DON'T BREAK MY HEART | Emily Is Away Too - Part 1

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WAPOOSH Top 'o the mornin' to ya laddies, my name is JackSepticEye and welcome to "Emily Is Away Too"! This is the sequel to the original "Emily Is Away" which I played... and loved. And it was a, it was a harrowing tale of heartbreak, and love, and YOUNG love and it was all about the AOL messenger kind of MSN messenger era so it was kind of older but it had a really cool story to tell. And I was able to like type out what I wanted to say but not really? It was a cool game! I really liked it, so the developers messaged me and said that they had a sequel which I didn't even know was being made! so Here it is I guess I can't show the whole game just yet because it's not out yet but I can show chapter 1. so I-I'm really excited I really wanna play because really liked the other one, but... It's also called "Emily is Away Too" Like.. Two But also T-O-O so... Before any of you... It's like a.. pun It's like a play on words So before any of you are like: "Jack! you spelled 'two' wrong." It's the way it's supposed to be heh "Emily is Away Too Setup Wizard" "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Emily is Away Too. It is recommended you close all other programs prior to starting setup. But not really, because this installer is definitely fake. This game contains satire and parody. All characters and entities in this game are entirely fictional." Coool! "Choose your desktop background" Ooo! Am I a "Climb," an "Elation," or a "Cerulean?" Well, I'm not pickin' "Elation" because that's just frickin' the Windows background any-- Imma pick Climb 'Cuz I like mountains I like vistas I like open... snowy kind of things and I like the moon! The Moon's a good dude I like him a lot. Aww god The old sounds! EOL In-Instant Messenger Hahaha Ahh it's so- I even have a fuckin' png of the background installed now! It came up on my desktop. that's cool!! okay, next Whaddo we do? "Please set your background" png exported to your deks-desktop "please set it as your background now." No I don't want to! Oh wait. Maybe I should... Should I-where does it say to set background? Maybe it'll actually... awww There we go! It really immerses me! Ha ha ha ha Oh, that's cool!!! See Emily too So I don't know if it actually follows the same people Or if it's a brand new story, with brand new characters or anything so... Let's see "Summer 2006. Emily" "Who is Emily?" "My mother would say she's everyone" "Every girl, every boy. Every person that anyone has ever loved." Nicholas Krauss Okay. Can I--? Ohh! Well there we go! I turned the cha- I turned the window real big! So now it actually should be better cuz I was playing on a teeny tiny little window And lets turn the sounds way up. Type assist... On. Wait, is that off now? On. Or is this the highlighted one? Oh, this is the highlighted one. Okay, it's type assist on. Okay, Chapter One! Let's do this! "Thursday, August 3rd." "Before Senior Year" God! The sounds of like, the old-school hard drives like startin' up... They would just spin inside your computer and your whole desk would shake. Heh! You youngins! You don't know! Ahm... There's also a cool thing... that I can do... by doing this! First name... We'll just do Jack. So it feels like she's talking to me. Or he. Or they. I dunno! We'll see We'll see what happens when we get in. It should have worked... Yes! Hahaha! So if you type in... Septiceye or Jacksepticeye, you get the Jacksepticeye... logo as like your-your little logo. That's awesome. Thank you, developers! They added a thing to the old- the... original game as well the... the... Emily is Away the first one I think and it said like top of the morning to ya kind of thing little easter egg Nice! Okay Lets get into this! "Jacksepticeye. Edit icon" Naaaah "Personal Profile" "Chamillionare, Arctic Monkeys, Against Me!" None of these! Hey! Lui Calibre's in here! That's awesome! Hahaha! "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! Here's first attempt at anything YouTube related so you will have to excuse the poor quality, and I know its just a stupid image and this is YouTube, sorry about that." Wait... Is this me... saying it? Ohhhh Gawwwwdd Oh, you motherfuckers! *laughs* Oh, they actually put it in! This is like my first video. The description from my very first video. "I thought I would throw my impression of Solid Snake in the ring to see what people think." What does this- Does this actually link to something? Oh God... War... has changed... Oh my God they actually have like a fake YouTube That's insane, the link actually goes to like a fake YouTube thing that you can see on your desktop This is awesome! Okay! [reading] Picard sure loves his cake, "matatat7" Let's go through these profiles, this is fun! "R.I.P. Leeroy Jenkins," JAYYYNKENNSS "at least he has chicken" "awe, Bob Saget" "Don't talk shit about tota-" what's the lui calibre one say? [reading] "Hello my name is Berny and I'm 83" "I'm new to this whole EOL thing" "I like jeopardy, mystery novels and hitchcock" "I don't like LOLs, iPods or me-me's" They're called memes, Lui! "That enough or do I just keep saying more stuff about myself?" "I thought I could talk to other p-" hehe then it cuts off Oh, okay! Let's actually talk to some people, okay, what does this do? Hello! "Yooo! Jack!" What is this? "my first name wont be my last one" "Let the light drip into your eyes" Why would I let light drip into my eyes? "talk is cheap, and it doesn't mean much, don't lose touch" "against me," ahhhhh! "Fuck you Ben Franklin!" Yeah! Fuck Ben Franklin! What does Benjamin Franklin know, except about getting high I can change the text type and everything ok, we'll just go normal I don't want to dick around with stuff too much YEEeyoooo "yo evelyn!" I love their like heavy keyboard sound That's exactly what I would say in real life. YOOO Evelyn! What's going on girl!? What is uuuup, Selmers? eh, not much I'm just chillin'. Dude, I'M JC That either means, I'm just chillin' or I'm Jesus Christ One of them is sacrilegious I'll let you figure out which one mmmm, sacri-licious talkin' to peeps--I've never used the term peeps unironically, ever It's always been in a joking fashion, but sure, why not? oh god "I'm just talkin to peeps" oh I should of turned on... oh wait wait turn it off because I want to be able to type myself. "I'm just talkin' to peeps. How about you?" "Just chillin'"- It's JC, Evelyn! Everyone knows it's JC! "I'm just chillin', about to paint my nails" "I can't decide what color though"- black, like my soul Don't paint them cyan! 'cause then people thinkin' you ty- painted them "see ya" but you just typed an extra letter I believe in you! I can't decide one color- Black. I'm back in black whatever, I dunno. paint them black dawg! "duhh, black! Is that even a question?" "That's my favorite color! Great idea!" See? I know Evelyn. "Speaking of colors, I like your new scheme!" Heh, "Lol thanks." I just said I don't like "lols" I'm not going to be laughing out loud at that. "Spend alot of time" "Yours is okay" What is it? I dunno, looks like somebody looking at an old band poster. Ah... You know, spend a lot of time- "I did spend a lot of time picking it." I was going to pick something a little cooler, but then I figured out, nothing is cooler than the spadicey man. "So how's your summer going?" Going-g-g-g. My summer's going ok, y'know? The weather's actually better than I thought it was gonna be. It's a little sunny. Sick of my parents though. I wanna move out #16yearsold Umm.... "It's been pretty good." Found a badger yesterday It was dead Poked it with a stick. Punk4eva "That's swell! What have you been up to?" Oooohh! I would love to say hanging out with friends! But it's been video games. Romance would be a good one, but... a-a I mean... Lets be reasonable here, video games is the best option. "A whole lot of video james." "Awesomesauce!" "You can use keys 1, 2, 3 to choose." Ohhh "I can't believe we go back to school in a month." I knowww! School's so much suckers! That's hella uncool. Punk4eva.... I'm tryna be cool, I'm tryna...- What is up fellow millennials. ahaheh. I'm tryna be cool, I'm trying to fit in. I'm trying to be a teenager again. It's been awhile since I've done this, okay? The anxiety of the real life version of this is kicking in again. Y'know when...- Like I dunno, if any of you have been in this scenario, I guess... messenger apps and everything are all different these days, and you can actually see when people are typing- back then Oh you actually could see if people were typing... I dunno, it's weird. like-... I-I wonder if people go through this these days, like teenagers. When I used to do this back then, you'd message someone and then they wouldn't message back, And you'd be like "Oh god" Oh I fucked it up Ohhh no! And it seemed like there was so much pressure... ...on evolving the conversation because this was- this was when instant messaging became... A thing. It was the first instant messaging service that had ever been around when I was growing up. So- Oh my camera's wobbling because I'm shaking my table, sorry. I'm very animated! Um... So i-it had just come out and it had just been like a thing that was getting traction. These days, instant messaging is on everything. Every app that comes around gets an instant messenger. Even the ones that start out as photo apps. Get instant messengers. I'm going to go off on a tangent here for a minute because I'm an old man. So like instant messaging was a... An... A way different thing than it is these days. If you message someone these days and they don't reply back, sometimes it's like "Ehh they're probably busy". But back then it was like Oh dear God! I've lit myself on fire and I'm dying slowly Ermm... So not getting a reply from someone would give you so much anxiety. Probably these days as well. Erm... "School's okay." "I want to go back." I don't wanna go back. Heh, yea. "I knoow. highschool sssuckss." [singing] Highschool never ends "Truuth," yo you be spitting that truth, dawg. That's the tru- that's the real tru-tru, ain't no foolies. "At least history last year wasn't bad." "That class was great!" "Mr. B is the best!" "I cheated so much." Don't tell my mom though. Erm... Yea. "Mr. B is the best teacher," his name stands for BEAST. "I know! Funny we never really talked before that." "You still have to hang out with me and my friends some time." Oh... Totes, defos babes. "That'd be the awesome." Am I... am I nailing it? I feel like I'm nailing it. Haven't done the whole instant messenger... Teen phase in awhile Pretty sure I'm nailing it. A lot less emojis going on though "You got any big plans for the rest of the summer?" Umm... "Epic end of summer parties" duh-I have parties I swear! Don't ask anybody! "More video james." "Nothing really," you know I'm easy breezy. I wanna seem cool... I wanna seem aloof... But I wanna seem like I have interests as well. That I have stuff going on in my life. But if they don't happen? That's no big deal. I'm adaptable. I'm easy breezy. You wanna come over? That's fine. Oh! Can't today, I got a big sick party going on! Epic end of summer parties, "probably some epic end of summer parties." "How about you?" You wanna come to one of my parties? Word on the street is, they're epic! "Me and my friends are driving up to Warped Tour on Saturday!" No shit! My dad owns Warped Tour! Warped Tour is actually pretty cool, or at least, it used to be. "What's Warped Tour?" Hah! "You gonna mosh?" "Are you going to mosh?" Circle pit, or wall of death? "Hell yes! I love punk rock shows!" "What's your favorite kind of music?" "Alternative, Hip Hop..." They're all good! All music is good! That's the belief I'm under. That every type of music... Has at least some good qualities to it. You can say whatever you want about pop music, and generic music But within that sphere, the stuff that gets popular is not always the best. But sometimes there's stuff within that genre that is good that you have to dig deep to find. Erm... I am not one of these people who say... Ahhh... Pop music is so generic and so shit, I'm never listening to that. No, I'm all into my Ska, alternative, hip hop, rap poetry... You know what I mean? Every music is good, you just gotta find the good within that genre. Erm... Buuuut I'm kind of a metal head myself. But there's no heavy metal option... So I'll just say punk rock too. I went through a Linkin Park, Green Day... Linkin Park isn't punk rock... But I went through a Green Day phase. It's the first songs I learned how to play on drums True fact. "Definitely punk rock!" "Yo! You're my new best friend!" Wait we weren't best friends before? "I can't wait to see Senses Fail, do you know them?" Hah! Girl, my Senses Fail everyday. Oh God we might- oh I might get into the trap.... Where you say that you think something is so good and then they ask you what your favorite song is... Oh then you actually don't know it... oh no... Ooo! Lets listen! Lets have a little-a little listening! Oh my God, you actually have a- [music plays] Wait, is this actual music? 'Cuz I'll get copyright claimed. It is! The thumbnail for this is actually the poster that they have! Okay, let's listen to a little tiny section. [music plays] Amazing! So good! "This is great!" This is the greatest music I've ever heard for two seconds! "Yes! You're the best, it's official! What's official? "It's my favorite song by them. I've got the lyrics in my buddy info." "Speaking of infos, I don't think I've looked at yours." Oh, God, don't look! Don't look! Oh, God! "Edit Profile" Um... Shit! "Against Me?" Who the fuck are "Against Me?" I need to impress this person. Are they... punk rock? Ah, shit! American punk rock band, yes, Against Me Um... "The jokes on us, not on them, kids pretending to be astronauts, police officers and firemen" That's- I haven't heard Against Us Against Me Um, but I'm pretty sure that's amazing. Uh, good quotations right there. Um... "Talladega Nights" Hey, these are all good in their own way! "V for Vendetta," duh! Anonymous You know, you know what I'm talking 'bout? I'm trying to be cool! It's not working! "People shouldn't be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people." Tips fedora *laughs* "Don't be normal. We see what we want." "Don't be normal!" Be the coolest you that ever wanna do. Umm... It's- "oh, it's amazing!" Please, please nail it! Please be cool. "Hey, Against Me! Awesomesauce!" Yes! "Too bad tickets are sold out for Warped Tour." I know, right?! Tickets for Against Me Warped Tour Rock on! I actually do know the Warped Tour in real life. 'Cuz I wanted to go to it a while ago because Avenged Sevenfold were playing at it, but... I was very young. I was, like, seventeen. Or sixteen, or something And I, uh, I couldn't go *laughs* "Maybe next year." "I'll try to make it next year." Hey! You can totally come with if you want! If all these dicks can get out of my eye for a second "Yeah for sure, that'd be fun!" Fun? What was that sound? "Man, I don't know where my friends are. They were supposed to pick me up like a half an hour ago." "Probably dead" [laughs] This is what I'd say in real life! The amount of times I used to say this in secondary school Be like, "Aw, our teacher's late for class!" I'd be like, "She's probably dead." *laughs* Yes, yes! I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to pick this one. This is what I'd really pick. "You know, they're probably dead." Probably drived off- drived- probably drove off a cliff Or burst into flames and suffering in hell right now Please let that be a cool answer! "LOL, you're probably right. We're supposed to go to my friend's house "and party-y-y." P-A-R-T-Y 'cuz I... gotta! "Parents not around?" "I'm jealous." "And leave me?" OooOoh, do I, do I, do I insert that? Do I play that card early? Hmm... I don't know... I don't know if I get in there straight away and be like, "And leave me? I'm so cool to talk to. I swear, haha, Against Me." Umm... "Parents not around?" Oooooh, could I slide into them DMs, Netflix? Oh... I don't know... "I'm jealous!" I'm jealous that you guys are gonna party. Wink, wink, invite me! "What? That sounds like fun! I'm jealous!" Girl, I'm so jealous! "Maybe next time you could come!" Yes... "I should probably start getting some stuff together." Fuck! Yeah, I need to get some stuff together too. You know, like my... vinyl collection... and my life. *laughs* "Do you wanna sign off?" "Get stuff together?" Keep the conversation going! What you got? "Yeah, there's a good chance I'll stay over Jackie's tonight." That's my house! "Oh, I should bring a movie. Wanna help me pick?" "Yes, please!" I have great taste in movies. "What are the options?" I will tell you if these are shit or not. In real life, too! I'm a big movie buff. I probably won't know any of the movies now that I said that. "Final Destination 3 or The Descent?" The Descent! Final Destination got shit after the first two. Well, I- one would argue after the first one, because it was really cool, unique idea It, it does The Final Destination movies are kind of like the Saw or the Fast and Furious movies. It's like, you get more of the same. Which isn't horrible because it's kind of self-aware about how cringey it is But at the same ti- I don't know It's weird, but The Descent is really fucking good! "Obviously The Descent! That movie is incredible!" I talked about this when I played Scanner Somber recently. The Descent is actually really good! It's where they go into the caves and it's all claustrophobic. It's a horror movie. It's really good. "I know, right? That movie creeps me out." Y-yeah, me too. Just don't go spelunking. *laughs* "It does. Vampires, right?" *laughs* No, Jack! Get your head in the game! You know this! This'll show that I actually know what I'm talking about. "Don't go spelunking and you'll be fine." You gonna go over to Jackie's house and go spelunking? I heard Jackie has a sick spelunking cavern in her basement. "LOL, yeah, I'm never doing that!" Me either, 'cuz I don't have professional training. "What movies are your favorite?" "Horror!" Well, all of them. Movies are like... music! They're all good! You just have to find the good ones in those genres. So, like even some rom-com movies which wouldn't be my, like, my go-to There are some rom-com movies that are really fucking good! Hmm... Let me think about this. I'd probably pick horror out of all of these, even though I like all three. Comedy would be like... God, 'cuz I love Hot Fuzz Hot Fuzz is my favorite movie ever, and that's kind of an action-comedy-horror *laughs* in, in it's own way More so action-comedy, I, but horror's really good Let's pick horror! "I think I'd have to say horror movies." That's what sixteen-year-old me would say. "Yo mine too." *claps* Score! Nailed it! Did you hear that? What's that, what's that sound? Did you hear that door closing? That's me sliding into DMs! Nice! "We should watch some together at some point." "I'd like that." Did I tell you that I can also type without looking at my keyboard? "Hey, just got a text." Yeah, it, it was from me. "They'll be here soon." Awww! I'm gonna be left alone... After I made myself sound so interesting! "They're not dead!" You always have to seem cool, 'cuz you can't control 'em either. Ooh! emerz35 just came online! "Hey, Jack!" Howdy! I'm Flowey! Oh, this is Emily! punk4eva isn't messaging me back! Oh, so as soon as your friends show up and text you, you don't text me? Is that how it's gonna be? I see how it is! Using me! 'Cuz you're bored! "What's up? "Nothing, really." Just chilling. "You?" I mean, JC! NVM? "Sorry, just texting them back. Yeah, they're not dead." Oh, took you long enough to text. "They're late because Steve had to get the alcohol." Steve had to get the alcohol beverages that I enjoy at sixteen! *laughs* "Good job, Steve!" Steve's my dawg! Steve's my homie! God, this is like a fucking r-resource management game all of a, all of a sudden. "Nothing really, either. So, did you do anything fun today?" "Video games!" I have to. I love my video james! "I know, right? Clutch work. Steve is SO clutch! *laughs* Is this how teenagers talk? People didn't talk like this back when this came out! "He's only twenty, but he's got a fake ID." Steve! Steve, you crazy dawg, you! You crazy badass! Am I cool? I feel like I've been... I feel like I've been blowing it, guys. I feel like on the cool-o-meter, I'm quite tepid. I don't feel like I'm... well, actually, on the cool-o-meter, being cold is actually better, right? I'm middle of the road. I'm lukewarm. Kind of a stoop, but kinda cool? I don't know, man. "I bet that's handy." See, I'm acting all, like, cool with it. "I need to get a friend with one, LOL." Ha, wink, wink let Steve be my friend!' 'Kay, what's emzerz up to? "Cool beans! I played games like all this morning too." Ha, "didn't know you played!" Dude, you jame? We should totally online jame together! "Should've played together." Yeah! "What'd you play?" Please say Overwatch! "Yeah, I'll give him your screen name." Fuck yes! "Wow, they ended up with a lot. I see some drunk texts in my future." "I want some!" Ohhh! He was gonna say, "Hey, send me nudes." Not cool, Jack! Wait, that's me! Shit! *laughs* "I want some of those!" Yo, get me in on them drunk texts! "The Sims 2! I'm, like, addicted to that game." "Pretty solid choice." Pretty clutch! Is that how the person would say? "Damn, pretty solid choice, LOL." "Be careful what you wish fooor." Say, for is not a long word. It's three letters long. And you're extending it out longer! Is it 'cuz you got the fat fingers? It is, isn't it? "This weekend should be fun, but my friends are ditching me next weekend." "What, why?" Why would they ditch such a cool, into punk rock music as person as you? "Really, I'm just a sucker for any RPG-ish game." "What are your favorite?" Umm... Not really into FPS, even though I play a lot of FPS I just talked about Overwatch. *laughs* "RPGS too..." "Horror." Horror games are pretty fucking cool. "Personally, I like horror games!" I think they are the underrated vision of the future! Oh, subtext. "Emily will remember that." Oh, God! It's Telltale all over again! "They're going on a road trip, and my mom won't let me go. I need plans." "We could do something..." You know, you wanna just... hang out with Jack? Hang out with Jackaboy? I'm fucking cool, right? You guys would hang out with me! Right? I know I would! I'd hang out with me. I have no fucking choice! Awww, that's cute! I was about to say, "You wanna hang out with me?" But that seemed too desperate, so I started writing out, "Maybe we could go see a movie? Like a hor-ROR? "I don't, I don't think I can really handle those." "You scream?" Yo, y-you scream? Wait, I have to listen to this. "My tongue still misbehaves and it keeps digging my own grave." "Snow Patrol." Is that actual Snow Patrol lyrics? Ugh, cringe! Anarchy! "Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand and lighting." Okay... "Life moves pretty fast. Don't miss it." Dude, that's fucking deep! So deep, Adele is rolling all over that shit! Um, "you screm?" This is getting confusing now, 'cuz I'm going back and forth between different conversations. Do you wanna hang out? Maybe go see a movie?" "Yeah, maybe. Hand out like just us?" "Yeah!" "Just us." Why not? "I guess so, why not?" Argh... "Yeah, just us." Be confident! "Whatever you want." Fuck! Be confi- No, delete! Delete! Be cool! Dammit! Can't be cool, even in a video game! "Something like that, haha." "So that was my morning. Then I just hung out at Jeff's house." Don't! How many people at home... Immediately, their brain just went, "My name Jeff." How many? Put your hand in the air! Yeah! You did it, didn't you? And now you're feeling the shame of having meme'd. Some of you are like, "Haha! Jeff meme!" And then the rest of you are like, I hate myself." It's okay, it's fine. We'll, we'll get through this together. Memes are a hard thing. Because they ride so fast and then you're cool, and all of a sudden, it's just sheer drop. And if you don't know when that cut-off point is on those memes, you'll forever be embarrassed and look like a fool. Like a fool! "That's cool." "Your boyfriend?" Do I, do I risk it? "That's cool." No. Don't ask. Don't go poking. If I don't know, I don't need to know. "I'm cool with just us, and we both love horror movies." "I'll see you next weekend!" "Sounds good," PUNK4EVA. I didn't even get your real name. What is your real name? Does it say it? "My first name won't be my last one." Ugh... That's confusing. "It actually got super boring so I left." "Boring?" "That sucks! Why was it boring?" "Just finished packing. I'm gonna head out." "Inebriated texts incoming!" "Deuces!" I don't know what that means. Is this some- Shit! Is this some hip Internet young slang that I'm missing out on? Fuck! But I'm so cool! Look how, look how interesting I am! Umm... "See ya." Nailed it! Whew... Dodged an embarrassing bullet right there. "He was just doing his own thing the whole time. Whatever!" I'm witcha! "I'd rather be home talking to people anyways." Uh, "people like me!" Hey, I'm people like me! "I was thinking the other day." Oh shit. "It's pretty crazy how our group of friends has stayed together like all of high school." "Don't ask me how." That Simmons? Motherfucker! And don't even get me started on Jenkins! That guy sucks! Emelda's pretty cool, but she's also never there. "Yeah, it is pretty crazy." Especially after we all got caught murdering that guy. "I wonder if senior year is going to change that?" Nah, we're bonded together forever! Didn't you cut your hand and drink the blood like the rest of us? That seals a bond for life! You can't just escape that! I mean, you can try, but the devil's gonna come out of the ground and chop your ankles off, but... Umm... "I don't know!" "I guess we'll see." Man, forever the optimist. "Yeah, I don't know. People have already started to act differently." Yeah, it's called adulthood! See, once you hit mid-teens onwards, people start changing. Sad fact of life! Yeah, "let's just stay friends, okay?" "We'll see." *laughs* I don't know, Emily... This is your game and all, but... You're not really playing the cool card. You didn't talk about how much into punk music you are. [French accent] Oh, but "of course! We'll stay friends!" I'm trying to act French so she'll know I'm cool. "Good! It would suck to lose you." "Hey! Do you know the band Snow Patrol?" "'Chasing Cars?'" Snow Patrol song "They have that song 'Chasing Cars', right?'" "Oh, yeah! But the radio kind of murdered that one." "Here's another one of, off their new album. It's my favorite!" What one is it? I'm not playing it! I got in trouble with that already! It is 'Open Your Eyes.' Do I know this song? I have no idea. It's cool, 'cuz- I'm sorry that you guys can't see this. But it looks like old-school YouTube. It even has pixel thumbnails! That's awesome! All the more reason to go play the game! *laughs* "I like this!" "It's okay." My only option is "I like this." "Oh! [robot voice] I like this song a lot!" [robot voice] Inserting robot! [British accent] "Isn't it grand?" *laughs* (unintelligible British rambling) Emily, it's not too bad now! It's grand! Everything's grand! "It's perfectly timed." Mmmmm, "where was it shot?" In the face? It's, like, perfectly timed." I know about videos. "I know! I love how the headlights turn on right when the music crescendos." Damn, Emily! Or emerz! You know a fucking big word like crescendo? Proud of ya! "I want to see them live so bad, but, like, no bands ever play around here." "That's soo true. All we get is, like, Warped Tour?" Dude, you just told that other person that Warped Tour Fuck, don't get caught in the lie! "Oh yeah, that's like, that's the, like, punk music festival, right?" "Do you know anyone who goes to those?" "Yeah, some friends." ME! *laughs* Ah, somebody's here. Hello! "Birthday party this weekend!" "A million feelings, a thousand thoughts, a hundred memories, all for that one boy." Oh, kellbells! BLUUEGHGLE "Oh yeah! I don't think I know anyone that's going. What's your favorite kind of music?" fuck fuck You know what? Gonna stick with the punk rock! Gonna stick with the punk rock, and if emerz doesn't like that, then emerz is missing out on the joyous occasion that is my personality "Oh cool beans! I guess mine would be alternative!" "You'll have to send me some punk rock songs sometime." Dude, I got some! I got some from punk ro-, I mean, my brain! *laughs* "Sure thing!" "Yeah, of course!" We can totally share notes! "Hey! You finally set up your buddy info." Sure did! "Against Me? I don't think I know them." F***! "Are they like a punk rock band?" "Yeah! So good!" Umm... "You'd like them!" That's how you do it! You don't be like, "Yes! I like this. Do you like them?" It's like, get people involved! Share your interests! It doesn't have to be, "I like this." "Ew! That's gross and weird and icky! I don't like that!" No! Just be like, "Yeah, you'd like them." Just listen to them! You might like some songs. Share interests. "I will! Thanks for the recommendation-n-nnnnn." Who's online? jradio49 "Music is my escape." "I lay down the tracks, sandbag and hide, January has April's showers, and two and two always makes up five." "Radiohead." Radiohead, I thought you were cool. I thought Radiohead were nice and awesome. What the fuck is this? I guess reading lyrics is actually silly. Ehehe "Quick! I need your help coming up with a good excuse." "Your dog ate it" was one of them. "What for?" "Jeff wants us to hang out with his friends this weekend, but I reeeally don't want to." "Stupid Jeff!" Always asking ya to hang out! What a motherfucker! "Don't like his friends?" "Do you not like his friends or something?" Do you think they're pieces of shit and you'd rather hang out with me? Sorry, too aggressive? I think, maybe. Dial it back. I'm at a five. Maybe bring it back to about a three. Simmer! "No, nothing like that! Hanging out with them just see- means sitting around getting drunk, and I reeally don't drink." "So I don't know."" Hm, that sucks! Sounds like you're missing out, emerz! See ya! Haha. Be a total douchebag. Umm... I mean there's, there's nothing wrong with not drinking. If you don't wanna drink, that's fine. You don't have to. Nobody should pressure you into doing something that you don't want to do. Umm... And yeah, that, that doesn't sound like fun. 'Cuz if you're the only one not drinking, and everybody else is, is drinking, sometimes that can be a little shit. If they want to drink, that's fine, as long as they don't rope you into it. "Haha, yeah. Do you drink, Jack?" [drunken voice] I have the occasional whiskey. What of it? [drunken voice] Just 'cuz, uh, uh fuck you! *laughs* Ah... "Yeah, I do." I like the odd gallon of whiskey every now and then! "I drink sometimes." Good answer! "Yeah, I guess I'm just weird." You're not weird! You don't have to drink! "Oh, come on. You're definitely not weird!" I know it is a social norm to go out and drink with people, but you can have plenty of fun not drinking. And every time I got out doesn't mean I always drink. And actually, I have, probably have more fun not drinking than I do drinking. "I don't know. It's just hard not having someone seeing it from my perspective." I see it, Emily! I see! I see through your eyes! "But it's okay. So, this excuse. Maybe I say I already had plans?" Uhh... "Ol' scheduling conflict!" The old scheduling-arino! Nice! The long con! "Now I just need to find some plans for tomorrow." "Hang out with me!" "We could, I don't know. We could play some games together?" Yeah, 'cuz I'm gonna see the other person next weekend. I can hang out with my friends! Stop judging me! I'm not playing the field! Who, you don't know if I actually have- attractive interests with these people! You've no idea! You're out there judging me with your big Judgy Judgerson glasses like a big Judge Judy right now! I'm just hanging out with these people as friends, okay? Judging me! "Hmm, maybe! Should we invite other people? "I'm fine not inviting anyone." I don't have any friends! *crying* "I don't really care." Oh, bad choice of words! That sounds oddly aggressive! "Whatever. I guess we like different kinds of games anyway." Ohh noo... Ohh, I fucking blew it! Is that it? Is my life over? "Cool. I'll talk to you about it tomorrow." "Yeah, you better!" You better fucking talk to me about it tomorrow, or you know what'll happen? Nothin'! I'll write you a very strongly worded AOL Instant Messenger message. "Hit me up whenever!" I'm easy breezy! I'm... okay. I'm aloof. Hehe.. "Oh, wow, it's getting kind of late, huh?" "Stay up! Nooo, stay up with meeee!" Ooooh! That's what she said? Maybe? I actually don't know what age the people in this game is. Are. So that might be a bit fucked up? "You loser!" SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK! You don't fucking sleep! Get some five-hour energy! They don't fucking work on me. Coffee, Monster, Red Bull, five-hour, five-hour energys... None of those work on me! I've too much energy as it is already! Whenever I drink those... I drink coffee for the taste! Same with Monster! And Red Bull! Five, five-hour energys... Eh. There's not enough in them. They're not like a chilling, refreshing beverage. I just, I don't get anything out of them! I wish I did! I wish coffee perked me up. No, I wake up in the morning like, "Huh?!" Like fucking zombie-fied! I don't even know what time it is! "No way! Those get me so wired. I'm going to bed." "Deuces." Is that like saying, "Laters?" Like, "Deuces!" That's what I'm gonna say from now one, if ever I see people in real life. Ay! Catch ya later! Deuces! Like, "Suh, dude!" I'm just gonna turn it into that! I'm calling it right now! We're making this a thing! Deuces! Deuces! Deuces! Fuck yeah! The Summer of '06 "Press the button in the lower left to sign out." Ahh! We did it! Is that Chapter One? Yeah! Chapter One is done! And then we're going into Autumn 2006. Oh, it does tell me what they are! "Summer 2006." Oh, yeah, 'cuz you don't actually find out what happens! Until you go into here! So, like, the whole season changes! [singing] Seasons change! Time passes by. [singing] As the weeks become the months become the years Did you like that? Hopefully. Um, so then we figure out how all these things went, like, way after. 'Cuz that was supposed to be tomorrow. Ah, yeah! Okay! Well, for now, I'm gonna have to leave this episode here because I can't show off too much of the game before it comes out. I can only show off Chapter One, which is fine, because I feel like it's a good place to stop off. These chapters are longer than the original Emily Wants to Play. It feels like it, anyway. It feels like there's more in them. So, the summer of 2006 is over! Hope you guys had a good time, hung out with your friends, didn't get too wild! But Chr- Christmas. School is about to start back up again. But autumn is a nice time. The leaves turn a beautiful color, just like your hair, and your eyes. Your hair's pretty. Could I have some? You smell great this morning. Hahaha. Anyway! Thank you guys so much for watching this episode! If you liked it, punch the like button in the face LIKE A BOSS! And, high-fives all around! *wapoosh, wapoosh* Thank you guys, and I will see all you dudes Deuces! *outro plays* Aw, did that feel weird? Did that feel weird, getting ready for the, the big "in the next video," and then I didn't do it? I bet it did. *laughs*
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,809,325
Rating: 4.9543948 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Emily is away, emily is away too, emily is away 2, emily is away sequel, Emily Is Away Game, Emily Is Away Gameplay, Walkthrough, Playthrough, lets play, let's play, indie game, reaction, end, endings, explanation, instant messanger, instant messanger game, AOL, AOL IM, all endings, sad, sad game, friend zone, good ending, happy ending, emily is away too jacksepticeye, emily is away too full game
Id: FibcnKAKprE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 32sec (2552 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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