Firewatch | Part 1 | ALMOST TOO BEAUTIFUL

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Finally! This is the Markiplier I subscribed to. The calmer commentary and occasional bursts of loud humor tempered with stories about himself and his insights on the game. I hope he does more series like this in the future.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/BeaglePuppy 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

Best video of his I've ever seen

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/PM_ME_UR_BOOTY_LADY 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

I really like this game now too! I'm excited for more & happy he's doing hour long videos for it! It is intriguing! Bonus points for Mark story time! :D

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

Man, there was a great mix of emotions in this episode.

From the joy of a new relationship, to the pain of seeing it fall apart (from actions of their own AND outside of their control). Dementia is a scary thing, and I couldn't imagine experiencing a loved one go through it-- becoming someone different, someone you don't recognize half the time.

Then there was spooky parts where I thought a jump scare was coming. I hope there aren't any in this series... It would really detract from the incredible plot this is building up.

And finally, I couldn't help but laugh at Byrnsey.

I'm glad Mark is going to finish this game, I'm looking forward to it!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/silver_054 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

Really glad Mark enjoyed this game, can't wait to see where it goes.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/redn2000 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

Forrest Byrnes had me rolling from laughter

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SyMag 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

I think we can safely say Mark is long gone when Forrest is around.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/kdebones 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

It's kinda reminding me of Presentable Liberty...A woman that one corresponds with through radio, and gets close too. It doesn't even seem like we will ever see her (in-game), as far as I can tell. I'm interested to see where it goes.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Randmviewer2012 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

I still wish they released this for XB1 :\

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2016 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to fire watch this game just came out very recently and apparently we see julia hi Julia oh she's about your age late 20s laughing with well-dressed professors and grad students from nearby cu-boulder you Henri around drinking with you pals you approach er you are drunk oh ok so I get to choose you yeah you're pretty you're pretty she says coolly you are not you're a future hangover plus you reply confuse someone should buy you a cheeseburger she says she Flags down a waiter in one week later you and you are Julia's boyfriend one week things are moving quite fast don't you think oh ok so this game I saw was released on Steam it was suggested to me and it had a lot of really gorgeous visuals and very interesting artistic design you may not have seen it with that opening in the text obviously but you'll see it in a little bit here there's a lot of interesting things to this one even though I have no idea what this game is about or what to do with this game it has to do with obviously being in the park and watching for fliers you date for over a year she drives you absolutely nuts it's great it's great ok that sounds so great you move in you share an apartment near the school with a few of the mountains you too drink beers out on the deck you drink beer just about anywhere so you're a raging alcoholic life is good alright Julie wants to get the dog yes I agree Julia sounds awesome there's a scruffy undersized beagle Julie is in love she wants to bring it with her to class there's also an intimidating but gentle a German Shepherd nothing bad could happen to julia while the dog walking with his dog it's badass oh oh what a choice I love beagles but German Shepherds LEGOs a German Shepherd he's a little intimate looking Oh me me mayhem Oh cool name I gotta go with the Shepherd Mayhem's an excellent dog he loves wrestling with you in the park and goes with Juliana runs even though he's too big to bring to school Julia loves him all the same mayhem is a friend child and pet all rolled into one oh I completely agree chica and Lego 1979 you talk out on the deck it's summer 9:30 p.m. and the heat still radiates off of the high desert what do you think about kids she asks Oh getting serious here kids they're not very smart or good at much I'm saying if you and I have some a couple little idiots let's see one day why rush oh you know what these two seem like they're moving quickly so why not just rush headlong into an obligation that's gonna tie you down for the rest of your life in that case we should probably get married yeah I would like that you say these kids are gonna be screwed up enough it's probably for the best that the parents are hitched you say she's absolutely right oh that's what I was talking about just look at this I was watching the trailer and I was reading I was looking at the screenshots it's just gorgeous learn to live with bears do not forget to check in no fireworks their affair trail is not recommended from inexperienced hikers okey-dokey men oh it's freakin beautiful and I love this style all right let's wander out into the woods I really wonder like it's an odd juxtaposition of the storytelling in this element of it and I know they're gonna be intertwined soon enough it's a Thursday night and Julia is four hours late she doesn't call you're worried and getting angrier by the minute she walks in after you've gone to bed she's not quite drunk but she's clearly been having a fun time you fight when she gets between the sheets you get matter you ignore both not the right option you talk about things you know communicate like adults oh I guess I give her the cold shoulder oh I'm not talking to you you don't touch each other all night the next day you feel guilty for being so angry and asked her about her evening she says it was great you hold on to a tiny pill of resentment he'd make some coffee and go to work oh man I knew they were just setting this up so it would fall down Julie still likes to draw she draws plants from her research she draws all the places you go she draws you you pose and flex like he-man are you frolic like a victorious in you hell yeah Victoria's Secret model all the way I love a good frolic julia was right you are very pretty hope to hell oh did I just break my kneecaps open I don't know where I'm going kinda reminds me of slender but then again every time I'm in the woods I say that so maybe I should get a new thing to remind me of things about but when it's such a big part of my history of playing games it's hard not to remember that was that say two forks fire look out eight miles ahead okay that's probably good because I imagine that's where I'm trying to go I still don't know how this forest move gorgeous oh so pretty 1982 during the summers you and Julia enjoy walking mayhem at night oh oh sorry sorry there's a festival in town it brings in folks from faraway places one of them tries to mug you with a knife well that took a drastic turn mayhem runs away may mibu [ __ ] the dog julia yells she gets flustered in house trouble speaking when she's stressed you confront the attacker Oh mayhem runs away you beat his goddamn face it ah how am I gonna scare him away I'm gonna scare him away whoa you reach into your pocket like you got a gun threatened to kill him you managed to scare all three of you he runs away Julie asks to take a different path from that day forward you say okay you want to go that way either from then on you walked by the river Oh a different path what oh okay I got you okay that makes where I was like I thought who's like the relationship take a different path plans to have kids get waylaid by work Julia gets offered a job at Yale Yale is in Connecticut 2,000 miles away it's a great job associate department chair she wants to move you absolutely do not agree if she commutes back at work she commutes back in for if these are not good compromises these are not compromises here commute 2,000 miles that's terrible and I can't convince her not to take the job cuz that would be ridiculous that's that's not good for me it's a good job for her this is not alright commute I can't I can't tell her not to follow her dreams that's just terrible you ask her if she'll commute back and forth you don't want to move to Connecticut she says that'll be hard but she'll do it if you won't move I'll move this guy won't move you tell her not to pass it up if it's you it's what she wants okay that's good she flies back to Boulder three times each semester damn Julia's sent home from Yale on paid leave after having an episode she lost it on a colleague for borrowing books that were important to her research she didn't remember she had happily loaned them to him just two days prior she was found crying in the stairwell you say that maybe you guys should talk about to someone about it you make macaroni and drink one and try to forget about it see that's option a is handling it like an adult macaroni and wine don't solve problems I'm gonna go with the left option after seeing multiple doctors and having many tests they are worried that Julia might be suffering from early onset dementia she's 41 you both decide to keep it a secret from now goodness gravy this took a turn this took quite a turn oh man mayhem is getting older he's got silver hair down his back and slows down at night you and Julia walk him to the bar to see your friends it feels like nothing's changed Julia goes back to the University all right then Julia's affliction gets worse she can't remember things in her class her research is in shambles she drives her car to the next town over for no particular reason and has to be brought home by the police she's devastated she's sent home on permanent medical leave some days you get the Julia who calls you a dope and your unborn children little idiots of the days you get a stranger she pulls you into bed to make love after five minutes she goes into a panic believing her dad is at the door he'd tell her family they're crushed and begin to make trips to and from their home in Australia to visit her for a while your friends come by with little things to brighten the day she gets worse oh my god you spend your days following Julia around the house you count the seconds between the two weekly visits from Daniel the nurse he suggests that Julia could live somewhere else someone with 24-hour care a home it sits with you for a couple months you decide to move her into a full-time care facility or you determined to take care of her advise herself okay this is actually something that hits home to me because when my stepdad had his accident like he's currently in a home but like there was a spell of time when we had to take care of him by ourselves and that's hard like that is hard hard work because there were team as he was so disabled that he you know he couldn't even go to the bathroom for himself you know he couldn't get food he couldn't he could barely feed himself so taking care of someone like that is more work than anyone could possibly imagine you almost can't do that by yourself but like then again being through that if this was my wife and this was someone that I really loved I would do that I would drop everything to take care of him by myself even if I had to I mean it's very expensive to put someone into a home so yeah it's the only choice I could make okay where am I oh it was gonna go down automatically all right then who can I not jump down that I wonder if he even liked walking through this forest as a choice and I wonder how much the choices that I made so far kind of affect the world that I've been in if it actually is affecting it and that being said I don't oh look it's a deer that distracts me from my problems for a little bit hello hi friend how you doing okay then don't get stiffy with me I don't even know what stiffy means it is impossibly hard the worst is when you get mad at her like when she tries to cook her own food you can't do anything without her and she can't do anything without you yep that's I know that I know that personally it's it's impossibly hard a great way to describe it when she goes to sleep you stay up for a few hours drinking on the deck watching baseball in the summer college basketball in the winter drinking then - I was joking about alcoholism before you start going out after he put her to bed the first time you do it you worry about her getting up and walking around while you're gone you just put it shared would lock her in you trust that she sleeps like both of these are bad options you can't lock her in there that's terrible but I guess logically it's better than just going like ah she's probably fine that's so horrible what joy what kind of choices are those ah you go to the same bar at the boring end of Pearl Street it's nice there over time you tell Sheila the bartender everything it's a huge weight off your home and in bed by 1:00 a.m. a couple nights a week you look forward to those nights Oh God one night you're stopped at a DUI checkpoint you blow a point ten and are taken to jail for the night you consider trying to hide it but you tell your sister lost Susan Julia's parents take the next plane from Australia they can't believe the state your house is in then they tell you julia is coming to live with them you don't argue you say you'll visit soon a few weeks go by summer is coming and you see an ad in the paper for a job you take it and is that where the game begins and they're the lookout - oh my god that was just a prologue thoroughfare look at all it's assigned in the way oh my god getting vibes from freaking up until dawn that's pretty sad this this took a turn like I didn't expect there's absolutely bonkers just like a lot of things that come with the art of games comes from like the storytelling and stories can be told in an unlimited number of ways there's no there's no rules for telling a story and this is one choice that I haven't actually encountered much of and god that is gorgeous and it's gorgeous because it's stylized and that's like it's interesting let me just take a quick peek around and when I encounter a game like this that does have a lot of different elements about storytelling and it tells it in a very unique way and it kind of gives a different view of everything that could be seen like from this character's eyes because especially when it comes to storytelling games it's about seeing things from the character's eyes and knowing their perspective while also not saying that you have to be that character and you have to feel with that you don't have to feel with the character but well hello I'll get back to that in a second as soon as I gather my thoughts untapped power in my own mind okie-dokie them am I gonna start fires with my mind oh sorry I just wanted to throw that rage no you don't know what are you talking about all right hello fine I got it I'm on it just took me a little brain power to figure out how to do that how do I reply left shift activate the radio hello I guess hello hello whoever this is oh yeah yeah that's what the guy said on the phone with you look I just hiked for two days so I don't really follow whatever it is you're doing right now fine then can I sleep forever you've killed three ex-husbands you're rebelling against mom nobody back home can stand you yeah that's kind of the one that I picked probably out here because nobody back home can stand you which after this brief introduction is not a big shock well I better get some sleep then it's my turn okay you just really like trees that's amazing language lady out your west facing window that's not legal right through the [ __ ] roof is that really my job whatever I say it is the closest Ranger is like two days away go down there and straight you know what for lady I kick the [ __ ] out of them like kick the [ __ ] out of them sort of straight what I'm not a cop it's not like I've got a rulebook over here sure they don't do it again take their [ __ ] alright fine don't feed anyone a knuckle sandwich hey between you and the lake if I remember right the supply box on the way the code is one two three four actually oh okay is it on the road smart we're having a sassy dynamic relationship here okay so what I was saying before about everything is just just to summarize all my thoughts before and I can't quite remember exactly what I was saying before but it's interesting to see a unique choice and storytelling like this and that's all I'll say for it on the matter now I gotta go deliver a knuckle sandwich to someone out on the under way so we're that I need to go west I need to go west I'm gonna show these bastards what for oh my god it's beautiful its glorious out can I talk to you Delilah Delilah I want to improve our relationship I want to give a few points in empathy towards you and towards me because of all the things that I've had to deal with in my life with Julia I mean I know that's gonna come up because obviously everything that was talked about before was just to get backstory to these characters and see how this plays out and admittedly very different than what I was thought it was gonna be because when I saw this game I thought that maybe like maybe the actual game was just gonna be about wandering around the forest and putting out fires hence the name of the game but I should have assumed a little more about the game because I've been playing a lot of indie games so I don't expect things to be more deep than their face value hello I've got it I found the supply box okay cool thanks buddy okay so one two three fear got it thank you so that's it to all of them is that good okay so I can mark down is that Future cast locations or something all right Ron hey man guy couldn't take it so I locked up his look out and put some stuff in the box found one of those bars you liked hiking in the park but let's get [ __ ] when I'm back ok cool a bar is it filled with weed ok good broken granola bar is this going to get me [ __ ] up probably not it's nutrition put it in her face there we go so I can hopefully that didn't that wasn't infused with super weave juice okay let me get my map back out define who's setting off these fireworks god damnit smokey the bear didn't die for this smokey the Bears still around I mean he's a fictional character so obviously talking jogging what oh I can jog okay that's good I guess our four run I mean I know smokey is a fictional character but mayhaps they may have retired him at some point because I haven't seen the PSA from a long time even though everyone probably still knows Smokey Bear this better be someone in a life-or-death situation because I've got to knuckle sandwiches that are ready for punishment hey there's a tree out here that's been ripped to hell don't you think that's you know like disconcerting we don't have Grizzlies in Colorado people killed them a long time ago don't you think that's disconcerting this wouldn't be so bad but I probably need to get away back how do I attach group only attached rope how do I attach rope I want to attach rope let me attach a rope noticin documents inventory nope rope you give rope put Rob on thing there we go I needed to put it on the other side I'm a free idiot I don't know what I'm doing with my life you bastards I'm coming to get you I've got muscles out the ass and the sass of a Victoria's Secret model let's show you what for I get down there imagine the fire go cat ow well that broke my entire spine shattered in 10,000 places you say oh and my arms and legs too I'll never walk again great okay I think I'm fine my rope snapped coming down the shale slide no I think I'll make it okay chrissake four critic Kerr FERC for kohsaka be careful old climbing gear huh okay I need to report this hey there's a tie off point off here just a little away from the shale slide I can't go any further is what I'm saying okay thanks Delilah I mean I actually know a friend that hasn't the has a job like this my friend Michelle she actually came out to California to work in the woods like this she was here originally because she was working on some trail maintenance stuff and then she hurt her knee but then she came back out again for something else that I have no idea but she disappears into the weeks into the woods for weeks at a time and just kind of the way it is a hell of a nice camping spot down here by the lake is perfect oh I'm so responsible look at me I'm recycling look at me no no no come on come on with that attitude you're never gonna save the entire environment we're hugging trees left and right here where am I putting him anyway I'm just shoving him up my anus to store for laters until I can throw him away that was a funny joke that was a funny joke markiplier you never really send the bar for humor here yep it looks like there's yeah I just found where they're hanging out what a bunch of losers coming out into the woods and having a good time finding a bunch of empty beer cans they threw them all over hell screaming all right I guess I got a free license to knuckle sandwich to everything ferret are Irish they left half a bottle of whiskey decent stuff safe for later haha and I thought I wouldn't be able to entertain my ramp and Alcoholism here huh take some of that that's just half the justice that I'm gonna deal out to those [ __ ] down by the creek oh and there's skinny dipping to let the clothes out to dry it looks like two people something's gonna go horribly wrong here this can't be an exact Forest Lake maintenance guy simulator because there's got to be oh no they are naked oh the horror uh-huh no I'm not gonna remain professional this would look great on me later oh great this is just lovely oh why did I drop those but you drop those but I took the bra with me oh no I dropped the borrow bra - I'm not a complete pervert oh nothing to report yet just music oh boy there are two naked ladies out here can you handle that come on I like naked ladies same as anyone but there's you know I don't know I don't know well I'll just have to deal with this mano a mano I've still got the knuckles Sam oh look pick up just hold it over my head Pele's Oh was it okay yeah that could have turned out wonderfully for you this is being randomly in the woods and naked blasting music so anybody and bears would be able to know where you are great job ladies nope I hope they drown it went fine there just in case I totally forgot that that might be copyrighted music in hi I wouldn't be able to put that part in oh I hope that's okay I mean I could have delivered their underwear to them I suppose but I mean I guess this is 1980-something so it's still a while ago not that like people don't go skinny-dipping nowadays I'm just saying that went rather well for a little adventure being stupid out naked stupid and naked out in the woods how could they those evil people and now I gotta go all the way back home a lot of burden this would actually be really cool if I was able to go out in the woods and had enough time that I wouldn't have to make youtube videos for the entire time that I was out there not sure how to get back what Weston the north towards the canyon how am I supposed to be able okay so I got to get back towards the lake in the north towards the canyon is that gonna be like this path over here and how would that take me back to where I need to go okay I'm not I'll be right back if I could lost here oh okay we're fine we're good we're good we're good we know we're going we got this hundred percent okay Oh [Music] he's got a weed bar I'm gonna beat the [ __ ] out of him is this some sort of code I missed are we evacuating or something I think Delilah has gone stir crazy out in the woods all by herself so she doesn't have anybody to keep her company so she's got to take out all of her pent-up loneliness on me which is just sad not that I'm lonely being alone in my room recording videos for other people to enjoy I don't think this is the way that I was supposed to go all righty then I'm circled back completely asinine in Italy and apparently I was supposed to stay down there okay I was in such a hurry to run away from the copyrighted music so there are just two naked girls running around in the middle of the woods that doesn't not seem safe oh okay got it this way whoa okay so where we headed now in this Oh River nice this is probably gonna trigger some memories for me I wonder how this is gonna turn out what's over there wait okay which way should I go here I could either go that way or continue along the canyon river route oh I think I see something over there nope I see nothing okay I'm gonna go this way I'm gonna see what's up here if I miss something over there then that's just too bad because I've made my choice and I'm sticking with it yeah but if I be actually I went looking for the job I just wanted to get out of town for a while mm-hmm you've come to the right place thanks to last summer we got a bump in Forest Service budget and can actually afford to have you oh cool that's nice let me just crack open the safe and steal everything that's inside I hope it's weed no I need to I need to reply ah what happened last summer that accounted for this 15 miles away why would they do that story is that for 60 years we got very good at not letting forest fires happen about 15 years ago they decided that forest fires and wilderness areas like should be left to burn so that's what they did damn I had no idea about that you know there's so many things that happen in the world that you just don't know about because they're not very reported not written in Colorado I really don't think there is right and then put it on a sweatshirt okay maybe I'm in some alternate reality there was a book that said something about the power of my mind and if I know anything about this character I'm a big smarty and I might be the best ever well this Lake does seem like a good spot to swim even if the last people to do so were [ __ ] maybe that's a fair trade starting to feel like it mmm even hollowing those naked ladies running all about it okay I'm a weird pervert I'm modeling Victoria Secret clothes don't mind me I'm just an old hermit in the woods and I don't think I'll be able to go down there so I must need to go down along the river path because that's the only way to go Anisa need to get back to my hidey hole if I can get back to my heart hole then everything is gonna be a-okay there's something peaceful about being in the woods because me and my brother when we were kids and I said this in my draw my life of course but one me and my brother were very young in the backyard of the house that we had growing up there was an entrance into the woods and obviously these weren't incredible woods these were just you know rural area woods you know not exactly incredibly forested but that's a lot of what Ohio will do and by the way we can be alcoholism buddies because me to do that thing with the drink and do and you do also will do thank you I'm safe it's not gonna strike twice remember that I don't like the sound of that yeah anyway so when me and my brother were kid we'd go out in the woods all the time and we just explore like back area there it was just incredibly fun because to us as little kids that those woods were huge we could walk there for an hour straight just walking down the creek and it would never end it and like to us that was like immeasurably big that was like walking across the nation you know we'd say like and you know so we had a great time doing that okay does that mean it was shut it off for someone's poaching out here anyway so me and my brother used to go caving with someone back in Colorado she loved it might be great to explore it sometime this summer very careful with someone down here it doesn't seem that danger seriously it's completely fine in here or best of friends we're fast friends play with the caves echo [Music] this cave has gated off it's to stop spelunkers from dying without getting the keys from the Forest Service office first makes sense debbie says she lost him like three years ago so maybe its mysteries are locked away for good damn it Debbie hot damn damned this one's so close to home and convenient though come on mommy I just wanna go spelunking I just wanna Splunk oh that looks bad that's probably gonna kill me if the Bears don't least I got this flashlight so when we were walking around in the woods it was just endless endless woods and we did so many things back there like just a huge part of my childhood is walking around in the [Laughter] Whooper the fun also being stabbed multiple times with a spoon very fun I'm a boss on the beast and the best I'm an Olympic jumper you didn't know professionally jumping for 23 years anyway so when we round the woods leg it was total freedom and that was one of the great things about it just utter freedom we were able to go wherever you want you're able to do pretty much whatever you want to nature as much as little kids could dude to nature which was mostly just like diverting like creek beds and like like being horrible we were practically eco-terrorists to the life that was in that creek because we would take frogs and stuff and we'd wait until they laid their eggs and you know we'd like section off parts of the creek and because we were trying to think like oh we just wanted to like you know create our own little like lake area with life in it we wanted the tadpoles to hatch and be safe but what we inadvertently did was trap them make sure they didn't get fresh water and then died and there were like a pool right there full of tadpoles so that other creatures could eat him right up it was we did not do good but other than that we had a lot of fun by like cutting vines swinging out and then falling on the vines and they'd break and we'd go into the thorn bushes hahaha it was great fun but that was like a big part of my child and just like I love that environment of it I love I love being out in nature and I'm not actually one much for camping but I do love the idea of hiking out in the woods and and being out here in California like California is a big State and it's got a lot of forests so the farther up north you go towards Oregon there's just tons and tons of stuff that you can be doing in this guy's rock climbing which is so awesome cuz I love rock till you can't even see that but my hands on tour know I should probably put that back because that's it was back-breaking but you know anything for the service anytime uh-huh I sure did good on that whatever the hell I did is that Yoda or something what the hell is that it's that Smokey the Bear spooky spooky oh god geez what's Oscar fires don't be swimming naked with fireworks or I'll come find you okay the forest burns I don't think there's any fictional character I hate more than forest burns yeah well he really freaked me out as a kid it shrink it did have a field day with you okay what kind of name is Forrest burns anyway yeah well it's still better than forest burns what did you say about my name young man Hank stare into the face of death and know that all lies in the darkness when fire consumes all black okay anyway I'm gonna put forest burns down for a second there take some of that and you go to hell I could never but I did not I could not so it's just the oh good we're such fast friends that's good to know I'm gonna drop this huh boy I throw badly alright I'm finally back home goody goody gumdrops hey you keep your lights on at night that's good to know we're so bonding oh good a cinder block maybe I could smash the demon person hey on the ground outside of my tower ok I got a cinder block if anyone comes at me I'll beat your face in with a cinder block smash it yeah don't mess with me I'm a wild I should plant I'm gonna plant forest burns to guard the way you'll never lose me I'll always be there with you in the darkest of nights underneath your bed would you sleep and guarding you from demons that take your typewriter thanks bernzy you're always gonna be the best of friends with me don't worry we're always good to be fast friends fastest of friends I'll get the typewriter in a second I gotta bring bernzy back up here he'll scare away anybody oh gosh that doesn't look good that looks ransacked someone broke in they wrecked the place through my typewriter out the window jeez okay bernzy you stay right there what the hell bernzy come on bernzy how do i drop you nicely yeah I saw in the canyon but I need you to feel safe out here yeah just point me to the Forest Service weapons cache and I'll feel safer than the Pope and is a little car no I got forest burns here Oh God day two did I just sleep it off just sleep through that what is that what is that Oh burnsy we're birds ego wake up what I'm already with birds II radioing out and that's not working either and I go fix it you probably can't but what you can do is hike out to where the wire runs through your area and report back if it's down then I can track down a ranger to get someone on it I can do that where is it no yeah go through it and keep going straight to the north when you come out you got a Delilah that's Henry oh yeah I don't like Hank Thanks I'm writer I would know and I would know - you'll do great riding in the darkest nights thanks God Bernie you're so nice to me I'm nice to everyone okay all right thanks Bernie I'm gonna take you with me you're such a delight where did Bernie go where's Bernie you thought I was gone did you well I can never leave we can never leave it's getting dark am I supposed to be going what was my objective again I have no idea sir freight communication lines north of the canyon so I got to go back to where I came so I'm there I got to get the communication lines north of the so Thunder Canyon and then I got to go north up there there's a bunch of caches that are marked on my map I've been to that one see I went down to the lake I saw them got that cache there I think I got that cache as well so the cave that's locked off and it's either wants me to go to mule point so I guess I could go ah telephone line so if there's got to be it's got to be this one because the telephone line runs through that so I got a go-to thoroughfare trail that means that I can hit a cache up that way I don't know how to get to that cache over there it must be through the path off of Thunder Canyon there must be a way up there I need more rope to do that so uh as far as I go I go back towards cave and then I go up north sounds good to me I am gonna do that I am gonna do that way so if I find the outhouse I found out house that mean I do good and go where I need go all right off we go into the land oh yeah more tales from when I was a kid in the woods one of the most fun things to do back there was just playing in the creek and diverting the creek so we didn't always just pan off you know horribly we didn't just pan off all the animals that we saw but we did enjoy just kind of like feeling like we were kings and like Lords of the land and like changing the course of the river and we just diverted and it only been like a few feet if anything at all but it made us feel like we were incredible and could do anything at all and that was like such a cool feeling to know that we could change the course of things like that and even though it was small children so it meant a lot to us and in addition to that like every single day we would go back out there and there's actually a funny story it was the first time that I had been introduced to the concept of horn was actually out in those woods I was eight at the time so I obviously I couldn't appreciate for any capacity nothing there's something to appreciate anyway but it was it was really funny because my brother and a friend from the neighborhood were out there and they found a VHS that was named like I don't know it's something ridiculous like backdoor [ __ ] 9 something like that it was obvious what it was and they knew what it was but I didn't know what it was so I was just like oh this is amazing I guess I suppose this is cool these imagine me as an 8 year old so they I knew that it was bad though I knew that we weren't supposed to have it you know I knew that it was something that definitely was not supposed to be in her hands even though I had no idea what it was at the time so my brother I and this friend from the neighborhood we all take it back to the house we sneak it in like under our shirts or they're sneaking it in I'm just worried out of my mind and they they go down into the basement where we have a VHS player ok we have a VHS player but we're little kids and don't understand the idea that if you're doing it in the VHS player there's no way that you could be caught it's not like it's gonna record exactly what happened so in our little brains we thought that the porn the VHS tapes worked like projector screens you know we'd pull it out and this is advanced seeking for such young kids but we pulled like the tape out of its hold and like stretched it out of the VHS completely ruining it took a flashlight and was holding it up to it like why isn't this working we should see boobs or something Oh and so we ruined the entire thing when we had a VHS right there and we didn't like and then I was so paranoid I think I said like we can't do it at the VHS do something horrible we get caught Oh No so that was the first time I was ever produced actually pretty damn cold out here smoking weed lots of weed he may have you know I don't know just used to spend a lot of time with our dog mayhem uh-huh he was a German Shepherd big as a truck well we we walked out of the shelter and there was some graffiti on a trashcan inant said dick Oh mayhem and he walked over and peed all over it and there you go that's a really cute story it is what it is uh-huh just gonna keep hiking and hoping it warms up okay barely she goes I'm absolutely sure alright I'll let you know if anything changes in that regard hey sorry about that anyway I thought about it and that story is cute and sorry but but you said we you owned him with someone who was that I I don't think he has any idea what was that were you talking about me what you left your button pressed or something actually it's not really your business why are you freaking out I'm not freaking out oh she's annoyed well maybe you shouldn't have been talking about secrets it's not my fault it's not my fault well that's kind of my fault yeah that was a little bit douchey of what I was doing there but but interestingly enough in my opinion I don't know if she was talking about me yeah I guess I should have done that big I'm a bad boy I'm on bad boy I shouldn't have been talking about her personal business if I was gonna creep in on it I should have just left it alone even though it did sound a lot like it was about me and I kind of wanted to know what it was about if there was something that I didn't know anyway so let's get back to where we were poor Delilah I'm sorry they're just okay so there's a fork in the path here so there's got to be sad about that I really do feel bad about that nose douchey of me I knew is douchey but like part of me because I'm playing the game I'm like I can just save and do it again but this game I don't even think you can load it god I've been playing it for an hour I didn't even realize that I was playing this game for an hour what am I gonna end this episode am I gonna play through the whole game I had no idea well that was sad to me I feel I feel bad I feel like legitimately bad I want Delilah to talk to me because I'm all alone in the woods what am I supposed to do with myself am I supposed to do with my time Lila I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't want to talk about my wife is this holdout house Delilah hey I found a structure that might have been an outhouse once I think you know use abandoned [ __ ] at your own peril I mean I'm in the right area all the way to the top point and if it's not damaged you can loop around back home I can see the wire you're talking about it looks like it's in good shape from here and I'm sorry I wanna apologize Delilah for all of my transgressions it would be really nice if you could say you forgive me and then we can move on and be friends because I don't have any friends out here then there's a crisis and weird people wandering these woods I don't like him a lot I guess it'll work out in the end I'll try not to be a douche to Delilah but I really really I'm curious about what she was talking about there because because if it was about me and there's some actual dark secret to these woods even though this is kind of staying within the realms of reality here like a lot of this is obviously still real you know in regards to the environments and the people maybe there's something sinister here that needs to be explored but there's a cache up here that I'm gonna find but I had such a cute story that's such a cute story alright such a cute story I want to talk about my dog and my wife who is in Australia I guess god I totally forgot that it's still in Australia oh okay this board it's really interesting I bet birdy would have something to say about hey Delilah you want to talk about this piece of wood I found it's really good and it forgives me okay six feet down on it okay so anyway that's pretty much all I'm gonna play for this episode of you I didn't expect it but I am really into this game I feel so bad about about confronting Delilah about something that wasn't my big I feel bad and maybe it was my business and I'm really engrossed in the story here so I hope you guys are enjoying it I am actually going to play this to completion I want to see the end of this and I hope you guys do too so thank you everybody so much for watching I guess I'll do hour-long episodes for everything in the series and as always [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,158,301
Rating: 4.9341941 out of 5
Keywords: firewatch, firewatch gameplay, firewatch part 1, firewatch game, firewatch markiplier, firewatch playthrough, firewatch walkthrough, let's play firewatch, markiplier, markiplier firewatch, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, let's play
Id: gyKg7xmVIKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 26sec (3566 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2016
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