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The saddest thing? That's the best ending in the game.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/JoshManVGH 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2015 🗫︎ replies

This was a kick right in the feels. I think I should go spend some time with my daughter, now.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/nightwindelf 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2015 🗫︎ replies

Awwww... I don't think I've seen Mark so upset over a game before.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Rohri_Calhoun 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2015 🗫︎ replies

I remember seeing this game back when everybody else was playing it. My reaction was very "Meh" and I didn't think about it too hard. Seeing Mark play this game... I was first kinda shocked he was getting so emotionally involved. Then I was right there with him.

Not to get to away from the video, but I think this is one of the reasons why people like Mark. He gets so into the games he likes, you can't help but get sucked in.

I hope Mark plays some Happy Wheels or something now. He seemed super torn up by this game.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Mdaybloom 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2015 🗫︎ replies

Wow. Well that was... heart-wrenching. And unexpected. And kind of beautiful.

I like Mark. Simply put, I think he's got a great heart and a really clever mind, and I love it when those things come through in his daily content. His vlogs are always food for thought, but most days we just get the goofy, joyful side of Mark, geeking out about SPAAAACE or building penis statues with his buddies in Minecraft. And I love that goofy, joyful side. I love the penis statues and mannequin-induced panic and big dumb-dumb moments of his. But for me, videos like this set him apart from the rest.

It's not that I like seeing Mark upset. I don't. Quite honestly, it made me want to cry as well - and that is what I loved. He chose to play this game, and he didn't scrap the play-through and turn off the camera because it was an unexpectedly emotional experience. He went with it. He got into it. He invited his viewers right into his psyche, and let us see some very genuine and personal parts of who he is as a person.

That's not a requirement of being an awesome YouTuber. That's not something you have to share with your fans, or that a lot of people choose to. I would be watching Mark's channel for all the fun, creative stuff he makes, regardless of whether or not he chose to include videos like this. It's not something I expect of him, but it's one of the things that I really appreciate about him.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/CallMeCaliban 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2015 🗫︎ replies

I remember playing this a couple of years ago

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Orangerrific 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2015 🗫︎ replies

Maybe I'm just jaded but everytime a choice was supposed to be made, I had absolutely no hesitation on wanting to choose the "find the cure ASAP" choice.

I love my family and everything, believe me I do, but if I had to choose between spending my time with my family, doomed to die, and fighting to save the human population, I would choose the vaccine. And I know for a fact my family would have me do the same.

Seeing Mark get overly invested in this game made me a little uncomfortable. I'm not discomforted by the fact that he's showing emotions. Hell, I tear up at a lot of movies I watch, even during scenes that aren't particularly that sad. I''m discomforted because the game itself is trying to make you sad without giving you a real reason to. The wife's death just confused me. If she had died from the disease, I could understand it, but she slit her own wrists in the bath tub with her kid in the other room. On top of the fact that she wasn't even really much of a character to begin with. She spoke to the protag twice and spent most of the game in bed and it deprived the game of any semblance of a connection with her husband/the protag. So seeing Mark act that heartbroken over a bare bones apocalypse story with no real sense of loss felt like I was watching a movie that was sad for the sake of being sad without trying to deliver any kind of meaningful message.

I will now accept the tirade of downvotes that comes with not liking a Markiplier video.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SoundsLikeCoffee 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2015 🗫︎ replies

I always try not to look at the YouTube comments, but gosh it just makes me so upset seeing comments saying that Mark is being too overdramatic when he is crying at the end of the video. I just want to wrap him up and hug him after seeing him like this.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RadicalZombie 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2015 🗫︎ replies

I tryed another path, and JIM! JIM YOU MOTHERF***ER, I went to the lab, and Gave up :c

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MrMineBrake 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2015 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to one chance the game where we play as a scientist or a team of scientists who accidentally created a pathogen that is going to destroy the world in six days now the thing about this game it came back in like 2010 as far as I remember and it created a OH in six days every single living cell on planet Earth will be dead you have one chance now the thing about this game like its name says you only have one chance to beat the game I didn't play it when it first came out now I haven't played the since all right let me get my mouse out of there oh it's pretty music and that's a pretty thing in the background and I've got a lovely animation cycle good for me and a beard hurry up honey you'll be late for work thanks penny I'm guessing you're my wife and I'm guessing you're my daughter Molly I'm sorry I destroyed the world do I really have to go to school today daddy well I don't know the world the world's gonna end in six days I'm not entirely sure does it really matter anymore today's a big day get a move on okay smooch goodbye honey I'm off to destroy everything can't cancer oh okay I get it yesterday a team of science is led by dr. pilgrim cured cancer the demon's been working on a cure for the illness for seven years before they made a breakthrough in cell destruction yesterday the cure currently known as e 48 k15 could also be used to fight other harmful cells even the common cold oh boy okay so it they don't know yet okay so there's a god damn they don't know they don't even give me a week it's six days not seven days I guess it'd be too much like the ring little girls crawling out TVs hello guy how are you doing well if it isn't the [ __ ] Saviour well what's your problem not like I destroyed the world or Oh No well done congratulations John this is a big step thanks everybody thanks I'm great you're welcome I ain't gonna turn bad at all hello Annie we should go out for drinks to celebrate John skip work oh no um I didn't I didn't quite notice the pixelated boobs there at first but I can't be distracted I'm a professional scientist how dare you even think that I could be distracted from my work if I could just okay I'm on my way then bye ladies oh boy hello you're not gonna talk to me okay lab hello hi good work doc you're gonna be huge thanks Ryan sorry bro no entry today okay bro you have a good one I'm gonna go to the lab cuz apparently everything is gonna be horrible soon then work okay move okay in five days every single living cell on planet Earth will be dead I have one chance I wasted a whole day what the hell I didn't know I was with that guy copping an attitude not like he knew that the world was gonna end today Molly how are you doing moms in the bath I'll just get get ready to say hi to her the phone's been ringing all morning for you must be important okay I guess I'll just be on my way then honey Oh where's where's the phone phone over here phone huh here deadly the cancer cure discovered earlier this week has been found to be beyond deadly according to officials be 48k 15 doesn't stop at only killing cancer cells the drug goes on to kill every other living cell and not only the human body but everything else if the gas based drug was ever used it could go on to cause catastrophic damage to the earth my god that's horrible you'd think they would run trials before they just started experimenting on people you know no thanks thing you think they would experiment before oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no this bad well at least this guy is gonna yell at me the first thing I've walk-in yeah course we're flack Jeon we're fact we're going to get our funding pal I don't think that's the worst of our concerns there boss let's see oh you're not gonna talk to me huh you don't want drinks anymore just kind of jacked you well whatever I got work to do it's a it's not really as dangerous as they say it is is it doc Ryan don't worry I'm gonna be huge someday don't you worry about a thing buddy boo oh man no one's talking to me this is really really awkward let's go up to the roof there yeah well hey how's it going there buckaroo oh good John what are we done I've done the tests a thousand times it's so much worse than we thought will you think of one of those thousand it's going to change everything now [Music] what what I didn't work in four days every single living cell on the planet Earth will be dead you have one chance how do I fix it how do I fix it huh oh is that just is that my wife you really have to go in today I I think so does it really matter anymore I think so Oh God why don't I have to go to school today you didn't want to go two days ago Oh everything is horrible Oh God oh no I just noticed how everything looks like it's painted on a canvas that's really cool but Oh God oh no no no no I now know the end is nigh Thank You mr. president world leaders all over the earth address their people yesterday and told them of the up and coming end of days the cell destroying virus has already widely spread and taking its toll on the world the first signs of the virus in your area apparently include plant life dying this would include things like grass and trees scientists say at the rate of the spread of information we have nothing Oh [Music] oh good broadcasters that's gonna help Wow no wait are you the guy that jumped up no you hit here there must be something we can do you're right Bruce there must be something we can do what's happening here where is everyone well I don't know get him in here we need to work no God Oh God everyone just abandon all hope did everyone just abandon all hope oh I gotta work okay I guess Oh God it's LOX Wayne is locked I need to do work I need to work Oh God boss hey boss boss boss don't worry John I'm not gonna jump although I don't suppose it matters ah god this is so sad go home and be with your family no I want to work boss I wanna I need to fix it boss boss boss you're going home doc no I need to work Ryan you with me we're gonna do this leave that's it in three days every single living cell on the planet Earth will be dead that seems rather final you have one chance honey honey darling holy why aren't they responding to me 50% dead by morning scientists have predicted this by Saturday morning half of the population of human of the human of the human that were we're alive on Monday will be dead as the death toll rises the unmonitored will numbers teams of scientists all over the world are still working on a cure riots are taking place all over the world and mass looting is in effect hello John we need you at the lab we could be on to something but we understand if you want to be with your family wait Oh God have to make the choice doing work or be with my family that's such a horrible choice to make oh no I'm gonna choose the wrong one okay so I gotta weigh my options if I stay home with my family I'm counting on the idea that everyone else in the world is gonna work on the cure but if I go to work then I'm gonna abandon my family they might die before I get the Cure done ah ah there's no right answer oh and there's always the hope that there's the idea that this is gonna be no cure ha ha I wish I had a walkthrough I gotta work I guess I guess hello again boob lady hey glad you could make it okay why can't I move you know since this could be our last day on earth I've been meaning to ask you something oh really do you maybe want to get it really really last days on earth I could create the cure you want to take me out on a date I chose to be with my family you think I'm gonna choose to be with you get out of here guy I got work to do I'm gonna save my family ah we gotta work Ryan Ryan you're my boy we can do this my boy oh no oh no oh no oh no I'm a wrong choice Molly Oh Molly silly Molly you're coming with me oh my family oh she's running on my bank oh okay a teddy bear coat you need anything Molly needs any bear oh my god in there with Molly games gonna destroy me hello one other person I didn't get a paper this morning who's gonna deliver it take Molly this ah ah I gotta save Molly oh is it oh please at least she'll be with me I guess work come on Molly oh god there's no one else here are they dead sorry that written in blood oh god what happened what happened oh what happened what happened did someone wreck up the place what happened Ryan I'm Ollie will he be a good girl today find another day I get one stuck in my foot what the hell was that I saw something move in the reflection over the paper Molly Moll you come with me come with me baby we're gonna go one chance is it too late [Music] there's no one left god I just realized it Oh God Molly's not doing okay oh this game is not okay I realize it half is let's play has just been me going ah I don't know what else to say it hurts my heart so badly Oh what do I do do I take her to the park or do I go to work and hope that I can find a cure in time but we're gonna be like the last people on earth it said I had one chance Oh No Oh what do I do if I go to the park she's like we're just gonna die anyway right ah but what would be the point of living if there's no one left I guess I have to take like the chance like logically speaking I would take the chance at finding a cure I mean I can still be with her but oh oh what do I do I gotta take the chances like the path I was choosing this is what I would do in this situation I would do everything I could to try to save him Molly what the hell she was on my back [Music] boy [Music] can't do this to me game it's too sad he's too sad oh come on I don't want to live I don't care about me well that's the saddest thing I've ever seen is she oh my god that's not is that the only person left ah I wouldn't have picked me Oh goddamn oh my god I hurt so badly I didn't want to save myself I didn't care about myself that's so horrible that's not what I wanted to do ah oh man oh man if I had a choice like I mean if God if I chosen the park Lewis where we are right now I we would have just died together but God to live as the only person left that would drive me crazy you just end up killing yourself anyway god damn this is so horrible ah there's no good answer like I found a cure oh my god what if I had worked instead of like oh I know what I needed to do all God and what if I had worked instead of gone up to the roof because I didn't work that day the guy when the guy when the on the day the guy jumped off the roof if I had actually gone in and worked that would give me one more day of work and I would I would it's not I need to realize it's not my daughter but like when I play these games I take it very personally and I think like as if that was my daughter and if there was any way that I could save her like there's nothing that I wouldn't have done to like try oh my god I'm just this game's destroy me I need to stop playing such emotional games because goddamn I can't handle them okay so anyway sorry for ruining everyone's day god this gotta be a better way like I'll put a link in the description of the game you guys can play for yourselves try to find a better way please tell me there's a way that actually works unless this game is just filled with sadness oh maybe it would have been better just to spend the whole time with my family because probably no way to find a cure and it's a decision of whether you want to try hopelessly at finding a cure and then be the only one left on planet earth I guess in a cosmic way like if I found a cure that meant life can eventually go on on planet Earth even if humans die out a leaf life won't end because it said every single living cell would die but this way the cure is out there I'm guessing that means that life can go on but home a God to live with the knowledge being the last one would be horrible God it would be so horrible oh man okay it's a weird question whether you would want to live after everyone else is dead I don't I don't think anyone would take the option they're like being so alone not just alone in the sense of being alone but beyond alone and the idea that no one will ever ever ever be there again and humanity ends with you that is the most horrible thing I could possibly think of oh but either way I hope this like I hope this brings about at least a bit of dialogue in the comments like let me know what you think of this game because I want to know and I want to know if there was the right way to go or if I made the right choices I don't think I did it doesn't feel like I did but either way like his these kind of games that really show that are the artistic value of what gaming can bring about it's so simple in its graphical style and yet it it makes you feel so long as you get into the game it makes you feel and goddamn oh God so either way well like I said before sorry for ruining your day I hope you enjoyed this playthrough I hope you can have lovely day today because this isn't the situation and this isn't what's happening right now in life and there's there's a lot of flaws like this would never actually happen maybe but either way just thank you all so much for watching check out the other the other happier videos that I've done in the description below or in the annotations and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 14,165,831
Rating: 4.87432 out of 5
Keywords: One Chance, Markiplier, Sad, Game, Gameplay, Saddest Game Ever, PC Game, Video Game, Crying, End of the World, Apocalypse, Plague, Epidemic, One Chance Game, One Chance Ending, Ending, All Endings, Emotional, Deep, Depression, Anxiety
Id: z9zUbpU2dJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 29 2015
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