WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME?! | Emily Is Away

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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to Emily is Away. And now this is another game that got away from me This is a free-to-play game available on Steam and it was suggested a long time ago *gasp* I just didn't have the chance to play it and it got forgotten I'm sorry, but I'm here playing it now. So my screen name is *Drawn out* Markiiimooooopeer... 69 *normal* Markimooper6, that's good enough Mark Bam! My buddy icon is... Is that Blink182? Hoo boy... Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter? Oooh, the ring, I like that one, okay. xjules, Bobby... ooh. Hi! Man, it's been so long since I used *laughs* A-america instant mess - A.I.M. Is that what it is even called, America Instant Messenger? *gasp* Howdy! That sounds like me! Howwd-ooh... That's not what I... *Making noises as he types* Emily! Howdy Oh that familiar sound *laughs* Oh geez, before everyone had text messaging. I like your new buddy icon, that movie is so scary! What's up? Uhhhh... *mumbles* the ceiling *to himself* Shut up. Talking to you, super important! What are you up to? Lol, well, no shit, I'm just listening to music. Uhhh... do you like coldplay? Ahhh... I'm not really a big fan of music in general... *Hesitantly* I know one album of theirs... so... *Sarcastically* Yeah, totally! Totally! Their last album was really good. *mumbling* I don't know which one that was... "Emily will remember that" Oh shit... It really was! I'm so glad you like them, they're my favorite. Their lyrics are in my info.. oh! Can I... Can I go to your info? We live in a beautiful world, yeah we do, yeah we do... ooh... I did not know that! Was that always there? Or was that just there now? Let's see... are you going to Travis's party tonight? Let's see... uhh... depends on if you're going. Yeah. Wait... Aww... what? No! I was- I- I could do the smiley face! I could do that! Lol, well I am, so you should go. Let's see... It's crazy that we're already having end of school parties. Wait, who was that? Jules? *Mumbling as he reads the profile* Brad Darko? The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.... man, why does everyone have musical lyrics? Is that what people add in their profiles back then? Not me... what do those numbers mean? Is this important? Lord... Lord minion 777... Wow! *laughs* Lord minion 777 is here! Huh... I like that! *laughs* Lord minion 777... right there. I can't wait for school to be over and start my life as a youtuber butting same here i'm so over this school year does he like you know brad from our math class he won't stop messaging me right now are Brad darko what he's saying that he wants to talk or something i'm not really paying attention oh man just one more month to graduation we're so old i'm so excited for college oh yes did you pick a school yet it's gonna be so rad man I mean lady yeah I didn't get accepted into my reach school so I'm just going good one of the others but that's ok anything's better than high school we're gonna go on engineering school I'm not sure what kind of engineering I want to do but I'm sure I'll figure it out that's pretty much a weird it story of my life you chose to attend an engineering school it's awesome you've always been super smart i'm sure you do really well that's so weird even though we're going to different schools do you promise you'll be there for me let's see oh absolutely nothing could ever keep me from talking to you you're my one you're one of my bedroll all Emily will remember that you want mine to you always will be mark oh wow it's getting late i hope Julie gets here soon so we can head to the party are you leaving soon ya soon as julie gets here then we're both headed to traps party if you're coming to you should probably leave soon we'll see you there definitely i'm so going to this red party chose to attend the party but it's so cool i'm going to go get ready there's so many choices oh that's cool see you soon see later later cash keep it nice and cash in this conversation later oh I got an achievement said 2002 oh oh cool Oh Hayley should pick of the matrix is it still is it too early for that I do like Nemo who I'm gonna go and the this is when the later matrix movies where I'm gonna go Nemo I'm full name him again oh Emily Emily hello I like your new icon finding nemo's the beast but hasn't shaken so k is shaking i guess i'm just doing some homework and listening to music to you know play video games I do all day every day 62 Coldplay huh snow patrol they just came out with a new album final straw have you heard of it have I it's where something about car chasing cars some something like that you always know the best music oh geez um let me just look up which one of these is actually a snow patrol song yeah that's one-run runs run yeah oh yeah I really like yeah nailed it nailed it No so I like an engineering school or and shit so boring i feel like i haven't learned anything so far you're too smart for your own good I'm struggling with some classes from there any plans tonight see Albert whoa God my friend Mike throw a match about body hell yeah hell yeah we're gonna have a man raging Jagger don't get too drunk no promises to drivers guess was this personal profile my heart is bursting is in your Perfect eyes as blue oceans . skies oh that's am release profile know depends on how crazy the party gets do you have plans tonight nope brad has band practice on just hanging out my room wine you are no Brad Brad he's my boyfriend you remember him from high school we've been dating for a couple months now oh good i'm happy for you yeah what yeah whatever other fried plenty of Brad's at this house party i'm going to i may go out with a few Brad's I'm happy for you how did you two get together anyway well remember that grad party we went to last year while I was away Brad send me a ton of messages about how he felt at first I thought it was really weird but after a while I realized it was kind of brave we started talking again over the summer and realize we're going to the same school once we got here which kinda hit it off what's he like is this the same Brad that was really creepy really smart and funny and he understands me I'm smart and funny and understanding sometimes you can be a jerk but when it's good it's really good as he ever mean to you getting into this is where he can get pretty nasty when we argue but that's it we're both very stubborn people so we go back and forth a lot like I said when things are good they're really good I don't want to be bold and claim that it's a bad relationship guess its normal man i feel like a young teenager because I have a funny feeling that in this circumstance the person that I'm enacting is kinda having a crush on little Everly over there so but saying you deserve better isn't exactly something nice to say when someone says it's good it's good i guess yeah I guess as normal as long as you're okay i am we just get loud when we argue is all this poor person o.o ah the good old teenage years i'm gonna be bold here I wouldn't treat you like that what y no con that's not what I said that's not what I would have said all right Emily will remember for that oh jeez oh jeez listen I think we're fine i don't want to talk about anymore you should you should break up with him oh jeez what a type but I meant to say what I come out a little better but I am happy I promise oh wow it's getting late you need to go to that party don't you I can stay no that's that's pitifully pathetic yeah she doesn't want to talk about anymore if there's were me i would i would go and leave it where it was nothing you can do about it you're in different schools i mean what could you do it in the term of this game and the person what he wants oh and what would I do what would I do well this is about me this is about what i would do and I'm I'd leave it where was I mean I'd leave it where what she's happy I should be happy for so I should go yeah I should go get around the Riverbend ok later later later Gator emily is a way oh is it away ok 2004 sophomore are we gonna go through the whole entirety of college Oh incredibles incredibles you do 20 it Emily up she's in a muse phase yo your what all what up what up what word not much as life I feel like we haven't talked in awhile it's good it's good yours plain lonely Lou that's fine got any plans this weekend we're buddy Wow go to Sochi car warehouse body with my friend Emma oh I didn't know about this we upgrade from out party to a kegger there weren't any Brad's at this party but loses a lot of Emma's that sounds like fun who's Emma a girl I like yeah i'm moving on to the girl that I have a thing for ya oh wow I don't think I've heard you talk about her before I bet this guy better not be making anymore how did you two meet mike tells Mike that at that partner hell yeah at some party I think I don't really remember there was so blasted drunk so what she like she's got she's she's kind she's just a sweetheart oh she's just a sweetheart while Mark sounds like things are going really well that's just so great you have any plans weekend well me and Brad was supposed to go see a show but that's not having oh we could have been to the same old knew if I said show but maybe i would have said i was still going with mi proof that probably would have been consistently I'm sorry I'm so sorry Emily I'm so sorry how are you okay it's just been really weird since me and him at the same group of friends or things are messy no I just feel really alone you know I'm here for you well you know i'm here for you I know and thank you for that I just feel really abandoned why did you break up you chose ask about the break-up oh I guess I guess we just kind of grew apart I feel like Brad changed a lot over the summer and things were just different when we got back home and now i'm starting to cry there's no point in telling anyone day hey don't cry hey that thing you're doing it's stupid and dumb and don't do that just just commiserate I guess I am he's lost you're amazing you're you're an amazing person also amazing same thing i guess thanks I'm sorry for just sit being such a mess I'll always be here for you it's okay i'm always be here for you nice to be able to talk about this I haven't really had the chance to vent yet I know you'd do the same for me i want to ask you something but i'm afraid you'll hate me after I promise me you won't hate me i could never hate you ever at travis's party senior year remember how we got bored and went for that walk who we stopped at that playground for a bit and we just laid there and looked at the Stars well why didn't you kiss me I didn't that wasn't a multiple choice option Emily if I had done that you better believe youre but i would have been kissing you not your but you uh oh who are screw things of the booty was grew up I don't know just means that i was obviously think about it but I was too coward i I didn't know you felt that way honestly and truly I didn't know you felt that way i don't know i don't know you didn't tell me I didn't tell you I've just always wondered how things would be if you did not good considering we're different schools I don't know it's kinda stupid I guess let's see you should have told me it true you should have told me what I mean it wouldn't matter because we're at different schools it would've been impossible to be together like in in that circle not impossible but I mean or for a start of a relationship new you know I mean I I honestly don't wish I had I would have kissed you but right what would I do if she was coming at me asking me why I didn't kiss her it's not a very nice thing to go like well you should've told me baby baby baby it would have been it probably better to say that like admit feelings now and then and I wish I'd kissed you i wish i had i wish i had i'll say it I'll say it out loud yeah I have an idea maybe I could come visit this weekend little I could really use some time away from the school how far away we always said we would visit each other what do you think as long as it's just as friends uh where's where's good old know there's Brad mistakes and regrets i walked as ab day three on the ball of art of broken dreams truck drummer wanted ok sure please please come visit please come visit i would love to see you considering i have no idea who the hell am IA is but we'll see where things go what about your plans with some Emma I can ditch her that sounds really mean i'll make up some excuse as lying I'll talk to her about it well I don't know if that's the right thing I don't know how you're gonna talk to her about it if you're like I don't know what you mean by when you say you'll talk to her about it you are you gonna go to em and be like hey I like this girl Emily and we can be a thing sorry that's what it was that's all it would take that's all it would take fernanda hope to begin don't I'm gonna trust you on this one I'm trusting you that that's what you mean when you say all talk to her about it i'm i'm assuming that that's the adult choice and it means what I think it means although i could see how it would go another way but I don't think making up an excuse for ditching her would be a good idea so I'm gonna love it I'll talk to her about it ok i just don't want to mess things up well good what do you want to do this weekend there's the buyers knowledge got some stuff around campus whatever around campus yeah deprecated sounds good to me should i bring my alcohol but yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah i did parted order ok i'm so excited to finally come visit oh shit i actually have to run i'll see you this weekend of course of course babe bid ye chapter 4 it's another full year later oh ok i did like v for vendetta a lot but there's a groom goofy goofy goofy hi everybody hey yo yo what all I know it's been a while since we last talked why is that the thing that that is death cab for cutie I don't want your help way down the bottom love is watching someone dies who's gonna watch you die woo said see that's ok I've just been going through a lot lately everything ok yeah everything is fine well that doesn't sound like everything's fine so listen I was hoping we could talk about things of course what's up would you choose not to talk with him I don't know what the choices are if you don't I just feel like things are weird between us have you felt that too i don't think so but then again I've been gone in hibernation for like a full year i don't think so i think it's because of last year things have been weird since i came to visit mark please be honest with me did you plan that we would hook up what how can I have a plan that what I did what do you plan you can what I thought it was possible that's judge to watch in retrospect it all just seems so planned out I mean we hung out with your friends around campus then we go back to your dorm to drink did you want to still get really drunk I just want it have you wanted to hook oh I don't know is getting his message messy territory I know me too i just i don't know did I do something wrong you chose ask about yourself oh that's not what I that's not what I thought that was Todd she's just a lot happened really quickly it just made me feel differently in a bad way no not bad just different i don't know will we ever breathe uh oh god no kind of questions are these two ask we still friends we still friends yeah at least I think so I'm sorry things are just really weird for me right now but thank you for talking to me about it we can talk anytime any old time exactly a year from now is good college is flying by that doesn't sound good at all so how's your friend Mike who's Mike we're excited Mike entrepreneur club the innovation center on all I want to hear is a message be my dream Oh he's not really my friend anymore yeah it sucks when people change would soon put me about your other friend Emma haven't seen her in a while after you know I it's better she just a friend or she's just a friend okay it's weird because I'm making up reality as we're going along so I don't think I can do this right now what do you mean talking right now it's just kind of hard I've got to go soon anyways we'll talk again later of course of course in another year one more year senior year of college partay oh boy all three hundred i wasn't a 300 stick yeah that's probably me Emily howdy howdy howdy howdy howdy how do you know hey hey shake group it's good how are you let me check your profile our doggie when you want something sensible my tongue is mrs. digging my grave walk from the start time for the last time two passages that things could be better it's okay sorry to hear that how have you been everything's been really good oh everything girly good what's new in your life not a lot really just finishing up College oh I don't know if you knew me and Brad got together even after that awful breakup well it was so awful because we cared for each other so much how's your friend am doing well well she started dating Mike so now I barely see here oh I I have other friends it's okay i have other friends 11 other friend while college is almost over anyway can you believe we're almost adults I can't judging by this conversation we've had over the few years nope it's definitely doesn't feel like it's been four years high school was soon do yeah it was I'd rather not think about the past though well okay I'm just tired of reliving memories so all set for graduation I think so i still have to order my gown and stuff what are you doing the summer just hang out here with Brad and try to find a job and we know we can't no don't talk about things no we shouldn't talk about things mm she doesn't want to talk about things let's talk about things nope nope back haha haha haha ok not really i just been working and I see you this summer is gonna be a cowardly up there we are you doing homework berber berber you have yourself stuff before you ever miss things our class oh boy oh the smallest of small times are good same old same old demons me if it is noted d is listening to old stuff will we ever be little pickle oh boy oh boy oh boy is this it for us or house how's the weather wow ok gotta go okay i think i'm going to go combined ok ok by who oh that's the end oh god oh damn it Barry shit oh boy that is that is who that is a thing that was cool that was really cool and interesting experience because my problem now what's the game but with the dialogue in there was that it didn't say what he meant if he'd have said when I told him to said actually you know I take that back i don't know if there's any way that you could have gone and made that work out okay I mean you probably could add a better outcome where you would have been better friends towards the end of that accept and not quite such dissonant partners or partners distant people you know it is very interesting because it was it was one of those things where the effort was made and it went well but all the options happened behind the scenes you know to say and those could have changed the outcome and yet yeah I wonder like maybe if I told her not to bring booze if things would've been okay or maybe if I did that it would have been a different way anyway so I don't really know but I could play through this again but I don't feel like playing through the entire game again for that so we shall see what happens when what happens i might look up to see if there are now you know I look it up now ok alright i looked it up I'm not sure how serious is but just from one I didn't want to spoil too much just in case there were but from what they were talking about people tried over and over and over again and they you know they they couldn't get any different anymore from what they did and I think that's exactly what i was talking about the situation that it is is kind of very difficult for people to experience I wonder if the developer this game experiences for themselves because really interesting that the way things play out things can happen but in the end the distance and you can't control what someone does on their own with the other people in their lives you know all that wrapping together makes a really interesting dynamic and the but the inevitability of it is really cool I don't know if there's no other endings but from what I saw it doesn't seem like they're very many other endings and it was kinda like perfect that emily is away is the name of the game and then at the end of it market mover six is away so either way that is great I'm sorry it took me so long to play this game but that was really cool so let me know what you thought down the comments below let me know if I've assumed anything wrong in the comments below as well and thank you again everybody for watching and as always I will see you in the next video
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,519,427
Rating: 4.9621968 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, emily is away, emily is away markiplier, emily is away all endings, emily is away ending, emily is away good ending, emily is away walkthrough, emily is away guide, game, gameplay, AIM, AoL, america online, instant messenger, messaging, texts, hook up, emily hook up, love, love simulation, simulator, simulation game, dating simulator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2016
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