Fancy Junk Food Taste Test

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Rhett really wants us to know that he cooks paella

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/Robot_tangerine 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

I like the concept of this video but didn't really like the execution.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Emily_HD 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Once Rhett laughed at the clip of his own joke, the rest of the episode was great. I agree that the concept was great but the execution was a bit off.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

The More for today was also really fun. Felt really laid back, and like you were listening in on the group at a hang out session. This was also the first (or possibly second?) Society More that I enjoyed the concept of. The only other one I remember enjoying, and I'm not sure it was a SMORE, was the one where they switched seats with the crew. Todays concept could have gotten eye rollingly annoying like the bell one they did a couple of months back. However, I think that having Josh and Stevie talk in between really broke up what would have been a monotonous idea. Plus, the pause on Link about to sneeze was hilarious and really made me want to see if he could hold it in lol.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/wacky_wombat61 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Shout out to Link for that Uncle Iroh shirt. I see you.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheresOnlyChaos 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Today, we tried gourmet food made for the average Joe. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat electronic music) Good Mythical Morning. - In life, you got your highfalutin foods, like lobster tails and beef bourguignon, and then you got your lowfalutin foods, like buffalo wings and pizza rolls. But whether your taste buds are fancy dancy or more like mine, good food is good food. So what if you could take those highfalutin, fancy ingredients and lowfalutify them? What I'm saying is make them for the every man or every woman or every person. - That's what we're gonna do today. We're gonna try and expand not only our pallets, but hopefully also yours, and see if we can get all the average Joe eaters out there in the world to enjoy some expensive top shelf ingredients by making our favorite junk foods really fancy. It's time for Top Shelf Snacks Part Two. - All right, we got our average Joe, well, our average Rhett and our average Link hats on, and we've got our Harnett County pallets ready. - Yeah. - And we picked out some of our favorite average Rhett and Link junk food from the grocery store. And now we've asked the mythical kitchenaires to create top shelf versions of those foods by incorporating very expensive ingredients. - Yes, so we're gonna try each dish side by side with the real thing to see if the average Joe would prefer this new bougie version better, or if nothing beats that OG junk. And at the end of each round, we're gonna decide whether this fancier food is good for the average Joe or big old average nope. - Bring it on. (pleasant jazz music) - Okay, so what if Uncrustables decided to fancy up their little circular treats and make a caviar Uncrustable with champagne jelly? I've got the real thing over here, the actual Uncrustable. Link's got the new fancy version on his side. - Now a box of 10 peanut butter and grape jelly Uncrustables costs eight bucks at Ralph's. So Josh, how much would the equivalent of these fancy schmancy Uncrustables over here cost? - [Josh] Only $120.55. - Oh! - When you taste it, you're gonna realize how much of a bargain that is. - Okay, all right. Well, let's taste the real thing again. - Oh, man. I just made a bell sound with my- - Dinner time! Come and get it! (plate dinging) - Come and get it! Mmm. - That's good. You can't go wrong with that. - You could go wrong if there was some crust on it. Be like, "What the heck?" Should I be scared? - [Josh] No. Okay, so you have historically not like caviar in the past, but we got the really good stuff. This is Kaluga caviar. This is real sturgeon. The champagne jam should really, really set it off. - Real sturgeon? - [Josh] Real sturgeon, not the fake stuff. - You ever seen how biggest sturgeon is? - [Josh] They're big. And when you squeeze them, little eggies come out. - What does little black eggs have to do with peanut butter? - Nothing, it's fancy, man. - [Josh] Exactly. - Get a good enough bite to make something happen. - I shouldn't have looked first, but I did. The jelly is sweet. I'm not tasting any ocean yet. - You will. Keep chewing. - Ugh, there it is! - It actually balances pretty nicely though. (Link gags) - [Josh] Link loves it. That's fun. - Right on cue. It actually balances pretty nicely as I vomit on my plate. Well, he actually didn't though. He kept it down. - I ated it. I hated it. - I can appreciate that. - [Link] Oh, look at the blackness of those eggs. But this is like... The real thing is just a match made in heaven, man. - I wanna be able to give the fancy schmancy thing to somebody and not even tell them what it is. And then they're like, "Whoa, this is different. I think I'm interested to know the details," kind of a thing. This is not gonna do that. Maybe my standard's too high, but I gotta forget about it. - Yeah, I'm on the same page here. Caviar Uncrustables. - [Both] Big old average no. (pleasant jazz music) - You're familiar with Cheez-It Duos. What are these? These are Parmesan and- - [Rhett] And cheddar. - [Link] And cheddar going together. - Two different cheeses together. - But what if we took Cheez-It Duos and decided to take their cheese game to society's upper crust with truffle burrata Cheez-Its combined with... I'm gonna butcher this. Ca-chee-oh-ca-va-lo-po-do-lee-ko. - [Josh] Caciocavallo Podolico. - That. (Link babbles) - Yeah. - Bravo. (Link babbles) Si. - Now, first of all, I didn't really know about Duos. (Link babbles) Cheez-It Duos. - [Josh] Prego. - But it's just two different things put together. First of all, I gotta get past this for a second. Like the average Joe- - That's good. - The average Jo might be like, "Hold up. There's two?" - And it's a pairing? - And you mix 'em? Cheddar and Parmesan? - Parmesan? - I don't know about that Parm. That's where we might be at. But now we've gone to Pinocchio. It was Pinocchio. - Which one is this? - [Josh] That looks like the lighter one. So that's the truffle burrata. - This is the truffle burrata. And then this darker one is the (Link babbles) - [Josh] Yeah, you nailed it, really. - Oh, man. First of all, I really liked your Cheez-It consistency. - [Link] Mmm hmm. - It's like a cheese straw. - Flaky Cheesy. Mmm. Mmm! - Mmm. I can get in on this. Oh, yeah. - All right, so you could get the normal Duos for $3 at Target. What's a box of this going to run us? - [Josh] So this costs $40.83. - But that's not really what's in play here. We're not saying, "I wanna get the average Joe to pay for this." We're saying, "Would the average Joe eat this if you served it to them?" - And I think- - And I think, heck, yes. - Yeah. Be like, well cheese is cheese is cheese, man. - Man, any cheese is good cheese. Truffle burrata and Pinocchio Cheez-Its. - [Both] Good for the average Joe. (pleasant jazz music) - Mythical chef Josh doesn't just stand over there and talk to us, right? You also have a whole other channel. - [Josh] Yeah, I talk to other people sometimes too. - Yeah, and directly to you. It's the Mythical Kitchen channel. We want you to check it out. Him and Nicole, they'll cut up, have a good old time. Throw Trevor in the mix, Little V will get in there too. It's just so much fun. They got a podcast, Hot Dog is a Sandwich. - Whoa, makes me excited. - It's great. You need to check 'em out. - Check 'em out. - Check it out. - All right. Now, what if Chef Boyardee decided to swap out their yummy classic beef paste for duck liver pate? (Rhett chuckling) Yeah. - You don't like liver, but when you pate it, are you okay with it? - Yes, I have enjoyed a pate. Not every pate. Some pates that tastes really liver-y, but I've had a really good pate before. So I'm not gonna immediately just rule this one out. You can get this Chef Boyardee for 87 cents at Walmart, y'all. 87 cents. Josh, how much would this cost at Walmart? - [Josh] A paltry 39.98 before tax at the Walmart. - Okay. - And that's the goal? The goal is to get us to a point where we wanna pay too much money for stuff. - Now I'm getting one. I'm trying to give this a chance, so I'm getting one that doesn't have the pate all over the outside. - [Josh] So the outside is actually a duck breast sort of Ragu that's been cooked down to Chianti as well. And inside- - So that's meat. - [Josh] That's not just pate, but it's also a Riet. - [Rhett] I need that. - That's meat. - Don't focus on the liver. Focus on the fancy. - Okay, here we go. - Focus on the fancy. - I'm going full thing. - [Josh] Focus. (Link babbles) - Okay. Hey, man, that's not bad. - The meat's not bad. I'm gripping this fork so tight, I could bend it. - It begins to taste like liver, but never fully becomes what I associate with a liver taste. - Ooh, look at what you've done to the ravioli. What is it? It's so different Again, it's like you don't wanna tell them. You just, "Aw, just eat it." - You screwed up the ravioli. That's what they'd say if you didn't tell them that you were trying something 'cause that doesn't look like anything you can get out of a can at Walmart. This on the other hand, definitely does. That may be a bridge too far. You're having a really tough time with it. I feel like- - I ated it. - I feel like- - I didn't hate it as much as the other thing though, the black eggs. - If you like pate, you will love this though. - It's not bad. It isn't bad. And I would say it doesn't taste a liver-y. - Well, let me just say- - It has a little bit of- - I would say just the name of clarifying what fancy is, eating liver straight up in the south is actually not a fancy thing. - Okay. - People go and get the chicken livers that I typically use for like catfish bait. - That's true. - And they fry them up with onions, and that's a super southern thing. So I think that this could actually work. - There's not a nasty aftertaste. There's no liver-ness. And I think you do have that access point. You already like liver. - Yeah. - More than me. - So you know what we're saying? Liver pate Chef Boyardee. - [Both] Good for the average Joe. (pleasant jazz music) And finally, what if Klondike's Choco Taco... You're already eating it. - Yeah. - One of our favorite freezer aisle desserts decided to go all in with the uber expensive spice, saffron, which we have over here. What will happen? Will it win over the average Joe Rhett and Link? - [Rhett] Now we know he liked Choco Taco, but- - It's so good. - Last time we put some saffron in some Twinkies, we did not like that. It's not working for me because it tastes like a pool filter. - It tastes horrible. - And one time I got the pool filter... Well, one time I got something stuck in the pool filter and talk about a long weekend. (Rhett chuckles) That's funny. (Rhett and crew laugh) - Those guys are funny. - That guy's funny. Well, both of them. - Especially the one who didn't talk, but he was really funny. - The one on the left was real funny. - The one on the right who didn't talk, ooh, he was funny. - He got something stuck in a pool filter and had a long weekend. I get it. (Link chuckles) - I don't know what he's talking about. He's talking about putting his wee-hoo! - Yeah, long weekend long, get it? (both laugh) Long in more ways than one. - That's right. - You know what I'm saying? - That's right. - Yeah, I do know what you're saying. - Sometimes you have an accident and you're happy about it. - I know what you're saying. I know when you're talking, and I can understand it. - I ain't gonna complain about that, you know what I'm saying? - Me either, man. I'm not complaining either. - Okay, so a box of Choco Tacos cost $3.49 at Target. But with saffron how much would a four box cost? - [Josh] $80.12. - Gracious. - Yeah. - Now, let me say, before I eat this- - Don't knock it until you try it. (Link coughs) - I will say that after we had that saffron in the Twinkie, I made myself a paella and I put some saffron in it, but I did a very little bit, and I felt like I got it right 'cause it's so strong. And I actually began to like paella again. I mean, saffron. (crew laugh) - Are you gonna ruin it for us again here? How did you do... (Link coughs) Every time I try to talk! - You got a long weekend, man. - I got a long weekend. - You gotta work that out. (Link shouts) - [Josh] I remember when Rhett got the paella pan and he told me about it, and I was like, "He's never gonna make paellas." So I'm really glad you did make a paella. - Yeah, I did. - [Josh] That's exciting for me. Anyways, this is saffron waffle taco shell filled with saffron pistachio ice cream. It's been swirled with saffron caramel, and then we've topped it with saffron white chocolate and crushed pistachios. But I think saffron's really gonna work with the Choco Taco format better than the Twinkie. (Rhett sighs) - Is there lemon in there? - [Josh] No, there's not. That might just be the saffron interacting with the pasticcio. - It's got a very bright taste. - It's very light and airy. - It's vanilla, you say? I think it worked with the vanilla. - [Josh] What? - It's vanilla, you say. (Link laughs) You're like somebody, you're like when a kid in a movie sneaks into a fancy party. - And act like an adult. From one adult to another, it's vanilla. - It's two kids in a trench coat, and the one on top is like, "It's vanilla, you say." (Link laughs) - [Josh] There's also no vanilla in there, for the record. Just to be accurate. - Yeah, it's pistachio ice cream. - [Josh] I did not say. I did not say. - You didn't even say? - [Josh] I did not say, sir. - He didn't even say. - Fellow adult. - Don't make assumptions, man. Don't make any assumptions when you walk in to the adult party as a child. - Ooh, there's an actual pistachio in there. - I feel like it actually has a lemony taste to it. - Am I wrong in saying that there's something fishy about saffron? (crew laughs) - No. (Link laughs) - I'm not wrong? - You are wrong. - Oh. - Yeah. - I taste fish. (crew laughs) What? I meant to taste fish. - [Josh] I don't even know what to say. - Maybe you taste fish, probably on your fingers or something. (Link laughs) You've been in the bait store. (Josh laughs) - I've been stroking my fish before I came into work today (Link chuckles) I got a bucket out back full of fish. I go back there, I touch him, I stroke them, I tell him hello. (Link chuckles) Then I come to work and do my day job. - I know the feeling. - I don't know. It's just a little fishy to me. (crew laughs) but I kinda like it. I don't hate it. - [Rhett] I think it works. - I think this is a gateway drug to saffron. - Yeah, I think it works. So we're saying saffron Choco Tacos. - [Both] Good. For the average Joe. - Mmm hmm, uh huh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Look at that. We stroked a couple of fish, and we kinda like it. (both laugh) - Thanks for subscribing and clicking the bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Amanda. - I'm Emily. - I'm Alexis. - I'm Joey. - And we're cooking a Turkey in the trashcan in Floyd, Virginia. - [All] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Woo! (Rhett laughs) - Call us, Joey. - Joey. Joey is into it, man. That Turkey, I mean. Okay, click the top link to watch us discover which Wagyu beef jerky you should buy, and which one you should steer clear of in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Nicole] Ketchup is a smoothie. - [Josh] Yeah, I put ice in my cereal. So what? - [Nicole] That makes no sense. - [Josh] A hotdog is a sandwich. - [Nicole] A hotdog is a sandwich. (both laugh) - [Josh] What?
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,519,127
Rating: 4.9416213 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: 4IvLSjWDg9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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