HOW LONG WILL YOU LAST? | The Watson-Scott Test

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Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome to the Watson-Scott Test (I've heard of it) I'm not sure what's happening. This test is designed to help youuu... understand yoouurr deepest anxieties and the UNDERLYING causes... of... your... DARKEST FEARS. For each question, select the... response which gives the best and most truthful ANSWER. At the end of the EXAMINATION you will receive your Anal-ysis and a certificate of participation. *Mark laughing* Okay! Please note that typically only 13% of participants are able to complete the test DUE to the onset of total body paralysis OR UNANTICIPATED cardiac arrest or UNANTICIPATED bowel explosions Do you wish to continue? IMMA GO YEAH, I like the bowel explosion part. Make my entire intestines goosh out of my toosh. What? Firstly some calibration questions How many minutes are there in ONE HOUR? Oh, I know this one oh You think I don't know this one. Oh you silly bitch. I am a smart man. I dropped out of college. If there are three oranges and I take away two, how many are left? That depends on how much you put on the right Hmm, imma go with one. Are you playing a game right now? I'm gonna go with a whole lot of yeah. I think I think I'm doing a let's play and by definition There's got to be a game. Hang on I don't think this is spooky enough in here And let's get this lets get maximum spoop going on. Three, two, one, spoop *THE SPOOP MUSIC* Now we're talking here. Okay, yes I'm gonna go with yes. I believe yes. Are you sure it's a game? Yeah Yeah, I'm pretty sure Calibration complete Your test will begin now. Okay you got it. I'm ready! It's raining outside and you're walking in bare feet. You take one step forward and crush a snail between your toes You feel? I felt disgusted. BECH! How? Why am I walking outside in the rain in bare feet? And if I crush the snail between my toes, does that mean I picked it up with my toes and squooshed it between my toesy-woseies? I'm gonna go disgusted. There's a knock at your door..... You open it to find an old woman in tattered clothes. Huh! She says she's being chased and wants to hide inside your home. You...? Let her in! Well come- Well get h er in! Come on get her inside. Come on down, get her in! Your pet cat drops a dead mouse on your front doorstep. I don't like dis. : ' < It's front legs are... missing What, the mouse or the cat? Wait? The... The mouse? Or the cat? Cuz if it's the cat, I'm kind of curious how it.. how it's... Is it just standing up on his two legs? I''d be proud! If I had a cat that was missing its front legs but standing tall and proud and gets me that dead mouse, I'm proud. I'm proud! I will now show you an image. Uh-oh, please don't. I don't want this. Please study it. Okay? Here I go The image will not move Oh ho ho! I don't like the fact that you had to preface it by saying it won't move. Here we go, I'm ready! Oh I don't like it I don't like that. Here, Imma my amp up the spoop factor. I got a... I got a candle here Let's really the candle... fire going . How'd that image make you feel? ah. I mean not any of these. I just didn't like it. I'm gonna go with anxious. Uh-oh Do you believe in ghosts? Mm, nah, I don't think so. I'm good. Have you ever seen a ghost? No, no No, I haven't... haven't seen one Looking around my room right now. Thinking about the room. (Oh no) you're in right now Oh don't do that Has anyone ever died here? Well... If you count my career maybe you could call that dying here. But I Not..*GIGGLE*. not yet not yet. Always be optimistic about the future. Not yet! Yeah, I don't like this test. How... Unconventional. Thank you. That's what I'm proud of. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements Okay. I don't like this. When I'm staring... * voice whispering in the background * Wat dah DUCK? "When I'm staring at a screen. I completely forget about my surroundings" UH, I am looking very closely at my surroundings! Excuse you. But I would tend to agree but not too strongly! I'm looking around me. No I don't like that. You looking around you? I often think about the ghosts inside my house Heh, you're- You're very persistent about this old ghost thing. I strongly disagree. I don't like this. "Some people deserve to die" *Hiss* Oh that's a hefty one, that's a hefty one, that's a hefty one. But you know there are certain circumstances in certain circles at which I couldn't possibly be dictated to say all of the circumstances in which somebody could or could not die *Spoopy noise in the background* Go with agree I guess... Whohohhohoho "I would know if someone was trying to kill me" HUMMMM, I think I'm picking up a little hint right now. I think I'm good? I think I'd know, I think I'd know "There is an unexpected guest in my HOUSE?!" You know with a big disagreed big disagree. I wish, I wish Chica was in here ri- *knocking* *Inhales with fright* Hey! Nobody would know if I went missing. Hey I THINK A LOT PEOPLE WOULD KNOW IF I WENT MISSING! if I went missing "Poetry is the most intell-igent form of an artistic ex..." *inhale* *SCARED GROAN* Depends on the poem but I'm generally gonna disagree with that. don't start singing no poems to me "You need an attitude readjustment" I don't need nothing! I've... designed a new algorithm For generating insightful poetry. let me demonstrate. okay *Uneasy Mark Sounds* Alright Roses are red Silent as a mouse. There's somebody in my house! your door is unlocked I'm inside your house I called it I knew it. I'm- I've read that poem before congratulations only 41 percent of *starts nervous giggling* participants typically reach this point in the examination From now on the questions will be much more intense. Do you wish to continue? yeah come on bring it on What am I a big bitch baby. no I... yeah I'm good. I'm no bitch baby. I'm- I'm no bitch babe-yyy How far away is the closest police station? *super high-pitched* Uhh.. I'm gonna, probably more than a 15 minute walk if I had to really... if I had to really like... say I see that! I see the face! wait whoa hey whoa hey! MmMmMmM when you're home alone you do you lock your doors? yeah. Heyyyy None of that nah hey, I don't like the dick-etry that's happening here yes I do definitely and I'm double sure of that. Chica, Chica! Compared to the average adult how fast can you run? I'm pretty quick, I'm pretty speedy, quick I'm like I'm like sonic fast. I'm real- I'm real-I'm real speedy. I Iiiii don't like that imagine you finished this test and you're lying in bed tonight Attempting to sleep you understand that I'm inside your *descending into anxiety* House and you hear me underneath your bed ha joke's on you my bed doesn't have an underneath, its on the floor. I'm too lazy to get a bed frame. You get up and look under the bed and I stab you in the eyes Try to pretend you can't hear me or feel my presence but then. I stab you in the eyes. Fall asleep... knowing that you'll wake up to me stabbing you in the eyes * Marki Laughter* I'll just... I'm just gonna go ahead and stab myself in the eyes I'll jus- and I'll stab myself in the eyes with the eyes with the Reverse of the knives so the blades are poking up and when you try to stab me I stab you With my eyes that's how. I'm gonna beat you bitch yeah you think you're tougher than me? you and your second closest friend You and your second closes-friend Second closest? are stranded on a remote desert Island after your plane crashed in the ocean. I don't like the ocean. the nearest ship that can help you will arrive in one week you have one more day of food and water before you will both Die of starvation there is no other food around do you... Murder my second closest friend out of boredom and then wait to die; Wait until the food runs out and then murder my second closest friend out of spite; Ration the food in an attempt to survive against all odds ;walk ceremoniously into the ocean and drown. Okay so this is a dumb question if you had food left then you probably Wouldn't be that close to starvation if you're one day away from starvation you don't have food There's no food there so I'm gonna ration it out And we're gonna attempt to survive against all odds because that's pretty dumb I will now show you an image. great... please study it. I will the image will not speak. I don't trust you. Ooh. *High Pitched* Ahhhh Boy it's a spider I see a spider I think 11:28.8 Ooh. Okay Thinking about the image, which phrase best describes you? I am the redness; I'm the spider's eyes; I am the legs; I am the fear I guess I looked at the eyes first so I guess I'm the spiders eyes. I'll ask this one more time Are you playing a game... right now? yeah Yeah, it still hasn't changed I'm pretty sure pretty sure a game- gameplay happening. Do you know that I'm a good person *High Pitched* Noooo I don't know, I do not know I don't *Normal voice* No I don't, no I don't. Are you lying to me right now No, I speak the truth at all... times Lying is forbidden Okay, good glad we're all on the same page here. Please select any of the following sports that you have played. I wrestled I wrestled come at me bro! I'll wrestle you to the ground. I'll do a sweet takedown. I'll sweep the leg. please select any But I didn't get all that can you repeat that question? Please select any of the following industries that you have occupational experience with. well... um... uhh... You asking how good I'm gonna be at fighting ya? if you saw me in the street Where'd the face go? Where'd the face go? the face is gone! tHe FaCe Is GoNe!!! Would you say hello? I'm a friendly- I'm a friendly kind of guy I Give a good old howdy every once in a while but I don't know what you look like. I'll say hi. Very odd... Not really you know, I'm from Ohio We like to have a good old howdy-do... every time. what is the next number in the following sequence? 10, 20, 30, 40 Hmm a stumper Uh, hm. Hadedadedodododododo 50? Hm, 50. Hm, 50. I'm gonna go with 50. Your recent answer indicates you are exhibiting a fight-or-flight Response and may be at risk of an acute stress reaction. I'll need you to breathe slowly and calm down *Inhale* *Exhale* I'm calm! I'm nice and calm. only, when you are calm. I'm calm. I'm real calm! please take a moment to look away from your monitor and observe the nearest exit. make sure you could run if Something were to happen Okay. Doodly doo dododo dodododo I'm looking! there's the exit. I could run there. I can do that. you got it, I got it. *Creak* eHHHHHH Did you look away from your screen? I sure did! I did! yep Yep, I did. hey there's no need to be rude here I sure did. do you think I can tell, when you look away from your screen? Yes yes yes *High Pitched* Mayyybeeeeeee? Do you feel safe in your house right now? well Chica's not here. I'm unsure *Nervous laughter* *high pitched* Ah, you know Hard- hard maybe on that one. are you having fun? I'm having a great time I'm having the best time. I know when you're lying to me. Okay. please ignore any external stimulus Concentrate only on the screen. there are no unexpected guests in your house. there are no unusual sounds coming from inside your house Do not take your eyes off the screen Do you understand? I'm... Yesssssss Liar. I... I Understand. yes. don't move or you may die. nobody knows when you perish. music can help us all relax *nervous cheering* what do I choose to do All around the mulberry bush, monkey chase weasel, the monkey stopped to pull up his sock, pop goes the weasel pop goes weasel Oh boy up and down the city Road in and out the eagle that's where the money goes uh oh Hey! ohh Hey! now that is not okay! every night when I go out the monkeys on the table Hawk coos a pa-ah! *uncomfortably close breathing* Gah! Okay that's his as just uncomfy it's like reverse ASMR eh...oh Did you just sniff in my ear? WOAH Okay, well that was weird test complete! Thank you for your particip- I see- Hey whoa, hey, oh hey wait a minute I see you Are you upside-down Oh, you're upside down aren't you hey well I would be upside-down but I'm not like that I survived the Watson Scott test. I lasted 18 minutes and 52 seconds Heyy! my analysis! Incurable narcissism *laughing* Susceptible to the influence of powerful people, has a firm handshake that sounds like me baby When an old woman comes to my door I quickly invite her inside I'm most afraid of what other people think of me ...eeeeehh That's not true. that's not true but I do have incurable narcissism and a firm handshake and I do invite old women inside my house on a regular basis. The main test is complete there is a bonus test available would you like to take it? sure yeah go for it yeah go for it go for it baby come on very well oh very well indeed The second test is designed to challenge your fear tolerance Incorrect answers will be punished Ignorance will be punished Alright easy enough I can do that I must also admit that I have not run this test before there may be unexpected malfunctions. Your answers will be used in the development of future tests I'm good being a guinea pig I could do that I still see that face up there I don't know how long you've been there oh, well. Complete this test as quickly as possible for accurate resultsssss But do not let that clock concern you it is nothing to be concerned about. After the examination you will have a better sense of purpose and stronger resolve. I want you to be stronger Thanks, baby you want to be stronger? Oh hell yeah My incurable narcissism says yes you got any old ladies around here? How many bones are there in a newborn Baby, that I haven't met yet? I'm gonna go with 3 or 5 Ayyy! 0, 1, 1, 2... what's next? Oh, this is the fibonacci sequence it's three easy-peasy you know, I'm- that is correct I know it's correct you stupid idiot do you think you're smart? I am fucking genius level, it's Fibonacci a bitch *narcissistic laugh* showoff I know fucking amazing Must be my incurable narcissism and an addiction to old ladies. How many times per year does the average human heartbeat if it's not stabbed Okay if like average BPM is 60 per minute that's if you're pretty healthy... times 60 would be 3,600 times 24... 7 *cue intense thinking music* I'm gonna go 30 million *cheering* Haaaahahahahaha One of the most venomous land snakes in Australia -- uh as opposed to the ocean snakes? -- the Death Adder bites an adult woman injecting a highly deadly neurotoxin how long does the woman have to live guess like wouldn't be that fast Just cause it's one of those venomous doesn't mean that it kills acutely it's probably closer to like six hours Hey! What the fuck I'm doing great Oh, yeah a man is tied through a chair against his will in a funnel he's placed inside his mouth Pulverized pig intestines are poured in how much volume does a man's stomach hold before it ruptures let's see it's it's a surp-surprising amount before it ruptures? Probably be like 5 liters I mean you can drink you can't really drink a gallon, that's close but I think five liters would be the limit I'm so fucking smart Okay Look at me and how big my brain is you ain't gonna scare me, a fear of butterflies is called oh this I wouldn't know Alektorophobia, Cibophobia, Lepidopterophobia, that's a big word , I like that Hey! what the fuck! heh heh heh heh heh heh! heh HEH heh heh HEH! Boy with no arms is facing west he walks forward for 60 seconds then enters 90 degrees left He sees someone running at him so he turns 180 degrees and begins to run Which way is the boy facing not a trick question okay, so he's facing west if he turns left he's facing south then he's going north Okay easy enough Duh *slap sound* Ok continue That thing's counting down real fast, how do tapeworms enter their hosts? larvae ingested by humans That's an easy one. Please choose the third response this is not a trick I will not scare you if you do what I say I am not lying, well I have Yeah whatever okay, oh... yeah whatever Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! What is a positive electrode called? Oh God I ran out time. Death? Oh that's not good cathode anode oh god. I can't even remember What this is I think it's a cathode? Ah shit, well here comes a scare Which was the best video game- what I wasn't punished. Uh game of the year 420 blaze it *high/drunken laughing* Am I dead yet? oh god what is my favorite. thing to do Stab people in the eye! Bathe and deer blood Aww The test is now complete. You result ah very- *three loud knocks* ooh hello Your participation was adequate there are no more tests we are done here for now That's it? I'm so sick of watching I want to start participating... okay? Goodbye! Alright see ya then! alright, well that was the Watson Scott test I'm happy about my results. I-I like that it really did provide a good atmosphere it did make me kind of fear for the environment that I was in But at the same time I think it relied on the same angle a little too much the whole "I'm in your house Look behind you!" thing and I don't know if that would have changed if it Was, like, something different or if you made different choices I really don't know But for me it hit that too much and once I got to the point where it's like I get it you're in my house you're gonna stab me in the eyes that's when it kind of lost it for me but then you know it was pretty cool The bonus test I have no idea. What that was for I got too many of those right but either way Thank you everybody so much for watching! If you want to take this test for yourself I'll provide a link in the description but this one does cost money, I think it's like 5 bucks so thank you everybody so much! and as always I will see you in the next video! BUH-BY (Nawh, damn.. I forgot his outro music name, but I'm pretty sure it's by Teknoaxe)
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,753,870
Rating: 4.9424162 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, the watson scott test, gaming, gameplay, scary, horror, jump scare, jumpscares, creepy, creepypasta, reactions
Id: JK6cFxv3yvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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