Don't Chat With Strangers TRUE ENDING

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Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier, and welcome back to don't chat with strangers. Now you guys told me that there actually is an end to this game, and it's obscenely Complicated to actually get to so, I'm going to go into it and I'm going to say actually a few more times before I'm done With this But there's a certain number of steps that you need to take to be able to get to places you need to go. Now if that doesn't make sense. Well, it doesn't really make sense to me I'm pulling this from memory So I may not actually remember this, but I want to do a few more things before I actually go here. There's a few more deaths that I did not explore. I'm not 100% sure what? Snores snooze snubs. Oh what is that hey? Why is there a plunger going down from the ceiling that sounds that seems Like something I should be concerned about maybe. Mmmmm peculiar uh uh I Didn't order this I didn't want this this isn't mine. Can you send this back to where it came from oh? Yeah, oh No, I mean, I'm in bed Get up quick. We gotta do anything about that We're gonna do anything about that big old cross in the middle of are you gonna? Do anything about that? Hello welp? I'm dead anyway, so what does that matter? Oh? oh Double oh, I get double oh fun Fantastic time great good for me. So you say hi to Lucy here Whatever name is samesies. Oh no, I've already grouped it. I'm already goofed it. I think this is Gonna blow me up now Apparently not okay. We're still good whoa whoa? Whoa, what's your favorite color red the color of blood do? Domestic I Imagine hell is full red Probably why not okay? So after you get this you got to write down the phone number. I'm not prepared for this one So you needed to turn the radio on at the beginning and you needed to turn the light on as well The dis way so the black goopy thing from getting over there but every time you hear like a clatter or a booby dupe or a Gas leak over in the Yonder way you got to click on your door and then immediately back on your chair or else You're gonna take pills and goes we could die Why didn't do that? Why didn't do that? No? I didn't I didn't do that. I Didn't do that that that wasn't me when did that get done? I didn't do I didn't call the cross. I didn't call for a cross delivery. You sack of shit You piece of poop well? I'm gonna die now. This is great. I don't know why it isn't working Look well there. We go too late. I'm dead. I don't know why that happened. I didn't turn that upside wound did I wouldn't have I did nothing of the thought this number is 7 3 1 4 6 0 4 2 okay, so then you immediately go on the phone you're like cell 7 1 3 1 4 6 0 4 2 And then you listen very closely hear that That's a train train. So remember train ok chat. Oh, oh, well that ain't good. I'm gonna go do that real quick Ok and then go back to the chair ok got it got it got it Oh you have any hobbies playing video games my favorite hobby. I love that. That's great It's my favorite thing to do love Mech versus fruit The Great game then you got to play game of mech versus fruits and you got to get pretty far pretty difficult No, I've never beaten it before never ever ever can I watch you play anyway? Yeah? Ok I'll start up the game then And then I actually got to be good at this game got to be careful about this because I ain't gonna be I'm Gonna be thwarted Ok I think I just need to get two more levels and then I'm good Kill this boss wait. Oh, God that was close It's too close. Oh Those guys gonna woo those were guys were gonna mess up my day, okay? Okay II that was risky. I don't know why I bothered to do that. okay got that level oh Boy this looks bad Well wait, no nevermind. We got it want to hear me play. Yeah, and then you say yes to that And this is why you this is why you turned on the radio before because if you turned it on later? It would have blown up. Oh What no, oh come on? That's what I'm waiting for God damn, I okay. I'll be right back I didn't hear anything. Why didn't I hear oh shit well playing video games? What no that's so cheap!You spawned me right next to one! You're horrible, Oh, oh. [Pen in mouth words] excuse,too late what too late What kind of buggy ass piece of shit is this? let me read the guide make sure I'm not missing a step here because there's Bullshit ah that makes sense so as soon as I say yes to hearing her play I'm out makes sense the fuck I've no idea what that was Okay, now I just wait Okay, gotta go gotta go gotta. Go now now. I can go But I don't know what place I found her. That's the thing cuz oh Man this water. I'm seeing that's my house I'm gonna. Go here in the woods. I don't know if that's correct gee Is it right? I don't know I don't know okay. Oh oh oh, oh Okay, I'm digging. I'm digging it. I digging it. I'm digging it. I'm digging it. No diggity. Okay. I'm digging ah come on I'm already as fast as I can lady boy Good thing I have this convenient shovel on me at all times lady, this is how I roll ah shit shit shit Why do I feel like I really need a hurry of this Okay, all right here here. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh, God oh I'm lifting my keyboard. I'm trying to do hammer hand style Yeah, get buried ah why do I need to kick my foot every time I got did I make it except this is a reverse Of what it was before [Markiplier noises] Oh my God, my hands are cramping I'm so bad Oh my God is it done, is it done, is it done, is it done. tell me its done, tell me its done. It's done. Come in son tell me I did it I hate this oh my God my hands cramping up so badly.Winner! That's it That's all you give me and it's just that Excuse you That's it. That's it. That's all you get I was hoping that was gonna be satisfying not hand cramping and horrible anyway, all right I'm being too mean about it without anti-climactic, but that's how you beat It now there are other ways to die in this there are mysterious other ways to die. It is true but that being said Aggravating, but interesting it's still interesting in that it captivated me to come back to it that is that much is true, but even so I'll leave it up to you guys to Change so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know you thought it down in the comments below And as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,977,875
Rating: 4.9601283 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, dont chat with strangers, game, gameplay, pixelated, multiple endings, ending, true ending, secrets, glitches, broken, reactions, scary, horror
Id: 3aangZkfibg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2017
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