High limit coin pusher season 4 episode 13

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hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher today we're doing a 500 buy-in they gave us 50 quarters 10 dollars a pace we got a very big old tower on there oh some gold some big coins a bunch of 20s and 50 bills hopefully we make a bunch of money at least make our money back oh yeah it's doing good got two quarters left let's get them in all right that's last of them let's check it out see what we got hey we got 50 bucks i didn't see it fall in there but it was in there i don't know maybe it was already in there i'm not sure and we got about 60 quarters let's keep it going oh yeah there's a 50 bill about to go real close oh that should be a good one nice just made 50 bucks that's the last ever quarters right there nice i did real good let's check it out see what we got nice we got 160 bucks about 200 quarters let's keep it going come on baby nice that's 50 bucks all right eliza recorders right there oh yeah i made 40 bucks right there let's check out see we got nice we got 130 bucks and about 700 800 quarters doing real good there's all kinds of money in there right there on the edge oh yeah nice that's doing real good 50 bucks on that left nice we just got it never made like 70 bucks right there oh yeah oh nice 45 bucks sweet real good i got a bunch of 500 chips up here oh sweet there's some money i get those 500 chips will be doing real good they're not gonna make it easy for us though oh we got 100 on the edge come on baby the tires starting to come apart a little bit down there 10 chip it's poking out of there we've got about 50 quarters left let's get them in all right well here we go a few more there they are that's the last of them right there oh that was so close to getting that 25 over here real close all right let's check it out what we got nice got 575 dollars about a thousand quarters real good a lot better than i expected let's keep it going make a bunch of money i get that big old tire to fall over nice it's made 25 bucks come on baby you can do it where that 25 keeps on rolling back oh it's making its way over there though creeping over to that right side oh we got it i just got that big old tower got knocked down that's a huge tower well it's being stubborn dropping all kinds of quarters all this place wow i got about 130 quarters left i hear it all falling out the loop shoot it's overflowing all right that's the last one right there all right let's check it out see what we got all right all right we got 50 bucks and 5 000 quarters again real good they make a lot of money but we got a bunch of quarters so we get that tire to fall over we'll be doing real good i think i seen it move a little bit oh butterfingers quarters are getting stuck too well i guess this will give you give you a chance to watch everything falling out of the loops and fall down there everything that falls in those things we don't get to keep that all goes to the house so until that tower falls over i give you something to watch there's a lot of quarters out those lose a lot of our money too we're slowly working our way to a ten dollar chip down here it's moving got about 110 cores let's get them in hopefully it'll do some damage to that tower oh yeah it's doing something those last several quarters right there though all right let's check it out all right well we didn't make any money at all that time we still got about a thousand quarters maybe 950. let's get at it hope you all had a fabulous fabulous day i know i did it's pretty nice nice weather out there oh that 10 chip broke free nice that's a good sign let's get some big old pushes see if we can't get that tower to go oh i dropped in like 200 quarters on accident oh my basket fell got about 130 quarters 150 let's get them in all right that's laughing right there let's check it out see what we got hey hey we got that ten dollars i didn't even notice we got it but we did we lost a bunch of quarters though we're down about 650. maybe 700 there's a whole bunch up a whole bunch of them up here on the sides on that thing up there it's big tires anyway probably huh i'm trying to knock it down with that money a bunch of money right there trying to go in the center and get some big pushes right there pushing on that tower i'm going for anyways all right that's the last of them right there that's probably 100 and something got a few stuck but they'll work their way out i'm going to collect all recorders i'll be right back all right well we didn't make any money that time we got about about 500 quarters getting kind of worried now got to get some real big pushes i got about 60 quarters left there they are all right i'm gonna go collect my quarters real quick oh that's not good we got probably about 200 200 quarters we didn't make any money though that's the last time right there i'm just gonna grab some quarters you got a big old tower to fall over on baby i think we gotta slow her down cause we literally only have about 50 quarters left there's a whole bunch in there we just got to get them back out i'm grabbing the quarters out of the loop shoot as the as i run out in case you don't know trying to slow her down just a hair oh butterfingers get some quarters back that's the last of them right there oh it's doing a little better there's probably like 200 in there i just grabbed like 150 of them so i'm just trying to keep her going the tire is slowly breaking apart though there's another 10 chip working his way out all right we got a bunch of quarters now come on baby yeah there's just handfuls of quarters in there now so that paid off pretty good i dropped a whole bunch in there on accident probably need some big pushes anyhow let's oh it fell over a little bit nice it's doing it being stubborn but it's doing it oh about to get a bitcoin several hundred dollars right there on that edge won't be long now we're making all kinds of money come on baby oh yeah real close nice sweet it was like 300 bucks and a bitcoin we just got out of there there's 200 more dollars nice oh no 300 more dollars nice there's another hundred bucks doing good wait another hundred dollar bill oh sweet all kinds of 500s over there nice a bunch of 500 chips fell that's gonna pay out real good oh i hope it don't all go on that house pay thing nice another two hundred dollars doing good real good it looks like we might lose that money yeah i got quarters all over the ground i'm gonna pause the video for a minute get all that cleaned up for you so we can collect all recorders i'll be right back all right we're back went around and picked up all the quarters i've been dropping all over the place if i'll add the loot shoot when it gets too full also they're just everywhere oh yeah 500 chip just fell nice all right we had like 700 quarters butterfingers uh we just lost some 500 chips it's like 1500 went in another 500 bucks to spell in there nice so we just made some good money there though oh yeah nice big old tower it's slowly coming apart wow there's like 2 500 bucks on that left side 2700 probably right around there oh and a big old piece of gold nice oh we just got a piece of gold just a minute ago apparently just fell out of the loop shoot it's on the ground nice there with another one wow all kinds of money nice oh got a thousand dollars hanging off the edge no 1500 there's 1500 bucks there on that left edge nice we just got it oh 10 chip escape that big old tower nice all right we got about 20 quarters left let's get them in all right let's check it out see we got oh there went that 10 bill nice sweets we got 5290 bucks got a bitcoin and two pieces of gold it's doing real good got about 950 quarters let's keep it going we can't get that big old tower oh butterfingers drop doors everywhere oh towers falling apart a little bit ten dollars just fell off of it off the back side of it hopefully won't be much longer got about a hundred quarters left let's get them in that last of them out there nice all right let's check it out see we got all right all right we didn't make any money but we got like 800 quarters let's keep it going i don't like to go home so we clear it all out we're either going to run out of quarters or clear all that out of there one or the other it's 20 dollars we can get it's pretty close too oh spider finger all right we're getting pretty low on quarters we've got about 130 or so man make a couple big pushes that was the last of them right there all right let's check it out right around we got 20 bucks it's not much but 20 bucks is 20 bucks we got about 800 quarters also that's about 8 000 in quarters all right quarter ten dollars a pace you didn't know i can't i can't sell them or nothing else i can only use them on the games i don't get to turn them in for money or nothing can't take them home i can save them now they got a lock box i can put them in we got about 200 quarters left all right that's the last of them right there all right let's check it out see what we got oh my gosh it started falling nice so we ended up with like uh oh about 700 quarters we didn't make any money that time but somehow some of that tower fell over that's always a good sign well i thought the house was going to get some of that money hunters were creeping that way a couple more inches we'll be safe the tire is starting to fall apart a little more yeah those hundreds are safe nice all kinds of ten dollar chips are falling out of that tower slowly tearing it apart got about a hundred quarters let's get him in nice i did real good sweet all right let's check it out see what we got not bad at all we got 810 about 600 quarters kind of want to slow it down so i get some quarters back i really need to get some big pushes going on oh 200 on that right side's about to go nice we got it another 20 bucks ripped out of that tower oh the whole tower moved i seen it that time good sign right there better slow it down just a hair get some quarters back before it all gets buried under that big tower when it falls don't need a lot of ammo to get to all that money out there that's the last of them but i'm just going to grab a handful and loot shoot keep her going pulled 20 bucks out of there there might be more that's just what was in my handful right there another 200 bucks i just pulled out of there like i said i think there's more i'm just grabbing a little as we're going ammo come on tower there's a brush a bunch of quarters not late shoot all right let's slow her down just a little bit get some quarters back so oh no ten dollars looks like it's getting torn out of there a little bit all right i'm gonna i'm gonna grab all the i'm gonna collect all the quarters again i'll be right back all right well we didn't make any money but we got about a thousand quarters again see if we can't get some big pushes old butterflies big pushes should be on her way here soon any minute now oh let's get that big old tower got about a hundred quarters let's get them in there they are oh that tire is being real stubborn all right i'm gonna grab the quarters real quick be right back all right not bad we didn't make any money but we got about 800 quarters get some more big pushes oh it's moving come on baby it's being real stubborn oh i seen that tire move nice got about 100 quarters left that's the last one right there all right let's check it out yeah we still make any money but we got about 700 cores a bunch of money in there we still win oh i seen that tire move again never should try standing on the left side or something now i sit on the right side dropping quarters everywhere got about a hundred quarters i'm sorry i'm sorry that was about 50 course that was the last time right there so let's check it out see what we've got right around we've got 10 bucks about 650 maybe 700 quarters so we're still doing pretty good oh butterfingers trying to stay on that right side we tried the middle for a long time now just kind of try something different got about 25 quarters let's get them in all right let's check it out see what we got well yeah we still didn't make any money but we still got about 700 quarters real stubborn all right dropping quarters everywhere try the center again so crap it's a quarters let's get them in all right that's that's him right there goodness oh goodness some of it fell some of that tire fell over always down there collect the course we ended up about 600 quarters oh nice the tire's moving real good now there's great big pushes that's the last era quarters oh nast just a hundred bucks oh two hundred dollars not bad made 200 bucks and about 500 quarters it's doing pretty good as stubborn as it's been we're still making some good money nice there's like 200 bucks there's 300 more about to go nice oh that tower is moving it's leaning pretty good all right that's last of them right there nice we got 600 bucks that towers self-destruct in here 200 more bucks fell off the top of it this thing can't hold on forever can it oh did you see that that was a nice little movement there's another good movement got 50 quarters left there they are all right let's check it out see we got all right all right we didn't make any money i went around and cleaned up all the courses i dropped over the ground about 800 of them now 200 bucks on the edge oh yeah it's getting real close come on nice couple more pushes sweets made 100 bucks oh yeah there's another hundred my tower's got to be going soon it's leaning real good oh it's shaking around a lot yes sir went sweet wow that's a lot of 10 chips nice oh yeah well that's last every quarter right there let's check it out see what we got all right all right went up to 670 bucks and about 900 quarters feel real good it's amazing we've been here for about two hours but it's worth it oh butterfly well that's gonna be hard to get that to move i think got about 180 quarters something like that all right that's last one right there check it out see what we got all right we have 450 bucks it's really good about 700 quarters i think once we get them moving they'll start breaking out of there a lot faster i got a whole bunch in there on accident we got about i don't know a little over a hundred 100 quarters that is all right last of them right there all right let's check it out see what we got all right arrive we got 530 bucks about 700 cores come on baby amazing oh yeah nice oh yeah it's doing real good big push baby come on big push nice wow doing really good oh yeah there's a bitcoin right there on that left side we got about 50 quarters left there they are nice all right let's check it out see we got alright alright well i didn't bother to count it but there was a whole bunch several thousand at least we'll add it all up the end we're getting real close to being done nice oh yeah real good game fought back hard though that big old tower did fall back real hard all right that's the last of them right there i was hoping that would have got it but it didn't we'll be right back all right we got off we got 40 and about 500 quarters all right it's being real stubborn we're real far over on that left corner oh it's starting to go nice there's 100 bucks we got about 12 quarters let's get them in i'm gonna grab some quarters real quick right alright we got 100 bucks out of it i didn't grab all the quarters but i got about 300 of them come on big push oh so close that's grabbing quarters not all of them but a bunch of them trying to keep us going nice oh it's getting close oh sweet not sure what that was there's 40 bucks about 350 quarters oh yeah just made some money not there sure but i got i grabbed 30 bucks out of there still some quarters and stuff in there 110 on the left side see if we can't get it we better slow it down a little bit oh we did it i'm gonna drop these in so maybe we can get a few quarters back all right that's last of them right there all right i'm going to tally it all up for him we'll be right back all right all right not bad at all we got twelve thousand seven hundred and ten dollars we got three of the bitcoins to the gold bars oh no not bad for a 500 buy-in hope you enjoy what you're seeing give me a favor hit that like button subscribe if you haven't subscribed we'll see you on the next one see you later
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 44,817
Rating: 4.8916669 out of 5
Keywords: Coin pusher
Id: o44vANv7EbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 8sec (3488 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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