Will It French Toast? Taste Test

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They also had Soylent in one meal replacement episode where they compared meal replacements. It did pretty well, but wasn’t the best.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MrWinks 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Today we ask the age old question. - Will it French toast? - Let's talk about that. (funky music) Good Mythical Morning! - Now there are a lot of French things in this world. We've got french fries, French Montana. What's your favorite French thing? - The kisses, man. - Oh! - There's an honesty to it. (crew laughs) - Well, there's a wetness to it. - Just think about it, it's hard to fake a French kiss. You know. - I've done it. - And she knew that you weren't being honest, because there's an honesty to it. - Well, okay, that's your perspective. I'm a breakfast boy, that's what I am, so my favorite French thing is French toast and today-- - But what's your favorite French thing? - French toast! I'm a breakfast boy, thanks for asking! - You're a breakfast boy? - And today we're gonna find out just how far we can stretch the limits of that magical brunch classic, because it's time for, - [Both] Will it French Toast? - Now as a kid, I loved French toast until I understood that it was bread, sopped in eggs. I didn't like eggs, so then I stopped liking French toast, but I got over that before you could make fun of me on the internet. - Oh, we can still make fun of you. - I love French toast now. - Okay, you know what, we are very excited because Mythical Chef Josh is back! - He's back! - Welcome back, Josh. - He's pushing the limits of French toast. - Okay, everything that we're going to be eating, of course, has been French toasted in some way. What does that actually mean? What makes this all French toast? - [Josh] So for us, French toast is simply bread that has been dunked in a custard of egg and dairy and then griddled. So all of these contain bread, egg and dairy custard, and they've been cooked on the griddle, but then there's a few tips and tricks along the way. - I'll bet there are. - Okay, and for this first one we wanted to kick things off with one of our favorite juicy snacks. - [Both] Gushers! - We're calling this one, gush me like one of your French toasts. (Rhett laughs) - [Rhett] We find ourselves incorporating Gushers into-- - Look at this. What did you do, Josh? - [Rhett] Things. - [Link] Sweet smelling stuff. - [Josh] So we created a custard with melted green Gushers, griddled the bread in that, then on top we have the red Gusher syrup, a blue Gusher compound butter, and then inside we have some simple melted orange Gushers. So the bread should gush with Gushers. - [Rhett] That's butter, that blue stuff? - [Josh] Correct. - [Link] If you look at it gushing from the middle there-- - A little sweet. - I'm just gonna bite right in the middle of the gush. - That's really good. I mean, it's super sweet, I'd be afraid of what would happen if I finished the whole thing. - [Link] Bread infused Gushers, that's a good idea. - Bread inside of Gushers? - Bread infused. Yeah, I said it backwards. - Hold on, hey Gushers, we got a new idea for you, bread flavor! - Put bread in there. - Y'all seen the new bread Gushers? They don't gush. - Hey, you know what I meant, man. - They just bread. - You know what I meant. What did I mean? - You meant bread infused with Gushers. All I know is, that's what this is, and it's very good, this is a simple one. Gushers will it French toast? - [Both] Yes. - Not a lot of live sports happening right now, but it is technically baseball season. And one of the best parts of baseball season is the hot dogs. - Yeah! - So we're like, can you French toastify a Ball Park Frank? Say hello to French toast, get your French toast here. - [Rhett] Josh, this looks like just three whole hot dogs-- - [Josh] Correct, yes. - And then what did you do to them? - [Josh] Well, we wanted to keep this one pretty simple. Thought about deconstructing it, then we ended up reconstructing it, so these are simply whole French toasted hot dogs with a ketchup and mustard compound butter and then a relish and onion syrup. - Now would you be offended as the chef-- - There's the hot dog, I found it. - If I just picked it up and ate it with my hands? - [Josh] No, that is actually how the chef intends you eat it. - I wanna get a center piece here. Belated dink it and sink it. - Too late. You know what, I've never thought about this, but you basically have dipped a hot dog when no one thought you could dip your dog. Why haven't people been dipping their wieners in things for years? - Well, he dipped the bun. Why haven't you been dipping your buns in things? - I have been, personally. - Bun dipping. - Every time I get a chance, I dip my buns in something. - You dip your buns-- - Especially a little bit hotter water then-- No, I'm just saying just a little hot water, little hot puddle. - [Link] Little seltzer bath? - Yeah. - This is quite a combination. I mean, it's a hot dog-- - Hot dog. (laughs) - And French toast, I mean, it really just comes together. It's kind of obvious. - Yeah, I mean-- - Could never have seen this anywhere? Especially at a ball park? - How'd you get it so green? - I'm appalled! - How'd you get it so green? - [Josh] We just found the greenish relish that we could. - Okay, all right, I have no issues with that. - This is good. Ball Park hot dogs, will they French toast? - [Both] Yes! - Hey, heads up, if you want our Mythical Society quarterly collectible, this vinyl of "I'm on Vacation" with a remix and brand new song today, the day that we're releasing this video is the last day you can join as an annual or third degree quarterly member of the Mythical Society to get that, so go over there at mythicalcociety.com today if you want that. - Today! - It's a collectible. - Okay, I kind of have a little bit of an interesting relationship with Chipotle because I'll go through a stage where I love it and then I feel like I love it too much too often and then I've gotta back off on it a little bit, you know? But I've never had my burrito French toasted. Introducing chorizo no we didn't, oh yes, we did, we made Chipotle French toast. - [Link] We didn't make it, but we gonna eat it! - [Rhett] Oh, I'll take credit for it. - [Link] Josh, what'd you do, man? - [Josh] So I took an entire Chipotle burrito bowl that's white rice, black beans, chicken, corn salsa, and then blended that into the custard, soaked the bread in that, crusted it in some toasted burrito bowl excrement, I guess is the word. - Yeah, excrement, that's a great term. - Yeah, I've seen that on their menu. - [Josh] It's a food term. I've seen it after the menu. And then you added syrup, Rhett, with some hot sauce in it. - Yes, I did, I remember that. Now, this is beautiful, it smells good, I'm anticipating eating it, but I don't like to have my Chipotle without guacamole, so do you have guacamole available? - [Josh] I do, but it's a $1.95 extra each. - Okay, yeah, we know it's extra. I don't know why you always gotta say-- - [Josh] I bought this out of my own pocket, so. - Why is it $1.95 extra? - Here you go. - Why do I just happen to have two dollars in my right pocket? - Me too. - [Josh] I don't have change. - Yeah, keep the 10 cents. - I hardly ever carry cash. - Okay, so there we go. Best guacamole on the market right there. Where's the chicken in this? Is it ground up? - [Josh] So there's some whole chicken chunks that have been toasted on top, so if you really root through it like a pig, you can find the chicken. - It's got that Chipotle scent. - Oh man, look at the way the cheese has settled. - Dink it and-- - Oh gosh! - Drop it. - Right into my crotch. I'm still gonna eat it. - What's that-- You got the spicy salsa. - [Josh] Yeah. - Dang, son. - It's like, everything that you get at Chipotle with like the added sponge in the middle, you know what I'm saying? - I know. - The sponginess. And sponginess-- - I'm trying to figure out if I like that sponginess. - Well, sponginess is not expected in Mexican cuisine. Is this one of those cases in which two things that you love come together and make something that you don't? Is that what you're about to say? 'Cause I still really like it. - It's not that I don't love the taste, it really is the consistency. It's just strange, fluffy, breadiness that doesn't work. I mean, you're used to that thin tortilla holding it together. - I'm trying to make eye contact with Josh at this point. - Yeah, it's just not working. I mean, I can tell there's a lot of hard work that went into it. - Now of course, when the chef comes out and says, how is everything, I'll be like great! - Oh, I love it! It's so inventive! - It's really, really good! - I've never had anything like it and the taste is good. - Right, but then when I go on Yelp later, I'll be like, don't get the Chipotle French toast. - [Both] Chipotle, will it French toast? No. (buzzer buzzes) - Okay, for the uninitiated, Soylent is a vitamin and mineral filled soy-based nutrition drink that was created in Silicon Valley and some people thought it would replace food as we know it. But it turns out those people didn't get their calculations on their micro-dosing correct. - Oh! - We have turned Soylent into French toast. - Josh, it kind of looks like I handed French toast to a baby that wasn't old enough to eat it yet. And they, then vomited whatever they'd eaten in the previous meal onto it. - [Link] Is it bananas? - [Rhett] Not that it doesn't look appetizing. - [Josh] No, so I took bread and I soaked it in a custard made of Soylent and eggs, then I griddled that, it's topped with a simple reduction of Soylent to about five times concentration. - Oh wow, yeah. - [Josh] There's like a week's worth of Soylent in that whole thing. And then topped it with dehydrated and crumbled Soylent bars and a little bit of Soylent compound butter made of fresh, powdered Soylent. - Fresh, powdered Soylent. - I love the idea of Soylent. - Dink. - Sink. - Whoa! - You know, I don't mind a little powder. - You like it? (laughter) - [Link] I like it, yeah. So every bite of this replaces an entire meal. - [Josh] Essentially, yes. - With the concentration that you've dished out here. - It seems like it would replace more than a meal. - [Link] It's meals replacement French toast. - [Rhett] Yeah, I feel a little heavy just after two bites. - You're right about that. But it has a traditional French toast experience. - I don't know, man. I don't have anything to compare it to. I mean, I have French toast to compare it to, but I haven't had Soylent. I probably did on this show, at some point, but you know how we block everything out. - I'm not saying I love it, I'm just saying I like it, I don't hate it. - You like it more than just Soylent? If I just had a bottle of Soylent? - Yeah, and I like it a little bit better than French toast. (Rhett laughs) - Okay, you've lost all credibility now. - Yeah. - You can't like it more than regular French toast. - That's a familiar feeling, the point where I lost credibility. - But I will say, is it better than it would be if it weren't French toast? That's what we should start calling these episodes. - [Both] Is it better than it would be if it weren't - the thing? - French toast? Otherwise known as, Soylent, will it French toast? - [Both] Yes. - You know they say, give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day, but a give a man French toast made out of fish bait and maybe he will finally leave you alone. Introducing, gone toastin'. - [Link] Is that what we did? Gone French toastin'. - Gone toastin'. I mean, I can smell what you've done. Could you explain what you've done? - So you see the fish there, you see the fish head here, the fish eyeball there. - [Rhett] There's just a lure with hooks intact. - [Josh] Accidents happen in the kitchen sometimes, I'm not gonna take responsibility for it. - There's another one. - [Josh] It could've been anyone. - There's little fish heads all around it. - [Josh] Lift up the fish head. - Lift up the fish head? - [Josh] Yeah, yeah. - What kind of fish is that? - [Josh] That's just a salmon. - [Rhett] Oh gosh, Josh. - [Link] What is that? - [Josh] So what we have mealworms, crickets, and grasshoppers. Then there's a whole salmon head, we did a nice cricket compound butter, and it's in a Mike Tyson face tattoo shape over the fish. - Link's having trouble. - [Josh] Then we soaked the bread in actual fish gut custard that we blended up, and griddled it off, and now it's there. - Now it's here. - [Rhett] What is this butter on the fish's face? - [Josh] Oh, that's the cricket compound butter. The cricket exoskeletons give it that nice, crunchy texture. - Okay, so I'm just gonna get a little corner of it here. I'm gonna put a cricket, or grub, or whatever that is on it. - I'm starting with the salmon. - [Rhett] And then I'm grabbing some of the fish, here. - My eyes are watering. My eyes are watering, sir. Can someone dab my eye holes? What's in the butter, 'cause I know I want some of that. - Crickets. - Oh, just crickets. Unsalted butter. - I got more of neck meat than the face meat. - I went for the neck meat too. (Link groans) - Are your eyes watering, sir? Dink it. - No. - What are you looking at? - I'm looking at your eyes, and they're not watering. - They were. - Oh. - I wanna make sure there's not a hook. Oh gosh, it fell. - The butter is not bad, it's the first thing I tasted. - Oh, it's crunchy. (Link laughs) (crew laughs) It's just fish on bread. It's just fish on bread. - Fish bread. It's just fish bread. - With some insects. - Boy, it's not nearly as bad as I thought it was gonna be. - Yeah, the butter helps a lot. It's very buttery. (Link groans) - Here, just take a bite out of that. - You eat that whole fish head. - What kind of fish head is this? - [Josh] Small. (crew laughs) - He's watching you to make sure that you do it. - [Josh] I think it's actually a yellow croaker. - Okay, I ate it, so that I can access it. - The butter is some of the best butter I've had. That's good butter. - And the fish, there was a crunchiness to the skin on that and I mean, salmon is a legit breakfast situation. - It's a breakfast fish, I've always said that. - And as we've said many times of this show, protein from insects is gonna be the future. - It is the future. And there was a crunch. - [Link] That was good. The crunch was actually nice. - The only thing that I dislike about it is the hooks. - Looking at the head. - Is the hooks. - Looking at the head. - But there's a richness to it. I mean, really like a concentrated fishness to it, that I didn't think I was gonna like, but I actually am really connecting with. It's weird. - So will it be more palatable than just eating fish bait? - Well, hell yeah. - Again, that's what you're trying to answer here. You're trying to get a yes out of me, which is crazy, but could be fun. Fish bait, - [Both] Will it French toast? Yes! - [Rhett] Yes, it did! - Kind of, but not really, but it was fun to say it did. - No, it did, I wish you could taste it. Don't smell it, just taste it. - Here, you can have the rest. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - My name's Chloe and I'm Neolithic Temples in Malta, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - History. - That sounds cool. - I love history. - I love malt. - Click the top link to watch us guess which French thing is actually French in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] Join the Mythical Society Third Degree Quarterly or Annual Plan at mythicalsociety.com to get the "Rhett & Link On Vacation" vinyl release.
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Views: 2,369,074
Rating: 4.9494743 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test
Id: jSHk3AmqYpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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