HOW TO BE DADDY | Dream Daddy - Part 1

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Hello, everybody, my name is Markiplier And welcome to Dream Daddy. Now, this game is... *in-game music* ♫ Dreeeeaaam daddyy ♫ Sorry, I just got caught up in the music there for a second. This is the first time I loaded it up so I haven't heard that music yet. Uhh... *laughs* *laughing* Is that dad tips? Oh, that's so good! "Do what you love and the money will come" Aww! That's such a good tip! "When changing a tire, make sure to tighten the bolts in a starfish pattern" *laughing* Okay! That's good advice! So, before I get started, I wanted to say that this game is made by Vernon Shaw and Leighton Gray. Now, Vernon and I, we go way back the first, uh, time we filmed Hot Pepper Gaming together But also, this game is produced by the Game Grumps. And there's tons of other people that also had a hand in it. Anyway, I just wanted to give a shoutout to the people that made this game because, It's one of the first games that came out to, uh, er, from the let's play world, in a way. Yeah, see! Made by the Game Grumps Produced by the Game Grumps. So anyway. Oh. Hi, daddies. How's it going? *starts laughing* This is the one video, this is the one series where it's acceptable for me to say the word "daddy". Now that doesn't give you the right to. I can't stop you if you do, but just, If we're gonna get through this we need some base rules here. I'm gonna be calling a lot of people daddy I'm gonna probably fall in love with a lot of guys here *singing* ♫ dreeeeeeeaaaaam daddyyy ♫ I gotta do a cover of this *starts laughing* God, it's so beautiful! This song is so beautiful! Oh. "z z z" Z z z top "zzzzzzz" "zzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzzzz" "zzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzzzz" "zzz zzz zzz" Let's see, "Pretend to be dead"?!? Yeah, I'm gonna do that, oops. *in-game voice* "Aw" Aw *in-game voice* "Ugh Okay, alright "Try not to make assumptions about people" Great Dad Tip *in-game voice* "Build that Dad!" OH! Krillin? Is that you? Krillin?! Oh, gotta pi-pick my Dad bod Let's see Alright, oh Good Dad bod. Oh Nice bear bod I don't know how many people know this, But I'm not a very hairy man So... "Hair"... Oh! *laughing* There we go Shoren *laughing* like the day I was born Oh, it's a difference between a *laughing* crop-top and a not crop-top Oh okay Well, I've got to go with the not crop and the no hair Where's the longest head in this game? How do you get the most square head? Alright, these aren- These aren't nearly big enough Na na na na Well, that's, that might be a little close *laughs* Ah, it's the Arin Hanson Ah, it's the Danny Sexbang Aww *laughs* Aw, that's so cool Eh, maybe this, get a real daddy going on here I think I gotta go with side part because it's kinda what it is for me If I was to... Hang on, let me flip the other way here and... Let's see, got to spread, it's like spreading the two sections here, so... Hang on, wait...alright Is that pretty close? That's pretty close, I'll go with that one Oh *laughing* Eh, don't stare at me like that Alright, so we've got... Sweet brown eyes, like a shit shade of brown *laughs* Ah, piercing eyes Oh, that's kinda close Oh, dots. Charlie Brown-esque It's either between this one... Or-oh man, those are seductive I'd like to think I have seductive eyes... Yeah, that's pretty good Let's see nose, big! Big nose, give me the biggest you got Big, big, big nose Big German Fishbach nose in here Ahh, yeah wide nose Probably, oh yeah I think I'll go with that, yeah This is looking less than me by the second *quiet* Let me see... *loud laughs* *loud laughs* *laughs* Oh Oh hell yeah I think we found a winner here *laughs* *laughs* *laughs increase* *laughs x3* *laughs* Which one of these- where's the sleeveless ones? All of these have sleeves on Well I guess I'm wearing white today so that would be fitting Aw Burgie! Aw Danny! Aw Maple Bay, Aw egg nipz God, I love egg nipz Mm, oh that's a good one Oh these are all good Man, I need to buy new clothes, these look all so good *laughs* Aw, fuck dude I'm gonna go with this one This daddy is looking good Oh, my god this daddy is looking fine-oh-fine *laughs* Looking good daddy, looking good *in-game voice* Name that dad! Oh, Mark Iplier Mark Iplièr, ah yes Have you guys seen a more handsome daddy in your life?? Don't answer that Hang on daddy, woah daddy Hey, be that dad *laughs* I am that dad! Hell yeah *thump* UHHH!! "You always have time for a beer with your buds"- BUH- I cant drink! UH, I cant do it- -I need to fix my hair. *laughs* *Game text* *Awwwww* Awww, so cute~ Let's see... Ehh, I guess its a Daddy™ game, so i'm gonna go with Father and I. I mean, if i'm gonna be dating Daddies that's probably how it's gonna be going. You little baby. You mean THESE- you mean these SUPERIOR DAD ARMS? hEY! I played trumpet like a BAWWS in the Ska band! Don't you judge me. ⚆ _ ⚆ The SkaMOOnist... ...The SkAHmmunist Manifest- oh thats a good name. YEAH. MY horn section. *repeats with ENTHUSIASM* oh. *mumbles* Fired a flam...pooped her pants durin.. Fired a flaming tennis ball at a police station?? Oh what a badass! *laughs* Oh. WHAT A BADASS I AM! Hell yeah! *flubs* The first photograph.. Oh jeez... ..oh.. This is the day we adopted Aww.. DAD arms if you ask me! Oh, this is what I was BORN for! ~DING~ *sigh* Oh boy. *laughs* *HII-YAHH* Oh boy. I GOT A PROBLEM WITH ASSTHOURITYyyy.. ..and speaking! Lets see.. *OOOHH* My fa-a-avorite ratio! Oh yeah, oh yes I do!! "Always try to make others around you happy" Aww! ...i'm onto you baby... ب_ب *THUNK* Wo-oo-o-offf *laughs* oh- AWWWWWWW *hand thunks on table* *THE FACE OF PURE JOY* (˚▽˚) AHHH. Ohh- *accusingly* "Did you throw this at my headdd?" Did you do this dawggy? *BAWK* Aww- "Impart upon your wisdom, tiny dog!!!" *happily* Woof Woof! Ohhhh! *laughing* "How long do I have left" *laughs* Lets see.. "Ill catch it with my teeth next time" Oh ho ho, yeah I will~ Eh heh heh he- -whhyy are there eggplants??? *laughs* "...reading the brother Kaarah-mazovv" Kruh- krhh- Kurah-mahzov I have NO reading comprehension skills. I can't even read this god damned sentence. ♫♫♫ *flubs* My natural dad instinct kidzs in..I must dra- oh.. My matural dagon instinct kitzch- kitzh- *angrily* MY NATURAL DAD INSTINCT KICKS IN. *pokemon-esque music* ♫ Oh wHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?? WHAAAT IS THIS??? *laughs* Okayyy okayy Ohhhh I LOVE IT Marks Hp 80, Brians HP 80... Ohhh... Ohh mah gawd.. Ohh mah- Oh my god Okay, alright, brag? Im gonna brag. *laughs* Uh oh, oh god Alright, daughter, go for it! *laughs* *amused laughter* Alright, do I have items? Alright, grade card, band-aid, spelling bee photo... ..child art- Oh, Spelling Bee photo, gotta bust that out! AHH! Fuck! No, I cant let- I cant lose!!! Uh, grade card! Uh, art. No? Band-aid? I don't know what that- -that's for me, probably. CHILD ART. HELL YEAH. EAT- EAT SOME OF ME. *euugh* No! I'm gonna beat you! What have I got- Grade Card, go! *laughs* Oh god! Eugh, its neck and neck! I don't have any items left. I got a Band-aid, i'm gonna use that! *laughs* OH NO BRIAN NO!! Eugh, uh, BRAG. Hah! AAAAAGHH NOOO! *anguished screech* *anguished* I'VE BEEN DEFEATED. ಥ_ಥ AAGH, Pokemon was never my strong suit! ಥ_ಥ Who'da thought that the Band-aid would have been so weird? I thought that was for me. *laughs* Damn. Awww! Aww, lets go to the coffee shooop! Lets go!! Don't call it the ol' bean juice ever again. Have you ever read- oh, nu, Always and forever. Oh, hey, hows it goin? How you doin? He's just like me. Oh.. <3 I just- I just- I- I like plain black coffee, that's all I want Ohh~! I saw those hearts~ Not quite the eggplants, but hearts are good too. HEY. ED SHEERAN IS A GOD DAMNED SAINT. HE'S NOT REally a band but, yeah, uh WHATEVER. ugh, my lumbar. heeeey. Ohhhkay! Ooo I don't know- I don't understand that last one... Grateful banana bread. It would be better if it was just Greatful Bread™ I'm gonna go with Greatful Banana Bread. "Like the jam-" Ohhhhhh nooo, nooo! I take it back! Wuh, you seem to like it but the black clouds seem to be negative response! You got that, baby? See ya! I don't even remember if I got your name! Pewdiepie is that you? Joseph! Ahh, I love reintroductions! AHH, you're so CHARMING. AHH, so HANDSOME. Oh man Okay, i'm getting too caught up into this because- -i've, i've been playing this for like 30 minutes and- -and i'm like, SUPER super super into it. This is- This is so charming, so funny, I love it. So, i'm gonna end this episode here. I don't know if i'm just about to be on the precipice of something else cool but... I'm gonna- This is a good introduction to this. We got into the neighborhood, we met a few neighbors, We saw one of the dark and brooding ones, but... We've got more to meet, so. Thank you everybody so much for watching! I am so eager to play this game, it is so- It's so charming and its so COOL to see something like this come out of this! So if you wanna play this game for yourself ill put a link in the description. It's available on steam right now and- Buy it, it supports all the amazing developers who had a hand in making this game! And let me know what you think down in the comments below! Thank you again everybody for watching! And as always, I will see you... In the next video. ~Buh-Bye!~ \ (•◡•) / ♪ (Outro music) ♪ Don't lie, this makes you dance too! ♪ (Outro music) ♪
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,719,788
Rating: 4.9525204 out of 5
Keywords: dream daddy, dream daddy game, dream daddy markiplier, dream daddy gameplay, dream daddy part 1, dating simulator, dating, dream daddy lets play, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, daddy
Id: 9EcO-nOu8QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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