International Iconic Dishes Taste Test

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Never seen Link be this chilled out during an International Foods episode, feels refreshing

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 63 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Robot_tangerine šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 15 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Omg he did it! šŸ˜­

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 45 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/SwaggiiP šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 15 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

These episodes make me realize just how much of a foodie Rhett is (cooks his own paella? awesome!). Iā€™d love to see some LA restaurant recommendations from him; he seems to have stellar taste!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 34 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 15 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

I was so excited for Link, he has a lot to live up to for the next dart game.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 22 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/purpleblossom šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 15 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

This is almost the same as if Wile E. Coyote caught the Roadrunner for once.

It's about time. Yeah!

CONGRATULATIONS, LINK! Well thought-out, well played!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 23 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/FergusCragson šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 15 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

I almost can't believe Link nailed that first dart. such a small target!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 21 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/wirewolf šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 15 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Commenters on GMMore are ruthless haha

Although it was pretty hilarious to see the boys have absolutely no clue where Venezuela and Serbia are.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 17 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/thatdani šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 15 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Loved every part of the episode, this is where I continue to believe more than ever the best is STILL yet to come for GMM :)

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 14 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/jvdubz šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 15 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Rhett always comments on how Link is closer to the board, but he hinges forward so much when he throws his dart that it's like they are throwing from the same position.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 14 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Fruit_kid šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 15 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
- What does your country taste like? Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - When I think of foods that represent the good old U.S. of A, of course, I think of hot dogs, - Yeah, yeah, - hamburgers, and sushi-ritos. - Okay. - In fact, the hamburger is widely recognized as the quintessential American dish, but what do you think our national dish should actually be? - Strawberries, blueberries, and white berries. - I don't know what white berries are, but I'm sure we can arrange that dish for you. But right now it's time for where in the world - where in the world do these international - do these international national foods come from? - national foods come from? What burgers are to America, other dishes are to other countries. Okay. - Okay. - All right, so we're gonna try a national dish from somewhere in the world, and when we say national dish, what we mean is a dish that is either officially recognized as the national dish of a country, or it's highly popular and a staple dish strongly associated with a particular country. - Yes. - And we're gonna guess where that dish is from by throwing a dart at the map that Chase is standing next to, the national cartographer himself. - Yeah, nice. - All right, he's gonna measure how far our dart is from the correct answer, and the person with the lowest score in the end is the winner. - And since I won last time Link, you're gonna get another special advantage dart. This time it's the gooey globe dart, a small globe smothered in one of America's favorite foods, melted American cheese. And the winner will be named International King of the World. And every time they proclaim their new title, the loser must sniffle, "Yes, all hail International World King" whoever it is, Link or Rhett. - It could be either one of us. - In their best squire voice. That's what it was. That was a squire voice. - Yes. - Okay? Let's do it. (upbeat music) (paper rustles) - We have a bowl of some goo type situation and accoutrements. - And we've been instructed, we're supposed to take this, - Oh my gosh. - and kind of, oh, whoa, whoa. - Look at how gooey this is. - This is like a taffy situation. And then you grab, I'm grabbing a cucumber and dipping it in some chili sauce. I'm going for, there's also peanut sauce here, so. - I mean, if you eat it on his own, it's like, it's like tasteless snot. (group laughs) Like it's not, if it were salty. - That's not really a peanut sauce. Is it, I'm confused. - (indistinct). Whatever I've got in here is so hot. Oh thank you. - You're getting a, hat fan. - Is it helping? Well you can go first, because you won last time. - We've never had the country of Brunei on the board, right? And this is one of the most unexpected things that I can imagine being in this game. So I'm just kind of just putting those two things together and going for Brunei. - Okay. - This little, oh. - Whoa. - I see that brought, you brought back your toy here, - Oh yeah. - or Morgan gave you your toy to play with again. A generally positive response to your camera work. - Right. - You know, mythical beasts wanted to see more of it. - Well, there's more where that came from. It's right here, you're seeing it. - I definitely feel like, I mean with this chili sauce, we gotta be thinking something over there on the far Eastern part of the map. So I'm gonna try to out Brunei you. - You're gonna out Brunei me? Okay. - Accuracy, accuracy. Oh! (dart hits) What? I think I just nailed freaking Brunei! - Let me look. - Did you see that? - [Rhett] Well, this might be your day Link. - What is happening? (group laugh) I'm feeling good. - [Rhett] Tell me how you feeling. - I'm feeling great. I aimed for something, and I threw the dart, and then it hit exactly what I was aiming for. It was like I could throw a dart. - There's so little red on Brunei, and you hit Brunei on the exact red part of it. - [Rhett] Oh, so if it's Brunei, that means it's zero for-- - Yeah. - [Stevie] This stretchy, sticky delicacy called ambuyat is made by combining hot water and the starch of the interior of the sago palm tree. - Of course. - This communal food is typically enjoyed with this spicy durian and shrimp paste sauce as well as fresh vegetables and has been recognized by its country's tourism board as a national dish. The arduous process of harvesting pam trees has been passed down through generations in, Brunei. - Yes! Look at that. Look at what I did on purpose! - Okay, it's only around one. - I got one, right! - It's only round one. - And I, every part of it came together for me. - As a director of this documentary, I just want to say back off just a little bit. - I... Fine. I know when to pick my moments. - [Rhett] Just a look, just back off just a little bit. - I know when to pick my moments, man. - But for around one, Link you had zero, and Rhett, you had 12. - Is that our first ever zero? (bell chimes) - Think it is. - I think it is. - Wow. - On the small, arguably the smallest target ever. - That's impressive. (group laughs) (upbeat music) (paper rustles) Ooh, this looks nice. - Eyeball pizza. - I mean, this looks really. - It's shaped like an eye. - [Rhett] I'm gonna go right through. - I'm a little bit afraid of the yolk, but I'm gonna get, I'm gonna get some of the white stuff. Very cheesy. - Oh man, that's good. - Sauceless pizza situation. Now I've had this before. - Let me get it on here. - I think when we were hanging out with Gorgon, he was so hospitable. He was always bringing in food whenever we would go over there. And I think he brought this over one time, like a Middle Eastern pizza situation. So I have to go for Saudi Arabia. - [Rhett] There we go. (dart hits) - [Link] Not bad. - Hey, and you know what Link, you actually got pretty close to the correct answer, which is Georgia. - You think it's Georgia? Why you think it's Georgia? - 'Cause this is, I've had this at an Armenian restaurant. You're just, you're in the right region of the world, you're just not as specific as you needed to be. A lot of Armenian cuisine is influenced by Russian cuisine, and Georgia, you know, used to be a part of the U.S.S.R. Now, first of all, you're crowding me a little bit here. Are you trying to? - I've moved back. (chair scrapes) - Yeah I mean, I, you know, I just, you know, now that you've become Mr. Accurate, and you're really close to the correct answer. I mean, I don't know, - I like it when you call me Mr. Accurate. - I don't know if I can get closer to the correct answer than you already are. (dart hits) - I can't (laughs). - Huh. - [Stevie] Okay, you just ate Khachapuri a cheese-filled leavened bread topped with a soft boiled egg and butter. This delectable treasure has its own national day of celebration and has been inscribed on the list of intangible cultural heritage for Georgia. - [Rhett] Hey, I just can't throw today. - Is Armenian history, I guess. - All right, four for link, 11 for Rhett. - Oh man. (bell chimes) (upbeat music) (paper rustles) - Hey, want to remind you, go over and check out the Mythical Kitchen channel. You can learn how to cook food good. That's the name of a series. You can learn how to smash together snacks that seem like polar opposites, and even how to make a meal for $2.75. Lots of great work happening over there with the team. So be sure to check them out. Mythical Kitchen, its own channel on YouTube. - It's own channel. - [Josh] Thanks guys. - You're welcome, Josh. Good work over there. - There's a whole layer of just straight ice in this. - Okay, so there's this, - Good lord, what is happening? - I'm gonna taste the little pieces. - [Rhett] I'm trying to get, there's beans in there! There's beans. - That's a nice ice cream and then this, some sort of custard. - [Rhett] That's like a flan, I would call that. - [Link] And then the, yes, the beans. - Flan, huh? Hmm, okay. - [Link] This could be Philippines. - [Rhett] Now look, I do want to point out-- - Maybe, oh gosh, what's your voice doing? You have a bubble in your-- (Rhett clears throat) - Yeah, I had an ice cream bubble. - [Link] Beans in your throat? - I want to point something out to you, - Could be Mongolia - as you think about your reasoning here. And the last time we played this game, we got down to a round that had corn in it, and you said, - Okay. - "I've been to Thailand, and I definitely did not see any corn." - No, no, no. (Rhett laughs) I've been there. (group laughs) I didn't see this. - Oh man, you had the (indistinct) and everything. - There was no corn there when I went. - Now some mythical beasts brought it to our attention that as a matter of fact, - I saw it, I saw it the morning I woke up and that episode came out. - You posted like one picture from your Thailand vacation. And it was you with corn. (group laughs) I mean like, what are the chances that you actually had corn, and you made a memory on the internet. And this is a man who never posts on Instagram. - Well, if you knew what was in my coconut, then you'd understand why I don't remember. I don't know. (group laughs) I'm going squarely for the Philippines. (dart hits) Oh, a little north of the Philippines. - I'm gonna point out a couple of things. I see something - This is good. - that looks and tastes like flan. And then I see beans, including black beans, but the purple ice cream in particular, which I think is a taro ice cream, right? I think it's gotta be Philippines. I think you're right. You're got to move your chair, man. I got me, - I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you. - I can't. Yeah, but look, here look. If I get as close as you are when you throw, it's like this. - Oh okay. (chairs shuffle) (group laughs) I mean, of course you can hit it. Oh, good gracious. This is, I feel like I'm almost touching the board. - Well, I'm not, - Of course you hit, of course you hit Brunei. - I'm not quite that good. - Of course you hit Brunei. - Fine, if you're gonna take my seat, I'm gonna take your camera. - Okay, yeah, get a shot of this. Man, obviously, - Oh gosh. - I feel like I might be too close. - Oh wow. - I feel like intimidated by how close I am to it. (dart hits) (Rhett laughs) Oh gosh, too close man. - [Link] What we got? - [Stevie] This beautiful dessert is called Halo-halo, which translates to mix-mix. It's made of crushed ice, evaporated or condensed milk, and various ingredients, including but not limited to sweetened beans, coconut strips, cubed yams, fruit, flan, and obey ice cream. Since world war II, Halo-halo has become steeped in the history of and (indistinct), oh my goodness, - Yeah. - [Stevie] ubiquitousness (laughs) in the Philippines. (group claps) - Yeah, I have not, I'm not giving up my lead. - You aren't man. This is tough, because I've been right about every single guess, and I've still fallen behind in every single round. - I've been more right. - All right, Link, you had six, Rhett, 11. I've got 11 every time. (bell chimes) - [Chase] 12 of the first time. - Well. (upbeat music) (paper rustles) This is a smorgasbord. - Gracious, a jubilant dish of all types of meats. There's a, - We got some cabbage. - [Link] there's some potato. There's like a, that's like a foot. - That black sausage is actually not bad. - I'm still going first here? - Yeah, god. You're-- - I was a little afraid of that black sausage. Was that like blood sausage? - I think it was, but it tasted good. You might be on track. First of all, you are on track to have the lowest ever score in this game. - I mean, there's so much meat on this plate. The cabbage leads me up to Portugal. - [Rhett] Portugal. (dart hits) - Oh, flew away from me. - [Rhett] It's funny how that has become a bad throw for you. - All right, I've moved all the way back, I'm not gonna impede your approach. - I'm actually kind of disappointed, because I was really hoping you weren't gonna say Portugal, because I think it's Portugal. This is the thing that's really sending me in a certain direction. This is, as a man who makes his own Paella (laughs), - Oh. - I know that this is Spanish chorizo. - [Link] Oh, I didn't even eat that. - Which is, as you can see, he's right there next to Portugal. - [Link] See I don't know if I can get closer than you to Portugal. Ah. Oh, nice. (dart hits) - [Rhett] A little bit closer. - [Stevie] Okay, this hodgepodge of foods, including things like beans, potatoes, carrots, chicken, pork ribs, and pork ears, and sausage turnips - Oh. - and more is called Cozido a Portuguesa. This comforting winter meal is believed to have originated as a simple farmer's dish, which soon became a restaurant staple and a part of the national cuisine in Portual. - Yeah. - We were right! Look, and that is a pork ear my friends. - It's actually, we've never been four for four in guesses in the first four rounds. That's never happened at all. - Link, you had nine, Rhett six. - Okay, I made (bell chimes) a little ground up. - Not enough though. (upbeat music) (paper rustles) - Okay, this is a big crab. - Oh, that's a huge crab. - That was just sort of hiding. - That's a crab leg, here we got another crab leg. And what kind of sauce is this on the crab leg? - [Rhett] It's a chili sauce. - Sweet. See if I can, see if I can get a piece of this out here. - [Rhett] Got a little bit on me here. - Oh yeah, crack it open, crack it open. Oh gosh. See, this is a disadvantage. - Well, you got to deal with it. - This is not designated anywhere on the map. It's basically a free for all. And we're totally on our own. I do have an advantage dart, but I have to go first. I mean, obviously this is a coastal cuisine, but this chili sauce, it's not spicy. It's like a marinara. I mean, when I think about Italy, I don't think about crabs. - (laughs) Well, it depends on what you do in Italy. - All right, I'm not gonna use this dart. I've got my special dart here, and no, (bells chime) I'm not gonna give Rhett any mercy, because I hardly ever win this thing. And this thing's really fun to use. And I'm also going for the lowest score I think in the history of this game. - The second lowest score in the history of that game is me in second place, more than doubling your score. That's how good this is today. - I got my squishy ball. - Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is not a rub. This is a poke your answer. - I'm gonna poke, yeah. - Yeah. - Guys, I don't want to have a guess. I don't, I know it's not Italy, but it is right in the middle of the map. So I'm actually going to, I don't know where to go. All right. I'm going for the middle of the, I'm going for Italy. - [Rhett] Okay, He stuck it. (group laughs) Okay Link, - It is greasy. - gotta be honest with you. - Do you want to hold that? - Sure. - I think that's a very questionable guess. (group laughs) - What's your guess, I mean? - I mean, I think this is clearly an Asian dish. My guess is Malaysia, okay? I'm gonna say that this is the official dish of Malaysia. Sadly, I don't know exactly which one of those countries in that area of the world is Malaysia, but I believe that it is somewhere on that peninsula above Brunei, and that's where I'm going to aim. (dart hits) Oh gosh, what is wrong with me today? - You let go early, - Can I get another one? - and you've given me a, no, no. - I just lost it. - [Stevie] It all comes down to this. - You lost it, because I did pretty good today. - You did great. - [Stevie] This sweet and savory dish simply called chili crab made from stir fried mud crabs - Oh. - [Stevie] tossed in a tomato and chili based sauce, - Tomato, see? - [Stevie] chili crab has been proudly promoted by one particular country's tourism board as one of their national dishes. And that country is, - Italy? - Singapore. - Singapore. So you were in the right ballpark. - And if I had a hit where I was aiming. - You got spooked with your throw. - I can't throw man. - Alright, Rhett, you had 18, Link, 29. - 58 to 48. (bell chimes) I eeked it out. - How do you feel? - I would just like to thank everyone watching from this cam, from this cam, from every single cam, you know what, I gave my heart and soul to this thing. And I know that you're zooming past me. I watched the last episode where we did this, and - [Rhett] Okay, listen, lift your shirt. - [Link] this is my moment. - [Rhett] There we go. Huh? What? - I did it. - Congratulations Link. That was pretty amazing. - Thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is? - Hi, my name is Ingrid. (wind blows) - And my name is Selene. - And this volcano, just 15 minutes from our house, erupted at the beginning of this crazy year, and now it's time, - To spin the wheel of Mythicality. - the wheel of Mythicality. - It looks like they made it out okay though. - Philippines, awesome. - Click the top link (upbeat music) to see if we are going to completely fail at world geography in Good Mythical More. (wheel spins) - And to find out whether Mythicality's gonna land. - [Stevie] Ketchup (upbeat music) is a smoothie. - Yes, I put ice in my cereal. So what? - [Stevie] That makes no sense. - Hot dog is a sandwich. - A hot dog is a sandwich. - [Man] What? (both laughs)
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,990,386
Rating: 4.9493742 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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