PLEASE LET ME GO... | Captive Audience

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oh hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to captive audience this is not a web browser this is not a website this is this is the game it's just opened up like this what is it incident Oh fire ah I might have broken it nerves in hello hello and welcome to another episode of lights camera catastrophe yes yes today we have a very special show for you though let's be honest aren't they all a man who needs no introduction yeah draw he's been named in your home for the last two decades give it up for Harry caldera mom truly fantastic now Harry may I call you Harry oh cool your career is nothing short of legendary for 20 years your work has been beamed to every household in the world and into our hearts who can forget such titles as Susan housewife of the 80s Barry and Chuck close-quarters and of course Tommy and the tiger your short-lived and rather gory but exemplary miniseries that made us laugh love and cry now you knew this was going to come up and I'll apologize in advance it's quite oh I bet you can captive audience your most successful and controversial show it ran for five seasons five whole years before catastrophe struck the production some regarded as your greatest success others a total failure I know you were even called upon by the ethics council investigating the incident tell us tell us how that one got away oh you're not gonna tell us I have no idea what's going on they said something about there being an incident and it is a punishment please arrive promptly huh so we'd have a weap plan I have a weed plan right son my top on top all right that's all there is to our and I didn't need any more but I'm still no closer to finding you Jules who turned the light off are y'all there there oh hi Jules I'm really sorry about that I guess oh oh is that my throw arc oh yeah he'll never leave me mr. blinky and now they'll never find you behind the weed where they will go straight to the floor whoa I don't like oh my god there's a spotlight on the [ __ ] all right can I shower at least oh good hygiene is important thank you for noticing I guess hi Matt how are you I'm doing great thanks even by another you guys are fantastic and what will you be doing for us today looks like today I'll be doing some baking how does red velvet cake sound Oh delightful tell us what do you need for a cake like that the recipe says I'll need butter eggs flour salt sugar pickle juice well that's different also food coloring Mel and frosting well better get to it then man we don't want to keep the folks at home waiting too long Oh No wouldn't want to do that no way no how I'm gonna bake a cake just before I explore everything in the room of questionable frames-per-second I'm gonna watch some TV apparently I didn't whoa okay look looks a little close I didn't mean to do that that was my bad I was just thinking that maybe Oh complacent in video games may be a bit galactic Oh okay never mind maybe a nice movie hello buddy how are you this is exciting it's like some kind of a Truman Show thing going on here record maybe I'll put on some slammin tunes hope it's royalty-free do I still have it put it in there we go wow that is some good stuff you can notice the most social selves and instruments of vinyl [Music] okay dog show yeah I could use some company good question I looked up some porn while everybody's watching no booth I wish I could see where I was throwing it here we go here we go damn damn oh I am indeed the most interesting person on the face of the planet well that was stupid and a waste of time hello MooMoo I'm cousin blankie okay okay that's really sad all right anything in the fridge oh we got milk we definitely got me is this gonna be baking simulator all over again Oh pickled onions cabbage all right sure yeah good cheese I don't think we need cheese but I like cheese okay I like cheese in my red velvet egg good oh okay good I got agar okay how about maybe that's butter maybe that is that butter and milk milk milk or poor milk milk it is baking simulator it's butter I'm hoping pickle juice very very questionable but okay sure we're gonna go pickle juice sploosh all right just a - I guess slam that back in the fridge okay never mind I'm salt sure okay buns oh um sure glad everyone's watching this flower got it sugar done Kenny one more egg there was only one egg oh there was twig never mind Edgar and call it a ring I mean this is red so I can only assume right blue oh okay sure every heat on ish grab put okay sure yep that'll did you get whatever okay I don't know hope um burn so I was baking a lovely cake huh oh hey I got you oh ouch that that really smarts oh no that has got to hurt safety first Matt maybe try the oven gloves silly me definitely I thought of that sooner oh no I smell burning looks like you overcooked it Matt did you get distracted come on let you just put it in gosh yeah I should have paid more attention folks huh maybe the frosting will cover it up I'll do my best okay yeah well boy this is a exciting show that everybody loves cuz why wouldn't they frosting it is is it frosting okay it looks like frosting this is not that's powdered sugar no frosting sugar oh I see okay a little more sugar all right I guess we're done that looks great Matt you really brought it back now how does it taste uh-huh I had quite a big breakfast so I'll save it for later oh come now Matt the folks at home want to know what it tastes like and we all know you love cake sure do buddy so Matt how's it taste you look a bit ill there Matt next time maybe you should follow the recipe a bit closer oh hi everybody see let's see you next time broadcast ended please use this free time to better yourself before the next performance oh oh better myself okay thank you I feel better already I feel better about everything that's going on in here I mean I get the concept but Emily Oh what I'm not gonna listen to you anymore but I don't even know if I had an option to listen well time to hit the old dusty trail Oh Oh Stacie hi honey how was your day just gossip gossip gossip I mean could you just shut up how are you holding up it sounded like a rough one today it was fine but I couldn't handle how about you same here maybe we'll get Council next season you might actually get out people have to be getting bored of this by now Matt if you get canceled they don't just let you out probably right just heard some form in the kitchen must be careful they could just be trying to bait you out some stupid game yeah keep it out just a beer at backup eyes okay I'll be here it's not like I've got anywhere else to go huh okay so I didn't even really I didn't even realize for a while that that was someone through the wall but that makes sense hello hello anyone here hello guess it's on the fritz figures they can't even keep their own gear running and carefully follow my instructions and I can help you it's time to stand here here it doesn't matter who I am I'm a friend it matters to me trust me I'm the key to your escape escape how this entire place is like a fortress to just punish me if I try anything just that easy huh okay alright well okay but I saw a big floating eyeball that seems bad okay I'm going I guess yeah that's my chance chance freedom it's gonna be a big no-no I realize it's risky but still ratings are in this lump and I think this could be the thing that brings us back into the limelight you've got to trust me on this give me a week maybe two we'll see how it's going if it fails we could just cancel the show and move on no big deal but I'm telling you it's gonna be huge while I remember can you send down maintenance to remove those bloody boxes it's a tripping hazard we're trying to move the equipment Thanks okay all right I don't even know if I wanted to go that way but I I think that was the host that was talking over there if I'm not mistaken oh hey how you doing hi oh hi oh okay you got it man you got it don't ask questions about how I escaped a little bit but don't worry about it maybe if I build a fort I can hide in it they'll never be able to breathe what they're doing to you yeah I guess so that's not the person through the wall that's Stacey ah I got trapped okay take deuce drop deuce can't take a deuce can I drop today looks like I'm gonna be playing a new video game today I sure can't wait terrific we'll get to it then doesn't that game look fantastic oh it looks great but I need to find a controller first now where could it be where could it be all those good banter thanks buddy Oh controller - let's see how we play I've got a good feeling that we'll win this in no time oh yeah in no time baby partly because I'm extremely good at games okay all right here we go I'll pop to squat ready to do this whatever it is never mind them not doing that okay how the way um Sue's me oh there we go okay all right you got this oh okay stealthy stealthy I'm stealthy healthy I'm a healthy stealthy oh I see how we do oh I see I see I see how we're doing oh I see I see what we got going on here oh good good good good so far so good oh man you should see me he used to see me I have a theory yes uh-uh no no that didn't well uh no no no no no no no no no no no hey who's that who's that man why is her man down there oh and hello sir Wow look at that folks we made it got to finish the mission yeah what an exciting and entertaining lead plate someone must have dropped something next time sorry about that folks and he's done it a massive thank you to Matt for helping us clear out our calendar today and open the way for a new show starting next week stay tuned for a sneak peak trailer right after these messages from our sponsors what did you just make me do what did you make me do who's sane I'm not doing this [ __ ] no I'm done wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait tonight's just shoot someone out here it is that game is that game just who's they built for dude I didn't even make that connection whoa [Applause] [Music] they may not kill some anti stacy mark i who was it another contestant i think they're one of the rooms near a second the gunshot from the living room whatever they made you do it wasn't your fault and you know that if they were killing off another character it was going to happen still it was just a game you know stupid game they were trying to advertise or something hello as you enjoying it until i realized so make me kill someone with the game states what the [ __ ] is wrong with these people [Music] don't let them get you mad you're stronger than they are you've got to stay strong for julia okay post of us and i mean it I won't leave you this day see where's the first place we'd want to go I think I'd go to a bar and just get absolutely hammered try to forget about all this for just one night that or an ice cream parlor [Music] I think I want to go away so my open honks feel the breeze and space around me somewhere natural I know so sick of feeling boxed and I've nothing been real me and you used to just sit on the couch you know before all this the thought of hiking around outdoors is a fate worse than death no I just kill to feel the rain on my face again yeah and we'd have to keep the touch you know Pleasant a person no soon as I'm out if he eras over between us I've got a reputation to uphold you know it's one of the cool kids besides I don't think jr. will want me hanging around too much you and her have a life to rebuild I mean without your wonder made it this far okay if I don't have you to talk to and I've got mad seasons ago and to be honest I can't imagine I bet this this right here right now this this interaction is the real show like this is the real show everyone like everyone in this thing thinks it's the other thing like it's out there but of course that's a stupid no one would actually want that right okay good tip thank you yeah I bet this is the crazy idea that they were they were talking about yeah it's gotta be right oh okay oh man land of low framerate thank you very much which I could actually see some [ __ ] okay this game is interesting it's got it it's got quite a story here there's something going on deeper and I like about a game like the mechanics of it are a little janky it's a little baking simulator esque but at the same time it's good cuz it draws me in okay what's this hello conference room number fo ah okay close the dough get only ten frames perfect okay the Harper situation has gotten out of control is one thing having him loose in the building this is another entirely and what this matter solved immediately if he makes contact with any other stars who knows what could happen until it is resolved all uses of the grinder are to be suspended and the thorough investigation is to be conducted ah yes the company cellphone with the only grinder app installed on it if you can control contain him you know the protocol site awaits his arrival can't afford anymore containment reaches containment breaches you say AHA ce-5 reclamation notice c4 following the passing of your security team liaison we still find several personnel effects absent from a collection we're still missing an ID badge for Kay Robinson I expect this to be found and brought to security room ASAP we do not need another breach there's a chance he still has it on him the new green room code is one eight four six five one okay I got one a oh wow eight folk hmm got it want a fuss if I want okay so I just got to find the security room with my two frames a second try to find it whoa whoa whoa I'm not doing anything Harry's green room isn't that the one green room key yeah Oh No oh um great folks great taste since nineteen series of history uh oh wait no hang on wait no no no no no no no no no no no how is this this is not fair this is not fair no no no no no no no no I Bob okay nevermind then I guess okay trying it you okay let's assume that he just left me right where I was yeah did okay did it did it's the amnesia style of stuff who is this doctor something something I don't know who is this where is this hello hello no apparently not yeah this is the time to pontificate all right I don't know what that is that's computer go I don't know what that is either so weird okay as I'm sure you've heard the recent exposure to the public has resulted in a need to transition facilities while governing bodies are squeezed of their fears to ensure the protection of all assets and transit we're asking that you make a detailed catalog of any items and their stars that are removed subject for removal by the appropriate date will be transferred to grinder and repurposed for future endeavors grinder ensure our programming stays fresh reading program I saw in there that's as lovely as lovely but this doesn't look like the security room so something about a breeding program what the hell does that even mean what does it even mean why are we here are we Soylent are we solid green Oh such low frame rate gotta be the security room around here somewhere well if I wrap around the other way I should be able to get out of this is it just a big loop oh it is hey don't come back here by the way just don't come back here so you're coming back here no you're not no the security room yes it is okay Sakura tah hello hi hi diddly hol this is why it's lagging cuz there's so many cameras everywhere oh that that's that's what they call bad okay hey hey listen listen listen listen listen let's don't do air okay all right I must smoke some Prichard please arrive promptly that's so sweet hey mr. blinky how are you doing today oh don't be so glum cheer up Shawn yeah well you know he said the same thing yesterday but I talk good you know yeah hello can you [ __ ] hear me I said the door's locked open the open the door I can't I can't get into the living room if you don't open the [ __ ] door if you think I'm gonna sit here and get punished because of your shitty door then you've got another thing coming from the producers face live with radiant and always fabulous host Jean Osmond and here's the guy you've been waiting for put your hands together for the one the only Matt hey foods pretty close there Matt you wouldn't want to keep the lovely people at home waiting well you know me you know I like to keep it exciting for the folks at home I know you do well Matt why don't you tell us what you'll be doing today today I'm gonna be sending an email to a fun of the show that's great it doesn't say their name though sounds fantastic why don't we make our way to your office and get started my office oh boy Oh hahaha farts odds are here okay alright Here I am okay PC log in what's nowhere but somewhere except where something is oh okay you really got me stumped over this one you get really stumped over a barrel on this one what's nowhere but somewhere except where something is nothing nothing okay how do I put in the nothing I see that I see it so oh maybe I just type no no no okay well maybe I sit oh I got sit down Oh got it yeah baby all right let's play game boink okay one away whoo all right there's one wait no it's right good we all know we all know this oh yeah whatever okay CMD maybe there's something like whoa [Music] okay so we got the tesseract out of there I don't know what that did but apparently worden oh well let's just go to email all right I guess so well here we go extracting data mail config all right 24 there we go rearrange following string to make passwords oh right the passwords Julia ah and we did it wasn't so bad was it folks okay so let's send this email who's the look in front of the show uh-huh now Matt one of my uncle's once told me that was great power comes great responsibility you better use those newfound skills for good wouldn't want there to be any negative repercussions no we wouldn't okay tentacle hentai your monthly subscription to 1000 send bank account information to get money from Arabian Prince good great always love when I get that money now buy my book coins okay buy my pants what's up all right Oh would you look at that to my to to my dear friend Julia yes why did I get up in here anyway Oh Matt you joke are you careful what you say now there you go it's a lovely message to do it gee dear Julia I can't remember the last time I spoke to you and I'm sorry it's been so long when I last saw you we didn't leave on the best of terms but I hope you know it's all forgiven I found a record of our song the other day reminded me of our first date let's meet up soon I miss you more than I can express in this email losing you was a mistake and I should have tried harder to get you back funnily enough I've been thinking about how to reach you recently so I'm glad we got this chance to talk I hope you know that I haven't given up on us on being together again next time we speak I hope it'll be face to face and not via email don't stop believing in us in me we can still be together and soon we will be you always said my determination was one of my best features so I hope knowing I'm still determined to be there for you will help over the next few weeks keep an eye on maybe I'll make my way to your end of the woods soon until then stay strong beautiful I've never stopped loving you yours forever man sad well folks wait and see well that's all we have time for this week folks will Matt receive a reply or will he be left cold and alone tune in next week for more crazy action what so it's a week between these things okay all right we'll do you you got it hope no one's mad at me for going against the rules okay easy peasy are there like individual shows going on too tonight you're just going to get caught again Matt and eventually they're going to get tired of bringing you back well with an attitude like that he might as well just give up and wait to be cancelled look I'm sorry I can't be enthusiastic every time but I'm worried about you Matt if they take you and you don't come back what am I meant to do it'll just be me alone in this [ __ ] Stacy I'm sorry okay I'm scared too but if I start listening to that voice the one that telling me I'm I'm gonna get myself killed and to stay put that I'm never going to get going again someone out there is trying to help us okay and if they still think that we can do it then we have to trust them you don't even know who they are Matt what if it's another game some stupid task they've thought up to boost ratings they're not gonna put on one hell of a shelf room they're gonna regret what they've done to us to Julia okay all right I guess it's settled she's the life Stacy okay they wouldn't have bothered danglars are in front of me if she wasn't okay they think me knowing they still have will make me behave fall in line and play their game and they are wrong when I was brought here after what I did I was ready to give up and let them do whatever they wanted to me Stacy I wanted to die I spent months just blindly following orders wasting away as my show's ratings slowly declined and then you arrived you made me see that no matter what happened before this isn't how it should end I kept fighting because I couldn't let you down I couldn't just let myself die and leave you here after all you've done for me you kept me alive Matt you gave me my spark back and if I let you run yourself into the grave with these pointless escape attempts that I could never forgive myself think about Julia mark about me what do we do when you're gone I'm sorry I know it's risky and I know how this will probably end up I cannot stop now I've got to keep going until either we're all out of here or I'm gone I'm not gonna be part of this anymore Stacy I'm not gonna sit here and let them decide when we die good on you good on your mat good on you that'll really boost the ratings this is compelling [ __ ] oh hello we're live why does it say we're alive I'm opening the outer door yeah thanks okay alright but how are they changing things and also a lap etapa lap but tapas should I spy on producer wait spy on producer let me see if there was a new email nope dad nothing did nothing nothing for nobody Paul my spy on that producer well that producer is gonna be spied upon hi wait a minute is this dodge with this the doing of their security team thing no I can't deal with boxes all those pieces of Pope oh they know me well I'm gonna get down oh I'm gonna get them all right oh wait that wasn't even the way that was never behind it they didn't mess with me I didn't know he was going to leave the bloody thing open anybody's bare I swear to God if he doesn't get his [ __ ] together I'm putting him on his own show we'll see how funny it is to forget your ass every five seconds look I know it's a breach of security yes I realized what could've happened if a star had have got hold of it I assure you it won't happen again we reset the code dowon's faithful Tony's computer in the West Wing and will be said to get out of the memos of all I think it's password-protected so if you need to get on but urgently give Tony a shout and I'm sure he can help you that's fine no it's okay he's a [ __ ] you've every right to be annoyed okay okay quite talking to you okay all right Dolores okay so something about a password something about hacking something about going sneaking or what you doing over there okay goodbye all right so either way I gotta find my way around here get what I need to get don't get what I don't need to get and then be gone I don't know what they'd be doing to change the environment here to make it more difficult on me but oh hey that is just a weird neighbor that you do I don't like that I also find it a little odd find it a little odd that they you know just so happened to make me play a video game that's kind of close to this security control unit okay access controls um um ah I hit green on all of them okay so everything's been unlocked Barry just that easy huh all right just that easy easy easy lemon squeeze the marketing department is now open but is he looped okay he's in the back let's not go that we're just here oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what is happening here you just uh you just can't can't figure out what that cow is huh whoo I'm gonna just like oh I got by that okay acquisition Oh I don't look good all right I can't stay here though gotta keep movin oh I've already been in here okay I've been in here yeah that's the lovely mystery meeting room which is very fun and then there's the marketing department so it's either gonna be in this one or the other one on some other door that I unlocked I don't know what Jesus so most got problem Hugh Bruton okay I can't see [ __ ] I don't even know what I'm looking for here uh slander assault degrading behavior great love it love it all all that what was the point of coming in here get out of here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] well we're fine everything's hunky Dickey going I'm just gonna gun it for the opposite end don't think that he'd come in here if it was already supposed to be locked oh please hurry please okay acquisitions what is this all about there's some laser wires here okay I don't know what I'm supposed to do but I obviously can't go through there unless I'm supposed to use that one don't supposed to do no I can't even can't even open that okay oh now they're both looking at that either one stuck in front of the other one or they're both looking at that oh well that's handy I guess is it good or bad whoa I don't know what that was you just did but it was awesome oh please don't do that to me Dolores Finkelstein wait Dolores Dolores if this is Dolores room then that means Dolores would have a code somewhere here maybe that's what I need was there oh well there must be some password here somewhere oh here we go here we go I found a computer that's open okay so oh sandy oh [ __ ] wait sandy sandy isn't that the name of the person next door to me isn't sandy the name of the person that was next door to me sandy I talked to Sandy Oh Oh hell yeah sandy what was that I couldn't even tell her moved it's dark something happened okay uh here we go here we go here we go here we go okay hi Sam sorry this is so last-minute but Dolores and HR rang me last night about Dave's messing with her laptop can you check it one five one seven seven okay one five one seven seven that's a little close for my taste one five one seven seven one five one seven seven is that Dolores is that might be Dolores is okay so I need to go to Dolores the lower ass are here we go one five one seven seven got it bingo bango oh gosh [ __ ] oh okay all right your tentacle aah after five years of subscription you recently let your payment lapse please log on and enter your new payment details don't we'd be forced to terminate your account best wishes ten tickles Oh Dolores oh come on please be aware of pressing concerns about protocol compromised have forced us to up the timeline on the move the new date is 27th okay sorry to have to change the combination again 5437 62 okay easy enough but I need to turn off the lasers I'm sick of finding his presence more issues with Dave oh he's frankly obsessed with me sandy he's using DF sucks dick as his security and password after the last disciplinary okay DF sucks dick okay DF got it okay gotta write that one down I'll never be able to remember that apologies for disturbing you at work I picked up some Harry's mystery meat for tonight I just wondered if you wanted anything to go with it about the junior version I know you prefer the tender still Oh Mick says he wants to shift the show running in the coming weeks that means you're on day shift rather than I should have took that's okay only a big change of lifestyle okay let's try that one on the other one that we have over there oh no the security that's security man okay so we got to put DF suck stick into the security computer and then we've got things down to business oh we are making progress now okay all right here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go DF sucks dick oh yeah oh yeah oh hell yes system clear extracting data oh oh yeah oh yeah security shut down engage section 1 grid off section 2 grid off such as very good unable to disengage containment pens grid off meat processing alarm shutdown yeah it seems like not important yeah yeah that's that's probably fine alright how about big old DF so dark I log in and my beautiful obsession sandy are sandy whoa alright got in okay quick update on the breach we've been unable to locate asset to server thrown on one since our escape whilst we believe them to be dead due to an incident when the grinder we ask that all employees remain vigilant okay Dave enough is enough chop changing my pooping email password is not interested in the date fix my password change your password darling it's watching you ah that's creepy as hell although I guess in a place where they're processing humans on a TV show I guess it should just be par for the course alright due to this discourse we find ourselves an unwanted scrutiny and whilst the leak has sent to Harry's green room oh the leak has been sent we must take appropriate action effective immediately the operation is to begin shutdown and preparations for relocation or to be made gonna do big business your potty plenty of suckers around its promised I fixed our little sandy issue got them looking elsewhere she's safe oh that's nice okay I can now get into Sandy's email if I wanted to which I do oh [ __ ] so it's now watching you which is definitely not creepy in any way shape or form BAM okay we're here again okay vacation time approves starting for two weeks have a great trip CNS souvenirs bring me something back okay we cannot have producers that are unable to maintain control of their assets to 7:09 and one remains your responsibility in any damage cause we'll be taken out on you personally I swear I swear sandy isn't sandy the name of the person next door it's over sandy I can't keep lying to her we had some fun it was great don't contact me again she cannot know Oh Charles is Dolores is I gotcha okay well here we are say any funny how things change isn't it I dealt with that little problem we discussed and now meat production is missing a crew member Everest a lot helping you the least you can do is give me a date I'll pick you up tomorrow wear something nice we wouldn't want our secret getting out Dave kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss dear sandy just want to confirm I've received your latest complaint I'll be contacting the estate's about Dave and recommending he be immediately enrolled in his own show one of the ones with a lower survival right so I'll go through I'll make sure you're there for the premiere whoa what did I do Oh Status compromised immediate extraction advised proceed to evac alpha okay all right well doc I don't know what that is but dye did that good for me I really did it I did it I'm so proud of myself oh hi oh he's gonna warp he's gonna warped okay he's not gonna want don't say that don't say that dad II think II oh hi whoa hey how you doing there um listen we can talk about this right oh I just got a key okay all right I'll do that cancel me and I'm not ready for that I'll give it my op in case I don't make it you fill the void mr. blinky how's it going great to see you again now Matt normally we let you decide what fun activity you'll be sharing with our audience but today we thought we'd do something a little different keep you on your toes sounds interesting what have you got for me in front of you you'll find a map in several clues these will lead you on an exciting scavenger hunt with a shocking conclusion you won't see coming great I can't wait to see what the prize is you have till the end of the episode to finish but don't take too long you don't want to miss out on your prize my prize is it a face first trip into the grinder is that my prize ooh cancel I don't know what that means but okay ah I'm so excited oh my god I'm okay I'm bursting with excitement I literally I'm gonna explode if I don't if I don't know exactly what the excitements all about where's my clue wait I see something in here a lighter you're talking about a you're talking about a match sealed behind glass memories capture two last three me you gaze upon yourself and see you're talking about the picture oh wait that's where don't ever let me get a pen yeah go make for good ratings okay so a world trapped in flicker light you talk about the fireplace flickering light ah you imagine me in Julia's first date breaking down for three hours at a gas station wasn't exactly what I had in mind but a rousing game of air freshener critique was more fun than I thought yeah okay trapped in flickering light the world world o war on a TV I'm always running the butt of the joke but I give them a cold reception the fridge the fridge is running scratched by a needle spoon on a plate from me comes emotion it's a record player is so simple mad you found all the clues and claimed the final piece of the puzzle we couldn't be prouder of you big guy now return to the living room to receive your reward envelope yet though you'll spoil the surprise I bet I'm gonna like that I bet I bet I bet you're gonna make me pick between that did you enjoy the scavenger hunt today oh I had a blast why don't you open envelope and find out what you won I can't wait let's see what slow down there champ we're getting to it now show the audience what you found hold it up to the camera that's right folks those two lovely ladies and the leading influences in Matt's life both of them cherished companions he couldn't do without isn't that just lovely horse times are tight and neither of these lady shows have been achieving the ratings we've hoped for if we keep running our business like this well we'll go bust and you wouldn't want that now would you would you mad no this is a joke right you wouldn't do this in front of the folks at home please don't please don't do this leave them alone it's not all bad though we've scrounge together down deep into the compendiums piggy bank and pulled our birthday money to ensure that one of these shows stay on the air sadly that means one has to go though and you know what that means folks it's time to normally this sort of decision would be left to the higher-ups but as both these lovelies are Matt's bows we thought we'd reward his recent behavior by giving him the choice of who gets to stay and who gets cancelled oops I'm sorry I'm sorry that I tried to get out okay no to take out on me not them Matt in front of you are two buttons one for Stacy and one for Julia make your choice buddy who gets to stay on the air and who's gonna be sent home choose quickly though because if the timer runs out and you haven't made a choice we'll have to cancel both do this don't don't don't make me do this no please the clock's ticking Matt who's it gonna be the love of your life or the woman who's kept you sane all these years it's a tough choice I'm glad I don't have to make it [ __ ] you now that's not very showman like only 20 seconds left you don't want them both to get cancelled do you Matt will do this please stop don't make juice eight seven six five four three I'm not gonna play your game well I'm not a slave to you [ __ ] you I'm not the one killing him you are Hayes Christ you're not gonna you do oh you got choose yeah well do something I didn't [ __ ] do anything yeah screw you yeah screw you and everything you stand for bunch of stupid trying to make me agonize over something and this is like this is a tough choice it is a tough choice like it's like normally if I had to make a choice I would probably lean towards Julia but I'm never gonna be like that you like I'm not gonna do anything I'm like [ __ ] you just straight up [ __ ] you oh that's what that's what Stacy looked like oh hi Stacy Stacy in case I didn't know and Julia so apparently the game was not equipped to deal with me not making the choice here okay so let me just read reason to this because now it's like the game won't progress if I don't do something this is one of those situations where I can't fully relate to how the character feeling because obviously I haven't spent five years doing the same repetitive [ __ ] over and over again not hearing like his wife or someone or whoever this is to him and like talking to Stacy obviously has kept him sane but at the same time it's like there would still be something deep in my heart for Julia and so given the limited knowledge that I have in the situation that I'm in I have to go with Julia like and cancel Stacy like that's just the way that my brain right now is working and because on only because the game is telling me that I can't go on and it was giving me that fake crap about like rule cancel both and it's like okay whatever here we go congratulations Matt thanks to you Julia gets another season to prove herself though we can't say the same for Stacy to think all these years you've kept each other sane supported each other through thick and thin it was almost like you were married hopefully she'll forgive your betrayal why don't we check in and see no no no oops too late congratulations again Matt now say goodbye to the audience I'm gonna stop not till I get out of here and find every last one of you you hear me I'll [ __ ] kill another day another wild adventure what will Matt get up to next find out next time on captive audience broadcast ended please use this free time to better yourself before the next performance it's so weird I mean number one what a cop-out on the game if I'm not gonna make a choice and you say you're gonna kill both kill both like because I don't want to be forced in a situation like that but yeah that's that just sucks just emotionally like that does suck but then again I don't know what's real here look is any of this real is this part of the story is this the comp thing what's the reality you can pay but I'm gonna die trying welp better shower before I go out there again I can't even look at the painting anymore well that is what it is I lost the plan I'm gonna punch one of those eyeball BOTS the producer wanted to view this episode in person he's here Matt this is your best chance for revenge make your way towards the central control room take them out escape find him Matt find him and make him pay I'm opening the outer door you make your way out of the apartment and down the corridor don't forget what you've learned don't get caught Roger that you'd think that they would post like a live guard if they really wanted to keep me out that's why I think this is all just part of the show like there's some deeper level here like if this is I'm reminded of that black mirror episode where they had the person being punished over and over again as in a show maybe that's where this is inspired from because that concept that concept that it's like you are here and you are being punished whoa hey hey whoa whoa hey whoa I didn't die wait a minute wait wait a minute Oh what are you doing oh whoa oh he's he's a grumpy here you go on okay goodbye what happened what just oh well what the hell's happening here what the hell happened okay well that's weird it Oh Epping oh now I'm not much for revenge but I do admit this does put a smile on my face allo oh I'm not controlling this now so completely out of my hands ah what beautiful music to club someone's brains in [Music] [Music] yeah I don't I don't trust this something's not right that's a quite a rag doll testing testing one two one two congratulations Matt wrap on season five [Applause] you had us worried there for a minute you know I thought you might give up after that last task but no no you stuck to your guns and Matt were proud of you before we drag you back to your room for a well-deserved rest we probably give you a special reward so here to present you is the lead producer and now senior executive of the network stay Reynold get over here you Thank You Jean gosh it's been a long run hasn't it I thought we were going to have a problem near the end there Matt Oh Matt you gave us quite the scare before we got that fire burning again I didn't expect after it dying to get you off your ass I think masters in the round of applause everybody don't you [Applause] well now that brings us to our special reward Matt you came here in the dark not even knowing if she was still alive now live I'm captive audience I can confirm to you julia is alive give a round of applause for Julia folks starburst Saturday morning our take a look for yourself Matt let me tell you Matt your love story has gripped the nation this season we've achieve higher viewer ratings and satisfaction than any other show out there your desperate struggle to escape you're trying to rescue Julia and your confusion about your feelings for Stacie have held our audience there I say [Applause] every star of the show with the people [Music] [Music] to the top I owe it all to you let's give him another round of applause folks [Applause] now we've got a party to get started so we're gonna send you back to your room with the help of our lovely guards oh and Matt we've got one last surprise for you Stacey will you do the honors you've been approved for five do you know how amazing that is and now I'm in too much I've got two great ideas with lemonade [Music] we've got a long road ahead but I can't wait to take it with you don't be though [Music] [Music] damn man I'm I'm glad I stuck through that like the game like the mechanics of it we're really wonky but I could tell that there was a story that I really wanted to know about and that was really good it was one of those situations where they the game itself almost detracted itself from the story like the gameplay itself was almost detrimental to the story because that story was great and it was almost impeding me from continuing but that was really cool I mean I kind of called it and you could kind of see where it was going with that one but it was really well done it was really well made but I bet there's more secrets to that because like I don't know what it was with the secret bug that I unlocked or something like that like the secret like little doodad or thing and I'm sorry for the low frame rates right now like I said the game a little a little problematic so sometimes here and there but it's just like there's some really cool ideas coming out of this and it's like well that was a message Julia okay and I think that's it but yeah there's a lot of really cool concepts coming out of here and thank you everybody so much for sticking with it too because there was like it was it was a little I would like I've said it's a little little little rough around the edges pretty rough road yeah just but it made for good stuff now there was there's probably more secrets in this because there's a ton of achievements that I was getting can I see that achievements let me restart I want to see the achievements yeah because there was some secrets like seeing Julia's picture every day like that was a simple thing I didn't do everything every day here we go okay so I got a lot of stuff I didn't get all the mini games oh that's something blinkie's adventure oh I could have taken blinky with me Oh uncover the Compendium leak okay I did that cries at the dam can you hear him in the darkness no I haven't no first contact is a friend or foe I don't know friend in a bag aren't they supposed to be dead Oh Oh will you shut up heard enough the Sheep bad puns this den caught by drone five times Dave's email spied on producer every night oh I missed one of those on Bessie blink C's family cousin blankie Blanca puts grayer what did I find Blanca the betrayer you are not alone 12:22 what does that mean what is this one okay so there's there's some more secrets here but that is the end of captive audience this is a really cool concept I like it a lot just needs some work on optimization actually making the game itself work well because I mean those are things that really do matter like it really does matter because yeah you gotta have like that drive to it you got to have like the game has to be a game I mean it's like a good story but like the game has to work as a game so but that's all I'll say about so thank you everybody so much for watching thank you developers for making this this was really really cool and just like I can't wait to see what comes out of it more like I want to see Julie's story I want to know that this story was great so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down the comments below if you want to support this channel and help me make cool stuff click that join button and become a member of the channel today so thanks again everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,142,892
Rating: 4.9645529 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, captive audience, presentable liberty, gameplay, gaming, awesome games, alternate reality, dystopian
Id: URol5m7qD7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 59sec (4019 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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