meant to be in a hot tub for more than 20 minutes because apparently it breeds bacteria now i didn't get one then we were in there exactly that was i i was in there for an entire evening and i was fine but i left and then the next day you guys got in the same water and you all got ill it was it was not good right just commentary youtuber juices yeah generally like the worst possible concoction of just [ __ ] sweat and commentary youtubers who would you who would you least like to share a hot tub at discord admins discord admins or a different breed yeah anybody at the ntc cex employees yeah uh the people that go to insomnia and take their pcs how to bring your own computers i'm sure there's a there's an overlap in all three of them right they're the same people we've named the same people three times yeah no i was bedridden for two weeks and like so ill but couldn't move because if i moved i would throw up it was that bad like it was oh it was horrible i don't know what we made in there but they could have killed a city commentary history do you want to hear my story yeah go on oh yeah sorry george what the hell you've ever been you probably uh you probably you might remember this one will back in 2017 when i had to go to hospital when they put on the blue lights for me um did they i had to go well i had to go home for a bit because like i they yeah at first i was like in i had like a really like dry cough and it was really sore throat uh yeah i was like what's going on uh so i thought it was just like tonsillitis because i get i get tonsillitis quite a lot uh but then it just kept developing and developing and developing to the point where my throat was swelling hey what's up my camera's not working okay yeah uh to the point where my throat started swelling up i was just literally in cold sweats all the time oh my god i couldn't sleep what did you have uh well i went to the doctor's uh back home i probably saw about four gps because i was i knew there was no way i had tonsillitis eventually the fifth time uh there was like a student looking in and he was looking in on one of the other gp appointments i was at and he was like right no you haven't got tonsillitis because i looked at it a few days ago and it's getting way worse sorry doctor i can't see him because the [ __ ] mask's in the way it's like you've more than likely got glandular fever oh yeah she did tell me about this uh so i uh they were like we're gonna have to take you to hospital and put you on a drip so i was like so i went to i went to hospital uh they put the blue lights on which i thought was really good do they actually be on a drink yeah yeah i don't like those at all i was on a trip full of steroids uh for two days drips freaked me out yeah not a fan really freaked me out i hated it i hated it so bad uh classic george even in hospital he gets the drip oh shut up bro shut up it was like it's like a long needle as well and they like no no no no no no stop come on it goes deep it goes deep you can feel it it's horrible that we're talking with whales stop no no no no no no no no no no we're talking we're talking about that they did blood tests like twice a day on me it was horrible talking of um talking of blue lights [ __ ] free tgf have you seen this date set for the driving video oh my sister's driving less than one if there was one video this year worth going to [ __ ] prison for it's that video that video is [ __ ] amazing the tgf drivers are they actually do you reckon they'll actually go to prison no not prison but they've got a [ __ ] full-on court date and the guy who was you know the bald guy that was instructing them yeah he's got done for it too he was [ __ ] brilliant isn't he like a legit driver oh my god he was [ __ ] classy he must get so much work now because of that i just [ __ ] i think it's surely the parents would see it be like we're not spending [ __ ] 70 quid a lesson on that yeah no but like most of the time like if i was the one that had to pay for my driving lessons when i did drive an essence and failed um sorry you can't drive james yeah no at least i never failed though at least i tried oh yeah oh [ __ ] how about what did you say jim i never failed yeah but at least i tried yeah no exactly yeah that is true you could be please pluck up the courage i would never put myself behind a wheel because i would kill someone i just i just found the way you said it very funny you didn't have to say and failed but you did i don't know if i just found it i found it twice um twice i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do an intensive course one day um and i will pass when he gets to the snake he's dead yeah i think british tonight with him i also just remembered for talking about um illnesses like recently well not recently but the last time i was ever ever actually really worried about my health i thought i was having a heart attack i remember that oh yeah i was with alex i had to say hey no you're gonna dump me in them days the good old days oh no you're gonna dump me in and i was with alex and he was like i don't know i was on cool with one one one and i was like i was saying to them like uh they were like where's the pain i was like well it's in my heart and they're like has it traveled to anywhere else and like obviously at the time i was so anxious about it that i was like oh my god is it and i was like yeah i can feel it on my arm and they were like you need to go to hospital now and i was just like oh my [ __ ] god and i went into alex and george's living room at the time and then i was like alex mate um can you come with me please i i think i'm i'm actually having like close to having a heart attack i need to go to hospital no he's like oh let me just finish this game he was like 40th minute in a fifa it was a panic attack by the way they like i went in i went in and he like i turned around i went no seriously and he was like oh we could he went yeah i'll probably be fine and i was like all right i don't want to i don't want to i don't want to disconnect imagine if i had actually died if you had died i would have still got the three points and that is what matters but i like i went i went in and then he basically we did a few tests like really basic like superficial tests and he just gave me a card for therapy because it was like it was a panic attack i sat there for ages when you got there did you feel better or was the panic attack still going still happening oh so you [ __ ] that must have been awful that must have been a really [ __ ] day yeah no and i still get them like i i still get panic attacks like that but now i know it's not a heart attack so it's it got really scary that's a bonus i almost sat there because you sat there and you also sat around loads of other people who looked close to death oh my god that was awful and we were and we were sat there and i was like there's not going to work yet and you're like no and i'm like oh no he's going to die it was weird how quickly it went away after the guy was literally like this is just anxiety and i was just like surely if you're in the hospital though and you go up to the counter and go i think i'm having a heart attack they wouldn't go just sit in the waiting room would they like yes sitting just just stick yourself oh no it was like five minutes it was like five minutes right i'm pretty sure like if i started having a heart attack in the waiting room they would have probably you could just faked it yeah to get put front of the queue yeah yeah probably quite immoral but yeah i know for sure [ __ ] hate hospitals they're like my number one like oh yeah yeah and spiders i think i'd even put them above spike it wasn't even a very nice hospital we were in it was quite uh one that i was like this one's not very oh yeah because we went to the wrong place yeah i think i i did i put in the postcode wrong i think i put in the postcode yeah wait wait no because we traveled 40 minutes we traveled 40 minutes the wrong way hang on james thought he was having a heart attack and you let james get the uber james thought he was having a heart attack and he still had to get the uber you stingy [ __ ] no because because because he had uh he had uh well you have an actual doctor in london don't you yeah no do you not no that was though just go to hospital though the reason i said i got the uber i don't remember getting the uber but i didn't want to go alex got the uber and got the postcode wrong because i'm suck i think i might have got it i can't remember which one of yeah we went 30 minutes it took us like an hour and a half to get to the hospital and i was still going like yeah the entire time he's going i'm going to die i'm going to die all right i'm like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and the guy in the uber was like is this the right place [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i only got a draw why don't i get the three points do you remember i remember we got out one wait because the guy was like does this look like it was it and i looked at you and i'm like this isn't hospital we were in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere i just went yeah this would be good enough i was like he's going to die me it's dying but it's not an urgent thing he's going to die we don't have to get it right well he's not dead he's scubby boss that there was like six police cars outside my my block of flats yesterday we saw that actually did we yeah you might have seen it oh there's the hospital um ambulance near the roundabout yeah but that was by our building well okay well it's like half between us do you know why that happened why there was a rave going on in one of the warehouses ah oh and nowhere just above the black wall they've done it before and it's really [ __ ] loud 1 000 people remember that night will in the in the group in the uh what's it um facebook group with our building you could hear it through everything was it really loud last night i didn't hear anything but there were a thousand people whoa wow good crack man get it in before the [ __ ] locks would sorry i've said the same word a lot if you're watching i'm really sorry i'm not allowed to say that um yeah do you remember they used to do it a lot back when we lit when me and joseph in the old place um i used to stay all right it was our mate yeah they really go for it don't they yeah thousand people in east london i'll write it imagine that i write that to be fair from them because like that's just a complete disregard for the law well get no it's not it's not other yeah i'm assuming there's probably something wrong with it currently but yeah there's going to be even more wrong with it on thursday so just get it in man horrible do we want to talk about that sorry i probably shouldn't endorse that but no you probably shouldn't i i don't i don't believe that but like i i like the mentality a boy's host the biggest right i don't believe in it i i don't believe in it i thought that's what you would say i just don't believe in it i don't believe in it i don't believe in chronology no no no i don't believe in hosting thousand we should be allowed to go and do stuff what's your thoughts on the new lockdown then [ __ ] [ __ ] oh it's i've i've took down you know i'm not even going to talk about it it just pisses me off well all right okay boys that's the end of the podcast we're just not going to talk about it i tweeted about it and then george put the piss out of me so i feel like you know that tweet is unbelievable james you can't say hang on i'm going to read it out and tell me you're not asking for it isn't it there's something renaissance yeah it was idiot renaissance relation you sound like your dad there imbecilic renaissance oh elite so good i wish i saw that and i generally just couldn't stop laughing when i saw george's reply yeah a dance singer locked down to come into play so first i was practically begging the morons of this country to have an imbecilic renaissance before they are forced to stay indoors what should be the biggest spike happening uh i concur granting the general population said additional days is asking for all the riff rafter to cause a whole lot of buffoonery um did you ratio uh not yet sir uh please go like that tweet psycho ratio james ratio can we make a meme of just everything james tweets just we have to i could use the impressions i'm happy for it man [ __ ] off you'd hate it you'd hate it mate those being right you can't tweet minecraft youtubers anymore it's just ray [ __ ] three ratios from them like uh the two i tweeted out you can't ratio this tweet because i was fairly sure if any of you did it that like people would kind of like make it into a battle you know what i mean so some people even if like they they come from like you george or you will or you're alex it's like they would kind of like like the meme of the battle and i was like doing really well no one was ratioing me this was like a couple of months ago and then i got the dreaded notification they have the twitter infinity stones like any minecraft youtuber is it's it's it's over it's curtains it's literally like twitter infinity stones in it they just have all of them thinking of them a lot i was thinking recently we should we should get guests on this podcast yeah i think tommy would be a good guest who would usually want to get on like like in the future get on eboy's podcast get we should get people on that we've slated in videos before oh that's a long list and then go a whole circle and uh be made i think nicod avocado would be really funny i couldn't hack him for an hour [ __ ] hour jesus christ is enough yeah yeah and i don't even get my ass out let's see your [ __ ] it would be a good episode oh yeah we've seen so much of that man we couldn't sit and look him in the eye i couldn't look him in the eyes again oh my god i'm trying to think uh about her thing she'd be an interesting one nah she's she's done every podcast for ours i feel upset about that yeah yeah she's he's done the podcast we we're too late to it yeah got a [ __ ] car though i'm trying to think who else would be i really like yeah tommy would be really funny um why don't we get that uh woman that political woman who everybody loves who's doing among us at the moment oh aoc oh my she is the prettiest lady [Music] i'm sure that's how she wants to be vote for aoc because she's no yeah ignore politics i don't care about that oh [ __ ] well like apologize too she seemed so yeah she does she seems uh seems pretty neat oh the general the election election time oh can we not we not yeah who do you want to run boys is ahead in the polls at the moment yeah but think about last time james think about last time think about how that went yeah pokemon go to the park yeah i know i i still i think i still think trump's gonna win but it's [ __ ] depressing in it yeah i reckon i don't know i just can't see joe biden as president i don't know why yeah yeah it'd be strange i i don't know um trump was just he's just born for it what a guy my era right i don't even want to talk to american people about it because it's like i almost feel like it's kind of poking them yeah it's like they're obviously going to be pissed off about this scenario so it's like what is the point yeah my cousin's from america [ __ ] it they deserve it man they're american fair point oh well said well they got themselves in this mess they did they voted them in yeah they should have never broken free from the british we would never we would never elect people like that yeah and then they'd be led by boris johnson yeah i think that boris ain't worse is he worse than trump is it better or is it better or worse no i'd rather have boris if we compare them on cover cases who wins you see that look to cover us obsolete in the audience right okay i just want you whoever's not gonna get really killed by covert i reckon you vote anybody in he's gonna get rid of the lockdown right if trump vows what non-politician would you choose to run the country um ooh i reckon damn o'leary would do a solid job he's a safe pair of hands um i'm trying to fake frank lampard uh joe frank lampard could take her could take a a god forsaken job and turn it around in less than a year get franklin david mitchell oh oh yeah that's good mom yeah because he's funny i think he's like very like british funny and that's what you need to be a politician i don't know but i think he's also got like he's a smart guy you know i think who do i vote having uh george manuelas joe early joe hartley you eat bananas in record time uh i really i don't know would you what youtuber would you pick what you should pick uh shane dawson no he's an american he can't be it he could be whatever he wants to be beaten give it my hd gamer oh yes just to assemble them to a nepo we're going to be feeding all of the kids this year with bourbons every kid gets a free bourbon a day that's my only problem i like the policy the bourbons are back they'd smash it oh [ __ ] i know speaking of that voice impression i wanted i wanted to know your guys's opinion on corpse because i think he's been entertaining and i i like it he like what he adds to among us videos but i i can't i don't like his voice are you scared of him and you're not people i love his voice but it's so low that i almost like feel myself like cringing will probably [ __ ] loves it we'll probably [ __ ] lapse that you've probably changed to corpse asmr these days i'm trying to get my funny voice effects going and they're not working yeah i love i love it you think it's real you think he actually sounds like that yeah yeah i think he's probably do you know he's not just i think i've got this segment with what i'm about to say he's got an illness that's why it sounds that way are you being serious yeah yeah and but that's why he sounds like that yeah he's a lovely guy but i think he's really cool um so take back everything you guys said well okay the reason i still think it's okay that i can say that i'm not a huge fan of his voice is because people [ __ ] love it one of the reasons he's doing so well i think like his voice is just like for a lot of people it's like chocolate you know what i mean but for me i've just got i'm always a bit like oh that's it's like chocolate oh you like it don't you you're like it's like a lot of people yeah james of course throw the hand up one more time shake your hand relationship uh but you know what i mean like he it's i can see why people like it but for me personally i'm just like the only reason why it puts the only thing that it's not his fault but the only thing is i like it's pretty tame i'd say on like twitter and on the among us stuff but if you're on tick tock with his music man because his music's quite like choke me stuff and like cat goes from that like the people it's not corpses fault but some of the people who like cops terrify me they're just scary scary yeah no i i i remember i saw loads of people being like oh i think he'd love his music and i i went and listened to his music and i was just kind of like in my chair a bit like choke me daddy yeah choke me daddy corpse oh right i'm like i mean it was it was it wasn't what i was expecting i was expecting maybe you know like a maybe like a nice i reckon his voice would suit country you know what i mean i wouldn't name the [ __ ] corpse it's not gonna be happy dolly if you missed it a bit it was it was it was very like intimidating music which i guess some people like well we got comments because we did the harry potter segment i think and then we talked about corpse for like 20 seconds and then we go straight back to like the stuff and all the comments were like just feel like it's a bit unfair that you throw corpse in there like that and i was like it's an honor to be thrown into harry potter segment it wasn't it wasn't a it wasn't a highlight title was it because if it was i understand no he wasn't no no no it was a harry potter bit but like during the harry potter bit i think i try to segue to corpse and then we end up just segueing back and they were like would you [ __ ] him though if no all right back to the creatures then yeah but all that among us stuff we've spoke about the podcast before but it's just so interesting especially now like um wasn't somebody playing mariana grande yesterday she did not play with them wasn't it uh valkyrie i think was playing harriet oh yeah no she's got she's got an album out mate and it's kind of it's kind of been a bit stinky so i think uh oh she's trying to save her skin is she well i haven't really heard have you has anyone really heard her new album yet i don't know if i saw people somebody tweeted i don't know if she joined but i let me see if i could find it i don't know if i type in among us surely you think people will be thinking about it my thing have you heard positions yet like the new ariana grande song no like the thing is it's like you you listen to it and you're like yeah that's ariana grande and it doesn't really like nothing's really changed you know what i mean like it's not really any different right from like usual ariana grande stuff they're trying to get oh they're trying to get her on among us i think oh okay cool oh she's not played it yet play with her sariana yeah get on our podcast [ __ ] that we might not have a deep voice but yeah i mean man we might not be valkyrie but you know we could try our best you know she did a song with the weekend though and i always liked that [ __ ] that she does with the weekend no he's cool though he's coming like their music or their music together is always really good [ __ ] it oh yeah i mean um has anybody been thinking about what they're gonna do for the last few days you got until uh until lockdown well i'm gonna go on for a rave alex okay yeah yeah i'm gonna kiss lots of people it's one just uh next to james ronaldo we've got we've got the last football match booked and then it's over yeah pub pub every day this one isn't gonna be as bad as the last one i think it's going to last a month like it's going to be darker which is [ __ ] but we're going to have footy and mcdonald's they're not aren't getting rid of that's the thing that's yeah but the the thing that's going to null and void and more eboyz [Music] we'll be uploading a lot soon and we've got no excuse because we will be trapped indoors the school crack it just what's the point if the schools are open yeah there are schools open no youtube videos might people are stuck inside kids are going out and mingling they're going to spread the virus take it back home there's no [ __ ] point the cases aren't going to go down until they close their schools oh i thought you guys were talking about uploading youtube videos where are you going there's no point they'll go down but they won't go down enough like it's not going to be no it might go it won't go down much at all i don't think the point of like a circuit breaker lockdown which is the only reason you should have lockdowns is to break the circuit it's to break the circuit combo breaker and we're not doing that so what's the point boris is throwing a banana on the tracks like it's mario kart if i take that covered [ __ ] it's gonna be so boring like it should be regional right it should be regional but the regional lockdown should go up to tears that close schools and that that is like the way i see it like there's places in around the country which have like two covered cases a day and it's like why the [ __ ] are they going into lockdown when like literally like local businesses there are doing good because they're not in lockdown and they might [ __ ] go under yeah they're already like not feeding them so what's the point of liking them anything going like nationwide but not going to the level of schools on a regional basis is one of the most stupid things stupid it is weird isn't it that like because it's but even still even with the new rules one thing i'll never understand i'll be like stay in your work bubble and then go home to your family that's like it's just i don't understand how i don't understand how it's going to work it's kind of an impossible job but like [ __ ] out another lockdown again it's like come on man just let me play ball you don't go outside that much anyway though no you're not wrong i've been trying to though because i know with that much time left how is everyone getting on with their scran james i see you've not drank that pepsi i haven't eaten because i wear the mask or not i'm saving it you didn't eat i'm so how am i supposed to just i i had the double down and the chips i haven't had the wings did you finish the double dough yeah because i thought like you wanted me to have the double downs can i review that pizza and i feel sick but i i i did have the double down and i i haven't had the wings though i just i had the double down on the chips and that pizza george is sickening mate it's great isn't it no no it's hard have you tried the crust yeah it's so cheesy it's like i can't oh it's i love it i can't do it i don't know i can eat cheese anymore man i'll bring it in here if you don't want it okay sure right have we got any good crack or is this tail enough i think it's done i i mean i the only stuff i had written down was like have you seen all the influences that are throwing halloween parties but in la obviously where you're not meant to be doing anything getting it in mate what was it imbecilic renaissance renaissance again yeah it's a bit of an imbecilic renaissance eddie and brazil it's just shocking because they're the same people we did barron all these influencers tweet like oh it's their own and they got their big tick tock parties and it's only okay except tick tockers if it was us it would be fine and that is that's my statement uh do you remember that the start when the nhs paid uh people to do the stay at home videos to camera and then everyone went out and got copied oh we're an elite braid [ __ ] it out they offered me generally i got one of those emails through being like oh do you wanna we would love to pay you to wash your hands campaign i was thinking see if i take that money i do that campaign i can't really watch my actually wash my hands and i can't get outside anymore so i was like sorry guys uh i'm not doing this brand deal because i'm gonna be roaming free i'm a free man i'm joking i don't i don't do that also not being funny but wouldn't you feel a bit bad like getting paid brand deal money from the taxpayer yeah i didn't yeah but it was also not [ __ ] up at any cost yeah from anyone for who it's just my money it would just be my money coming back to me because i think taxes yeah you're not wrong mate if british heart foundation came we're like well he has x amount for a few twitter posts in an instagram story [ __ ] i'm taking it that's a charity though that's that's like a choice right so but the issue with tax money is it's like people are like you have to pay taxes yeah okay better going to ask the missiles you know my biggest my biggest problem yeah exactly we could have saved a child's life in like some third world country yeah in some country but we've been bombing um but we've um the thing is for me is the real problem wasn't any of that it was i just wouldn't pay me enough and i was like not enough to save lives mate i'm sorry but i've got a 50 price if you can't pay the price and people are going to die [Laughter] and they're like oh no alex we got we got to give the kids uh the free school meals uh and you were like no [ __ ] that sack it off give me my brand right oh [ __ ] hell not again brilliant i love it thank you for watching everyone yeah i don't know we wouldn't take money from the nhs starving kids no feed the kids yeah 100 percent everyone here believes that kids should be fair yeah don't worry the bar is that low we won't commit to anything else but we do think that kids shouldn't starve to death thank you
Channel: The Eboys Podcast
Views: 871,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eboys, the eboys podcast, eboys podcast, willne, james marriott, imallexx, memeulous, muckbang, food, eating, podcast 12, corpse, injuries, school
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 6sec (3486 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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