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*static sounds* Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome to "Sara is Missing" Now this is supposed to be an augmented reality... er... kind of like altered reality game Where you're supposed to be finding Sara, I'm assuming. It was on and it's supposedly I dunno, it's supposedly just different. System failure, your device ran into a problem and needs to reset. Do you want to restore your device to an earlier time? If you'd like to know more... No? Do I need to do.. oh my god I have to... Oh. okay... Please wait while we restore your device. Do not switch off the dev... what was that? (phone sound) Restoring Iris, okay! Restoring messages Okay...? what the fuck was that??!?! (phone sound) OOOOOH welcome back Sara!!! This phone appears to be.... (phone sound) You don't appear to be Sara.. What, are you looking at me? Have we met? Ooooookay... I don't know!!! Should I go into my goddamn messages? Oh jeez I have no other thing... see... Welcome back, Sara. This phone appears to be damaged ahhhh You know what? I have no idea if I should talk to strangers, but I'm gonna do just that. Let's see. I'm not Sara!! I... my name... oh jeez... aww jee... oh, okay. Alright, I have to do what I have to do there. alright... I'm not Sara. Would you kindly return this property back to Sara Young? let's see... You know where she is? That's weird cause it's the exact time that it is right now. Based on your response, I assume she is not with you? I don't even know her! It seems that the last video she took implies that she is in danger. Would you like to watch it and help me verify? Nah, nah I wouldn't. No, I don't want any part of this. This seems horrible, and horrifying, and why do I have to help??? Let's see what you got, I guess... I don't have a good feeling.. oh god. I don't wanna see that... Hello (in video) I hear footsteps... (sobbing) Oh... I thought I was gonna see someone getting murdered. Oh that's so weird. It's.. It's really well done. This is really well made. Oh god, it really replicates a phone. This is the only file left at this moment. The rest of the content seems to be deleted or intentionally damaged. let's see. How much can you fix? I assume I'm talking to an AI? It appears that only 14.3% of this device is operational. Sara looks like she needs help. I didn't do anything about it. Yes it would appear so. I am this mobile's Intelligent Recognitive Iconolatry System. It is in my best interest and in your good conscience to locate her immediately. Let's see. Why do you want me to.. why do you want me to help find Sara? She is my owner. I want to make sure she is safe. It is my prime directive. Okay, whenever computers start talking about prime directives, it's... not exactly a good sign... You sound human. (phone sound) Yes. eugh...I want.. oh jeez... (phone sound) Wait what? (phone sound) We are wasting precious time here will you help me find Sara? But why did you just say "I want"? What did that mean in context of this situation? I have no idea what you're going on about but okay. How about a big old YEParoonie I don't know if I could even say no here. N O NO! Maybe? oh... Please. I believe you're her only hope. The phone is dying. There's not much time. I'm not sure what.. oh, see, there is no option. I'm not sure what I can do, but OK. I'll help. I don't even know why I picked up this phone! I need to restore as much of the contents in this phone as I am able to. Please press the back button, then tap and hold anywhere on the homescreen. Memo added. Oh good, I've got a daily reminder that I need to find Sara. Eh. Oh, eh wait ooOaoaAAA! There we go. I believe I can recover some of this phone's data. alrighty then. Do it to it! Would you like me to restore them now? Yeah, no point in waiting I guess. Am I gonna get more flashes of nightmares? Oh boy, I can count on the nightmares on my way. This is gonna be fun. Remember, you can tap and hold at any part of the phone to ask me for help with anything. Oh, okay. But if it's something out of my capabilities, I will let you know with a beep. okay. (phone sound) I need help! Oh, thank you. (phone sound) Ah, thank you. Gallery? Okay Ah, music, okay. Okay, so it's just not helping me here. Oh. Ohhhh You're normally not like... oh jeez... Oh jeez, this doesn't look good. I sh..I feel really weird. It's like I'm actually going through someone's phone here, and this is weirdly private, and I'm invading the privacy. Alright. (reading phone conversation) So that could be the start of something baaaaad that it was not gonna be a good thing to go to that. (reading conversation) Antisepticeye Wow. Wow. What a overbearing mom. I dunno, that's just so overbearing and controlling of her life. So she's got an overbearing mother, who controls her life, tries to destine everything, but altho... (also), she... Is going down a career path in parapsychology, which I don't even know what that is. Alright, what do we got here? Alright, hey... u there? (reading conversation) Oh this is Derek. Ohhhh (continues reading) Oh god, this feels so weird. Why am I reading their private conversation? (keeps reading) What is he doing that he's around naked girls??? (reading) VALENTINE'S DAY?!?! Oh, and then not tell her about it?! Ohhh, dick move bruh. Dick move! Baby please, one month. A little less than a month. Month. Baby, baby please. I'm not your baby. (laughing) I'm not, I'm not your baby. Okay, alright, bye. Wow. This feels so weird, reading these conversations. Oh boy. Carpet flavored coffee beans, shopping, air bnb... alright, nothing much here though. Alright. I shouldn't have gone into her PICTURESSS!!! That would have been very weird. Can you help me with this? eughh.. Iris, I don't know what to do. (reading) Goddammit, I just went through all the messages. Now I gotta go back and remember everything that I went through. okay. (reading) Okay, yeah, that is true. Okay, so I remember that Faith had a weird thing where she wanted to go... do something..... I really wanna go to this gathering! what's going on there? a Walpurgisnacht... What is at jez it jeez et German?! What's the walpurgidisnacht? Let's see. Is the one Dutch and German names for the night of 30th of April... (reading) okie dokie then. Uh, not gonna fall for this again? Nope. Okay. So then Aya definitely did one. You're not normally like this. (reading) You're freaky, you're freaky Iris. I'm sorry. Okay, alrighty then. Goodbye Okay. Okay, hang on. I'll be right with you, Iris. (laughing) If we can look through her pictures. I believe there's an error with the gallery, would you kindly tap and hold on the gallery icon? I don't like the feel of that... Errrghh. Please wait while I find what's wrong. (singing) I feel uncomfortable looking through her pictures!!! (reading) I know what her birthday is! (singing) I know what her birthday is, I know it a lot. Because it's in her mail. She has... Happy birthday on... 14... *gasp* she was born on Valentine's Day. Derek is an ASSHOLE!!! WOW!!! Holy shit, okay. The 14th of February. Wow. Let's see... Okay, uh, 1 4 0 2.. da-DING!!! Okay, in! I'm in.... eughh... (singing) AHHHH, this feels wrong!!! There's a strange photo in the... take a closer look at... What was that Iris? Strange photo in the gallery. I don't wanna. I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna do that. What's strange? Which one's strange? Okay, let's see which one's.. which one's weird. Oh boy. Nothing, nothing. Is this one weird? How about that one? oh boy. oh. What the fuck is that... what the Fuck is that?? What the FUck IS that?! WHATTHEFUCKISTHAT? (reading) Oh, I'll wait here. Creeped out of my goddamn mind! Successfully restored the Sara's contact James. The video should be in the message thread... Alrighty then. Okay, James is it? Ohhhh... heyy... Faith also has more stuff here... Faith has new messages... oh, from the night before she supposedly disappeared according to Aya. Don't make me put a spell on your skinny ass.. Oh, she's talking about taking her out on the thing. Oh boy. Yeah, Derek can stand... oh man... didn't have to say that, sorry, too soon... aw, talking about how long it's been since the break up.. oh boy. Convincing her to go, and if it sucks they'll leave... Picking you up... See you around 9 The witch is cooking The bright side, if she finally poisons you, you don't have to come. Oh, her mom's cooking. oh, I get it. Oh jeez. Skinny... oh boy. presume you're dead, alright I'll come, what are you wearing? Can tell you what I'm not wearing Slut bimbo slut, fat c...oh jeez. Alllright where are you? Been waiting, why aren't you picking up? If you don't pick up I'm leaving Faith this is not funny, I'm in the middle of the jungle and i'm alone where the fuck are you Oh..... (unidentifiable whispering/breathing) okay. okay. Yo, you busy? got something if you're interested. Thing called a red room I know about that! Weird stuff online, you answer some stuff then BAM. So you keep going, phone will start freaking out, pop ups, lemme find the link. Am I gonna die now? Am I gonna die?!? Are we all gonna die?!?!?! oh hi okay, alright, you.. uh, you okay? You okay?! Huh?!?! You okay buddy??? Iris?! My controls are malfunctioning, I can't seem to bleeuurrr Can't seem to hyeeehh (reading) Okay, okay! (sniff) Okay, alright. Alright. Okay, who the frick is that? (reading) So this is, judging by the time stamp, this is just after she was texting Faith, I believe, 'where are you, I'm in the middle of the jungle' (continues reading) Kay. Ah. oh Hello Ah, what L.... Lovely symbols Nice! Those are great. Those are real cool. Kay orgies eughh.. yeughh.. what is this? blood! blood. De Meur filled with lots of ....arlfl anal and vagjfjfl.... Kay, symbols, alrighty then Cannot touch her. something about a ritual here, and some sort of incantation. recipes for the ritual eughhhh..okay IRIS Iris is offline! Kayyyy There's something weird about the---! FUCKING Fuck hi. Hi, hello, hi, my name is Markiplier (on the phone) Sara?! Hell, where are you?! Can you hear me?! Sara, I'm at the cult site! Sara! Okay... James? oh James! Hi James! Why aren't you speaking I need to speak w- I need to talk to you. James? James! JAMES! (on the phone) Sara! Are you there?! Sara.. hello?? shit hold on (unidentifiable cry in background) Do you hear that?! (hangs up) Okay, was that a baby?! Was that a baaaby?! Where am I?! Where did I find this phone?!?! It's urgent, where are you? You've been missing for almost a day. Did you go to that party? Please tell me you didn't. eughh It's real bad news. oh boy That, that's.. That'd be bad. I'm not Sara. Ohhh boy. That's b-- how bad is bad? ohh how bad is bad?! If only I can show you the madness. Are you okay? Let's see I'm okay, you need to explain what's going on Yes I'm fine. Tell me what's wrong with the party. Euuughhhhh this doesn't seem right Here check this out I don't know if I should! Why do I wanna check this out? Alright, here we go (on video) Those who are trying to prepare themselves for entry into... hello hi friend hello! Okay, that was great, why did I need to see that? That doesn't sound like something I needed to see. Uhhhhhh this is disturbing (reading) okay well stop typing, you dick! James! Jaaames!!! oh boy, well, James is probably dead James is probably dead. oh, pile of dead bodies, how conveniently placed. uh oh uh oh! Uh oh... something weird going on with this text bubbly... I probably shouldn't message and create a sound on his device... JAMES! JaaAAaMES! Hullo Hullo there Hello hello! Uh oh.. well that's no good. That's no good at all Hello Who is this? You're not James! You are not Sara but you pretend to be why? let's see Let's see... Why does it matter? (reading) eugh... Uh. well, that doesn't seem good. Okay, alright then. I'm assuming that's James? (reading) what is it? Uhhhhhhh Why are you doing this? Oh boy. share it? oh, hang on. wait. James sent a photo... yeeugh Well, Uh... what do I do?! I don't know what to do. Please whoever you are do not do this. I feel like I must! James might die. Iris? Iris?? oh god Oh, what do I do? How do I share it? I.. d-..I-... Should I?! I don't know! Hello?! You want a link? You want a linky link, Uni group? Hey everybody, check out this cool thing. It's greeaaat Why? I don't know! What have you done? I... I have no idea. Oh jeez I didn't.. I didn't not share the link. Well, time to spread - oh this guy definitely deserves it. alright, I uh.. hey, sorry. Alright. Here you go. Let's see James sent a photo.. okay, hang on, hang on. hang on. hang on. uh oh. Uh oh, wait. What? What. WhAT?! WHAT! I SHARED IT! WHAT I SHARED IT!!! I fucking shared it! ohhhh, that's no good! But I, I shared it! I never think that people die, they just go to the departmental store what? I don't know what's happening! Why? heyyy! the fuck just happened? you there? I shared it! Do you know what you shared? Why'd you kill him after I shared it?! I dunno what did you make me do? It's a death curse (reading) hello? James? (reading) Okay hello? okie dokie then. (reading) You're not telling me who. eughh.. Oh, ohh.. uh oh.. Ah, kay, well, I found Sara good for me. Alrighty then. (reading) That's an excellent question! I just found a phone! Wait, they will.. They will be no more? Uh, eh, rr.. Faith, I guess. I dunno, I'm here to save Sara, I think that was the whole point of this? You... you specified that oh jeez. oh, I don't want to look at that. Oh, that's no good. oh, I don't want to see that!! I- I didn't want any of that! I didn't want any of this! How did I get to this point?! What did I do?! It's all meaningless in the end! (sob) Oh jeez. (continues reading) I did not want this outcome! I was just trying to get some more information I have done real bad. I can't even back out now. I ca- I can't do anything. Oh no. I've.... oh boy. Can you help me about this one? Hello, red Iris. It's a tough choice. but had to be done. I don't know if that was true. Sara means too much to me. It hurts to see Faith go. Sara knew Faith for the longest time. I don't want to do this! I don't want anyone to die! (laughing) I hope Faith doesn't mind. Well, you might be dead. Life hurts a lot more than death. Okay. At least Sara is okay. We need to find her quick. This is so weird! This is so--- Okay Wait, hang on (reading) What?! What did I do? WHAT? I feel empty inside! Please don't leave me! I don't know what the fuck happened! Okay Alright Okay Heh??? I don't know what that did. What?! Hehhh? That's so weird! How many secrets are strewn about that game? How many things could you click and hold on, to be there, and investigate further? I'm almost positive I did not get a good ending. If there's multiple endings to this game, I did not get a good one, that's for damn sure. So, I actually might re-explore this game. Because there is so much there. I didn't even pore through the rest of the pictures, I didn't even go through the videos, I went through none of that. But that was so interesting. I can't stop thinking about that. My god, that burrowed into my brain, it felt so real even though I was literally just looking at a phone screen. Like, for some reason, that made it more real. That was so weird! Oh man! Okay, so This game is trying to get on Steam Greenlight. this game should definitely be on Steam. And it's available on at a name-your-own-price interval. I would recommend paying a few bucks to the developer to just fuel this kind of thing, because that was just harrowing, like HARROWING But, incredibly interesting. So let me know what you think down in the comments below, and I will revisit this in the future if there's something to see. So, thank you everybody so much for watching, check out the mysteries of this through the link in the description below And as always, I will see you *glitch* in the next video! BUH BYE!! Jacksepticeye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,269,741
Rating: 4.938724 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, sara is missing, markiplier sara is missing, creepy, creepypasta, scary, scary game, horror, horror game, creepiest, creepiest game ever, scariest game, scariest game ever, scariest, glitch, game glitch, scary glitch, hacked, hacked phone
Id: LvxjfOGFo6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 28sec (2128 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2016
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